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&NA;, &NA;. "MANDATORY PHYSICIAN ASSIGNMENT LAW." Journal of Wound, Ostomy and Continence Nursing 13, no. 6 (November 1986): 22A.

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Trossman, Susan. "Mandatory Reporting Law Gone Awry." AJN, American Journal of Nursing 105, no. 6 (June 2005): 73–75.

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Zhou, Qi. "Limits of mandatory rules in contract law: an example in agency law." Northern Ireland Legal Quarterly 65, no. 4 (February 12, 2019): 357–69.

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This paper uses Article 17 of the Commercial Agent (Council Directive) Regulations 1993 as an example to illustrate the regulatory limits of a mandatory rule in contract law. Article 17 aims to protect commercial agents by forcing the principal to a commercial agency contract to make a mandatory end payment to the agent on termination of the contract. This paper argues that Article 17 cannot benefit the commercial agent. Rather, it makes both the agent and the principal worse off. Based on the analysis, the paper provides four general implications for understanding the limits of the mandatory rule in policing abuse of bargaining power. First, the mandatory rule will generate a new compliance cost for the stronger party, who can pass it on to the weaker party. Second, the mandatory rule cannot benefit all of the parties aimed to be protected. It inevitably creates both winners and losers. Third, the mandatory rule cannot be used to force the stronger party to make a direct payment of money to the weaker party. Fourth, the mandatory rule may exacerbate the problem of information asymmetry in a contracting process.
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Madoc-Jones, Iolo. "Mandatory drug testing." Probation Journal 53, no. 1 (March 2006): 81–82.

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Lazareff, S. "Mandatory Extraterritorial Application of National Law." Arbitration International 11, no. 2 (June 1, 1995): 137–50.

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Gordon, Jeffrey N. "The Mandatory Structure of Corporate Law." Columbia Law Review 89, no. 7 (November 1989): 1549.

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Wojewoda, Michal. "Mandatory Rules in Private International Law." Maastricht Journal of European and Comparative Law 7, no. 2 (June 2000): 183–213.

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Maddern, Guy, and Joseph Wayne Smith. "Surgical ethics, law and mandatory reporting." ANZ Journal of Surgery 81, no. 12 (December 2011): 855–56.

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Cuijpers, Colette. "A Private Law Approach to Privacy; Mandatory Law Obliged?" SCRIPT-ed 4, no. 4 (December 15, 2007): 304–18.

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Storme, Matthias E. "Freedom of Contract: Mandatory and Non-Mandatory Rules in European Contract Law." European Review of Private Law 15, Issue 2 (April 1, 2007): 233–50.

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Abstract:The purpose of this paper is a reflection of the position and function of common European rules in respect of limitations to freedom of contract, and more specifically on the role of mandatory and non-mandatory rules in general. After dealing with this more generally in the first part, the article addresses in its second part the different techniques restricting freedom of contract that we find in the PECL, the acquis communautaire, or the draft ‘common frame of reference’ (CFR). It is especially critical of anti-discrimination laws. Résumé:Cet article se propose de réfléchir sur la position et la fonction des règles européennes communes se rapportant à la liberté contractuelle et plus spécifiquement au rôle des règles obligatoires et non obligatoires en général. Après avoir abordé cette question de manière générale dans la première partie, la seconde partie de cet article traite des diverses techniques limitant la liberté contractuelles présentent dans les PECL, l’acquis communautaire ou encore le projet d’un cadre commun de références. L’article est notamment très critique à l’égard de toute législation anti-discrimination. Zusammenfassung:Der Zweck dieses Beitrags ist die Darstellung der Einordnung sowie der Funktion der gemeinschaftlichen europäischen Regelungen im Hinblick auf die Begrenzung der Privatautonomie und insbesondere auf die allgemeine Funktion der zwingenden und nicht zwingenden Vorschriften. Nachdem im ersten Abschnitt dieses Thema allgemein behandelt wird, widmet sich der zweite Teil den verschiedenen Methoden der Begrenzung von Privatautonomie, die man in den PECL, in der acquis communautaire oder auch in dem Entwurf ‘common frame of reference’ (CFR) wieder finden kann. Der Beitrag ist insbesondere kritisch gegenüber Antidiskriminierungsgesetze.
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Criddle, Evan J., and Evan Fox-Decent. "Mandatory Multilateralism." American Journal of International Law 113, no. 2 (April 2019): 272–325.

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AbstractThis Article challenges the conventional wisdom that states are always free to choose whether to participate in multilateral regimes. International law often mandates multilateralism to ensure that state laws and practices are compatible with sovereign equality and joint stewardship. The Article maps mandatory multilateralism's domain, defines its requirements, and examines its application to three controversies: the South China Sea dispute, the United States’ withdrawal from the 2015 Paris Agreement, and Bolivia's case against Chile in the International Court of Justice.
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VAN ZYL SMIT, DIRK. "Mandatory Sentences." Punishment & Society 2, no. 2 (April 2000): 197–212.

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Svirin, Yury Alexandrovich, Sergej Nikolaevich Shestov, Vladislav Petrovich Sorokin, Marina Andreevna Simanova, and Catherina Aleksandrovna Kukhturskaya. "Super-mandatory rules in private international law." LAPLAGE EM REVISTA 7, Extra-C (June 20, 2021): 29–37.

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The article studies the concept and the need to apply super-mandatory rules in international private relations. The concept of super-mandatory rules emerged in international law in the 20th century. However, different countries provide various definitions of such rules and develop different practices of their application. The diversification of this concept hinders the effective protection of violated rights and obligations of parties to international relations. Analyzing different acts of international law, the authors of the article offer their vision of super-mandatory rules. Methods: The topic was studied through general scientific methods and special scientific methods, including system-structural, historical, technical-legal analysis, comparative jurisprudence, etc. The objective is to examine the application of super-mandatory rules (in particular, their possible application in international private relations), as well as determine and formulate their essence. Results: The authors have studied the application of super-mandatory rules in various countries, including Russia. They have also formed the definition of super-mandatory rules and considered the possibility of their application in Russia.
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Otnyukova, G. D. "Mandatory Requirements for Entrepreneurial Activity." Courier of Kutafin Moscow State Law University (MSAL)), no. 7 (September 23, 2022): 147–55.

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The article analyzes the provisions of the Federal Law of 31.07.2020 “On mandatory requirements in the Russian Federation”. It is proposed to supplement the principles of establishing mandatory requirements specified in the law with the principles of controllability of the requirements and succession. The said law details the requirements established by the regulatory legal acts of the Government of the Russian Federation, the federal executive authority or an authorized organization, that is, determines what information should be contained in the mandatory requirements. It is concluded that the rules formulated here also apply to laws. The content of mandatory requirements, the law includes restrictions, prohibitions, duties. It is argued that prohibitions and restrictions are not the content of the requirements, but the ways of their formulation. The law provides for the establishment of an experimental legal regime in which non-compliance with mandatory requirements is permissible, refusal to obtain permits for licensed activities. The opinion is expressed that compliance with the requirements of technical regulations for product safety should be observed in the interests of preserving the life and health of the population under the conditions of the experimental legal regime.
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Fawcett, J. J. "Evasion of Law and Mandatory Rules in Private International Law." Cambridge Law Journal 49, no. 1 (March 1990): 44–62.

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It has often been asserted that English private international law has no doctrine of evasion of the law. It is true that English law has never developed a general doctrine, like the French one of fraude a la hi, to deal with cases of evasion. Nonetheless, evasion of the law has been recognised as a problem in at least some areas of private international law, and an increasing number of specific anti-evasion measures have been introduced in response to this. The English approach towards evasion is a pragmatic one rather than being based on any broad underlying theory. In particular, the fundamental questions have not been addressed of what is wrong with evasion of the law and how it can be dealt with most effectively. The purpose of this article is to examine the present law on evasion, determine what is wrong with evasion of the law and put forward proposals for a principled approach to deal with the problem.
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Vučković, Vuk. "Mandatory lawyers liability insurance in German law." Glasnik Advokatske komore Vojvodine 78, no. 9 (2006): 117–28.

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<Zaključak> Osiguranje od odgovornosti iz advokatske delatnosti veoma je široko rasprostranjeno i u ostalim evropskim zemljama. Tako je ono obavezno u Velikoj Britaniji, Holandiji, Švajcarskoj, dok se u ostalim zemljama u praksi često zaključuje i preporučuje advokatima. Primetna je i tendencija zakonske regulacije ove vrste osiguranja kao obaveznog osiguranja, kao što je to trenutno slučaj u Luksemburgu. U Americi ovo osiguranje sa izuzetkom države Oregon nije obavezno, ali ga većina advokata redovno zaključuje. U svakom slučaju, odlike ove vrste osiguranja su prvenstveno zaštita klijenata, koji u slučaju pretrpljene štete nastale greškom svog advokata, pored advokata imaju mogućnost naplate naknade štete od izvesno solventnog dužnika (osiguravača). Takođe, advokat je zaštićeniji u obavljanju svoje delatnosti, koja svakodnevno uz povećanu zakonodavnu aktivnost kako nacionalnog zakonodavca tako i propisa Evropske unije, postaje sve kompleksnija i zahtevnija. Advokat je dakle, u slučaju prouzrokovanja imovinske štete svom klijentu u povoljnijoj situaciji, nego što bi to bio bez zaključenog osiguranja od odgovornosti. Kako se u pravnim sistemima zemalja sa područja bivše SFRJ broj pravnih akata svakog dana rapidno povećava, delatnost advokata biva sve komplikovanija te su i advokati izloženiji mogućim greškama. U tom smislu bi od strane nacionalnih zakonodavstava trebala biti prihvaćena tendencija iz pravnih sistema evropskih zemalja i osiguranje odgovornosti iz advokatske delatnosti uvršteno u sistem obaveznog osiguranja. Dakako, regulacija minimalnih osiguranih suma na koje bi se osiguranje moralo zaključiti, morala bi biti prilagođena ekonomskim prilikama svake pojedinačne zemlje, uz mogućnost promene minimalnih suma od strane nadležnog ministarstva ili advokatske komore shodno rešenju iz nemačkog prava. Konačno, ugovaranje učešća u šteti od strane advokata se pokazalo u praksi kao veoma uspešno sredstvo radi očuvanja pažnje i odgovornosti sa kojom advokat obavlja delatnost, te se i ono preporučuje.
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Gábriš, Tomáš. "Mandatory and Default Rules in Private Law." Bratislava Law Review 4, no. 1 (August 31, 2020): 61–70.

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The paper summarizes philosophical, historical and doctrinal background of the differentiation between mandatory and default rules in private law in general and in company law in particular. The conclusion of the author is the plea to provide for a clear guidance in the respective doctrine and legislation as to the criteria and principles applicable to distinguishing between the two types of regulations.
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Patakyová, Mária, and Martin Winner. "Mandatory and Default provisions in Company Law." Bratislava Law Review 4, no. 1 (August 31, 2020): 45–46.

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Mayer, P. "Mandatory rules of law in international arbitration." Arbitration International 2, no. 4 (October 1, 1986): 274–93.

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Ehman, A. J. "Saskatchewan MDs oppose new mandatory testing law." Canadian Medical Association Journal 173, no. 12 (December 6, 2005): 1437–38.

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PAGE, BENJAMIN W., RICHARD THAILER, and THOMAS G. KWIATKOWSKI. "New York State Mandatory Seatbelt Use Law." Journal of Trauma: Injury, Infection, and Critical Care 26, no. 11 (November 1986): 1031–33.

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Bartlet, Michael. "Mandatory Mediation and the Rule of Law." Amicus Curiae 1, no. 1 (October 28, 2019): 50–83.

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This article evaluates mediation practice against the core principles that Thomas Bingham identifies as constituting the rule of law. It identifies three forms of compulsion and discusses these in the light of Thomas Bingham’s eight principles. The article examines how voluntary mediation may increase access to justice, a significant component of the rule of law, but an element of compulsion, in its strict sense, impedes the constitutional right of access to the courts and stifles the development of precedent. To comply with the rule of law, in its more substantive version, any instruction that parties attempt to settle via mediation needs to be subject to judicial scrutiny, must ensure that the cost of mediation is not disproportionate, that there is a genuine willingness of the parties to engage in the process with good faith, and that it involves no greater structural inequalities than in litigation.
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Lando, Ole. "Optional or Mandatory Europeanisation of Contract Law." European Review of Private Law 8, Issue 1 (March 1, 2000): 59–69.

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This article argues in favour of a Europeanisation of contract law. It is submitted that we the citizens of Europe cannot content ourselves with the existing Europeanisation which is both fragmentary and uncoordinated and which provides no general principles. The Commission on European Contract Law has been established to provide Principles of European Contract Law. The experience of the Commission is that a Europeanisation of contract law is feasible. The Union could either aim at a creeping uncodified harmonisation brought about by the scholars and the courts or a codification ic, a European Civil Code. The author argues for the latter solution.
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Zgrabljić Rotar, Dora. "OVERRIDING MANDATORY PROVISIONS IN CROATIAN PRIVATE INTERNATIONAL LAW." Pravni vjesnik 37, no. 3-4 (December 2021): 81–100.

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Overriding mandatory provisions are mandatory provisions that are applicable in situations with an international element. The author analyses overriding mandatory norms in the European private international law and in the Croatian national private international law. The definition of such norms provided in the 2017 Croatian Private International Law Act is almost a verbatim copy of the definition provided in the Rome I Regulation on the law applicable to contractual obligations. The 1982 Croatian Private International Law Act did not provide for a definition of overriding mandatory norms but it was uniformly accepted in the scholarly interpretations that those types of mandatory norms were accepted by the Croatian private international law system. Moreover, the 1982 PIL Act included a substantive family law provision, which was, in essence, an overriding mandatory provision. However, Croatian courts and practitioners have been reluctant to refer explicitly to an applied norm as an overriding mandatory one. The reasons behind that might be that that the courts were better acquainted with the public policy exception, since public policy was explicitly mentioned in the 1982 PIL Act, as well as in some other legal acts. In addition, the legislator does not explicitly note that a provision is an overriding mandatory one in the provision itself, which leads to the outcome that the courts and other practitioners are burdened with a complex task of interpretation of a provision they think might be an overriding mandatory one. The author aims at providing guidelines to facilitate that task.
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Cumberlege, Justin. "The Mandatory Network Agreement." Practice Management 29, no. 5 (May 2, 2019): 38.

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Bisping, Christopher. "THE COMMON EUROPEAN SALES LAW, CONSUMER PROTECTION AND OVERRIDING MANDATORY PROVISIONS IN PRIVATE INTERNATIONAL LAW." International and Comparative Law Quarterly 62, no. 2 (April 2013): 463–83.

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AbstractThis article analyses the relationship of the proposed Common European Sales Law (CESL) and the rules on mandatory and overriding provisions in private international law. The author argues that the CESL will not achieve its stated aim of taking precedence over these provisions of national law and therefore not lead to an increase in cross-border trade. It is pointed out how slight changes in drafting can overcome the collision with mandatory provisions. The clash with overriding mandatory provisions, the author argues, should be taken as an opportunity to rethink the definition of these provisions.
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Kannai, Ruth. "The Judge's Discretion in Sentencing: Israel's Basic Laws and Supreme Court Decisions." Israel Law Review 30, no. 3-4 (1996): 276–315.

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In the Israeli legal system, trial courts determine offenders' punishments. Israeli law only sets maximum penalties for crimes and offenses, and rarely provides for mandatory punishment. Even the few instances of mandatory punishment are subject to the judicial discretion recently bestowed by amendment 39 of the Penal Law authorizing the court to impose a sentence lighter than the mandatory punishment, under special circumstances. The broad discretion bestowed by amendment 39 created a situation in which in practice the law would no longer provide for substantive mandatory sentencing. In view of this, the reform of amendment 39 was revised before it went into effect by Amendment 44 of the Penal Law. The current law stipulates that under mitigating circumstances the court may set a penalty lighter than the mandatory one prescribed by law, but that the court must state its reasons for so doing. Discretion is witheld in cases of mandatory life imprisonment for murder, the most important instance of mandatory punishment in our legal system. The law further stipulates that only in three well-defined circumstances may the court pass a reduced sentence for murder.
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Phillips, Scott W., and James J. Sobol. "Twenty Years of Mandatory Arrest." Criminal Justice Policy Review 21, no. 1 (August 11, 2008): 98–118.

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Gliniecki, Bartłomiej. "Mandatory and Default Rules in Polish Company Law." Bratislava Law Review 4, no. 1 (August 31, 2020): 71–78.

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Company law regulations provide opportunity of individual shaping some of companies’ and partnerships’ rules of operation. Proper determination of those regulations which may be modified by adopting different rules in articles of association (company statues, partnership agreement) is important as far as legal safety of corporate regulations is concerned. Abusing or misunderstanding of company law regulations may lead to invalidity of contractual arrangements that would infringe mandatory regulation of company law. The article provides a general view on the principle of freedom of shaping company articles of association in Polish company law as well as ways of distinguishing between mandatory, semi-mandatory and default rules in Polish company law. Apart from general remarks and indications helpful in understanding Polish law, it also provides specific examples of company regulations in Poland and references to company law rules in other European countries.
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Malagurski, Branislav. "Mandatory and Default Rules in Serbian Company Law." Bratislava Law Review 4, no. 1 (August 31, 2020): 79–92.

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The matter of company law in Serbia is regulated by the Law on Companies, which does not contain the general provision defining whether it is based on the freedom of will, unlike the Law on Obligations, which defines so. Even therefrom, it can be concluded that the rules of the Law on Companies are in general mandatory. Such conclusion only confirms the exception-provision which defines that founders of the LLC their mutual relations and their relations with the Company regulate freely, unless by this Law otherwise defined. So, only the rules regulating mutual relations of founders and their relations with the LLC are default, unless otherwise provided in particular case. Other rules of the company law in Serbia are in general mandatory. However, even when the provisions regulating certain matter being mandatory, it does not mean that there is absolutely no space for deviations, like in below described cases of special duties, for example. But such deviations do not necessarily mean that the rules from which it is deviated are default ones.
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Hyder Razvi, S. M. "Mandatory Rules of Law in International Business Arbitration." LAHORE JOURNAL OF ECONOMICS 3, no. 2 (July 1, 1998): 35–58.

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Of all mankind’s adventures in search of peace and justice, arbitration is amongst the earliest. Long before law was established, or courts were organised, or judges had formulated principles of law, man had resorted to arbitration for the resolution of discord, the adjustment of differences and the settlement of disputes. One of the recurring themes in International Business Arbitration is the tension between the will of the parties and the ability of states of regulate the conduct of arbitration proceedings. The general trend in international commercial arbitration is to respect, within limits, the will of the parties regarding the choice of law and the procedure for carrying out their arbitration. Thus, party autonomy is recognised as one of the cardinal elements of international business arbitration.
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Likhovski, Assaf. "The Invention of "Hebrew Law" in Mandatory Palestine." American Journal of Comparative Law 46, no. 2 (1998): 339.

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Gavious, Ilanit, Avia Spivak, and Rami Yosef. "Pension reform in Israel under mandatory pension law." Pensions: An International Journal 14, no. 1 (February 2009): 4–13.

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Tsai, M. C., and D. Hemenway. "Effect of the mandatory helmet law in Taiwan." Injury Prevention 5, no. 4 (December 1, 1999): 290–91.

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Stojšić-Dabetić, Jelena. "Overriding mandatory rules in the international private law." Pravo - teorija i praksa 35, no. 7-9 (2018): 45–60.

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Schlachter, Monika. "Mandatory Retirement and Age Discrimination under EU Law." International Journal of Comparative Labour Law and Industrial Relations 27, Issue 3 (September 1, 2011): 287–99.

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In what direction has the prohibition of age discrimination been heading since the European Court of Justice (ECJ) ruled in Rosenbladt that there are almost no limits to the discretion of Member States in adopting mandatory retirement rules? This article argues that the general labour market policy of Member States will probably continue to be exempt from strict judicial scrutiny when long-standing features of employment law that are shared by many States are concerned. However, in the case of rules for specific occupations or specific age-related entitlements, the margin of discretion left to the Member States is narrowed down considerably. This article argues that there is a need to bridge the gap between the different control standards. Especially since the entry into force of the European Union (EU) Charter of Fundamental Rights, the interest of some employees to continue in employment and to pursue their chosen occupation needs to be balanced more evenly against the labour market policy of Member States. A suggestion about how to reconcile these interests is put forward.
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Tilley, John, Serena Chang, and Richard J. Peay. "Good Data, Good Law." Federal Sentencing Reporter 33, no. 4 (April 1, 2021): 262–64.

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Real-time data is crucial in delivering actionable information, yet sparse in the criminal justice space. Often, practitioners and policy makers (“System Actors”), are forced to rely on information that is missing, incorrect, and/or outdated. Recidiviz, a nonpartisan tech non-profit, enables System Actors to make data-driven decisions as part of their regular workflows. This article describes Recidiviz’s work modeling the projected influence of eliminating mandatory minimums in Virginia, including state costs avoided, impact on the prison population, and number of life-years individuals would regain by avoiding incarceration. Recidiviz calculated that if Virginia eliminated mandatory minimums for drug sales offenses only, over the next five years, it could avoid a cumulative $11.6 million in incarceration costs, give 360 years of life back to people, and decrease the prison population’s racial disparity. If Virginia eliminated all mandatory minimums, as SB 5046 proposes, it could help the Commonwealth avoid $80.2 million in costs and give back 2,496 years of life over five years. In addition to policy impact modeling, Recidiviz’s core work is in partnering with state corrections and supervision departments to provide real-time feedback and data visualization tools.
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Klepper, Howard. "Mandatory Rights and Compulsory Education." Law and Philosophy 15, no. 2 (1996): 149.

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Kalichman, Seth C., Cheryl L. Brosig, and Moira O. Kalichman. "Mandatory Child Abuse Reporting Laws." Journal of Offender Rehabilitation 21, no. 1-2 (October 18, 1994): 27–43.

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Klepper, Howard. "Mandatory rights and compulsory education." Law and Philosophy 15, no. 2 (1996): 149–58.

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Andrews, N. H. "The Interlocutory Grant of Mandatory Injunctions." Cambridge Law Journal 47, no. 1 (March 1988): 34–35.

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Jozon, Monika. "The Enlarged EU and Mandatory Requirements." European Law Journal 11, no. 5 (September 2005): 549–65.

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Chin, Gabriel J. "Mandatory, Contingent, and Discretionary Policy Arguments." New Criminal Law Review 13, no. 1 (January 1, 2010): 142–50.

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El-Shahid, Sarwat Abd, Tarek Badawy, and César R. Ternieden. "Arbitrability and Choice of Law in Transfer of Technology Agreements Under Egyptian Law." Journal of International Arbitration 34, Issue 1 (February 1, 2017): 55–78.

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This article analyses the mandatory provisions of Article 87 of the Egyptian Trade Law of 1999 concerning the arbitration of disputes on transfer of technology agreements, and attempts to shed light on this problematic topic of Egyptian law, particularly in light of the dearth of relevant Egyptian jurisprudence. This article demonstrates the contradiction between the Egyptian Supreme Constitutional Court’s view of the ‘mandatory’ nature of the Arbitration Provision of Article 87(1) and the plain language of the statutory provision, that is not synchronized with the current Egyptian Arbitration Law. Most importantly, the Supreme Constitutional Court’s judgment of 2007 is not yet finally conclusive with respect to the ‘mandatory’ nature of the arbitration provision, as it did not issue an interpretive decision. Absent the full legal consequences of an official interpretative decision by that Court, the Supreme Constitutional Court’s view should be considered obiter dictum, and parties should carefully consider pursuing the argument that the clear language of the statute dictates that they remain free to refer disputes related to transfer of technology agreements to arbitration with the seat of their choice, particularly in light of the ambiguities in the Egyptian Arbitration Law.
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Flarey, Dominick L. "Mandatory Overtime." JONA's Healthcare Law, Ethics, and Regulation 3, no. 3 (September 2001): 69–74.

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Sassi, Wafa, Hakim Ben Othman, and Khaled Hussainey. "The impact of mandatory adoption of XBRL on firm’s stock liquidity: a cross-country study." Journal of Financial Reporting and Accounting 19, no. 2 (January 22, 2021): 299–324.

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Purpose The purpose of this paper is to examine the impact of the mandatory adoption of eXtensible Business Reporting Language (XBRL) on firm’s stock liquidity. Design/methodology/approach Using a random-effects model, this study examines the impact of the mandatory adoption of XBRL (ADOPXBRL) on firm’s stock liquidity of 980 companies pertaining to 13 countries for a period from 2000 to 2016. Findings This paper finds that the mandatory ADOPXBRL affects negatively and significatively Amihud’s (2002) illiquidity ratio. Therefore, mandatory XBRL adoption enhances the firm’s stock liquidity. In addition, this paper finds that the impact of the mandatory ADOPXBRL on firm’s stock liquidity is more pronounced in civil law countries than in common law countries. Originality/value This paper contributes to the literature on the advantage of XBRL especially for the civil law countries by examining the impact of the mandatory ADOPXBRL on firm’s stock liquidity.
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Abstract: The inheritance law is an approved law regarding the transfer of assets issued by a person who is delayed and the consequences for his heirs. In a will which is also called a mandatory will, a will is usually given to people who are not heirs. Mandatory obligation is a mandatory requirement for every Muslim to provide part of the inheritance to family members needed and for adopted children. The type of research used in this journal is a normative legal research method. Normative research or library research is legal research conducted by examining library material or mere secondary data. Normative legal research is to consider the relationship between the legal sciences and positive law. Mandatory wills are made as a basis by the Compilation of Islamic Law to provide part of the inheritance's inheritance for adopted children who may not be given a will by the testator, or adoptive parents who are not given a will by the heir (adopted child). The existence of mandatory provisions in the Compilation of Islamic Law is a bridge that determines the inequality that has occurred so far between adopted children and adoptive parents who have not inherited from each other, because there is indeed no provision to inherit each other between.Keywords: Mandatory Testament; Adopted Child; Islamic law;
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Kleinheisterkamp, Jan. "OVERRIDING MANDATORY LAWS IN INTERNATIONAL ARBITRATION." International and Comparative Law Quarterly 67, no. 4 (September 12, 2018): 903–30.

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AbstractOverriding mandatory laws present one of the most pervasive and delicate problems of international arbitration because they affect party autonomy in both its substantive and procedural dimensions. The tension between these concepts both in theory and in practice is a classic emanation of the public–private divide, which is particularly problematic in international and transnational settings. This tension is even stronger in the context of economic integration and regulation, such as in the EU Internal Market. This article revisits and conceptualizes the operation of overriding mandatory laws in the context of arbitration from the perspectives of conflict of laws, public law, and EU law. Drawing on the principles of effectiveness and proportionality, it proposes a practical rather than a theoretical solution to the dialectical relationship between private and public interests in legal certainty.
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Lazetic Buzarovska, Gordana, Nikola Tupanceski, and Elena Mujoska. "Mandatory Sentencing Guidelines: The Case Of Macedonia." European Scientific Journal, ESJ 12, no. 22 (August 30, 2016): 87.

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This study expresses the criticism of recently enacted Law in determining the type and in measuring the severity of sentence. There is flagrant restriction of the free judicial belief due to the necessity in overcoming identified inconsistency in sentencing policy. The judicial system is not resistant to both internal and external pressures and influences. However, those problems cannot be overcome by massive fragmentation of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Macedonia, wide ranges of the sanctions, and by administrative proceedings in the determination of the sanction. New Macedonian law has created mandatory guidelines for every criminal offence by emphasizing previous conviction as the most important circumstances. This is contrary to several Council of Europe recommendations. The authors emphasize that the binding character of the sentencing guidelines should be avoided. According to them, only free judicial belief within the statutory penal framework can ensure the rule of the law and equity.
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Guzman, Andrew T. "Arbitrator Liability: Reconciling Arbitration and Mandatory Rules." Duke Law Journal 49, no. 5 (March 2000): 1279.

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