Academic literature on the topic 'Matrices de corrélation'
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Journal articles on the topic "Matrices de corrélation"
Laforgue, Alexandre. "Potentiel d'erreur et seconde quantification: application à la corrélation." Canadian Journal of Chemistry 63, no. 7 (July 1, 1985): 1788–96.
Full textGornet, Laurent, Romain Hamonou, Frédéric Jacquemin, Stéphane Auger, and Pierre Chalandon. "Détermination de la souplesse hors plan d’un assemblage de composites boulonnés à l’aide d’une démarche d’homogénéisation." Matériaux & Techniques 106, no. 3 (2018): 302.
Full textFéray, C., M. El-Daly, M. Abdel-Hamid, S. El-Kafrawy, A. Fontanet, C. Rekacewicz, F. Rimlinger, M. K. Mohamed, and V. Thiers. "CA43 - Analyse phylogénétique et par corrélation de matrices des voies de transmission du virus de l’hépatite C dans le village de zawait razin (ÉGYPTE)." Gastroentérologie Clinique et Biologique 29, no. 8-9 (August 2005): 921.
Full textMaillard, Jean-Charles, S. J. Kemp, Michel Naves, C. Palin, C. Demangel, A. Accipe, N. Maillard, and Albert Bensaïd. "Tentative de corrélation de l’origine des races bovines et des maladies associées à ou transmises par la tique Amblyomma variegatum dans les Antilles françaises." Revue d’élevage et de médecine vétérinaire des pays tropicaux 46, no. 1-2 (January 1, 1993): 283–90.
Full textDiouf, Joseph Samba, Bécaye Touré, Marième Ndiaye, Alpha Badiane, Khady Diop-Bâ, Papa Ibrahima Ngom, and Falou Diagne. "Corrélations entre les mensurations photogrammétriques sagittales de profil des tissus mous et celles des arcades dentaires." L'Orthodontie Française 86, no. 4 (December 2015): 303–11.
Full textSanon, Abdramane, Alain P. K. Gomgnimbou, Hamadé Sigue, Kalifa Coulibaly, Cheick A. Bambara, Willifried Sanou, Sékou Fofana, and Hassan B. Nacro. "Performances économiques et financières de la fertilisation en riziculture pluviale stricte dans la zone sud soudanienne du Burkina Faso." International Journal of Biological and Chemical Sciences 15, no. 4 (November 19, 2021): 1581–94.
Full textBellehumeur-Béchamp, Lily, Anne Sophie Grenier, Adéline Nolin, Anne-Marie Essiambre, and Marc-André Roy. "Parkinsonisme induit par les antipsychotiques." Psycause : revue scientifique étudiante de l'École de psychologie de l'Université Laval 11, no. 2 (October 25, 2021): 20–22.
Full textBensafta, Kamel Malik, and Gervasio Semedo. "De la transmission de la volatilité à la contagion entre marchés boursiers : l’éclairage d’un modèle VAR non linéaire avec bris structurels en variance." Articles 85, no. 1 (May 18, 2010): 13–76.
Full textMallard, Joris, Anne-Laure Gagez, Olivier Soulier, Aline Herbinet, Pierre Louis Bernard, and Guillaume Cartron. "Résultats préliminaires de l’étude de la prévalence de la cachexie en hématologie au sein de la cohorte HEMODIAG : perspectives de prévention par l’activité physique adaptée." Movement & Sport Sciences - Science & Motricité, no. 103 (November 20, 2018): 67–74.
Full textMarage, Damien, Jean-Claude Rameau, and Luc Garraud. "Banque de graines du sol et succession végétale dans les Alpes du Sud : effets des facteurs historiques et écologiques." Canadian Journal of Botany 84, no. 1 (January 2006): 99–111.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Matrices de corrélation"
El, Maache Hamani. "Mesures d'association vectorielle basées sur des matrices de corrélation." Thesis, National Library of Canada = Bibliothèque nationale du Canada, 1997.
Full textLenoble, Olivier. "Fonctions de corrélation de systèmes quantiques aléatoires." Aix-Marseille 2, 2003.
Full textThanwerdas, Yann. "Géométries riemanniennes et stratifiées des matrices de covariance et de corrélation." Thesis, Université Côte d'Azur, 2022.
Full textIn many applications, the data can be represented by covariance matrices or correlation matrices between several signals (EEG, MEG, fMRI), physical quantities (cells, genes), or within a time window (autocorrelation). The set of covariance matrices forms a convex cone that is not a Euclidean space but a stratified space: it has a boundary which is itself a stratified space of lower dimension. The strata are the manifolds of covariance matrices of fixed rank and the main stratum of Symmetric Positive Definite (SPD) matrices is dense in the total space. The set of correlation matrices can be described similarly.Geometric concepts such as geodesics, parallel transport, Fréchet mean were proposed for generalizing classical computations (interpolation, extrapolation, registration) and statistical analyses (mean, principal component analysis, classification, regression) to these non-linear spaces. However, these generalizations rely on the choice of a geometry, that is a basic operator such as a distance, an affine connection, a Riemannian metric, a divergence, which is assumed to be known beforehand. But in practice there is often not a unique natural geometry that satisfies the application constraints. Thus, one should explore more general families of geometries that exploit the data properties.First, the geometry must match the problem. For instance, degenerate matrices must be rejected to infinity whenever covariance matrices must be non-degenerate. Second, we should identify the invariance of the data under natural group transformations: if scaling each variable independently has no impact, then one needs a metric invariant under the positive diagonal group, for instance a product metric that decouples scales and correlations. Third, good numerical properties (closed-form formulae, efficient algorithms) are essential to use the geometry in practice.In my thesis, I study geometries on covariance and correlation matrices following these principles. In particular, I provide the associated geometric operations which are the building blocks for computing with such matrices.On SPD matrices, by analogy with the characterization of affine-invariant metrics, I characterize the continuous metrics invariant by O(n) by means of three multivariate continuous functions. Thus, I build a classification of metrics: the constraints imposed on these functions define nested classes satisfying stability properties. In particular, I reinterpret the class of kernel metrics, I introduce the family of mixed-Euclidean metrics for which I compute the curvature, and I survey and complete the knowledge on the classical metrics (log-Euclidean, Bures-Wasserstein, BKM, power-Euclidean).On full-rank correlation matrices, I compute the Riemannian operations of the quotient-affine metric. Despite its appealing construction and its invariance under permutations, I show that its curvature is of non-constant sign and unbounded from above, which makes this geometry practically very complex. I introduce computationally more convenient Hadamard or even log-Euclidean metrics, along with their geometric operations. To recover the lost invariance under permutations, I define two new permutation-invariant log-Euclidean metrics, one of them being invariant under a natural involution on full-rank correlation matrices. I also provide an efficient algorithm to compute the associated geometric operations based on the scaling of SPD matrices.Finally, I study the stratified Riemannian structure of the Bures-Wasserstein distance on covariance matrices. I compute the domain of definition of geodesics and the injection domain within each stratum and I characterize the length-minimizing curves between all the strata
Stojanovic, Alexandre. "Sur la distribution limite des valeurs propres dans des matrices aléatoires." Paris 7, 2003.
Full textRagot, Sébastien. "Matrices densité : modélisation des densités de charge et d'impulsion : prédiction des propriétés solides." Châtenay-Malabry, Ecole centrale de Paris, 2001.
Full textSergent, Michelle. "Contribution de la méthodologie de la recherche expérimentale à l'élaboration de matrices uniformes : application aux effets de solvants et de substituants." Aix-Marseille 3, 1989.
Full textEcherbault-Chaussade, Mireille. "Etude de modèles en mécanique statistique à fibre non-ordonnée." Toulouse 3, 1995.
Full textLacroix-A-Chez-Toine, Bertrand. "Extreme value statistics of strongly correlated systems : fermions, random matrices and random walks." Thesis, Université Paris-Saclay (ComUE), 2019.
Full textPredicting the occurrence of extreme events is a crucial issue in many contexts, ranging from meteorology to finance. For independent and identically distributed (i.i.d.) random variables, three universality classes were identified (Gumbel, Fréchet and Weibull) for the distribution of the maximum. While modelling disordered systems by i.i.d. random variables has been successful with Derrida's random energy model, this hypothesis fail for many physical systems which display strong correlations. In this thesis, we study three physically relevant models of strongly correlated random variables: trapped fermions, random matrices and random walks.In the first part, we show several exact mappings between the ground state of a trapped Fermi gas and ensembles of random matrix theory. The Fermi gas is inhomogeneous in the trapping potential and in particular there is a finite edge beyond which its density vanishes. Going beyond standard semi-classical techniques (such as local density approximation), we develop a precise description of the spatial statistics close to the edge. This description holds for a large universality class of hard edge potentials. We apply these results to compute the statistics of the position of the fermion the farthest away from the centre of the trap, the number of fermions in a given domain (full counting statistics) and the related bipartite entanglement entropy. Our analysis also provides solutions to open problems of extreme value statistics in random matrix theory. We obtain for instance a complete description of the fluctuations of the largest eigenvalue in the complex Ginibre ensemble.In the second part of the thesis, we study extreme value questions for random walks. We consider the gap statistics, which requires to take explicitly into account the discreteness of the process. This question cannot be solved using the convergence of the process to its continuous counterpart, the Brownian motion. We obtain explicit analytical results for the gap statistics of the walk with a Laplace distribution of jumps and provide numerical evidence suggesting the universality of these results
Shadrokh, Ali. "Analyse comparative des tests de permutations en régression multiple et application à l'analyse de tableaux de distances." Université Joseph Fourier (Grenoble), 2006.
Full textWhen the data generation process does not satisfy some of the assumptions founding the statistical inferences in the classic linear regression model, permutation tests offer a reliable nonparametric alternative for constructing distribution-free tests. The first application of the permutation test method%gy for statistical inference on the simple linear regression model can be traced back to papers by Fisher (1935) and Pitman (1937a, b, 1938). This resampling method is founded on hypothesis weaker than the ciassic parametric approach and which are easily checkable in practice: the exchangeability of the observations under the null hypothesis. There is general agreement concerning an appropriate permutation method yielding exact tests of hypotheses in the simple linear regression mode!. This is not the case, however, for partial tests needed in multiple linear regressions. Then, the problem becomes much trickier to test a null hypothesis concerning one partial regression coefficient. Due exchangeability properties are no more satisfied, and thus no exact test exists for that problem. Several asymptotically exact candidate methods have been proposed in that case. The main goal of our work aims at comparison of permutation test startegies adapted to the hypotheses of nullity of a partial coefficient regression in a linear regression model with p explanatory variables, conditionally on the information contained in the sam pie at hand. Four permutation test methods are compared, first on simulated data resorting to the double linear regression model, and then on theoretical grounds, in order to explore their unbiasedness properties, as weil as their power function's hierarchy. The results obtained are then extended to the general multiple linear regressions setting. A final chapter supplements our research by focussing on inferential problems met when dealing with partial dependence structures between inter-point distance matrices of finite order. We compared the adaptation of four candidate permutation test strategies in this context, the specificity of which relies on the complexities induced by the dependence structure existing between e/ements of a distance matrix. Therefore, we obtained resu/ts that revealed themselves quite different in this case from those obtained in the classic situation of linear regression applied to independent sam pies, which is the object of our simulations and formal developments presented in the first part of the thesis
Hajlaoui, Ayoub. "Emotion recognition and brain activity synchronization across individuals." Thesis, Sorbonne université, 2018.
Full textAffective computing needs a better understanding of human emotion elicitation. Most contributions use modalities such as speech or facila expressions, that are limited by their alterability. Physiological signals such as EEG (electro-encephalography) are an interesting alaternative. EEG can reveal macroscopically invisible emotional states, and have already proved to be efficient in emotion classification. This thesis falls within this context. EEG signals are analysed in the time-frequency domain. Such signals are recorded from participants while they watch video excerpts which provoke different emotions. Variants of the Nonnegative Matrix Factorization (NMF) method are used. This method can decompose an EEG spectrogram into a product of two matrices : a dictionary of frequential atoms and an activation matrix. The focus is made on a variant named Group NMF. In this thesis, we also study Inter-Subject Correlation (ISC), which measures the correlation of EEG signals of two subjects exposed to the same stimuli. The idea is to link the ISC level to the nature of the elicited emotion. Understanding the link between ISC and the elicited emotion then allows to design Group NMF methods that are adapated to EEG-based emotion recognition
Book chapters on the topic "Matrices de corrélation"
BEDOUI, Fahmi, Adoté Sitou BLIVI, Benhui FAN, and Djimédo KONDO. "Effets de taille et propriétés physiques et mécaniques des polymères nanorenforcés." In Nanocomposites, 73–95. ISTE Group, 2021.
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