Academic literature on the topic 'MARKETING TACTIC'
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Journal articles on the topic "MARKETING TACTIC"
Lapierre, Matthew A., and Eunjoo Choi. "Parental awareness of new online advertising techniques targeting children: an exploratory study of American parents." Young Consumers 22, no. 2 (May 20, 2021): 290–305.
Full textSokolova, Natalia. "Translation of IT Marketing Texts: Linguistic and Pragmatic Factors." Vestnik Volgogradskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Serija 2. Jazykoznanije, no. 1 (March 2020): 167–77.
Full textDörnyei, Krisztina Rita. "Limited edition packaging: objectives, implementations and related marketing mix decisions of a scarcity product tactic." Journal of Consumer Marketing 37, no. 6 (June 26, 2020): 617–27.
Full textNirmalasari, Leli, Alwiyah Alwiyah, Po Abas Sunarya, and Aropria Saulina Panjaitan. "A Digital Marketing Strategy Based on Applications to Rise Customer Satisfaction." International Journal of Cyber and IT Service Management 2, no. 2 (September 20, 2022): 139–45.
Full textKaitharath, Thankachan Jose. "Greenwashing - A marketing tactic or genuine commitment?" Journal of Management Research and Analysis 10, no. 1 (April 15, 2023): 1–2.
Full textRatcliffe, Jason. "Tactic matters: focus your marketing on client needs." Journal of Aesthetic Nursing 8, no. 7 (September 2, 2019): 352–53.
Full textKhenresta, Tsanaa, Yonaz Salasa, and Rani Chandra Oktaviani. "Implementasi Digital Marketing PT. Taman Wisata Candi Selama Pandemik Covid-19." Emerging Markets : Business and Management Studies Journal 9, no. 1 (October 15, 2021): 65–72.
Full textWillis, Erin, and Marjorie Delbaere. "Patient Influencers: The Next Frontier in Direct-to-Consumer Pharmaceutical Marketing." Journal of Medical Internet Research 24, no. 3 (March 1, 2022): e29422.
Full textCox, M., and M. Cook. "Luminescent ecstasy tablets. Authentication tool or cunning marketing tactic?" Forensic Science International 249 (April 2015): e1-e6.
Full textYagnik, Arpan, Sujo Thomas, and Susmita Suggala. "CREATIVITY CENTRED BRAND MANAGEMENT MODEL FOR THE POSTCOVID MARKETING 5.0 WORLD." Journal of Content Community and Communication 12 (December 31, 2020): 227–36.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "MARKETING TACTIC"
Krieg, Roland. "Protagonist placement and pseudo protagonist placement : merging elements of sponsorship, product placement and endorsement in one powerful marketing communication tactic." Thesis, University of Warwick, 2012.
Full textGoliath, David Quinton Daniel. "The marketing strategies and tactics of management consulting firms." Thesis, Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University, 2000.
Full textENGLISH ABSTRACT: Management consulting refers to the area of intervention, which is assistance to entrepreneurs, managers and other decision-makers in business management and the public sector. The study will cover the area of management consulting and the primary focus of this study is companies presently doing business as Management Consulting firms with a global presence. The study excludes software vendors and management consulting firms that specialise only in implementing computer software systems like Oracle, SAP, etcetera. There are a great number of firms offering management consulting among other services like auditing for example. Prominent among these are the major accounting firms namely Ernst and Young, Deloitte Consulting, PriceWaterhouseCoopers, and Arthur Andersen. They form part of this study. Marketing has become a more critical need than ever and it has become an important and influential factor in building and maintaining a profitable enterprise. The marketing of a product and or service is very important and the question can be posed whether management consulting firms have clear marketing strategies and tactics, or whether they stumbled onto their success in attracting clients per chance. The purpose of this study is to identify existing marketing strategies and tactics being used by management consulting firms. The objective is to determine the nature of the compilation of a structured framework for an effective standardised marketing strategy plan. The problem statement is the following: "How can marketing strategies and tactics for management consulting firms be used as an effective marketing tool to attract business for the consulting firm?" The greatest problem concerning this study is the fact that minimal research and literature has been directly compiled on thé topic. It was therefore a study on opinions, viewpoints, books in general on the topic of marketing as well as the daily media was researched to determine and evaluate possible existing marketing strategies and tactics. Since the field of marketing strategies and tactics for management consulting services and firms is relatively new, the exploratory research approach was used. Chapter 1 deals with the purpose, objective, problem statement and research methodology. Chapter 2 involves a literature study to define the term and scope of management consulting, and an overview of the management consulting process is given. Chapters 3 identifies and evaluates the existing marketing strategies and tactics of management consulting firms. Chapter 4 explores differentiation based on service and skills as well as industry specialisation. The question that needs to be answered is whether management consulting firms should be specialists or generalists. Chapter 5 addresses pricing. The different approaches to costing and fee setting are discussed. The study is completed in chapter 6 with conclusions and recommendations.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Bestuurs konsultasie verwys na die area van intervensie waar hulp aan entrepreneurs, bestuurders en ander besluitnemers in die private en publieke sektor verleen word. Hiedie studie dek die area van bestuurs konsultasie en die primêre fokus van die studie is firmas wat tans konsultasie firmas bedryf met 'n internasionale teenwoordigheid. Hierdie navorsings verslag fokus op die bemarkings taktiek en strategieë van bestuurs konsultasie firmas. Die studie sluit sagteware firmas en bestuurs konsultasie firmas uit wat uitsluitlik spesialiseer in die implementering en instandhouding van rekenaar sagteware. Voorbeelde van sulke firmas is Oracle en SAP. Daar is 'n groot aantal firmas wat bestuurs konsultasie saam met ander dienste soos byvoorbeeld ouditering aanbied. Prominent onder hierdie groep is Ernst and Young, Deloitte Consulting, PriceWaterhouseCoopers, and Arthur Andersen. Hulle vorm deel van hierdie studie. Bemarking van die diens word al hoe meer belangriker as ooit en dit is 'n kritiese faktor om 'n winsgewende firma te bedryf. Die bemarking van 'n produk of diens is baie belangrik en die vraag kan gevra word of bestuurs konsultasie firmas uitgewerkte bemarking strategieë en taktiek het om kliënte te werf, en of hulle per toeval daarin slaag om besigheid te kry. Die doel van hierdie studie is om bestaande bemarkingstrategieë en-taktiek wat deur bestuurskonsultasie firmas gebruik word, te evalueer. Die doelwit is om die aard van die gestruktureerde raamwerk vir 'n effektiewe gestandardiseerde bemarkingsplan te bepaal. Die probleem stelling is as volg: "Hoe kan bemarkings taktiek en strategieë vir bestuurskonsultasie firmas gebruik word as 'n effektiewe bemarkingsmiddel ten einde besigheid vir die konsultasie firma te lok?" 'n Groot probleem is dat minimale navorsing en literatuur aangaande die onderwerp opgestel is. Dit gaan dus 'n studie wees van opinies, standpunte, asook boeke in die algemeen oor die onderwerp bemarking. Die daaglikse media gaan ook nagevors word om die moontlikheid van bemarkingstartegiëe en taktiek te bepaal. Aangesien die veld van bemarkingtaktiek en -strategiëe vir bestuurskonsultasie firmas redelik nuut is, gaan die eksploratiewe navorsings metode gebruik word. Hoofstuk 1 behandel die doel, doelwit, probleemstelling en navorsingsmetodologie. Hoofstuk 2 dek 'n literatuurstudie aangaande die aard en omvang van bestuurs konsultasie, asook 'n oorsig van die bestuurs konsultasie proses. Hoofstuk 3 identifiseer en evalueer die bestaande bemarkingstrategiëe en taktiek van bestuurs konsultasie firmas. Hoofstuk 4 ondersoek differensiasie gebaseer op diens en bevoegdhede sowel as industrie spesialisasie. Die vraag wat beantwoord moet word is of bestuurs konsultasie firmas slegs in een veld moet spesialiseer en of hulle 'n meerdoellige fokus moet hê. Hoofstuk 5 spreek prys aan. Die verskillende benaderings tot prys en koste word bespreek. Die studie word afgesluit in hoofstuk 6 met 'n samevatting en aanbevelings.
Huang, Weiyang, Hongyu Zhu, and Yuxin Pan. "How relationship marketing tactics affect customer satisfaction : Evidence of supermarket industry." Thesis, Linnéuniversitetet, Institutionen för marknadsföring (MF), 2017.
Full textVrontis, Demetris. "Integrating adaptation and standardisation in international marketing : the AdaptStand Modelling Process." Thesis, Manchester Metropolitan University, 2000.
Full textScheetz, Dan M. "Wholesale value uncovered: implementing effective marketing strategy and tactics to enhance customer perception." Thesis, Kansas State University, 2015.
Full textDepartment of Agricultural Economics
Allen Featherstone
The Company is comprised of retail and w holesale agri-input outlets, toll/contract manufacturing and various departments that aid in three tiers of the supply chain. The Company Department 2’s principal goal is to earn a profit and that is achieved by helping their retail customers succeed across Division M. Therefore, a comprehensible strategy for selecting, positioning and promoting wholesale products and services is fundamental in uncovering actual value. The Company has grown to be one of the nation’s foremost agricultural distributors across the United States. Various geographies across the United States, excluding the region, have moved to a three-tier supply chain by merging retail and wholesale outlets. Currently, value demanded from end-users and retail outlets has been supplied from the wholesale level that has sustained the four-tier supply chain a cross the region of the United States. Even though the Company is vertically integrated, their knowled ge and core offerings originate from the retail segment of the supply chain. Retail firms that provide differentiated products and services with the most value to the end-user are those that fit the Company Department 2’s market. In addition, targeted retail fir ms emphasize a full-service business model by supplying produ cts and services across multip le categories. Company Department 2 provides value internally and externally. The three core areas from Company Department 2 are proprietary products, precision products and services, and other retail services valu able to retail customers. Positioning of these core areas differs based on the depth of the current relationship. A flanking strategy is proposed for prospective customers by bundling prestige goods and distribution innovations specifically in the focused proprietary line of products. A guerilla strategy is proposed for existing customers by highlighting product proliferation and improved services across all three of the core areas. Both strategies emphasize advertising and promotion, but more intensive campaigns are proposed with prospective customers. These positioning strategies and tactics are accomplished through accurate implementation at the field level. By risking a claim for what Company Department 2 stands for, communicating how value is created for a customer and communicating the reliability of these offerings, Company Department 2 will develop a unique identity in the marketplace.
Liška, Martin. "Marketingový plán – informační systém pro veterináře." Master's thesis, Vysoká škola ekonomická v Praze, 2017.
Full textTsang, Hing Yiu. "The structure and pressure tactics of internet charity organizations' advertisements." HKBU Institutional Repository, 2007.
Full textFeng, Yuanyuan Jr, and Xuan Jr Zhang. "The Impact of Customer Relationship Marketing Tactics On Customer Loyalty Within Swedish Mobile Telecommunication Industry." Thesis, Halmstad University, School of Business and Engineering (SET), 2009.
Full textDue to the more and more fierce competition in today’s business, many companies are required to build long-term profitable relationship with customers and to achieve customer loyalty. Therefore, relationship marketing has become more and more important since last decade of 20th century, especially in service industry. There are many different relationship marketing tactics implemented for retaining customer. However, some of those tactics did not affect customer loyalty effectively, and switching behaviors frequently occur among most of targeted customers. Therefore, this study is aimed to investigate the impact of relationship marketing tactics on customer satisfaction and trust, which in turn increase customer loyalty, by focusing on Swedish mobile telecommunication sector. A analytical model is developed as a guildline to test the relationships between relationship marketing tactics, relationship quality (trust and satisfaction) and customer loyalty.
a quantitative method with deductive approach are chosen in this research. In order to collect primary data, a self-completed questionnaire is designed and randomly sent out by email to the students in Halmstad University. The SPSS for windows is used to process the primary data. The findings shows that Service Quality, Price Perception, and Value Offers have impact on customer loyalty indirectly via the customer satisfaction and trust. Brand image is positively and directly related to customer loyalty. However, switching costs is found to be less correlation with customer loyalty, as well as satisfaction and trust in Sweden telecommunication industry.
Parham, Antonio M. (Antonio Miguel). "Prodigy Business Services--an "instructional case" study of marketing tactics for a computerized electronic information service." Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1990.
Full textBooks on the topic "MARKETING TACTIC"
Winkler, John. Winning sales and marketing tactics. London: Heinemann Professional, 1989.
Find full textProfessional services marketing: Strategy and tactics. New York: Haworth Press, 1993.
Find full textCrane, Frederick G. Professional services marketing: Strategy and tactics. New York: Haworth Press, 1993.
Find full textAssociation, Medical Group Management, ed. A+ marketing: Proven tactics for success. [Englewood, Col.]: MGMA, Medical Group Management Association, 2008.
Find full textHutton, Jim. Marketing communications: Integrated theory, strategy & tactics. Hackensack, N.J: Pentagram Pub., 2002.
Find full textCrane, Frederick G. Professional services marketing: Strategy and tactics. New York: Haworth Press, 1992.
Find full textVignali, Claudio. Stratics: Strategy and tactics in marketing. [Manchester]: [Manchester Metropolitan University], 2000.
Find full textBook chapters on the topic "MARKETING TACTIC"
Danias, Konstantinos, Angelika Kyrimi, and George Marmarokopos. "An Innovative Promotional Tactic to Enhance TV Viewership Using Social Media." In Strategic Innovative Marketing, 109–14. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2016.
Full textBerl, Robert L. "Introduction to Market Strategy and Tactic Development." In Cases and Select Readings in Health Care Marketing, 393–402. New York: Routledge, 2022.
Full textGermelmann, Claas Christian, Jean-Luc Herrmann, Mathieu Kacha, Peter R. Darke, and Jessica Weigel. "A Dual Process Perspective on Congruent and Incongruent Placements as an Advertising Tactic: An Abstract." In Developments in Marketing Science: Proceedings of the Academy of Marketing Science, 245. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2018.
Full textChen, Xi, Zuohao Hu, and Ping Zhao. "Strategic Proactive or Tactic Reactive? ---A Typology Portrait of Chinese Exporters by Export Motives." In Proceedings of the 2009 Academy of Marketing Science (AMS) Annual Conference, 212. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2014.
Full textManis, Kerry T. "Virtual Reality (VR) Content Is the New Reality for Destination Marketing Organizations: Investigating the Role of VR as a Destination Branding Tactic: An Abstract." In Marketing Opportunities and Challenges in a Changing Global Marketplace, 83–84. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2020.
Full textBevan, Owen A. "Marketing Tactics." In Marketing and Property People, 156–213. London: Macmillan Education UK, 1991.
Full textEagle, Lynne, Barbara Czarnecka, Stephan Dahl, and Jenny Lloyd. "Creativity and creativity tactics." In Marketing Communications, 98–122. Second edition. | Abingdon, Oxon; New York, NY: Routledge, 2021.: Routledge, 2020.
Full textZimmerman, Alan, and Jim Blythe. "Market entry tactics." In Business to Business Marketing Management, 153–81. 4th ed. London: Routledge, 2021.
Full textZimmerman, Alan, and Jim Blythe. "Market entry tactics." In Business to Business Marketing Management, 129–52. Abingdon, Oxon ; New York, NY : Routledge, 2017.: Routledge, 2017.
Full textLister, Christina. "Tactics and action plan." In Marketing Strategy for Museums, 98–105. London: Routledge, 2023.
Full textConference papers on the topic "MARKETING TACTIC"
Lee, Wen-Hsuan. "THE EFFECTS OF CONDITIONAL SALES PROMOTION TACTIC ON CUSTOMERS’CONSUMPTION INTENTION AND SATISFACTION: FROM THE PERSPECTIVE OF ATTITUDE THEORY." In Bridging Asia and the World: Globalization of Marketing & Management Theory and Practice. Korean academy of marketing science, 2014.
Full textShavernev, A. O. "Evaluation of marketing effectiveness as a basis for the development of a marketing program of a manufacturing enterprise." In All-Russian Scientific Conference on Achievements of Science and Technology. Krasnoyarsk Science and Technology City Hall, 2021.
Full textXiaohui Chen, Shukai Liang, Xiaowei Zhang, and Juan Pei. "Behavior change tactics of the social marketing." In Proceedings of ICSSSM '05. 2005 International Conference on Services Systems and Services Management, 2005. IEEE, 2005.
Full textYang, Ruiying, and Guohua Yuan. "Marketing Tactics for WAP-Based E-Commerce." In 2011 International Conference on Management and Service Science (MASS 2011). IEEE, 2011.
Full text"K-Pop Marketing Tactics That Build Fanatical Behavior." In 1st ICEMAC 2020: International Conference on Economics, Management, and Accounting. Galaxy Science, 2021.
Full textMikailova, Rana. "Methods of Segmentation and Positioning in the Product Market with Access to a New Foreign Market." In International Conference on Eurasian Economies. Eurasian Economists Association, 2020.
Full textChen, Chien-Wei, and Nai-Hwa Lien. "LAUNCH TACTICS AND PRODUCT CANNIBALIZATION IN HIGH TECHNOLOGY MARKETS." In Bridging Asia and the World: Globalization of Marketing & Management Theory and Practice. Korean academy of marketing science, 2014.
Full textXu, Hui, Wei Li, and Yiqian Wan. "Notice of Retraction: Perceived international risk and adaptive marketing tactics — On the contingent perspective of global marketing theory." In Business Management and Electronic Information. 2011 International Conference on Business Management and Electronic Information (BMEI 2011). IEEE, 2011.
Full textDavidavičius, Sigitas, and Tadas Limba. "SEARCH PECULIARITIES OF EDUCATIONAL CONTENT IN CONTEXT OF REMOTE WORK." In 12th International Scientific Conference „Business and Management 2022“. Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, 2022.
Full textLi, Zhihong. "Tactics for the Precision Marketing on the Background of the Big Data." In 2021 IEEE 12th International Conference on Mechanical and Intelligent Manufacturing Technologies (ICMIMT). IEEE, 2021.
Full textReports on the topic "MARKETING TACTIC"
Trapani, Paola. Collaborative Housing as a Response to the Housing Crisis in Auckland. Unitec ePress, July 2018.
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