Journal articles on the topic 'Magmatisme riche en K'
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Hernandez, Jean, Francois Dominique de Larouziere, Jean Bolze, and Pierre Bordet. "Le magmatisme neogene betico-rifain et le couloir de decrochement trans-Alboran." Bulletin de la Société Géologique de France III, no. 2 (March 1, 1987): 257–67.
Full textMagrina, Benoît, Michel Jébrak, and Michel Cuney. "Le magmatisme de la région de Kwyjibo, Province du Grenville (Canada) : intérêt pour les minéralisations de type fer-oxydes associées." Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences 42, no. 10 (October 1, 2005): 1849–64.
Full textProuteau, Gaelle, Rene C. Maury, Manuel Pubellier, Joseph Cotten, and Herve Bellon. "Le magmatisme post-collisionnel du Nord-Ouest de Borneo, produit de la fusion d'un fragment de croute oceanique ancre dans le manteau superieur." Bulletin de la Société Géologique de France 172, no. 3 (May 1, 2001): 319–32.
Full textYuniarni, Rum. "Ciri Petrologi dan Geokimia Batuan Terobosan Gunung Sepikul, Trenggalek, Jawa Timur." Jurnal Geologi dan Sumberdaya Mineral 25, no. 2 (May 21, 2024): 107–16.
Full textDey, Sukanta, Sibani Kumari Nayak, Aniruddha Mitra, Keqing Zong, and Yongsheng Liu. "Mechanism of Paleoarchean continental crust formation as archived in granitoids from the northern part of Singhbhum Craton, eastern India." Geological Society, London, Special Publications 489, no. 1 (2020): 189–214.
Full textLarsen, Poul-Henrik, Lars Stemmerik, Troels F. D. Nielsen, and David C. Rex. "Lamprophyric dykes in Revdal, Scoresby Land, East Greenland: conflicting field observations and K-Ar age determinations." Bulletin of the Geological Society of Denmark 38 (April 25, 1990): 1–9.
Full textWidana, Kurnia Setiawan, and Bambang Priadi. "Karakteristik Unsur Jejak Dalam Diskriminasi Magmatisme Granitoid Pulau Bangka." EKSPLORIUM 36, no. 1 (May 30, 2015): 1.
Full textMorin, David, Réjean Hébert, and Louise Corriveau. "Mesoproterozoic deep K-magmatism recorded in a megacryst- and xenolith-bearing minette dyke, western Grenville Province." Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences 42, no. 10 (October 1, 2005): 1881–906.
Full textMüntener, Othmar, Peter Ulmer, and Jonathan D. Blundy. "Superhydrous Arc Magmas in the Alpine Context." Elements 17, no. 1 (February 1, 2021): 35–40.
Full textMulyaningsih, Sri, Sutikno Bronto, Arie Kusniadi, Lilis Apriyanti, L. Budiyanto, and Danis Agoes Wiloso. "The Petrology and Volcano-Stratigraphy of The Muria-Peninsula High-K Volcanic Rocks, Central Java, Indonesia." Journal of Geoscience, Engineering, Environment, and Technology 7, no. 2 (June 30, 2022): 69–80.
Full textDia, Aline, Bernard Dupré, Clément Gariépy, and Claude J. Allègre. "Sm–Nd and trace-element characterization of shales from the Abitibi Belt, Labrador Trough, and Appalachian Belt: consequences for crustal evolution through time." Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences 27, no. 6 (June 1, 1990): 758–66.
Full textCuney, Michel. "Felsic magmatism and uranium deposits." Bulletin de la Société Géologique de France 185, no. 2 (February 1, 2014): 75–92.
Full textD’Eyrames, Elisabeth, Emilie Thomassot, Yumi Kitayama, Alexander Golovin, Andrey Korsakov, and Dmitri Ionov. "A mantle origin for sulfates in the unusual “salty” Udachnaya-East kimberlite from sulfur abundances, speciation and their relationship with groundmass carbonates." Bulletin de la Société géologique de France 188, no. 1-2 (2017): 6.
Full textCastor, Stephen B., and Christopher D. Henry. "Lithium-Rich Claystone in the McDermitt Caldera, Nevada, USA: Geologic, Mineralogical, and Geochemical Characteristics and Possible Origin." Minerals 10, no. 1 (January 15, 2020): 68.
Full textBonazzi, Mattia, Antonio Langone, Simone Tumiati, Edoardo Dellarole, Maurizio Mazzucchelli, Tommaso Giovanardi, and Alberto Zanetti. "Mantle-Derived Corundum-Bearing Felsic Dykes May Survive Only within the Lower (Refractory/Inert) Crust: Evidence from Zircon Geochemistry and Geochronology (Ivrea–Verbano Zone, Southern Alps, Italy)." Geosciences 10, no. 8 (July 23, 2020): 281.
Full textde Lima, Jefferson Valdemiro, Ignez de Pinho Guimarães, José Victor Antunes de Amorim, Caio Cezar Garnier Brainer, Lucilene dos Santos, and Adejardo Francisco da Silva Filho. "A Review of the Mineral Chemistry and Crystallization Conditions of Ediacaran–Cambrian A-Type Granites in the Central Subprovince of the Borborema Province, Northeastern Brazil." Minerals 14, no. 10 (October 11, 2024): 1022.
Full textDarvishi, Esmaiel, Mahmoud Khalili, Roy Beavers, and Mohammad Sayari. "Petrology and mineral chemistry of peraluminous Marziyan granites, Sanandaj-Sirjan metamorphic belt (NW Iran)." Geologica Carpathica 66, no. 5 (October 1, 2015): 361–74.
Full textAWAD, Hamdy Ahmed Mohamed, and Aleksey Valer`evich NASTAVKIN. "Geological and petrographical studies around Um Taghir area, Сentral Eastern Desert, Egypt." NEWS of the Ural State Mining University 1, no. 1 (March 23, 2020): 7–25.
Full textKaur, Parminder, Suresh C. Patel, Roger H. Mitchell, Sebastian Tappe, Kamal L. Pruseth, Jaspreet Saini, Amritpaul Singh, and Gurmeet Kaur. "Mineralogy of K-Rich Rocks from the Jharia Basin in Jharkhand: Indications for Cretaceous Lamproite Magmatism in Eastern India." Canadian Journal of Mineralogy and Petrology 61, no. 1 (January 1, 2023): 105–43.
Full textFan, Dongxu, Shucheng Tan, Xia Wang, Zeli Qin, Junfang Zhao, Le Yang, Wanhui Zhang, et al. "Geochronology, Petrogenesis and Geodynamic Setting of the Kaimuqi Mafic–Ultramafic and Dioritic Intrusions in the Eastern Kunlun Orogen, NW China." Minerals 13, no. 1 (January 2, 2023): 73.
Full textBaker, T. "Gold ± Copper Endowment and Deposit Diversity in the Western Tethyan Magmatic Belt, Southeast Europe: Implications for Exploration." Economic Geology 114, no. 7 (November 1, 2019): 1237–50.
Full textGroves, David I., Liang Zhang, and M. Santosh. "Subduction, mantle metasomatism, and gold: A dynamic and genetic conjunction." GSA Bulletin 132, no. 7-8 (November 4, 2019): 1419–26.
Full textLimtrakun, P., Khin Zaw, C. G. Ryan, and T. P. Mernagh. "Formation of the Denchai gem sapphires, northern Thailand: evidence from mineral chemistry and fluid/melt inclusion characteristics." Mineralogical Magazine 65, no. 6 (December 2001): 725–35.
Full textKaur, Gurmeet, Roger H. Mitchell, and Suhel Ahmed. "Mineralogy of the Vattikod lamproite dykes, Ramadugu lamproite field, Nalgonda District, Telangana: A possible expression of ancient subduction-related alkaline magmatism along Eastern Ghats Mobile Belt, India." Mineralogical Magazine 82, no. 1 (February 2018): 35–58.
Full textMCCARRON, JOE J., and IAN L. MILLAR. "The age and stratigraphy of fore-arc magmatism on Alexander Island, Antarctica." Geological Magazine 134, no. 4 (July 1997): 507–22.
Full textBUZZI, L., L. GAGGERO, L. GROZDANOV, S. YANEV, and F. SLEJKO. "High-Mg potassic rocks in the Balkan segment of the Variscan belt (Bulgaria): implications for the genesis of orogenic lamproite magmas." Geological Magazine 147, no. 3 (October 27, 2009): 434–50.
Full textAGHAZADEH, MEHRAJ, ANTONIO CASTRO, ZAHRA BADRZADEH, and KATHARINA VOGT. "Post-collisional polycyclic plutonism from the Zagros hinterland: the Shaivar Dagh plutonic complex, Alborz belt, Iran." Geological Magazine 148, no. 5-6 (June 24, 2011): 980–1008.
Full textLeite, Renato J., Valdecir A. Janasi, and Lucelene Martins. "Contamination in mafic mineral-rich calc-alkaline granites: a geochemical and Sr-Nd isotope study of the Neoproterozoic Piedade Granite, SE Brazil." Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciências 78, no. 2 (June 2006): 345–71.
Full textAbdel-Rahman, Abdel-Fattah M. "Mineralogy of the Neoproterozoic epidote-bearing TTG suite, Mons Claudianus batholith (Egypt) and implications for synorogenic magmatism." Mineralogical Magazine 80, no. 7 (December 2016): 1291–314.
Full textGöncüoğlu, M. C., A. Günal-Türkmenoğlu, Ö. Bozkaya, Ö. Ünlüce-Yücel, C. Okuyucu, and İ. Ö. Yilmaz. "Geological features and geochemical characteristics of Late Devonian–Early Carboniferous K-bentonites from northwestern Turkey." Clay Minerals 51, no. 4 (September 2016): 539–62.
Full textFEELEY, T. C., M. A. COSCA, and C. R. LINDSAY. "Petrogenesis and Implications of Calc-Alkaline Cryptic Hybrid Magmas from Washburn Volcano, Absaroka Volcanic Province, USA." Journal of Petrology 43, no. 4 (April 1, 2002): 663–703.
Full textCaroff, Martial, Hervé Bellon, Louis Chauris, Jean-Paul Carron, Stéphane Chevrier, Alain Gardinier, Joseph Cotten, Yann Le Moan, and Yseult Neidhart. "Magmatisme fissural triasico-liasique dans l'ouest du Massif armoricain (France): pétrologie, géochimie, âge, et modalités de la mise en place." Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences 32, no. 11 (November 1, 1995): 1921–36.
Full textVan Rythoven, Adrian D., Daniel J. Schulze, and Donald W. Davis. "Ultramafic xenoliths from the 1.15 Ga Certac kimberlite, eastern Superior Craton." Canadian Mineralogist 58, no. 2 (March 1, 2020): 267–86.
Full textClarke, D. Barrie, Andrew S. Henry, and Mike A. Hamilton. "Composition, age, and origin of granitoid rocks in the Davin Lake area, Rottenstone Domain, Trans-Hudson Orogen, northern Saskatchewan." Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences 42, no. 4 (April 1, 2005): 599–633.
Full textEce, O. I., and Z. E. Nakagawa. "Alteration of volcanic rocks and genesis of kaolin deposits in the Şile Region, northern İstanbul, Turkey. Part II: differential mobility of elements." Clay Minerals 38, no. 4 (December 2003): 529–50.
Full textGolovin, Alexander V., Alexey A. Tarasov, and Elena V. Agasheva. "Mineral Assemblage of Olivine-Hosted Melt Inclusions in a Mantle Xenolith from the V. Grib Kimberlite Pipe: Direct Evidence for the Presence of an Alkali-Rich Carbonate Melt in the Mantle Beneath the Baltic Super-Craton." Minerals 13, no. 5 (May 6, 2023): 645.
Full textDavis, Alicé S., Leda-Beth G. Pickthorn, Tracy L. Valuer, and Michael S. Marlow. "Petrology and age of volcanic-arc rocks from the continental margin of the Bering Sea: implications for Early Eocene relocation of plate boundaries." Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences 26, no. 7 (July 1, 1989): 1474–90.
Full textWu, Bin, Christophe Bonnetti, Yue Liu, Zhan-Shi Zhang, Guo-Lin Guo, Guang-Lai Li, Yin-Qiu Hu, and Zhao-Yan Yan. "Uraninite from the Guangshigou Pegmatite-Type Uranium Deposit in the North Qinling Orogen, Central China: Its Occurrence, Alteration and Implications for Post-Caledonian Uranium Circulation." Minerals 11, no. 7 (July 5, 2021): 729.
Full textKholodnov, V. V., E. S. Shagalov, G. A. Kallistov, G. Yu Shardakova, D. N. Salikhov, and E. V. Konovalova. "The Akhunovo–Petropavlovsk Granitoid Area as a Continental-Margin Center of the Long-Term Mantle–Crust Interaction: The Role of Subductional and Rift–Plume Sources." Russian Geology and Geophysics 62, no. 6 (June 1, 2021): 648–65.
Full textDey, Sukanta, and Jean-François Moyen. "Archean granitoids of India: windows into early Earth tectonics – an introduction." Geological Society, London, Special Publications 489, no. 1 (2020): 1–13.
Full textLin, Hao, Zuochen Li, Xianzhi Pei, Ruibao Li, Hai Zhou, Meng Wang, Shaowei Zhao, Li Qin, and Mao Wang. "Investigating the Orogenic Evolution of the Wushan–Shangdan Ocean in the Qinling–Qilian Conjunction Zone: Insights from the Early Devonian Tailu Pluton." Minerals 14, no. 9 (September 5, 2024): 910.
Full textUpton, B. G. J., A. A. Finch, and E. Słaby. "Megacrysts and salic xenoliths in Scottish alkali basalts: derivatives of deep crustal intrusions and small-melt fractions from the upper mantle." Mineralogical Magazine 73, no. 6 (December 2009): 943–56.
Full textDamogalad, Yustina, Aang Panji Permana, Ronal Hutagalung, and Intan Noviantari Manyoe. "Karakteristik Batuan Dasar Formasi Gabro Daerah Keramat Kabupaten Boalemo." JRST (Jurnal Riset Sains dan Teknologi) 8, no. 1 (April 25, 2024): 81.
Full textEl-Wardany, Refaey M., Jiangang Jiao, Basem Zoheir, Mustafa Kumral, Mustafa Kaya, and Amr Abdelnasser. "Post-Subduction Granite Magmatism and Gold-Sulfide Mineralization in the Abu Zawal (Fatira) Area, Eastern Desert, Egypt." Minerals 13, no. 4 (March 30, 2023): 489.
Full textChambers, Larry W. "N. Keating, J. Fast, J. Frederick, K. Cranswick, and C. Perrier Eldercare in Canada: Context, Content and Consequences. Ottawa, ON: Statistics Canada. Ministry of Industry, 1999. Catalogue no. 89-570-XPE." Canadian Journal on Aging / La Revue canadienne du vieillissement 20, no. 3 (2001): 430–31.
Full textNikolenko, Evgeny I., Konstantin V. Lobov, Alexey M. Agashev, Nikolay S. Tychkov, Maria V. Chervyakovskaya, Igor S. Sharygin, and Anna M. Nikolenko. "40Ar/39Ar Geochronology and New Mineralogical and Geochemical Data from Lamprophyres of Chompolo Field (South Yakutia, Russia)." Minerals 10, no. 10 (October 6, 2020): 886.
Full textClément, Jean-Philippe, Martial Caroff, Christophe Hémond, Jean-Jacques Tiercelin, Claire Bollinger, Hervé Guillou, and Joseph Cotten. "Pleistocene magmatism in a lithospheric transition area: petrogenesis of alkaline and peralkaline lavas from the BaringoBogoria Basin, central Kenya Rift." Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences 40, no. 9 (September 1, 2003): 1239–57.
Full textSong, Dongfang, Wenjiao Xiao, Brian F. Windley, and Chunming Han. "Carboniferous to Early Triassic magmatism and accretion in Alxa (NW China): implications for accretionary orogenesis of the southern Altaids." Journal of the Geological Society 177, no. 5 (May 6, 2020): 997–1012.
Full textSpeziale, Sergio, Francesca Castorina, Paolo Censi, Celso de Barros Gomes, Leila Soares Marques, and Piero Comin-Chiaramonti. "Carbonatites from the southern Brazilian Platform: A review. II: Isotopic evidences." Open Geosciences 12, no. 1 (August 21, 2020): 678–702.
Full textHuang, Gang, Liang-Liang Zhuang, Ya-Qi Yang, Li-Dan Tian, Wei Wu, and Jin-Hong Liu. "Petrogenesis and Tectonic Setting of the Madeng Dacite, SW Sanjiang Indosinian Orogen: Evidence from Zircon U-Pb-Hf Isotopes, and Whole-Rock Geochemistry and Sr-Nd Isotopes." Minerals 12, no. 3 (March 21, 2022): 388.
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