Books on the topic 'Media education technologies'
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Robert, Heinich, ed. Instructional media and technologies for learning. 6th ed. Upper Saddle River, N.J: Merrill, 1999.
Find full textMichael, Molenda, and Russell James D, eds. Instructional media and the new technologies of instruction. 2nd ed. New York: Wiley, 1985.
Find full textMichael, Molenda, and Russell James D, eds. Instructional media and the new technologies of instruction. 4th ed. New York: Macmillan Pub. Co., 1993.
Find full textMichael, Molenda, and Russell James D, eds. Instructional media and the new technologies of instruction. 3rd ed. New York: Macmillan, 1989.
Find full textCutting-edge technologies and social media use in higher education. Hershey, PA: Information Science Reference, an imprint of IGI Global, 2014.
Find full textLebrun, Marcel. Des technologies pour enseigner et apprendre. Paris: De Boeck Université, 1999.
Find full text1971-, Lehmann Chris, ed. What school leaders need to know about digital technologies and social media. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 2012.
Find full textKąkolewicz, Mariusz. Uczenie się jako konstruowanie wiedzy: Świadomość, qualia i technologie informacyjne = Learning as the constructing of knowledge : qualia, consciousness and information technologies. Poznań: Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2011.
Find full textKyrgyzstan) Central Asia Media Conference (11th 2009 Bishkek. Journalism education: -- improvement of the quality of education and new technologies : 11th Central Asia Media Conference, Bishkek 15-16, October 2009. Vienna, Austria: Office of the Representative on Freedom of the Media Organization on Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE), 2010.
Find full textNesi, Paolo, and Raffaella Santucci, eds. ECLAP 2012 Conference on Information Technologies for Performing Arts, Media Access and Entertainment. Florence: Firenze University Press, 2012.
Full textChang, Maiga. Edutainment Technologies. Educational Games and Virtual Reality/Augmented Reality Applications: 6th International Conference on E-learning and Games, Edutainment 2011, Taipei, Taiwan, September 2011. Proceedings. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag GmbH Berlin Heidelberg, 2011.
Find full textERIC Clearinghouse on Higher Education., Association for the Study of Higher Education., and George Washington University. Graduate School of Education and Human Development., eds. Digital dilemma: Issues of access, cost, and quality in media-enhanced and distance education. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 2000.
Find full textMichael, Molenda, and Russell James D, eds. Instructional media and the new technologies of instruction. 2nd ed. New York: Macmillan, 1985.
Find full textFossati, Giovanna, and Annie Oever, eds. Exposing the Film Apparatus. NL Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, 2016.
Full textKnobel, Michele. DIY media: Creating, sharing and learning with new technologies. New York: Peter Lang, 2010.
Find full textKnobel, Michele. DIY media: Creating, sharing and learning with new technologies. New York: Peter Lang, 2010.
Find full textKnobel, Michele, and Colin Lankshear. DIY media: Creating, sharing and learning with new technologies. New York: Peter Lang, 2010.
Find full textMega-universities and knowledge media: Technology strategies for higher education. London, UK: Kogan Page, 1999.
Find full textFotieva, Irina, Tamara Semilet, Elena Lukashevich, and Vladimir Vitvinchuk. Russian journalism today: social mission and professional skills. ru: INFRA-M Academic Publishing LLC., 2020.
Full textKnobel, Michele. DIY media: Creating, sharing and learning with new technologies. New York: Peter Lang, 2010.
Find full textM, Adams Dennis. Cooperative learning & educational media: Collaborating with technology and each other. Englewood Cliffs, N.J: Educational Technology Publications, 1990.
Find full textKen, Spencer. The psychology of educational technology and instructional media. London: Routledge, 1988.
Find full textQuality management for educational technology services: A guide to application of the Deming management method for district, university, and regional media & technology centers. Washington, DC: Association for Educational Communications and Technology, 1994.
Find full textWhat every teacher should know about using media and technology. Thousand Oaks, Calif: Corwin Press, 2004.
Find full textAdministering the school library media center. 4th ed. Westport, Conn: Libraries Unlimited, 2004.
Find full text1928-, Gillespie John Thomas, Spirt Diana L, and Gillespie John Thomas 1928-, eds. Administering the school library media center. 3rd ed. New Providence, N.J: Bowker, 1992.
Find full textRomiszowski, A. J. The selection and use of instructional media. 2nd ed. New York: Nichols Pub. Co, 1988.
Find full textJacqueline, Morris, ed. Case studies in managing school library media centers. Phoenix, AZ: Oryx Press, 1989.
Find full textUsing technology in physical education. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics, 1995.
Find full textMohnsen, Bonnie S. Using technology in physical education. Cerritos, Ca: Bonnie's Fitware, 1998.
Find full textV, Wiman Raymond, ed. Managing media services: Theory and practice. Englewood, Colo: Libraries Unlimited, 1989.
Find full textCleaver, Betty P. The instructional consultant role of the school library media specialist. Chicago: American Library Association, 1989.
Find full textGluck, Myke. HyperCard, hypertext, and hypermedia for libraries and media centers. Englewood, Colo: Libraries Unlimited, 1989.
Find full textJurkowski, Odin L. Technology and the school library: A comprehensive guide for media specialists and other educators. Lanham, Md: Scarecrow Press, 2006.
Find full textRomiszowski, A. J. Selection and use of instructional Media: For improved classroom teaching and for interactive , individual instruction. 2nd ed. London: Kogan Page, 1992.
Find full textRomiszowski, A. J. The selection and use of instructional media: For improved classroom teaching and for interactive, individualised instruction. 2nd ed. London: Kogan Page, 1992.
Find full textThe Selection and use of instructional media: For improved classroom teaching and for interactive, individualized instruction. 2nd ed. London: KoganPage, 1988.
Find full textLa multimédiatisation en éducation: Vers une multimédiatisation efficace des messages dans les systèmes d'apprentissage multimédia interactif (SAMI). Paris: L'Harmattan, 1999.
Find full textPacific, Conference New Information Technology (2nd 1989 Singapore). 2nd Pacific Conference, New Information Technology for Library & Information Professionals, Educational Media Specialists & Technologists, May 29-31, 1989, The Glass Hotel, Singapore: Proceedings. West Newton, Mass: MicroUse Information, 1989.
Find full textInternational Conference, New Information Technology (3rd 1990 Guadalajara, Mexico). NIT '90: 3rd International Conference New Information Technology for Library & Information Professionals, Educational Media Specialists & Technologists, November 26-28, 1990, Guadalajara, Mexico : proceedings. West Newton, Mass: MicroUse Information, 1990.
Find full textKay, Montgomery Paula, ed. Choose, use, enjoy, share: Library media skills for the gifted child. Littleton, Colo: Libraries Unlimited, 1985.
Find full textInternational Conference, New Information Technology (4th : 1991 Budapest, Hungary). NIT '91: 4th International Conference, New Information Technology for Library & Information Professionals, Educational Media Specialists & Technologists, December 2-4, 1991, National Széchényi Library, Budapest, Hungary : proceedings. West Newton, Mass: MicroUse Information, 1991.
Find full textRussell, James D., Michael Molenda, Sharon E. Smaldino, and Robert Heinich. Instructional Media and Technologies for Learning. Prentice Hall College Div, 1998.
Find full textRobert, Heinich, and Heinich Robert, eds. Instructional media and technologies for learning. 5th ed. Englewood Cliffs, N.J: Merrill, 1996.
Find full textRussell, James D., Michael Molenda, Sharon E. Smaldino, and Robert Heinich. Instructional Media and Technologies for Learning. 6th ed. Prentice Hall College Div, 1998.
Find full textMolenda, Michael. Instructional Media and Technologies for Learning. 6th ed. Prentice Hall College Div, 1998.
Find full textRobert, Heinich, ed. Instructional media and technologies for learning. 7th ed. Upper Saddle River, N.J: Merrill, 2002.
Find full textRussell, James D., Michael Molenda, Sharon E. Smaldino, and Robert Heinich. Instructional Media and Technologies for Learning (7th Edition). 7th ed. Prentice Hall, 2001.
Find full textRussell, James D., Michael Molenda, Sharon E. Smaldino, and Robert Heinich. Instructional Media and Technologies for Learning (7th Edition). Prentice Hall, 2001.
Find full textG, Little D., Ó. Meadhra Béibhinn, and Irish Association for Applied Linguistics., eds. Media technologies and language learning. Dublin: Irish Association for Applied Linguistics, 1991.
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