Academic literature on the topic 'Mâles – Reproduction (biologie)'
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Journal articles on the topic "Mâles – Reproduction (biologie)"
Trigui, Khalil, Rafik Ben Said, Fourat Akrout, and Néji Aloui. "Etude éco-biologique d’Artemia salina (Branchiopoda, Anostraca) de la saline de Sahline (Tunisie)." Crustaceana 89, no. 8 (2016): 949–74.
Full textOuattara, M., D. Diomande, K. C. Boussou, and G. Gourène. "Stratégies de reproduction de Marcusenius ussheri (Pisces, Mormyridae) en fonction des conditions hydrologiques créées par la construction du barrage hydroélectrique d’Ayamé I sur le cours principal de la rivière Bia (Côte d’Ivoire)." Belgian Journal of Zoology 140, no. 1 (September 5, 2024): 11–19.
Full textBLESBOIS, E. "Gamètes et fécondation chez les oiseaux." INRAE Productions Animales 24, no. 3 (July 7, 2011): 259–72.
Full textJamet, Jean-Louis. "Biologie du Gardon adulte (Rutilus rutilus, L. 1758 ; Pisces : Cyprinidae) dans le lac d'Aydat." Revue des sciences naturelles d'Auvergne 57, no. 1 (1992): 23–33.
Full textEstoup, Arnaud, and Denis Fournier. "Guerre des sexes chez une fourmi : reproduction clonale des mâles et des reines." médecine/sciences 21, no. 11 (November 2005): 907–9.
Full textRojas-Rousse, Danielle, Christophe Bressac, Christian Thibeaudeau, Robert Kalmès, Éric Darrouzet, and Claude Chevrier. "Capacité de reproduction des femelles Eupelmus vuilleti (Eupelmidae), inséminées par des mâles développés en hyperparasitoïdes de Dinarmus basalis (Pteromalidae)." Comptes Rendus Biologies 328, no. 9 (September 2005): 802–11.
Full textFéron, C., and C. Baudoin. "Influence réduite d'une particularité pénienne sur la capacité d'accouplement des souris mâles staggerer." Reproduction Nutrition Development 32, no. 5-6 (1992): 409–13.
Full textBitri, Lotfi, Wafa Darragi, Latifa Ouertani, Daniel Maurel, and Moncef Ben Saad. "Effet de l'hexachlorobenzène sur certains paramètres de la fonction de reproduction mâle chez Meriones unguiculatus." Comptes Rendus Biologies 331, no. 5 (May 2008): 380–88.
Full textTheau-Clément, M., RG Thébault, G. Bolet, and H. de Rochambeau. "La reproduction du lapin Angora de souche française : ovulation chez la femelle, production de semence chez le mâle." Reproduction Nutrition Development 31, no. 6 (1991): 667–73.
Full textBAS, P., P. MORAND-FEHR, Annie ROUZEAU, and J. HERVIEU. "Evolution de la composition des tissus adipeux du chevreau mâle sevré à 4, 6 ou 8 semaines." Reproduction Nutrition Développement 27, no. 1B (1987): 313–14.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Mâles – Reproduction (biologie)"
Lacoume, Sandrine. "Développement et succès reproducteur des mâles parasitoïdes, Dinarmus basalis, suite à des contraintes environnementales." Tours, 2007.
Full textMales should protect their sperm stock and fertilization potential. The aim of this thesis is to investigate the effects of different environmental constraints on the reproductive success of males of the hymenoptera parasitoid, Dinarmus basalis. We have chosen a biotic factor (host resource) and an abiotic factor (a cold shock). Our results show that a cold choc on adult males does not affect their reproductive potential. However, a cold shock applied during development reduces males’ emergence but not developmental durations. Similar results are obtained with a dietary constraint applied during male development. This constraint affects also male phenotype by reducing both male and genital tract size. A stress applied during development reduces the quantity of sperm. In single mating, these constraints do not prevent male from mating. However, in repeated mating and male-male competition, constraints applied during development disadvantage males
Mainguy, Julien. "Variabilité génétique et reproduction des mâles chez la chèvre de montagne." Thesis, Université Laval, 2008.
Full textCambreling, Solène. "Eco-evolutionary causes of male reproductive senescence in mammals." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Lyon 1, 2024.
Full textIn wild environments, individual’s reproductive performance declines with advancing age. This reproductive senescence is documented in females of many animal species. In contrast, our knowledge of the process of reproductive senescence in males is extremely limited. Yet, understanding this process has significant implications in biological, demographic, societal, and human health contexts. Therefore, my research aims to examine the causes and evolutionary consequences of reproductive senescence in males by combining analyses at different scales, both across species and within a single species. To approach this subject comprehensively, I seek to quantify male reproductive senescence and to evaluate the diversity of senescence trajectories in mammals. This analysis aims to identify the ecological factors (environmental context) and life history traits (e.g., longevity or mating system) that shape these trajectories on an interspecific scale. On a finer scale (intraspecific), I also aim to understand how certain evolutionary trade-offs (e.g., energy allocation trade-offs) modulate reproductive senescence. I am particularly interested in the senescence of pre-copulatory traits (influencing mate choice) involved in male reproduction
Fortier, Anne-Marie. "Stratégie reproductive du mâle chez les souches migrante et non migrante de la légionnaire uniponctuée pseudaletia unipuncta (lepidoptera:noctuidae)." Thesis, Université Laval, 2003.
Full textL'Italien, Léon. "Dynamique des harems chez le renne : Influence de l'âge et du rang social du mâle." Thesis, Université Laval, 2010.
Full textLahiani, Emna. "Dynamique évolutive de la gynodioécie chez Silene nutans et conditions de son maintien en populations." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Lille 1, 2013.
Full textGynodioecy - the coexistence of female and hermaphrodite individuals, is one of the most common systems after hermaphroditism in angiosperms. The maintenance and evolution of gynodioecy intrigued many evolutionary biologists. The aim of my thesis was to determine the evolutionary forces involved in maintaining such a sexual polymorphism and study some necessary conditions for the occurrence of a better performance of female and the variation of the magnitude of this advantage in Silene nutans. By population genomics approach, I compared the polymorphism of three genomes (nuclear, mitochondrial and chloroplast) of two species, gynodioïque, S. nutans and dioecious: Silene otites. I showed that gynodioecy is maintained in S. nutans through a frequency-dependent negative selection. A second part of my thesis concerns the occurrence and variation of the amplitude of the female advantage. With biology and genetic of population approach, I compared the reproductive success of females and hermaphrodites. I showed that the female advantage depends on the efficiency of pollination and selfing rates that vary according to the sex ratio in experimental conditions. Furthermore, I showed that natural population pollen flow were mainly restricted in space. I also showed that in the studied natural population the genetic determinism of gynodioecy is nuclear. Finally, I highlighted a greater contribution of nocturnal pollinators to reproductive success in S. nutans in relation to diurnal pollinators of this species
Britan, Aurore. "Développement, optimisation et utilisation d'un système cellulaire de l'épithélium épididymaire murin : approches moléculaires." Phd thesis, Université Blaise Pascal - Clermont-Ferrand II, 2006.
Full textVanpé, Cécile. "Tactiques de reproduction et sélection sexuelle chez les ongulés Le cas d'une espèce territoriale avec faible dimorphisme sexuel de taille: le chevreuil européen (Capreolus Capreolus)." Phd thesis, Université Paul Sabatier - Toulouse III, 2007.
Full textComme attendu du fait de son faible dimorphisme sexuel, la variance dans le succès reproducteur à vie des mâles, et donc l'opportunité pour la sélection sexuelle, sont faibles chez le chevreuil, suggérant un faible degré de polygynie.
Les mâles peuvent se reproduire dès 2 ans, mais avec un succès reproducteur inférieur à celui des mâles plus âgés.
Le succès reproducteur tend aussi à décroître après 8 ans.
La masse corporelle, la taille des bois, et la taille du territoire des mâles, affectent positivement leur succès reproducteur, mais pas la qualité de l'habitat dans leur territoire.
Cette étude apporte de nouveaux éléments sur l'évolution de la territorialité et la sélection sexuelle chez les ongulés sauvages.
Lahiani, Emna. "Dynamique évolutive de la gynodioécie chez Silene nutans et conditions de son maintien en populations." Thesis, Lille 1, 2013.
Full textGynodioecy - the coexistence of female and hermaphrodite individuals, is one of the most common systems after hermaphroditism in angiosperms. The maintenance and evolution of gynodioecy intrigued many evolutionary biologists. The aim of my thesis was to determine the evolutionary forces involved in maintaining such a sexual polymorphism and study some necessary conditions for the occurrence of a better performance of female and the variation of the magnitude of this advantage in Silene nutans. By population genomics approach, I compared the polymorphism of three genomes (nuclear, mitochondrial and chloroplast) of two species, gynodioïque, S. nutans and dioecious: Silene otites. I showed that gynodioecy is maintained in S. nutans through a frequency-dependent negative selection. A second part of my thesis concerns the occurrence and variation of the amplitude of the female advantage. With biology and genetic of population approach, I compared the reproductive success of females and hermaphrodites. I showed that the female advantage depends on the efficiency of pollination and selfing rates that vary according to the sex ratio in experimental conditions. Furthermore, I showed that natural population pollen flow were mainly restricted in space. I also showed that in the studied natural population the genetic determinism of gynodioecy is nuclear. Finally, I highlighted a greater contribution of nocturnal pollinators to reproductive success in S. nutans in relation to diurnal pollinators of this species
Daigle, Caroline. "Expansion d'une nouvelle famille de protéines kinases (MAPKKKs) impliquée dans le développement reproductif chez les Solanacées." Thèse, 2016.
Full textMitogen-Activated Protein Kinases (MAPKs) signaling cascades are found in all Eucaryotes and allow signal transduction from the outside of the cell to the inside. In plants, they are particularly numerous and play roles in several signaling processes, including stress responses and response to developmental cues. Their system involves a phosphorelay: they interact with each other to transfer a phosphate group. It starts with an activated MAPKKK, which transfers the phosphate group to a MAPKK (MKK), then this MKK transfers the signal to a MAPK (MPK), which ends this relay by phosphorylating transcription factors or any other proteins that will, in a way or an other, change the cell response according to the signal. During the last few years, many MAPKs members have been studied for their role in plants sexual reproduction. Some mutants were characterized, but until now, our knowledge of complete signaling cascades is very limited. Previous studies in our lab have shown that two MAPKKKs from the MEKK subfamily, ScFRK1 and ScFRK2, are important for male and female gametophytes development in Solanum chacoense, a wild diploid potato species. Genes that are the most orthologous to ScFRK1 and ScFRK2 in Arabidopsis thaliana, AtMAPKKK19, 20 and 21, do not seem to play the same roles in reproduction, which led us to make the hypothesis that in solanaceous species, at least in S. chacoense, there is one MAPKKK family that is different and not present in A. thaliana. At first, we did analyze the genomes/transcriptomes/proteomes of 15 species from different clads of the plant kingdom to find all the members of the MEKK subfamily of MAPKKKs in order to study their phylogenetic relationship. We then observed that ScFRK1 and ScFRK2 are included in a large monophyletic group which was called the FRK class (Fertilization Related Kinase). Moreover, we also observed that this class has considerably expanded within the solanaceous species, compared to other species like A. thaliana, poplar, cotton or grape vine. The FRK class is totally absent in the monocot species studied (rice and maize) and only one member is found in the basal angiosperm Amborella trichopoda. This phylogenetic analysis led us to ask questions about the origins of the FRK class and its role inside the Solanaceae family. Secondly, we characterized ScFRK3, a third member of the FRK class in S. chacoense, which is also involved, as its two FRK sisters, in male and female gametophytes development. From its expression pattern to the establishment of a potential signaling cascade, analysis and phenotyping of ScFRK3 mutant lines, many experiments were realized in order to understand the role of ScFRK3 in S. chacoense sexual reproduction. Overall, the appearance of this new and expanded class of MEKKs questions its specific role in comparison to other species that have much lesser members, mainly when compared to the model plant A. thaliana, which harbor only a fifth of the FRKs found in solanaceous species.
Book chapters on the topic "Mâles – Reproduction (biologie)"
Fagot-Largeault, Anne. "L'imaginaire et l'intuition dans les sciences." In L'imaginaire et l'intuition dans les sciences, 125–36. Hermann, 2009.
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