Academic literature on the topic 'Manuscript(s)'
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Journal articles on the topic "Manuscript(s)"
Li, Dandan. "Zìjia in RenZhongHua 's Ryukyu Manuscript." Bulletin of the Chinese Linguistic Society of Japan 2008, no. 255 (2008): 78–94.
Full textDesai, Mira. "Writing an effective manuscript: Editor′s perspective." Indian Journal of Pharmacology 40, no. 4 (2008): 135.
Full textHUNG, Hunglung. "A Study of Dunhuang Manuscript S 4221:." Journal of Indian and Buddhist Studies (Indogaku Bukkyogaku Kenkyu) 63, no. 3 (2015): 1133–40.
Full textHabib, M. A. R. ""Bergson Resartus" and T. S. Eliot's Manuscript." Journal of the History of Ideas 54, no. 2 (April 1993): 255.
Full text황만기. "Manuscript 『Wolcheonjip』’s feature andthe need for translation." Korean Studies ll, no. 32 (March 2017): 277–309.
Full textGrimes. "Tree(s) of Knowledge in the Junius Manuscript." Journal of English and Germanic Philology 112, no. 3 (2013): 311.
Full textTindall, Donald J. "Introduction to manuscript by Prof. Donald S. Coffey." Asian Journal of Urology 1, no. 1 (October 2014): 2.
Full textCahalan, S. B., and J. W. Dean. "The manuscript works of S. Fred Prince (1857–1949)." Archives of Natural History 45, no. 1 (April 2018): 122–33.
Full textCsapó, Fanni. "On the Manuscript(s) of Lazius’ Description of Transylvania." Acta Classica Universitatis Scientiarum Debreceniensis 56 (September 1, 2020): 309–23.
Full textBajetta, Carlo M. "Manuscript(s) Matter: Paleography, Philology and Resistance to Theory." Études anglaises Vol. 73, no. 3 (May 5, 2021): 265–86.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Manuscript(s)"
Beckett, Colm. "A study of Robert S. McAdam's manuscript English - Irish dictionary." Thesis, Queen's University Belfast, 1995.
Full textFitzherbert, Teresa. "Bal ami s Tabari : An illustrated manuscript of Bal ami s Tarjama-yi Tarikh-i Tabari in the Freer Gallery of Art, Washington." Thesis, University of Edinburgh, 2001.
Full textBoomhower, Daniel F. "The Manuscript Transmission of J. S. Bach's Mass in B Minor (BWV 232) and the Development of the Concept of Textual Authority, 1750-1850." Case Western Reserve University School of Graduate Studies / OhioLINK, 2017.
Full textCombs, Julia C. (Julia Carolyn). "Six Oboe Sonatas by Giuseppe Sammartini (Sibley Manuscript S. 189): With Critical Commentary and a Performing Edition of Sonata Five, a Lecture Recital, Together with Three Other Recitals." Thesis, North Texas State University, 1985.
Full textGonzález, Bordas Hernán. "Les inscriptions latines de la Régence de Tunis à travers le témoignage de F. Ximenez." Thesis, Bordeaux 3, 2015.
Full textThis thesis deals with the epigraphical activity of F. Ximenez, the administrator of the Trinitarians hospital at Tunis who, between 1720 and 1735, undertook several excursions in the interior of the Regency. Most of his work remains unpublished, and even and even after being dissected for the publication of the Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum (CIL), a re-reading have been proved to be necessary. Indeed, a certain amount of the information on the inscriptions was yet to be discerned and a significant part extracted from it hasn’t been correctly interpreted. They concern the features of the epigraphical monuments as well as their localisations and the conditions of their discovery. The major blunders committed interpreting the manuscripts of F. Ximenez have created duplications of inscriptions and have let researchers think that some inscriptions came from what it tourned out to be the wrong places. In order to draw up the itineraries of F. Ximenez and to determine the sites of origin of the inscriptions it has been essential to consult the ancient and recent archeological maps, along with a field visit in the country in order to follow his steps, shedding light on the case of his more unclear journeys. This new reading of the manuscripts of F. Ximenez and the comparison with the works of the contemporary travellers have also allowed to recreate the stemmata of the manuscript tradition of inscriptions. The aim has been to analyse the transmission of information between the antiquarians of that time and give back to all of the parties involved what was due to each one of them. These comparisons have led us to analyse the reasons and the interests of F. Ximenez with regard to the ancient inscriptions. What's his main interest concerning the epigraphs? What kind of data does he gather from them and what kind of information does he try to deduce from them? How does he take the tracings? These approaches have allowed to place F. Ximenez within the antiquarians of his time, but in order to do this it has been essential to study the reception which some of them have made of the manuscripts of F. Ximenez. What was the opinion of those scholars on F. Ximenez? How did they use the data he has gathered? We have attempted to answer these as well as other questions in this thesis
Schwaller, Nicolas. "La Bible anglo-normande : l'Exode : étude philologique de l'anglo-normand : édition critique du livre de l'Exode de la Bible anglo-normande." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Strasbourg, 2023.
Full textThe Anglo-Norman Bible is a translation of the Bible from Latin to Anglo-Norman. There are two medieval translations (14th century) available, one is the Paris manuscript and the second is the London manuscript. This critical edition of the book of Exodus is based primarily on the London manuscript and the Paris manuscript is referred to for alternative readings. First, the thesis includes a general introduction presenting the manuscripts. Then, there is a linguistic analysis presenting the grammatical aspects specific to the Anglo-Norman language concerning morphology, morphosyntax and syntax. Additionally, the rules of editing present the methodology used for editing these manuscripts and some insights are provided about philology concerning writing, phonetic and codicology. Finally, the edition of the Exodus text, a glossary (presenting the interesting words in Anglo-Norman, Latin, Middle English), and a bibliography have been included. This critical edition aims to contribute to the understanding of the Anglo-Norman and Middle English languages (particularly existing dictionaries and manuals), making the Anglo-Norman Bible’s Exodus book more accessible
Lorrain, Agnès. "Théodoret de Cyr, Interpretatio in Epistulam ad Romanos : édition, traduction et commentaire." Thesis, Paris 4, 2015.
Full textTheodoret of Cyrrhus’s In epistulas Pauli (5th c.) is the oldest surviving Greek commentary that has been preserved in the original language. This dissertation presents a critical edition of Theodoret’s prologue and commentary on the Epistle to the Romans based on all the extant direct manuscripts as well as one catena manuscript. It also offers the first translation of the work into the French language. While many scholars have studied the principles and methods of Antiochene exegesis for the Old Testament, the methods used for the New Testament remain largely unexamined. Through different thematic studies, the dissertation explores the exegetical approach which deals with and is shaped by this latter corpus specifically. By analyzing the elements that structure its discourse as well as its semantic tendencies, it sets out to reveal the central features of Theodoret’s exegetical approach despite the minimal distance which he maintains between the Biblical text and his commentary. Special attention is also paid to Theodoret’s use of the works of John Chrysostom in his own writing. Finally, the dissertation explores the relationship between Theodoret’s biblical exegesis and the rich tradition of scriptural quotation both in a historical and theological context. The main focus is on his polemical discourses on the Jews and the Marcionites and also in his writings on the Trinitarian and Christological controversies. Through a careful analysis of the exegete’s approach to scriptural argumentation and his use of sources, we hope to reveal the richness and versatility of a work which, at first glance, appears to be little more than a simple paraphrase of the biblical text
Gomez, Étienne. "Le Don de la parole : Voeux, serments et promesses dans le cycle du Conte du Graal (XIIe-XIIe s.)." Paris 3, 2008.
Full textScholars agree that “the gift of one’s word” is of prime importance in the Middle Ages but studies on vows, oaths and promises in French medieval literature often narrow the focus to items with historical referents (e. G. Feudal oath, judicial oath) or used as literary devices (e. G. Ambiguous or equivocal oath, don contraignant or contraint). The aim of this study is to present the reader with a systematical and interdisciplinary approach to the topic in the Conte du Graal Cycle, begun in the second half on the 12th c. By Chrétien de Troyes at the bequest of Philip of Flanders and ended in the first half of the 13th c. By Manessier at the bequest of Joanna of Flanders. Parts I-II stress the duality of the notions of vow and oath, a vow (“a promise made to a divinity”) being a votum or a devotio and an oath (“a promise made before a divinity”) being a sacramentum or a juramentum, as well as the complexity of the notion of promise, represented by prometre, promesse and covent, covenant (“the gift of one’s word”), fiance, (a)fiancier, and creance, (a)creanter (“the gift of one’s faith”), or afier and plevir. Part III presents the oath formulas with si (e. G. Si m’aït Diex) and with se (e. G. Se Diex m’aït) as conventions used in the dialogue or in the polylogue to denote the intentions, conflictual or consensual, of the speaker toward the addressee. Finally, Parts IV-V deal with the “blank promise” and the “promise with an intimation to the divinity” as narrative motifs and with the promises of the two main heroes, Perceval and Gauvain, in relation to the narrative structure of the cycle
KONČELÍKOVÁ, Iveta. "První recepční vlna Rukopisu Královédvorského a Rukopisu Zelenohorského v letech 1817-1852." Master's thesis, 2011.
Full textNovotná, Monika. "Cenzor a literát Jan Nepomuk Václav Zimmermann (1788-1836)." Master's thesis, 2018.
Full textBooks on the topic "Manuscript(s)"
Khayyam, Omar. The Ruba'iyat of Umar-I-Khayyam: Persian Text Edited From a Manuscript Dated 911 A.H. (1605 A.D.) in the Collection of Professor S. Najib Ashraf Nadvi with a Facsimile of the Manuscript by M. Mahfuz-Ul-Haq, M.A. Calcutta: The Asiatic Society, 1986.
Find full textS, Reese William, and Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library., eds. A Herman Melville Collection: Exhibited at the Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library, Yale University on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of his death, from the collection of William S. Reese. New Haven: [Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library], 1991.
Find full textLombardo, Luca. Albertino Mussato, Epistole metriche Edizione critica, traduzione e commento. Venice: Fondazione Università Ca’ Foscari, 2020.
Full textWendling, Miriam, ed. Cardinal Adam Easton (c. 1330-1397). NL Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, 2020.
Full textJournals, C. R. J. S Bach Manuscript Book: Manuscript Paper. Independently Published, 2021.
Find full textFourth Avenue Fourth Avenue Songbooks. Vintage Forever: 90's Love Songs Cassette, Manuscript Paper. Independently Published, 2019.
Find full textWhetter, K. S. Manuscript and Meaning of Malory`s Morte Dar - Rubrication, Commemoration, Memorialization. Boydell & Brewer, Limited, 2020.
Find full textGrimsted, Patricia Kennedy. Archives and Manuscript Repositories in the USSR: Ukraine and Modavia, Book 1 : General Bibliography and Institutional Directory (Archives & Manuscript Repositories in the U. S. S. R.). Princeton Univ Pr, 1989.
Find full text(Compiler), Joyce Bedi, Ronald R. Kline (Compiler), and Craig Semsel (Compiler), eds. Sources in Electrical History: Archives and Manuscript Collections in U. S. Repositories. Ieee, 1989.
Find full textBook chapters on the topic "Manuscript(s)"
Gaudio, Paola. "2. Who Cares What Shape the Red Room is?" In Prismatic Jane Eyre, 184–207. Cambridge, UK: Open Book Publishers, 2023.
Full textDe Bonis, Maria Caterina. "An Unfinished Drawing of St Benedict in a Neglected Manuscript of the Regula S. Benedicti (Cambridge, Trinity College, O.2.30)." In Hagiography in Anglo-Saxon England: Adopting and Adapting Saints' Lives into Old English Prose (c. 950-1150), 309–43. Turnhout: Brepols Publishers, 2014.
Full textPartoens, Gert, and András Handl. "Two Anonymous Preachers on the “Woman Taken in Adultery”: S. Mai 8 and an Unedited Homily in a Manuscript from Moissac." In Instrumenta Patristica et Mediaevalia, 165–92. Turnhout, Belgium: Brepols Publishers, 2021.
Full textGoebl, Hans. "Analyse diatopique, diachronique et diatextuelle d’un trait scripturaire normand (*ALIRE + S latin> aillours etc.)." In Distributions spatiales et temporelles, constellations des manuscrits/Spatial and Temporal Distributions, Manuscript Constellations, 63. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company, 1988.
Full text"S Manuscript." In The Frawardīn Yašt, 51–56. BRILL, 2018.
Full text"S Manuscript." In On the Explanation of Chess and Backgammon, 51–56. BRILL, 2016.
Full text"The Manuscript/s." In Exile in Amsterdam, 36–66. Hebrew Union College Press, 2005.
Full text"it exists manuscript(s), referring to T'aejun." In Kodae Sosol, 246–47. Routledge, 2013.
Full textCameron, Alan. "The Sylloge Parisina." In The Greek Anthology, 217–53. Oxford University PressOxford, 1993.
Full textTimberlake, Alan. "Older and Younger Recensions of the First Novgorod Chronicle." In Oxford Slavonic Papers, 1–35. Oxford University PressOxford, 2000.
Full textConference papers on the topic "Manuscript(s)"
Sen, Ferhat. "Visualizing Süleymaname: Analyzing and Visualizing Embedded Spatiotemporal Information in a 16th Century Illustrated Manuscript." In 2015 19th International Conference on Information Visualisation (iV). IEEE, 2015.
Full textBertasi, Federico, Marco Bandiera, Arianna Pavesi, Andrea Bonfanti, and Alessandro Mancini. "Friction Materials: Best Practices for the Evaluation of Corrodibility and Corrosion Mechanism." In EuroBrake 2021. FISITA, 2021.
Full textRadulović, Milka, and Jelena Slavković. "Reading, writing, making errors: Middle Ages and (ultra)modern world." In Tenth Rome Cyril-Methodian Readings. Indrik, 2020.
Full textMishra, Nikita, and Anup Saraf. "Life Cycle Cost Assessment for Digitalization Project Implementation in an E&P Company." In ADIPEC. SPE, 2023.
Full textPatil, Pramod D., Abdulaziz S. Al-Qasim, Alia I. Al-Zayani, and Sunil L. Kokal. "End-To-End Surface and Subsurface Monitoring and Surveillance for the Onshore and Offshore CCS or CCUS Projects." In Offshore Technology Conference. OTC, 2023.
Full textCerbarano, Davide, Ermanno Lo Schiavo, Lorenzo Tieghi, Giovanni Delibra, Stefano Minotti, and Alessandro Corsini. "Characterization of High-Pressure Hydrogen Leakages." In ASME Turbo Expo 2023: Turbomachinery Technical Conference and Exposition. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2023.
Full textKeprate, Arvind, and R. M. Chandima Ratnayake. "Handling Uncertainty in the Remnant Fatigue Life Assessment of Offshore Process Pipework." In ASME 2016 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2016.
Full textRokni, Emad, Hsun Hsien Chi, and Yiannis A. Levendis. "In-Furnace Sulfur Capture by Co-Firing Coal With Alkali-Based Sorbents." In ASME 2016 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2016.
Full textSun, Pang-chen, Yuri T. Mazurenko, and Yeshayahu Fainman. "All-Optical Parallel-to-Serial Conversion by Holographic Spatial-to-Temporal Frequency Encoding." In Optical Computing. Washington, D.C.: Optica Publishing Group, 1995.
Full textReports on the topic "Manuscript(s)"
Wang, X. F., and M. Schuldiner. Systems biology approaches to dissect virus-host interactions to develop crops with broad-spectrum virus resistance. Israel: United States-Israel Binational Agricultural Research and Development Fund, 2020.
Full textOr, Etti, David Galbraith, and Anne Fennell. Exploring mechanisms involved in grape bud dormancy: Large-scale analysis of expression reprogramming following controlled dormancy induction and dormancy release. United States Department of Agriculture, December 2002.
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