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Journal articles on the topic "Magmatisme riche en K"


Hernandez, Jean, Francois Dominique de Larouziere, Jean Bolze, and Pierre Bordet. "Le magmatisme neogene betico-rifain et le couloir de decrochement trans-Alboran." Bulletin de la Société Géologique de France III, no. 2 (March 1, 1987): 257–67.

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Abstract The Miocene basin evolution of southeastern Spain and eastern Morocco is linked to a "shear zone" elongated from SW across the Alboran Sea. In Spain the magmatism is mostly calc-alkaline (or K-rich calc-alkaline). Most of the products are locatred on strike-slip faults (Almeria-Cabo de Gata). Lavas of dacitic compositions are interpreted as products of crustal anatexis. During Messinian time, lamproites are erupted over an extended area. Later (Plio-Quaternary), alkali basalts are located near Cartagena. In Morocco, calc-alkaline magmatism is not as developed as in Spain; late Tortonian-Messinian volcanoes (Gourougou, Guilliz) have erupted of shoshonitic lavas. Alkali basalts are abundant and appear from the end of Messinian to Quaternary all over northwestern Africa. In the studied area, there are no chronological nor geochemical polarity of the magmatism according to the existence of a Miocene subduction. The association of the magmatism with tectonics and basin evolution shows that it is linked with their aperture. The structure of the lithosphere, as it appears from the geophysical data, shows the existence of two different crusts, separated by the western part of the "shear zone". Trans-Alboran calc-alkaline magmatism is clearly correlated with the activity of this "shear zone", from Miocene to present time.
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Magrina, Benoît, Michel Jébrak, and Michel Cuney. "Le magmatisme de la région de Kwyjibo, Province du Grenville (Canada) : intérêt pour les minéralisations de type fer-oxydes associées." Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences 42, no. 10 (October 1, 2005): 1849–64.

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The granitic plutons located north of the Kwyjibo property in Quebec's Grenville Province are of Mesoproterozoic age and belong to the granitic Canatiche Complex . The rocks in these plutons are calc-alkalic, K-rich, and meta- to peraluminous. They belong to the magnetite series and their trace element characteristics link them to intraplate granites. They were emplaced in an anorogenic, subvolcanic environment, but they subsequently underwent significant ductile deformation. The magnetite, copper, and fluorite showings on the Kwyjibo property are polyphased and premetamorphic; their formation began with the emplacement of hydraulic, magnetite-bearing breccias, followed by impregnations and veins of chalcopyrite, pyrite, and fluorite, and ended with a late phase of mineralization, during which uraninite, rare earths, and hematite were emplaced along brittle structures. The plutons belong to two families: biotite-amphibole granites and leucogranites. The biotite-amphibole granites are rich in iron and represent a potential heat and metal source for the first, iron oxide phase of mineralization. The leucogranites show a primary enrichment in REE (rare-earth elements), F, and U, carried mainly in Y-, U-, and REE-bearing niobotitanates. They are metamict and underwent a postmagmatic alteration that remobilized the uranium and the rare earths. The leucogranites could also be a source of rare earths and uranium for the latest mineralizing events.[Traduit par la Rédaction]
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Prouteau, Gaelle, Rene C. Maury, Manuel Pubellier, Joseph Cotten, and Herve Bellon. "Le magmatisme post-collisionnel du Nord-Ouest de Borneo, produit de la fusion d'un fragment de croute oceanique ancre dans le manteau superieur." Bulletin de la Société Géologique de France 172, no. 3 (May 1, 2001): 319–32.

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Abstract Magmatic activity linked to syn- or post-collisional zones leads to the emplacement of remarkably heterogeneous rocks: calc-alkaline, high-K calc-alkaline or shoshonitic series variably contaminated by continental crust; anatectic granites and ignimbrites derived from the latter; and finally alkali potassic to ultrapotassic basalts [Harris et al., 1990; Pearce et al., 1984, 1990; Arnaud et al., 1992; Benito et al., 1999]. The main sources of these magmas are either the upper mantle (sub-oceanic or subcontinental) frequently metasomatized by hydrous fluid originating from the subducted slab; or the continental crust, which can act as a contaminant [Benito et al., 1999; Miller et al., 1999] or melt directly [Harris et al., 1990; Zingg et al., 1990]. The purpose of the present paper is to document the role of a third source: the subducted oceanic crust, as evidenced by the occurrence of Miocene adakites in Sarawak (NW Borneo). The studied rocks have been sampled from western Sarawak (fig. 1), and their location is shown on the geological map [Tan, 1982] of figure 2. They mostly occur as stocks, dykes and sills which crosscut the Paleozoic to Miocene sedimentary units. Two kinds of intrusions can be distinguished. High-K calc-alkaline to medium-K calc-alkaline diorites and microdiorites occur in the northern part of the studied area, in Salak Island and Santubong Peninsula. Microtonalites and dacites occur near Kuching and in the southern part of Sarawak (Kuap and Bau areas). Whole-rock K-Ar data (table I) demonstrate that these two associations are of different ages: high-K calc-alkaline diorites were emplaced during the Lower Miocene (22.3 to 23.7 Ma), whereas the microtonalites and dacites are younger by ca. 8 Ma or more (Middle to Upper Miocene, 14.6 to 6.4 Ma). Major and trace element data (table II) show that the Lower Miocene diorites display all the usual characteristics of subduction-related magmas. The Middle to Upper Miocene microtonalites and dacites share some of these characteristics, but in addition they display typical adakitic features: SiO 2 -rich (65.5-70%) and sodic (Na 2 O/K 2 O>2) character (table II and figure 3); lack or rare occurrence of pyroxenes, usually replaced by early-crystallized (near-liquidus) amphiboles (table III); very low Y and HREE contents, consistent with the presence of residual garnet in their source, and leading to characteristically high La/Yb and Sr/Y ratios (fig. 4, 5). Their titanomagnetite-hemoilmenite associations reflect equilibrium features [Bacon and Hirschman, 1988] indicating moderate temperatures (<900 degrees C) and highly oxidizing (NNO+1) crystallization conditions [Ghiorso and Sack, 1991]. The Lower Miocene Sarawak diorites are typically subduction-related from a geochemical point of view. They likely derive from the evolution of island-arc basaltic magmas, which themselves originated from the partial melting of upper mantle peridotites previously metasomatized by hydrous fluids expelled from the subducting oceanic slab [Tatsumi et al., 1986; Tatsumi, 1989]. The origin of the Middle-Upper Miocene adakitic microtonalites and dacites is different. According to previous studies, they likely derive from the partial melting of metabasalts (garnet amphibolites or eclogites) from subducted oceanic crust [Defant and Drummond, 1990; Defant et al., 1991, 1992; Drummond et al., 1996; Maury et al., 1996; Martin, 1993, 1999]. Their position in the hybrid tonalite+peridotite system [Caroll and Wyllie, 1989] shows that they crystallized within the garnet stability field and likely interacted with the upper mantle during their ascent (fig. 7). This feature is not consistent with their genesis through melting of metabasalts accreted at the base of the Borneo continental crust. In addition, the less evolved Sarawak adakites display mineralogical and geochemical features remarkably similar to those of the 1991 Mt Pinatubo dacite, the experimental petrology of which has been extensively studied at low [2 kbar; Scaillet and Evans, 1999; Rutherford and Devine, 1996] to medium pressures [4 to 20 kbar; Prouteau et al., 1999]. Such dacitic magmas are not in equilibrium with garnet at pressures lower than or equal to 20 kbar, which rules out their derivation from metabasalts tectonically or magmatically accreted to the base of the North Borneo continental crust. We propose, instead, that they originated from the partial melting of basalts from a fragment of oceanic lithosphere within the upper mantle. Like the adakites of Central Mindanao, Philippines [Sajona et al., 1994, 1997 and 2000; Maury et al., 1996] and those from Aird Hills, Papua-New Guinea [Smith et al., 1979; Defant and Drummond, 1990] the Sarawak adakites represent potential markers of the occurrence at depth of oceanic crust slivers, which could be much more common in collision zones than previously thought.
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Yuniarni, Rum. "Ciri Petrologi dan Geokimia Batuan Terobosan Gunung Sepikul, Trenggalek, Jawa Timur." Jurnal Geologi dan Sumberdaya Mineral 25, no. 2 (May 21, 2024): 107–16.

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Gunung Sepikul di bagian selatan Jawa Timur berkaitan dengan proses magmatisme yang berumur Miosen. Maksud penelitian ini untuk mengetahui karakteristik petrologi dan geokimia batuan beku Gunung Sepikul. Tujuannya mengungkapkan gambaran tektonik dan melengkapi data petrologi lajur magmatisme Jawa bagian selatan. Singkapannya berupa stock terdiri atas diorit dan granodiorit. Percontoh batuan dianalisis menggunakan metode petrografi, XRF dan ICP-MS. Data lapangan dan hasil analisa laboratorium berupa komposisi mineral serta geokimia batuan dapat menunjukkan proses magmatisme batuan Gunung Sepikul. Batuan diorit berwarna kelabu, tekstur inequigranular terdiri atas mineral plagioklas, kuarsa, piroksen, hornblenda dan mineral opak. Batuan granodiorit berwarna kelabu cerah, tekstur porfiritik dengan fenokris plagioklas, hornblenda, kuarsa dan mineral opak pada masadasar feldspar dan kuarsa. Berdasarkan analisa geokimia, batuan terobosan ini berafinitas magma Medium-low K series yang berhubungan dengan magmatisme di lingkungan tektonik orogenic. Kata Kunci: terobosan, stock, diorit, granodiorit, magmatisme
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Dey, Sukanta, Sibani Kumari Nayak, Aniruddha Mitra, Keqing Zong, and Yongsheng Liu. "Mechanism of Paleoarchean continental crust formation as archived in granitoids from the northern part of Singhbhum Craton, eastern India." Geological Society, London, Special Publications 489, no. 1 (2020): 189–214.

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AbstractMany Paleoarchean cratons display a gradual change from early sodic tonalite–trondhjemite–granodiorite magmatism to late K-rich granitoid magmatism; the geodynamic significance of this change is debatable though. This contribution presents field, geochemical and zircon U–Pb age and Hf isotope results of four different 3.32–3.25 Ga granitoid bodies from the northern part of Singhbhum Craton to investigate their petrogenesis and role in crustal evolution. The granitoids range in composition from tonalites to trondhjemites, derived from intracrustal melting at low- to medium-pressure conditions. The source was mainly low-K mafic rock. The granitoids show intrasuite fractional crystallization. These sodic granitoids represent the last stage of granitoid magmatism in the Singhbhum Craton which formed contemporaneously with K-rich granitoids occurring in other parts of the craton. This fact suggests that, contrary to the popular notion (of only potassic granitoids), both sodic and potassic granitoids could form at the terminal phase of cratonization, implying reworking of heterogeneous (mafic to tonalite) crust. A combination of evidence from geochemical data, secular change in granitoid composition, structural pattern and rock association of the Singhbhum Craton reflects that recurring mantle plume-related mafic–ultramafic magma emplacement in an oceanic plateau setting and attendant crustal melting can explain the Paleoarchean crustal evolution pattern.
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Larsen, Poul-Henrik, Lars Stemmerik, Troels F. D. Nielsen, and David C. Rex. "Lamprophyric dykes in Revdal, Scoresby Land, East Greenland: conflicting field observations and K-Ar age determinations." Bulletin of the Geological Society of Denmark 38 (April 25, 1990): 1–9.

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Field observations on Iamprophyric dykes in Revdal, Scoresby Land, suggest a Late Permian age and the dykes would thus represent magmatism related to Permian rifting and basin formation, whereas K-Ar age determinations and chemistry suggest a Tertiary age. It is concluded that the dykes probably are Tertiary and never penetrated Upper Permian sediments due to chilling and fracturing at the base of Upper Permian water rich sediments. The dykes most likely belong to a period of alkaline magmatism that followed the onset of sea floor spreading in this part of the North Atlantic around 55 Ma ago.
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Widana, Kurnia Setiawan, and Bambang Priadi. "Karakteristik Unsur Jejak Dalam Diskriminasi Magmatisme Granitoid Pulau Bangka." EKSPLORIUM 36, no. 1 (May 30, 2015): 1.

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Geologi Pulau Bangka disusun oleh variasi granit sebagai Granitoid Klabat yang tersebar di berbagai lokasi. Unsur jejak dapat diaplikasikan dalam diskriminasi magmatisme dalam pembentukan granitoid tersebut. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui karakteristik granitoid yang tersebar di Pulau Bangka berdasarkan geokimia unsur jejak untuk diaplikasikan dalam mempelajari magmatisme, sumber dan situasi tektoniknya.Metode analisis geokimia yang diaplikasikan dengan menggunakan Analisis Aktivasi Neutron (AAN) dan portableX-Ray Fluorescence (pXRF) untuk analisis kualitatif dan kuantitatif pada 27 sampel dari Granitoid Klabat di Pulau Bangka.Hasil penelitian ini menyimpulkan Granitoid Bangka Utara (Belinyu) dan Bangka Tengah sebagai percampuran kerak-mantel dengan afinitas Calc-Alkaline, karakteristik Tipe I sedangkan Granitoid Bangka Selatan dan Barat asal kerak dengan afinitas High-KCalc-Alkaline sebagai Tipe S. Diharapkan diskrimasi magmatisme granitoid bermanfaat dalam memberikan panduan eksplorasi bahan galian nuklir di Pulau Bangka. Geology of Bangka Island consists by variation of granite as Klabat Granitoid scattered in various locations. Trace elements can be applied in magmatism discrimination of granitoid.The purpose of this study was to determine the characteristics Bangka Island granitoid based on trace element geochemistry to be applied in the study of magmatism, source and tectonic situation. Geochemical analyses method used are the Neutron Activation Analysis (NAA) and portableX-Ray Fluorescence (pXRF) for qualitative and quantitative analyses on 27 samples of Klabat granitoid on Bangka Island. This study concluded granitoid East Bangka (Belinyu) and Central Bangka as crust-mantle mixing with affinityCalc-Alkaline, characteristic of I Type while South and West Bangka granitoid crust origin with affinity high K Calc-Alkaline as S Type. Expectedmagmatismdiscrimination ofgranitoidhelpfulin providingradioactive mineral explorationguidein BangkaIsland.
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Morin, David, Réjean Hébert, and Louise Corriveau. "Mesoproterozoic deep K-magmatism recorded in a megacryst- and xenolith-bearing minette dyke, western Grenville Province." Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences 42, no. 10 (October 1, 2005): 1881–906.

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The 1.07 Ga Rivard minette dyke transported thousands of exotic (xenoliths) and cogenetic (cognate nodules) clasts from deep lithospheric levels of the Grenville Province. Nodules related to the clinopyroxene- and biotite-phyric host consist of megacrystic clinopyroxene and K-feldspar and mica-rich pyroxenite. Clinopyroxene megacrysts record high-pressure and high-temperature crystallization, crystal recycling, or magma mixing, whereas Ba-rich K-feldspar megacryst possibly represent near-solidus phenocrysts crystallized from evolved K-rich magmas. Mica-pyroxenite xenoliths are interpreted as products of magma mixing or infiltration of K-rich melt in pyroxene cumulate. Partial replacement of pyroxenes by strained phlogopite attests to mica crystallization before or during plastic deformation and prior to xenolith incorporation in the minette. The minette is mafic, ultrapotassic, and enriched in large-ion lithophile elements and light rare-earth elements. It experienced limited fractionation and crustal contamination but has been exposed to magma mixing. High K, La, and Cr contents suggest partial melting of a K-metasomatized mantle source. The Rivard minette shares the age, mineralogy, and chemistry with the 1.09–1.07 Ga Kensington–Skootamatta potassic alkaline suite and forms part of a common K-rich magmatic event taking its source in an enriched mantle. Source heterogeneity, conditions of partial melting, crystal fractionation, magma mixing, and crustal contamination all contributed, to various extents, to the complex chemistry of the K-rich intrusions of the Kensington–Skootamatta suite. Collectively, this suite records extensive and diverse magmatic batches derived from partial melting of a mantle metasomatized during subduction events prior to emplacement.
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Müntener, Othmar, Peter Ulmer, and Jonathan D. Blundy. "Superhydrous Arc Magmas in the Alpine Context." Elements 17, no. 1 (February 1, 2021): 35–40.

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Magmatic rocks in the Alps are scarce. What little arc magmatism there was pre-dates the Eurasia–Adria collision at 43–34 Ma but ends at 30–29 Ma. Conversely, geochemical data for magmatic rocks from the Alps resemble that of subduction-related magmatic arcs. A characteristic of Alpine magmatism is the occurrence of relatively deep (80–100 km) super-hydrous (>8 wt% H2O) low-K primary magmas in the east and shoshonitic K-rich magmas in the west. These features are likely related to the absence of vigorous mantle wedge convection. Superhydrous primary magmas undergo extensive crystallization and fluid saturation at depth, producing high ratios of plutonic to volcanic rocks. We speculate that superhydrous primary arc magmas are a consequence of slow convergence and the initial architecture of subducting crust.
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Mulyaningsih, Sri, Sutikno Bronto, Arie Kusniadi, Lilis Apriyanti, L. Budiyanto, and Danis Agoes Wiloso. "The Petrology and Volcano-Stratigraphy of The Muria-Peninsula High-K Volcanic Rocks, Central Java, Indonesia." Journal of Geoscience, Engineering, Environment, and Technology 7, no. 2 (June 30, 2022): 69–80.

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The Muria-Peninsula is a Quaternary volcano located in the northern Sunda arc. Its activity was controlled under high potassic and very high potassic magma series resulting in leucite-rich trachyte and pyroxene-rich basaltic-andesite. It is a strato-type volcano that is composed of lava, breccia, and tuff layers, and some dikes have some volcanic craters and maars varying in age and composition. The study area is covering the volcanoes of Muria, Genuk, and Patiayam. This paper aims to describe the petrology, mineralogy, and volcano-stratigraphy of the different volcanic materials. The data and materials were sourced from the primary and secondary data. The methods are field mapping, stratigraphy measurements, collecting samples, thin section analyses, and major element geochemistry using X-Ray fluorescence (XRF). The results describe two groups of volcanic rocks consisting of pyroxene-rich andesitic-basaltic volcanic materials and leucite-rich trachytic volcanic materials. Augite presents in the andesitic basalt together with small grains of olivine and a few anorthite and foid minerals. Aegirine (Na-Pyroxene) is present in the leucite-rich trachyte that is often associated with biotite and hornblende. Na-Ca Plagioclase such as labradorite-andesine is often present in the basaltic-trachy-andesite that is usually rarely leucite. The major elements show high-K volcanic rocks with % K2O is 4-5.9% and very high-K volcanic rocks (with % K2O is between 6-8.24%) and low-K volcanic rocks that contain % K2O is 2-3,9%. There are two groups of high-K to very high-K volcanic materials consisting of silicic-rich volcanic materials (~57-64% of SiO2) and low-silicic volcanic materials (~46-50%). The TAS diagram identifies tephrite, phonolite, and trachyte. Stratigraphic data identifies calcareous sediments of the Bulu Formation as the basement rocks of the Muria trachyandesite. Beds of pumice-rich volcanic breccia of the Ujungwatu Formation are the basement rocks of the basanite-tephrite of the Genuk Volcano, and the tuff of the Ujungwatu is also exposed consisting of the basanite-tephritic-phonolite of the Patiayam Volcano. The leucite-like feldspars are very common in the andesite lava and dikes that compose the crater of Muria. Most of the Muria volcanic materials are rarely in leucite, while some maars contain pumice-rich pyroclastic flows and basaltic lava. The results of the major elemental analysis of the Muria materials indicate that the rock tends to be of medium to high K affinity (~2% K2O). The Genuk and older Muria are consisting of leucite-rich tephrite-phonolite. It was two periods of magmatic series developed in the Muria-Peninsula that was resulting in the high-K to very high-K magmatism and the medium K Kalk-alkaline magmatism.
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Dissertations / Theses on the topic "Magmatisme riche en K"


Alizadeh, Noudeh Shiva. "Evolution pétrologique des séries volcaniques du massif de Talysh (Iran du NW) à la transition Caucase-Caspienne et implications géodynamiques." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Chambéry, 2024.

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Le magmatisme cénozoïque de la ceinture orogénique qui relie les zones tectoniques de l'Iran, du bloc arménien méridional (petit Caucase) et de la Turquie, reste un sujet de débat. Cette recherche se concentre sur l'épaisse succession géologique de roches volcaniques shoshonitiques calco-alcalines riches en K exposées dans le massif de Talysh, qui fait partie de la ceinture magmatique de l'Alborz, dans le nord-ouest de l'Iran. L'objectif de cette étude est d'étudier les roches volcaniques relativement peu étudiées du massif de Talysh afin de mieux contraindre le cadre géodynamique du magmatisme pendant la convergence régionale. Une étude complète incluant de nouvelles données de terrain, la chimie minérale, la géochimie des éléments majeurs et traces des roches totales, la composition isotopique (Sr, Nd, Pb, Hf), la géochronologie 40Ar-39Ar, et le zircon U-Pb. Cette montre une série magmatique de basaltes riches en olivine, basaltes à clinopyroxène-phyrique, basaltes à clinopyroxène-phyrique, basaltes à amphibole-phyrique, téphrites, trachy-andésites et roches pyroclastiques. Ils contiennent de multiples populations de cristaux : olivine, clinopyroxène, amphibole et phlogopite, avec des textures de rééquilibrage ainsi qu'une zonation oscillatoire et inverse complexe, des textures criblées et des textures de résorption, ce qui suggère que les magmas ont été stockés dans et différenciés dans des chambres magmatiques avec des réinjections successives avant l'éruption. En outre, les âges 40Ar-39Ar de la biotite et des amphiboles des basaltes et les âges U-Pb du zircon des roches pyroclastiques indiquent que l'activité volcanique s'est déroulée pendant ~ 10 Myr (49-38 Myr). L'enrichissement en LILE et l'appauvrissement en Nb, Ta et Ti sont des caractéristiques des laves de Talysh, qui présentent des caractéristiques géochimiques d'arc. Leurs compositions isotopiques varient : 87Sr/86Sr (i) de 0,7045 à 0,7066, ɛNd(i) de ~-2,2 à +1,7, et ɛHf(i) de -2,5 à +3,6. Les roches ont des compositions radiogéniques en plomb (206Pb/204Pb de 18,51 à 19,04, 207Pb/204Pb de 15,59 à 15,63, et 208Pb/204Pb de 38,67 à 39,15). Les éléments majeurs de la plupart des échantillons primitifs (MgO > 5 % en poids) sont comparables à ceux des fusions partielles à faible degré (4-9%) d'une lherzolite à grenat et spinelle avec des rapports grenat:spinelle de 40:60 à 20:80. Les résultats obtenus par géothermobarométrie clinopyroxène-liquide indiquent une variété de réservoirs magmatiques, allant de niveaux profonds (79-60 km) à des niveaux moins profonds (2 km). Les rapports isotopiques de Sr, Nd, Pb et Hf, ainsi que les profils similaires d'éléments traces incompatibles normalisés par la chondrite et par le manteau primitif, ainsi que les estimations thermobarométriques sur les cristaux d'olivine, de clinopyroxène et d'amphibole, suggèrent que la source mantellique est une source asthénosphérique enrichie et que de la croûte continentale a été mélangée au cours du processus de différenciation. Les données sont cohérentes avec la fusion partielle d'un manteau sous-continental à grenat modifié par subduction et les interactions avec un manteau à spinelle pendant l'ascension magmatique. La phase magmatique éocène pourrait avoir été déclenchée par une remontée de l'Asthénosphère liée au début de la subduction à pendage sud du bassin transcaucasien. L'ascension magmatique a probablement été facilitée par des failles décrochantes trans-lithosphériques mises en évidence par les données paléomagnétiques. Le passage d'une composante magmatique calco-alcaline à une composante magmatique plus alcaline avec le temps, du sud au nord du massif de Talysh, suggère un raidissement de la plaque en réponse à un retournement à l'Éocène supérieur. Après cette période, le volcanisme s'est arrêté dans le Talysh Sud et a considérablement diminué dans le massif du Talysh Nord, où il a évolué vers un magmatisme de type adakitique au cours du Miocène supérieur et du Quaternaire
The Cenozoic magmatism of the Central Tethyan orogenic belt, which links the tectonic zones of Iran, the South Armenian Block (lesser Caucasus), and Turkey, remains a topic of debate. This research focuses on the thick geological succession of high-K calc-alkaline shoshonitic volcanic rocks exposed in the Talysh Massif, part of the Alborz magmatic belt, northwestern Iran. The aim of this study is to investigate the relatively unstudied volcanic rocks of the Talysh Massif to better constrain the geodynamic setting of magmatism during regional convergence. A comprehensive study including new field data, mineral chemistry, bulk-rock major and trace element geochemistry, isotope composition (Sr, Nd, Pb, Hf), geochronology 40Ar-39Ar, and zircon U-Pb. We classify them as olivine, clinopyroxene-phyric basalts, clinopyroxene-phyric basalts, amphibole-phyric basalts, tephrites, trachy-andesites, and pyroclastic rocks. They contain multiple crystal populations, including phenocrysts, antecrysts, and xenocrysts: olivine, clinopyroxene, amphibole, and re-equilibrium phlogopite, along with complex oscillatory and reverse zoning, sieve textures, and resorption textures, which suggests that the magmas stalled and differentiated in the crust prior to eruption. Olivine-clinopyroxene-phyric samples in the southern part of the study area exhibit olivine phenocrysts chemically balanced with their host rock, with a slight zoning from high-Mg# cores (Mg# = 90) to rims (Mg# = 80). Furthermore, the amphiboles, biotite 40Ar-39Ar ages of basalts, and zircon U-Pb ages of pyroclastic rocks indicate that volcanic activity took place for ~ 10 Myr (between 49 and 38 Myr). Enrichment in LILE and depletion in Nb, Ta, and Ti are characteristics of the Talysh lavas, which exhibit arc geochemical features. They have isotopic compositions that vary, for 87Sr/86Sr (i) from 0.7045 to 0.7066, for ɛNd(i) from ~-2.2 to +1.7, and ɛHf(i) from -2.5 to +3.6. The rocks have radiogenic lead 206Pb/204Pb ratios from 18.51 to 19.04, 207Pb/204Pb from 15.59 to 15.63, and 208Pb/204Pb from 38.67 to 39.15. The major elements of most primitive samples (MgO > 5 wt%) are comparable to those of melts obtained from low-degree (4–9%) partial melting of a spinel-garnet lherzolite with garnet:spinel ratios of 40:60 to 20:80. The results obtained from clinopyroxene-liquid geothermobarometry indicate a variety of magma reservoirs, ranging from deep levels (79–60 km) to shallower levels (2 km). The isotopic ratios of Sr, Nd, Pb, and Hf, as well as the similar chondrite-normalized REE and primitive-mantle-normalized incompatible trace element patterns along thermobarometry estimates on olivine, clinopyroxene, and amphibole crystals, suggests that the mantle source is an enriched asthenospheric source, and that continental crust was mixed in during the differentiation process. The data are consistent with the partial melting of a garnet-bearing subduction-modified subcontinental mantle and interactions with a spinel-bearing mantle during magmatic ascent. This magmatic flare-up could have been triggered by an asthenosphere upwelling related to the onset of south-dipping subduction of the Transcaucasus basin. Asthenosphere flow and magmatic ascent were likely facilitated by trans-lithospheric strike-slip faults and block rotations highlighted by paleomagnetic data. A transition from calc-alkaline towards a more alkaline magmatic component with time, from south to north of the Talysh massif, suggests a slab steepening in response to roll-back in the Late Eocene. After this period, volcanism stopped in the South Talysh and significantly decreased in the North Talysh massif, where it evolved into an adakitic-type magmatism during the Late Miocene and Quaternary
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Cadoux, Anita. "Le magmatisme acide Plio-Pleistocène de la MargeTyrrhénienne (Italie Centrale) : Géochronologie,Pétrogénèse et Implications Géodynamiques." Phd thesis, Université Paris Sud - Paris XI, 2005.

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Le magmatisme Néogène italien est caractérisé par une grande variété pétrologique et géochimique, couvrant presque entièrement le spectre des roches magmatiques connues dans le monde entier. Le volcanisme récent, Quaternaire, comprenant des laves de composition
basiques et intermédiaires, est à la base de la majorité des modèles géodynamiques. Comparativement, le magmatisme acide, correspondant aux premières manifestations sur la marge Tyrrhénienne est beaucoup pour les édifices de la Province Toscane (San Vincenzo, Roccastrada et Amiata). Pour le volcan de Monte Amiata, de nouvelles données isotopiques Sr-Nd et Pb confirment qu'il est en terme de sources un hybride entre les Province Toscane et Romaine. Nous proposons grâce aux âges obtenus un nouveau scénario pour sa mise en place. L'analyse en composantes principales (ACP) des données isotopiques du Pb de toutes les manifestations acides étudiées dans cette thèse a permis d'identifier les deux composants source à l'origine de ces roches. Le composant le plus important est un pôle mantellique
correspondant à un mélange entre DM et HIMU, tandis que le second, dont le rôle est mineur comparé au premier, est un pôle enrichi de type crustal. Les roches acides les plus au Sud (Pontines) montrent une influence plus forte du composant DM+HIMU. Ainsi, même sur des
roches aussi différenciées et à plus petite échelle (l'Italie centrale), on retrouve la tendance générale propre à l'ensemble de la péninsule Italienne et de la Sicile, dérivée de l'étude isotopique des roches basiques, qui montre un mélange général entre DM et HIMU auquel s'ajoute un composant dérivé de la croûte. L'influence du pôle DM-HIMU est croissante du
Nord au Sud de l'Italie. Etendue à l'échelle de la marge Tyrrhénienne italienne, l'ACP permet d'identifier deux
domaines sources, délimités par une discontinuité lithosphérique majeure de l'Italie centrale, le 41ème Parallèle, dans lesquels les composants évoluent différemment. Les caractéristiques du domaine Nord pourraient être contrôlées par un processus de délamination de la lithosphère inférieure, celles du domaine Sud par un retrait rapide du slab, les deux
phénomènes provoquant une remontée asthénosphérique.
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Külahci, Doğan Gullu Deniz. "Chronological, magmatological and geochemical study of post-collisional basaltic volcanism in Central Anatolia and its spatio-temporal evolution." Thesis, Clermont-Ferrand 2, 2015.

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Cette thèse est consacrée à la caractérisation pétrologique et géochimique des basaltes quaternaires post-collisionnels d’Anatolie centrale (strato-volcans Erciyes et Hasandağ et volcanisme dispersé d'Obruk-Zengen et de Karapınar), en se focalisant sur l’évolution spatio-temporelle de ce magmatisme de la Cappadoce (Turquie). Par la géochronologie K-Ar, la coexistence de basaltes alcalins et calco-alcalins a été démontrée, parfois dans un même lieu et à la même époque. Par ailleurs, nos résultats montrent aussi que ces basaltes peuvent être très jeunes (quelques milliers d’années seulement). La minéralogie des basaltes quaternaires de la Cappadoce est la suivante : plagioclase, olivine, clinopyroxène, orthopyroxène et oxydes (magnétite, ilménite). Pourtant, seuls les basaltes de l’Erciyes contiennent de l’orthopyroxène, alors que ceux du Hasandağ et du volcanisme dispersé d’Obruk-Zengen et de Karapınar en sont dépourvus. Les phénocristaux de plagioclases présentent souvent des figures de déséquilibre, attribuées au processus de mélange magmatique : zonages complexes (normaux, inverses, oscillatoires), richesse en inclusions vitreuses, figures de résorption. Toutefois, la minéralogie observée est compatible avec un processus de cristallisation fractionnée dominant. Les géobaromètres utilisés montrent que l’origine des magmas de l’Erciyes est plus superficielle que celle des autres sites. Les résultats en géochimie confirment la dualité minéralogique observée entre l’Erciyes et les autres secteurs, ainsi que les caractères alcalins (néphéline normative) et calco-alcalins de basaltes parfois contemporains. Tous les basaltes étudiés sont enrichis en LREE et LILE. Les données isotopiques (Sr, Nd, Pb, O) montrent l’importance de la source lithosphérique enrichie. L’ensemble des données géochimiques montre aussi la signature d’autres sources et processus comme la contamination par la croûte continentale et l’héritage d’une ancienne subduction
This thesis revealed the petrological and geochemical characterization of post-collisional Quaternary basalts of Central Anatolia (Erciyes and Hasandağ stratovolcanoes, and dispersed volcanisms of Obruk-Zengen and Karapınar), focusing on the spatiotemporal evolution of the magmatism in Cappadocia (Turkey). K-Ar geochronology indicated the coexistence of alkaline and calc-alkaline basalts from the same location and age. Moreover, the results also show that these basalts may be very young (a few thousand years). The mineralogy of Quaternary basalts from the Cappadocia is as follows: plagioclase, olivine, clinopyroxene, orthopyroxene and oxides (magnetite, ilmenite). Orthopyroxene is observed only in basalts of Erciyes, while it is lacking in Hasandağ and dispersed volcanisms of Obruk-Zengen and Karapınar. The plagioclase phenocrysts often exhibit disequilibrium features attributed to magma mixing process: complex zoning (normal, inverse, oscillatory), concentric zones rich in melt inclusions, resorption features. However, the observed mineralogy is consistent with a dominant fractional crystallization process. The estimated geobarometer show that the origin of magmas of Erciyes is shallower than the other settings. The results in geochemistry confirm not only the mineralogical duality between Erciyes and the other settings but also the coexistence of alkaline (normative nepheline) and calc-alkaline characters of contemporary basalts. All studied basalts are enriched in LREE (Light Rare Earth Elements) and LILE (Large Ion Lithophile Elements). The isotopic data (Sr, Nd, Pb, O) indicate the importance of enriched lithospheric source. All geochemical data also display the signature of other sources and processes such as contamination by the continental crust and heritage of a former subduction
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Book chapters on the topic "Magmatisme riche en K"


"K-pop nationalism." In Nouveau-riche Nationalism and Multiculturalism in Korea, 144–61. Routledge, 2015.

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Lustrino, Michele, Claudio Chiarabba, and Eugenio Carminati. "Igneous activity in central-southern Italy: Is the subduction paradigm still valid?" In In the Footsteps of Warren B. Hamilton: New Ideas in Earth Science. Geological Society of America, 2022.

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ABSTRACT The Pliocene–Quaternary igneous record of the Tyrrhenian Sea area features a surprisingly large range of compositions from subalkaline to ultra-alkaline and from ultrabasic to acid. These rocks, emplaced within the basin and along its margins, are characterized by strongly SiO2-undersaturated and CaO-rich to strongly SiO2-oversaturated and peraluminous compositions, with sodic to ultrapotassic alkaline and tholeiitic to calc-alkaline and high-K calc-alkaline affinities. We focused on the different models proposed to explain the famous Roman Comagmatic Region, part of the Quaternary volcanism that spreads along the eastern side of the Tyrrhenian area, in the stretched part of the Apennines thrust-and-fold belt. We reviewed data and hypotheses proposed in the literature that infer active to fossil subduction up to models that exclude subduction entirely. Many field geology observations sustain the interpretation that the evolution of the Tyrrhenian-Apennine system was related to subduction of the western margin of Adria continental lithosphere after minor recycling of oceanic lithosphere. However, the lateral extent of the subducting slab in the last millions of years, when magmatism flared up, remains debatable. The igneous activity that developed in the last millions of years along the Tyrrhenian margin is here explained as originating from a subduction-modified mantle, regardless of whether the large-scale subduction system is still active.
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Yang, Zhiming, and David R. Cooke. "Chapter 5 Porphyry Copper Deposits in China." In Mineral Deposits of China, 133–87. Society of Economic Geologists, 2019.

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Abstract Porphyry Cu deposits in China contain a total resource of ~47 million tonnes (Mt) Cu at average grades ranging mostly from 0.2 to 0.7% Cu (most <0.5% Cu), accounting for 42% of China’s Cu reserves. In terms of contained Cu, 14 Cu-rich porphyry deposits are classified as giant (≥2.0 Mt Cu), and 38 are classified as intermediate (≥0.06 Mt Cu). These giant and intermediate deposits are mainly concentrated in seven belts or districts: Gangdese belt, southern Tibet; Yulong and Zhongdian belts, eastern Tibet; Duolong district, central Tibet; Dexing district and Middle-Lower Yangtze River Valley belt, eastern China; and the Central Asian orogenic belt in northern China. Other isolated giant deposits (e.g., Tongkuangyu) occur in the North China craton. These deposits were formed during Paleoproterozoic (~2100 Ma), Ordovician (~480–440 Ma), Carboniferous (~330–310 Ma), Late Triassic to Early Cretaceous (~215–105 Ma), and Eocene to Miocene (~40–14 Ma), with the majority forming during the latter two time periods. Adakite-like (e.g., high Sr/Y ratio) magmas are most favorable for the formation of the porphyry Cu deposits in China, although some deposits in the Central Asian orogenic belt and the Duolong district are associated with normal calc-alkaline intrusions with low Sr/Y ratios. Approximately 50% of the giant and ~35% of the intermediate porphyry Cu deposits in China formed in arc settings. The Xiongcun, Pulang, Duobuza, Bolong, and Naruo deposits in Tibet formed in continental arc settings, and the Central Asian porphyry Cu belt deposits (e.g., Tuwu-Yandong, Duobaoshan, Wushan, Baogutu, and Bainaimiao) formed in island-arc settings. Ore-forming porphyry magmas in arc settings in China probably formed by partial melting of metasomatized mantle wedge. Ascent and emplacement of porphyry magmas in arc settings was controlled by transpressional (e.g., strike-slip fault systems) or compressional deformation (e.g., arc-parallel thrust fault systems). Approximately 40% of the giant and ~65% of the intermediate porphyry Cu deposits in China occur in postcollisional settings. These deposits are mainly concentrated in the Tibetan Plateau, including four giant (e.g., Qulong, Jiama, Zhunuo, and Yulong) and more than 15 intermediate-size deposits. The mineralized intrusions in postcollisional settings were generated by partial melting of subduction-modified mafic lower crust. Ore-forming metals and sulfur were derived from remelting of sulfide phases that were introduced during precollisional arc magmatism, and the water in the Cu-forming porphyry magmas was concentrated during dehydration reactions in the upper parts of the subducting continental plate and/or degassing of mantle-derived H2O-rich ultrapotassic and/or alkaline mafic magmas. Porphyry magma ascent and emplacement were controlled by regional shear zones (e.g., strike-slip fault systems) or extensional fracture arrays (e.g., normal fault systems) in postcollisional settings. Porphyry Cu deposits in China mostly show typical alteration zoning from inner potassic to outer propylitic zones, with variable phyllic and argillic overprints. Potassic alteration can be generally subdivided into inner K-feldspar and outer biotite zones, with K-feldspar–rich alteration mostly earlier than biotite-rich alteration. Phyllic alteration generally comprises early-stage chlorite-sericite and late-stage quartz-sericite alteration, and the chlorite-sericite zone typically occurs beneath the quartz-sericite zone. Lithocaps are absent in most of the porphyry Cu deposits in China, even for those in the youngest (~30–14 Ma) ores in the Gangdese belt. Alteration architecture of the porphyry Cu deposits in China is mainly dependent on the structural setting and degree of telescoping. Telescoping of alteration assemblages in the postcollisional porphyry Cu deposits is more strongly developed than that in island and continental arc porphyry Cu deposits. This is probably because postcollisional porphyry Cu deposits and districts in China either experienced higher rates of synmineralization uplift or suffered more complex structural superposition, compared with those formed in magmatic arcs. Hypogene Cu mineralization in some giant porphyry deposits in China (e.g., Xiongcun, Qulong) is associated with potassic alteration and particularly with late-stage biotite alteration. But hypogene mineralization for more than 50% of giant porphyry Cu deposits, including the Dexing, Yulong, Tuwu-Yandong, Duobaoshan, and Tongkuangyu deposits, is characterized by a Cu sulfide assemblage with phyllic alteration, particularly with chlorite-sericite alteration. The presence of several world-class postcollisional porphyry Cu provinces in China demonstrates that the generation of porphyry Cu deposits does not always require a direct link to oceanic plate subduction.
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Baker, T., S. Mckinley, S. Juras, Y. Oztas, J. Hunt, L. Paolillo, S. Pontual, M. Chiaradia, A. Ulianov, and D. Selby. "Chapter 23: Alteration, Mineralization, and Age Relationships at the Kışladağ Porphyry Gold Deposit, Turkey." In Geology of the World’s Major Gold Deposits and Provinces, 467–95. Society of Economic Geologists, 2020.

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Abstract The Miocene Kışladağ deposit (~17 Moz), located in western Anatolia, Turkey, is one of the few global examples of Au-only porphyry deposits. It occurs within the West Tethyan magmatic belt that can be divided into Cretaceous, Cu-dominant, subduction-related magmatic arc systems and the more widespread Au-rich Cenozoic magmatic belts. In western Anatolia, Miocene magmatism was postcollisional and was focused in extension-related volcanosedimentary basins that formed in response to slab roll back and a major north-south slab tear. Kışladağ formed within multiple monzonite porphyry stocks and dikes at the contact between Menderes massif metamorphic basement and volcanic rocks of the Beydağı stratovolcano in the Uşak-Güre basin. The mineralized magmatic-hydrothermal system formed rapidly (<400 kyr) between ~14.75 and 14.36 Ma in a shallow (<1 km) volcanic environment. Volcanism continued to at least 14.26 ± 0.09 Ma based on new age data from a latite lava flow at nearby Emiril Tepe. Intrusions 1 and 2 were the earliest (14.73 ± 0.05 and 14.76 ± 0.01 Ma, respectively) and best mineralized phases (average median grades of 0.64 and 0.51 g/t Au, respectively), whereas younger intrusions host progressively less Au (Intrusion 2A: 14.60 ± 0.06 Ma and 0.41 g/t Au; Intrusion 2 NW: 14.45 ± 0.08 Ma and 0.41 g/t Au; Intrusion 3: 14.39 ± 0.06 and 14.36 ± 0.13 Ma and 0.19 g/t Au). A new molybdenite age of 14.60 ± 0.07 Ma is within uncertainty of the previously published molybdenite age (14.49 ± 0.06 Ma), and supports field observations that the bulk of the mineralization formed prior to the emplacement of Intrusion 3. Intrusions 1 and 2 are altered to potassic (biotite-K-feldspar-quartz ± magnetite) and younger but deeper sodic-calcic (feldspar-amphibole-magnetite ± quartz ± carbonate) assemblages, both typically pervasive with disseminated to veinlet-hosted pyrite ± chalcopyrite ± molybdenite and localized quartz-feldspar stockwork veinlets and sodic-calcic breccias. Tourmaline-white mica-quartz-pyrite alteration surrounds the potassic core both within the intrusions and outboard in the volcanic rocks. Tourmaline was most strongly developed on the inner margins of the tourmaline-white mica zone, particularly along the Intrusion 1 volcanic contact where it formed breccias and veins, including Maricunga-style veinlets. Field relationships show that the early magmatic-hydrothermal events were cut by Intrusion 2A, which was then overprinted by Au-bearing argillic (kaolinite-pyrite ± quartz) alteration, followed by Intrusion 3 and late-stage, low-grade to barren argillic and advanced argillic alteration (quartz-pyrite ± alunite ± dickite ± pyrophyllite). Gold deportment changes with each successive hydrothermal event. The early potassic and sodic-calcic alteration controls much of the original Au distribution, with the Au dominantly deposited with feldspar and lesser quartz and pyrite. Tourmaline-white mica and argillic alteration events overprinted and altered the early Au-bearing feldspathic alteration and introduced additional Au that was dominantly associated with pyrite. Analogous Au-only deposits such as Maricunga, Chile, La Colosa, Colombia, and Biely Vrch, Slovakia, are characterized by similar alteration styles and Au deportment. The deportment of Au in these Au-only porphyry deposits differs markedly from that in Au-rich porphyry Cu deposits where Au is typically associated with Cu sulfides.
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Zhao, Xinfu, Wei Terry Chen, Xiaochun Li, and Meifu Zhou. "Chapter 13 Iron Oxide Copper-Gold Deposits in China: A Review and Perspectives on Ore Genesis." In Mineral Deposits of China, 553–80. Society of Economic Geologists, 2019.

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Abstract Iron oxide copper-gold (IOCG) deposits are hydrothermal deposits characterized by abundant low-Ti Fe oxides, economic Cu-Au grades, structurally controlled orebodies, widespread presulfide alkaline alteration, and commonly significant volumes of breccia. They may also have elevated U, Co, Ag, and rare earth elements (REEs), and may have no clear spatial association with igneous intrusions. The IOCG sensu stricto deposits are rare in China, but the Proterozoic Fe-Cu-(Au-REE) deposits in the Kangdian region, southwestern China, have been confirmed to be of this type. Other related hydrothermal deposits, including what we could classify as Fe-Cu-Au skarn and iron oxide apatite deposits along the middle and lower Yangtze River belt, carbonatite-related Fe-REE-Nb deposits (i.e., Bayan Obo), and volcanic rock-hosted Fe-(Cu-Au) deposits in eastern Tian Shan and Altay, have been previously mentioned as Chinese IOCG deposits in some of the literature but show some important differences from IOCG deposit types. They are hence not included as IOCG deposits in this review. The Kangdian IOCG deposits are hosted in the 1.74 to 1.68 Ga metavolcanic-metasedimentary rock sequences of the Dahongshan, Hekou, and Dongchuan groups. The ore-hosting strata are fluvial to intertidal facies sedimentary-volcanic successions in a late Paleoproterozoic rift-related basin of the western Yangtze block. They comprise basal conglomerates and sandstones with minor tuffaceous and mafic volcanic rocks, grading upward to interbedded carbonate. The orebodies are generally stratabound and/or structurally controlled. They are spatially associated with 1.69 to 1.65 Ga diabase intrusions and hydrothermal breccia bodies of various sizes. The paragenetic sequence of the deposits generally includes pre-ore Na-(Ca) alteration (stage I) dominated by albite (and local amphibole); Fe-(REE) mineralization (stage II) with magnetite, siderite, and subsidiary REE-enriched apatite; and Cu-(Au-REE) mineralization (stage III) with chalcopyrite, ankerite, biotite, K-feldspar, sericite, chlorite, and local bornite and light REE minerals. Geochronological studies have shown that the Kangdian IOCG deposits formed during multiple mineralization/hydrothermal events. The most important of these was temporally and spatially associated with emplacement of 1.66 to 1.65 rift-related diabase intrusions. Another important event was related to 1.08 to 1.0 Ga rift-related magmatism in the region, but was mainly present in the deposits in the northern part of Kangdian belt. Neoproterozoic magmatic-metamorphic events (0.85–0.83 Ga) were widespread in the Kangdian region and were important for remobilization of Cu and REEs, and for upgrading the preexisting orebodies. Other hydrothermal events at 1.45 and 1.3 Ga are recorded locally and appear not to be of economic importance. Fluid inclusion, stable isotope, and radiogenic isotope studies have shown that the stage I and II ore-forming fluids were dominantly magmatic in origin, possibly derived from deep-seated magma chambers. However, nonmagmatic fluids from various sources in the shallow crust (e.g., basinal brine, meteoric water) were involved to various degrees in the formation of Cu-(Au) ores during stage III. Ore metals were largely derived from deep-seated magma chambers. Fluid-wall rock interactions and fluid mixing were important mechanisms for the precipitation of Cu sulfides. The Kangdian Fe-Cu-(Au) deposits are notably rich in REEs, and the formation of economic REE ores has a complex remobilization history. The REEs were mainly remobilized from apatite in earlier Fe oxide ores and/or country rocks and precipitated as monazite and REE-bearing carbonate minerals at a later stage of the same mineralizing event or during metamorphic-hydrothermal events hundreds of millions of years later. The IOCG deposits in the Kangdian belt formed in an intracratonic rift setting at a time when underplating of mafic magmas induced large-scale fluid circulation and pervasive Na-(Ca) metasomatism in the volcanic-sedimentary rocks. Hydrothermal brecciation of the country rocks occurred at the tops of the igneous intrusions and/or along zones of weakness within the country rocks due to overpressure imposed by the ore-forming fluids. Magnetite and hematite precipitated early along the main fluid channels, whereas Cu sulfides are mainly hosted within structures in the country rocks where sulfide saturation is favored. Such an ore-forming mechanism may be widely applicable to other IOCG deposits worldwide.
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