Academic literature on the topic 'Main pipelines'

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Journal articles on the topic "Main pipelines"


Raczyński, P., and K. Warnke. "Ultrasonic diagnostics of main pipelines." Advances in Materials Science 17, no. 4 (December 1, 2017): 37–54.

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Abstract The main pipelines, like many engineering structures, are subject to high operational safety standards. The safety of their operation is supervised by various institutions from the operator, including supervisors such as the Office of Technical Inspection. Safe operation requires knowledge of their technical condition and trends. One of the important sources of information on the condition of pipelines is their periodic inspection carried out with so-called smart pigs. As a result of the inspection, the operator expects the following questions to be answered: what is the condition of the pipeline examined; where and what metal losses are occurring in its construction; what are the hazards causing these damages for the safety of the pipeline operation; what is the rate of increase in the size of metal losses in the pipeline wall. This article presents technical solutions and methodology to answer the above questions.
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Kitaev, S. V., N. M. Darsalia, I. R. Baykov, and O. V. Smorodova. "THE MAIN GAS PIPELINES DEFECTS ANALYZING BY OPERATION PERIOD AND EXTENSION." Oil and Gas Studies, no. 6 (January 20, 2019): 93–99.

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The gas pipeline system of PJSC «Gazprom» is at the stage of long-term operation. Most of the pipelines exceed the standard service life of 33 years, while considerable resources are required to maintain the trunk gas pipelines in an efficient state. The article analyzes the defectiveness of gas mains by the example of LLC «Gazprom transgaz Ufa». The company’s gas pipeline system consists of a wide range of diameters pipes ranging from DN 400 to DN 1400 mm. Its structure is dominated by pipelines with a diameter of DN 400, 500, 700, 1400 mm, which share exceeds 86 %. An integral Gini index is proposed for monitoring the differentiation of defects along the length of the line pipe of the main gas pipelines. By the value of the proposed indicator, it is possible to analyze and compare the sections of gas pipelines among themselves, to identify the signs that affect the development of defects along the line pipe of the main gas pipelines.
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Котляревский and Vladimir Kotlyarevskiy. "Condition Forecasting of Underground Main Pipelines in Permafrost Regions." Safety in Technosphere 2, no. 3 (June 25, 2013): 3–9.

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The problems relating to assessment of pipelines operated in the permafrost were analyzed and the need to resolve them was justified. Possible methods and software tools allowing the systematic approach implementation to forecasting the stress state of pipelines were presented. The strength prediction algorithm of main pipelines upon deformation due to the soil subsidence in the thawing areoles in permafrost sections was shown. The calculation of thawing and subsidence zone is based on existing rules with adaptation to underground pipelines. For operation safety control the alternative calculations of main oil pipeline durability for real conditions of the route section in the Amur region district have been executed.
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Salnikov, A. V., and A. A. Ignatik. "Application of the combined probabilisticstatistical methods of quantitative assessment of strength and durability of main pipelines with single and combined defects." Oil and Gas Studies, no. 5 (November 17, 2019): 115–24.

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Main gas and oil pipelines are the most important objects of the fuel and energy complex of the state. They are subjected to strict requirements for reliable and safe operation. Therefore, it is necessary to assess their strength (current strength) and durability (prediction strength) when operating main pipelines. The wall of the pipes of the existing main pipelines is subjected to various loads and influences. To prevent pipeline failure, strength and durability calculations are performed. The parameters of the load and mechanical resistance of the pipes are taken into account when calculating. Therefore, the "load — resistance" model is used to quantify the reliability of the main pipeline. This paper presents the main theoretical provisions of the methodology for assessing the strength and durability of trunk pipelines with single and combined defects in the framework of a combined probabilistic-statistical approach, and also an example of the use of the technique for a section of a trunk pipeline examined by an inline flaw detector.
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Karmanova, S. V., I. S. Glushankova, G. S. Arzamasova, and A. A. Cherepanov. "Investigation of Thermal Destruction Processes of Waste Insulation of Main Gas Pipelines." Ecology and Industry of Russia 22, no. 10 (October 5, 2018): 28–33.

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The possibility of applying the thermal method for neutralizing waste re-insulation during the major overhaul of main gas pipelines is considered. The initial composition of the organic part of the waste is shown. The thermal effects observed during the decomposition of waste in a controlled atmosphere, the composition of waste gases and the results of thermal analysis of waste samples resulting from the replacement of insulation of gas pipelines selected for maintenance and repair of linear sections of main gas pipelines are examined. Ways of solving the problem of elimination of waste generated during the gas pipeline overhaul are suggested.
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Makharadze, Leon. "Lifting Non-Return Valves and Pipe Fittings for Pressure Main Hydraulic Transport Systems." Works of Georgian Technical University, no. 1(523) (March 25, 2022): 173–82.

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The purpose of lifting non-return valves and pipe fastening devices for pressure main hydraulic transport systems (for water pipes, pulse pipelines, oil pipelines, oil product pipelines) is to provide restraints during transient modes and hydraulic shocks in similar systems. The lift of the retractable valve is a hollow connected to a damping device, and the demodulator is made in the form of telescopically interlocked cylinders, the central cylinder of which is rigidly mounted on a hollow chord. The device for fixing the pressure main pipeline, which contains a concrete support, with a part partially recessed into the ground, is different. Its aboveground part is made in the form of horizontal and vertical openings with covers, while in the openings along the perimeter of the pipeline near the opening cover, arcuate bobbins are connected by means of springs, in which damping elements of spherical shape having different masses are freely located.
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Muravyeva, Liudmila, and Nikolai Vatin. "Risk Assessment for a Main Pipeline under Severe Soil Conditions on Exposure to Seismic Forces." Applied Mechanics and Materials 635-637 (September 2014): 468–71.

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Main Pipelines of the Russian Federation are critical energy facilities that make a significant contribution to the operation of power industry as a whole. Earthquakes are almost always followed by an increase in the accident rate on pipelines. Therefore, there is a reason to suppose that seismic forces (even minor ones) accelerate failure occurrence in a number of pipeline sections and serve as “the last straw” that causes accidents. The pipelines incur the most severe damage when the route is co directional to the seismic strain vector.
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Anatoliy, Bazhenov, Bondareva Galina, Grivennaya Natalia, Malygin Sergey, and Goryainov Mikhail. "Main Pipelines Corrosion Monitoring Device." IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 50 (January 2017): 012032.

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The problem of determining the technical condition of various pipeline systems, ensuring their reliable аnd safe operation has recently become the subject of geopolitics. In this situation, constant monitoring of their technical condition is essential for the maintenance of pipelines. However, it is technically difficult to monitor the technical state of pipelines by conventional methods of non-destructive testing (NDT). An analysis of the essence of the wave process in diagnosing the technical condition of long pipelines by low-frequency ultrasound directed waves is performed. The types of modes of directed waves and peculiarities of the wave process in the solid medium of the pipeline are given. Dispersed diagrams of ound velocities for different modes of directed waves are considered, on the basis of which their main features are formulated in the diagnosis of the technical state of extended pipelines. The analysis of the wave process in the long pipeline from the position of the acoustic location of its solid medium by low-frequency directional waves is made, the model of the active localization system is developed in diagnosing the technical state of the pipeline, the principles of excitation and displacement of the particles of the medium of the pipe wall are considered in the distribution of longitudinal, twisted and bending mods of low-frequency ultrasonic directed waves. When choosing the frequency and mode of the directed wave to diagnose the technical state of long pipes, it is necessary to take into account that the directed wave is the result of the interaction of the vibrations generated by the transducers with the pipe surface. A significant factor determining the efficiency of energy transfer from the antenna to the body of the drainage pipeline is the harmonization of the internal resistance of the converter and the load due to the static force of pressing the piezoelectric transducers to the pipe surface. When creating systems of low-frequency ultrasonic diagnostics of long-distance pipelines directed waves it is necessary to take into account the main features of the wave process, which has a complicated mechanism of propagation over the thickness of the pipe wall.
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Mehdiyev, F. R. "Detection of oil losses in main pipeline damage." Azerbaijan Oil Industry, no. 3 (March 15, 2021): 31–36.

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The enterprises and companies dealing with the oil transportation and operation of oil pipeline pay special attention to the improvement of methods for spill detection and prevention of oil losses. The improvement of the methods and means of failure prevention, development of reliable ways of pipeline protection from corrosion, as well as the methods of well-timed specifiction of damage point and loss elimination are necessary for efficient control of oil losses in the failures. The paper analyzes the reasons for occurring failures in the main pipelines. The graphic-analytical method for definition of damage point within the pipeline is presented as well.
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Dissertations / Theses on the topic "Main pipelines"


Netto, Theodoro Antoun. "On the dynamics and arrest of propagating buckles in offshore pipelines /." Digital version accessible at:, 1998.

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Celebi, Yusuf Inan. "Turkey." Master's thesis, METU, 2006.

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This thesis analyses Turkey&rsquo
s energy policies and Turkey&rsquo
s foreign relations through the energy issues in the Eurasian region. In the first phase, the energy policies implemented by the state and free market orientation in Turkish energy sector will be discussed. The impacts of neo-liberal economic policies, regional organizations (the European Union and OECD), and global finance institutions (International Monetary Fund &ndash
the IMF and the World Bank &ndash
WB) on Turkish energy sub-sectors, particularly since the beginning of the 1980s, will be examined. In the second phase, Turkey&rsquo
s own autonomy and effectiveness within major energy pipeline projects in the Eurasian energy axis will be questioned in the post-Cold War period. Turkey&rsquo
s relations in the energy issues with the European Union, Middle East, Caucasus and Turkic States, Russia and the United States (US) will be discussed. Basic vulnerabilities in Turkish energy sector and possible acquisitions of Turkey through its international energy deals will be emphasized.
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Толбатов, Володимир Аронович, Владимир Аронович Толбатов, Volodymyr Aronovych Tolbatov, І. О. Чередниченко, and А. О. Лаврик. "Система управління перекачуванням нафти." Thesis, Видавництво СумДУ, 2011.

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Потопальська, Ксенія Євгенівна. "Прогнозування надійності елементів конструкцій з локальними корозійними пошкодженнями на основі статистичної оцінки статичної та циклічної міцності." Thesis, Національний технічний університет "Харківський політехнічний інститут", 2019.

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Дисертація на здобуття наукового ступеня кандидата технічних наук за спеціальністю 05.02.09 – динаміка та міцність машин (13 – механічна інженерія). – Національний технічний університет "Харківський політехнічний інститут", Міністерство освіти та науки Харків, 2019. Актуальність. Машинобудівні конструкції, що застосовуються в енергетиці, працюють в умовах інтенсивних циклічних навантажень та дії агресивних зовнішніх або робочих середовищ. Тривала експлуатація конструкцій у таких умовах призводить до корозійного зношення або формування об’ємних дефектів на робочих поверхнях, стоншення стінок корпусних деталей тощо. Це призводить до появи зон додаткової набутої локалізації напружено-деформованого стану (НДС) у елементах конструкцій, що здатні суттєво відрізнятись від проектних значень, та разом із циклічним характером навантаження призводить до інтенсивного накопичення втоми матеріалу і викликає відмову. Несвоєчасне їх виявлення може стати причиною виникнення аварійних ситуацій, екологічних катастроф, завдати суттєвих споживчих збитків. Прогнозування показників надійності елементів таких конструкцій є актуальною проблемою, вирішення якої дає можливість попередити їх раптові відмови, спланувати ремонтні роботи, оцінити експлуатаційні ризики тощо. Метою дослідження є розробка розрахункових підходів до прогнозування надійності та оцінки залишкового ресурсу елементів конструкцій, що використовуються в транспортуванні енергоносіїв та в енергетичному машинобудуванні, та які мають набуті пошкодження корозійної природи на основі статистичної оцінки концентрації напружено-деформованого стану і процесів накопичення втоми. При розв’язанні сформульованих на основі вказаної мети завдань було удосконалено підхід до оцінки надійності елементів конструкцій, які використовуються в транспортуванні енергоносіїв та енергетичному машинобудуванні з корозійно пошкодженими ділянками, які дозволяють спрогнозувати можливий розвиток корозійних пошкоджень процеси накопичення втоми, що мають наступну наукову новизну: Отримані нові закономірності, щодо впливу об’ємних дефектів корозійної природи на концентрацію напружень в елементах конструкцій, які використовуються при транспортуванні енергоносіїв та в енергетичному машинобудуванні за різних параметрів цих дефектів на криволінійних ділянках конструкцій; 1. Вперше отримані статистичні оцінки щодо можливої варіації концентрації напружень в елементах конструкцій, які використовуються при транспортуванні енергоносіїв та в енергетичному машинобудуванні в умовах прогнозу можливого стохастичного розвитку корозії у часі та з урахуванням експлуатаційної варіації циклічного навантаження. 2. Знайшли подальший розвиток статистичні моделі та методи оцінки процесу розвитку пошкоджуваності при багато- та мало-цикловій втомі, що на відміну від існуючих моделей враховують випадкову зміну параметрів НДС в часі, яка викликана формуванням концентрації напружень навколо об’ємних поверхневих дефектів. 3. Вперше встановлено закономірності впливу наявності корозійних дефектів різного ступеня розвитку на прогноз надійності залишкового ресурсу елементів конструкційна основі удосконалених статистичних моделей оцінки процесу накопичення втомних пошкоджень. З використанням розробленого підходу до прогнозування надійності елементів конструкцій були вирішені наступні практичні задачі: 1. Визначено параметри пошкоджуваності та кількість циклів до відмови коліна трубопроводу з тривимірним поверхневим дефектом середніх розмірів з урахуванням експлуатаційної варіації навантаження, які мають значення в межах від 1 до 50 циклів (до 1,5 років) при максимально можливому навантажені та від 70 до 470 циклів (від 2 до 10 років) при мінімальному навантажені у трубопроводі з дефектом середніх розмірів, А у випадку дефекту, що стохастично розвивається кількість циклів до відмови складає від 42 до 700 (від 14 місяців до 20 років) при максимально можливому навантаженні. 2. Досліджено вплив композиційного бандажу на ресурс трубопроводу з дефектом середніх розмірів. Проведені розрахунки для визначення раціональних розмірів композиційного бандажу для криволінійної частини трубопроводу з дефектом із середніми розмірами. Визначено значення внутрішнього тиску, при якому еквівалентні напруження досягають границі міцності у трубопроводі з бандажем різної товщини (від 25 мм до 175 мм). Встановлено, що при наявності бандажу 75 мм при глибині дефекту менше ніж 40 % від товщини трубопроводу еквівалентні напруження зменшуються на 10 % та при максимально можливому навантаженні не виникають пластичні деформації. У випадку глибини дефекту більше ніж 40 % від товщини трубопроводу у трубопроводі еквівалентні напруження зменшуються від 25% до 50% при різних розмірах дефекту відповідно та дорівнюють границі плинності Кількість циклів до відмови при використанні композиційного бандажу збільшилась у 100 разів, що робить можливою подальшу експлуатацію трубопроводу. 3. Проведено оцінку залишкової міцності насоса, який використовується в енергетичному машинобудуванні з урахуванням зменшення товщини стінок корпусних деталей від ерозійно-корозійного зносу. Визначено НДС конструкції при стоншенні стінок корпусу від 10% до 30%, яке можливо при тривалій експлуатації. Отримані значення кількості циклів до відмови при урахуванні накопичення втомних пошкоджень та впливу експлуатаційного зносу конструкції. Об’єктом дослідження є процеси накопичення нелокалізованої втомної пошкоджуваності, а також вплив наявності та розвитку у часі локалізованих корозійних дефектів на міцність та надійність елементів конструкцій, які використовуються при транспортуванні енергоносіїв та в енергетичному машинобудуванні. Предмет дослідження – показники надійності, а також ймовірнісні характеристики параметрів НДС та втомної пошкоджуваності, які накопичуються в елементах конструкцій, що досліджуються, з урахуванням наявності та прогнозу стохастичного розвитку корозійних дефектів в них. Основна частина дисертації включає Вступ, Розділ 1 – "Аналіз сучасних підходів до вирішення задач надійності елементів конструкцій з набутими пошкодженнями", Розділ 2 – "Теоретичні основи моделювання елементів конструкцій з дефектами корозійного типу", Розділ 3 – "Імовірнісне оцінювання міцності та надійності трубопроводів із корозійними дефектами та прогноз їх залишкового ресурсу", Розділ 4 – "Аналіз можливості підвищення надійності конструкції шляхом використання композитних ремонтних накладок", Розділ 5 – "Оцінка залишкового ресурсу корпусних елементів насосів енергетичної системи" та Висновки, а також містить 72 рисунки та 18 таблиць. У Вступі обґрунтовано актуальність теми дисертації, сформульовано її мету і задачі, визначено об’єкт, предмет і методи дослідження, наукову новизну та практичну значущість роботи. У Розділі 1 представлено аналіз робіт, які спрямовані на прогнозування надійності елементів конструкцій у машинобудуванні, здійснено аналіз науково-технічної літератури щодо дослідження корозійно пошкоджених елементів конструкцій, що використовуються в транспортуванні енергоносіїв та в енергетичному машинобудуванні. Виділено основні методи для визначення залишкового ресурсу конструкцій, які використовуються в транспортуванні енергоносіїв та енергетичному машинобудуванні та мають набуті в експлуатації дефекти. Проаналізовано підходи до оцінки накопичення втомної пошкоджуваності. У Розділі 2 представлено теоретичні основи розв’язання задачі статистичної оцінки елементів конструкцій із пошкодженнями, зокрема, оцінка прогнозованих габаритних розмірів дефектів при статистичному моделюванні та визначено методологію дослідження. Наведено вирішення задачі пружно-пластичного деформування з кінематичним зміцненням при кусково-лінійній діаграмі деформування. Визначено залежності кінетики росту розмірів корозійного дефекту у трьох напрямах у часі, а також, що його габаритні розміри у фіксований момент часу, випадкові та підпорядковуються лог-нормальному закону розподілення. В рамках континуальної механіки пошкоджуваності удосконалені методи оцінки надійності та прогнозу залишкового ресурсу пошкоджених ділянок елементів конструкцій. У Розділі 3 розроблено параметричні математичні моделі визначення напружено-деформованого стану криволінійної частини трубопроводу за наявності тривимірного поверхневого дефекту корозійного характеру. Здійснено дослідження особливостей формування концентрації напружень в пошкоджених ділянках елементів конструкцій із урахуванням експлуатаційної варіації навантаження та стохастичного характеру розвитку корозійного пошкодження. З використанням розробленого підходу до прогнозування надійності елементів конструкцій визначено параметри пошкоджуваності та кількість циклів до відмови коліна трубопроводу з тривимірним поверхневим дефектом, що розвивається у часі із урахуванням експлуатаційної варіації навантаження. У Розділі 4 досліджено вплив композиційного бандажу на ресурс трубопроводу з дефектом. Для визначення раціональних розмірів композиційного бандажу проведено розрахунки криволінійної частини трубопроводу з дефектом з розмірами, які були отримані під час діагностики трубопроводу, що знаходиться в експлуатації. Здійснені розрахунки для визначення раціональних розмірів композиційного бандажу для криволінійної частини трубопроводу з дефектом із середніми розмірами. Відповідно до розробленої математичної моделі накопичення втомних пошкоджень визначено кількість циклів до відмови при використанні композиційного бандажу на криволінійній частині трубопроводу з дефектом середніх розмірів. У Розділі 5 здійснено оцінку залишкової міцності насоса, який використовується в енергетичному машинобудуванні з урахуванням зменшення товщини стінок корпусних деталей від ерозійно-корозійного зносу. На основі розробленої математичної моделі накопичення втомних пошкоджень та з використання отриманих результатів об НДС конструкції визначено параметр пошкоджуваності для усіх можливих рівнів стоншення стінки конструкції. Проведено дослідження щодо оцінки надійності даних конструкцій з урахуванням ерозійно-корозійного зносу. У Висновках зазначено науково-практичні задачі, що були розвязані в роботі, викладені найбільш важливі наукові та практичні результати, надані рекомендації щодо впровадження результатів дослідження.
Thesis for granting the Degree of Candidate of Technical sciences in specialty 05.02.09 – Dynamics and Strength of Machines (13 – Mechanical Engineering). – National Technical University, "Kharkiv Polytechnical Institute", 2019. Machine-building structures used in power engineering are worked under conditions of intense cyclic loading and the action of aggressive external or working environments. Long-term using of structures in such conditions is led to corrosion or formation of volumetric defects on working surfaces, thinning of the walls of hull parts and other. It can have led to the appearance of additional zones of localization of deformed state in structural elements that can be differ significantly from the design values, and together with the cyclic nature of the load can led to an intensive accumulation of fatigue of the material and failure. Untimely detection of that defects caused of emergencies, environmental disasters, and cause significant consumer losses. Predicting the reliability of elements of such structurals is an urgent problem whose solution makes it possible to prevent them from sudden failures, to plan repair work, to evaluate operational risks, and so on. The aim of the work is to develop computational approaches to predicting the reliability and estimation of the residual life of structural elements used in energy transportation and power engineering, which have acquired corrosive nature defects based on a statistical evaluation of the stress-strain concentration and fatigue accumulation processes. For solving the tasks formulated on the basis of the stated aim, the approaches to the estimation of the reliability of structural elements used in transportation of energy carriers and power engineering with corrosion-damaged areas has been improved, which are allowed to predict the possible development of corrosion damages and the processes of accumulation of fatigue, which have the follow scientific novelty: 1. New regularities have been obtained concerning the effect of volumetric defects of corrosive nature on the concentration of stresses in structural elements used in the transport of energy carriers and in power engineering under different parameters of these defects in curvilinear sections of structures. 2. For the first time, statistical estimate has been obtained regarding the possible variation of stress concentration in structural elements used in energy transportation and in power engineering in the conditions of forecast of possible stochastic development of corrosion in time and taking into account operational variation of cyclic loading. 3. The statistical models and methods of estimating the process of development of damage in multi- and small-cycle fatigue have been developed, which, unlike the existing models, are taken into account the random change of the deformed state parameters over time, which is caused by the formation of stress concentrations around volumetric surface defects. 4. For the first time have been established the regularities of the influence of corrosion defects of various degrees of development on the prediction of the reliability of the residual life of structural elements based on the improved statistical models of the estimation of the process of fatigue damage accumulation. Using the developed approach to predict the reliability of structural elements, the following practical problems were solved: 1. The parameters of damage and the number of cycles to failure of the elbow of the pipeline with three-dimensional surface defect of the average sizes were defined, with taking into account operational variation of load, which have values in the range from 1 to 50 cycles (up to 1.5 years) at the maximum possible load and from 70 to 470 cycles (2 to 10 years) at minimum load in the pipeline with a defect of medium size, And in the case of a defect stochastically developing number of cycles to failure is from 42 to 700 (from 14 months to 20 years) at the maximum possible load. 2. The effect of composite bandage on the mean-sized pipeline resource was investigated. Calculations have been made for determine the rational dimensions of the composite bandage for the curved portion pipeline with the mean-sized defect. The value of the internal pressure at which equivalent stresses reach the strength limits in the pipeline with a bandage of different thickness (from 25 mm to 175 mm) was determined. It is established that in the presence of a 75 mm bandage with a defect depth of less than 40% of the thickness of the pipeline, the equivalent stresses are reduced by 10% and plastic deformation does not occur at the maximum load. In the case of a defect depth is greater than 40% of the pipeline thickness in the pipeline, the equivalent stresses are reduced from 25% to 50% at different defect sizes, respectively, and equal to the yield strength. The number of cycles to failure when using a composite bandage has increased 100 times, which is making possible for the pipeline to be operated further. 3. Estimation of the residual strength of the pump used in power engineering has been made, taking into account the reduction of the wall thickness of the body parts in consequence from erosion-corrosion wear. The design deformed state was determined when the walls of the housing are thinned from 10% to 30%, which is possible for long-term operation. The values of the number of cycles to failure were obtained with taking into account the accumulation of fatigue damage and the impact of operational wear of the structure. The object of the study is the processes of accumulation of non-localized fatigue damage, as well as the influence of the presence of localized corrosion defects which is development over time on the strength and reliability of structural elements used in energy transportation and in power engineering. The subject of the study is the reliability indicators, as well as the probabilistic characteristics of the parameters of the deformed state and fatigue damage, which are accumulated in the elements of the investigated structures, taking into account the presence and prediction of stochastic development of corrosion defects in it. The main part of the dissertation includes Introduction, Section 1 – "Analysis of modern approaches to solving the problems of reliability of structural elements with acquired damage", Section 2 – "Theoretical bases of modeling elements of structures with corrosion defects", Section 3 – "Probability assessment of strength and reliability of pipeline with corrosion defects and the prediction of their residual life-time", Section 4 – "Analysis of the possibility of improving the reliability of the structure by using composite bandage", Section 5 – "Assessment of the residual life-time of the housing elements of pumps of the energy system" and Conclusions, and also contains 74 figures and 18 tables. The introduction substantiates the relevance of the dissertation topic, formulates its aim and objectives, defines the object, subject and methods of research, scientific novelty and practical significance of the work. Section 1 is presented the analysis of works aimed at predicting the reliability of structural elements in mechanical engineering, the analysis of scientific and technical literature on the study of corrosion-damaged structural elements used in energy transportation and in power engineering. The main methods for determining the residual life-time of structures used in energy transportation and power engineering and which have acquired defects were identified. Approaches to the estimation of fatigue accumulation were analyzed. Section 2 is presented the theoretical foundations for solving the problem of statistical estimation of structural elements with defects, in particular, the estimation of the predicted overall defect sizes in statistical modeling, and a research methodology is defined. The solution of the problem of elastic-plastic deformation with kinematic hardening at a multi-linear deformation diagram is presented. The dependences of the kinetics of growth of the corrosion defect sizes in three directions in time are determined, and also that its overall dimensions at a fixed moment of time are random and obey the log-normal distribution law. Within the framework of continuous damage mechanics, methods of reliability estimation and prediction of residual life-time of damaged sections of structural elements have been improved. In Section 3 the parametric mathematical models for determining the stress-strain state of the curved part of the pipeline in the presence of a three-dimensional surface defect of corrosive character are developed. The peculiarities of stress concentration formation in the damaged parts of structural elements were studied, taking into account the operational variation of the load and the stochastic nature of the development of corrosion defect. Using the developed approach to predicting the reliability of structural elements, the parameters of damage and the number of cycles to failure of the pipeline elbow with volumetric defect, which develops over time with taking into account the operational variation of the load, were determined. Section 4 is investigated the effect of composite bandage on a life-time of pipeline with defect. In order to determine the rational dimensions of the composite bandage, calculations of the curved part of the pipeline with defect with the dimensions obtained during the diagnostics of the pipeline in operation were performed. Calculations were made to determine the rational dimensions of the composite bandage for the curved portion of the mean-sized defect pipeline. According to the developed mathematical model of accumulation of fatigue damage, the number of cycles to failure using a composite bandage on a curved part of a pipeline with a defect of medium size was determined. Section 5 is assessed the residual strength of the pump used in power engineering with taking into account the reduction of the wall thickness of the body parts from erosion-corrosion wear. On the basis of the developed mathematical model of accumulation of fatigue damage and using the results obtained on the deformed state of the structure, the parameter of damage for all possible levels of thinning of the wall of the pump was determined. Research to evaluation the reliability of these structures, taking into account erosion-corrosion wear has been carried out. The conclusions are summared the scientific and practical problems that have been solved in the paper, outlined the most important scientific and practical results, and provided recommendations for the implementation of the research results.
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Банахевич, Р. Ю. "Розроблення методу діагностування скупчень у порожнинах лінійної частини магістральних газопроводів." Thesis, Івано-Франківський національний технічний університет нафти і газу, 2015.

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Наведено результати аналізу сучасного стану і тенденцій розвитку вітчизняних та закордонних досягнень із досліджуваної проблеми, що дало можливість визначити напрямки подальших досліджень. Виконано аналіз причин утворення скупчень у порожнинах газопроводів, досліджено чинники та причини утворення гідратних утворень у порожнинах труб під час магістрального транспортування газу. Досліджено вплив скупчень на безпечність і режими експлуатації газопроводів. Ідентифіковано місця найбільш ймовірної появи скупчень. Проведено експериментальні дослідження з метою встановлення оптимальних інформативних параметрів виявлення гідратних утворень у порожнинах магістральних газопроводів. Розроблено дослідно-експериментальний взірець приладу для контролю наявності скупчень у порожнинах лінійної частини магістральних газопроводів.
Приведены результаты анализа современного состояния и тенденций развития отечественных и зарубежных достижений по исследуемой проблеме, который позволил определить направления дальнейших исследований. Выполнен анализ причин образования скоплений в полостях газопроводов, исследованы факторы и причины образования гидратных образований в полостях труб при магистральном транспорте газа. Исследовано влияние скоплений на безопасность и режимы эксплуатации газопроводов. Идентифицированы места наиболее вероятного появления скоплений . Проведены экспериментальные исследования с целью установления оптимальных информативных параметров обнаружения гидратных образований в полостях магистральных газопроводов. Разработан опытно-экспериментальный образец прибора для контроля наличия скоплений в полостях линейной части магистральных газопроводов.
The aim of the thesis is to solve the current problem of applied scientific research in the direction of improving methods of exploitation of main gas pipelines through the development and introduction of new methods and means of technical diagnostics clusters in the cavities of the linear part of main gas pipelines. The results of a current state analysis and domestic and foreign developments trends of the researching problem, that allowed to define further research areas. The object of the research is the presence of a main gas pipeline liquid clusters. The subject of research is the methods and means of diagnosing fluid in main gas pipelines. The causes of clusters in the gas pipelines cavities were analyzed, the factors and causes of hydrate formation in the pipes cavities have been investigated at the main gas transport. Provisions are made for protection: the method of determining the location and level of liquids and dirt in the cavity of main gas pipeline. To solve the problems and achieve the goal of a thesis uses methods of analytical modeling, correlation and regression analysis, interpolation data. Experimental study on developing a method of diagnosing clusters in the cavities of the linear part of main gas pipelines and generalization of results were carried out using the theory and practice of technical measurements and experimental design, methods of polynomial filtering of measurement results of mathematical statistics and probability theory, methods of numerical processing of the experimental results to enhance their credibility. Scientific novelty of the results of the thesis by the following provisions: 1. The first time the analytical method for determining the location and volume of fluid accumulation in the cavity of main gas pipelines. 2. For the first time developed a method of technical diagnostics of gas mains pipe cavity without interference in its work and violations of pumping gas is to use ultrasonic method of determining the level of liquid in place of its accumulation in the cavity of the pipe. 3. Improved functional diagram ultrasonic method of technical diagnostics linear part of main gas pipelines, which enabled regardless of environmental conditions, to obtain reliable information on the state of the pipeline. 4. Found a further development of methods of construction and use of technical equipment and diagnostic systems for the evaluation of the technical state of gas mains, which significantly increases the reliability of the transmission system. Solved in dissertation work tasks and the results obtained enable to increase the efficiency and reliability of gas transportation system by applying the proposed method of diagnosing fluid accumulations for their effective withdrawal from the cavities of gas mains pipes for further implementation of in qualitative diagnosis. The basic scientific positions and results are the essence of the thesis received the author alone. The author made the following research: - analyzed and systematized reasons of contamination in the cavity gas pipeline; - analyzed the methodological, technical and regulatory support of technical diagnosing gas pipeline; - developed analytical methods for determining the location and extent of accumulation of fluid in the cavity gas pipeline; - developed, tested and implemented in an industrial environment in the current gas pipeline experimental model, technology information and measuring system of monitoring the presence and amount of fluid in the cavity gas pipeline. The clusters influence on safety and the gas pipelines operation modes was researched. These researches showed that liquid presence makes negatively influence at all the gas-transport system items working, complicates the main gas realization process and substantially worsens gas quality. Besides, the water presence in a gas pipeline considerably complicates the pipelines in-line inspection diagnostics procedure because in such case cleansing and diagnostic pistons damage or their destructions is possible because of the hydraulic shots. The most probable occurrence clusters places were identified. Mainly, it takes place in the ascending overfall heights areas or in deepening. The experimental studies for determination of optimal informative parameters for detection hydrate formation in the pipelines cavities have been done. An acoustic method for the accumulations volume estimation was suggested for using which consists in experimental dependences establishment of the ultrasonic vibrations amplitude with non-technological including type and thickness and ambient temperature that enables high precision (more than 0,9) the non-technological accumulations presence and their volume determination regardless of the environment parameters. An experimental model device has been developed for the non-technical clusters cavities controlling in the pipelines linear parts.
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Sawada, Jun. "Formal verification of an advanced pipelined machine /." Digital version accessible at:, 1999.

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Unwala, Ishaq Hasanali. "Pipelined processor modeling with finite homogeneous discrete-time Markov chain /." Digital version accessible at:, 1998.

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Федорович, І. В. "Організаційно-економічне забезпечення процесу відтворення лінійної частини магістральних газопроводів." Thesis, Івано-Франківський національний технічний університет нафти і газу, 2011.

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Дисертаційна робота присвячена розвитку теоретичних положень формування та функціонування процесу відтворення ЛЧ МГ на газотранспортних підприємствах. У роботі розвинуто теоретичні положення щодо сутності поняття «відтворення», досліджено вплив чинників на процесвідтворення ЛЧ МГ та виникнення відмов та аварій на газопроводах, удосконалено методичний підхід щодо оцінювання готовності ЛЧ МГ до транспортування природного газу. Розроблено методичний підхід до розрахунку фінансових втрат, які несуть газотранспортні підприємства в результаті виникнення аварійних ситуацій на газопроводах. Запропоновано алгоритм оптимізації процесу планування капітальних ремонтів на газопроводах. Оцінено ефективність застосування інноваційно-модифікованого протикорозійного покриття для захисту газопроводів. Реструктуризовано функції управління процесом відтворення ЛЧ МГ на рівні управлінь магістральних газопроводів.
The thesis is dedicated to the development of theoretical principles of formation and operation of reproduction process of linear part of main gas pipelines at gas-transport enterprises. Theoretical principles as for the essence of the concept of “reproduction” are evolved? The influence of factors on the process of reproduction of linear part of main gas pipelines, and appearance of refusals and breakdowns at gas pipelines is studied, technical approach to estimating availability of linear part of main gas pipelines for transporting natural gas is improved. Technical approach to calculation of financial losses at gas-transport enterprises as a result of appearance of breakdown situations at gas pipelines is worked out. Algorithm of optimization of the process of planning overhauls at gas pipelines is propounded. Functions of managing the reproduction of line part of main gas pipelines at the level of main gas pipelines administrations are restructured.
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Abbaspour, Mohammad. "Simulation and optimization of non-isothermal, one-dimensional single/two-phase flow in natural gas pipeline /." Search for this dissertation online, 2005.

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Adeebfar, Tamine. "Geopolitical dimensions of the main export pipeline in the Caspian region : the Baku-Tibiis-Ceyhan pipeline and the events of 11 September 2001." Thesis, University of Kent, 2003.

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Books on the topic "Main pipelines"


Gumerov, A. G. Rekonstrukt︠s︡ii︠a︡ lineĭnoĭ chasti magistralʹnykh nefteprovodov: Reconstruction of Linear Parts in Main Oil Pipelines. Moskva: Nedra, 2003.

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San Francisco (Calif.). Planning Dept., ESA+Orion Joint Venture, Adavant Consulting, Eagle Eye Editing, Environ Corporation, RMC Water and Environment, Wilson Ihrig & Associates, and Yuki Kawaguchi Cartography, eds. North Shore to Channel Force Main Project: Preliminary mitigated negative declaration. San Francisco, Calif: San Francisco Planning Dept., 2012.

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Managing water main breaks: Field guide. Denver: American Water Works Association, 2012.

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Galowin, Lawrence S. Separated flow conditions at pipe walls of water distribution mains. Cincinnati, OH: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Risk Reduction Engineering Laboratory, 1990.

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Romer, Andrew E. AWWA back to basics guide to corrosion control for buried water mains. Denver, CO: American Water Works Association, 2009.

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Gvozdeva, Valentina. Data management in transport systems. ru: INFRA-M Academic Publishing LLC., 2020.

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Topics on the theoretical and practical foundations of data management, primarily in transport, are presented. They are devoted to the basic concepts and definitions, the history of development, and the basics of data management in transport systems. The main methods and models of data management are presented. The issues of data management in the systems of various types of transport: water, rail, road, air, pipeline, as well as specialized and non-traditional ones are considered. Meets the requirements of Federal state educational standards of higher education of the latest generation. For training University and College students in specialties involving the study of disciplines related to data management in information and transport systems.
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Frank, Pausina, and United States. Minerals Management Service. Gulf of Mexico OCS Region, eds. Investigation of pig launcher explosion, Main Pass block 41, Gulf of Mexico, off the Louisiana coast. New Orleans: U.S. Dept. of the Interior, Minerals Management Service, Gulf of Mexico OCS Regional Office, 1996.

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Steven, Finizio, and Howe Michael. Part I Commercial Arbitration in the Energy Sector, 3 Gas Supply Transactions and Disputes. Oxford University Press, 2018.

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This chapter first describes the main transactions that occur in relation to the supply of natural gas after its exploration. In particular, it studies contracts relating to: the production of gas (including drilling contracts), the processing of gas, the transportation of gas (including in pipelines and as liquefied natural gas (LNG) by ship), the storage of gas, the sale of gas from producers to wholesalers, and the sale of gas from wholesalers to end users. The chapter then discusses disputes that typically arise in relation to those transactions, including transportation infrastructure disputes and storage disputes. It pays particular attention to disputes relating to long-term gas sale and purchase agreements (GSPAs), an important number of which have led to high-profile arbitration proceedings in recent years. The chapter, therefore, analyzes in detail the clauses typically contained in those agreements, and the issues that typically arise in arbitration — in particular, gas price reviews.
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C, Basalo, ed. Water and gas mains corrosion, degradation and protection. New York: Ellis Horwood, 1992.

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Giacovazzo, Carmelo. Phasing in Crystallography. Oxford University Press, 2013.

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Modern crystallographic methods originate from the synergy of two main research streams, the small-molecule and the macro-molecular streams. The first stream was able to definitively solve the phase problem for molecules up to 200 atoms in the asymmetric unit. The achievements obtained by the macromolecular stream are also impressive. A huge number of protein structures have been deposited in the Protein Data Bank. The solution of them is no longer reserved to an elite group of scientists, but may be attained in a large number of laboratories around the world, even by young scientists. New probabilistic approaches have been tailored to deal with larger structures, errors in the experimental data, and modest data resolution. Traditional phasing techniques like ab initio, molecular replacement, isomorphous replacement, and anomalous dispersion techniques have been revisited. The new approaches have been implemented in robust phasing programs, which have been organized in automatic pipelines usable even by non-experts. Protein structures, which 50 years ago could take months or even years to solve, can now be solved in a matter of hours, partly also due to technological advances in computer science. This book describes all modern crystallographic phasing methods, and introduces a new rational classification of them. A didactic approach is used, with the techniques described simply and logically in the main text, and further mathematical details confined to the Appendices for motivated readers. Numerous figures and applicative details illustrate the text.
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Book chapters on the topic "Main pipelines"


Bekibayev, T., U. Zhapbasbayev, G. Ramazanova, E. Makhmotov, and B. Sayakhov. "Management of Oil Transportation by Main Pipelines." In Communications in Computer and Information Science, 44–53. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2019.

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Nykyforchyn, H. M., E. Lunarska, and P. Zonta. "Degradation of Properties of Long Term Exploited Main Oil and Gas Pipelines Steels and Role of Environment in This Process." In Integrity of Pipelines Transporting Hydrocarbons, 59–74. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands, 2011.

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Chechin, E. V., and G. S. Pisarenko. "New types of pipes of a prestressed structure for main pipelines." In Tubular Structures VII, 427–31. London: Routledge, 2022.

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Chechin, E. V., and G. S. Pisarenko. "New types of pipes of a prestressed structure for main pipelines." In Tubular Structures VII, 427–31. London: Routledge, 2022.

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Mandryk, Oleg, Liubomyr Poberezhny, Pavlo Maruschak, Liubov Poberezhna, Oksana Maniuk, and Mykhailo Maniuk. "Assessment of Environmental Risks of the Gas Transportation Process by Main Pipelines." In TRANSBALTICA XII: Transportation Science and Technology, 717–25. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2022.

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Palma, Raul, Soumya Brahma, Christian Zinke-Wehlmann, Amit Kirschenbaum, Karel Charvát, Karel Charvat, and Tomas Reznik. "Linked Data Usages in DataBio." In Big Data in Bioeconomy, 91–111. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2021.

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AbstractOne of the main goals of DataBio was the provision of solutions for big data management enabling, among others, the harmonisation and integration of a large variety of data generated and collected through various applications, services and devices. The DataBio approach to deliver such capabilities was based on the use of Linked Data as a federated layer to provide an integrated view over (initially) disconnected and heterogeneous datasets. The large amount of data sources, ranging from mostly static to highly dynamic, led to the design and implementation of Linked Data Pipelines. The goal of these pipelines is to automate as much as possible the process to transform and publish different input datasets as Linked Data. In this chapter, we describe these pipelines and how they were applied to support different uses cases in the project, including the tools and methods used to implement them.
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Huseynzade, Rafiga, and Azer Aliyev. "Experience of Azerbaijan in Construction of Main Oil and Gas Pipelines in the Caspian Sea Region: Environmental Aspects." In Oil and Gas Pipelines in the Black-Caspian Seas Region, 169–95. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2015.

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Nastich, S. Y., Y. D. Morozov, L. I. Efron, and M. Y. Matrosov. "Steels with Ferrite-Bainite Microstructure with Improved Weldability and Cold Resistance for Main Pipelines." In THERMEC 2006, 4744–49. Stafa: Trans Tech Publications Ltd., 2007.

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Soldatos, John, Ernesto Troiano, Pavlos Kranas, and Alessandro Mamelli. "A Reference Architecture Model for Big Data Systems in the Finance Sector." In Big Data and Artificial Intelligence in Digital Finance, 3–28. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2022.

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AbstractIn recent years there is a surge in the amount of digital data that are generated by financial organizations, which is driving the development and deployment of novel Big Data and Artificial Intelligence (AI) applications in the finance sector. Nevertheless, there is still no easy and standardized way for developing, deploying and operating data-intensive systems for digital finance. This chapter introduces a standards-based reference architecture model for architecting, implementing and deploying big data and AI systems in digital finance. The model introduces the main building blocks that comprise machine learning and data science pipelines for digital finance applications, while providing structuring principles for their integration in applications. Complementary viewpoints of the model are presented, including a logical view and considerations for developing and deploying applications compliant to the reference architecture. The chapter ends up presenting a few practical examples of the use of the reference model for developing data science pipelines for digital finance.
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Bondin, Y. A., N. A. Spirin, and S. V. Bausov. "Calculation and Analytical Module “Risk” for Selective Diagnostics and Repair of Main Gas Pipelines with Account of Technogenic Risks." In Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, 233–42. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2020.

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Conference papers on the topic "Main pipelines"


Stoutenburg, Jr., Daniel, Robert McGee, and Susan L. Schwinger. "Large Diameter Water Main in a Congested Urban Environment Fort Worth East Side II 54" Water Main." In Pipelines 2013. Reston, VA: American Society of Civil Engineers, 2013.

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Ojdrovic, Rasko, Steve Bian, Steven DelloRusso, and Anna Pridmore. "DC Water Anacostia Force Main Emergency Repair." In Pipelines 2020. Reston, VA: American Society of Civil Engineers, 2020.

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Blaha, Frank J., and Jian Zhang. "Main Breaks, Leakage, and Distribution System Evaluations." In Pipelines 2016. Reston, VA: American Society of Civil Engineers, 2016.

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Ojdrovic, Rasko, Steve Bian, Steven DelloRusso, and Anna Pridmore. "DC Water Anacostia Force Main Emergency Repair." In Pipelines 2021. Reston, VA: American Society of Civil Engineers, 2021.

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Macey, Chris, James Davidson, and Matthew Coleman. "Using Cathodic Protection (CP) Retrofits to Extend Useful Water Main Life for Cast and Ductile Iron Mains." In Pipelines 2019. Reston, VA: American Society of Civil Engineers, 2019.

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Bontus, George. "Implementing Water Main Renovation." In International Pipelines Conference 2008. Reston, VA: American Society of Civil Engineers, 2008.

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Ellison, Dan, Jonathan Leung, Sam Ariaratnam, Andy Romer, and Roy Brader. "Optimizing Small Water Main Renewal Using Nondestructive Examinations." In Pipelines 2014. Reston, VA: American Society of Civil Engineers, 2014.

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Gardels, Derek, Nathan Casey, Dan Klopfer, Dave Spencer, and Mark Duben. "Asset Renewal Forecasting for Water Main Replacement Program." In Pipelines 2018. Reston, VA: American Society of Civil Engineers, 2018.

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Griffin, Jerome, Jennifer Baldwin, Daniel Buonadonna, Rudy Fernandez, Walt Schwarz, and Brandy Leighton. "South Florida Aging Infrastructure: Force Main Condition Assessment." In Pipelines 2019. Reston, VA: American Society of Civil Engineers, 2019.

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Hughes, David M., and James Fitchett. "The Value of Machine Learning Main Break Prediction." In Pipelines 2021. Reston, VA: American Society of Civil Engineers, 2021.

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Reports on the topic "Main pipelines"


J. M. Capron. Remaining Sites Verification Package for the 100-F-26:12, 1.8-m (72-in.) Main Process Sewer Pipeline, Waste Site Reclassification Form 2007-034. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), April 2008.

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McCarthy, Noel, Eileen Taylor, Martin Maiden, Alison Cody, Melissa Jansen van Rensburg, Margaret Varga, Sophie Hedges, et al. Enhanced molecular-based (MLST/whole genome) surveillance and source attribution of Campylobacter infections in the UK. Food Standards Agency, July 2021.

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This human campylobacteriosis sentinel surveillance project was based at two sites in Oxfordshire and North East England chosen (i) to be representative of the English population on the Office for National Statistics urban-rural classification and (ii) to provide continuity with genetic surveillance started in Oxfordshire in October 2003. Between October 2015 and September 2018 epidemiological questionnaires and genome sequencing of isolates from human cases was accompanied by sampling and genome sequencing of isolates from possible food animal sources. The principal aim was to estimate the contributions of the main sources of human infection and to identify any changes over time. An extension to the project focussed on antimicrobial resistance in study isolates and older archived isolates. These older isolates were from earlier years at the Oxfordshire site and the earliest available coherent set of isolates from the national archive at Public Health England (1997/8). The aim of this additional work was to analyse the emergence of the antimicrobial resistance that is now present among human isolates and to describe and compare antimicrobial resistance in recent food animal isolates. Having identified the presence of bias in population genetic attribution, and that this was not addressed in the published literature, this study developed an approach to adjust for bias in population genetic attribution, and an alternative approach to attribution using sentinel types. Using these approaches the study estimated that approximately 70% of Campylobacter jejuni and just under 50% of C. coli infection in our sample was linked to the chicken source and that this was relatively stable over time. Ruminants were identified as the second most common source for C. jejuni and the most common for C. coli where there was also some evidence for pig as a source although less common than ruminant or chicken. These genomic attributions of themselves make no inference on routes of transmission. However, those infected with isolates genetically typical of chicken origin were substantially more likely to have eaten chicken than those infected with ruminant types. Consumption of lamb’s liver was very strongly associated with infection by a strain genetically typical of a ruminant source. These findings support consumption of these foods as being important in the transmission of these infections and highlight a potentially important role for lamb’s liver consumption as a source of Campylobacter infection. Antimicrobial resistance was predicted from genomic data using a pipeline validated by Public Health England and using BIGSdb software. In C. jejuni this showed a nine-fold increase in resistance to fluoroquinolones from 1997 to 2018. Tetracycline resistance was also common, with higher initial resistance (1997) and less substantial change over time. Resistance to aminoglycosides or macrolides remained low in human cases across all time periods. Among C. jejuni food animal isolates, fluoroquinolone resistance was common among isolates from chicken and substantially less common among ruminants, ducks or pigs. Tetracycline resistance was common across chicken, duck and pig but lower among ruminant origin isolates. In C. coli resistance to all four antimicrobial classes rose from low levels in 1997. The fluoroquinolone rise appears to have levelled off earlier and among animals, levels are high in duck as well as chicken isolates, although based on small sample sizes, macrolide and aminoglycoside resistance, was substantially higher than for C. jejuni among humans and highest among pig origin isolates. Tetracycline resistance is high in isolates from pigs and the very small sample from ducks. Antibiotic use following diagnosis was relatively high (43.4%) among respondents in the human surveillance study. Moreover, it varied substantially across sites and was highest among non-elderly adults compared to older adults or children suggesting opportunities for improved antimicrobial stewardship. The study also found evidence for stable lineages over time across human and source animal species as well as some tighter genomic clusters that may represent outbreaks. The genomic dataset will allow extensive further work beyond the specific goals of the study. This has been made accessible on the web, with access supported by data visualisation tools.
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Laborer drowns in flooded pipeline after water main was ruptured by a backhoe in California. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, June 1995.

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