Academic literature on the topic 'Magnésien'
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Journal articles on the topic "Magnésien"
Godart, C., C. Dagbert, and J. Galland. "Formation du dépôt calco-magnésien sous protection cathodique action des bactéries sulfurogènes naturelles." Matériaux & Techniques 90, no. 7-8 (2002): 11–18.
Full textMatray, Ph, and P. Hamelin. "Mise en évidence du rôle fluidifiant du triaminopropyltriéthoxysilane sur les mortiers de ciment magnésien." Materials and Structures 25, no. 1 (January 1992): 34–41.
Full textTraore, Abdoulaye, Tanina Drissa Soro, Brou Dibi, and Larissa Josiane Anne Yao. "Caractérisation hydrogéochimique des eaux souterraines du département de Man (Ouest de la Côte d’Ivoire)." International Journal of Biological and Chemical Sciences 16, no. 1 (June 8, 2022): 498–514.
Full textSadki, C., and F. Atmani. "Évaluation de l’effet antilithiasique, oxalo-calcique et phospho-ammoniaco-magnésien d’extrait aqueux d’ Erica multiflora L." Progrès en Urologie 27, no. 16 (December 2017): 1058–67.
Full textGodart, C., and C. Dagbert. "Impact de l 'environnement marin sur la formation du dépot calco-magnésien: rôle de la matière organique." Matériaux & Techniques 92, no. 7-8-9 (2004): 27–32.
Full textAlexandre, Christian, and Francis Rouessac. "Addition 1,4 sur les enones Conjuguées du Magnésien du Bromure de Vinyle en Présence D'Iodure Cuivreux et de Sulfure D'Isopropyle - note de Laboratoire." Bulletin des Sociétés Chimiques Belges 83, no. 9-10 (September 2, 2010): 393–96.
Full textMehdaoui, Radouan, El Mostafa Mili, and Abderrahman Mahboub. "Caractérisations physico-chimiques et bactériologiques pour l'évaluation de la qualité des eaux souterraines de la vallée du moyen Ziz (Errachidia Sud-Est du Maroc)." La Houille Blanche, no. 5-6 (December 2019): 5–15.
Full textCaplat, C., Y. Lefèvre, T. Braisaz, L. Leleyter, F. Baraud, and D. Barillier. "Mise au point d'une méthodologie visant à la caractérisation du dépôt calco-magnésien formé sur de l'acier au carbone immergé en eau de mer naturelle." Matériaux & Techniques 92, no. 7-8-9 (2004): 33–37.
Full textSouza, T. M., M. A. L. Braulio, P. Bonadia, and V. C. Pandolfelli. "Hidratação da magnésia e seu efeito ligante em concretos refratários sem cimento." Cerâmica 59, no. 350 (June 2013): 206–15.
Full textAmaral, L. F., I. R. de Oliveira, R. Salomão, and V. C. Pandolfelli. "Quelantes como aditivos anti-hidratação da magnésia." Cerâmica 55, no. 336 (December 2009): 400–407.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Magnésien"
Fremal, Yves. "Utilisation potentielle en forêt d'un nouveau type d'amendement calcaro-magnésien :la dolomie semi-décarbonatée (CaCO3 - MgO)." Doctoral thesis, Universite Libre de Bruxelles, 1990.
Full textAngeli, Nicolas. "Evolution de la composition chimique des ruisseaux vosgiens : Analyse rétrospective et effet d'un amendement calco-magnésien." Nancy 1, 2006.
Full textOur work is based on (1) a functional analysis of a long term in the chemical composition of streams since fifty-years, (2) an experimental liming of catchments. The historical analysis showed an acidification and a continuous demineralization of water draining sandstone since fifty years. The acidity and the mineralization of streams draining granites rich on weatherable minerals have decreased since thirty years. In the area covered by granites rich in Na plagioclase, which is drained by many acid streams, mineralization has decreased since twenty years and Al concentration have decreased since ten years, without pH changes. The experimental input of dolomite and dolomitic limestone, gypsum and KCl has caused a sudden and durable increase in Ca, Mg and pH in the stream of granitic catchment riche in sodium plagioclase. The dynamic of chloride showed a rapid contribution of soil waters to the humid area and stream, while a small fraction has infiltrated deeper into the soil. On sandstone, except a direct effect during the flood following the liming, the increase of concentrations was very small. The majority of chloride, Ca and Mg are infiltrated deeper into the permeable sandy soils, without contributing directly to the stream flow. Hydrologic, isotopic, chemical arguments suggest that the mean residence time of water and mineral elements in catchment is of several decades This work supports the scientific material for a reasoned politic of acidity correction of stream water in the Vosges mountains
Mohamed, Ahmed Daldoum. "Rôle du facteur édaphique dans le fonctionnement biogéochimique et l'état de santé de deux pessières vosgiennes : effet d'un amendement calci-magnésien." Nancy 1, 1992.
Full textGodart, Catherine. "Influence de l'environnement marin sur la formation du dépot calco-magnesien." Châtenay-Malabry, Ecole centrale de Paris, 2004.
Full textLahalle, Hugo. "Conditionnement de l'aluminium métallique dans les ciments phospho-magnésiens." Thesis, Dijon, 2016.
Full textThis work deals with the stabilization / solidification of radioactive waste using cement.More particularly, it aims at assessing the chemical compatibility between metallic aluminum and mortars based on magnesium phosphate cement. The physical and chemical processes leading to setting and hardening of the cement are first investigated. X-ray diffraction (XRD), thermogravimetry (TGA) and nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (31P and11B MAS-NMR) arefirst used to characterize the solid phases formed during hydration, while inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectroscopy analysis (ICP-AES), electrical conductimetry and pH measurementsprovide information on the pore solution composition. Then,the corrosion of metallic aluminum in magnesium phosphate mortars is studied by monitoring the equilibrium potential and by electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS).Magnesium phosphate cement is prepared from a mix of magnesium oxide (MgO) and potassium dihydrogen orthophosphate (KH2PO4). In the presence of water, hydration occurs according to a dissolution – precipitation process. The main hydrate is K-struvite (MgKPO4.6H2O). Its precipitation is preceded by that of two transient phases: phosphorrösslerite (MgHPO4.7H2O) and Mg2KH(PO4)2.15H2O. Boric acid retards cement hydration by delaying theformation of cement hydrates. Two processes may be involved in this retardation: the initial precipitation of amorphous or poorly crystallized minerals containing boron and phosphorus atoms, and/or the stabilization of cations (Mg2+, K+) in solution.As compared with a Portland cement-based matrix, corrosion of aluminum is strongly limited in magnesium phosphate mortar. The pore solution pH is close to neutrality and falls within the passivation domain of aluminum. Corrosion depends on several parameters: it is promoted by a water-to-cement ratio (w/c) significantly higher than the chemical water demand of cement (w/c = 0.51), and by the addition of boric acid. On the contrary, lithium nitrate, dissolved in the mixing solution, acts as a corrosion inhibitor.A 4-step mechanism makes it possible to model the impedance diagrams. The evolution of the corrosion rate and of the amount of dihydrogen released with ongoing hydration is then calculated The results are in good agreement with the experimental determination of the H2 production by aluminum sheets embedded in magnesium phosphate mortar
Rosati, Emmanuelle. "Étude de l'influence des sels de fer sur les propriétés des ciments magnésiens." Nancy 1, 1993.
Full textCarré, Charlotte. "Rôle de la pollution par les métaux et de leur captage par un dépôt calco-magnésien formé en volume sur acier galvanisé en eau de mer." Thesis, Nouvelle Calédonie, 2017.
Full textThe objective of this work is to divert the well-known cathodic protection process used to prevent metal structures against marine from corrosion, in order to develop an efficient tool for metal remediation in seawater. One of the consequences of this kind of protection is the formation of the calcareous deposit on the surface of the metal. The deposit is composed of a mixture of brucite Mg(OH)2 et aragonite CaCO3 and is formed by the precipitation of calcium and magnesium ions in seawater. The idea is to trap metallic pollutant in the calcareous deposit.First, the growth of the deposit has been studied on galvanized iron wires as a function of the impressed current and physical and chemical properties of the seawater. We found that variable values of the impressed current allow to control the proportion brucite/aragonite in the deposit. Increasing experiments duration and high water stirring speed favors the aragonite, and high temperatures modify the surface properties of the calcareous deposit.In the second part the nickel and lead trapping capacity of the deposit is studied in artificial seawater. We have demonstrated that the method works, and its efficiency depends on the impressed current. Material
Aggoun, Kahina. "Renforcement de la résistance à la corrosion marine du revêtement CeO2 par dépôt calcomagnésien, calcaire et magnésien : Synthèse, caractérisations et tests de corrosion en eau de mer artificielle." Thesis, La Rochelle, 2020.
Full textSince the restriction of the use of chromium (VI) based compounds by a European directive (Directive 2000/53/EC) due to its high toxicity towards the environment, the compounds based on rare earths such as cerium oxide were used a lot as alternatives to conventional Cr(VI) treatments on many metal alloys, due to their eco-friendly and comparable properties. However, CeO2 coatings are characterized by a highly porous and cracked morphology, which limits their protection in very aggressive media such as seawater. This thesis project aims to improve the corrosion resistance of these layers oxide by filling its open defects, by the formation of calcareous, calcium carbonate or magnesium hydroxide deposit obtained by cathodic electrodeposition on CeO2 layer deposited on a low alloyed steel. Surface analyses permitted to identify the morphological and structural properties of these mixed layers as well as their chemical composition. While the immersion tests in artificial seawater have determined the marine anticorrosion performances of the deposits. The mixed coating Mg(OH)2/CeO2 has shown a particular interest against the marine corrosion of steel, by the dissolution of the brucite layer which combine both passive and active protection true the formation of Aragonite inside and above the ceria layer and the steel passivation
Arruda, Cezar Carvalho de. "Processos de hidroxilação do óxido de magnésio (MgO): sínter e magnésia cáustica." Universidade de São Paulo, 2014.
Full textThe use of MgO in refractories is restrict due to the easy reaction with water forming magnesium hydroxide (Mg(OH)2). Its lower density causes compressive stresses that can crack their structure. On the other hand, for applications such as the production of flame retardant agents for polymer composites and pH correcting of contaminated soil, this reaction is necessary. Empirical observations in the literature have shown that different sources of MgO have district levels of chemical reactiveness. The present study analyzed the main structural differences between the two main sources of MgO (magnesia sinter and caustic magnesia): particle morphology, density and specific surface area. The mechanisms of hydroxylation of these raw materials in aqueous suspensions and their effects were followed by hydroxylation tests, X-ray diffraction, ionic conductivity, density, specific surface area and scanning electron microscopy. They were associated with the physical characteristics morphological, chemical of these MgO sources. The impact of external variables (e.g., heat release during the reaction or the sample volume), that was not yet completely understood, was also evaluated through temperature measurements carried out in situ and hydroxylation degree accessed by thermogravimetry. The effects of samples volume and solid concentration in aqueous suspension were also investigated. The results showed that differences between the ambient temperature and reaction inside sample temperature can affect the kinetics of hydroxylation of the material. The samples volume and solids concentration can also enhance significantly the effects of heat release and generate gradients of hydroxylation. It was also found out that the morphology and the amount of Mg(OH)2 formed can change depending on the precursor and on the time-temperature conditions.
Rousseau, Christelle. "Étude du dépôt calco-magnésien formé sous protection cathodique : influence des sédiments marins en eau de mer naturelle, influence des argiles en eau de mer artificielle, impact environnemental de l'utilisation d'anodes sacrificielles." Caen, 2008.
Full textIn marine environment, protection against corrosion is generally applied by cathodic protection. This technique induces the formation of an insulating deposit, named calcareous deposit, which improves protection efficiency. But, the tests realised in natural sea water indicate that the calcareous deposit formation is highly delayed when marine sediments are present, whereas the energy required for the cathodic protection are reduced. This delay might be explained by sediments presence that reinforces the Mg deposit, which initializes the calcareous deposit formation. The influence of three clays (main sediments constituents) on calcareous deposit formation in artificial sea water was studied. The results obtained depend on the clay’s nature. The affinity of montmorillonite for Mg2+ delays calcareous deposit formation by in situ Mg deposit reinforcement. Kaolinite favours this Mg deposit too and prevents the calcium carbonate deposition. Finally, the affinity of chlorite for Ca2+ speeds up the calcareous formation. Investigations in semi natural conditions show that the sacrificial anodes used induces zinc sea water contamination. The solubilized zinc can be transferred to surface sediments, which then become a secondary pollution source, as the sorbed labile zinc can be mobilized to sea water
Books on the topic "Magnésien"
Durlach, Jean. Le magnésium en biologie et en médecine. 2nd ed. Cachan: Editions Médicales internationales, 2000.
Find full textLorenzo, Acerra, ed. Magnésium: Comment réintégrer ce minéral aux vertus salutaires. Cesena, Italie: Macro Éditions, 2013.
Find full textSusan, Thomas-Sadowski, and American Foundry Society, eds. Technology for magnesium castings: Design, products & applications. Schaumburg, IL: American Foundry Society, 2011.
Find full textCanada. Ministère de L'environnement. Direction Général des Eaux Intérieures. Étude Nationale Interlaboratoires N. 29 de Contrôle de la Qualité: Sodium, Potassium, Magnésium, Calcium et Dureté D'échantillons D'eau Naturelle EET Dopée. S.l: s.n, 1985.
Find full textMagnesium alloys containing rare earth metals: Structure and properties. London: Taylor & Francis, 2003.
Find full textSecretariat, NAFTA. In the matter of pure magnesium from Canada. [Canada]: NAFTA Secretariat, 2002.
Find full textInternational Magnesium Symposium. (11th 2006 Osaka, Japan). New perspectives in magnesium research: Nutrition and research. London: Springer, 2007.
Find full textBook chapters on the topic "Magnésien"
Chollat, C., D. Provost, C. Levèque, L. Marpeau, and S. Marret. "Paralysie cérébrale et prévention par le magnésium." In 43es Journées nationales de la Société Française de Médecine Périnatale (Monaco 13–15 novembre 2013), 131–43. Paris: Springer Paris, 2014.
Full textSaliba, E., and G. Favrais. "Sulfate de magnésium et neuroprotection néonatale : sommes-nous convaincus ?" In 43es Journées nationales de la Société Française de Médecine Périnatale (Monaco 13–15 novembre 2013), 155–63. Paris: Springer Paris, 2014.
Full textMorau, E., M. Barbier, D. Provost, and P. Boulot. "Sulfate de magnésium et neuroprotection néonatale : le point de vue de l’anesthésiste." In 43es Journées nationales de la Société Française de Médecine Périnatale (Monaco 13–15 novembre 2013), 145–53. Paris: Springer Paris, 2014.
Full textCaquet, René. "Magnésium." In Guide infirmier des examens de laboratoire, 215–16. Elsevier, 2008.
Full textCaquet, René. "Magnésium." In 250 examens de laboratoire, 247–48. Elsevier, 2010.
Full textHurault de Ligny, Bruno, and Marie-Noëlle Peraldi. "Anomalies du bilan du magnésium." In Les Troubles Hydro-électrolytiques Ou Ioniques Faciles, 181–96. Elsevier, 2019.
Full textMarc, Bernard, Patrick Miroux, Isabelle Piedade, Raphaelle Benveniste, Charles Jeleff, and Dominique Pateron. "Sulfate de magnésium à 15 %." In Guide infirmier des urgences, 705. Elsevier, 2008.
Full textSilva, Edna Maria Bonfim, Luana Aparecida Menegaz Meneghetti, Camila Thaiana Rueda Silva, André Pereira Freire Ferraz, Tallys Henrique Bonfim Silva, Helon Hébano de Freitas Souza, Tonny José Araújo Silva, and Antonio Rodrigues Silva. "RELAÇÃO CÁLCIO/MAGNÉSIO NO CULTIVO DA ALFAFA." In As ciências agrárias e seus impactos na sociedade, 371–93. Editora Brazilian Journals, 2020.
Full textAssunção, Ademir. "O homem vestido com roupas de magnésio." In Deus salve a rainha e evite engarrafamentos: textos de jornalismo cultural, 321–30. Editora UnB, 2021.
Full textHssain, Ismaël. "Sulfate de magnésium à 15%201201.Raphaëlle Benveniste." In Guide infirmier des urgences, 991–92. Elsevier, 2015.
Full textConference papers on the topic "Magnésien"
Sampaio, Carolina Ferraz Santos, Edilson Dantas Lima Júnior, and Washington Luís Viriato Sampaio. "Síndrome de leite alcali: Diagnóstico diferencial das hipercalcemias." In II SEVEN INTERNATIONAL MEDICAL AND NURSING CONGRESS. Seven Congress, 2023.
Full textCunha Ribeiro, Victor, Maria Júlia Silva Moreira de Souza, Laura Abreu Lhamas, Juliana Batalha Pereira Rampazzo, and Márcia Azevedo Caldas. "Bradicardia sinusal sintomática por hipermagnesemia após automedicação em paciente com doença renal crônica: um relato de caso." In Semana Científica da Faculdade de Medicina de Campos. Faculdade de Medicina de Campos, 2023.
Full textMAIRA TEIXEIRA GONÇALVES, BEATRIZ, and CARLOS EDUARDO MARMORATO GOMES. "Cimento Alternativo à base de Magnésio." In XXIV Congresso de Iniciação Científica da UNICAMP - 2016. Campinas - SP, Brazil: Galoa, 2016.
Full textOliveira, Eduardo Reis de, Fernando Tadeu de Araujo FIlho, Diego Ferreira de Lima, Estefano Aparecido Vieira, José Aniceto Monteiro Gomes, Claudio Alves de Siqueira Filho, and Aline Karla Barbosa da Silva. "INFLUÊNCIA DA PORCENTAGEM DE MAGNÉSIO E DO SUPERAQUECIMENTO NA MICROESTRUTURA DE LIGAS ALUMÍNIO- MAGNÉSIO SOLIDIFICADAS UNIDIRECIONALMENTE." In 48º Seminário de Aciaria, Fundição e Metalurgia de Não-Ferrosos. São Paulo: Editora Blucher, 2017.
Full textFERREIRA, MATHEUS ANDRADE PINTO, Eduardo de Sousa Lima, Hellen Karina Pereira Alkimim, and Wellington Bruno Silva de Jesus. "ESTUDOS DE INCLUSÕES EM LIGAS DE MAGNÉSIO." In Anais do Encontro Nacional de Modelagem Computacional e Encontro de Ciência e Tecnologia dos Materiais. Recife, Brasil: Even3, 2024.
Full textButton, Sergio, André Araujo, and Gabriel Zapata. "Estampabilidade a quente da liga de magnésio AZ31." In Congresso Brasileiro de Engenharia de Fabricação. ABCM, 2017.
Full textBormann, R., T. Ebeling, R. Günther, Ch Hartig, and T. Laser. "MECANISMOS DE DEFORMAÇÃO DE LIGAS LAMINADAS DE MAGNÉSIO." In 63º Congresso Anual da ABM. São Paulo: Editora Blucher, 2008.
Full textda Silva, Samara, Edson Pontes, Widemar da Silva, Nathália de Freitas Penaforte, Luzia da Silva Assunção, Lucas de Sousa Penha, Thayze Lucas, et al. "Efeitos da Suplementação do Magnésio Sobre As Doenças Cardiovasculares." In XXI I Congresso Brasileiro de Nutrologia. Thieme Revinter Publicações Ltda, 2018.
Full textLima, Rafael, Edson Pontes, and Flaydson Pinto. "o Efeito da Suplementação do Magnésio na Hipertensão Arterial." In XXI I Congresso Brasileiro de Nutrologia. Thieme Revinter Publicações Ltda, 2018.
Full textBarros Neto, João Rodrigues de, Breno Rabelo Coutinho Saraiva, José Amilton Cardoso de Oliveira Filho, Rodrigo de Carvalho Paes Loureiro, Erenilton Pereira da Silva, Daniel Rodrigo Leiva, and Hamilton Ferreira Gomes de Abreu. "CARACTERIZAÇÃO MICROESTRUTURAL DE MAGNÉSIO PROCESSADO POR ECAE USANDO EBSD." In 57° Seminário de Laminação e Conformação de Metais. São Paulo: Editora Blucher, 2022.
Full textReports on the topic "Magnésien"
Santos, Iranildes, and Eduardo Brocchi. Projeto decomposição redutora de sulfato de magnésio. ITV, 2020.
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