Academic literature on the topic 'Médecine – Aspect social – France'
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Journal articles on the topic "Médecine – Aspect social – France"
Huez, Dominique. "Discrimination et médecine du travail en France (Commentaire)." Sciences sociales et santé 15, no. 3 (1997): 97–101.
Full textGoubert, Jean-Pierre. "L'eau et l'expertise sanitaire dans la France du XIXe siècle : le rôle de l'Académie de médecine et des congrès internationaux d'hygiène." Sciences sociales et santé 3, no. 2 (1985): 75–102.
Full textYashchuk, Sergiі. "Social development and collective social work in France: management aspect." IMAGE OF THE MODERN PEDAGOGUE 1, no. 5 (December 6, 2021): 51–54.
Full textFarhi, D., J. Savary, S. Pansart, and S. Hesse. "Étude prospective des onychomycoses des pieds en France : prévalence, aspect clinique, impact et prise en charge en médecine générale." Journal de Mycologie Médicale 21, no. 4 (December 2011): 266–72.
Full textDodier, Nicolas, and Agnès Camus. "L'Admission des Malades. Histoire et Pragmatique de l'accueil à l'hôpital." Annales. Histoire, Sciences Sociales 52, no. 4 (August 1997): 733–63.
Full textDargelos, Bertrand. "Genèse d’un problème social. Entre moralisation et médicalisation : la lutte antialcoolique en France (1850-1915)." II Le brouillage des frontières entre santé et social : évolutions des notions et impacts pour les professionnels, no. 55 (July 6, 2006): 67–75.
Full textPicard, Jean-François. "Poussée scientifique ou demande de médecins ? La recherche médicale en France de l'Institut national d'hygiène à l'INSERM." Sciences sociales et santé 10, no. 4 (1992): 47–106.
Full textAraujo, Marcos Vinícius, Grégory Lo Monaco, and Kelly Lissandra Bruch. "Social Mobility and the Social Representation of Sparkling Wine in Brazil and France." Wine Economics and Policy 10, no. 1 (April 14, 2021): 89–100.
Full textGaille, Marie, and Ruth Horn. "The ethics of genomic medicine: redefining values and norms in the UK and France." European Journal of Human Genetics 29, no. 5 (January 17, 2021): 780–88.
Full textChamussy, Henri. "Postmodernisme et nouveaux espaces en France." Cahiers de géographie du Québec 41, no. 114 (April 12, 2005): 357–66.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Médecine – Aspect social – France"
Trouillet, Hélène. "Les usages sociaux de l'alcoologie : sociologie d'une pratique médicale." Amiens, 2007.
Full textThis research concerns the possibility’s conditions of a medical practice: the alcohol science. The monograph of a hospital institution of alcohol science, based on an empirical and qualitative inquiry brings to light four conditions: the constitution of an institution, with specific practices, and the production of a knowledge in alcohol science by self-proclaimed professionals "alcoologues". It is thus necessary as preexists before the alcohol science a supervision’s place of an alcoholic population, where constitutes an autonomous professional knowledge transmitted in the school’s form to the alcoholic individual, who learns to become sick alcoholic. This knowledge and its learning are inextricably linked to the institutional practices. These practices, which tend to homogenize, rest then on a production scholarly spread within a heterogeneous scholarly space, in which the professionals participate to be recognized as specialists
Pirson, Chloé. "Les cires anatomiques (1699-1998) entre art et médecine: étude contextuelle de la collection céroplastique du musée de la médecine d'Erasme." Doctoral thesis, Universite Libre de Bruxelles, 2006.
Full textSur base d'une étude de la collection des cires anatomiques du musée de la médecine d'Erasme, ma thèse de doctorat vise à l'étude contextuelle de la production de cires anatomiques depuis la fin du 18e siècle jusqu'au 20e siècle. Nous avons montré comment ses objets didactiques, produits par des moyens sculpturaux, ont été perçu à travers leurs usages successifs depuis l'enseignement médicale jusqu'à la prévention sociale des maladies d'époque, au sein des musées anatomiques forains.
Doctorat en philosophie et lettres, Orientation histoire de l'art et archéologie
Jaisson, Marie. "Les Lieux de l'art : études sur la structure sociale du milieu médical dans une ville universitaire de province [Dijon]." Paris, EHESS, 1995.
Full textThe aim of the study is the analysis of the concrete conditions exercise of the medical practices in a french provincial town equiped with a medical school. The logic and the sociology of these practices have to be understood under a structural hypothesis which presupposes the permanency and the long term transformation of social structures immediatly perceived by social agents so that cursuses and individual choices can be explained. Such an hypothesis has not been developped so far in medical sociology. Conclusions (1) a property of such a structure is its high level of local autonomy (2) the medical specialities can be characterized too by a specific autonomy but not local the noddles of the structure are the hospitals specialized in the training of medical students (centres hospitalouniversitaires) where various conversions of the capitals associated with each autonomy are possible. Therefore some elements proper to the logic of the social division of medical labor by gender are shown as some effects of social origins among the medical students. The sources are the productions of french administrations and research organization about medicine and set of interviews
Maggioni, Cristina. "La représentation sociale du corps chez les femmes stériles médiatisée par la médecine." Paris, EPHE, 1986.
Full textBasse, Patrick. "Projet d'établissement, cadre de santé et communications de travail à l'hôpital : de l'écriture des projets d'établissement aux modifications identitaires des cadres de santé." Lille 3, 2003.
Full textFressoz, Jean-Baptiste. "« La fin du monde par la science » : innovations, risques, régulations, de l'inoculation à la machine à vapeur, 1750-1850." Paris, EHESS, 2009.
Full textThe purpose of this dissertation is to pave the way for a history of risk societies across two centuries. It is an historical inquiry into the ways technological action was questioned and regulated. Three fields are studied: The emergence of risk for thinking upon smallpox inoculation and its failure to create a disinhibited subject, ready to risk his life so as to save it. On the contrary, the rapid success of cowpox vaccine allows us to study the technologies of proof which assured the efficacy of the imperial biopolitics of the 1800s. The power apparatuses (botany, hygiene, new legal regulations) which permitted the development of industrialisation despite the environmental etiologies posited by neo-Hippocratic theories and the general outcry of city dwellers. The emergence and role of safety norms for closing technological controversies, legalizing uncertainty and producing a responsible individual compatible with the liberal society of the 1820s. Ln contradistinction to the risk society and post modernity theses, I show that the technoscientific revolution of the 1800s was not accomplished in a fog of careless modernism. Past societies did not choose to ally with high pressure steam or viruses without considering, with alarm, the far-reaching consequences of their decisions; nor did they alter their environments inadvertently. Confidence was not natural: disinhibiting ignorance (and/or knowledge) had to be produced on every strategic and disputed point of technological modernity. The discourse of progress which magnified the greatness of the goals exorcised the immensity of the fears
El, Boujjoufi Taïeb. "L''investissement médical en éducation physique : étude des conditions sociales de formation d'une position collective (1880-1950)." Paris 10, 2005.
Full textThe medical investment in physical education between 1880 and 1950 was the result of particular social conjecture favourising the establishment of a collective position. This process of “medicalisation” was a force which invested physical education in multiple ways, in an irreversible, anonymous process, a regular and insiduous annexations. It was as if this process of medicalisation was taking place in a social vacuum. This explains the basic analytical approach adopted : to examine the evolution from an underlying “medico-pedagogical and sporting” interest (still linked to an emerging reforming system) to a specialised interest group. The analysis follows the progress of this developing interest as it forms and re-forms and traces the new lines of divison established between the various actors working in the domain of the manipulation of the human body
Roger, Anne. "L'entraînement en athlétisme en France (1919-1973) : une histoire de théoriciens ?" Lyon 1, 2003.
Full textSallé, Loïc. "Le gouvernement du dopage en France : entre pouvoirs publics, acteurs sportifs et médecins : la production de la loi de 1999 comme illustration." Rouen, 2004.
Full textThis doctoral thesis suggests that the organization of controls for performance-enhancing drugs should be studied as the result of historical interactions involving sportsmen and women, representatives of public authority and doctors. More precisely, in respect of different policy paradigm, performance-enhancing drugs and their controls should be grasped as the result of confrontation between several representations, standards systems and various actions. From this perspective, the main story behind the 1998 Tour de France concerns a reconfiguring of the system for controlling the use of such drugs. In fact, the doctors who now dominate professional practice and the cognitive frameworks governing the treatment of this question have taken over from the representatives of sporting organisations who previously held power in this issue area. Indeed, the legislative process which subsequently took place in 1999 around the issue of protecting the health of athletes and the ban on use of drugs in sport illustrates the emergence of this new configuration. It even marks the beginning of a new era of regulation strongly influenced by a health and medical approach to drugs in sport
Faure, Olivier. "La médicalisation de la société dans la région lyonnaise au XIXe siècle : 1800-1914." Lyon 2, 1989.
Full textThe rising use of medical services during the 19th century cannot be only explained by physicians and authorities work. It comes also from a strong social demand in this field. Having cure and remedy better than care and prevention, this social demand draw health care system into a commercial and consummation logic. This logic is made stronger by the curious association between reinforcement of medical liberal practice and development of welfare politics
Books on the topic "Médecine – Aspect social – France"
Opinel, Annick. Le peintre et le mal: France, XIXe siècle. Paris: Presses universitaires de France, 2005.
Find full textLe peintre et le mal: (France XIXe siècle). Paris: Presses universitaires de France, 2005.
Find full textForum Louis-Jeantet (2e 2000 Genève, Suisse). Recherche médicale et société: Quel dialogue? Genève: Georg, 2001.
Find full textCarricaburu, Danièle. Sociologie de la santé: Institutions, professions et maladies. Paris: Colin, 2004.
Find full textCorrection ou chatiment: Histoire des prisons en France au XIXe siècle. Paris: Presses universitaires de France, 1988.
Find full textGrémy, François. On a encore oublié la santé!: Propositions pour une médecine de qualité et de solidarité. Paris: Frison-Roche, 2004.
Find full textDrouard, Jean-Pierre. Module sciences humaines: Des soins infirmiers et des cultures. Paris: Ellipses, 2002.
Find full textD'Angelo, Mario. Socio-économie de la musique en France: Diagnostic d'un système vulnérable. Paris: Documentation française, 1997.
Find full textGaulin, Philippe. Le culte technomédical: Le prix à payer pour que le verbe se fasse chair : approche psychanalytique. Montréal: Triptyque, 2003.
Find full textLacourse, Marie-Therese. Sociologie de la santé. Montréal, Qué: Chenelière/McGraw-Hill, 2002.
Find full textBook chapters on the topic "Médecine – Aspect social – France"
Jarty, Julie, and Karina Batthyány. "Recent Evolutions of Gender, State Feminism and Care Models in Latin America and Europe." In Towards a Comparative Analysis of Social Inequalities between Europe and Latin America, 361–85. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2020.
Full textSalaün, Jessica, Sylvain Pioch, and Jean-Claude Dauvin. "Artificial Reef Stakeholders in France: A Social-Network Analysis." In Impact of Artificial Reefs on the Environment and Communities, 21–47. IGI Global, 2022.
Full textNuninger, Walter, and Jean-Marie Chatelet. "From Quality Assurance to Value Management to Improve Training and Increase All Actors' Competencies." In Impact of Economic Crisis on Education and the Next-Generation Workforce, 335–60. IGI Global, 2016.
Full textAlter, Peter. "Playing with the Nation: Napoleon and the Culture of Nationalism." In Unity and Diversity in European Culture c.1800. British Academy, 2006.
Full textCrook, Malcolm. "Voting as a Subversive Activity." In How the French Learned to Vote, 177–202. Oxford University Press, 2021.
Full textMorlino, Leonardo, and Francesco Raniolo. "Domestic Explanations: Inequalities." In Equality, Freedom, and Democracy, 110–55. Oxford University Press, 2020.
Full textLEVY-BRUHL, Sacha. "Solidarité et épidémie." In Les épidémies au prisme des SHS, 229–38. Editions des archives contemporaines, 2022.
Full textBANSARD, Elsa. "Covid-19 : La construction d’une pandémie comme « fait mondial total »." In Les épidémies au prisme des SHS, 21–34. Editions des archives contemporaines, 2022.
Full textO’Connor, Thomas. "The domestic and international roles of Irish overseas colleges, 1590–1800." In College Communities Abroad. Manchester University Press, 2017.
Full text"Cousin that’s not what you told me." In Stirring the Pot of Haitian History, edited by Mariana Past and Benjamin Hebblethwaite, 119–70. Liverpool University Press, 2021.
Full textConference papers on the topic "Médecine – Aspect social – France"
Podhalański, Bogusław. "Metropolis: which way to the future?" In Virtual City and Territory. Barcelona: Centre de Política de Sòl i Valoracions, 2016.
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