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Dissertations / Theses on the topic 'Mahl'

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Stein, Hans Joachim. "Frühchristliche Mahlfeiern ihre Gestalt und Bedeutung nach der neutestamentlichen Briefliteratur und der Johannesoffenbarung." Tübingen Mohr Siebeck, 2008.

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Mahl, Dirk [Verfasser], Matthias [Akademischer Betreuer] Epple, Torsten Claus [Akademischer Betreuer] Schmidt, and Ulrich [Akademischer Betreuer] Simon. "Synthese, Löslichkeit und Stabilität von Gold-Nanopartikeln in biologischen Medien / Dirk Mahl. Gutachter: Torsten Claus Schmidt ; Ulrich Simon. Betreuer: Matthias Epple." Duisburg, 2011.

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Mahl, Martin Jakob [Verfasser], Horst [Akademischer Betreuer] Baier, Klaus [Gutachter] Drechsler, and Horst [Gutachter] Baier. "Untersuchung des thermo-mechanischen und kryogenen Kurz- und Langzeitverhaltens von Polyethylen für Hochdrucktanks / Martin Jakob Mahl ; Gutachter: Klaus Drechsler, Horst Baier ; Betreuer: Horst Baier." München : Universitätsbibliothek der TU München, 2019.

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Mahl, Christian [Verfasser], and Christian [Akademischer Betreuer] Ries. "Bedeutung des reversion-inducing cysteine-rich protein with Kazal motifs (RECK) für Wachstum, Beweglichkeit und Differenzierung humaner mesenchymaler Stammzellen / Christian Mahl ; Betreuer: Christian Ries." München : Universitätsbibliothek der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, 2017.

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Farhat, Maha. "Étude de la survie des légionelles et de la dynamique des populations microbiennes des réseaux d'eau chaude : rôle des procédés de décontamination." Poitiers, 2009.

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Legionella est la bactérie à Gram négatif identifiée dans les épidémies de légionellose liées à la contamination des réseaux d’eau chaude et des tours aéroréfrigérantes. En France, où la maladie est soumise à déclaration obligatoire depuis 1987, plus un millier de cas sont recensés par an parmi lesquels 10 % s’avèrent mortels. Associée à un consortium des cellules microbiennes, Legionella se trouve attachée aux surfaces dans une matrice de polymères organiques et minéraux appelée biofilm. Dans cette structure, elle devient plus résistante aux procédés de désinfection que lorsqu'elle est sous forme libre. C’est dans ce contexte qu'ont été définis les objectifs de ce travail qui s'est articulé autour trois volets principaux : (1) le développement d'un outil analytique permettant l'étude de la dynamique des populations microbiennes dans l'eau et dans le biofilm d'un réseau d'eau chaude après différents traitements anti-Legionella, (2) le suivi de l'évolution de la flore totale procaryote et de Legionella en particulier dans l'eau et le biofilm après un traitement par choc thermique (70 °C pendant 30 minutes) et par un traitement chimique (biocide combiné à un biodispersant) et (3) la caractérisation de la diversité de Legionella dans le biofilm en relation avec la dynamique de la structure microbienne (bactérie et eucaryotes) du biofilm après ces deux traitements. Un pilote à l'échelle 1 constitué de deux boucles d'eau chaude similaires (boucles témoin et test) a été développé et contaminé par un biofilm naturel de Legionella. Les deux traitements testés (thermique et chimique) ont eu un effet transitoire. Un retour aux concentrations initiales en Legionella cultivables dans l'eau et dans le biofilm a été observé une semaine après l'application des traitements. Pour une des premières fois dans ce type d'études, l'utilisation de méthodes moléculaires de pointe (séquençage, SSCP) ont permis d'identifier la diversité de Legionella (cinq espèces dont quatre sont des pathogènes opportunistes) dans le biofilm des réseaux d'eau chaude et de caractériser la flore microbienne qui accompagne Legionella dans cette matrice (protéobactéries, amibes, flagellés, champignons, alvéolates). Ce travail apporte ainsi des éléments novateurs en termes d'outils permettant de tester les traitements anti- Legionella, de méthodes analytiques et de connaissance sur le consortium microbien qui accompagne Legionella dans le biofilm
Legionella is a Gram-negative bacterium identified in Legionnaires' outbreaks linked to contaminated hot water systems and cooling towers. In France, where this disease has been notifiable since 1987, over a thousand cases are reported per year among which 10 % are fatal. Legionella and other microorganisms are attached to the surface and associated together in an extracellular anionic polymer matrix called biofilm. Within this structure, Legionella is more protected from disinfection processes than those present in the aqueous phase. Therefore, our objectives were structured around three main parts: (1) to develop an analytical tool in order to evaluate the effectiveness of various anti-Legionella treatments in water and biofilm (2) to monitor the prokaryotic total flora evolution and Legionella in water and biofilm after heat shock (70 °C during 30 minutes) and chemical treatments (biocide combinated with biodispersant) and (3) to characterize Legionella diversity and its associated microbial flora dynamic (bacteria and eukarya) in biofilm after both treatments. A pilot scale 1 consisted of two hot water similar loops (control and test loops) was developed and contaminated by a natural biofilm of Legionella. Both treatments tested (heat and chemical) have had a transient effect. A return to the initial concentrations of culturable Legionella in water and in biofilm was observed one week after application of treatments. For the first time in such studies, the use of advanced molecular methods (sequencing, SSCP) has identified the diversity of Legionella (five of which four species are opportunistic pathogens) in biofilm sampled in hot water networks and the characterization of the microbial flora accompanying Legionella in this matrix (proteobacteria, amoebae, flagellates, fungi, Alveolata). This work brings together innovative elements in terms of tools to test the anti-Legionella, analytical methods and knowledge about the microbial consortium accompanying Legionella in the biofilm
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Strauss, Nicole. "Maal." Master's thesis, University of Cape Town, 2009.

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Includes abstract.
Maal, a collection of short stories, addresses the displacement and state of being of individuals in different cities in Africa and Europe. These individuals often experience nutrition and food as a metaphor of psychological angst, loneliness or consolation. Food is invoked in the title as it can be seen in the actions of, for instance, a character using intravenous drugs, a character literally eating earth, or a character not being able to eat at all. On the other hand, food in its many sophisticated forms can be found in the upper class spaces of Cape Town, Paris, Zurich and other cities, whilst elsewhere it is tellingly absent. It is further investigated as a ritual - both in a familial and social sense - and as a forming and shaping force in the characters' lives, often paradoxically. Maal also refers to the way in which these characters are hurled about by their own existence, by experiences of migration, illness, family intrigue and death. Therefore life becomes a meal and characters themselves are being eaten and ground.
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Mynatt, Trenton T. "Splitting Maul." ScholarWorks@UNO, 2016.

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Sium, Sirak, and Dimitrios Stasais. "Mall förvaltningplan : Skolbyggnader." Thesis, Mälardalen University, Department of Public Technology, 2008.

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The aim of this thesis is to establish a “förvaltningsplans” template to Fastighetskontoret in Vasteras city. Further general information about the mission was given at our first meeting with Rolf Haraldsson, who happened to be our mentor and works at Fastighetskontoret in Vasteras city.

We agreed that using the software Excel was the most appropriate way to establish the template, because Fastighetskontoret also make use of Excel in their internal system, and also because Excel has a more friendly user interface and it is more easier to use compared to other software that have complex templates.

One of the first things we did was to get in contact with different fastighetskontors around Sweden so that we could either take part of their “förvaltningsplaner” or get referred to other material that could have been used. But this turned out to be an unsuccessful strategy. However, by searching on internet, course literature and databases we got a successful result.

The most common headlines were included in the template and were later discussed with our mentor from Malardalen University, Sone Nydert. Mr. Nydert who gave us viewpoints and directions on how we should develop our work further.

Thereafter, we had continual meetings with the mentor in Fastighetskontoret in Vasteras stad, Rolf Haraldsson, so that we could discuss and adjust the templates in line with the headlines in order for the template to match the fastighetskontorets internal headlines.

The template was finally tested in frosundaskolan and turned out to be a successful work.

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Ayla, Erkut Sinan. "Trusted Mail Gateway." Master's thesis, METU, 2005.

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ABSTRACT TRUSTED MAIL GATEWAY AYLA, Erkut Sinan M.S., Department of Computer Engineering Supervisor: Dr. Attila Ö
zgit December 2004, 135 pages The study aims to make contribution to solve mail security problems. The Trusted Mail Gateway provides a domain with the basic security services that are message integrity, confidentiality, non&
repudiation, origin authentication and availability while message (e&
mail) being delivered through the Internet. It generates S/MIME digital signatures and performs S/MIME encryption on behalf of the domain using secret key cryptography and public&
key techniques and generating Cryptographic Message Syntax (CMS) data to provide origin authenticity, integrity and v confidentiality. It applies anti&
virus control and protection, spam filtering and content check to both incoming mails to the domain and outgoing mails from the domain to prevent attacks against availability. Also, the Trusted Mail Gateway provides intra&
domain security. It keeps e&
mail messages in corresponding mailboxes as encrypted messages. Trusted Mail Gateway processes all the mails passing through and records processing results in database as notary information. Moreover, it establishes trust relations with other trusted domains and exchanges notary information with them via a secure channel. Keywords: S/MIME, security services, mail protocols, domain, notary
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Tanik, Guven Orkun. "Secure Mail Gateway." Master's thesis, METU, 2010.

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Past few decades witnessed the birth and explosive growth of the internet and the communications &ndash
most notably the electronic mail- through it. Studies indicate that although security measures are deployed, their usage is very limited and problematic. This work proposes a system to address some of the shortcomings of present mail security systems, such as underutilization, complicated key management and unwanted immunization against filtering-scanning. A two-layer message encryption scheme with domain level keys is introduced and a performance analysis is presented. An analysis of the improvement on the key management is also presented. Results show that, e-mails can be secured without significant performance impact, and visible ease of key management, by using the system proposed in this thesis.
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Nygren, Cecilia. "MAIL TILL TIZIANA." Thesis, Kungl. Konsthögskolan, 2012.

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Jag fick ditt brev, och jag läste varje handskrivet tecken. När jag skriver är det på ett ark i Word, runt detta ark ser man en tunn skugga på den vänstra och undre kanten och en något bredare runt den övre och högra kanten, som om detta digitala papper var mycket tjockt eller lite uppböjt på alla sidor. Det är tänkt att ljuset ska komma snett bakifrån från vänster.
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Ewertz, Correa Benjamín. "Mall de Ancud." Tesis, Universidad de Chile, 2016.

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Memoria para optar al título de Arquitecto
Hace ya 30 años que se instauró la figura del Mall en Chile, convirtiéndose en un fenómeno que no ha dejado a nadie indiferente, pues si bien su desarrollo ha sido prácticamente imperceptible para el común de la sociedad, no es menos cierto que ha cambiado, de algún u otro modo, la idiosincrasia del ciudadano chileno. En la actualidad, es una realidad latente e innegable que el Mall es considerado un elemento básico e indispensable para el Chile contemporáneo, llegando al punto de constituir una parte fundamental en el “imaginario de la ciudad”, es decir, a percibirlo como pieza clave que forma parte del contexto social. A pesar de ello, para nuestra profesión es aún un tema tabú, poco discutido, llegando a ser considerado como un espacio no arquitectónico, una estructura “horrorosa” que se empecina en destruir el entorno de la ciudad. Sin embargo, hoy en día, este tema ha generado gran controversia con la llegada del Mall en Castro,Chiloé, construcción que no dejó a nadie exento de opiniones, principalmente por la puesta en peligro de la imagen del patrimonio local dada su imponente morfología. Pese a ello y sumándole las graves falencias urbanas, paisajísticas y, principalmente, legales, el Mall tuvo un gran apoyo por la comunidad chilota, quienes lo consideran como un efecto necesario e imprescindible para el desarrollo local. Es por lo antes mencionado que la empresa que proyectó el Mall de Castro, consideró los deseos y la gran aceptación que el proyecto tuvo entre los habitantes de la Isla, llevándolo a adquirir nuevos terrenos en la zona norte del archipiélago, específicamente en Ancud, con el objeto de construir un inmueble de características similares; no obstante, la construcción tiene como principal falencia, la poca comunicación arquitectónica con la ciudad, pues es un recinto hermético, un espacio indiferente con el contexto chilote. Es en este mismo terreno de Ancud donde ubico el proyecto de título, pues es una oportunidad directa de intervenir en la ciudad, como también es una posibilidad de lograr la articulación entre lo público y lo privado, lo local con lo foráneo, consolidando a la vez la zona comercial, turística, social y urbana más importante de la zona norte de la Isla de Chiloé. Por todo lo anterior es necesario entender que el Mall es un efecto consolidado y que no debemos caer en su rechazo, sino que por el contrario, es indispensable interiorizar y reflexionar sobre este tema; por ello es preciso preguntarse ¿cómo se puede articular un centro comercial de esta tipología en una ciudad con alto carácter como Ancud?
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Altahlawi, Naif. "Jeddah Auto Mall." Thesis, Virginia Tech, 2008.

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This Project demonstrates a constructive approach in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia where the building would be a symbol of luxury. The auto mall gives a common platform to different car makers to display their cars and address their competition under one roof which would be convenient for customers to compare cars. The building has twelve show room units. Each unit has a display area, offices, and a service area. The roof structure system facilitates a large open span beneath it. A series of concrete arches is the most significant element of design in the building since it not only holds the roof structure but also brings its individuality and defines the character of the building. With a free column plan beneath it, customers will have a better view of cars presented in show rooms. The structural system in lower floors is separated from the roof to facilitate a different structure system. This project is designed to attract tourists as well as local residents to address the growth and the new social life of the Middle Eastâ s wealthiest city.
Master of Architecture
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WILLIAMS, MELISSA LYNN. "REVISITING THE MALL." University of Cincinnati / OhioLINK, 2003.

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Leuschner, Jens. "Mail-Filter-Funktionen." [S.l.] : Techn. Univ. Chemnitz, Fakultät für Informatik, 2002.

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Marques, Regina de Fátima Mota. "O e-mail." Florianópolis, SC, 2004.

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Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Tecnológico. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia de Produção.
Made available in DSpace on 2012-10-22T02:47:06Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 225223.pdf: 1546710 bytes, checksum: f92e9267d4c0ef43433998c5a8fd0293 (MD5)
Esta dissertação discute o e-mail como um novo gênero textual e estabelece a relação da oralidade com a escrita no e-mail e no texto de estudantes de graduação. Para mostrar a relação entre a oralidade e a escrita, foi feita uma análise empírica de textos produzidos por vestibulandos e, principalmente, por universitários do primeiro período de graduação - tanto antes da explosão da internet quanto depois. Os resultados revelam que, independentemente da internet, as marcas da oralidade estão presentes nos vários tipos e gêneros de texto escrito, porém não interferem de modo negativo na construção do texto. Ressaltou-se que a produção de um texto escrito implica operações mais complexas que a simples busca de palavras para a produção acrítica de textos que estejam de acordo com a gramática tradicional.
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Crompton, Stephen. "The American mall." Thesis, University of Iowa, 2012.

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In this post-boom era, the so-called dead mall is a growing phenomenon. A quintessentially American icon, the shopping mall arose in a time of prosperity, and was a central component of the pre-fab utopia of suburban life. The shopping mall was conceived to create a new and improved town center. As indoor private properties, developers attempted to engineer the conditions to instill a state of euphoria in shoppers, which would fuel the need to spend in order to heighten that satisfaction. But ultimately, just as the gratification was temporary, so too is the mall.
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Karniyevich, Natallia [Verfasser]. "Rechtssicherheit der Kommunikation durch E-Mail und De-Mail / Natallia Karniyevich." Baden-Baden : Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG, 2016.

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Eggendorfer, Tobias. "Methoden der Spambekämpfung und -vermeidung /." Norderstedt : Books on Demand, 2007.

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Wagner, Alexander. "Unerwünschte E-Mail-Werbung /." Wien : WUV-Univ.-Verl, 2003.

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Ma, Chi-fai Jeff, and 馬志輝. "Hong Kong Mail Centre." Thesis, The University of Hong Kong (Pokfulam, Hong Kong), 2000.

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Meyer, Lundén Karin. "Testar mail till repro." Thesis, Högskolan i Gävle, Avdelningen för humaniora, 2015.

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Kellgren, Linnéa, and Farina Nicolas Suazo. "Framtagande av OEE-mall." Thesis, Högskolan i Borås, Institutionen Ingenjörshögskolan, 2008.

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At Volvo Cars Torslanda's paint shop there is a requirement to in a fast and effective way get an overview of the plants capacity. Therefore a capacity template was constructed as a tool for the engineers at Volvo several years ago. This template has during the years become complicated and outdated. Thus this thesis work will resort as a new capacity template, built from scratch. The new template has been built up based on requirements from Volvo and the concept of OEE (Overall Equipment Effectiveness). OEE is an effective way of measuring how well manufacturing equipment is running compared to its full potential. In the different parts that build up OEE there is also vital information that can be used in calculating the plants capacity, hence the use of OEE in the new template.To make this thesis possible the following problems had to be answered; what types of questions should the template be able to answer, what type of input is needed and how should the template be built.Prior to the building of the template a case study was conducted in which different sources were studied in order to help us solve our problems. While choosing and appointing inputs several test OEE-calculations were conducted. The structure used in building the template is based on OEE-calculations and by requests from the Volvo technicians.This report can be used as a user’s manual for the new template.
Uppsatsnivå: C
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Brown, Justin T. "Redefining the Suburban Mall." University of Cincinnati / OhioLINK, 2019.

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Bates, Uma. "The Mall In America." Scholarship @ Claremont, 2017.

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"The Mall In America" centers around female protagonist, Sam, as she navigates the sociological and psychological realities of adolescent life. Readers follow Sam through the strained atmosphere of her home, into the transcendental realm brought on by an "Aquatic Underworlds," an IMAX production.Told in the humorous yet vulnerable voice of a teenager, "The Mall In America" demonstrates the varying levels of complexity within human life.
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Ma, Chi-fai Jeff. "Hong Kong Mail Centre." Hong Kong : University of Hong Kong, 2000.

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Ouhadi, Vahid Reza. "The role of marl components and ettringite on the stability of stabilized marl." Thesis, National Library of Canada = Bibliothèque nationale du Canada, 1997.

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Frobese, Dirk T. "E-Mail-Kategorisierung und Spam-Detektion mit SENTRAX [Mustererkennung mit Assoziativmatrizen]." Hildesheim Berlin Franzbecker, 2009.

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Vila, Real Ângela. "O mal." Master's thesis, Instituto Superior de Psicologia Aplicada, 1993.

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Nussbaum, Ronald. "Graph-based email prioritization." Diss., Connect to online resource - MSU authorized users, 2008.

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Thesis (M.S.)--Michigan State University. Computer Science and Engineering, 2008.
Title from PDF t.p. (viewed on July 29, 2009) Includes bibliographical references (p. 45-47). Also issued in print.
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Ai, Lu S. M. Massachusetts Institute of Technology. "Lessons for Chinese mega-mall development : a case study of the South China Mall." Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2007.

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Thesis (S.M.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Architecture, 2007.
Includes bibliographical references (p. 90-93).
China is embracing mega-mall development: Seven out of the ten largest shopping malls in the world will have been located in China by the year 2010. All the completed mega-malls are now suffering from high vacancy rates and therefore experiencing enormous economic losses. To avoid the failure of future mega-mall projects, it is important to establish rigorous guidelines for design, leasing, financing, and management of Chinese mega-malls. However, research in this field has not yet been conducted. This paper will analyze five problematic issues of the South China Mall, the largest shopping mall in the world, and describe a dynamic process involving governments, developers, and banks behind the failure of the Mall. The paper will also provide strategic suggestions on the development and management of the Mall. Given its dimensions and aspirations, the South China Mall is a mirror of contemporary Chinese mega-mall development. It is hoped that lessons from the South China Mall can be applied to other Chinese mega-malls currently experiencing economic stagnancy.
by Lu Ai.
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Lalla, Himal. "E-mail forensic authorship attribution." Thesis, University of Fort Hare, 2010.

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E-mails have become the standard for business as well as personal communication. The inherent security risks within e-mail communication present the problem of anonymity. If an author of an e-mail is not known, the digital forensic investigator needs to determine the authorship of the e-mail using a process that has not been standardised in the e-mail forensic field. This research project examines many problems associated with e-mail communication and the digital forensic domain; more specifically e-mail forensic investigations, and the recovery of legally admissible evidence to be presented in a court of law. The Research Methodology utilised a comprehensive literature review in combination with Design Science which results in the development of an artifact through intensive research. The Proposed E-Mail Forensic Methodology is based on the most current digital forensic investigation process and further validation of the process was established via expert reviews. The opinions of the digital forensic experts were an integral portion of the validation process which adds to the credibility of the study. This was performed through the aid of the Delphi technique. This Proposed E-Mail Forensic Methodology adopts a standardised investigation process applied to an e-mail investigation and takes into account the South African perspective by incorporating various checks with the laws and legislation. By following the Proposed E-mail Forensic Methodology, e-mail forensic investigators can produce evidence that is legally admissible in a court of law.
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Gubatan, Portia Lynn. "Cinematic Threshold-Peachtree Center Mall." Thesis, Georgia Institute of Technology, 1993.

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黃志明 and Chi-ming Simon Wong. "Electronic mail: technology, applications andinfrastructure." Thesis, The University of Hong Kong (Pokfulam, Hong Kong), 1991.

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Bulman, Andrew. "Longbeach Mall : traffic impact assessment." Thesis, Stellenbosch : University of Stellenbosch, 2001.

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Thesis (MEng (Civil Engineering))--University of Stellenbosch, 2001.
This Traffic Impact Assessment (TIA) was commissioned in March 1998 as a supporting document to an application for the rezoning of an ert in Noordhoek from general housing to commercial use. The proposal at the time was to develop a medium·sized 15 000 m2 GLA shopping centre with supporting offices and a Health & Racquet Club. All the work (including managing the traffic counting team) was carried out by myself under the guidance of Dr Piet Jordaan at Gibb Africa Consulting Engineers. As financial backing and anchor tenants were secured for the development, the size of the proposed shopping centre was increased from a local facilily to a regional facilily of 31 000 m2 GFA to be developed in two phases. This necessitated a complete revision of the approach and content of the TIA. Owing to the regional nature of the new development, the TIA was expanded to include a wider geographical area of influence and a longer development period. This revised TIA was carried out by myself between September 1998 and March 1999 under the guidance of Dr Herman Joubert. Longbeach Mall opened for business in April 2001 complete with upgraded road network as recommended in the TIA The TIA is submitted as the final-year project for my Master's Degree in Traffic & Transportation Engineering. For the purposes of completion, an after·study of current traffic conditions on the local road infrastructure has also been included. The after·study was carried out in October 2001 (6 months after Longbeach Mall opened) and includes traffic counts at critical intersections during the Saturday morning peak period, observations of parking area utilisation, observations of shopping centre occupancy and discussions of the possible reasons for differences between predicted and actual traffic volumes. Confirmation that the study is original and was carried out by myself and permission from Arcus Gibb (Ply) Ltd to use the study as part of my final-year project, is provided in Appendix A.
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Durbin, Daniel A. "IBM PC Voice Mail Cards." International Foundation for Telemetering, 1989.

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International Telemetering Conference Proceedings / October 30-November 02, 1989 / Town & Country Hotel & Convention Center, San Diego, California
The Voice Main Card (VMC) functions as an enhanced telephone answering machine and is designed as a plug-in card for the IBM PC and compatibles. In addition to standard answering machine functions, the VMC features programmable outgoing message selection, message routing, response to caller's touch tone signals, and remote programming ability. The VMC will answer incoming telephone calls, deliver outgoing messages which are Programmably selectable from as many as 16 digitized audio messages stored on the PC's hard disk, record incoming messages to the hard disk or optionally to an external tape recorder, route messages to a specified receiver, respond to a caller's touch tone signals, and enter a remote programming mode as a result of a special code sent by the caller. Audio messages are processed digitally via A/D and D/A converters which receive and send 8-bit data to and from the IBM PC through a selectable port address. The A/D conversion is implemented with the ADC0802 which is operated at a clock rate of 512 kHz. The D/A conversion is implemented with the DAC0830. Interface with the telephone line is accomplished with the speech circuit TP5700 coupled through opto-couplers. Messages are recorded using an external 600-ohm dynamic microphone and played back through an external 8-ohm speaker. A full-featured, pull-down menu program is provided with the VMC and implements all programmable functions. Data In/Out (I/O) with the card is interrupt-driven to allow apparent simultaneous disk I/O.
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Duarte, Filipe Miguel Ferreira. "Equity research - Royal Mail PLC." Master's thesis, Instituto Superior de Economia e Gestão, 2019.

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Mestrado em Finanças
A principal motivação na escolha do Royal Mail é entender o comportamento que ele terá nos próximos anos e os efeitos impactantes que o Brexit pode vir a causar numa grande empresa britânica. Estima-se que o crescimento econômico desacelere nos próximos anos, não apenas por toda a Europa, mas também a nível mundial. Assim, definindo os métodos de análise e avaliação da empresa através da estrutura CFA, foi feita uma estimativa de uma meta de preço. Sendo uma das maiores empresas do setor, a Royal Mail possui dois segmentos, sendo o primeiro referente à distribuição de cartas e encomendas no Reino Unido e o segundo referente à distribuição de encomendas na Europa, EUA e Canadá, tendo obtido um volume de receitas £ 10.581 milhões em 2019. Para avaliar o valor intrínseco do Royal Mail, o principal modelo de avaliação foi o Fluxo de Caixa Descontado (DCF) e a avaliação múltipla como modelo relativo para corroborar o principal. Por meio do modelo absoluto, foi possível verificar uma meta de preço para 25 de março de 2020 de £ 232,27 por ação, representando uma queda de 2,20% no período homólogo, o que significa que minha recomendação é de VENDA com alto risco. Além dos modelos de avaliação, análises de sensibilidade e simulação de Monte Carlo também foram utilizadas para apoiar esses resultados.
The main motivation in choosing Royal Mail is to understand the behavior it will have in the coming years and the impacting effects that Brexit may have on a large British company. Economic growth is expected to slow down in the coming years, not only across Europe, but also worldwide. Thus, defining the methods of analysis and evaluation of the company through the CFA structure, an estimate of a price target was made. As one of the largest companies in the sector, Royal Mail has two segments, the first referring to the distribution of letters and parcels in the United Kingdom and the second referring to the distribution of parcels in Europe, USA and Canada, having obtained a volume of revenue £ 10,581 million in 2019. To assess the intrinsic value of Royal Mail, the main valuation model was the Discounted Cash Flow (DCF) and the multiple valuation as a relative model to corroborate the principal. Through the absolute model, it was possible to verify a price target for March 25, 2020 of £ 232.27 per share, representing a 2.20% drop in the same period, which means that my recommendation is for SALE with high risk. In addition to the evaluation models, sensitivity analysis and Monte Carlo simulation were also used to support these results.
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Landis, Susan C. "Perceptions of Mall Walkers Revisited." Case Western Reserve University Doctor of Nursing Practice / OhioLINK, 2019.

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Michalec, Pavel. "Analýza českého e-mail marketingu." Master's thesis, Vysoká škola ekonomická v Praze, 2014.

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The thesis aims to analyze and evaluate the current state of Czech email marketing. The author, based on his experience and supportive resources, compiled important criteria by which this analysis is performed on subjects from the field of ecommerce. The significance of all criteria and the ideal state in which they should be located are both outlined. The analysis objects are email campaigns (1439 samples) from selected subjects which the author has been collecting over 10 months. As a part of the work, in addition to the analysis itself, recommendations for improving and achieving quality and efficient email marketing, which has benefited both the sender and the recipient are also provided.
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Bülow, Anne Marie. "E-Mail in International Negotiation." Department für Fremdsprachliche Wirtschaftskommunikation, WU Vienna University of Economics and Business, 2009.

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This paper investigates the advantages and disadvantages of the use of e-mail to obtain agreement between two parties with overlapping but also conflicting interests. The literature on Media Richness suggests that e-mail is too lean to facilitate agreement; but all supporting evidence stems from homogenous populations. This paper, however, starts from the hypothesis that in connection with lingua franca interaction, the text format provides advantages for parties that need to think how to phrase an argument. However, the evidence provided from a negotiation task performed by international business students indicates that, while there is a distinct advantage in the feature of reviewability, the text format itself also poses a problem because it allows selective attention.
Series: WU Online Papers in International Business Communication / Series One: Intercultural Communication and Language Learning
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Meer, Ralph, and Scottie Misner. "Mail Order and Food Safety." College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, University of Arizona (Tucson, AZ), 1999.

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2 pp.
Do you know how to identify if the homemade or mail order food packages you received are safe, especially those perishable foods? Perishable foods are typically foods that are high in protein and /or moisture (e.g., milk, eggs, meat, poultry, and seafood). Mishandling these foods can cause food-borne illness. This publication gives some food safety tips you need to keep in mind.
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Cheung, Pak-to Patrick. "A study on combating the problem of unsolicited electronic messages in Hong Kong." Click to view the E-thesis via HKUTO, 2007.

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Siddique, MD Abu Baker. "Rethinking Dead Mall: Reconsidering an American vacant mall site as a seed for re-growth." Thesis, Virginia Tech, 2021.

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The rapid urban development has impacted a great loss of natural landscape in the U.S in recent years. In the process of urbanization, the population has moved from the city centers to the edges of the Metropolitan or the newly developed suburbs as much as 62% until 2000. The annual conversion rate of undeveloped land to developed land between 1982 and 1992 was 1.4 million acres per year while it accelerated later in only five years between 1992 and 1997 to 2.2 million acres per year. Among all the development one of the most common was the Enormous shopping mall in suburban districts which are the collections of a vast range of retail corporations in response to the growing consumerism. In support of the gigantic malls, more service infrastructures were built as in the multi-storied parking garages, surface parking, HVAC. Currently, the total number of malls in the U.S is approximately 116,000. The downside of the development has been observed as rapid as it has grown. As in 2014, nearly 3% of all the malls in the United States were considered to be "dying" (40% or higher vacancy rates) and nearly one-fifth of all malls had vacancy rates considered "troubling" (10% or higher). The sudden deterioration was caused because of several factors such as the socio-economic change of the demography in the urban context, the change in the spending habit of the consumers (i.e. spending for experience rather than goods), Rise of the E-commerce, etc. While the dying circumstance continues, these vast and trapped places have nothing but negative impacts in the urban environment as being wasteful land, blocking the visual connectivity through places, clogging the pedestrian flow, contributing to the heat island effect. Thus the problem is evoking to rethink a sustainable design approach. This thesis will first generate an adaptive master plan for the future, in a specific site as the result of investigating the socio-economic issues that forced the mall site to be vacant. After projecting the master plan, the architectural project will be proposed which will prioritize the physical and social development of the context. Educating people regarding the redevelopment of the community and the sustainable way of living are the key features of the project. The new project will be considered an iconic community asset that would serve the neighborhoods.
Master of Architecture
The rapid urban development has impacted a great loss of natural landscape in the U.S in recent years. In the process of urbanization, the population has moved from the city centers to the edges of the Metropolitan or the newly developed suburbs as much as 62% until 2000. To serve the resettled population new services have been developed at the outskirts of the cities. Among all the development one of the most common was the Enormous shopping mall in suburban districts which are the collections of a vast range of retail corporations in response to the growing consumerism. In support of the gigantic malls, more service infrastructures were built as in the multi-storied parking garages, surface parking, HVAC. Currently, the total number of malls in the U.S is approximately 116,000. The downside of the development has been observed as rapid as it has grown. As in 2014, nearly 3% of all the malls in the United States were considered to be "dying" (40% or higher vacancy rates) and nearly one-fifth of all malls had vacancy rates considered "troubling" (10% or higher). The sudden deterioration was caused because of several factors such as the socio-economic change of the demography in the urban context, the change in the spending habit of the consumers (i.e. spending for experience rather than goods), Rise of the E-commerce, etc. This thesis will explore the strategy for reintegrating the troubling mall sites within the urban fabric. The thesis will first generate an adaptive master plan for the future, in a specific site as the result of investigating the socio-economic issues that forced the mall site to be vacant. After projecting the master plan, the architectural project will be proposed which will prioritize the physical and social development of the context. Educating people regarding the redevelopment of the community and the sustainable way of living are the key features of the project. The new project will be considered an iconic community asset that would serve the neighborhoods.
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Kleineschulte, Stefan. "Das Rathaus in Marl zur Bedeutung der Architektur für die politische Sinnstiftung auf kommunaler Ebene /." [S.l. : s.n.], 2003.

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Nascimento, Marcio Lima do. "Do mal-estar em Freud ao mal-estar em Bauman." Universidade Federal da Paraí­ba, 2014.

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Made available in DSpace on 2015-05-14T12:11:58Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 arquivototal.pdf: 978442 bytes, checksum: 7411b2c34ae2f7a349a842819e8f49d6 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-09-22
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior
The purpose of this project is to portray a particular trait combination between guilt and fear and establish a connection between the analysis of Freud and Bauman on the notion of ill-being . Our reading of Freud's literature on the ill-being of civilization points to guilt as being a key element in the civilizing project, which transgresses the authenticity of the values of life and leads the subject to live continually immersed in a state of hardship. From this perspective, to be protected of threats of any kind, everyone is bound to sacrifice freedom and convert pleasure into guilt. In a civilized dimension obsessed with security, more freedom is akin to less ill-being. Bauman attempts to analyze the issue from the aspect of uncertainty and undetermination, which according to you are striking features of contemporaneity. According to the author, in the postmodern condition we find a deep lack of certainty, protection and security. The fearfulness is very numerous and inseparable from human life. He presents the foundations of social fears that plague individuals in liquid modernity, seeking to identify their common origins. In his view all that human beings have always sought was happiness and that it could only be obtained through communion between security and freedom, irreconcilable throughout history, incompatible in the modern civilization but apparently viable for consumption.
O propósito do presente trabalho é estabelecer um diálogo entre as análises de Freud (O mal-estar na civilização) e Bauman (O mal-estar da pós-modernidade) acerca da noção de Mal-estar, a fim de mostrar um traço específico da combinação entre culpa e medo, que seria a vida para o consumo. Nossa leitura sobre o Mal-estar na civilização de Freud aponta para o sentimento de culpa como um elemento fundamental dentro do projeto civilizatório, que fere a autenticidade dos valores da vida e conduz o sujeito a viver continuamente mergulhado numa incômoda condição. Nessa perspectiva, em nome da proteção contra ameaças de qualquer tipo, todos são convocados para sacrificar a liberdade, convertendo prazer por culpa, ainda que na dimensão civilizada obcecada pela segurança, mais liberdade seja sinônimo de menos mal-estar. Bauman procura analisar a questão sob o aspecto da insegurança e indeterminação que, no seu entendimento, são traços marcantes da contemporaneidade. De acordo com o autor, na pós-modernidade encontramos um momento profundamente carente de certezas, proteção e segurança, os medos são inúmeros e inseparáveis da vida humana. Ele apresenta os alicerces sociais dos medos que assolam os indivíduos na modernidade líquida, procurando identificar suas origens comuns. Na visão dele tudo o que o ser humano sempre buscou foi a felicidade, que só poderia ser obtida através da comunhão entre segurança e liberdade, inconciliáveis ao longo da história, incompatíveis na civilização moderna, sólida ou líquida, mas, aparentemente, viáveis no consumo.
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Paulo, do Nascimento Silva Marcos. "A problemática do mal em o Mal-Estar na civilização." Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, 2004.

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Made available in DSpace on 2014-06-12T18:03:38Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 arquivo6759_1.pdf: 352437 bytes, checksum: 86de2e7816e1f557486733e9de30b06d (MD5) license.txt: 1748 bytes, checksum: 8a4605be74aa9ea9d79846c1fba20a33 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2004
O objeto de estudo deste trabalho foi uma leitura filosófica do Mal na Psicanálise freudiana, mais precisamente no livro O mal-estar na civilização. Procuramos determinar as formas e origem do mal, consequentemente do sofrimento humano, na referida obra, como também as alternativas apresentadas para diminuir as suas conseqüências. Neste livro, Freud denuncia toda a extensão do desamparo humano, demonstrando a impossibilidade de o superarmos, mostrando, no entanto, quie o poensar esta orfandade, é o melhor meio de se amenizar os problemas por este desamparo
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Balakchiev, Milko. "Unique Channel Email System." Thesis, University of North Texas, 2015.

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Email connects 85% of the world. This paper explores the pattern of information overload encountered by majority of email users and examine what steps key email providers are taking to combat the problem. Besides fighting spam, popular email providers offer very limited tools to reduce the amount of unwanted incoming email. Rather, there has been a trend to expand storage space and aid the organization of email. Storing email is very costly and harmful to the environment. Additionally, information overload can be detrimental to productivity. We propose a simple solution that results in drastic reduction of unwanted mail, also known as graymail.
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Barboza, Luciana. "Psicologia mal-dita." reponame:Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da UFRGS, 2009.

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O presente estudo apresenta-se como um convite para a reflexão sobre o fazer psicológico e sua prática profissional. Trata-se de um exercício em que a pesquisa propõe-se a reverberar cristalizações e problematizar modelos e formas. O recorte empírico utilizado foram as vivências da pesquisadora como psicóloga no hospital psiquiátrico, no presídio, no consultório particular, na psicologia escolar, na saúde escolar, na educação especial, na formação de psicólogos, na saúde pública e no “divã eletrônico” das comunicações contemporâneas. Para cumprir este propósito, um memorial permitiu o percurso de exploração conceitual, seguindo pela intensidade de vivências, descrevendo e registrando a singularidade da pesquisadora em cada momento de experimentação. A genealogia se colocou como a oportunidade de detecção de emergências ante aquilo que se põe como molde ao exercício profissional regulamentado e aos protocolos de trabalho do fazer psicológico nas instituições de educação ou de saúde. Além dos afetos, desconfortos e dúvidas sentidos no percurso memorial, a escrita sistemática permitiu trazer as agitações e as intensidades do outro-em-nós, dando ao texto o atributo da interrogação vivencial. São interrogações vivenciais as pistas que conduzem ao texto autoral da tese, onde o plano teórico é o da experiência de habitar e ser habitado por terceiros-em-nós. A escrita sistemática se faz relatando/reavendo as sensações abertas pelo trabalho psicológico, revelando alguns dispositivos de poder/saber/subjetivação que compõem o quadro complexo da trama “psico-lógica” que fabrica seus outros. Deixando de lado os discursos classificatórios e prescritores das Psicologias, a tese apresentada versa sobre a alteridade e o devir humano, seguindo a trilha de autores como Nietzsche, Foucault, Deleuze, Guattari e Heidegger, entre outros. As conclusões são pela emergência de um fazer nômade, que não habite uma forma ou um lugar, mas que se faça em reinvenção incessante, estratégia de busca por uma ética da alteridade, que crie e recrie continuamente o psico-lógico. Esta reinvenção incessante ou auto produção permanente se estabeleceria por meio da conexão de espaços de escuta, acolhendo o estranhamento e experimentando, com alegria, a diferenciação. A tese se afirma pela defesa de uma abordagem que aceite e proponha a Psicologia como lugar criativo, capaz de destravar a máquina de guerra nas instituições de ensino ou de saúde contra preconceitos, segregações e classificações identitárias, ousadas na invenção de entornos, de si e de mundos.
El presente estudio es una invitación a la reflexión sobre el hacer psicológico e su práctica profesional. Es un ejercicio en que la investigación tiene como objetivo reverberar cristalizaciones y cuestionar modelos y formas. La corte empírica usada fueron las experiencias de la investigadora como psicóloga en el hospital psiquiátrico, en la prisión, en la clínica privada, en la psicología escolar, en la salud escolar, en la educación especial, en la formación de los psicólogos, en la salud pública y en el “diván electrónico” de las comunicaciones contemporáneas. Para lograr este propósito, un texto de memorias permitió lo curso de exploración conceptual, seguindo la intensidad de las existencias, describiendo y registrando la singularidad de la investigadora en cada momento de experimentación. La genealogía se puso como la oportunidad de descubrimiento de emergencias ante de eso que si pone como el molde al ejercicio profesional regulado y los protocolos de trabajo del hacer psicológico en las instituciones de educación o de salud. Además de los afectos, las dudas y el malestar experimentado en el trayecto de memoria, la escritura sistemática permitió traer las agitaciones y las intensidades del otro-en-nosotros, dando al texto el atributo vivencial interrogativo. Las interrogaciones vivenciais son las pistas que conducen al texto de la tesis, realizado por el cartógrafo y psicodramatista Lerinha, dónde lo plan teórico es el de la experiencia de habitar y ser habitado por terceros-en-nosotros. La escritura sistemática és hecha relatando/reavendo las sensaciones creadas por el trabajo psicológico, revelando algunos dispositivos del poder/saber/subjetivación que componen el cuadro complejo de la trama “psico-lógica”, que fabrica sus otros. Dejando al lado los discursos calificativos y prescritores de las Psicologías, el presente estudio discute el alteridad y el devir humano, siguiendo los pasos de autores como Nietzsche, Foucault, Deleuze, Guattari y Heidegger, entre otros. Las conclusiones son por la emergencia de un hacer nómade, que no habita una forma o un lugar, pero eso se hace en el reinvenção incesante, una estrategia de la búsqueda para una ética del alteridad que crea y recrea continuamente el psico-lógico. La reinvenção incesante o la autoprodução permanentes se establecerían por la conexión de espacios de escucha, dando la bienvenida a el estranhamento e intentando, con felicidad, la diferenciación. El presente estudio se afirma por la defensa de un espacio que acepta y propone la Psicología como el lugar creativo, capaz de desbloquear la máquina de guerra en las instituciones de educación o de salud contra lo prejuicio, la segregación y las clasificaciones identitárias, atreviéndose en la invención del entornos, de sí mismo y de mundos.
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McConnell, Justin W. "You've got mail the study of the attorney-client privilege and the use of electronic mail." Honors in the Major Thesis, University of Central Florida, 2011.

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The prolific use of the internet and electronic mail within the legal profession presents novel challenges to the application of the attorney-client privilege; especially, in regards to protecting intended confidential communications relayed through e-mail. This thesis addresses the question of whether an attorney in Florida, through electronic mail use, can waive his client's right to the protections of the attorney-client privilege. After a review of current case law, law review articles, statutes, and texts, this thesis concluded that an attorney's communication through e-mail warrants a reasonable expectation of privacy, permitting the attorney to speak in reasonable confidence to clients through the web. However, attorneys, ethically, should consider the strong repercussions for using such a potentially transparent medium for communication. By examining the relationship between current law, the application of the attorney-client privilege, and a reasonable expectation of privacy, this study provides a comprehensive analysis for attorneys concerned with electronic mail usage. Lastly, this thesis provides attorneys with best practices for their electronic mail communications.
B.A. and B.S.
Health and Public Affairs
Legal Studies
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Hassan, Tarek. "Towards eradication of SPAM: A study on intelligent adaptive SPAM filters." Thesis, Hassan, Tarek (2006) Towards eradication of SPAM: A study on intelligent adaptive SPAM filters. Masters by Research thesis, Murdoch University, 2006.

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As the massive increase of electronic mail (email) usage continues, SPAM (unsolicited bulk email), has continued to grow because it is a very inexpensive method of advertising. These unwanted emails can cause a serious problem by filling up the email inbox and thereby leaving no space for legitimate emails to pass through. Currently the only defense against SPAM is the use of SPAM filters. A novel SPAM filter GetEmail5 along with the design rationale, is described in this thesis. To test the efficacy of GetEmail5 SPAM filter, an experimental setup was created and a commercial bulk email program was used to send SPAM and non-SPAM emails to test the new SPAM filter. GetEmail5's efficiency and ability to detect SPAM was compared against two highly ranked commercial SPAM filters on different sets of emails, these included all SPAM, non-SPAM, and mixed emails, also text and HTML emails. The results showed the superiority of GetEmail5 compared to the two commercial SPAM filters in detecting SPAM emails and reducing the user's involvement in categorizing the incoming emails. This thesis demonstrates the design rationale for GetEmail5 and also its greater effectiveness in comparison with the commercial SPAM filters tested.
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