Academic literature on the topic 'Maternité – Psychologie'
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Journal articles on the topic "Maternité – Psychologie"
De Paiva, M. Geraldo José. "Psychologie culturelle de la religion: l'évolution de la perception du catholicisme dans trois romans de l'écrivain catholique japonais Shusaku Endo." Studies in Religion/Sciences Religieuses 36, no. 2 (June 2007): 241–59.
Full textGross, Martine, and Marie-France Bureau. "L’homoparentalité et la transparentalité au prisme des sciences sociales : révolution ou pluralisation des formes de parenté ?" Enfances, Familles, Générations, no. 23 (December 9, 2015): i—xxxvii.
Full textBrunet, Marie-Hélène. "Doctrine catholique, ambivalences et pragmatisme." Revue d’histoire de l’Amérique française 65, no. 1 (August 21, 2013): 29–58.
Full textLatournerie, Julie. "Psychologue maïeuticienne en maternité : entre rêveries et désillusions." Spirale N° 101, no. 1 (July 5, 2022): 50–58.
Full textCiccone, Albert. "Observation d’un groupe mères/bébés en service hospitalier de maternité. Maternité et prévention." Revue de psychothérapie psychanalytique de groupe 29, no. 1 (1997): 49–64.
Full textHays, Marie-Aimée. "Corps à corps premier et sexualité originaire." Corps & Psychisme N° 80-81, no. 1 (September 1, 2023): 55–66.
Full textMissonnier, Sylvain. "Du postnatal au périnatal : une métamorphose professionnelle et anthropologique ?" Spirale N° 106, no. 2 (September 13, 2023): 29–41.
Full textHainigue, Céline, and Natascia Serbandini. "Tempo psychique et rythme hospitalier en maternité : comment rêver les bébés en devenir ?" Spirale N° 105, no. 1 (July 13, 2023): 30–38.
Full textSandre, Dominique. "Comment les équipes des services de réanimation néonatale… favorisent-elles l’émergence et la pérennité des liens parents-bébé ?" Spirale N° 100, no. 4 (May 10, 2022): 102–11.
Full textSéjourné, N., S. Callahan, and H. Chabrol. "Vécu psychologique de la maternité chez douze mères ayant fait une FIV." Journal de Thérapie Comportementale et Cognitive 15 (December 2005): 48.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Maternité – Psychologie"
Rouveau, Frédérique. "Maternité et Toxicomanie : entre corps et psyché : l’expérience de la maternalité chez la femme toxicomane." Paris 10, 2013.
Full textThis thesis proposes to examine the psychological issues at work in addicted women during motherhood. A review of the literature accounts for the psychological issues in women showing problems of addiction. Here, we focus specifically on pregnancy, motherhood and the first mother-child relationship of women experiencing an initial dependence to a drug. The paternal function has been considered in our study to highlight the specific features of the therapeutic procedure. We investigate a clinical and projective study with two distinct groups: pregnant women with addictions and addicted mothers with babies of less than 4 months-old. It appears that for these women drug use acts as a psychological response to their narcissistic personalities. When the personification of the coming child acts like a mirror, reflecting her own dependency, then the addicted woman is capable of engaging and developing her natural pre-oedipal fixations. It is through this process that she fulfills the concerns of her child
Villecourt-Couchat, Isabelle. "Le sentiment subjectif de solitude à l'épreuve de la maternité." Thesis, Aix-Marseille, 2019.
Full textIn childcare places, the clinical psychologist can hear the disarry of the woman who has become mother. In a society that celebrate individualism, how will this psychoanalytic listening help the mother in her loneliness? Many separations will come in her mother’s life hence intense psychic work to access maternity and engage the subjective process of motherhood.At this stage, the psychic crushed by states of anxiety and emptiness, can immobilize the ego in a narcissistic and deadly retreat enclosing the mother in a deadly loneliness, hence the choice of my title “The feeling of loneliness in the test of maternity”.At this crucial stage in their own development and that of their child, to feel so lonely for these mothers can cause harm.Most of the time, we aknowledge on it can be seen that the subjective processes of motherhood are found to be fruitful and beneficial for the mother ego and that identity turn non suitable.However, we observe that the subjective feeling of loneliness can be destructive. The stage where the transition from being a woman to becoming a mother can being in pain.The interiority of the woman evolves ans transforms into becoming a mother. This interiority can be undermined by the presence of the real and fantasy child. These last resonate with his own infantile story.This interiority it reveals itself in the form of a subjective feeling of loneliness that is difficult to live, which drive to narcissistic and objectal pathology, creating of crisis situation unexpected.This work has the main purpose of showing the dead ends of these processes, as well as the difficult access to an area of loneliness source of subjectivation and creativity
Bazire, Anaelle. "Toxicomanie et materneité : qualité du processus de maternalité chez la femme toxicomane." Thesis, Normandie, 2017.
Full textMotherhood among women addicted to psychoactive substances is a public health concern. Our research concerns the predictive potential of the psychic reorganizations observed during pregnancy on the quality of motherhood process and of investment of the child. It is thus a psychodynamic clinical and projective study of the evolution of the psychic functioning and the representations bound to the child of drug addict woman and/or woman receiving opiate substitution treatments becoming a mother. In order to do this, we rely on the analysis of semi-directive interviews and projective tests of women opiate users and\or women receiving opiate substitution treatments and of non-addicted women, between the last quarter of pregnancy and on one year old of the child. A second part of this study proposes a state of play of welfare measures for pregnant addicted women and addicted mothers on West-Norman territory. It also proposes a project of specific and multidisciplinary accompaniment of this population which is developed within a CSAPA (Center of addiction care, support and prevention)
Bonnemort, Laurence. "La maternité à l'épreuve du diagnostic anténatal." Université Louis Pasteur (Strasbourg) (1971-2008), 1991.
Full textCarpentier, Nelly. "Une collectivité socio-éducative face à la maternité célibataire : 1980-1990." Paris 10, 1992.
Full textThe preparation is consecutive to the arrival of the first educative staff in a maternal center. Those staffs are facing hard problematics of their public, the opinion of the other professionals, their inadequate specific training. The team makes a research mixing an individual and psychological approach wich on the long terms. The author confirms the sociological theories concerning the different professional cultures, more centered on the people adaptation, more centered on the reproduction of the dask several professional situation n tests go into more details about a long erm observance. The team is profoundly divided in terms of sexes, age, professional habits, the clauses of the public distribution: conditions which do not facilitate the necessary assistance for a public habing relation troubles. One word could sum-up this help: «eye-contacts". Deep dimension of privacy. The author studies it, thanks to several meetings of the team. This preparation will confirm all the observed breakings. The author concludes on a triple parador of the situation: the unmarried mothers look torwards their child family and towards their adult family. The institution gives up choosing between moterly assitance and the assent to adoption. And the sociaworker hesitates about the help he can bring all the more as he already hesitates on bout his own existence
Campos, Denise Teles Freire. "Le versant fétichiste de la demande d'enfant." Aix-Marseille 1, 2002.
Full textMiller, Sonja. "La maternité à l’épreuve du sida : au risque de n’être : étude clinique et psychanalyse." Aix-Marseille 1, 2009.
Full textPereira, Nobrega Neide. "Un enfant a l'adolescence : une question feminine ? une approche a l'etude de l'adolescente bresilienne de milieu defavorise." Toulouse 2, 1990.
Full textThis study was carried out in rio de janeiro (brazil, from 1987 to 1989. Thrirty nine economically disadvantaged teenagers between twelve and eighteen years old were interviewed at a public hospital during their pregnancy with the objectif of knowing wether the period of adolescence gives any particular structure to the motherhood. The teenagers' speech was used to identify the meaning of motherhood for these girls. The main conclusion for this sample was that adolescence has little relevance for the meaning of motherhood in this group
García, Bernal Maria Eugenia. "Maternité à l'adolescence : attachement mère-enfant et transmission intergénérationnelle (Valparaiso, Chili)." Paris 8, 2003.
Full textThe mother-child relationship and the special bond between mother and baby are a topic that has for long interested theorists and has made way for interesting works and posture throughout the years. This research reviews the main contributions made on the mother-baby bond topic in Europe and America. The cases of 25 adolescent mothers in Quilpue (Chile) are investigated. Five of these women are from the Mapuche Native community. Those women are monitored during their pregnancy and for the first months after the birth of their child, in order to determine the kind of bond created between them and the intergenerational transmission influencing this bond. For the first time in Chile, the CAMIR (adult-adult) and the RAF (adult-baby) tests are applied so as to contribute with new information on the subject
Gonzalez, Castro Paola Josephina. "Sinthomes et ravages de maternité : Une approche des troubles psychiques de la puerpéralité." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Paris 8, 2016.
Full textThis investigation aims to provide a Lacanian approach to postpartum mental disorders. As such, our work responds to the dominant ideals of our epoch – that of erasing the unique subjectivity of each speaking being. The establishment of our clinical approach is based around a central wager, that of being able to welcome the subjectivity of everyone, all the while renouncing universal theories, which would be equally valid for all. Beyond the dialectic of cause-effect and conceptualizations of well defined and differentiated postpartum disorders, we seek to elucidate the diverse effects of the event of maternity; to elucidate the diverse ways in which each subject might come together again in the aftermath provoked by this event, from the most innocent symptoms to the most ravaging psychotic breaks. Such an orientation permits us to conceive of these diverse responses the event of maternity in a manner that takes into account the uniqueness of the subject in question
Books on the topic "Maternité – Psychologie"
Price, Jane. La psychologie de la maternité. Montréal, Qué: Éditions du jour, 1990.
Find full text1979-, Malenfant Isabelle, ed. J'ai une amie en congé de maternité. [Montréal]: Flammarion Québec, 2010.
Find full text1950-, Golse Bernard, ed. La consultation thérapeutique périnatale: Un psychologue à la maternité. Ramonville-Sainte-Agne: Érès éd., 2003.
Find full textWalter, Carolyn Ambler. The timing of motherhood. Lexington, Mass: D.C. Heath, 1986.
Find full textCarmel, Marlene. Ces femmes qui n'en veulent pas: Enquête sur la non-maternité. Montréal, Qué: Éditions Saint-Martin, 1988.
Find full textCarmel, Marlène. Ces femmes qui n'en veulent pas: En quête sur la non-maternité au Québec. Montréal: Éditions Saint-Martin, 1990.
Find full textFrançoise, Rey, ed. Destins du désir de la mère: Journées des 20 et 21 novembre 2004, Chambéry. Paris: Association lacanienne internationale, 2006.
Find full textDon't blame mother: Mending the mother-daughter relationship. New York: Harper & Row, 1990.
Find full textBook chapters on the topic "Maternité – Psychologie"
Diop, Ismahan Soukeyna. "Clinical Representation of Femininity and Maternity in the Mother–Daughter Relationship: Analysis of Clinical Cases." In Pan-African Psychologies, 137–51. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2019.
Full textMarshall, Harriette. "Talking about Good Maternity Care in a Multicultural Context: A Discourse Analysis of the Accounts of Midwives and Health Visitors." In The Psychology of Women’s Health and Health Care, 200–224. London: Palgrave Macmillan UK, 1992.
Full textGalley-Raulin, Fabienne. "Chapitre 1. Le psychologue clinicien à la maternité." In Pratiquer la psychologie clinique auprès des enfants et des adolescents, 29–82. Dunod, 2007.
Full textGuidou, Bernard. "Psychologue homme en maternité..." In Féminin, masculin, bébé, 297. ERES, 2011.
Full textMissonnier, Sylvain. "Aphroditos sur la lune ou les tribulations d'un psychologue à la Maternité." In Féminin, masculin, bébé, 259. ERES, 2011.
Full textConference papers on the topic "Maternité – Psychologie"
Udachina, Polina. "Interconnection of self-attitude and eating behavior of women 30-35 years old in the positive period." In Safety psychology and psychological safety: problems of interaction between theorists and practitioners. «Publishing company «World of science», LLC, 2020.
Full textTkachenko, I. V. "The Determinants Of Forming A Valuable Attitude To Maternity Among Female Students." In Psychology of subculture: Phenomenology and contemporary tendencies of development. Cognitive-Crcs, 2019.
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