Academic literature on the topic 'Matière diluée'
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Journal articles on the topic "Matière diluée"
Paul, Anne-Marie. "L’adolescence par Annie Ernaux : récits d’emprise." Adolescence T.42 N° 1, no. 1 (May 21, 2024): 71–85.
Full textHanafi, Fatiha, Nadia Sadif, Omar Assobhei, and Mohammed Mountadar. "Traitement des margines par électrocoagulation avec des électrodes plates en aluminium." Revue des sciences de l'eau 22, no. 4 (October 22, 2009): 473–85.
Full textANDRIEU, J. P., C. DEMARQUILLY, and J. ROUEL. "Conservation et valeur alimentaire des ensilages directs de prairies naturelles. Comparaison de trois types de conservateur." INRAE Productions Animales 3, no. 1 (February 3, 1990): 67–73.
Full textAlmeida Falcão, Maurin. "La crise des finances publiques au Brésil et le cas du Covid." Gestion & Finances Publiques, no. 4 (July 2021): 124–29.
Full textPark, Adrian. "The Language of the Victim : In Defence of ‘Community - The Miners’ Strike 1984-1985." Recherches anglaises et nord-américaines 33, no. 1 (2000): 223–35.
Full textPETIT, J. "Aquaculture : un problème pour l’environnement ?" INRAE Productions Animales 4, no. 1 (February 2, 1991): 67–80.
Full textPATRIS, T., P. BALCH, C. JOANNIS, and A. CHAUBET. "Relations entre paramètres physiques et concentrations en polluants dans les effluents unitaires de Brest Métropole." Techniques Sciences Méthodes, no. 6 (June 22, 2020): 59–70.
Full textWIMMERS, L., M. FLORIAT, G. RUCK, K. MONTALBANO, and A. DECAMPS. "Évaluation rapide de la qualité toxique des boues par l’analyse du comportement du ver de terre Eisenia fetida." Techniques Sciences Méthodes 12 (January 20, 2023): 121–31.
Full textPICARD, M., B. SAUVEUR, F. FENARDJI, and I. ANGULO. "Ajustements technico-économiques possibles de l’alimentation des volailles dans les pays chauds." INRAE Productions Animales 6, no. 2 (April 28, 1993): 87–103.
Full textBengeni, D., P. Lim, and A. Belaud. "Qualité des eaux de trois bras morts de la Garonne variabilité spatio-temporelle)." Revue des sciences de l'eau 5, no. 2 (April 12, 2005): 131–56.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Matière diluée"
Pirim, Claire. "Etude de réactions radicalaires des milieux interstellaires par spectroscopie infrarouge à transformée de Fourier, de la phase condensée à la phase diluée." Paris 6, 2011.
Full textKaram, Charbel. "Optical shielding of collisions between ultracold polar molecules." Electronic Thesis or Diss., université Paris-Saclay, 2024.
Full textThis work is part of the ongoing research into quantum gases of ultracold molecules. This rapidly expanding field positions these systems as promising platforms for the complete control of quantum gases for applications such as quantum simulation or ultracold chemistry.When these molecules are prepared in their absolute ground state and trapped, observations reveal the rapid escape of molecules from the trap due to collision processes that are still not fully understood, preventing any applications. One solution is to expose these molecules to an electromagnetic field to suppress these losses by "shielding" collisions between molecules. Shielding involves transforming attractive interactions into repulsive ones.In this thesis, I propose a new technique for collision shielding based on a two-photon process in the optical domain. The main motivation for this method is to combine the advantages of existing techniques in the microwave domain while eliminating their limitations.I begin by exploring and modeling long-range interactions between polar molecules, dominated by dipole-dipole interactions. I present my calculations of the potential energy curves of long-range interactions between two molecules in their electronic ground state as well as in electronically excited states. This calculation, carried out in the coupled angular momentum basis in the laboratory frame, allowed me to identify configurations where the interaction between the molecules is repulsive.Thus, it is necessary to couple the attractive initial state of the colliding molecules to this repulsive state. I modeled the interaction between two molecules in a two-photon Raman-type scheme within the dipole approximation. At infinity, the individual molecules are placed in conditions of electromagnetically induced transparency (EIT), to protect them from photon scattering, which contributes to the heating of the quantum gas.When the molecules interact, I showed that their exposure to the two photons is modeled through a 5-level scheme, each of which is composed of multiple components. This imposes the need to consider this intrinsic complexity for a faithful representation of the molecules' behavior, departing from known small-level models. The Rabi frequencies and the detuning of the two lasers allow control over the evolution of the collision between molecules.By applying time-independent scattering theory, I propagated the wave function of the two molecules, whose interaction is described by the light-dressed potential curves, using a purely quantum formalism. I calculated the elastic, inelastic, and reactive collision rates induced by the lasers.My goal was to determine the conditions under which the elastic collision rate dominates the inelastic and reactive collision rates, which account for the observed losses. For Rabi frequency and detuning values compatible with typical experimental conditions, the elastic collision rate remains lower than the other rates, preventing effective shielding, though still demonstrating the real influence of the lasers. The main reason for this limited effectiveness is that the proposed scheme relies on second-order dipole-dipole interactions, which are not strong enough to induce sufficiently intense couplings to protect the molecules from losses.To address this issue, we propose using a weak static electric field, which could couple states at the first order, inducing stronger dipole-dipole interactions and thereby more effective shielding. Such a field is necessary for future experiments aiming to study anisotropic effects in quantum gases of ultracold molecules
Khalil, Khaled. "Rhéologie et mouillage de solutions diluées à concentrées de polyisobutylène de haut poids moléculaire." Tours, 1995.
Full textPaillard, Hervé. "Etude de la minéralisation de la matière organique dissoute en milieu aqueux dilué par ozonation, oxydation avancée O3/H2O2 et ozonation catalytique hétérogène." Poitiers, 1994.
Full textLe, Gall Claire. "Dynamique et contrôle optique d'un spin individuel dans une boîte quantique." Phd thesis, Université de Grenoble, 2011.
Full textChakraborty, Akash. "Effets des inhomogénéités nanométriques sur les propriétés magnétiques de systèmes magnétiques dilués." Phd thesis, Université de Grenoble, 2012.
Full textCao, Chonglong. "Modélisation de la dynamique de spin d'un atome magnétique individuel dans une boîte quantique." Phd thesis, Université de Grenoble, 2012.
Full textFérec, Julien. "Étude et modélisation du comportement rhéologique de suspensions de fibres rigides en régime non-dilué." École polytechnique de Montréal, 2008.
Full textSeveral studies have investigated the behavior of fiber suspensions in simple shear (transient and steady) and oscillatory shear (small deformations) flows. However, the rheological behavior of fiber-filled fluids subjected to elongational and large amplitude oscillatory shear flows may be of great interest. Results from large amplitude oscillatory shear flow showed that for short glass fiber reinforced polypropylene the shear stress amplitude decreased gradually. An opposite behavior was observed for a reinforced polybutene matrix. The primary normal stress differences of the two matrices are sensitive to fiber orientation. The observations carried out in elongational flow indicated that the presence of fibers in polypropylene increased its viscosity. For transient tests, various initial fiber orientations were prepared. The fiber orientation dynamics caused a slight strain hardening behavior. The steady state elongational viscosity data obtained using three different equipments have been compared. A finite volume method has been used to solve numerically the Fokker-Planck equation for the probability distribution function. The results are such that the computational time is considerably reduced. The last point tackled in this work concerns the development of a rheological model with a more precise modeling of fiber-fiber interactions. A new time evolution equation is proposed, where the diffusion term is proportional to the average number of contacts between fibers. The model is validated using experimental data
Pacuski, Wojciech. "Spectroscopie optique de semi-conducteurs magnétiques dilués à large bande interdite, à base de ZnO et GaN." Phd thesis, Grenoble 1, 2007.
Full textThis work presents a magnetooptical study of diluted magnetic semiconductors (DMS) based on ZnO and GaN, doped with manganese, iron, and cobalt. Both host materials, ZnO and GaN, are wide band gap semiconductors with a wurtzite structure, a weak spin-orbit coupling and a strong electron-hole exchange interaction within the excitons. In the presence of a magnetic field, the magnetic ions induce in such materials a giant Zeeman effect with a complex behavior: excitons anti-cross, and not only the transition energies, but also the oscillator strengths are strongly affected by the giant Zeeman effect. On thin epitaxial layers grown on (0001) sapphire, we observed the giant Zeeman splitting of the A and B excitons, which are optically active in the Faraday configuration when the propagating light is parallel to the c-axis. The Zeeman splitting decreases with the temperature and increases non-linearly with the magnetic field, demonstrating a dependence on the magnetization of the localized spins. A quantitative analysis allows us to discuss the detailed behavior of the magnetization and to estimate the p-d exchange integral beta for the studied wide bandgap DMS. For the d^5 electronic configuration (Mn2+, and Fe3+) the magnetization follows a Brillouin function, whereas, for d7 or d4 of Co2+, and Mn3+, respectively, the spin orbit coupling and the trigonal crystal field lead to an anisotropic magnetization, consistent with that deduced independently from the analysis of intra-ionic optical transitions. We find a positive sign of beta for (Ga,Mn)N, and (Ga,Fe)N. In ZnO, the sign of the spin-orbit interaction, which determines the structure of the valence band, has been a matter of debate. Assuming that the valence band ordering in ZnO is Gamma_9, Gamma_7, Gamma_7 (this corresponds to usual, positive sign of the spin-orbit coupling), we find beta to be negative for (Zn,Co)O, and to be close to zero in (Zn,Mn)O. However, assuming the reversed valence band ordering, we find beta to be positive in both ZnO based DMS. The sign and the value of p-d exchange integrals determined from our magnetooptical measurements do not follow material trends in DMS and cannot be explained by models based on the virtual crystal approximation. This suggests that the p-d coupling in wide gap DMS is in the strong coupling regime, so that the nature of the observed giant Zeeman splitting is different from that in classical diluted magnetic semiconductors
Pacuski, Wojciech. "Spectroscopie optique de semi-conducteurs magnétiques dilués à large bande interdite, à base de ZnO et GaN." Phd thesis, Université Joseph Fourier (Grenoble), 2007.
Full textOn a mesuré expérimentalement le splitting Zeeman géant des excitons A et B avec des couches epitaxiées sur saphir (0001) et une propagation de la lumiere parallele a l'axe c du cristal et au champ magnétique (configuration Faraday). Le splitting Zeeman géant diminue avec la température et augmente non linéairement avec le champ magnétique en accord avec l'aimantation calculée des spins isolés. Une analyse quantitative nous a permis d'analyser les propriétés magnétiques et de mesurer les intégrales d'échange pour l'ensemble des matériaux étudiés. Pour des ions avec une configuration d5 (Mn2+ et Fe3+), l'aimantation suit une fonction de Brillouin, mais pour les configurations d7 et d4 (Co2+ ou Mn3+) l'interaction spin-orbite et le champ cristallin trigonal induisent une aimantation anisotrope, en accord avec l'analyse des transitions internes des ions mesurées en spectroscopie infrarouge. Pour (Ga,Mn)N, et (Ga,Fe)N, nous avons trouvé un signe positive pour l'intégrale d'échange entre trous et spins localisés (beta). En supposant une symétrie de la bande de valence dans ZnO correspondant a une interaction spin-orbite positive (Gamma_9, Gamma_7, Gamma_7), nous trouvons un signe négative de beta pour (Zn,Co)O, et beta est de pres de zéro pour (Zn,Mn)O. Toutefois, dans l'hypothese avec spin-orbite négative, nous trouvons un signe positif de beta. Les signes et les valeurs des intégrales d'échange déterminées a partir de nos mesures magnéto-optiques ne peuvent pas etre expliqués par des tendances matérielles et des modeles basés sur l'approximation de cristal virtuel. Ceci suggere que l'échange p-d en DMS a large bande interdite, soit dans le régime de couplage fort, et la nature de splitting Zeeman géant observé est différente qu'en semi-conducteurs magnétiques dilués classiques.