Journal articles on the topic 'Marillier'
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Le Maléfan, Pascal. "Léon Marillier, figure de la psychologie naissante (1862-1901)." Bulletin de psychologie Numéro 476, no. 2 (2005): 267.
Full textGladu, Kim. "De Raymond à Marillier : illustrer les contes de M me d’Aulnoy." Littératures classiques N° 109, no. 3 (June 13, 2023): 71–89.
Full textMatuszko, Kinga. "W poszukiwaniu Pięknego Ludu – palingeneza niektórych motywów folkloru celtyckiego w wybranych powieściach young adult fantasy." Dzieciństwo. Literatura i Kultura 5, no. 2 (February 14, 2024): 89–113.
Full textLe Maléfan, Pascal, and Andreas Sommer. "Léon Marillier and the veridical hallucination in late-nineteenth- and early-twentieth-century French psychology and psychopathology." History of Psychiatry 26, no. 4 (November 16, 2015): 418–32.
Full textZygel-Basso, Aurélie. "Décors et merveilles: Les Cadres éloquents dans les collections illustrées (Clément-Pierre Marillier,Le Cabinet des féesetLes Voyages imaginaires, 1785–89)." Eighteenth-Century Fiction 23, no. 4 (July 2011): 745–98.
Full textBorshch, Elena V. "Depicting Scent: Incense Burners in the French Engravings of the 18th Century." Izvestia of the Ural federal university. Series 2. Humanities and Arts 26, no. 1 (2024): 249–67.
Full textDefrance, Anne. "Aurélie Zygel-Basso (dir.), Kim Gladu et Daphne M. Hoogenboezem, avec la collaboration d’Amélia Belin, Imager la Romancie, Dessins de Clément-Pierre Marillier pour Le Cabinet des fées et Les Voyages i." Féeries, no. 11 (December 19, 2014): 274–82.
Full textSanders, Theodore J., Christopher S. Nabel, Margreet Brouwer, Annelise L. Hermant, Lucas Chaible, Jean-Philippe Deglasse, Angelique Pabois, et al. "Abstract 734: Inhibition of equilibrative nucleoside transporter 1 relieves intracellular adenosine-mediated immune suppression." Cancer Research 84, no. 6_Supplement (March 22, 2024): 734.
Full textDitlevsen, Marianne. "Paul Valentin (Hrsg.): Rechts von N. Untersuchungen zur Nominalgruppe im Deutschen. Tübingen: Narr Verlag, 1992 og Marcel Vuillaume, Jean-François Marillier, Irmtraud Behr (Hrsg.): Studien zur Syntax und Semantik der Nominalgruppe. Tübingen: Narr Verlag, 1993." HERMES - Journal of Language and Communication in Business 8, no. 15 (February 8, 2017): 281.
Full textGrass, Silvana. "Von Marillen bis Biertrebern." agrarzeitung 79, no. 50 (2024): 3.
Full textMcCann, Patrick J., Wendy Mao, Matthew Chaimowitz, Erika Houthys, Reece Marillier, Shruti Bansal, Julia An, et al. "Abstract B032: Combined A2AR and PARP inhibition in homologous recombination deficient (HRD) castrate-resistant prostate cancer (CRPC)." Cancer Research 83, no. 11_Supplement (June 2, 2023): B032.
Full textMa, Shoubao, Huanle Gong, Shuangzhu Liu, Jingjing Han, Zhinan Yin, Haiyan Liu, and Depei Wu. "The IL-27/Wsx-1 Axis Modulates T Cell Responses and Regulates Acute Graft-Versus-Host Disease after Allogeneic Bone Marrow Transplantation." Blood 128, no. 22 (December 2, 2016): 2146.
Full textAdji, Alberta Natasia. "Being a Sensible Woman: Hypertextuality in Grimm’s Fairy Tale and Juliet Marillier’s Wildwood Dancing." Jurnal POETIKA 5, no. 2 (December 31, 2017): 109.
Full textAdji, Alberta Natasia. "Being a Sensible Woman: Hypertextuality in Grimm’s Fairy Tale and Juliet Marillier’s Wildwood Dancing." Poetika 5, no. 2 (December 31, 2017): 109.
Full textAmanda, Ariesta, Muhammad Husnul Maab, and Ermi Fathurohmah. "IMPLEMENTASI KEBIJAKAN PEMBELAJARAN DARING DI SMK MA’ARIF NU 1 RAWALO KABUPATEN BANYUMAS." Musamus Journal of Public Administration 5, no. 2 (May 1, 2023): 378–84.
Full textTrigilio, C., S. Catalano, E. Marilli, V. Reglero, and G. Umana. "The Age Evolution of Ca II Emission in Late Type Stars." International Astronomical Union Colloquium 130 (1991): 480–82.
Full textBoeckmann, Klaus-Börge. "Majority language instruction as a basis for plurilingual education – Mehrheitssprachenunterricht als Basis plurilingualer Erziehung (MARILLE)." Language Teaching 44, no. 3 (May 10, 2011): 404–6.
Full textDahal, Keshav, Sarathi M. Weraduwage, Khalil Kane, Shezad A. Rauf, Evangelos D. Leonardos, Winona Gadapati, Leonid Savitch, et al. "Enhancing biomass production and yield by maintaining enhanced capacity for CO2 uptake in response to elevated CO2." Canadian Journal of Plant Science 94, no. 6 (August 2014): 1075–83.
Full textJanice, Ellora Katharina, and Maria Vincentia Eka Mulatsih. "Pengaruh Konsep Feminisme Liberal Eudoria Terhadap Enola dalam Film Enola Holmes." Wacana : Jurnal Bahasa, Seni, dan Pengajaran 8, no. 1 (March 19, 2024): 79–87.
Full textHENSHER, JONATHAN. "Engraving Difference: The Representation of the Oriental Other in Marillier's Illustrations to theMille et Une Nuitsand OtherContes orientauxinLe Cabinet des fées(1785-1789)." Journal for Eighteenth-Century Studies 31, no. 3 (September 2008): 377–91.
Full textSavitskaya, E. A. "Melancholy and Nostalgia in British Progressive Rock." Art & Culture Studies, no. 4 (December 2022): 396–427.
Full textDuBois, Ellen Carol. "Woman Suffrage and the New Democracy. Sara Hunter GrahamWoman Suffrage and the Origins of Liberal Feminism in the United States, 1820-1920. Suzanne M. Marilley." Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society 25, no. 2 (January 2000): 624–28.
Full textHarrison, Cynthia. "Woman Suffrage and the Origins of Liberal Feminism in the United States, 1820-1920. By Suzanne M. Marilley (Cambridge, Harvard University Press, 1997) 281 pp. $39.95." Journal of Interdisciplinary History 29, no. 1 (July 1998): 135–37.
Full textHorshkova, A. "Cognitive and narrative approach to the analysis of the mythopoetical space of the modern Australian prose texts (on the material of Juliet Marillier’s novel “Daughter of the Forest”)." Science and Education a New Dimension VIII(226), no. 68 (April 25, 2020): 15–18.
Full textGreene, Kate. "Suzanne M. Marilley, Woman Suffrage and the Origins of Liberal Feminism in the United States, 1820–1920, Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1996. Pp. 283. $39.95 (ISBN 0–674–95465–3)." Law and History Review 18, no. 3 (2000): 696–97.
Full textMezey, Susan Gluck. "The Evolution of American Feminism - Suzanne M. Marilley: Woman Suffrage and the Origins of Liberal Feminism in the United States, 1820–1920. (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1996. Pp. xi, 281. $39.95.)." Review of Politics 59, no. 4 (1997): 947–49.
Full textNeumann, Thomas. "Current Legal Issues in Crowdfunding." Nordic Journal of Commercial Law, no. 2 (November 15, 2022): 6.
Full textPazos, Antón M. "Francis PYTHON, Mgr. Étienne Marilley et son clergé à Fribourg au temps du Sonderbund 1846-1856. Intervention politique et défense religieuse, Éditions Universitaires Fribourg Suisse («Etudes et recherches d'histoire contemporaine», 10), Fribourg 1987, XXII + 616 pp., 23 x 15,5." Scripta Theologica 20, no. 2-3 (February 28, 2018): 853–55.
Full textMansbridge, Jane. "Why Movements Succeed or Fail: Opportunity, Culture, and the Struggle for Women's Suffrage. By Lee Ann Banaszak. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1996. 291p. $49.50 cloth, $19.95 paper. - Woman Suffrage and the New Democracy. By Sara Hunter Graham. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 1996. 256p. $27.50. - Woman Suffrage and the Origins of Liberal Feminism in the United States. By Suzanne M. Marilley Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1996. 304p. $39.95." American Political Science Review 93, no. 3 (September 1999): 694–96.
Full text"Marillier Bequest." Bodleian Library Record 17, no. 5 (April 2002): 287–88.
Full textBalagué Anglada, Laura. "Micromecenazgo para dos nuevos proyectos: ‘Intifada Palestina 1988’ y ‘Contra la neutralitat’." COMeIN, no. 147 (October 25, 2024).
Full textSelber, Katherine, and William Selber. "Revisiting the ERA Movement in Texas: An Historical Analysis of Leadership among Texas Women." Advancing Women in Leadership Journal 16 (June 12, 2017).
Full textNiedermüller, Peter. "Opernhafte Momente in Konzeptalben von The Who und Marillion. Ein Beitrag zur semiotischen Analyse von Popmusik." GMTH Proceedings, 2022, 49–50.
Full textPastorello, Thierry. "Marilli de Saint-Yves, Ces Messieurs du Sens Interdit (1933), suivi de Jacques de Gailleul, L’Amour défendu (1934)." Cahiers d’histoire. Revue d’histoire critique 161 (2024).
Full textBoucharlat, Rémy. "Paolo de Vingo (ed.). Le Archeologie di Marilli. Miscellanea di studi in ricordo di Maria Maddalena Negro Ponzi Mancini." Abstracta Iranica, Volume 40-41 (July 15, 2019).
Full text"Suzanne M. Marilley. Woman Suffrage and the Origins of Liberal Feminism in the United States, 1820–1920. Cambridge: Harvard University Press. 1996. Pp. xi, 281. $39.95." American Historical Review, April 1998.
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