Dissertations / Theses on the topic 'Marges actives et subduction'
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Pelletier, Bernard. "De la fosse de Manille à la chaîne de Tai͏̈wan : Etude géologique aux confins d'une subduction et d'une collision actives : Modèle géodynamique." Brest, 1985. http://www.theses.fr/1985BRES0012.
Full textDellong, David. "Failles actives et structures profondes de la Marge Est-Sicilienne." Thesis, Brest, 2018. http://www.theses.fr/2018BRES0065/document.
Full textIn the Ionian Sea (central Mediterranean) the slow convergence between Africa and Eurasia results in the formation of a narrow subduction zone. The nature of the crust of the subducting plate remains debated and could represent the last remnants of the Neo-Tethys ocean. The origin of the Ionian basin is also under discussion, especially concerning the rifting mechanisms as the Malta Escarpment could represent a remnant of this opening. This subduction retreats toward the south-east (motion occurring since the last 35 Ma) but is confined to the narrow Ionian basin. A major lateral slab tear fault is required to accommodate the slab rollback.This fault is thought to propagate along the eastern Sicily margin but its precise location remains controversial.This PhD project focussed on the deep sedimentary and crustal structures of the eastern Sicily margin and the Malta Escarpment (ME). Two two-dimensional P wave velocity models were modelled by forward Modelling of wide-angle seismic data, acquired onboard the R/V Meteor during the DIONYSUS cruise in 2014.A 3D gravity model of the region was also performed to constrain the depth of the subducting slab bellow the Calabro-Peloritan backstops. The seismicity of the three structures identified in the velocity models (ME, Alfeo fault System, Ionian Fault System) permits to study their recent activity. The results image an oceanic crust within the Ionian basin as well as the deep structure of the Malta Escarpment, which presents characteristics of a transform margin. A deep and asymmetrical sedimentary basin is imaged south of the Messina strait and seems to have opened between the Calabrian and Peloritan continental terranes. In the western lobe of the Calabrian accretionary prism, the southern velocity model allows to observe the indentation of the internal clastic wedge into the external evaporitic wedge, thus showing the recent activity of this lobe. The interpretation of the velocity models suggests that the major STEP fault is located east of the Malta Escarpment, along the Alfeo Fault System
Dominguez, Stéphane. "Déformations des marges actives liées à la subduction de reliefs océaniques. Analyse tectonique de données de géophysique marine et de modèles analogiques." Montpellier 2, 1998. http://www.theses.fr/1998MON20259.
Full textMartillo, Bustamante Carlos. "Enregistrements stratigraphiques des cycles glacio-eustatiques et de la déformation durant le Pléistocène le long de la marge centrale d’Équateur : exploitation des données de la campagne ATACAMES." Thesis, Nice, 2016. http://www.theses.fr/2016NICE4020/document.
Full textThe aim of this study is to constrain recent deformation and stratigraphic evolution of an active margin, using sismo-stratigraphic analysis of Pleistocene sediment preserved on the margin shelf and upper slope along of the Central Ecuadorian margin. From the extensive geophysical and sedimentological investigations carried out during the ATACAMES expedition (2012), we are identified serveral basins in the Ecuadorian margin. A detailed analysis of the thickness, the lateral distribution and stacking patterns in these basins show a complex distribution of sediments in time and space. The seismic-sequence stratigraphy analysis related to eustatic cycles of the Pleistocene shows a regional regional unconformity at the base (1782-Ka as minimum age), which can correspond to the signature of the beginning of the Carnegie ridge collision
Claussmann, Barbara. "Dépôts de transport en masse le long de rides chevauchantes : nouvelles contraintes sur l'évolution tectonostratigraphique des bassins associés à la subduction (Marge Hikurangi, Nouvelle-Zélande)." Thesis, Amiens, 2021. http://www.theses.fr/2021AMIE0034.
Full textAlong active margins, the prevalence of thrust ridges and tectonic processes (e.g., uplift, slope oversteepening) is generally called out as one of the main recurrent reasons for generating slope failures and mass wasting on subduction complexes. The resulting mass-transport deposits (MTDs) are often seen to vary strongly along a single margin and therefore, this research work proposes to investigate their nature, origin and significance in the frame of the tectonostratigraphic evolution of subduction-related sedimentary basins (e.g., trench-slope basins [TSBs]). Here, we present high-resolution outcrop-scale insights on both the characteristics and mechanisms of emplacement of the failed sediments by examining thrust-related MTDs from the Miocene cropping out in the emerged southern portion of the Hikurangi subduction margin (eastern North Island of New Zealand). Regional offshore seismic reflection data are also used to offer a broader overview and understanding of these systems through the study of the larger scale geometries and architectures. Results show the role and importance of the thrust ridges in controlling the TSB infilling. Different styles of MTDs are generated from different structural positions (forelimb and backlimb) and at specific times of thrust-ridge and TSB development. This suggests that MTDs are powerful tectonostratigraphic markers. Here, they help to unravel the evolution of two TSBs and more largely of the Hikurangi Margin at key periods. This study provides new insights on the close interplays between deformation and sedimentation, understandings of which may be key for geohazard, exploration and geodynamic predictions along active margins
Pouderoux, Hugo. "Sédimentation gravitaire et paléosismicité d'une marge active : Exemple de la marge en subduction Hikurangi en Nouvelle-Zélande." Phd thesis, Université Rennes 1, 2011. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00755471.
Full textPouderoux, Hugo. "Sédimentation gravitaire et paléosismicité d’une marge active : exemple de la marge en subduction Hikurangi en Nouvelle-Zélande." Rennes 1, 2011. https://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00755471.
Full textEarthquakes are known to trigger gravity flows and turbidites along continental margins. These deposits provide meaningful tools to establish long-term paleo-earthquake records. The detailed analysis of a series of sediment cores, collected strategically in three distinct sedimentary basins along the Hikurangi subduction margin of New Zealand, allows the characterisation of gravity flow sedimentation since 18,000 years, as well as the identification of the controlling parameters and the triggering mechanisms of turbidites. The sedimentary record is comprised of alternating lithofacies and depositional modes, namely hemipelagite (marine sedimentation), turbidites (turbidity currents), debrites (debris flows), and tephra (ash fall), which are controlled by margin morphology and glacio-eustatic fluctuations. Floods, volcanic eruptions and slope failures are the three triggering mechanisms of turbidites along the margin. More than 90% of them are triggered by slope failures from the upper slope (150-1,200 m deep) consecutively to earthquakes. The adaptation of empirical relationships to evaluate slope stability suggests that these turbidites are the sedimentary record of repetitive ruptures of three active faults, including the plate interface, and correspond to Mw≥7. 3 earthquakes occurring with a return time of 150±50 years. Amongst theses turbidites, 20 show a synchronicity of trigger across the entire margin and are more voluminous. They correspond to ruptures on the plate interface, which generate Mw7. 5-8. 4 earthquakes. Return times show a clustering of interface earthquakes with alternating active periods of low return time (305-610 years) and quiescence periods of high return time (1480-2650 years). Integrated to ongoing simulations, this earthquake calendar would provide new constraints to ascertain the seismic hazard
Nielsen, dit Christensen Charlotte. "Etude des zones de subduction en convergence hyper-oblique : exemples de la ride méditerranéenne et de la marge indo-birmane." Paris 11, 2003. http://www.theses.fr/2003PA112034.
Full textThe partitioning at very oblique subduction zone is constrained by two studies: the Hellenic trench and the Burman Margin. On the Ionian Islands area, the cumulated motion of the slow African convergence and rapid rotation of the Anatolian Block induces oblique convergence at the western termination of the Hellenic Trench. The NS convergence is about 35 mm/yr. MEDEE Cruise data (ENS 1995) including multibeam bathymetry and shallow seismic profiles, indicate that the motion is partitioned into a frontal compressive wedge and N160ʿE dextral strike-slip. Strike slip faults are localized within the wedge, and between the backstop and the wedge. In this area, the dextral Kephalonia Fault and the presence of the Calabrian wedge disturb structures. So, a comparative study helps to better understand the termination of oblique subduction. The Indo-Burman trench presents the same type of obliquity and velocity. The ANDAMAN Cruise data (ENS 2000) were used to constrain the offshore deformation along the Burma Trench. The front of the wedge is marked by N30ʿE trending dextral strike slip faults, and the absence of accretionary structures. Partitioning of the very oblique convergence induces the motion of an independent sliver located between the Indian plate and the Sunda Block. Along the western boundary of this sliver, partitioning increases from partial (southward) to full partitioning (northward). In the Mediterrnean case, we suggest that forces that drive the upper plate, plus the northwestern locking by the Apulian platform, overcome forces that would allow the motion of a large independent crustal sliver. The obliquity is thus accommodated at the boundary between the backstop and the wedge, resulting in a deforming "wedge sliver" rather thon a rigid crustal sliver. These two studies, compared with other subduction zone in oblique convergence setting, indicate that the partitioning depends on the pre-existent structures and the presence or absence of buttress
Graindorge, David. "Structure profonde des zones de subduction des Cascades et de l'Équateur : approche par les méthodes sismiques : exemples du détroit de Juan de Fuca et de la partie centrale de la marge équatorienne." Paris 6, 2002. http://www.theses.fr/2002PA066163.
Full textPaquet, Fabien. "Evolution morphostructurale des bassins de marge active en subduction : L'exemple du bassin avant-arc de Hawke Bay en nouvelle Zélande." Phd thesis, Université Rennes 1, 2007. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00342682.
Full textMacharé, José. "La marge continentale du Pérou : régimes tectoniques et sédimentaires cénozoïques de l'avant-arc des Andes centrales." Paris 11, 1987. http://www.theses.fr/1987PA112201.
Full textLa margen continental peruana corresponde al antearco de los Andes y esta caracterizada por la presencia de dos series de cuencas sedimentarias: las cuencas internas y las cuencas externas. Las primeras ocupan la plataforma continental y el piedemonte pacifiee de la Cordillera y las ultimas estan situadas en el talud continental superior. El origen y la pequena subsidencia de estas cuencas ··emparejadas" pueden ser explicadas por un modela fisico sencillo de dislocaciôn en la zona de subducciôn. Desde su individualizaciôn en el Terciario inferior, las cuencas internas han evolucionado en ambiente marino o continental, mientras que las cuencas externas son exclusivamente marinas; en todo caso, los depôsitos son esencialmente detriticos de origen terrigeno y accesoriamente biogénicos y volcanogénicos. La sedimentaciôn en las cuencas no es continua, ella se realiza durante largos periodes de subsidencia que son interrumpidos por fases breves de no-depôsito. EsLas ulLimas son debiàas a fenomenos tectonicos (levantamiento) y/o eustaticos (descenso del nivel marino), ellas son contemporâneas a fases de tectonica compresiva que han afectado tanto la margen como el dominic andino. Por lo conLrar1o, los periodes de subsidencia estan asociados a una LeCLonica en extension. Durante el Cenozoico, se han puesto en evidencia tres tipos princ pales de regimenes de esfuerzos en las cuencas del anLearco: 1) extension en direcciôn perpendicular a aquella de la convergencia de placas, 2) exten sion en direcciôn perpendicular a aquella de la fosa oceanica y 3) compres on segun una direcciôn paralela a la de la convergencia. La apariciôn de cacia tipo de régimen de esfuerzos depenàe de la interaccion entre las fuerzas compresivas asociadas a la convergencia de placas y las fuerzas gravitacionales ligadas a la presencia cercana de la fosa oceânica. La subduccion de dorsales asismicas produce un levantamiento local y temporal de la margen, sin modificar notablemente el régimen de esiuerzos
The Peruvian continental margin is characterized by the presence of two series of forearc basins: the inner and the outer basins. The first ones occupe the continental shelf and the Pacific lowlands, the second ones being located in the upper continental slope. The dynamics of this paired-basins system, which shows very weak subsidence, is explained by applying a simple physical dislocation model to the subduction zone. Since their individualization in early Tertiary times, the inner basins have evolved either in marine or continental environments whereas the outer basins are exclusively marine. Their infill is essentially composed by detrital land-derived sediments, and secondarily by biogenic and volcanogenic sediments. Deposition process is not continuous, it takes place during long periods of subsidence which are interrupted by short-lived periods of non deposition. These latters appear related to either tectonic (uplift) or eustatic (sea-level drop) phenomena, and be contemporaneous to compressional tectonic events that have affected both the margin and he Andean zone. The periods of subsidence are associated with tensional tectonics. Three main types of stress regime have been present in the forearc basins during the Cenozoic: 1) extension trending orthogonal to the convergence direction, 2) extension trending orthogonal to the trench axis, and 3) compression trending parallel to the convergence direction. The occurence of each of these stress regimes depends on the balance between compressive forces related to the convergence and gravitational forces induced by the presence of the nearby deep oceanic trench. The subduction of aseismic ridges locally produce uplift of the margin, without modifying notably the stress regime
Pérouse, Eugénie. "Cinématique et tectonique active de l'Ouest de la Grèce dans le cadre géodynamique de la Méditerranée Centrale et Orientale." Phd thesis, Université Paris Sud - Paris XI, 2013. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00842274.
Full textSoler, Pierre. "Contribution à l'étude du magmatisme associé aux marges actives : pétrographie, géochimie et géochimie isotopique du magmatisme crétacé à pliocène le long d'une transversale des Andes du Pérou central : implications géodynamiques." Paris 6, 1991. http://www.theses.fr/1991PA066637.
Full textRatzov, Gueorgui. "Processus gravitaires sous-marins le long de la zone de subduction Nord Équateur-Sud Colombie : apports à la connaissance de l'érosion tectonique et de la déformation d'une marge active : implications sur l'aléa tsunamis." Nice, 2009. http://www.theses.fr/2009NICE4045.
Full textGravity processes on a passive margin are mainly controlled by eustatism, sedimentation rate, seismicity, and tectonic deformation? These parameters also act on an active margin, however seismicity and tectonic deformation are dominant? The aim of this study is to characterize the main areas undergoing gravity processes along the North Ecuador South Colombia active margin, in order to constrain its deformation modes on the short term (several seismic cycles) and mid term (Quaternary). North Ecuadorian convergent margin is characterized by a tectonic erosion regime, evolving to tectonic accretion northward in South Colombia. The margin is undergoing strong seismicity as 4 great earthquakes (Mw 7. 7-8. 8) have occurred during the XXth century. A first study allowed identifying destabilization preferential areas. They are located at the margin toe on the erosional margin, and along canyon walls undergoing tectonic uplift. Along the erosional margin segment, the trench is isolated and receives few sediment, suggesting that the MTDs for the last ~ 20 kyr and turbidites for the last ~ 4. 5 kyr. MTDs spatial organization, source and return time analysis lead to the establishment of a destabilization model along an erosional margin for one and many seismic cycles. On the other side, the morphostructural analysis of an important canyons system (Mira and Patia canyons) has led to establish canyon development modalities on an active margin. We have also simulated numerically the tsunamigenic potential of submarine landslides using selected slump scars and their volume on the margin toe. We show that submarine tectonic structures tend to play a key-role as maximum wave energy focus from which radiative energy tends to dissipate, thus protecting some coastal segments form tsunami damage
Olu-Le, Roy Karine. "Structure et repartition spatiale des communautes benthiques associees aux sources de fluides froids sur les marges continentales : cas de zones de subduction." Paris 6, 1996. http://www.theses.fr/1996PA066311.
Full textFernández-García, Carlos. "Processus de déformation lors de la rupture latérale d’un slab : apports de la modélisation analogique et perspectives pour la tectonique méditerranéenne." Thesis, Rennes 1, 2019. http://www.theses.fr/2019REN1B066.
Full textSlab breakoff is a tectonic model that has been proposed to explain geological and geophysical observations such as: exhumation of metamorphic rocks, magmatism or regional uplift. This manuscript presents the results from four-dimensional (4D, space and time) analogue experiments of slab breakoff. Different configurations for the subducting plate and the orientation of the oceanic-continental transition (OCT) have been tested over a hundred of experiments. In scenarios where the OCT is parallel to the trench, breakoff occurs between 250-280 km depth, while in opposite scenarios, it occurs on a larger range from 160 to 345 km. The timing of breakoff may also vary accordingly to the initial geometry of the subduction zone: from almost instantaneous when the OCT is parallel to the trench, to 8.6-10.6 Ma after onset of continental subduction for other geometries. I investigated the impact of slab breakoff on subduction along oceanic basins bounded by STEP faults and OCT has also been investigated. When the interface is weak (STEP faults scenario) there is a significant increase in the trench retreat in the model that presents a long oceanic corridor. According to the experiments, the evolution of the topographic signal during breakoff is determined by eduction of continental lithosphere, gradual isostatic adjustments during breakoff, and mantle upwelling. With no breakoff or continental subduction, no topographic variations are seen at the surface. Finally, in the models related to subduction along oceanic basins, the trench retreat velocity becomes almost null when the continental positively buoyant material subducts along the embayment margins, highliting mantle deformation processes. I discussed the possible implications of these results for natural subduction zones, in particular for the Western Mediterranean
Chaduteau, Carine. "Origine et circulation des fluides dans les sédiments des marges : contribution de l'hélium et du méthane dans la compréhension des processus : étude de 2 zones actives." Brest, 2008. http://www.theses.fr/2008BRES2001.
Full textFluid migration is a very important process in marine sediments on margins. Studying fluids is fundamental to constrain the energy potential of margins. Methane is the predominant gas in marine sediments, deriving primarily from the degradation of organic matter. However methane could be also generated through the serpentinization of mantle rocks underlaying the sedimentary cover in some specific geodynamical settings. One way to test this hypothesis is to use helium isotopes, which are known to be powerful tracers of the fluid-mantle interaction. To this purpose, a new method has been developed for the sampling and the quantitative extraction of dissolved helium from sediment pore-waters. During the Zairov2 and Vicking cruises, samples were collected in two cold seep areas : the Regab Pochmark on the Congo-Angola margin, and the Hakon Mosby mud volcano on the Norwegian margin. Helium isotopes in pore-fluids reveal no mantle signature, which indicates the absence of any methane generated by serpentinization in these areas. Nevertheless, taken together with methane and major ion contents in pore-waters, helium isotope profiles obtained with this new analytical method give significant new results. At the Regab Pochmark, helium appears to be a more sensitive tracer of water advection than temperature, allowing the determination of advection velocities and the quantification of expelled water rate. At the Hakon Mosby mud volcano, the results confirm a concentric zonation of advection and a deep origin for the volcano fluids
Bailleul, Julien. "Dynamique sédimentaire et structurale des bassins perchés sur les prismes de subduction : l'exemple du prisme Hikurangi, Nouvelle-Zélande." Lille 1, 2005. https://ori-nuxeo.univ-lille1.fr/nuxeo/site/esupversions/b4e43c20-ebbd-4a96-a923-396142576aea.
Full textLa sédimentation au sein des bassins perchés matures est dominée par les processus de remplissage qui conduisent au développement de méga-séquences de comblement similaires à celles identifiées dans les bassins d'avant-pays. Notre étude montre également que l'évolution du prisme de subduction Hikurangi est discontinue et a été contrôlée par des épisodes tectoniques successifs identifiés le long de la transversale d'Akitio : 1) Une phase de mise en place de nappes au Miocène basal (c. 25 - 18 Ma), 2) Un épisode de raccourcissement E-W au Miocène inférieur à moyen (c. 17. 5 - 15 Ma). Cet épisode est à l'origine du développement de hauts structuraux et du confinement des bassins perchés, 3) Un épisode de subsidence majeure associé à des déformations en extension (c. 15 - 6. 5 Ma) et probablement contrôlée par des processus d'érosion tectonique, et 4) Une période Miocène terminal à Quaternaire (c. 6. 5 - 0 Ma)dominée par des épisodes de raccourcissement rapide (c. 1Ma) de direction E-W à NW-SE. Nous avons démontré que la complexité stratigraphique et structurale du prisme de subduction Hikurangi ne résulte pas seulement de cette histoire tectonique polyphasée, mais aussi de variations transversales dans le style et l'amplitude de la déformation au cours du même épisode tectonique. Nous montrons notamment que de l'accrétion frontale peut se développer près du front de subduction alors que la partie supérieure du prisme subit de l'extension et une phase de subsidence au cours d'une période dominé par de l'érosion tectonique
Agudelo, William. "Imagerie sismique quantitative de la marge convergente d'Equateur-Colombie : Application des mèthodes tomographiques aux données de sismique réflexion multitrace et réfraction-réflexion grand-angle des campagnes SISTEUR et SALIERI." Phd thesis, Université Pierre et Marie Curie - Paris VI, 2005. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00010415.
Full textBouyahiaoui, Boualem. "Structure profonde et réactivation de la marge est-algérienne et du bassin adjacent (secteur d'Annaba), contraintes par sismique réflexion multitrace et grand-angle terre-mer." Thesis, Nice, 2014. http://www.theses.fr/2014NICE4116/document.
Full textIn this study, we determine the deep structure of the eastern Algerian basin and its southern margin in the Annaba region (easternmost Algeria), to better constrain the plate kinematic reconstruction in this region. This study is based on new geophysical data collected during the SPIRAL cruise in 2009 that included a wide-angle, 240-km-long, onshore-offshore seismic profile, multichannel seismic reflection lines, and gravity and magnetic data, which was complemented by the available geophysical data for the study area. The analysis and modeling of the wide-angle seismic data using travel-times and amplitudes, and integrated with the multichannel seismic lines, reveal the detailed structure of an ocean-to-continent transition. In the deep basin, there is an ~5.5-km-thick oceanic crust that is composed of two layers. The upper layer of the crust is defined by a high velocity gradient and P-wave velocities between 4.8 km/s and 6.0 km/s from the top to the bottom. The lower crust is defined by a lower velocity gradient and P-wave velocity between 6.0 km/s and 7.1 km/s. The Poisson ratio in the lower crust deduced from S-wave modeling is 0.28, which indicates that the lower crust is composed mainly of gabbros. Below the continental edge, a typical continental crust with P-wave velocities between 5.2 km/s and 7.0 km/s from the top to the bottom shows a gradual seaward thinning of ~15 km over an ~35-km distance
DARDJI, NOERADI. "Contribution a l'etude geologique d'une partie occidentale de l'ile de java, indonesie; stratigraphie, analyse structurale, et etude quantitative de la subsidence des bassins sedimentaires tertiaires. Approche de la geodynamique d'une marge continentale active au droit d'une zone de subduction." Chambéry, 1994. http://www.theses.fr/1994CHAMS010.
Full textAgudelo, Zambrano William Mauricio. "Imagerie sismique quantitative de la marge convergente d'Equateur-Colombie : application des méthodes tomographiques aux données de sismique réflexion multitrace et réfraction-réflexion grand-angle des campagnes SISTEUR et SALIERI." Paris 6, 2005. https://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00010415.
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