Academic literature on the topic 'Maurice Denis'
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Journal articles on the topic "Maurice Denis"
Vanlaer, Monique. "Un Nabi, Maurice Denis." Diplômées 148, no. 1 (1989): 17–18.
Full textStahl, Fabienne. "Maurice Denis dans la Grande Guerre1." Revue LISA / LISA e-journal, Vol. X – n° 1 (March 13, 2012): 15–33.
Full textCerman, Jérémie. "Les Bateaux roses de Maurice Denis." Nouvelles de l'estampe, no. 238 (March 1, 2012): 20–35.
Full textGenty, Gilles. "Maurice Denis : des métamorphoses d’Éros à Clio." Histoire de l'art 5, no. 1 (1989): 99–107.
Full textStahl, Fabienne. "Maurice Denis (1870-1943) et le Stic B." Histoire de l'art 58, no. 1 (2006): 93–103.
Full textCanovas, Frédéric. "De Gide à Denis ou de Cézanne à Athman : la relation peintre–écrivain face à la question du classicisme." Romanica Wratislaviensia 64 (October 27, 2017): 57–73.
Full textMarlais, Michael. "CONSERVATIVE STYLE/CONSERVATIVE POLITICS: MAURICE DENIS IN LE VÉSINET." Art History 16, no. 1 (March 1993): 125–46.
Full textMoulin, Isabelle. "Apostu, Andreea, Réminiscences médiévales dans l’œuvre de Maurice Denis." Revue des sciences religieuses, no. 97/1 (August 1, 2023): 115.
Full textMeunier, Emmanuel. "Un dispositif d’accueil des élèves exclus temporairement." Diversité 161, no. 1 (2010): 168–72.
Full textTherrien, Ève Irène. "De l’inanimé à l’Anima. Le fil conducteur entre l’acteur et le spectateur chez Denis Marleau." Globe 11, no. 2 (February 8, 2011): 117–33.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Maurice Denis"
Ooms, Saskia. "Catalogue raisonné de l’oeuvre photographique de Maurice Denis (1896-1919)." Paris 4, 2009.
Full textThe doctoral thesis consists of compiling a catalogue raisonné of the photographs by the French symbolist Nabis painter Maurice Denis (1870-1943). We have reassembled, inventoried and analyzed 1250 negatives and 2689 silver prints. Denis’s photographs are an enormously rich resource that will help us to understand more thoroughly the role and characteristics of his art as well as its context. The scope of this study is the period from 1896 to 1919. Like his friends in the Nabis group, Denis mainly used a Kodak camera. The compact portable box camera made photography accessible not only to artists and professionals but also to amateur photographers. This dissertation analyzes his amateur photographs in relation to his paintings. The comparison with other post-Impressionist painters who also took family photos, such as Bonnard, Vuillard, Breitner enables us to situate Denis in the history of photography. We will examine in depth the aesthetics of his photographs and the fascinating and strong affinities they have with his paintings and drawings. His photos reflect the taste for symbols, simplified forms and harmonious lines that is characteristic of his paintings. He used the camera in a variety of ways: as an amusing toy and to create images as studies for final art works. His photos were not only a compositional aid to his paintings, however, and as we will argue they reflect many of his pictorial influences. Thanks to his familiarity with Japanese prints, he became one of the most gracious interpreters of the aesthetics of snapshot photography. This study of his photographs will contribute to the full comprehension of his art in the context of his time in a new and broader way
Verleysen, Catherine. "Maurice Denis (1870-1943) et la lutte pour un renouveau de l'art religieux en Belgique : 1890-1930." Paris 4, 2001.
Full textThe thesis-topic is the study of Maurice Denis' reception (1870-1943) in Belgium, particularly within the catholic circles. Denis first exhibited his works as a Nabi, in Brussels and in Antwerp. Even though it's a foreshadowing of the Modern Style's rise, Denis' work was often underestimated. But at the same time, Denis came closer to the catholic circles, and until the Twenties, he collaborated with Belgian intellectuals involved in the renewal of religious art. Thanks to the duality of his painting, catholic and modern as well, Denis played the major part in these circles which perceived in his art the embodiment of a religious aesthetic ideal in a modern context. Essential to the understanding of his work, and especially his religious painting, this study also gives the opportunity to investigate the renewal of the religious art, an unknown part of the Belgian art during the late 19th and the 20th centuries
Stahl, Fabienne. "Les décorations religieuses de Maurice Denis (1870-1943) entre les deux guerres." Clermont-Ferrand 2, 2009.
Full textThis thesis, based almost exclusively on firsthand records, introduces the church decorating from Maurice Denis (1870-1973) in the interwar period, studied from an iconographic, formal and technical point of view, set back in context with the life and the work of the artist and investigated in light of the artistic, architectural, historical and religious background of these days. The Ateliers d'art sacré, created with George Desvallières in 1919, which brings to the master numerous commissions and a skilled labor, are also provoked. His theories on religious art are analyzed too and compared with the texts from George Desvallières, Alexandre Cingria, Jacques Maritain or Père Couturier. A catalogue raisonné of his religious decorating, accomplished between 1914 and 1943 or still remaining in a project state (wall paintings, stained glass windows and mosaic) altogether with a complete corpus of the decorating pictures in situ, of the preparatory works and a some unpublished documents, allows an exhaustive and informed review on some still unknown decorating. This thesis, intending to look at the mature Maurice Denis from a different perspective, rehabilitates his decorative wooks, long-discretized, in replacing them in the course of the sacred art renewal of the 20st century
Gaboriau, Clémence. "Maurice Denis (1870-1943) illustrateur. Pratique d’un artiste du livre, acteurs et réseaux." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Sorbonne université, 2023.
Full textMaurice Denis (1870-1943), key artistic figure of the late 19th and first half of the 20th centuries, was a multi-talented artist who worked as a painter, decorator, theoretician and illustrator. He was very prolific and he left behind a considerable number of works, including nearly three hundred prints in his own hand, and almost a thousand engravings made by others based on his drawings. Many of these were intended to decorate literary, religious or historical texts. Dozens of illustrated books were published throughout his entire career. They are representative of the evolution of his pictorial production, from his early symbolist works to his final religious creations. As well as examining the mechanics of the illustrated book production process, set in the context of the artist's life and work, this thesis explores in depth Denis's relationships with the publishers and collaborators who helped to shape his status as an illustrator. This was the result of significant connections he made, with Jacques Beltrand (1874-1977), a wood engraver who was nearly the exclusive interpreter of Denis, but above all with Gabriel Thomas (1854-1932), a bibliophile and patron of the arts, whose combined action enabled the creation of some of his most notable editions. This study, based on a great amount of documents mostly held in private collections (including hundreds of letters and preparatory sketches), provides a new perspective on Denis's illustrative practice and examines the human and material conditions under which his books were conceived
Coelho, Maíra Castilhos. "A presença de corpos ausentes : a fantasmagoria de Denis Marleau em Os cegos de Maurice Maeterlinck." reponame:Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da UFRGS, 2012.
Full textA pesquisa analisa o espetáculo “Os Cegos”, de Maurice Maeterlinck, encenado por Denis Marleau, a fim de discutir o efeito de presença do ator gerado através das máscaras videográficas. Na peça, as imagens de dois atores projetadas em doze máscaras, de tamanho real e em três dimensões, dão a sensação de presença de seus corpos ausentes, uma vez que os atores não estão presentes fisicamente na cena. Além disso, como o ambiente sonoro potencializa a voz e os ruídos, a sonoridade do espetáculo contribui com este efeito de realidade. Outra questão é a concretização do sonho do autor por um teatro de androides através das “Fantasmagories Technologiques” do encenador. O trabalho evidencia as novas possibilidades surgidas nas artes cênicas em função dos novos recursos tecnológicos.
Grivel, Delphine. "Maurice Denis, peintre mélomane : le rôle de la musique dans sa vie, son œuvre et son art." Paris 4, 2001.
Full textCompiled in five volumes, this thesis aims to bring an understanding of the role which music played in the life, work and art of the music-lover French painter Maurice Denis (1870-1943). .
Kressmann, Martin. "Le premier film dans le cinéma français des années 1960 à 2000 à travers l'exemple de six cinéastes : (Jacques Demy, Maurice Pialat, Christine Pascal, Claire Denis, Xavier Beauvois, Alain Guiraudie)." Thesis, Paris 10, 2017.
Full textThis thesis proposes to study the evolution of French cinema threw the concept of ''the first movie'' from the New Wave to the beginning of 21st century on a historic, esthetic and economic point of view. This research tries to analyse the beginning of the career if six French singulars directors whitch are iconic of a period or a generation, tries to understand and be interested on their course before their first movie, their youth, their influences, the financial and humain helps they found, their connections with the French critique and the presence of their first movie in all their future work
Cauna, Alexandra de. "Des lieux et des liens : espace et dynamiques de l'interculturel dans les villes de Port-Louis (île Maurice) et de Saint-Denis (île de la Réunion)." Bordeaux 3, 2003.
Full textDaucourt, Philippe. "La leçon d'architecture d'Auguste Perret en Suisse romande: variations et interprétations : les fonds Emilio Antognini, Béate et Maurice Billeter, Jeanne Bueche, Daniel Girardet et Denis Honegger aux archives de la construction moderne /." Lausanne : EPFL, 2000.
Full textThèse no 2305(2001) présentée au Département d' Architecture, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, pour l'obtention du grade de Docteur ès sciences. Bibliogr.: p. 385-388.
Leroy-Paris, Anne-Marie. "Le tableau et son spectateur." Paris 8, 1993.
Full textThe painting and the admirer : duo or duel? is it the eye or the painting that becomes the "motor of vision"?. . . A first authentic contact (vision, perception, reception) between the pictoral a-topical masterpiece (nonetheless displayed) and the admirer submitted to multiple self conditionings or exterior influences inherent to his person, is this not already utopic? where in fact is the liberty of the person who is contemplating, if the painting controls the admirer's attention, imposes visual circuits, attracts, seduces, fascinates, and dupes, being essentially illusionist or an eye-teaser? the intentions of the on-looker are being put into question, in as much as the position or the role of the spectator (painter or simoly meditator) if he is held at a distance and experiences a "nakedness" which brushes "past death"? is he spectre or actor?. . . From the canvased space to the computer screen, the masterpiece considered "open" will it allow him, the admirer, to slip through the interior windows of the visible in order to journey into the thickness of things?
Books on the topic "Maurice Denis"
Gilles, Genty, Serra Sophie, and Musée des Beaux-Arts Denys-Puech, eds. Maurice Denis: Enfances. Rodez: Rouergue, 2009.
Find full textDenis, Maurice. Maurice Denis et la Bretagne Maurice Denis a Perros-Guirec. Morlaix: Muse e de Morlaix, 1985.
Find full textDenis, Maurice. Maurice Denis 1870-1943. Paris: Réunion des Musées Nationaux, 1994.
Find full text(Lyon), Musée des Beaux-Arts, ed. Maurice Denis 1870-1943. Ghent: Snoeck-Ducaju & Zoon, 1995.
Find full text1870-1943, Denis Maurice, ed. Maurice Denis, 1870-1943. Paris: Cercle d'art, 2004.
Find full textBook chapters on the topic "Maurice Denis"
Wild, Gerhard. "Denis, Maurice." In Kindlers Literatur Lexikon (KLL), 1. Stuttgart: J.B. Metzler, 2020.
Full textWild, Gerhard. "Denis, Maurice: Théories." In Kindlers Literatur Lexikon (KLL), 1–2. Stuttgart: J.B. Metzler, 2020.
Full textBullen, J. B. "Maurice Denis, ‘Cézanne’, trans. Roger Fry, Burlington Magazine." In Post-Impressionists in England, 60–76. London: Routledge, 2024.
Full text"Maurice Denis, or the French Occupy Moscow." In Morozov, 124–32. Yale University Press, 2020.
Full text"X Maurice Denis, or the French Occupy Moscow." In Morozov, 124–32. Yale University Press, 2020.
Full textFroissart, Rossella. "Maurice Denis ou l’histoire de l’art comme « moyen d’ordonner son effort »." In Faire l'histoire de l'art en france (1890-1950), 147–61. Presses universitaires de Strasbourg, 2023.
Full textViladesau, Richard. "The Cross in Modern Visual Art." In The Wisdom and Power of the Cross, 180–256. Oxford University Press, 2020.
Full textDanguy, Laurence. "Le visage absent dans les Christs de Maurice Denis, ou la quête de la vision." In Sainte Face, visage de Dieu, visage de l’homme dans l’art contemporain (xixe - xxie siècle), 73–88. Presses universitaires de Paris Nanterre, 2015.
Full text"Ecumenical Money-Managers: Pierre Denis, André Diethelm, André Postel-Vinay, Maurice Couve de Murville, and Pierre Mendés France." In Political Ecumenism, 102–16. McGill-Queen's University Press, 2006.
Full textBident, Christophe. "The Passion of Silence." In Maurice Blanchot, 219–24. Fordham University Press, 2018.
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