Academic literature on the topic 'Marbrage'
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Journal articles on the topic "Marbrage"
HAOUAT, Abdellah, and Omar AZZOUZ. "Substitution de Ciment pour Béton par des Pourcentages de Poudre de Marbre." International Journal of Financial Accountability, Economics, Management, and Auditing (IJFAEMA) 3, no. 4 (August 12, 2021): 552–59.
Full textGumedzoe, M. Y., D. Y. Sunu, G. Thottappilly, and A. Asselin. "Importance du virus de la marbrure de niébé et du virus de la mosaïque jaune du niébé au Togo." Phytoprotection 71, no. 2 (April 12, 2005): 85–91.
Full textHAOUAT, Abdellah, and Omar AZZOUZ. "Substitution de gypse de plâtre par des pourcentages de poudre de marbre." International Journal of Financial Accountability, Economics, Management, and Auditing (IJFAEMA) 3, no. 4 (August 13, 2021): 571–80.
Full textKherbouche, F. "Marbre numidique." Encyclopédie berbère, no. 30 (December 29, 2010): 4589–94.
Full textBauer, Herv�. "Sang de marbre." Sigila N�42, no. 2 (2018): 121.
Full textAbdel-Jaouad, Hédi, and Mohammed Dib. "Neiges de marbre." World Literature Today 65, no. 4 (1991): 750.
Full textKahwagi-Janho, Hany. "Chapiteaux byzantins remployés dans des églises du Liban." Chronos 40 (January 6, 2020): 135–51.
Full textAudi, Paul. "Contre le marbre vainement…" Po&sie 142, no. 4 (2012): 137.
Full textGriener, Pascal. "Un romantisme de marbre." Critique 745-746, no. 6 (2009): 550.
Full textKubińska, Jadwiga. "Un Tombeau de Famille d'Ancyre de Galatie et la Question de TETPI.ΟΣΚΟΝ." Anatolian Studies 45 (December 1995): 233–36.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Marbrage"
Antonelli, Fabrizio. "Les marbres griottes des Pyrénées centrales françaises : pétrographie, géochimie et caractéristiques physico-mécaniques : étude archéométrique de pièces archéologiques des époques gallo-romaine et médiévale /." Orléans : Éd. BRGM, 1999.
Full textCostedoat, Christine. "Essai de caractérisation des marbres blancs pyrénéens par méthodes physiques : Application en architecture et en archéologie." Bordeaux 1, 1992.
Full textAndrade, Vera Lucia. ""Marbre" : une lecture du fantastique chez Pieyre de Mandiargues." Paris 3, 1985.
Full textJongste, Petrus Franciscus Bastianus. "Het gebruik van marmer in de Romeinse samenleving /." [S.l. : s.n.], 1995.
Full textMehiri, Kaïs Lipinski Paul. "Caractérisation du comportement mécanique sous compression uni-axiale du marbre de Macael-Espagne." [S.l.] : [s.n.], 2008.
Full textMaischberger, Martin. "Marmor in Rom : Anlieferung, Lager- und Werplätze in der Kaiserzeit /." Wiesbaden : L. Reichert, 1997.
Full textLe, Ny Corinne. "Propriétés des fibres recyclées et leur développement technologique pour la fabrication de papiers magazines super calandrés." Grenoble INPG, 2006.
Full textBased on industrial experience of UPM mills and advanced pulp and paper analysis, this thesis has aimed to clarify the potential and limitations of recycled fibres (RCF) for Super Calendered (SC) magazines and recommend future developments in fibre processing technology. RCF is found to improve SC print density and evenness in Rotogravure but tends to deteriorate light scattering, print through, calender blackening and missing dots. The origin of the differences observed between virgin fibre and RCF based SC has been studied by simulating the effects of fibre composition, recycling and refining stages on SC paper quality. Chemical fibres content turns out to be a parameter driving most of SC characteristics, including print through and calender blackening. Conversely, the presence of coarse mechanical fibres within RCF was found to have a marginal effect on SC paper quality. Finally, the trend for more missing dots when printing RCF compared to virgin fibres based SC originates at least partially from high energy RCF refining
Musseau, Camille. "Variabilité trophique chez la truite marbrée (Salmo marmoratus) : déterminismes ontogénétiques et environnementaux." Thesis, Toulouse 3, 2015.
Full textVariability within natural populations plays a major role in maintaining functional diversity in communities and ecosystems. The marble trout (Salmo marmoratus) is a species of great conservation concern given its restricted geographical area. Few populations persist in the Adriatic basin, threatened by the impacts of global change (increase of the frequency and intensity of flood events) and by biological invasions. In this thesis, we aimed to quantify trophic variability of this species both at the population and individual levels and to understand the underlying mechanisms. The diet of 1523 marble trout from the seven remnant populations persisting in the Soca River basin (Slovenia) were sampled between 2011 and 2013 and were analyzed with stable isotopes (d15N and d13C). Our results show strong variability through ontogeny within as well as between individuals. This intraspecific variation was observed at the population level and was determined by both environmental variables and size-structured demography effects on fish physiology and ecological opportunities. Results indicate a high rate of opportunistic cannibalism (from 6 to 32 % in populations) promoted by prey densities. This permanent behavior may lead to modification of the populations' size structures and dynamics. Studying trophic interactions between the marble trout and an invasive salmonid species (rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss), we showed that trophic niches of the native trout shifted because of interspecific competition. However, our results suggest that the piscivorous behavior of the marble trout, rare for stream-dwelling salmonids, would be a strong advantage for biotic resistance against biological invaders. This thesis demonstrates the high trophic plasticity, both at the individual and population levels, in this freshwater predator that could be an adaptative advantage in a global change context
Pralong, Annie. "Recherches sur les chapiteaux corinthiens tardifs en marbre de Proconnèse." Paris 1, 1997.
Full textThe marble quarries located in the proconnesus island were very busy all over the ancient times, et specially during the protobyzantine period. The intensive production meaned to a huge exportation in every part of the Mediteranean area. The thesis, devoted to the late corinthian capitals has two chief aims : first, the establishment of a formal typology for understanding the evolution of the different identified kinds of Corinthian capitals, and the selection of stylistical criterions for determining the origin of capitals located far from constantinople. The first criterion was the type of acanthus leaves observed on the capitals : crowded acanthus or mask acanthus. Then the morphology of the capitals of the two groups have used for the determination of the types : capitals with two rows of leaves, capitals with two rows of leaves and "engainantes" leaves, chapitals with a single row of leaves and angle leavez or "engainantes" leaves. The correlations established with computer methods have demonstrated that the workshops simplify the capitals et produce morre and more compact exemplars. This evidence has been confirmed by the localisation of the samples all around the Mediterranean sea. The 8 leaves capitals are the least exported, and the 4 or 5 leaves are the more exported. We observed too that the types very much diffused capitals belong to the types with a single row of leaves
Borschneck, Daniel. "Défauts ponctuels des calcites et cathodoluminescence : étude quantitative et applications à la recherche de provenance des marbres blancs." Bordeaux 3, 1998.
Full textBooks on the topic "Marbrage"
Brodsky, Joseph. Marbre. Die, France: Éditions A Die, 2005.
Find full textSam, Abrams, ed. Marbre d'aire. [Andorra la Vella]: Editorial Andorra, 2012.
Find full textMiquel, Emili Ridocci i. "Argila i marbre". Valencia: Lo Rat Penat, 1996.
Find full textMichèle, Desbordes, ed. Nuage de marbre. Montréal, Québec: Leméac, 2006.
Find full textRothschild, Anne. L'Eau du Marbre. Bruxelles: Le Cormier, 1987.
Find full textDoizy, Marie-Ange. De la dominoterie à la marbrure. Paris: Art & Metiers du Livre, 1996.
Find full textPomar, Jaume. Llavis de marbre blanc. València: E. Climent, 1992.
Find full textDib, Mohammed. Neiges de marbre: Roman. Paris: Sindbad, 1990.
Find full textCanela, Pilar. Els calius del marbre. Barcelona: Columna, 1999.
Find full textLeca, Béatrice. Technique du marbre: Récit. Paris: Seuil, 1996.
Find full textBook chapters on the topic "Marbrage"
Cazes, Daniel. "Les sarcophages paléochrétiens sculptés en marbre de Toulouse et la nécropole de Saint-Sernin." In Bibliothèque de l'Antiquité Tardive, 93–101. Turnhout: Brepols Publishers, 2006.
Full textMouquin, Sophie. "« La nature admirable des pierres sous diverses couleurs et qualitez » : de l'emploi du marbre dans l'architecture de Philibert De l'Orme." In Études Renaissantes, 137–50. Turnhout: Brepols Publishers, 2016.
Full textSparhubert, Éric. "La mensa de saint Martial et le sang de sainte Valérie retrouvés : l’autel de marbre roman de la cathédrale de Limoges." In Regards croisés sur le monument médiéval, 367–81. Turnhout, Belgium: Brepols Publishers, 2018.
Full textGourevitch, Danielle. "De l’argile au marbre." In Formes du savoir médical à la Renaissance, 115–36. Maison des Sciences de l’Homme d’Aquitaine, 2017.
Full textBertonèche, Caroline. "Chapitre VIII. Du marbre à l’eau." In John Keats, 185–92. Presses universitaires de Lyon, 2011.
Full textGaggadis-Robin, Vassiliki, and Agnès Oboussier. "Un buste inédit en marbre d’Aquae Sextiae." In Iconographie du quotidien dans l’art provincial romain : modèles régionaux, 295–303. ARTEHIS Éditions, 2017.
Full textPralong, Annie. "À propos d’un bloc de marbre d'Iznik." In ΕΥΨΥΧΙΑ. Mélanges offerts à Hélène Ahrweiler, 603–18. Éditions de la Sorbonne, 1998.
Full textMulliez, Maud. "Chapitre 3. Marbre feint : signe de luxe." In Le luxe de l’imitation, 79–122. Publications du Centre Jean Bérard, 2014.
Full textDeniaux, Elisabeth. "L’orientaliste Antoine Galland et la découverte des inscriptions de la cité des Viducasses en Normandie." In Altera pars laboris. Venice: Edizioni Ca' Foscari, 2019.
Full textBiard, Guillaume. "Les statues honorifiques en marbre d’après les inscriptions." In La représentation honorifique dans les cités grecques aux époques classique et hellénistique, 429–32. École française d’Athènes, 2017.
Full textConference papers on the topic "Marbrage"
Dekeyser, L., H. J. M. Wouters, G. Ligovich, A. Verdonck, and H. De Clercq. "Composition of ‘Marbrite Fauquez’ 20th-century opalescent glass: results of historical study and laboratory analyses." In Integrated Approaches to the Study of Historical Glass - IAS12, edited by Hugo Thienpont, Wendy Meulebroeck, Karin Nys, and Dirk Vanclooster. SPIE, 2012.
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