Academic literature on the topic 'Média en ligne'
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Journal articles on the topic "Média en ligne"
Zouari, Khaled. "La presse en ligne : vers un nouveau média ?" Les Enjeux de l'information et de la communication 2007, no. 1 (2007): 81.
Full textDaudier, Morgane, Christian Vannier, and Irina Bouzoulouk. "18e FIM : un média-workshop 100% en ligne couronné de succès." La Météorologie, no. 115 (2021): 023.
Full textBogui, Jean-Jacques, and Julien Atchoua. "Communication internationale, média diasporique en ligne et espace public en Afrique." Communiquer. Revue de communication sociale et publique, no. 25 (March 31, 2019): 5–21.
Full textOrtel, Philippe. "Création et communication : une approche média-littéraire." III. Arts, no. 125-126 (November 12, 2021): 173–88.
Full textStephan, Gaël. "Wikipédia et l’actualité. Qualité de l’information et normes collaboratives d’un média en ligne." Communication & langages N° 211, no. 1 (February 17, 2022): 171–72.
Full textLouguet, Amandine. "S’informer à l’ère du numérique." Culture études 4, no. 4 (December 6, 2023): 1–24.
Full textFilimon-Benea, Anamaria. ""L’EMOTION – UN FACTE-UR MOBILISATEUR POUR ASSURER L’INTERACTIVITE "." Professional Communication and Translation Studies 13 (March 23, 2023): 40–47.
Full textBouchardon, Serge. "Des figures de manipulation dans la création numérique." Protée 39, no. 1 (December 5, 2011): 37–46.
Full textBESNIER, M., M. GUITTET, P. BINDER, and J. MAUHOURAT. " : un référentiel de vidéo en ligne en addictologie." EXERCER 34, no. 197 (November 1, 2023): 414–19.
Full textMELLOT, Sandra, and Anaïs THEVIOT. "Ouest-France : un média plateforme ? Politique de diversification, jeu de placement de l’information et zonage des pratiques en ligne." Tic & société, Vol. 13, N° 1-2 (April 20, 2019): 133–58.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Média en ligne"
Barbe, Lionel. "Internet, du média à l'individu média : enjeux socio-économiques de la presse en ligne, le cas français comparé aux cas européen et américain." Paris 2, 2005.
Full textBouatir, Hicham. "Les journaux en ligne de la presse écrite française sur Internet : émergence d'un nouveau média?" Paris 2, 2001.
Full textDoutreix, Marie-Noëlle. "Wikipédia, encyclopédie et site d’actualités ˸ qualité de l'information et normes collaboratives d’un média en ligne." Thesis, Sorbonne Paris Cité, 2018.
Full textOverly rough data, false information, ideological prejudices, such are the numerous criticisms to which the Wikipedia project has responded ever since its inception in 2001. All this despite the fact that contributors to the project had never ceased honing their tools, labels and indications to help users find reliable information.This thesis seeks to explore the means that have been used to enhance the reliability of the collaborative medium put on line. It argues that the synthesis proposed by the Wikipedia project combines, on the one hand, claims to possess an encyclopaedic format with, on the other, the ability to keep abreast of current developments makes it a media encyclopaedia. Indeed, current developments are dealt with in real time and the sources relied on are often journalistic in nature, a situation which displays the « circular circulation » of information, characteristic of media in general. The very genre of the encyclopaedia is brought into the spotlight when the thesis turns to related phenomena such as hypertextuality and also when it underscores the main areas of epistemological differences such as the relationship with sources and the principle of a neutral point of view. The two corpuses studied, each comprising nearly three hundred articles, clearly show the place that the Wikipedia project devotes to current events as well as the importance they have for the practices engaged in by contributors to the project
Raynauld, Vincent. "Mise en réseau d'un média émergent : l'utilisation des sources d'information en ligne par les blogues durant la campagne présidentielle américaine en 2004." Thesis, Université Laval, 2006.
Full textSadeghi, Mehrdad. "Le journalisme citoyen à l'ère numérique : enjeux de la pratique journalistique de non-professionnels en ligne : étude de cas : les médias citoyens en persan." Thesis, Bordeaux 3, 2013.
Full textThis academic research focuses on the emergence of contemporary practices in the treatment of online news recently brought within the reach of non-professionals through the development of information and communication technologies, and grouped under the concept of citizen journalism. Two different but complementary approaches constitute the essential basis of this research study: The first approach is to examine the nature and identity of the profession of journalism, its weight and its limits, and its evolution after the emergence of the Web, as well as the arrival of new media technology and its confrontation with information and communication technologies. It also attempts to understand and analyze the essence, characteristics, dimensions and challenges of the uses of amateur journalism brought to the attention of everyone via digital technology. The second approach consists of a case study of citizen media in Persian. It includes several researches and analyses, such as: The sphere of journalism and the media environment in Iran; the way in which Internet is used and the rate of trust of internet-users vis-à-vis the source of online information from citizens; the manner in which Iranian professional journalism receives citizen journalism and ordinary people’s involvement in the current affairs; the priorities of the creators of citizen media, and their own methods of collecting, processing and publishing online information. This thesis also takes into account the limitations, restrictions and identified issues of this new journalism practice in relation to its practitioners
Rollandin, Marion. "La réflexivité communicationnelle induite par les échanges en ligne : pratique, médiation et médiatisation, vers une posture d'ethnologue-amateur." Thesis, Paris 4, 2015.
Full textThe research studies the process of making of a knowledge on the communication resulting from reflective communication in online interchanges within a computerized media. It aims at understanding how this knowledge is acquired by analyzing the following triptych : users/device/other users. When using device like a multiplayer online battle arena League of Legends or female online discussion website, the users get involved in a psychosocial « adjustment system » to understand and assess the situations of communication they are facing. Thus, since it is developed during the practice, the « adjustment system » appears to be dynamic, mechanical and progressive thanks to reflective process. Two levels of reflexivity corresponding to the stages of this adjustment will be studied. The first level starts when the user facing the device has to work out and estimate the situation, decide on the strategy to adopt and grasp the importance of relations with others. The second level takes place all through the practice to manage efficiently the various interactivities and be as happy as possible in the given situation. On the one hand, these reflective process infer the production of ordinary knowledge; in the other hand the user has to adopt the « amateur-ethnologist position » when developing skills to understand the process and the situations of communication thanks to the « trips » between mediated communication and face to face communication
Shen, Yufei. "Essais sur l'économie des systèmes d'information." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Jouy-en Josas, HEC, 2023.
Full textThis dissertation aims to empirically study the business and societal consequences arising from the usage of emerging information technologies. The first chapter examines the unintended spillover effects of health information technology integration in combating the opioid crisis. I find that for a focal county, its neighboring state’s integrating Prescription Drug Monitoring Program (PDMP) into local Electronic Health Records leads to an increase in the focal county’s consumption of prescribed opioids, an undesirable spillover effect. Moreover, this undesirable spillover effect is mitigated when prescribers in the focal county have access to the neighboring state’s PDMP data via interstate PDMP data sharing. In the second chapter, I explore the effect of opting out of cookie tracking on consumer behavior on a news website. I find that consumers increase the quantity and diversity of their news consumption after disabling cookie tracking. This effect could be attributed to consumers' intrinsic value of enhanced privacy control. The results imply that protecting consumer privacy can add business value to firms
Asdourian, Bruno. "COMMUNICATION RELATION ET MÉDIAS SOCIAUX Étude du cas de la sensibilisation aux feux de forêt." Phd thesis, Université de la Méditerranée - Aix-Marseille II, 2010.
Full textPastorino, Agnese. "Médias audiovisuels et contenus sexuels en ligne à l'adolescence : enjeux politiques en Europe." Thesis, Sorbonne Paris Cité, 2018.
Full textAudiovisual media expose adolescents to the vision of sexual contents on the Internet. Within public debate, online availability of material « likely to harm » or « seriously harming » children generates forms of moral panic. A major concern derives from sexual risks, such as pornography, sexting and child-pornography. At the European political-institutional level, the measures implemented are based on auto-regulatory, co-regulatory and regulatory solutions. Among these initiatives, the most important ones have been the Safer Internet programme and two directives respectively focused on children protection with regards to Audiovisual Media Services (2010/13/UE) and on combating the sexual abuse and sexual exploitation of children and child pornography (2011/92/UE). Methodologically, the thesis analyzes 45 debates of the European Parliament which dealt with these issues between 2001 and 2016. This corpus has been examined through an original quali-quantitative protocol, with a content analysis and the Alceste method applied via the softwares ATLAS.ti and IRaMuTeQ. This work wishes to contribute to research on audiovisual media, online sexual contents, adolescents and children, by proposing an original point of view on European policy. The main hypothesis has been that European parliamentary debates are limited in terms of representativeness of national cultures; starting from this premise, several aspects have been surveyed, either juridical, scientific, ethical and political issues. The main results respectively refer to different elements: 1. the variety of political-juridical interpretations of some concepts and the definitions of a few terms, besides the study of some juridical principles involved (fourth chapter); 2. the descriptions of online audiovisual sexual risks and the difficulties of European policy retrieved within parliamentary debates (fifth chapter); 3. the limits of European scientific knowledge in terms of representativeness of national culture, through the analysis of mentioned statistical data and studies (sixth chapter); 4. the multiplicity of ethical considerations, even based on different national cultures (seventh chapter); 5. the choice to favor self-regulatory measures (eight chapter)
I media audiovisivi espongono gli adolescenti alla visione di contenuti sessuali sulla Rete. Nel dibattito pubblico, la disponibilità online di materiale « potenzialmente » o « gravemente nocivo » per i bambini suscita delle forme di panico morale. Una preoccupazione maggiore deriva dai rischi di natura sessuale, quali la pornografia, il sexting e la pedo-pornografia. Sul piano politico-istituzionale europeo, le misure implementate si basano su soluzioni di autoregolamentazione, co-regolamentazione e regolamentazione. Tra queste iniziative, le più importanti sono state il programma Safer Internet e le due direttive rispettivamente dedicate alla protezione dei minori rispetto ai Servizi dei media audiovisivi (2010/13/UE) e la lotta contro l'abuso e lo sfruttamento sessuale dei bambini, così come la pornografia minorile (2011/92/UE). Sul piano metodologico, la tesi è basata sull'analisi di 45 dibattiti del Parlamento europeo che hanno trattato queste questioni tra il 2001 e il 2016. Il corpus è stato esaminato mediante un protocollo quali-quantitativo originale, con un'analisi del contenuto e il metodo Alceste, applicati mediante i programmi ATLAS.ti e IRaMuTeQ. La tesi desidera contribuire alla ricerca sui media audiovisivi, i contenuti sessuali online, gli adolescenti e i bambini, proponendo un punto di vista originale sulle questioni politiche europee. L'ipotesi principale è stata che i dibattiti parlamentari europei siano limitati in termini di rappresentatività delle culture nazionali ; a partire da questo presupposto, abbiamo indagato diversi livelli implicati : giuridico, scientifico, etico e politico. I principali risultati si riferiscono rispettivamente a questi diversi elementi : 1. la varietà delle interpretazioni politico-giuridiche di alcuni concetti e delle definizioni di alcuni termini, oltre che lo studio dei principi giuridici implicati (quarto capitolo) ; 2. le descrizioni dei rischi audiovisivi sessuali online e le difficoltà della politica europea rilevati nei dibattiti parlamentari (quinto capitolo) ; 3. i limiti del sapere scientifico europeo in termini di rappresentatività delle culture nazionali, attraverso l'analisi dei dati statistici e degli studi citati (sesto capitolo) ; 4. la molteplicità delle considerazioni etiche, anche sulla base delle diverse culture nazionali degli oratori (settimo capitolo) ; 5. la scelta di privilegiare delle misure auto-regolamentarie (ottavo capitolo)
Béasse, Muriel. "Conditions d'énonciations et stratégies d'écriture des narrations journalistiques du web : les renouvellements d’un contrat de véridicité." Doctoral thesis, Université Laval, 2021.
Full textCette thèse s’intéresse à la compréhension des transformations contemporaines de l’écriture journalistique à l’aune de la mission de vérité traditionnellement associée à cette activité. Ce mandat social idéalisé fait partie de l’imaginaire de la profession et participe à la légitimité de la pratique journalistique. Il trouve une résonance contemporaine, dans un espace public en mutation où les entreprises médiatiques et les journalistes expérimentent de nouvelles façons d’informer. La recherche porte sur des narrations journalistiques multimédias exploitant les spécificités de l’écriture numérique (webdocumentaire, scrollytelling, long format…). Notre hypothèse est que les renouvellements en jeu dans ces dispositifs d’information se négocient dans la dimension coopérative du web. La recherche s’appuie sur l’analyse d’un corpus de cinq récits produits dans les médias d’information français dans la décennie 2009-2019. Elle est complétée par des entretiens avec leurs auteurs et des acteurs de la production. En documentant une pratique émergente du webjournalisme, ce travail rend compte d’expériences d’écriture entre narrativité et numérique qui contribuent à une reformulation du contrat de véridicité du journalisme.
This thesis focuses on seeking to understand the tension between transformations in contemporary journalistic writing and the obligation of truth traditionally associated with this activity. This idealised social mandate speaks to the appeal and to the legitimacy of journalistic practice and has a strong echo in the shifting public spaces where media companies and journalists are experimenting with new ways to inform. The research focuses on multimedia journalistic narratives exploiting the specificities of digital writing (webdocumentary, scrollytelling, long format, etc.). Our hypothesis is that the changes at play in these informative devices are negotiated in the cooperative dimension of the web. The research is based on the analysis of a corpus of five stories produced in the French news media in the decade 2009-2019. It is complemented by interviews with their authors and producers. This work investigates the emergent practice of webjournalism as acts of writing in which narrative and digital modalities contribute to a reformulation of veridicity as a journalistic contract.
Books on the topic "Média en ligne"
Blog: Understanding the information reformation that's changing your world. Nashville, Tenn: T. Nelson Publishers, 2005.
Find full textVOUS.COM: Soyez vu, entendu et reconnu sur le Web! Québec, Québec, Canada: Le Dauphin blanc, 2014.
Find full textÉdjangué, Jean-Célestin. Urgence climatique et développement en Afrique: Les médias en première ligne. Paris: L'Harmattan, 2020.
Find full textFanelli, Marc. Guide pratique des réseaux sociaux: Twitter, Facebook ... des outils pour communiquer. Paris: Dunod, 2010.
Find full textAgence canadienne de développement international. L' Initiative médias de masse: Programme d'information sur le développement : lignes directrices régissant la présentation de propositions. Hull, Qué: Agence canadienne de développement international, 2002.
Find full textNewsless: How the american media is destroying democracy. [Place of publication not identified]: Createspace, 2009.
Find full textChin, Min-jŏng. Milleniŏl sedae rŭl wihan nyusŭ chŏllyak. Sŏul T'ŭkpyŏlsi: Han'guk Ŏllon Chinhŭng Chaedan, 2019.
Find full textDaniel, Burstein, De Keijzer Arne J, and Berger Paul, eds. Blog!: How the newest media revolution is changing politics, business, and culture. New York: CDS Books, 2005.
Find full textMilitary media management: Negotiating the "front" line in mediatized war. New York: Routledge, 2012.
Find full textBook chapters on the topic "Média en ligne"
"Les Médias en Ligne en Tunisie." In Voix citoyenne en Tunisie, 103–23. OECD, 2019.
Full textRampon, Jean-Michel. "Gotham Gazette en ses communautés new yorkaises. Une information en ligne entre citoyenneté et citadinité." In Médias et Territoires, 215–33. Presses universitaires du Septentrion, 2013.
Full textBousquet, Franck, and Nikos Smyrnaios. "L’information en ligne et son territoire : positionnement comparé entre un pure player départemental et un quotidien régional." In Médias et Territoires, 193–214. Presses universitaires du Septentrion, 2013.
Full text"RESULTADOS: DADOS ESTRUTURADOS." In A Reinvenção da vida e da saúde em tempos de pandemia : o lugar da cultura. Centro de Pesquisa e Formação do Sesc São Paulo : USP - Universidade de São Paulo, 2023.
Full textVAN VLIET-LANOË, Brigitte, Françoise BERGERAT, René MAURY, and Laurent GEOFFROY. "L’Islande, dans la lignée de deux océans." In L’Islande au cœur de l’Atlantique Nord 1, 23–43. ISTE Group, 2021.
Full text"ANÁLISE EXPLORATÓRIA DOS DADOS E PERFIL DOS RESPONDENTES." In A Reinvenção da vida e da saúde em tempos de pandemia : o lugar da cultura. Centro de Pesquisa e Formação do Sesc São Paulo : USP - Universidade de São Paulo, 2023.
Full textWillig, Ida. "Le pluralisme des médias au Danemark : presse écrite et en ligne." In Culture & Communication, 149–69. De Boeck Supérieur, 2013.
Full textDa Cunha, Arisnaldo Adriano. "JOVENS AUTORES: UMA EXPERIÊNCIA COM ESTUDANTES DO NOVO ENSINO MÉDIO." In Open Science Research X, 2120–32. Editora Científica Digital, 2023.
Full textda Silva, Valdenildo Pedro. "Ensinar-aprender on-line na opinião de estudantes do ensino médio integrado durante e pós-COVID-19: desafios e perspectivas." In Ensino e Educação: Contextos e vivências v. 1, 90–112. Editora Licuri, 2023.
Full textNagy, Ádám, and Anna Fazekas. "Chapitre 1. L’évolution du temps libre et des lieux de loisirs en ligne et hors ligne par les jeunes, et leur utilisation des médias en Hongrie." In Hors collection, 9–30. Conseil de l'Europe, 2018.
Full textConference papers on the topic "Média en ligne"
Marques, Georgiana Eurides de Carvalho, Sttela Cristina Carvalho Araujo, Micaele Frota Gama, Juliane Cutrim Marques, and Edson Mauro Viana de Carvalho. "DIFERENÇAS MORFOMÉTRICAS DE FRUTOS DAS PALMEIRAS NATIVAS DO MARANHÃO: ATTALEA SPECIOSA MART. EX SPRENG (BABAÇU), EUTERPE OLERACEAE MART. (JUÇARA), ATTALEA MARIPA (AUBL) MART (ANAJÁ), MAURITIA FLEXUOSA L. (BURITI)." In I Congresso Brasileiro On-line de Ensino, Pesquisa e Extensão. Revista Multidisciplinar de Educação e Meio Ambiente, 2022.
Full textRangel, Laura Peres Frontelmo, Marcelly Tiffany Rosalino Pereira Da Silva, Rondinelli De Carvalho Ladeira, and Juliano Gomes Barreto. "COMPARAÇÃO ENTRE OS DIFERENTES MÉTODOS LABORATORIAIS APLICADOS A DETERMINAÇÃO DE FRAÇÕES DE COLESTEROL." In II Congresso Brasileiro de Bioquímica Humana On-line. Revista Multidisciplinar em Saúde, 2022.
Full textDias, Camila de Faria. "OTITE MÉDIA AGUDA EM PACIENTES PEDIÁTRICOS." In I Congresso Nacional de Saúde Coletiva On-line. Revista Multidisciplinar em Saúde, 2023.
Full textBortolotto, Geovana Dagostim Savi, Tiago Bortolotto, Franciely Vanessa Costa, Melissa Negro-Dellacqua, and Iane Franceschet De Sousa. "AVALIAÇÃO DO NÍVEL DE SATISFAÇÃO DOS ESTUDANTES DE UM CURSO DE EXTENSÃO A DISTÂNCIA COMO ENSINO COMPLEMENTAR DE MICOLOGIA MÉDICA DURANTE A PANDEMIA DO COVID-19." In II Congresso Brasileiro de Educação a Distância On-line. Revista Multidisciplinar de Educação e Meio Ambiente, 2022.
Full textBatista, Joel dos Santos, Andreza Miranda Barata da Silva, and Nivea Cristina Guedes Munin. "ESTUDO DO PERFIL DE RESIDUOS SOLIDOS DOMESTICOS POR MEIO DE COLETA SELETIVA EM DIFERENTES GRUPOS DE UNIVERSITARIOS ITACOATIARA-AM." In II Congresso On-line Internacional de Sustentabilidade. Revista Multidisciplinar de Educação e Meio Ambiente, 2021.
Full textJulio, Luma Gonçalves, Laís Andrade Barbosa, and Scheyla Cristina Vargas. "INFLUÊNCIA DOS MÉTODOS DE INSENSIBILIZAÇÃO PRÉ ABATE SOBRE INDICADORES DE ESTRESSE EM BIJUPIRÁ (RACHYCENTRON CANADUM)." In I Congresso On-line Brasileiro de Biologia Marinha e Oceanografia. Revista Multidisciplinar de Educação e Meio Ambiente, 2022.
Full textSilva, Laura Beatriz, Nathalya Soken Ikeda, Laryssa Cruz Rocco, Mariana Benites Oshiro, and Rúbia Adrieli Sversut. "AVALIAÇÃO DA QUALIDADE FÍSICO-QUÍMICA DA MATÉRIAPRIMA E DOS COMPRIMIDOS GENÉRICOS DE PREDNISONA." In II Congresso Brasileiro de Ciências Farmacêuticas On-line. Revista Multidisciplinar em Saúde, 2021.
Full textGonçalves, Francisca Aglaiza Romão Sedrim, and Carlos Anderson Gomes Correia. "MATEMÁTICA NA FEIRA." In I Congresso Brasileiro de Educação a Distância On-line. Revista Multidisciplinar de Educação e Meio Ambiente, 2021.
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