Academic literature on the topic 'Marc de café'
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Journal articles on the topic "Marc de café"
Péchard, Cédric, and Emmanuelle Mugnier-Viret. "Les pleurotes au marc de café, d’un orphelinat africain à l’Élysée." Pour 224, no. 4 (2014): 181.
Full textMuaze, Mariana de Aguiar Ferreira. "Violência apaziguada: escravidão e cultivo do café nas fotografias de Marc Ferrez (1882-1885)." Revista Brasileira de História 37, no. 74 (April 27, 2017): 33–62.
Full textPétard, Jean-Pierre. "La qualité d'un article scientifique ne se lit pas dans le marc de café." Connexions 93, no. 1 (2010): 205.
Full textDoligez, François. "La vulnérabilité des petits producteurs péruviens, regards croisés d’une coopérative de café et d’un investisseur social, Camille Frazzetta, Marc Berger et Dominique Lesaffre. Paris, L’Harmattan, 2012, 115 p." Revue internationale de l'économie sociale: Recma, no. 324 (2012): 120.
Full textEscamilla Prado, Esteban. "Experiencia de Catuai Amarillo en el marco de la producción orgánica y el comercio justo." Interconectando Saberes, no. 12 (July 24, 2021): 165–75.
Full textSantos, Marco Aurélio dos, and Marco Aurélio Marques Ferreira. "Cafés especiais, governo e mercado: reflexões para a implementação de políticas de valorização da marca “Cafés do Brasil”." RACE - Revista de Administração, Contabilidade e Economia 17, no. 2 (August 28, 2018): 643–66.
Full textBraga, Alice Virginia Araujo, Suzana Furquim de Almeida Fael, and Laise Cedraz Pinto. "Variação de teor de compostos fenólicos totais em diferentes tipos de café processados." Nutrição Brasil 16, no. 2 (May 11, 2017): 94–99.
Full textQuinde Sari, Freddy Richard, and Edwin Marcelo Cahuasquí Cevallos. "Valor de marca Café." SATHIRI 17, no. 2 (July 7, 2022): 47–66.
Full textFrancisco, Julyene Silva, Ana Carolina Forgati dos Santos, and Marta de Toledo Benassi. "Efeito das informações e características da embalagem na expectativa e aceitação de café solúvel adicionado de café torrado micronizado." Brazilian Journal of Food Technology 17, no. 3 (September 2014): 243–51.
Full textAlbieri, Ana Carolina de Souza, and Leonardo Augusto Amaral Terra. "Estratégias de diferenciação da commodity de café." Future Studies Research Journal: Trends and Strategies 14, no. 1 (November 20, 2022): e0484.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Marc de café"
Tremblay, Nicole. "Un dieu vague, ou, Le marc de café, pièce de théâtre ; suivie de Trajet d'écriture." Thesis, National Library of Canada = Bibliothèque nationale du Canada, 1998.
Full textBeaudor, Maxime. "Valorisation en cascade du marc de café via les procédés d'extraction assistée par ultrasons et de fermentation en milieu solide." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Université de Lille (2022-....), 2023.
Full textCoffee is one of the most popular beverages. According to the International Coffee Organization, between 2017 and 2022, its production increased by 2.2%, while consumption grew by 7.7%. The sole solid co-product resulting from aqueous extraction to obtain the caffeinated hot beverage is spent coffee grounds. This bio-waste represents approximately 6 million tons annually.The primary objective of this thesis is to define and evaluate a cascade valorization approach for spent coffee grounds, aiming to progressively and efficiently exploit this resource to generate various industrially valuable products. To achieve this goal, two processes were selected. Firstly, solid-liquid eco-extraction, including ultrasound-assisted extraction, was used for the recovery of antioxidant phenolic compounds from spent coffee grounds. Subsequently, in a sequential manner, solid-state fermentation was implemented on the depleted grounds with the assistance of Penicillium solitum to produce a hydrolytic enzyme cocktail.The valorization cascade was applied to a type of spent coffee grounds collected and stored by the Gecco company (SCG-1), sourced from bars and restaurants in the Hauts-de-France region. Fresh marc from the thesis host laboratory (SCG-2) was also investigated to gain a better understanding of the industrial constraints related to storage. The comparison of two extraction methods applied to SCG-1, conventional extraction (CE) and ultrasound-assisted extraction (UAE), revealed the positive influence of ultrasound on the recovery of antioxidant phenolic compounds. UAE enabled the extraction of approximately 30% more total polyphenols (11.8 vs. 9.1 mg GAE/g) and consumed at least 3 times less energy (170 vs. 630 Wh) under optimal extraction conditions (50-50 (v/v) water-ethanol, 40 mL/g, power of 571 W/L for UAE, or temperature of 70°C for CE). The application of these optimized conditions to SCG-2 resulted in a 23% additional antioxidant activity (77.9 vs. 63.5 µmol Trolox/g) in the extract compared to SCG-1.The phenolic compound extract obtained from SCG-2 under optimized UAE conditions showed the presence of chlorogenic acids commonly found in spent coffee grounds, with concentrations of 4.3 mg/g, 5.9 mg/g, and 0.4 mg/g for 3-CQA, 5-CQA, and 3,5-diCQA, respectively. These three compounds were absent in the extract obtained under the same conditions from SCG-1, which exhibited the presence of other antioxidant compounds formed during storage by various colonizing micro-organisms.Following the isolation and identification of around forty filamentous fungi present on SCG-1, Penicillium solitum was selected for optimizing solid-state fermentation (SSF) to produce a hydrolytic enzyme cocktail. The optimized extraction conditions (7 mL/g, 55 minutes) and fermentation conditions (74.1% moisture, 7 days of incubation, and an inoculum of 10^7 spores/g) obtained through modeling allowed for the production of an enzymatic complex with lipase, mannanase, and glucanase activities on SCG-1. Regarding the production of these same enzymes on SCG-2, the optimal fermentation conditions were (75% humidity, 7 days of incubation, and an inoculum of 8.1x10^6 spores/g). The activities calculated under these conditions for both types of spent coffee grounds were 65.3 and 49.5 U/g for lipase activity, 948 and 939 mU/g for mannanase activity, and 295 and 206 mU/g for glucanase activity, respectively, for extracts obtained from fermentations on SCG-1 and SCG-2. Additionally, the optimized extract produced on SCG-1 by Penicillium solitum also exhibited other measured activities, with 56.4 U/g, 626 mU/g, and 856 mU/g, respectively, for protease, xylanase, and pectinase activities
Reffas, Abdelbaki. "Etude de l'adsorption de colorants organiques (Rouge Nylosan et Bleu de Méthylène) sur des charbons actifs préparés à partir du marc de café." Chambéry, 2010.
Full textActivated carbons were prepared by phosphoric acid activation from Arabica coffee grounds at different impregnation ratios (defined as the ratios of weight (g) of H3PO4 to the weight (g) of precursor) : 30, 60, 120 and 180 % by heating to 450 °C in air. The adsorption properties of the Prepared Activated Carbons (PACs) have been compared to a commercial activated carbon (CAC) (obtained by steam activation) and related to their preparation methods, porous structure and surface chemistry. The PACs and CAC were characterized for their surface chemistry by thermogravimetric analysis, Infra-Red spectroscopy, pH measurement of the point of zero charge (pHpzc), surface functional groups semi-quantitative titrations ("Boehm" method) and X-ray microanalysis; and for their porous structure and morphology by nitrogen adsorption at 77 K. Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) and methylene blue adsorption. The PACs and CAC were compared for their adsorption of "Nylosan Red N-2RBL" (Clariant) which is an anionic (azo) dye used in Nylon (polyamide 6 and polyamide 6. 6) dyeing
Parra, Manuel Alfonso Salcedo. "Plano de marketing - Café Devotion." Master's thesis, Instituto Superior de Economia e Gestão, 2015.
Full textO presente trabalho tem como objetivo o desenvolvimento de um plano de marketing para a empresa Café Devotion. A Café Devotion é uma empresa colombiana que foi fundada no ano de 2006 com o objetivo de oferecer café de elevada qualidade aos consumidores colombianos. A empresa produz e comercializa café colombiano do tipo premium e está presente no setor residencial, de restauração e empresarial, nas principais cidades no país. Com este projeto pretende-se contribuir para o aumento da notoriedade da marca, para o aumento das vendas e da quota de mercado da empresa. Através da revisão de literatura (Capítulo 2), que apresenta o contributo de diferentes autores sobre conceitos importantes para a temática em estudo, foi desenvolvido o quadro de referências que serviu de base para o plano. Para a elaboração do plano foi feita uma análise à situação atual do setor do café e da empresa, por forma a compreender o contexto externo e interno da empresa. Além disso, foi realizada uma entrevista informal ao Diretor-Geral da empresa Café Devotion e aplicado um questionário online onde se obtiveram 320 respostas. Os resultados do questionário demonstraram que a maior parte dos inquiridos não conhece a marca. Deste modo, o estudo que se apresenta poderá ser relevante para o futuro da empresa.
This project aims to develop a marketing plan for Café Devotion. Café Devotion is a company that produces and sells premium Colombian coffee. Founded at 2006 with the objective of supply premium Colombian coffee to Colombian customers. This company has presence at homes, businesses and restaurants segments in the main cities of this country. The purpose of this research is to contribute for the increase of its brand awareness, sales and market share. Through literature review (Chapter 2), which presents the contribute of different authors for the topic in study, was developed a reference frame that was the base for the marketing plan. It was made an analysis of the current situation of the coffee sector and the company, in order to understand the external and internal context of Café Devotion. In addition, it was made an informal interview to the company's Main Director of Café Devotion and it was launched an online survey. The survey collected 320 answers and showed that the respondents, in the most part of them don't know the brand. So this investigation could be relevant for company's future.
Chaparro, Araujo Christopher, Maldini Jorge Mardini, and Medina Wilder Medina. "Plan estratégico de marketing para la comercialización del café orgánico marca Wong." Master's thesis, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2017.
Full textEl café orgánico peruano es altamente considerado en el mundo por su calidad y riqueza; a pesar de ello, el consumo per cápita nacional es muy bajo, por lo que existe una oportunidad para posicionarlo como uno de los productos bandera del portafolio de la Corporación Cencosud. Esto va acorde con los objetivos corporativos de responsabilidad social y ecológica que tiene Supermercados Wong, trabajando coordinadamente con la Comunidad de Mazamari, ubicada en la Región Junín. El presente plan de marketing tiene como objetivo demostrar que la comercialización del café orgánico con marca propia es un negocio financieramente viable para la Corporación, enmarcada en la responsabilidad social y ecológica que esta propugna, para lo que se ha estructurado un mix de marketing que considera siete factores: producto, precio, plaza, promoción, personas, procesos y propósito. Esto fue corroborado mediante una investigación de mercado con el consumidor objetivo, alcanzando una aceptación promedio de 85% del concepto y 70% para la propuesta de valor. Asimismo, dado que el producto es nuevo en el mercado, es importante la implementación de la mezcla de marketing en fases, así como la participación activa de los stakeholders para integrarlos en los beneficios de este plan. Por último, a nivel financiero el proyecto es viable, pues genera un VAN de 569,682 soles para el período 2017-2022 y un ROI social de 444% beneficiando directamente e indirectamente a 500 familias productoras de café orgánico de Mazamari, gracias a la generación de empleo y a la implementación de un programa de responsabilidad social y ecológica en la zona
Peruvian organic coffee is highly know in the world for its quality and richness; despite this, the national per capita consumption is very low; this makes a great opportunity to position it as one of the flagship products of the Cencosud Corporation portfolio. This is within the corporate objectives of social and ecological responsibility that Supermercados Wong has working in coordination with the Mazamari Community located in the Junín Region. The present marketing aims to demonstrate that the commercialization of organic coffee with its own brand is a financially viable business for the Corporation. Moreover, this has been framed in the Social and Ecological responsibility that advocates the same, for which a marketing mix has been structured which considers seven factors: product, price, place, promotion, people, processes and, purpose. Furthermore, this was corroborated through a market research with the target consumer, reaching an average acceptance of 85% of the concept and 70% for the value proposition. Also, since the product is new in the market, it is important to implement the marketing mix in phases, as well as the active participation of stakeholders to integrate them into the benefits of this plan. Lastly, at the financial level, the project is viable since it generates a NPV of 569,682 soles for the period 2017-2022 and ROI of 444%, directly and indirectly benefiting 500 families organic coffee Mazamari’s producer upon the generation of employment and the implementation of a Social and Ecological Responsibility Program in the zone
Lopes, Dayanny Carvalho. "FATORES A SEREM CONSIDERADOS PARA O LANÇAMENTO DE NOVA MARCA DE CAFÉ ORGÂNICO." Universidade Jose do Rosario Vellano, 2011.
Full textThe demand for organic products increases worldwide and creates market opportunities in various regions of the world, especially for small and medium producers, including communities of family farmers and various other components of the production chain, which may help the development of rural areas close to large urban centers and export corridors. It is observed that consumers are more concerned with issues related to health and environment, and in this regard the market lacks sustainable products. In face of the consumers concern about welfare, Coopfam will launch onto the market a new sustainable product: DaTerra organic coffee. A research was then carried out in the supermarkets of Machado and Poço Fundo, MG, by means of a questionnaire, to verify the factors to be considered for launching a new product, as is the main purpose of this study: to launch a new brand of coffee. The results showed that institutional clarification campaigns should be formulated, due to the lack of information of consumers with regard to organic coffee, and strategies for launching this product will aim at consumers who are unaware of organic products.
A demanda por produtos orgânicos aumenta no mundo todo e gera oportunidades de mercado em diversas regiões do mundo. Cria oportunidades, principalmente para pequenos e médios produtores, incluindo comunidades de agricultores familiares e vários outros componentes da cadeia produtiva, o que pode auxiliar o desenvolvimento de áreas rurais próximas aos grandes centros urbanos e a corredores de exportação. Percebe-se que os consumidores estão mais preocupados com a questão relacionada à saúde e meio ambiente. Com relação a isso o mercado está carente de produtos voltados para a sustentabilidade. Em face da preocupação dos consumidores com o bem-estar, a Coopfam colocará no mercado um novo produto sustentável: o café orgânico DaTerra. Em razão disto foi realizada uma pesquisa para verificar os fatores a serem considerados para o lançamento do novo produto. O principal objetivo desse estudo foi analisar os fatores a serem considerados para o lançamento da marca de café no mercado. A pesquisa descritiva foi realizada nos principais supermercados de Machado e Poço Fundo/MG, com a ajuda de um questionário. Os resultados demonstraram que campanhas institucionais de esclarecimento devem ser formuladas, devido à pouca informação que os consumidores possuem sobre os cafés orgânicos e as estratégias para o lançamento do produto deverão ser voltadas para os consumidores que desconhecem um produto orgânico.
Moreira, Julio Carlos de Oliveira. "A gestão de marcas como referencial competitivo: um estudo de caso da marca Cafés do Brasil." Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo, 2007.
Full textThe purpose of this work is to analyze the activities Brazil uses to build the brand Cafés do Brasil to conquer a privileged position, changing the image of a great exporter of quantity instead of quality. Colombia will be a standard of comparison, because its brand Café de Colombia is well recognized as a case of success, especially in the largest coffee consumer market, USA. To better understand this subject, a conceptual review was made regarding the Coffee History in the World and in Brazil, besides the data about the coffee market. A conceptual review about branding management was conduct, analyzing the theoretical models, including analysis about the concept Country Brand, a relevant aspect in this work. The relevant elements extracted from the theoretical review were confronted with the reality found in the organizations responsible by Cafés do Brasil branding management. The major conclusions of this study show that Brazil is focused in functional aspects of the product, due to the wide number of activities related to quality warranty and promotion of the Brazilian grounds and there are opportunities in the branding practice. There are several indicators that Brazil could utilize aspects of its national identity to search a point of differentiation in its product and the organizations in charge of the brand have realized the necessity of going deeper in this strategy, Obviously this work has its limitations, but one of its contributions is to warn the Brazilian organizations which manage the Cafés do Brasil brand identity that through using branding their competitiveness would be better against their competitors
O objetivo deste trabalho é analisar as atividades que o Brasil realiza para construir a marca Cafés do Brasil , no intuito de conquistar uma posição de destaque no mercado internacional, mudando a imagem que possui de grande exportador de quantidade e não de qualidade. Para tanto, a Colômbia servirá como parâmetro de comparação, já que sua marca Café de Colombia é reconhecida como um caso de sucesso, especialmente no maior mercado consumidor de café, o americano. Para maior entendimento do assunto, foi feita uma revisão bibliográfica sobre os temas relacionados à história do café no Brasil e no mundo, além de pesquisas sobre os dados do mercado desse grão. Além disso, também foi feita uma revisão sobre a gestão de marcas, em que se analisaram os modelos teóricos, incluindo um levantamento do conceito de marca-país, aspecto relevante para este trabalho. Os elementos da revisão teórica foram confrontados com a realidade encontrada nas organizações responsáveis pela gestão da marca Cafés do Brasil . As principais conclusões do estudo mostram que o Brasil ainda encontra-se voltado aos aspectos funcionais do produto, diante da gama de atividades realizadas para garantir e divulgar a qualidade dos grãos brasileiros e que ainda existem oportunidades na prática de gestão de marcas. Existem indicativos que revelam que o Brasil poderia utilizar aspectos de sua identidade nacional para buscar a diferenciação do seu produto, e que as organizações responsáveis pela marca já percebem a necessidade de se aprofundar esta estratégia. Este trabalho, naturalmente, apresenta algumas limitações. No entanto, uma de suas contribuições é alertar as organizações brasileiras que administram a identidade da marca Cafés do Brasil , que a utilização do branding poderá melhorar sua competitividade em relação a seus concorrentes
Santos, Marco Aurélio Oliveira. "Construindo a marca cafés do Brasil : os desencontros institucionais e seus efeitos para o posicionamento da marca no mercado." reponame:Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da UFRGS, 2015.
Full textThe coffee market has been showing a new competitive behavior in recent decades. Social and environmental conditioning factors have driven new patterns, habits, values and consumption beliefs. To equate production limitatives and of system identity, have made the Brazilian government seek in the marketing tools the institutional mechanisms to coordinate and integrate the actions to achieve coherence and position the brand Coffees of Brazil (Cafés do Brasil) as a symbol of this country. The need to understand the behavior of the chain, how the institutional structure shapes the role of the actors and the efficiency of these in adapting the system was what motivated this study. Therefore, a qualitative exploratory research was conducted with the aim of achieving practical insights, through semi-structured interviews with 17 professionals from organizations present in the links of the productive system. With this, it was then possible to make a comparative analysis using secondary data provided by these actors. The positioning proposal is understood as important to promote the Brazilian coffees. But there are constraints on institutional matrix that express ineffectiveness. By decentralizing the actions by regions, the government characterizes the institutional matrix as redistributive and disclaims System coordinator role setting the proposal with low enforcement. Regional organizations, in turn, to gather the scattered actors, contribute to the collective learning, sharing a culture that facilitates the interpretation and shared solutions. Due to the adaptive imbalance of the base with the other chain agents, regional organizations, individual producers will specialize in other activities to maximize income and seek institutional legitimacy to defend the local brand faced to a national brand. The results show that local production characteristics enable many interconnections and individual strategies make it impossible to integrate producing regions around a single marketing strategy. The result is an escape from the national brand positioning targeting in several regional brands, a fact that lines up more consistently in a multi-brand strategy Brazil's offer. It is concluded that the ineffectiveness of the proposal is a direct consequence of the institutional matrix.
Mlahi, Amar. "La socialité au café de Fès au Maroc et ceux de la Goutte d'or à Paris." Paris 5, 1997.
Full textCampos, Montes Mayra Lizethe, Monge Álvaro Rodrigo Vasquez, and Infante Marco Aurelio Salas. "Análisis del valor de marca para una cafetería cultural en Miraflores : Caso: Agora Café & Arte." Bachelor's thesis, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2019.
Full textTrabajo de suficiencia profesional
Books on the topic "Marc de café"
Salazar, Marco Tulio. El Café de las 5: Conversaciones con Don Marco Tulio Salazar. Heredia: Fundacion UNA, 2000.
Find full textHuman Rights Act and Healthcare (Conference) (2001 London, England). The Human Rights Act and healthcare: Thursday 15th March 2001, Cafe Royal, London. London: IBC UK Conferences, 2001.
Find full textConference on Magneto Optical Data Storage and Recording (1989 Cafe Royal, London). The 1989 Conference on Magneto Optical Data Storage and Recording: 13th March 1989, Cafe Royal, London. [S.l.]: IBC Technical Services, 1989.
Find full textUnited, States Congress Senate Committee on Commerce Science and Transportation. Oversight of the Corporate Average Fuel Economy (CAFE) Program: Hearing before the Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation, United States Senate, One Hundred Tenth Congress, first session, March 6, 2007. Washington: U.S. Government Printing Office, 2013.
Find full textCafé, Marc. Marc de Cafe: Mon Carnet Pour M'entrainer a Lire le Futur Dans le Marc de Café - Cafédomancie. Independently Published, 2021.
Find full textCafé, Marc. Marc de Cafe: Mon Carnet Pour M'entrainer a Lire le Futur Dans le Marc de Café - Cafédomancie. Independently Published, 2021.
Find full textDaubier, Jean. Initiation à la voyance par le marc de café. Trajectoire Editions, 1999.
Find full textKARINE, Poyet. Lire le Marc de CafÈ la CafÈdomancie. Independently Published, 2017.
Find full textWiles, Mary M. An Interview with Jacques Rivette*. University of Illinois Press, 2017.
Full textBook chapters on the topic "Marc de café"
Pfohl, Stephen. "Yuppies from Mars a History of the Present." In Death at the Parasite Cafe, 239–48. London: Macmillan Education UK, 1992.
Full textLima, D. S. S., A. V. R. Eliziário, L. K. Jesus, and T. N. Amaral. "CONSUMO DE CAFÉ NO BRASIL: UMA REVISÃO." In Ciência e Tecnologia de Alimentos: Pesquisas e Avanços. Agron Food Academy, 2022.
Full textde Staël, Madame. "Book XVI." In Corinne. Oxford University Press, 2008.
Full textGörner, Rüdiger. "Lido an der Donau – Café Griensteidl am san Marco." In Auf schwankendem Grund. Wilhelm Fink Verlag, 2014.
Full textEarnshaw, Steven. "Habitual drunkards and metaphysics: case studies from the Victorian period." In The existential drinker, 45–64. Manchester University Press, 2018.
Full textJames, LR. "1939-1945." In Too Marvelous for Words, 135–64. Oxford University PressNew York, NY, 1994.
Full textRodden, John G. "Leipzig, 1990 Karl Marx-Universität, RIP: Postmortems on the God that Failed." In Repainting the Little Red Schoolhouse. Oxford University Press, 2002.
Full textBracca Torres, Jeisson Fernando, Javier Mauricio Florido Sierra, and Johana Paola Casal Castell. "Propuesta de matriz integral para diagnosticar factores de revelación y divulgación de información no financiera desde los reportes integrados." In La investigación e información corporativa desde la perspectiva de los reportes integrados y el gobierno corporativo, 127–68. Fondo Editorial Universitario Servando Garcés de la Universidad Politécnica Territorial de Falcón Alonso Gamero / Alianza de Investigadores Internacionales S.A.S., 2020.
Full textDavis-Taiëb, Hannah. "« Là où vont les femmes ». Notes sur les femmes, les cafés, et les fast-foods au Maroc." In Miroirs maghrébins, 217–25. CNRS Éditions, 1998.
Full textCrease, Stephanie Stein. "The Last Grooves." In Rhythm Man, 244—C18P85. Oxford University PressNew York, 2023.
Full textConference papers on the topic "Marc de café"
Morais, L., R. Massa, E. Tavares, and E. Andrade. "Avaliação de Desempenho do Processo de Manufatura do Café." In Workshop em Desempenho de Sistemas Computacionais e de Comunicação. Sociedade Brasileira de Computação - SBC, 2015.
Full textFrancescone, Ralph, Débora Barbosa Vendramini-Costa, Janusz Franco-Barraza, Jessica Wagner, Alex Muir, Linara Gabitova, Tatiana Pazina, et al. "Abstract 2038: NG1/NGL1 engagement supports PDAC development via CAF to PDAC nutrition and CAF-regulated immunosuppression." In Proceedings: AACR Annual Meeting 2019; March 29-April 3, 2019; Atlanta, GA. American Association for Cancer Research, 2019.
Full textFrancescone, Ralph, Débora Barbosa Vendramini-Costa, Janusz Franco-Barraza, Jessica Wagner, Alex Muir, Linara Gabitova, Tatiana Pazina, et al. "Abstract 2038: NG1/NGL1 engagement supports PDAC development via CAF to PDAC nutrition and CAF-regulated immunosuppression." In Proceedings: AACR Annual Meeting 2019; March 29-April 3, 2019; Atlanta, GA. American Association for Cancer Research, 2019.
Full textRosales, Elingth Simoné, Claudia Lucía Mora, Florencia Mora, Rocío Morales, and Diego Giovanni Bermúdez. "Caso Garittea, del campo al campus: creación del diseño de la identidad visual de una organización a través del trabajo colaborativo entre comunidades campesinas y la academia." In Systems & Design: Beyond Processes and Thinking. Valencia: Universitat Politècnica València, 2016.
Full textAldana Gutiérrez, Jorge Alejandro, Alexander Vera Tasamá, and Jorge Iván Marín Hurtado. "Proyectos CDIO: experiencias de diseño implementación en la Universidad del Quindío." In Ingeniería para transformar territorios. Asociación Colombiana de Facultades de Ingeniería - ACOFI, 2023.
Full textHoworth, Kate, Richard Thomson, and Paul Paes. "13 Can the ‘death cafÉ’ concept be adapted for use in healthcare professional learning and development?" In The APM’s Annual Supportive and Palliative Care Conference, In association with the Palliative Care Congress, “Towards evidence based compassionate care”, Bournemouth International Centre, 15–16 March 2018. British Medical Journal Publishing Group, 2018.
Full textMi, Jun. "Abstract 39: Mir-21 regulates TGF-β1-induced CAF formation through Smad7." In Proceedings: AACR 103rd Annual Meeting 2012‐‐ Mar 31‐Apr 4, 2012; Chicago, IL. American Association for Cancer Research, 2012.
Full textChen, Xiaojia, Yuan Jin, Bihui Zhang, Xiaocen LI, Baoqing Tian, Qiang Wang, and An Hong. "Abstract 1987: Exosome from CAF-ESCC aggravates tumor progression by its containing molecular miR-3656." In Proceedings: AACR Annual Meeting 2019; March 29-April 3, 2019; Atlanta, GA. American Association for Cancer Research, 2019.
Full textChen, Xiaojia, Yuan Jin, Bihui Zhang, Xiaocen LI, Baoqing Tian, Qiang Wang, and An Hong. "Abstract 1987: Exosome from CAF-ESCC aggravates tumor progression by its containing molecular miR-3656." In Proceedings: AACR Annual Meeting 2019; March 29-April 3, 2019; Atlanta, GA. American Association for Cancer Research, 2019.
Full textArai, Kazuya, Ruriko Sakamoto, M. Itoh, and Haifeng Miura. "Abstract LB-502: Development of three dimensional cancer cell-CAF co-culture system." In Proceedings: AACR 103rd Annual Meeting 2012‐‐ Mar 31‐Apr 4, 2012; Chicago, IL. American Association for Cancer Research, 2012.
Full textReports on the topic "Marc de café"
Martínez Rodríguez, Álvaro Andrés. Contexto de cadena café. Corporación Colombiana de Investigación Agropecuaria - AGROSAVIA, 2022.
Full textYepes Vargas, Luz Andrea. Contexto de cadena café. Corporación colombiana de investigación agropecuaria - AGROSAVIA, 2023.
Full textInforme de la Junta Directiva al Congreso de la República - Julio de 2023. Banco de la República, August 2023.
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