Academic literature on the topic 'Mandingues – Moeurs et coutumes'
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Journal articles on the topic "Mandingues – Moeurs et coutumes"
Journet, Nicolas. "Moeurs et coutumes du député français." Sciences Humaines N°105, no. 5 (May 1, 2000): 31.
Full textSimard, Jean. "Prêtres et religieux, collecteurs d’images ethnographiques." Domaines d'action I (Canada français), no. 24-25-26 (October 31, 2013): 290–302.
Full textGenest-LeBlanc, Monique. "Krieghoff et les ceintures fléchées." Terrains 8 (January 17, 2011): 69–76.
Full textGicquel, Samuel. "Les Amérindiens du Canada vus par les missionnaires oblats bretons (fin xixe-début xxe siècle)." Port Acadie, no. 24-25-26 (October 31, 2013): 334–46.
Full textvan de Port, Mattijs. "The articulation of soul: gypsy musicians and the Serbian Other." Popular Music 18, no. 3 (October 1999): 291–307.
Full textPloux, François. "Le clergé paroissial et la coutume paysanne." Contexte sociohistorique et religieux, no. 24-25-26 (October 31, 2013): 70–81.
Full textBroué, Catherine. "Perrot, Nicolas. Mémoire sur les moeurs, coutumes et religion des Sauvages de l’Amérique septentrionale. Édition critique par Pierre Berthiaume, Montréal, Les Presses de l’Université de Montréal, « Bibliothèque du Nouveau Monde », 2004, 578 p. ISBN 2-7606-1883-8." Rabaska: Revue d'ethnologie de l'Amérique française 5 (2007): 187.
Full textWerner, Karel. "L'Inde philosophique entre Bossuet et Voltaire (Publications de l'École Française d'Extrême-Orient, Vol. CXLVI.) Vol. I: moeurs et coutumes des Indiens (1777). Un inédit du Père G.-L. Cœurdoux S.J. dans la version de N.-J. Desvaulx. Edited and annotated by Sylvia Murr. pp. vii, 247, map, errata slip. Vol. II: l'indologie du Père Cœurdoux: stratégies, apologétique et scientificité. By Sylvia Murr. pp. vi, 250, map. Paris, École Française d'Éxtrême-Orient, 1987." Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain & Ireland 121, no. 1 (January 1989): 184–85.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Mandingues – Moeurs et coutumes"
Kone, Issiaka. "Le Mandenkaya : ou l'art d'exalter, de contenir et d'éteindre le conflit." Bordeaux 2, 1997.
Full textDalala, Mirna. "Les représentations sociales de la maladie et de la santé : comparaisons entre les jeunes universitaires français et syriens." Caen, 2010.
Full textThe object of our research concerns a subject which touches the daily the life of the individual; it is that of social representations of illness and of health. The theoretical framework of my work was supported by a vast mainly Anglo-Saxon and French literature. This research was aimed at providing sociological reading of the social representations concerning health and illness. The objective of our research consisted in updating the representations of the illness and health at two groups of young students coming from different social environments, from different cultures. The principal hypotheses concern represented them of 400 young students French and Syrian old from 18 to 30 years on the attributed meanings to the illness and to health. The instrument used is a questionnaire included 116 closed questions. The analysis was performed with the aid of software SPSS 10, and SAS 9, 1. Data (cross sorting flat and sorting) are presented in form of tables and of graph. We also accomplished factorial analyses of correspondence [AFC] adapted to the character of data. This study tried to give a photograph of the social reality of the illness and health in two different cultural universes, in France and Syria. This research performed on a comparative mode, explored the concepts of illness and health, the type of causal attribution emitted for the illness and the health, causative attribution of health and of illness, the representations of the behaviors of hygiene, the care behaviors, the role of the family and medical progress
Pétesch, Nathalie. "La Pirogue de Sable : modes de représentation et d'organisation d'une société du fleuve : les Karaja de l'Araguaia (Brésil central)." Paris 10, 1992.
Full textThe object of this thesis consists in defining on a cognitive and social level the basic characteristics of the Karaja society, in order to specify more accurately its position inside the macro-ge linguistic and socio-cultural complex of the central Brazil. For this purpose, are successively described and analysed the cosmogony, the ceremonial complex and the social organization of these river Indians. Comparisons are made on various points with the main representatives of the macro-ge family, particularly the Bororo. So are pointed out the affinity and the singularity of the Karaja dualistic morphology in comparison with the binary models of the Central Brazil. The non macro-ge features of the Karaja society are also emphasized so as to give rise to new comparative approaches within the South America lowlands societies
Tambikissa, Germain. "Le Discours traditionnel sur la maladie et la mort chez les Kongo du Niari : interrogation ethique, confrontation théologique." Strasbourg, 2009.
Full textOur thesis is entitled: "Traditional discourse on disease and death among the Kongo Niari: ethical questions, theological confrontation". The expectations of Christian populations on issues of healing allow us to catch attempts to reconstruct the imaginary around a mythical reading of the Bible within the conflict between tradition and modernity. When the latter takes place, it is an invitation to reflect on inculturation in the symbolic modern African universe. The objective is to move from one mythical reading to a hermeneutic dynamic reading, which affirms the similarities between the bible and cultures, but which poses disruptions which occur when the word of god is addressed to any culture. The universal Church is invited to re-read about its origins, its tradition. Salvation in Jesus Christ brings to completion all the expectations written at the heart of the history of each people. God's salvation in Jesus Christ took flesh in the historical context of men, but it still comes from above. It also depends on the cross. The latter is interpreted in the Kongo and more generally African context, governed by the power of the sorcerer, as an emergence of humanity in which relations between men are no longer controlled by the balance of power or by the manipulation of mystical forces, but by salvation, resurrection and superabundance of life which give different healings. The proclamation of salvation brought by Christ, dead and risen, calls us to find more appropriate ways to tell the solidarity of the Savior with the poor, the sick
Ajawaila, Jacob William. "Les Galela des Moluques du Nord : L'organisation sociale et les rituels." Paris, EHESS, 1996.
Full textSibling represent as parent while the sister exist on the growth side. Relationship between a house with the other one is established by
Chaffard, Sallet Flavien. "Culture et bonheur : étude comparative des prédicteurs du bonheur entre le Brésil et la France." Bordeaux 2, 2007.
Full textDuring the last decades, a part of psychology focused on happiness and several measure instruments have been developed. World-wide surveys and series of cross-cultural studies show that the level of happiness differs from a nation to another. The authors suggest that the level of happiness can be largely explained by the variations in social qualities like wealth, equality, freedom, etc. Happiness is higher in the countries where social qualities are higher. However, Brazil seems to have a level of happiness higher than France whereas social qualities are higher in France. Other variables would play a role in happiness. Psychosocial variables, differing between cultures and having a positive impact on happiness, could explain a part of the Brazilians 'higher happiness. In order to understand better why happiness differs between Brazilians and French, we observed the influence of psychosocial variables on happiness which levels are likely to be higher in Brazil than in France. In the current study, we examine the impact of religion, social relations and extraversion on happiness average between 102 Brazilian students and 104 French students. We also compare the levels for each variable between our two cultures. The data show the complexity of the relation between culture and happiness. Results suggest that the influence of religion, social relations and extraversion on the level of happiness is moderated by the culture. Religiosity and social relationships have a stronger impact on happiness in Brazil than in France whereas extraversion seems to have a stronger influence in France than in Brazil
Rochard, Philippe. "Le "sport antique" des zurkhâne de Téhéran : formes et significations d'une pratique contemporaine." Aix-Marseille 1, 2000.
Full textCiobotariu, Emilia. "Etude sur l'imaginaire de trois cultures européennes : basque, celte, roumaine." Bordeaux 3, 2001.
Full textQuerio, Ruth. "Les stratégies pudiques aux XVIIIe et XIXe siècles : histoire et représentations." Nice, 2011.
Full textThis work is devoted to the study of modesty strategies which deal with the whole mechanisms whose purpose is to protect our human dignity. These strategies keep us from the feeling of shame which puts on alert our modesty. The attacks whose target is the modesty belong to the same field, whereas the way we have to thwart them move a great deal all along centuries. The modesty strategies form our viewpoint to read the 18th and 19th centuries. This work embodies a link not only between two centuries but also between two types of source-books (fiction and egodocument). What are the divergences and convergences between these two centuries ? What is the influence of literature master pattern relevant to human behaviour ? We endeavour to set a perspective between the representation imposed by the society and their eventual applications. In the public field, the modesty strategies turn into politeness and civility to allow the individu to live peacefully in society. In the intimate field, the 18th century will build up the modesty strategies from the libertine figure in order to settle a received sexuality in the society. The aestheticism will be its form of sublimation. The 19th century leans on the two faces of the woman to lead to the « double standard » conceit : on the one hand the romanticism set between love and grief as a « modesty voucher », and the other hand the prostitution with the use of « fugitive figure »
Runz, Isabelle de. "Cuisinières et rotisseurs : univers culinaire, représentations et logique sociale en Serbie orientale." Paris 10, 1990.
Full textBooks on the topic "Mandingues – Moeurs et coutumes"
Jean, Derive, Dumestre G, and Camara Ansoumane, eds. Des hommes et des bêtes: Chants de chasseurs mandingues. [Paris]: Association Classiques africains, 1999.
Find full textL'or du diable: Du désert de Mauritanie aux mines d'or du Mali. Paris: Presses de la Renaissance, 2008.
Find full textLe Mandé de nos ancêtres: Selon le Gbélin ou tradition orale. Paris: Harmattan, 2004.
Find full textSuperstitions, coutumes et croyances. 2nd ed. Outremont, Québec: Éditions Quebecor, 2005.
Find full textÉricson, Jonathan S. Superstitions, coutumes et croyances. [Lieu de publication non identifié]: Québec Loisirs, 1998.
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