Academic literature on the topic 'Matériaux en terre'
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Journal articles on the topic "Matériaux en terre"
Guéret, Samuel, Gwenaël Diélie, Frédérique Bastin, Tiriana Segato, Michel Verbanck, and Pierre D’Ans. "Influence de la substitution d’argile par des déchets sédimentaires dans des briques en terre crue comprimée (BTCC) sur la résistance à l’abrasion." Matériaux & Techniques 107, no. 3 (2019): 302.
Full textFrar, Ikram, Laïla Ben Allal, Mohammed Ammari, and Sanae Lamrani. "Intégration des matériaux en terre cuite dans la valorisation des sédiments marins." MATEC Web of Conferences 11 (2014): 01025.
Full textCammas, Cécilia, and Jean-Claude Roux. "Étude des matériaux de construction en terre crue des sites antiques de Rirha (Maroc)." Archeopages, no. 42 (July 1, 2015): 68–69.
Full textEl Maghri, Sanaa, Samia Yousfi, Hicham Essallaki, and Mouna Latifa Bouamrani. "Étude de l’effet de l’ajout des déchets de marbre sur les propriétés du béton à base de granulats de briques recyclés (GBR)." Matériaux & Techniques 110, no. 5 (2022): 502.
Full textMasson-Labonté, Amélie. "La restauration du village de Périllos par l’association Terre de pierres." Les associations de patrimoine et le tourisme 30, no. 2 (September 7, 2012): 82–93.
Full textSciau, Philippe, and Jesse Groenen. "Procédés de fabrication et propriétés physiques des couvertes de poteries romaines : une approche physico-chimique multi-échelle." Reflets de la physique, no. 63 (October 2019): 38–42.
Full textNauleau, Jean-François. "Les matériaux de construction en terre cuite d’époque romaine dans l’ouest des Pays de la Loire – Premier bilan." Revue archéologique de l'Ouest, no. 30 (December 25, 2013): 223–59.
Full textDeru, Xavier, and Christine Louvion. "Les techniques de construction du second forum de Bavay (Nord) : utilisation, origine et datation des matériaux en terre cuite." Gallia 76, no. 2 (December 31, 2019): 45–81.
Full textRico, Christian. "Production et diffusion des matériaux de construction en terre cuite dans le monde romain: l'exemple de la Tarraconaise d'après l'épigraphie." Mélanges de la Casa de Velázquez 29, no. 1 (1993): 51–86.
Full textRico, Christian. "La diffusion par mer des matériaux de construction en terre cuite : un aspect mal connu du commerce antique en Méditerranée occidentale." Mélanges de l’École française de Rome. Antiquité 107, no. 2 (1995): 767–800.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Matériaux en terre"
Meukam, Pierre. "Valorisation des briques de terre stabilisées en vue de l'isolation thermique de batiments." Cergy-Pontoise, 2004.
Full textIn this work, an experimental study was carried out in order to determine the properties of local materials used as construction materials. The thermal properties of lateritic soil based materials were deterrnined. The effect of addition of natural pozzolan or sawdust in lateritic soil brick on the thermal properties is examined. It was shown that the effect of incorporation of natural pozzolan or sawdust is the decreasing of the thermal conductivity and density. The moisture content of these materials can modify their thermal performance. Thus a study of the influence of the water content on the thermal conductivity L and the thermal diffusivity a is presented. The effect of the increasing of cement content is to increase the thermal conductivity and to decrease the thermal diffusivity. The composite materials used for building shielding present sufficient mechanical strength and are suitable for constructions. The analysis is developed for the prediction of the temperature, relative humidity and water content behaviour within the walls. A numerical model HMtrans, developed for prediction of heat and rnoisture transfer in multi-Iayered building cornponents, is used to simulate the temperature, moisture content and humidity profiles within the building envelopes. The results allow the prediction of the duration of the exposed building walls to the local weather conditions. There is therefore minimum possibility of water condensation in the materials studied. The durability of buiIding envelopes made of lateritic soil bricks with incorporation of natural pozzolan or sawdust is not strongly affected by the climate conditions in tropical and equatorial regions
Dendani, Hédi. "Comportement de matériaux de barrages en terre : étude expérimentale et modélisation." Grenoble INPG, 1988.
Full textNégrier, Matthieu. "Nanostructures à forte anisotropie magnétique élaborées par dépôt d'agrégats mixtes métal de transition - terre rare." Lyon 1, 2000.
Full textEl, Fgaier Faycal. "Conception, production et qualification des briques en terre cuite et en terre crue." Thesis, Ecole centrale de Lille, 2013.
Full textNowadays, the reduction of energy consumption in buildings industry represents a major issue in industrialized countries’ policies. In France, the building sector consumes about 43% of final energy and accounts for nearly a quarter of the national emissions of greenhouse gas emissions [ADEME]. It is considered as a key factor to overcome the environmental challenges we have to face.In front of these significant challenges, the thermal regulations requirements were seriously intensified during the last 40 years until the notification of the thermal regulation 2012. This latter enable the construction of low energy buildings (BBC) whose consumption is equivalent to 50 kWh/m² per year on average. This new regulation provides a strong incentive for innovation of materials, products and envelope systems. Under these conditions, improving hygrothermal performance of building materials will allow a substantial economic and environmental benefits. This work was conducted in this context. It aims to study and improve the performance of the company Briqueteries du Nord (BdN) products. It is divided in two main axis: the first consists on studying the thermal inertia and hygroscopic capacity of unfired clay bricks. However, the second axis aims to develop possible solutions for improving the thermal resistance of fired clay bricks. This research was conducted in the laboratory of the Ecole Centrale de Lille with close collaboration with the University of Artois and the BdN company
Le, Ny Françoise. "La Production des matériaux de construction en terre cuite en Gaule romaine : Synthèse." Rennes 1, 1992.
Full textAbdallah, Rafik. "Comportement au feu des briques de terre comprimée." Thesis, Pau, 2021.
Full textThe present PhD thesis addresses the high temperature behavior of a compacted raw earth material and a cement stabilized earth material, both of which are likely to be used in fire-prone buildings.A complete campaign of laboratory tests was carried out on the two materials. Residual tests, which included mechanical, thermal and permeability tests were performed after slowly heating at a rate of 2 °C.min-1 using an electric furnace to attain temperatures of 80 °C, 120 °C, 200 °C, 350 °C, 450 °C and 600 °C. Then, fire tests were performed, which allowed for the exposure of these materials' bricks to a high heating rate using a mobile gas furnace designed to follow an ISO 834-1 fire curve in order to simulate a real-life fire accident in a building.Besides the effect of the material composition on the high temperature behavior, the effect of the water content on this behavior was also studied after subjecting the samples of the two materials to different relative humidities (RH): dry condition, 50 % RH, 75 % RH and 100 % RH, at an ambient temperature of 23 °C. As a result, the behavior of these materials is better characterized, allowing for a better understanding of real-world applications in a variety of environments.The material's composition and water content influence significantly its behavior at high temperatures. Following the fire tests, the samples were classified into two categories based on their composition and water state: thermally stable and unstable. The observed differences in behaviors have been ascribed to thermomechanical phenomena. They are caused, on the one hand, by the formed thermal gradients induced as a result of the consequent thermal stresses, which decrease as the water content increases, and, on the other hand, by the intrinsic mechanical properties of the materials (which decrease with the water content). These factors were subsequently demonstrated to play a major role in the material's fire behavior and load-bearing capacity at high temperatures, as assessed by mechanical loading of the samples during fire tests
Pelé, Anne-Laure. "Conversion d'énergie dans des matériaux dopés terre-rares pour capteur tout optique de gaz." Caen, 2015.
Full textThis work is devoted to the study of rare earth ions doped low phonon energy chalcogenide glasses for the all optical gas sensor development using an IR signal conversion to a near IR or visible signal. The principle of the sensor is as follow: a diode pumped Dy3+ doped chalcogenide fiber first produces the infrared signal, which is then sent to the gas cell to probe the gas absorption at 4. 4µm. The probe IR signal is then converted to 810 nm by excited state absorption within a diode-pumped Er3+ doped chalcogenide fiber making possible to transport the probe signal through a silica optical fiber over large distances considerably increasing the scope of possible applications. The spectroscopic study of Dy3+ doped GeGaSbS fibers has brought to light the 6H11/26H13/2 transition potential as IR source at 4. 4µm. The corresponding IR source at the absorption wavelength of the CO2 at 4. 4µm is based on the Dy3+ doped GeGaSbS fibers and has been developed in the laboratory of Caen in collaboration with the “Verre et Céramiques” team of the ISCR of Rennes. In order to optimize the luminescent fiber in the IR, a simulation of the generated power has been realized and the impact of various parameters involved in the Dy3+ emission has been studied in detail. Model results have been validated successfully by comparison with experimental measurements. The energy conversion mechanism from 4. 4µm to 810 nm has been successfully implemented in Er3+ doped GeGaSbS chalcogenide fibers because of their simultaneous excitation at 980 nm and 4. 4µm. A fluorescence intensity of the 810 nm signal simulation in function of the experimental set-up parameters and the fiber characteristics has also been developed. This simulation permits to determine the optimal parameters for a fluorescence as effective as possible but also to describe in detail the physical phenomena taking place during the conversion. In fact, in addition to the essential excited state absorption process, energy transfers occur, involving a parasitic upconversion signal at 810 nm in competition with the conversion. The conversion of a signal at 3. 4µm to a signal at 665 nm have also been demonstrated into Er3+ doped sulfide glasses as well as the conversion of a 4. 4µm signal to a 810 nm signal into an Er3+ doped KPb2Cl5 crystal. Finally, the conversion of a distant-range IR signal at 10µm has been explored in a Sm3+ doped KPb2Cl5 crystal
Dandrau, Alain. "La construction en terre dans le monde égéen protohistorique : les matériaux et leurs propriétés." Paris 1, 1997.
Full textThe most part of the protohistoric aegean sites has given a lot of pieces of earth architecture (pieces of bricks or daub, wall or floor-plasters. . . ). These are usually ignored by the archaeologist. This work, placed between archaeology and archaeometry, want to demonstrate that these construction materials can serve as a source of information of the past societies. The archaeological fragments came from Dikili Tash in Macedonian Greece (5th millenium bc), and from Malia in Crete (2000-1100 bc). The materials used give us informations about architectural structures, technics of building and relations between men and the environment. The analysis have proven that the clay was choosen because of special physical characteristics (waterproof properties for roofs and floors, cohesive earth for walls. . . ). For wall-plasters, physico-chemical analysis were indispensable complements for stylistic and iconographic studies. A typology of plasters, based on function and composition, bring up technological and chronological informations
Cruz, Diaz Jorge Ignacio. "Etude des murs de contreventement en maçonnerie d'éléments de terre cuite." Marne-la-Vallée, 2002.
Full textVinceslas, Théo. "Caractérisation d'éco-matériaux terre-chanvre en prenant en compte la variabilité des ressources disponibles localement." Thesis, Lorient, 2019.
Full textThis PhD thesis aims to understand the behaviour and measure the performance of thermal insulating eco-materials consisting in hemp shiv and raw earth, in order to produce a lowenvironmental- impact material. The first issue of this study is the representativeness of the results, with regard to the variability of the constituents. 28 earth, collected across Brittany and Normandy, and three hemp shiv, were characterized. The characterization parameters are studied using several methods that will be compared. From these 28 earths, 6 were chosen to represent the whole and produce samples. Then, the slip, a mixture of earth and water, is studied in order to establish links between the earth constituents and its rheological behaviour. To understand this rheological behaviour allows us to propose on-field tests. Finally, the manufactured samples allow to study the influence of material variability on the mechanical performances in compression and on the hygrothermal storage and transfer (heat/water vapour) performances of the earth-hemp. The thesis project is part of a larger research project entitled ECO-TERRA. The study of the links between material variability and performances of the insulation is intended, through ECO-TERRA, to enable the development of locally available resources
Books on the topic "Matériaux en terre"
Poorter, Alexandra de. Les Sigles sur matériaux de construction romains en terre cuite en Belgique. Leuven: Katholieke universiteit, 1989.
Find full textLameyre, Jean. Roches et minéraux: Matériaux de la terre et témoins de son histoire. Paris: Doin, 1986.
Find full textBouet, Alain. Les matériaux de construction en terre cuite dans les thermes de la Gaule Narbonnaise. Talence: Ausonius, 1999.
Find full textDethier, Jean. Architectures de terre: Atouts et enjeux d'un matériau de construction méconnu : Europe - Tiers Monde - États Unis. Paris: Centre Georges Pompidou, 1986.
Find full textOntario. Le curriculum de l'Ontario de la 1re à la 8e année: Français. Toronto, Ont: Imprimeur de la Reine, 2006.
Find full textOntario. Le curriculum de l'Ontario de la 1re à la 8e année: Éducation physique et santé. Toronto, Ont: Imprimeur de la Reine, 1998.
Find full textOntario. Le curriculum de l'Ontario de la 1re à la 8e année: Français. Toronto, Ont: Imprimeur de la Reine, 1997.
Find full textOntario. Le curriculum de l'Ontario de la 1re à la 8e année: Enseignement religieux pour les écoles catholiques de langue française. Toronto, Ont: Imprimeur de la Reine, 2007.
Find full textOntario. Le curriculum de l'Ontario de la 1re à la 8e année: Mathématiques. Toronto, Ont: Imprimeur de la Reine, 2005.
Find full textOntario. Le curriculum de l'Ontario de la 1re à la 8e année: Enseignement religieux pour les écoles catholiques de langue française. Toronto, Ont: Imprimeur de la Reine, 1999.
Find full textBook chapters on the topic "Matériaux en terre"
Sadozaï, Chamsia, and David Gandreau. "Outils stratégiques et techniques pour la conservation des sites archéologiques en terre." In Chantiers et matériaux de construction, 255–67. MOM Éditions, 2020.
Full textBouet, Alain. "10. Les matériaux de construction en terre cuite de Gaule Narbonnaise : de la consommation locale au commerce interrégional." In Les matériaux de construction en terre cuite dans les thermes de la Gaule Narbonnaise, 179–87. Ausonius Éditions, 1999.
Full textLeveau, Philippe. "Préface." In Les matériaux de construction en terre cuite dans les thermes de la Gaule Narbonnaise, 9. Ausonius Éditions, 1999.
Full textBouet, Alain. "Avant-propos." In Les matériaux de construction en terre cuite dans les thermes de la Gaule Narbonnaise, 11. Ausonius Éditions, 1999.
Full textBouet, Alain. "1. Les tegulae mammatae." In Les matériaux de construction en terre cuite dans les thermes de la Gaule Narbonnaise, 13–39. Ausonius Éditions, 1999.
Full textBouet, Alain. "2. Les Tubuli." In Les matériaux de construction en terre cuite dans les thermes de la Gaule Narbonnaise, 39–67. Ausonius Éditions, 1999.
Full textBouet, Alain. "3. Les bobines." In Les matériaux de construction en terre cuite dans les thermes de la Gaule Narbonnaise, 67–83. Ausonius Éditions, 1999.
Full textBouet, Alain. "4. Les briques claveaux." In Les matériaux de construction en terre cuite dans les thermes de la Gaule Narbonnaise, 84–113. Ausonius Éditions, 1999.
Full textBouet, Alain. "5. Les vases pour voûtes." In Les matériaux de construction en terre cuite dans les thermes de la Gaule Narbonnaise, 114–16. Ausonius Éditions, 1999.
Full textBouet, Alain. "6. Les fusées céramiques." In Les matériaux de construction en terre cuite dans les thermes de la Gaule Narbonnaise, 116–21. Ausonius Éditions, 1999.
Full textConference papers on the topic "Matériaux en terre"
BEN ALLAL, Laïla, Mohammed AMMARI, Amina AZMANI, Sanae LAMRANI, and Ikram FRAR. "Valorisation des sédiments de dragage portuaire du nord du Maroc dans des matériaux de construction en terre cuite." In Conférence Méditerranéenne Côtière et Maritime - Coastal and Maritime Mediterranean Conference. Editions Paralia, 2011.
Full textRibet, I., C. Martin, and A. Rodrigues. "Le comportement à long terme des colis de déchets vitrifiés." In Les matériaux pour le stockage géologique des déchets. Les Ulis, France: EDP Sciences, 2016.
Full textDillmann, P., D. Neff, and D. Crusset. "Apport des analogues archéologiques à la prédiction de l’altération des matériaux sur le très long terme." In Les matériaux pour le stockage géologique des déchets. Les Ulis, France: EDP Sciences, 2016.
Full textPereira, Bianca Leticia Machado, and Luci Aparecida Souza Borges De Faria. "RELATO DE EXPERIÊNCIA: SISTEMA AGROFLORESTAL (SAF) COMO FONTE DE RENDA E SUSTENTABILIDADE EM ASSENTAMENTOS RURAIS." In II Congresso On-line Internacional de Sustentabilidade. Revista Multidisciplinar de Educação e Meio Ambiente, 2021.
Full textBaranes, M., and T. Fortin. "Planification et chirurgie guidée - Avis d’experts : Apports des nouvelles technologies en implantologie : de la planification à la réalisation de la prothèse provisoire immédiate." In 66ème Congrès de la SFCO. Les Ulis, France: EDP Sciences, 2020.
Full textCatros, S. "A quoi servent les Bio-Imprimantes 3D ?" In 66ème Congrès de la SFCO. Les Ulis, France: EDP Sciences, 2020.
Full textSeda, Daniel. "Criando um sistema de mudança de formas." In LINK 2021. Tuwhera Open Access, 2021.
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