Academic literature on the topic 'Matériels connectés'
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Journal articles on the topic "Matériels connectés"
Micoulaud-Franchi, J. A., and C. Quiles. "AESP – Pour une nouvelle dynamique de pédagogie psychiatrique." European Psychiatry 30, S2 (November 2015): S76—S77.
Full textSondi, Patrick. "Enseignement des modules Architecture-Systèmes-Réseaux en Licence Informatique à l’ère des objets connectés: plébiscite de l’apprentissage par problème ?" J3eA 21 (2022): 2027.
Full textRoussel, N., O. Potin, J. B. Rigaud, and J. M. Dutertre. "Implémentation matérielle d’un algorithme de cryptographie légère pour objets connectés." J3eA 21 (2022): 1004.
Full textJullian-Desayes, Ingrid, Marie Joyeux-Faure, Sébastien Baillieul, Rita Guzun, Renaud Tamisier, and Jean-Louis Pepin. "Quelles perspectives pour le syndrome d’apnées du sommeil et la santé connectée ?" L'Orthodontie Française 90, no. 3-4 (September 2019): 435–42.
Full textBruguier, F., P. Benoit, L. Dalmasso, B. Pradarelli, E. Lecointre, and L. Torres. "AMUSE : l'escape game pour s'évader en toute sécurité." J3eA 18 (2019): 1017.
Full textWade, Gregg A., Evelyne Alecian, David A. Bohlender, Jean-Claude Bouret, David H. Cohen, Vincent Duez, Marc Gagné, et al. "The MiMeS project: overview and current status." Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union 6, S272 (July 2010): 118–23.
Full textChétima, Melchisedek. "Une maison n'est pas seulement un abri ; une maison est aussi un humain." Anthropologica 58, no. 1 (May 5, 2016): 106–20.
Full textCalafat, Guillaume. "Diasporas marchandes et commerce interculturel: Familles, réseaux et confiance dans l’économie de l’époque modern." Annales. Histoire, Sciences Sociales 66, no. 2 (June 2011): 513–31.
Full textSebastiani, Valentina, and Wendell Ricketts (translator). "Froben Press Editions (1505–1559) in the Holdings of the Centre for Reformation and Renaissance Studies Library: A Brief Survey." Renaissance and Reformation 37, no. 3 (March 5, 2015): 213–34.
Full textHopkins, A. G. "The Historiography of Globalization and the Globalization of Regionalism." Journal of the Economic and Social History of the Orient 53, no. 1-2 (2009): 19–36.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Matériels connectés"
Traore, Mohamed. "Analyse des biais de RNG pour les mécanismes cryptographiques et applications industrielles." Thesis, Université Grenoble Alpes, 2022.
Full textIn this work, we analyze X.509 SSL/TLS certificates (using RSA encryption and from hundreds of millions of connected devices) looking for anomalies and notably extend the work of Hastings, Fried and Heninger (2016). Our study was carried out on three databases from EFF (2010-2011), ANSSI (2011-2017) and Rapid7 (2017-2021). Several vulnerabilities affecting devices from well-known manufacturers were detected: small moduli (strictly less than 1024 bits), redundant moduli (used by several entities), invalid certificates but still in use, moduli vulnerable to the ROCA attack as well as so-called “GCD-vulnerable” moduli (i.e. moduli having common factors). For the Rapid7 database, counting nearly 600 million certificates (and including those for recent devices), we have identified 1,550,382 certificates whose moduli are GCD-vulnerable, that is 0.27% of the total number. This made it possible to factor 14,765 moduli of 2048 bits which, to our knowledge, has never been done.By analyzing certain GCD-vulnerable moduli, we were able to partially reverse-engineer the modulus generator (of 512 bits) used by certain families of firewalls, which allowed the instantaneous factorization of 42 moduli of 512 bits, corresponding certificates from 8,817 IPv4 addresses.After noting that most of the factored moduli had been generated by the OpenSSL library, we analyzed the source codes and the methods in charge of the RSA key generation process of several versions of this library (covering the period 2005 to 2021). Through experiments on platforms based on ARM processors, where we put ourselves in almost the same conditions as the vulnerable devices identified, we managed to trace the causes of the PGCD-vulnerability
Matas, Petr. "Connected component tree construction for embedded systems." Thesis, Paris Est, 2014.
Full textThe aim of this work is to enable construction of embedded digital image processing systems, which are both flexible and powerful. The thesis proposal explores the possibility of using an image representation called connected component tree (CCT) as the basis for implementation of the entire image processing chain. This is possible, because the CCT is both simple and general, as CCT-based implementations of operators spanning from filtering to segmentation and recognition exist. A typical CCT-based image processing chain consists of CCT construction from an input image, a cascade of CCT transformations, which implement the individual operators, and image restitution, which generates the output image from the modified CCT. The most time-demanding step is the CCT construction and this work focuses on it. It introduces the CCT and its possible representations in computer memory, shows some of its applications and analyzes existing CCT construction algorithms. A new parallel CCT construction algorithm producing the parent point tree representation of the CCT is proposed. The algorithm is suitable for an embedded system implementation due to its low memory requirements. The algorithm consists of many building and merging tasks. A building task constructs the CCT of a single image line, which is treated as a one-dimensional signal. Merging tasks fuse the CCTs together. Three different task scheduling strategies are developed and evaluated. Performance of the algorithm is evaluated on multiple parallel computers. A throughput 83 Mpx/s at speedup 13.3 is achieved on a 16-core machine with Opteron 885 CPUs. Next, the new algorithm is further adapted for hardware implementation and implemented as a new parallel hardware architecture. The architecture contains 16 basic blocks, each dedicated to processing of an image partition and consisting of execution units and memory. A special interconnection switch is designed to allow some executions units to access memory in other basic blocks. The algorithm requires this for the final merging of the CCTs constructed by different basic blocks together. The architecture is implemented in VHDL and its functional simulation shows performance 145 Mpx/s at clock frequency 120 MHz
Bru, Laurie. "Les enjeux de la normalisation européenne des objets connectés de santé." Thesis, Toulouse 1, 2019.
Full textConnected objects in health are emerging technologies. They are subject to many innovations and may incorporate blockchains, High Performance Computing, artificial intelligence and nanotechnologies. These objects are multiplying at a rapid rate within the internal market in the European Union and are creating new challenges, particularly with regard to the protection of personal data, public health considerations, cybersecurity and the competitivity of European companies in a globalized world. These objects need a framework. European standardization is a particularly appropriate regulatory tool to answer all these concerns. It overcomes the drawbacks of hard law, in particular because of its flexibility and ability to adapt to the evolution of the state of the art and the digitization of economy. European standardization organizations will therefore have to develop and update standards for the technologies on which connected objects in health are based. European institutions must support this standardization to ensure it is commensurate with the stakes involved
Rogalski, Landrot Boris de. "La fabrique matérielle et symbolique de la ville : le cas de Villeurbanne de 1900 à 1950." Thesis, Lyon, École normale supérieure, 2014.
Full textMy thesis, entitled “The material and symbolic urban fabric : the case of the city of Villeurbanne from 1900 to 1950” aims to analyse the mechanisms of urban fabric in order to highlight the role of political actors and the influence of urban experiences that lie outside of the municipality, thanks to which urban projects have been developed and spread in order to adapt Villeurbanne to an urban model. The late nineteenth century was a period of identity tensions in Villeurbanne in reaction to the project of annexation of the city by his powerful neighbour, Lyon. Municipal Council spread identity discourses in order to distinguish Villeurbanne and Lyon, and to mobilise inhabitants and convince politicians to reject the annexation. Jules Grandclément, socialist mayor from 1908 to 1922, rationalized the municipal management and introduced innovations to reform the city befor 1914. World War I disrupted the municipal level, but stimulated municipal intervention in urban planification. During the preparation of urban plan, municipal councillors represented Villeurbanne, not as a simple suburb, but as a city, and they organized exchanges of urban kowledges with other municipalities and especially with municipal experts of Lyon. Mayor Lazare Goujon (1924-1935) was directly related to the continuity of the initiatives of his predecessor. He innovated by introducing an ambitious urban policy that modified the urban morphology giving to Vileurbanne its urban attributes. The audience of urban transformations was such that Villeurbanne was represented as an example of modern city during the 1930s. Upon arrival at the head of the municipality in 1935, the Communists denounced the expensive urban policy of its predecessor, and they implemented a local policy in the context of the Popular Front. The political color of the municipality during the inter-war period was erased during the World War II in favor of the ideology of the Petain’s government. The real estate market slowed since the 1930s and stopped during World War II, but was reactivated by the State housing policy in 1950s. This State intervention in the field of urban planning expertise created conflicts but mostly generated a gap between the material and symbolic fabric of the city at the local level
Bothereau, Benjamin. "À la lanterne ! Modes d’existence d’un objet banal, entre imaginaire technique et politique. Invention, économie urbaine, publics et circulations du «réverbère», Paris, Barcelone, XVIIIe s." Thesis, Paris Sciences et Lettres (ComUE), 2018.
Full textOur culture has trivialized the streetlamp and deprived it of its meanings. However, the lantern became a visual and semantic revolutionary leitmotiv at the end of the 18th c.As a technical innovation of 18th c streetlighting, the lantern à réverbères optimizes the luminous intensity by using concave metal reflectors (réverbères) to direct the beam of light where needed. If the historiography focused on the Argand’s lamp, this research deals with a far less noble and valued technical element, the reflector. The entwinement of the innovation with narratives and cultural discourses structures its imaginary: artefact biography is therefore a precious tool to approach it, by getting rid of the subject-object distinction in order to question its modes of existence.Firstly, we study the genesis of the lantern and the inscription of its technical imaginary as a rationalized answer to the lighting challenge. To continue with, we analyse the streetlamp in action and its extramaterial properties through its integration to its milieu. Processes of mediation and their transformative power are the next focus, though the study of the technical (transcultural) circulations between France and Spain, and the media of advertising and promotion (technical press, trade cards), all of which shaping the interactions between the invention, the public and the markets. We finish this survey with the political lantern and its paradox, as the artefact, strongly linked to absolute monarchy and police– or military- control, became a revolutionary emblem. By entwining the technical and symbolic functions of the streetlamp, we want to shed light upon the resonances of the political imaginary within the lantern materiality. This study therefore aims at drawing attention to the multi-layered meanings of this so-called “banal” object, and at considering the streetlamp as a significant bearer of cultural identity