Academic literature on the topic 'Manoscritti latini'
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Journal articles on the topic "Manoscritti latini"
Fedeli, Paolo. "L'immagine come interpretazione nei manoscritti latini." Euphrosyne 30 (January 2002): 297–316.
Full textManiaci, Marilena. "Ricette di costruzione della pagina nei manoscritti greci e latini." Scriptorium 49, no. 1 (1995): 16–41.
Full textDąbek, Tomasz Maria. "Refleksje na temat współczesnych kierunków interpretacji chorału gregoriańskiego." Ruch Biblijny i Liturgiczny 57, no. 3 (September 30, 2004): 185.
Full textOrsi, Elisa. "codice senese nella storia delle illustrazioni dantesche: note sulla fortuna critica della Commedia Yates Thompson 36." Dante e l'Arte 8 (March 7, 2022): 65–86.
Full textZiolkowski, Jan M. "Poesia dell'alto medioevo europeo: Manoscritti, lingua e musica dei ritmi latini/Poetry of Early Medieval Europe: Manuscripts, Language and Music of the Latin Rhythmical Texts. Francesco Stella." Speculum 80, no. 3 (July 2005): 985–87.
Full textGendre, Renato. "Nota Gotica." Linguistica 42, no. 1 (December 1, 2002): 5–7.
Full textTommasi, Alessia. "Il volo di Alessandro Magno nel Medioevo romanzo: fra testi e immagini." Revista de Filología Románica 39 (November 3, 2022): 29–43.
Full textZvonareva, Alina. "Le rubriche in volgare del códice 7-1-52 della biblioteca Colombina di Siviglia." Revista Galega de Filoloxía 13 (May 17, 2012): 151–77.
Full textVolpi, Irene. "Il Corpus Rhythmorum Musicum Opportunità e prospettive di una edizione critica digitale." Revista de Poética Medieval 33 (December 31, 2019): 99–120.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Manoscritti latini"
Rovesti, Camilla <1994>. "Catalogo dei manoscritti classici latini della collezione Phillipps della Staatsbibliothek di Berlino." Master's Degree Thesis, Università Ca' Foscari Venezia, 2022.
Full textRAGAZZINI, CLIO. "I manoscritti datati della Biblioteca Universitaria di Bologna." Doctoral thesis, Università degli studi di Ferrara, 2021.
Full textThis dissertation is based on the research project Manoscritti datati d’Italia (MDI), which has been developed since 1994 by the AIMD Society (, with the aim of listing and describing all manuscripts books in Latin writing dated to the Year 1500 held in Italian libraries. The MDI project represents also the Italian contribution to the cataloguing of European dated manuscripts, which was established in 1953 by the first meeting of Comité International de Paléographie latine (CIPL) to provide new resources and tools for Medieval Latin Paleography and Codicology. All the catalogues resulting from MDI project are published in the SISMEL Publisher’s MDI monographic series (, which currently consists of 33 volumes, issued from 1996 to 2021. So, the main purpose of this dissertation is to draw up the MDI catalogue of the dated manuscripts preserved in Bologna University Library (BUB). In fact, it contains the descriptions of 178 dated manuscripts (for 180 codicological units) selected to February 2021 from a previous preliminary list and a general census of about 1200 BUB’s medieval manuscripts in Latin script, both provided in 2016-2017. Like the other volumes of the MDI series, the catalogue is introduced by an exhaustive essay about the history of the BUB and its special collections and is followed by the list of rejected manuscripts, while it is furnished with bibliography, indexes and 180 plates. Each part, especially the manuscript descriptions, was edited according to the MDI project’s protocol and guidelines. In conclusion, this dissertation reaches a first important milestone in the development of the forthcoming MDI volume about BUB, which will hopefully be published in 2022. The next steps to achieve this goal will be the end of the current additional checks on the census of BUB’s medieval manuscripts, the cataloguing of any extra dated items and lastly the editorial and revision process.
Salis, Sabrina <1974>. "Manoscritti medievali in lingua latina della Biblioteca del Museo Correr di Venezia." Doctoral thesis, Università Ca' Foscari Venezia, 2008.
Full textFunaro, Federica <1991>. "Le Etiopiche di Eliodoro di Emesa: manoscritti, edizioni, traduzioni latine e italiane del XVI secolo." Master's Degree Thesis, Università Ca' Foscari Venezia, 2021.
Full textTodaro, Giovanna. "Commento al libro XXV di Tito Livio." Doctoral thesis, Università degli studi di Padova, 2019.
Full textThe thesis offers a scientific commentary on book XXV of Ab Urbe Condita by Livy, which is still missing a modern critical textual commentary. The commentary, which refers to the entire book, is conducted ad locum, combining a content exegesis and a literary analysis. The individual components of the text (historical facts, Realien, stylistic-rhetorical, linguistic, juridical, religious, topographical aspects) are considered individually, but not in isolation, with the intention of giving an account of the compositional technique and Livian narrative construction. Moreover, the commentary devotes ample space to textual problems, starting with a comprehensive review of the manuscript tradition (the text of books XXI-XXV depends on the unique and corrupt tradition of Par. Lat. 5730) and the conjectures introduced by the editors. Given the lack of a repertoire of conjectures on the Livian text and the frequent difficulty of obtaining information on the dating and publication of the conjectures subsequent to the Drakenborch edition, the analysis of the loci critici also takes into account these proposals, if relevant for constitution of the text. The introduction to the commentary provides an overview of the topics presented in the book, considered in terms of historical content and organisational structure, and seen in the light of the entire decade.
Orsino, Sofia. "La biblioteca della Badia Fiorentina. Ricostruzione della raccolta libraria e catalogo dei codici latini." Doctoral thesis, 2021.
Full textMONTALTO, RICCARDO. "La biblioteca manoscritta greca di Achille Stazio." Doctoral thesis, 2020.
Full text"Studio ed edizione delle postille al Petrarca latino di un ignoto annotatore del secolo XV: i manoscritti Parigi, Biblioteca nazionale, lat. 8569, 6501 e 6502." Université catholique de Louvain, 2003.
Full textGUALDO, IRENE. "La tradizione manoscritta del volgarizzamento del "Liber de doctrina dicendi et tacendi" di Albertano da Brescia." Doctoral thesis, 2018.
Full textThe manuscript tradition of the «Liber de doctrina dicendi et tacendi» by Albertanus of Brescia in the Italian vernacular This thesis deals with the study of the manuscript tradition of three anonymous Italian versions (including two unpublished) of the vulgarisation of the De doctrina dicendi et tacendi (1245) by Albertanus of Brescia (beginning of the 13th century - Brescia, around 1270) and aims to publish the critical edition of these versions. The work of the Lombard Judge is a rhetorical and moral treatise that has enjoyed immediate success and diffusion in the Middle Ages, both in Italy and in Europe, as it can be proved by its many translations into several Romance languages. Among them, the first vulgarisation that we know is the one attributed to Andrea da Grosseto, who translated the moral treatises of Albertanus in 1260, in France; his work was followed by another translation, accomplished by the notary of Pistoia Soffredi del Grazia. Among other translations, we also recall one Florentine version (late Thirteenth century), one pisane (1288), and three anonymous vulgar versions, two of which published here for the first time. Previously, the framework of the manuscript tradition of the "Liber de doctrina dicendi et tacendi" was very nebulous. As already pointed out by Segre and Marti in 1959, studies concerning the relations among the various Italian vulgarisations of Albertanus’s work were insufficient. In particular, the absence of a distinction between the different Italian versions and, especially, of an edition of the anonymous ones, based on scientific criteria, has long prevented comparisons with other Italian and European versions. The first part of this work aims to frame the Italian versions of the treatise in their context and to comment on them from the cultural, literary and linguistic point of view. In this introduction to the texts, an attempt has been made to bring together the results of the inquiry into the European heritage of Albertanus’s book, related to the popularisation of Latin and French rhetorical and moral treatises. The comparison also concerned the translation of the treatise by Brunetto Latini. The collation between the French version of the Liber included in the Tresor and the Tuscan vulgarisations highlighted common errors and innovations, which suggest the existence of a relation. From the point of view of the literary heritage, this work will examine the themes of silence and consolatio considered as possible remedies to heal the inner conflict, from Albertanus’s treatise to Petrarch’s works. From a linguistic point of view, the indispensable contribution of the vulgarisations of the "Liber" to the founding of the Italian prose, comparable to that of the three Canzonieri, which marked the beginning of the vulgar poetic tradition, will be highlighted. The second part of this thesis is devoted to the study of the manuscript tradition of the vulgarisation of the treatise, which allowed to enrich the 2011 census with three new manuscripts and to reconstruct the stemmatic relations among its witnesses. The examination of the texts has led to clarify areas of shadow concerning the relations among the vulgar translations and to identify at least three different anonymous versions: the «Vulgate», a shortened version, transmitted by twenty-nine manuscripts, which privileges the moral and gnomic message to the detriment of its rhetorical content; the «Integral», a complete version more similar to the Latin text, testified by five manuscripts; the «Composite», apparently subsequent to the previous ones, also transmitted by five witnesses. For each version, a stemma codicum was drawn and a representative text was published, in order to carry out a linguistic analysis necessary to establish the relations which connect these versions and their origin.
La tradition manuscrite du « Liber de doctrina dicendi et tacendi » d’Albertano da Brescia dans les vulgaires italiens Cette thèse porte sur l’édition et l’étude de la tradition manuscrite des trois rédactions (dont deux inédites) de la « vulgarisation » (« volgarizzamento ») du De doctrina dicendi et tacendi (1245) d’Albertano da Brescia. L’oeuvre du Juge lombard est un traité rhétorique et moral qui a connu un immédiat succès de public au Moyen Âge, à la fois en Italie et en Europe, comme le prouvent ses nombreuses traductions dans plusieurs langues romanes. Parmi elles, la vulgarisation la plus ancienne que nous connaissons est celle attribuée à Andrea da Grosseto, qui traduisit les traités moraux d’Albertano en 1268, en France ; son travail fut suivi par celui du notaire de Pistoia Soffredi del Grazia, qui prépara une seconde traduction. Parmi les autres traductions, nous rappelons également une version florentine (fin du XIIIe siècle), une pisane (1288, transmise par le manuscrit connu comme « Bargiacchi »), et trois rédactions vulgaires anonymes, jusqu’à aujourd’hui inconnues, dont ce projet vise à publier les textes. Auparavant, le cadre de la tradition manuscrite de la vulgarisation du Liber de doctrina dicendi et tacendi était peu clair. Comme l’avaient déjà souligné Segre et Marti en 1959, les études concernant les relations entre les vulgarisations italiennes de l’oeuvre d’Albertano étaient insuffisantes. En particulier, l’absence d’une distinction circonstanciée entre les différentes rédactions et, notamment, d’une édition des rédactions anonymes fondée sur des critères scientifiques a longtemps empêché la comparaison avec les autres versions italiennes et européennes. La première partie de ce travail vise à resituer les versions italiennes du traité dans leur contexte et à les commenter du point de vue culturel, littéraire et linguistique. Dans cette introduction aux textes, on a essayé de réunir les résultats de l’enquête sur la fortune européenne du livre d’Albertano, mise en rapport avec les vulgarisations du latin au français de traités rhétoriques et moraux, parmi lesquelles la traduction du "De doctrina" peut s’inscrire. La comparaison a concerné aussi la traduction du traité faite par Brunetto Latini. La collation entre la version française du Liber de doctrina dicendi et tacendi comprise dans le "Tresor" (II, LXI-LXVII) et les vulgarisations toscanes a mis en relief des fautes et des innovations communes, qui laissent supposer l’existence d’une parenté. La présence, dans l’oeuvre de Brunetto, de choix lexicaux et de syntagmes absents dans le texte latin et cependant repérables dans une version toscane du traité est une nouveauté très intéressante. Sur la base de ces leçons alternatives, on a pu bâtir un raisonnement génétique et postuler un lien entre la version de Brunetto et la traduction effectuée par Andrea da Grosseto. Du point de vue de l’héritage littéraire, on examinera les thèmes du silence et de la consolatio considérés comme de possibles remèdes pour guérir le conflit intérieur, à partir du traité albertanien jusqu’à Pétrarque. On analysera d’abord les similarités et les différences entre les approches des deux auteurs du conflit intime : d’une part, un projet pédagogique qui s’adresse aux citoyens de la ville, de l’autre, la quête de l’ataraxie et de la solitude, à l’abri des dangers que la ville et sa perniciosa occupatio peuvent présenter, avec la seule compagnie des grands hommes du passé, interlocuteurs privilégiés d’un méditatif silentium animi. Sous l’aspect linguistique, le dernier chapitre de la première partie mettra en évidence l’apport indispensable des vulgarisations du Liber à la fondation de la prose italienne des origines, surtout du côté lexical, comparable à celle des trois Canzonieri qui marquent le début de la tradition poétique vulgaire. La deuxième partie de cette thèse concerne l’étude de la tradition manuscrite de la vulgarisation du traité, qui a permis d’enrichir le recensement du 2011 avec trois nouveaux manuscrits (dont un, le manuscrit MA 465 de la Bibliothèque Angelo Mai de Bergamo, bilingue) et de reconstruire les relations stemmatiques parmi ses témoins. L’examen approfondi des textes a permis d’éclaircir certaines zones d’ombre qui concernent les rapports entre les rédactions vulgaires et d’identifier au moins trois versions anonymes différentes : 1) la « Vulgate », une version « abrégée », transmise par vingt-neuf manuscrits, dont celui du Collège d’Espagne de Bologne n’avait jamais été recensé auparavant. Il s’agit d’une version qui privilège le message moral et gnomique au détriment de son contenu rhétorique, en flattant le goût médiéval pour la brièveté et la condensation aphoristique. 2) L’ « Intégrale », une version complète et plus fidèle au texte latin, dont nous avons cinq manuscrits.3) La « Composite », remaniement transmis par cinq témoins, apparemment plus tardive et caractérisée par l’attribution de certaines citations à des auctoritates différentes de celles utilisées dans le texte-source latin. Cette version garde seulement le prologue et le premier livre du traité : la deuxième partie du texte semble provenir de Liber de Amore et Dilectione Dei d’Albertano, mélangé avec le Liber de doctrina et d’autres sententiae. Enfin, la structure cicéronienne des circumstantiae locutionis (bien qu’annoncée dans le prologue et présente dans le modèle latin) disparaît complètement dans cette rédaction. Pour ce qui concerne cette version, le recensement a été enrichi d’un autre témoin, le ms. 1004 de la Bibliothèque Universitaire de Padoue. Pour chaque version, on a essayé de tracer un stemma codicum en choisissant un certain nombre de loci critici, à partir desquels on a pu effectuer une collation de tous les témoins et publier au moins un texte représentatif, afin d’effectuer une analyse linguistique, textuelle et macrotextuelle nécessaire pour établir les rapports qui lient ces versions et, si possible, leur origine.
SERPETTA, MARIA GIULIA. "La Regola per ben confessarsi di Giacomo della Marca: edizione e commento linguistico." Doctoral thesis, 2018.
Full textBooks on the topic "Manoscritti latini"
Simona, Cives, and Università di Bologna. Dipartimento di archeologia, eds. Manoscritti latini nell'Egitto tardo-antico. Imola (Bologna): La mandragora, 2005.
Find full textBuzi, Paola. Manoscritti latini nell'Egitto tardo-antico. Imola (Bologna): La mandragora, 2005.
Find full textDonatella, Frioli, and Gatti Paolo, eds. Manoscritti agiografici latini di Trento e Rovereto. Firenze: SISMEL, Edizioni del Galluzzo, 2005.
Find full textvaticana, Biblioteca apostolica. Manoscritti vaticani latini, 14666-15203: Catalogo sommario. Città del Vaticano: Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, 1989.
Find full textVerona, Biblioteca capitolare di, ed. Manoscritti agiografici latini della Biblioteca capitolare di Verona: Catalogo. Firenze: SISMEL, Edizioni del Galluzzo, 2020.
Find full textvallicelliana, Biblioteca, ed. I manoscritti classici latini della Biblioteca vallicelliana di Roma. Roma: Istituto poligrafico e Zecca dello Stato, 2021.
Find full textManoscritti agiografici latini conservati a Padova: Biblioteche Antoniana, civica e universitaria. Firenze: SISMEL edizioni del Galluzzo, 2003.
Find full textManfredi, Antonio. I codici latini di Niccolò V: Edizione degli inventari e identificazione dei manoscritti. Città del Vaticano: Biblioteca apostolica vaticana, 1994.
Find full textUniversità degli studi di Trieste. Dipartimento di scienze dell'antichità., ed. Codices artis mensoriae: I manoscritti degli antichi opuscoli latini d'agrimensura (V-XIX sec.). Spoleto: Centro italiano di studi sull'alto Medioevo, 1994.
Find full text1962-, Stella Francesco, and Euroconference for the Corpus of Latin Rhythmical Poems (1999 : Ravello, Italy), eds. Poesia dell'alto Medioevo europeo: Manoscritti, lingua e musica dei ritmi latini : atti delle Euroconferenze per il corpus dei ritmi latini (IV-IX sec.), Arezzo, 6-7 novembre 1998 e Ravello, 9-12 settembre 1999. Firenze: SISMEL edizioni del Galluzzo, 2000.
Find full textBook chapters on the topic "Manoscritti latini"
Lucentini, Paolo, and Vittoria Perrone Compagni. "I manoscritti dei testi ermetici latini." In Hermetism from Late Antiquity to Humanism, 715–45. Turnhout: Brepols Publishers, 2004.
Full textPomaro, Gabriella. "La tradizione latina del Liber contemplationis: il manoscritto Paris, Bibliothèque nationale de France, Lat. 3348A." In Instrumenta Patristica et Mediaevalia, 21–77. Turnhout: Brepols Publishers, 2011.
Full textAmmirati, Serena. "Il manoscritto latino di contenuto giuridico tra Antichità e Medioevo. Strategie distintive e conservatorismo grafico da Oriente a Occidente." In Bibliologia, 47–60. Turnhout, Belgium: Brepols Publishers, 2021.
Full text"Indice dei manoscritti latini." In Il Lucidario bergamasco, 323–24. Ledizioni, 2017.
Full text"Tradizione e fortuna del De re uxoria di Francesco Barbaro: censimento dei manoscritti*." In Acta Conventus Neo-Latini Vindobonensis, 412–22. BRILL, 2018.
Full text"Parte 2. Catalogo." In Cipro nella Biblioteca Marciana di Venezia Manoscritti, testi e carte. Venice: Fondazione Università Ca’ Foscari, 2022.
Full text"Parte 2. Catalogo." In Cipro nella Biblioteca Marciana di Venezia Manoscritti, testi e carte. Venice: Fondazione Università Ca’ Foscari, 2022.
Full text"Appendice 4: Descrizione dei manoscritti." In La traduzione latina del ‹Nicocles› isocrateo di Guarino Veronese, 200–253. De Gruyter, 2022.
Full textGallo, Annarosa. "La tradizione manoscritta delle epigrafi latine di Tarentum." In Altera pars laboris. Venice: Edizioni Ca' Foscari, 2019.
Full text"2 • Parole-segnale a margine in manoscritti dal quarto al quindicesimo secolo." In Lexis Supplements. Venice: Fondazione Università Ca’ Foscari, 2022.
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