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Dissertations / Theses on the topic 'Lyst'

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Trantow, Colleen. "Genetic pathways of Lyst and exfoliation syndrome." Diss., University of Iowa, 2009.

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Human eyes with exfoliation syndrome (XFS) exhibit a distinctive pattern of iris transillumination defects that are recapitulated in Lyst mutant mice carrying the beige allele. Here I present the identification and characterization of the B6-Lystbg-J mouse model of XFS, modifiers of Lyst mediated ocular phenotypes, mechanisms of intraocular pressure (IOP) pathology related to circadian rhythms, and mechanisms of iris transillumination defects in the B6-Lystbg-J mice. Clinical and histological analysis shows that the B6-Lystbg-J mice have multiple similarities to human XFS including: iris transillumination defects, production of an exfoliative-like material, and pronounced pigment dispersion. Despite these insults, Lyst mutation does not cause increased IOP or optic nerve damage within the context of a C57BL/6J genetic background. However, defects in the circadian rhythm regulation of IOP were identified. Sequence analysis identifies that the beige mutation is predicted to delete a single isoleucine from the WD40 domain of the LYST protein. I identified CSNK2B as a binding partner of LYST and showed that LYSTbg-J completely disrupts the interaction. CSNK2B function in regulating E-cadherin and β-catenin binding is subsequently disrupted. These results lead to a working hypothesis that aspects of the XFS phenotype involve LYST and CSNK2B pathways, likely influencing cell-cell adherens junctions. Epistasis experiments were used to test for genetic modifiers of Lyst, which demonstrated that albino Lyst mutant mice exhibited complete rescue of Lyst-dependent iris phenotypes. In a genetic background-driven approach, a DBA/2J strain of congenic mice was created. The DBA/2J background, which harbors multiple mutations influencing melanosomal-proteins, enhanced Lyst dependent iris phenotypes. Thus, both experimental approaches implicated melanosomes, a potential source of oxidative stress, as mechanistically contributory. Supporting a contributory role of oxidative damage, Lyst mutation resulted in genetic context sensitive changes in iris lipid hydroperoxide levels, being lowest in albino and highest in DBA/2J mice. These results identified an association between oxidative damage to lipid membranes and severity of Lyst-mediated phenotypes, uncovering a new mechanism contributing to pathophysiology involving LYST. In conclusion these results demonstrate that mutation of the Lyst gene can produce ocular features of human XFS and suggests that LYST or LYST-interacting genes may contribute to XFS.
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Burgess, Agathe. "Fonction et interactions de la protéine lyst, responsable du syndrome de Chediak Higashi." Paris 5, 2011.

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Le syndrome de Chediak-Higashi (CHS) est une maladie rare, de transmission autosomale récessive, qui associe un albinisme partiel et une pathologie immunitaire sévère, associée notamment à une activité cytotoxique des lymphocytes T déficiente. L’apparition d’une activation exagérée et incontrôlée des lymphocytes et des macrophages, connue sous le nom de « phase accélérée » de la maladie, détermine le pronostique vital du patient. La caractéristique la plus remarquable de cette maladie est la présence de granules cytoplasmiques géants dans la plupart des types cellulaires. Le gène responsable, identifié en 1996, code pour la protéine cytosolique LYST (pour Lysosomal Trafficking Regulator), à laquelle on attribue de manière générale un rôle dans la régulation du trafic vésiculaire, mais dont la compréhension moléculaire reste encore à ce jour très limitée. L’objectif des présents travaux doctoraux est de chercher à mieux appréhender le rôle de la protéine LYST, causative du syndrome de Chediak Higashi, dans la cellule et d’identifier de nouveaux partenaires de cette protéine. Dans ce but, deux axes principaux de recherche ont été développés. Le premier axe intéresse l’analyse structurale de la protéine. LYST est une protéine cytosolique de 425 kDa et appartient à la famille BEACH (Beige and Chediak Higashi), qui comprend un éventail de protéines de taille importante ayant en commun la même architecture C-terminale (un domaine homologue à la pleckstrine PH, suivi d’un domaine BEACH et enfin de motifs WD40 répétés). De manière surprenante, la connaissance de la séquence de LYST a peu apporté à la compréhension de la fonction de cette protéine. Les 2/3 N-terminaux de LYST forment une séquence orpheline, sans motifs canoniques reconnaissables qui permettraient de lui attribuer une fonction propre. Afin de progresser dans la caractérisation fonctionnelle de cette protéine, une étude structurale fine réalisée avec le groupe de Jean-Paul Mornon et d’Isabelle Callebaut (IMPMC, CNRS UMR 7590) nous a permis d’identifier un nouveau domaine lectine au sein de LYST qui ouvre de nouvelles perspectives quant au rôle de cette protéine dans la cellule. D'autre part, la recherche de mutations faux-sens chez des patients présentant une forme modérée du syndrome nous a permis de désigner plusieurs résidus fonctionnellement importants. Le second axe de recherche vise à caractériser plus directement les conséquences d’un défaut de LYST dans le trafic vésiculaire intracellulaire. Nous avons questionné la nature de la granulation géante présente dans les cellules cytotoxiques de patients CHS ; ce compartiment contient la perforine (protéine lytique spécifique des granules cytotoxiques), exprime la molécule LAMP (caractéristique des endosomes tardifs et des lysosomes) et sa génération semble intervenir au point terminal de la voie d’endocytose. De plus, nous mettons en évidence dans ces lymphocytes une fusion anormale de compartiments endosomaux impliqués dans la formation des « vésicules d’exocytoses », nécessaires à la maturation terminale des granules cytotoxiques. L’étude de certaines voies du trafic vésiculaire intracellulaire impliquant le réseau endosomal nous a permis de montrer une perturbation de la voie de dégradation des protéines ubiquitinilées médiée par les ESCRTs (Endosomal Sorting Complex Required for Transport) dans les fibroblastes de patients CHS. L’importance physiologique de cette voie des ESCRTs et son implication dans divers processus cellulaires commencent tout juste à être cernées. Nos résultats favorisent un rôle primaire de LYST dans la biogénèse du compartiment endosomal qui affecte la maturation terminale des lysosomes sécrétoires
The Chediak Higashi syndrome (CHS) is an autosomic recessive disorder, which associates partial albinism with severe immune dysfunctions including a defective cytotoxic activity of T lymphocytes and NK cells. The occurrence of an uncontrolled activation of lymphocytes and macrophages, known as « accelerated phase » of the disease, determines the vital prognosis of the patient. The hallmark of this disease is the presence of giant cytoplasmic granules or organelles in most cell types. The mutant gene, identified in 1996, codes for the cytosolic LYST protein (for Lysosomal Trafficking Regulator), which is defined as a vesicle-trafficking regulatory protein, but whose precise function remains unknown. The main goal of this doctoral work was to try to better understand the role of the LYST protein, responsible for the Chediak Higashi syndrome, in the cell and to identify new partners of this protein. In this purpose, two main research aims have been developped. The first aim is based on the structural analysis of the protein. LYST is a 425kDa cytosolic protein and belongs to the BEACH family (Beige and Chediak Higashi) which is composed of various large-sized proteins sharing the three same C-terminal domains (a pleckstrine homologous PH domain, followed by the BEACH domain and finally by WD40 repeats). Noticeably, the knowledge of the sequence of LYST was relatively unrevealing. Indeed, its N-terminal 2/3 part forms an orphan sequence within which no canonical motifs with assigned function could be found. To progress in the functionnal characterization of LYST, a fine structural study was performed with the group of Isabelle Callebaut and Jean-Paul Mornon (IMPMC, CNRS UMR 7590) which lead us to the identification of a new concanavalin-A lectin domain in the LYST protein. This data helps opening new perspectives regarding the potential role of LYST in the cellular machinery. On the other hand, the search for missense mutations in patients expressing a mild form of the disease allowed us to point out some functionnally critical residues of the protein. The second aim of our research has tried to better characterize the consequences of a LYST defect in the intracellular vesicular trafficking. We questionned the nature of the giant granulation in CHS cytotoxic cells ; this compartment contains the store of perforin (the lytic protein specific of cytotoxic granules), carries the LAMP molecule (characteristic for late endosomes and lysosomes) and its generation seems to occur at the very end point of the endocytosis pathway. Moreover, we highlighted in these lymphocytes an abnormal fusion of endosomal compartments involved in the formation of the « exocytic vesicles », which are necessary to the terminal maturation of cytotoxic granules. The study of three main intracellular vesicular trafficking pathways involving the endosomal network has allowed us to show an impairment of the degradative ESCRT-mediated pathway (Endosomal Sorting Complex Required for Transport) in CHS patient fibroblasts. The physiological importance of this pathway and its involvment in various cellular processes just begins to be figured out. Our results support a primary role of LYST in endosomal biogenesis which affects the terminal maturation of secretory lysosomes
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Schurek, Beate Bozena [Verfasser]. "Die funktionelle Rolle der Membrantransportregulatoren RIN3 und Lyst in der Mastzelldegranulation / Beate Bozena Schurek." Lübeck : Zentrale Hochschulbibliothek Lübeck, 2012.

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Kuusela, Tommy. ""Hallen var lyst i helig frid" : Krig och fred mellan gudar och jättar i en fornnordisk hallmiljö." Doctoral thesis, Stockholms universitet, Institutionen för etnologi, religionshistoria och genusvetenskap, 2017.

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This thesis is the first study to examine the interaction between gods and giants in Old Norse mythology from the perspective of Iron Age halls. Its central aim is to contextualise Old Norse mythological narratives that describe the interactions between gods and giants in a hall environment, and to show how the mythological depictions can be compared to the norms and rules found in Iron Age hall culture, especially in connection with its warrior ideology. The relationships observed also apply to the Iron Age’s aristocratic sovereigns and their dynamic dealings – both peaceful and martial – found in the connection and rivalry between different halls and hall owners. The giants are related to the concept of “the Other”, and as hall-owners can thus be contextualised with real social relations in Iron Age society. The investigation centers arounds key topics from the perspective of a hall setting, departing from mythic traditions regarding Óðinn and Þórr as guests in the halls of giants. These topics include grið within the hall; the good and generous host; the dangerous and hostile guest; the hall as an arena for knowledge and mead; and finally the destruction of halls as an attack on the hall owner’s fame and honour. Similarities and differences between myths about Óðinn’s and Þórr’s interaction with hall-owning giants are examined in depth, and it is argued that Óðinn embodies wisdom and extracts knowledge or valuables from the giants by cunning tricks or manipulation, having (usually) travelled there alone and in disguise. Þórr, on the other hand, is argued to embody physical strength, honour, glory and courage, and his dealings with the giants revolve around these issues. He seldom seems to travel alone or under cover, and when his courage or honour is threatened, his response is to kill his host (and his retinue) and to destroy the giant’s hall. It is argued that the Old Norse conception of the world is to be understood as neither dualistic or monistic. Instead, it is proposed that the myths can be understood from a perspective of conflicts that are temporal and not permanent in nature.
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Best, Cameron A. "Improvement of the Tissue-Engineered Vascular Graft and Discovery of a Novel Immunomodulator." The Ohio State University, 2019.

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Cheng, Weijia [Verfasser], Kyeong-Hee [Akademischer Betreuer] Lee, and Guntram [Akademischer Betreuer] Graßl. "The role of lysosomal trafficking regulator Lyst in Toll-like receptor-mediated signaling and inflammation / Weijia Cheng ; Akademische Betreuer: Kyeong-Hee Lee, Guntram Graßl ; Institut für Klinische Chemie, AG: Entzündungsforschung." Hannover : Bibliothek der Medizinischen Hochschule Hannover, 2017.

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Cheng, Weijia [Verfasser], Kyeong-Hee [Akademischer Betreuer] Lee, and Guntram Alexander [Akademischer Betreuer] Graßl. "The role of lysosomal trafficking regulator Lyst in Toll-like receptor-mediated signaling and inflammation / Weijia Cheng ; Akademische Betreuer: Kyeong-Hee Lee, Guntram Graßl ; Institut für Klinische Chemie, AG: Entzündungsforschung." Hannover : Bibliothek der Medizinischen Hochschule Hannover, 2017.

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Rønning, Benedicte Stordal. "”Jeg har jo lyst til å vise han at jeg ser han” : En kvalitativ intervjustudie av hva tre lærere legger vekt på i sin relasjon med elever som viser innagerende atferd." Thesis, Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet, Pedagogisk institutt, 2014.

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Innagerende atferd er nesten like vanlig som utagerende atferd (Sørlie & Nordahl, 1998), likevel får utagerende atferd langt større oppmerksomhet i skolen (Nordahl, Manger, Sørlie, & Tveit, 2005). I denne studien har jeg valgt å rette fokus mot lærer-elev-relasjonen og elever som viser innagerende atferd. Innagerende atferd kan defineres som en atferd ”der følelser, opplevelser og tanker vendes innover mot en selv. Uttrykk som kommuniseres kan være: sårbar, avvisende, deprimert, tilbaketrukket, angst og usikkerhet” (Lund, 2012, s. 27). Formålet med denne studien er å rette fokus mot denne gruppen elever i skolen, og videre prøve å få frem tre lærer sine opplevelser og erfaringer rundt det å undervise elever som viser innagerende atferd. Problemstillingen som belyses i denne studien er som følger: ”Hva legger tre lærer vekt på i sin relasjon med elever som viser innagerende atferd?” For å belyse problemstillingen er det valgt en kvalitativ metode, nærmere bestemt et kvalitativt forskningsintervju. Studiens empiri bygger på intervju med tre barneskolelærere som har erfaring med å undervise elever som viser innagerende atferd. På bakgrunn av analyse og tolkning av studiens empiri kom jeg frem til en hovedkategori; å se elevene som viser innagerende atferd. Denne kategorien utpekte seg når lærerne uttrykker seg om deres relasjon til elever som viser innagerende atferd. Studien er videre delt inn i fire kategorier som går på hva lærerne uttrykker at de legger vekt på for å se disse elevene. Den første kategorien er å ta seg tid, og omhandler hvordan lærerne uttrykker at de tar seg tid til å prate med og hilse på elevene. Kategorien å ikke gi seg går inn på lærerne sitt fokus på å ikke gi seg og alltid være der for elever som viser innagerende atferd, samt betydningen av dette. Kategorien å ha tro på elevene belyser hvordan lærerne gir uttrykk for at de har forventninger til elevene som viser innagerende atferd, samt hvordan de tilrettelegger for at elevene skal oppleve mestring. Studiens siste kategori er å legge til rette for trygghet i sosiale situasjoner, og belyser lærerne sine tanker rundt det å skape trygghet knyttet til sosiale situasjoner som plassering i klasserommet, gruppearbeid og friminuttet. Studien i sin helhet viser at lærerne hadde kunnskap og oppmerksomhet rettet mot elever som viser innagerende atferd i skolen.
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Gamonet, Franck. "Biosynthèse de la lysine chez la levure Saccharomyces Cerevisiae : rôle(s) des gènes LYS7 et LYS4." Bordeaux 2, 1997.

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Wu, Chung-Pu. "Investigating histone H3 Lys4 and Lys9 methylation in conditionally immortalized olfactory placode by matrix-assisted laser desorption." Master's thesis, University of Cape Town, 2002.

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Published studies have shown that distinctive site-specific histone H3 methylation patterns at lysine 9 and lysine 4 determine the formation of heterochromatin oreuchromatin, respectively. The biological significance of lysine 4 and lysine 9 methylation of histone N-terrriinal tails was investigated in this study with a new approach.
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Westphal, Andreas [Verfasser], Kyeong-Hee [Akademischer Betreuer] Lee, Norbert [Akademischer Betreuer] Reiling, and Georgios [Akademischer Betreuer] Tsiavaliaris. "Lysosomal trafficking regulator Lyst controls innate immune cell signalling and function : regulation of TLR-mediated TRIF signalling and control of mast cell-mediated allergic reactions / Andreas Westphal ; Akademische Betreuer: Kyeong-Hee Lee, Norbert Reiling, Georgios Tsiavaliaris ; Institut für Klinische Chemie." Hannover : Bibliothek der Medizinischen Hochschule Hannover, 2017.

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Ericsson, Anders. "Reducering av tunga lyft." Thesis, Karlstads universitet, Fakulteten för hälsa, natur- och teknikvetenskap (from 2013), 2013.

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Himmelroos, Niklas, and Anton Humle. "Håldäck och ingjutna lyft- Hur kan arbetet med ingjutna lyft i håldäcksproduktionen förbättras?" Thesis, Örebro universitet, Institutionen för naturvetenskap och teknik, 2021.

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Företaget AB Strängbetong har på senare tid noterat ett ökat antal ingjutna lyft i tillverkningen av håldäckselement vilket skapar merarbeten. För att kunna vara konkurrenskraftiga på marknaden krävs en billig och effektiv produkt som är enkel att tillverka. Det ökade antalet ingjutna lyft höjer priset på produkten samtidigt som tillverkningen kompliceras. Syftet med denna rapport ligger därför i att undersöka orsaken till den ökade mängden ingjutna lyft i håldäckselementen, men även vilka förbättringsmöjligheter som finns. För att ge svar på den ställda problemformuleringen har intervjuer genomförts med anställda på företaget AB Strängbetong som är en av de ledande stomentreprenörerna på den svenska marknaden. Metoden har kompletterats med en litteraturgenomgång av företagets standarder och arbetsmiljöverkets föreskrifter.Ökningen beror till stor del på ett ökat säkerhetsfokus kombinerat med mer komplexa konstruktioner. Anledningen till att håldäckselement i första hand ska förses med ingjutna lyft är då ingreppen i plattan blivit så omfattande att lyft med ordinarie lyftutrustning ej är möjliga, men även på grund av avsaknaden av materiella resurser vid mindre projekt. Det finns emellertid meningsskiljaktigheter angående ingjutna lyft där vissa av de anställda, med anknytning till montage, inte ser det ökade antalet som ett problem utan snarare som en vinst på grund av säkrare och effektivare montage.Slutsatsen är att inte se ingjutna lyft som den primära lösningen. I stället bör det ses över om det konstruktionsmässigt går att undvika ingrepp i de kritiska delarna av håldäckselementen. I kombination med fler resurser till mindre byggen samt lösningar i kringliggande konstruktionsdelar kan både tids- och kostnadsbesparingar göras. En effektivisering skulle i sin helhet troligen även minska klimatpåverkan.
The company AB Strängbetong has recently noted an increased number of molded lifts in the manufacture of hollow-core slabs, which generates additional work. To be market competitive requires a cheap and efficient product that is easy to manufacture. The increased number of molded lifts makes the product more expensive at the same time as the production becomes more complicated. The purpose of this report is therefore to investigate the cause of the increased number of molded lifts in the hollow-core slabs, and suggest how the process can be improved. To provide answers to the posed problem formulation, interviews were conducted with employees at the company AB Strängbetong, which is one of the leading frame contractors on the Swedish market. The method has been supplemented with a literature review of the company's standards and the Swedish Work Environment Authority's regulations.The increase is largely due to an increased safety focus combined with more complex constructions. The reason why hollow-core slabs should primarily be provided with molded lifts is not only for when the interventions in the element have become so extensive that lifting with ordinary lifting equipment is not possible, but also due to a lack of material resources for smaller projects. However, there are differences of opinion regarding molded lifts where some of the employees, who work with assembly, do not see the increased number of as a problem but rather as a gain due to safer and more efficient assembly procedures.The conclusion is to not see molded lifts as the primary solution. It should rather be considered whether it is structurally possible to avoid interference with the critical parts of the hollow-core slabs. In combination with more resources for smaller constructions as well as solutions in surrounding construction parts, both time and cost savings can be made. An increase in efficiency as a whole would probably also reduce the climate impact of the company.
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Srinivasan, Gayathri. "Translation of the amber codon in methylamine methyltransferase genes of a methanogenic archaeon." The Ohio State University, 2004.

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Huhges, Samantha Jayne. "Molecular dynamics simulations of LysU." Thesis, Imperial College London, 2002.

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Lötberg, Håkan. "Matematiklyftet : ett lyft i klassrummet?" Thesis, Högskolan i Gävle, Avdelningen för elektronik, matematik och naturvetenskap, 2015.

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Svensson, Marie-Louise. "Matematiklyftet : ett lyft för inkludering?" Thesis, Högskolan i Borås, Akademin för bibliotek, information, pedagogik och IT, 2015.

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Bakgrund Matematik kunskaperna har försämrats i de svenska skolorna över tid, därav måste något hända. Därför pågår det en stor statlig vidareutbildning av matematiklärare, Matematiklyftet. Denna fortbildning riktar sig till lärare i årskurs 1-9 i syfte att höja måluppfyllelsen hos eleverna. Eleverna skall således få en mer varierad och utmanade undervisning. Syftet med studien är att undersöka om lärare i årskurs 1-5 beskriver sin undervisning mer inkluderande, efter att de har gått Matematiklyftet. Undersökningen gjordes med hjälp av en kvalitativ metod med semistrukturerade intervjuer som verktyg. Sex lärare från två olika skolor i Västsverige intervjuades. Deras svar spelades in, transkriberades och analyserades. Resultatet tyder på att undervisningen har blivit mer inkluderande efter att lärare deltagit i Matematiklyftet. De intervjuade lärarna anger att de nu i större utsträckning varierar och utmanar eleverna och att de i ökad utsträckning ägnar mer av matematiklektionerna åt problemlösning. Lärarna redogör att de lättare kan anpassa sig till elevers olika kunskapsnivåer.
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Gotzler, Berthold. "Sicherheit der systemischen Lyse bei Hirninfarkten." Diss., lmu, 2009.

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Andersson, Simon, and Sebastian Gunnarsson. "Elektromekanisk växel för tunga lyft : Konceptutveckling." Thesis, Linnéuniversitetet, Institutionen för maskinteknik (MT), 2014.

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The basis of the study lies with a newly patented gearbox by cardiologist and inventor Stig Lundbäck. Stig founded CorPower Ocean AB to further develop the gearbox to be used in a wave energy device. The purpose of this project is to develop a concept of a lifting system with CorPower Oceans gearbox that is more energy efficient than a hydraulic lifting system. The goal is to use technology from CorPower Oceans gearbox inversely to perform heavy lifting as an alternative to hydraulics. The project is limited to applying the gearbox and gear rack on a forklift with a lifting capacity of ten tons.The main tool in this project will be the product development process Systems Engineering where only the most relevant parts will be used to develop a concept. Calculations of the strength and dimensions of the gear racks are made to ensure the possibility of this solution.
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Fritz, Reba. "Tre Lys: Three Blondes." Thesis, The University of Arizona, 2012.

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Tre Lys: Three Blondes is a trilogy of stories about Midwestern women. The title is Swedish to bring in the Swedish ancestry, Midwestern roots theme. Each story focuses on how a character uses imagination; memory, play based imagination, and self-delusion and each story is a deeply detailed character sketch (and story) about a women and her modern dilemmas concerning motherhood, creativity and romance.
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Vikeved, Johan. "Lyftoperationer på Skanska." Thesis, Uppsala universitet, Industriell teknik, 2018.

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In 2016, 2089 construction-related accidents occurred in Sweden and five of these had fatal outcomes. Lift accidents are not the most common type of construction-related accidents, but they are most often serious – two of the accidents with fatal outcome in 2016 were lift related accidents. Therefor, a project group in Skanska was assigned to review all of the company's lift-related incidents and accidents, which were reported in the BIA between July 1, 2014 and June 29, 2015. The project group identified 203 incidents and 22 accidents during this period, and then proposed three key areas of development: the lifting operation procedures; training and education; implementation of revised operation procedures. In this degree project, Skanska's lifting operations have been studied, in order to identify possible areas of improvements. The Swedish Work Environment Authority's regulations and Skanska's own documentation on lifting operations were studied and Skanska's documentation meets the requirements in the Swedish Work Environment Authority's legal regulations. In addition, interviews had been conducted with employees involved in lifting operations at Skanska. These revealed that the theoretical documentations about lifting operation procedures are good, however practical training in lifting operations is scarce and the transfer of lifting operation related knowledge between workers could be improved. In order to reduce incidents and accidents during lifting operations, a solution could be to offer Skanska's education Safer Lift ISO, which consists of both theoretical and practical elements, to all staff working with lifting operations. It is also of great importance to identify the causes of all lift related incidents and accidents in order to prevent these in the future.
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Forsman, Gustav. "Säkra lyft för vertikala gruvpumpar : Med förbättringsförslag." Thesis, Mälardalens högskola, Akademin för innovation, design och teknik, 2019.

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SAMMANFATTNING Syftet: Syftet med detta examensarbete var att ta reda på risker med Metso Sweden ABs lyft till de vertikala gruvpumparna och använda den informationen för att ta fram en lyftmetod som löser problemen med avseende på säkerhet, ergonomi och användarvänlighet för användare på Metso Sweden AB. För att lösa dessa problem ställdes dessa frågeställningar för att nå förbättringsmöjligheter: 1.      Hur kan man göra ett lyft till dem vertikala gruvpumparna säkert?   2.      Hur får man detta lyft att vara ergonomiskt för användaren?    3.      Hur uppnår jag användarvänlighet? Metod: Olika metoder har tillämpats från den generiska produkutvecklingsprocessen för att lösa de befintliga problemformuleringarna. För att få fram primärdata gjordes observationer, intervjuer, workshop men också sekundärdata i form av en litteraturstudie. Resultat: Studien resulterade i att en gemensam lösning hittades inom avgränsningarna. Utvecklingar har implementerats från konceptfasen till den slutgiltiga produkten för att nå framgång. Beräkningar har genomförts för att visa produktens hållfasthetsklass, för att se om den klarar av belastningen samt den potentiella förskjutningen som kan uppstå vid olika laster. Produkten ges som ett förslag och rekommendation på förbättringar. Slutsats: Förslag på åtgärder har tagits fram för hur den framtagna problematiken kan lösas med hjälp av en ny faktabaserad lösning som krävs för att inte riskera personalens hälsa samt omgivningen. Rekommendationer: Metso Sweden AB rekommenderas att vidta åtgärder för att eliminera de risker som finns med deras lyft som sker inom avgränsningen. Här bör den nya lösningen baseras utifrån säkerhet, ergonomi och användarvänlighet för att nå framgång och att vidare utveckling lär ske för föreslagen lösning. Nyckelord: Användarvänlighet, Ergonomi, Gruvpumpar, Lyft, Lyftredskap,  Produktutveckling, Säkerhet
ABSTRACT Purpose: The purpose of this thesis was to find out risks with the lift for the vertical mining pumps and use that information to make a better lift where it should include features that solve the problem regarding safe, ergonomic and user-friendly for users on Metso Sweden AB. To solve these problems, these issues were raised to achieve improvement opportunities: 1.      How can you make a safe lift to those vertical mining pumps?   2.      How do you get this lift to be ergonomic for the user?   3.      How do I achieve user-friendliness? Method: Methods have been used and applied from the generic product development process to be problem-free. To obtain primary data, observations, interviews, workshops were done, but also secondary data in the form of a literature study. Result: The study resulted in a common solution being found within the boundaries. Developments have made from the concept phase to the final product to achieve success. Calculations have been made to show the product's strength class to see if it can withstand the pressure and the potential displacement that can occur at different loads. The product is given as a proposal and recommendation for improvements. Conclusion: Suggestions have been made for how the problem presented can be solved with the help of a new fact-based product that is not required to risk the health of the personnel and the environment. Recommendations: Metso Sweden AB is recommended to take actions to eliminate the risks associated with their lifting that takes place within the boundary. Here, the new solution should be based on safety, ergonomics and user-friendliness to achieve success and that further development will occur for the proposed solution. Keywords: Ergonomics, Lift, Lifting Tool, Mining pumps, Product development, Safety, User-friendliness
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Zheng, Emily. "Can Uber and Lyft Save Public Transit?" Scholarship @ Claremont, 2019.

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I examine whether Uber and Lyft are currently complements or substitutes of public transit, and how partnerships between cities and ride sharing companies can increase their complementary relationship and solve parking and mobility issues. The results suggest that transportation network companies (TNCs) like Uber and Lyft do not have a statistically significant effect on public transit ridership overall, but are complements of public transit for certain populations. Policies that give discounts for TNC rides taken to and from transit stops help solve the first mile / last mile problem, which consequently help increase transit ridership.
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Yousaf, Daowd. "Lyft anpassad efter en Golf boll Plockare." Thesis, Högskolan i Halmstad, Akademin för ekonomi, teknik och naturvetenskap, 2016.

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Schlottermüller, Beate. "Untersuchungen zur Lyse von Salmonellen durch Bdellovibrio bacteriovorus." Doctoral thesis, Universitätsbibliothek Leipzig, 2005.

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Krings, Eva. "Genomweite Effekte des Transkriptionsregulators LysG in Corynebacterium glutamicum." [S.l.] : [s.n.], 2003.

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Bretz, Karlheinz. "Biomasse Recycling einer Riboflavinfermentation Lyse, Extraktherstellung und Fermentation /." [S.l. : s.n.], 2006.

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Bjerg, Larsen Jakob. "Lægemiddeldistribution i Danmark : set i lyset af deregulering /." [Kbh.] : Danmarks Farmaceutiske Universitet, Institut for Samfundsfarmaci, 2004.

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Bechyně, Petr. "Výrobní hala Lysá nad Labem - stavebně technologický projekt." Master's thesis, Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta stavební, 2017.

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This thesis deals with the progress in the construction of the manufacturing hall in Lysa nad Labem. Mainly focuses on the technological phase of mounting reinforced concrete frame which is processed technological prescription too. There are also chapters dealt with elements of site facilities, transport relations, machine mechanisms, inspection and controling plan, or ecology and health and safety.
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Enderlein, Anne Marie. "Døden i et æstetisk lys.", 2009.

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Yam, Lindsey. "The Preparation and Characterization of the Collagen Signal Peptide Lys-Thr-Thr-Lys-Ser and Its Derivatives." Master's thesis, Temple University Libraries, 2018.

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Irregular wound healing, experienced by patients suffering from underlying pathology or reoccurring ulcers, is a major concern that often requires outside aid to induce proper healing. A potential therapeutic is KTTKS, a sub-fragment of the type I collagen pro-peptide which can facilitate extracellular matrix secretion from fibroblasts. Prior studies have shown that KTTKS can upregulate TGF-β and collagen deposition, which can facilitate faster cell migration into the wound bed and decrease overall wound closure time. However, the water-soluble nature of KTTKS decreases its bioactivity at the wound site. Attachment of a vinyl functional group to KTTKS allows conjugation into the backbone of a radically polymerizable hydrogel skin mimic. This formulation is hypothesized to increase the efficiency of KTTKS compared to existing configurations which contain non-immobilized peptides.
Temple University--Theses
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Junkka, Martin, and Gabriel Walter. "Mekaniska lyftar : Vårdpersonalens upplevelser av genomförd lyftkörkortsutbildning." Thesis, Örebro universitet, Institutionen för hälsovetenskap och medicin, 2014.

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Syfte: Att beskriva vårdpersonalens upplevelser av genomförd lyftkörkortsutbildning och deras upplevelse i användningen av mekaniska lyftar i dagliga arbetet. Metod: Studien är kvalitativ och bygger på intervjuer med arton personer, som är yrkesverksamma inom hemvården eller på vårdboende och genomfört lyftkörkortsutbildningen i Örebro kommun. Dessa personer intervjuades angående sina upplevelser. Resultat: Det som upplevdes positivt i lyftkörkortsutbildningen var att få prova patientens roll i en lyftsituation. Flera i vårdpersonalen upplevde även att utbildningen var innehållsmässigt tillräcklig för att klara deras vardagliga arbete. Det som anses kunna utveckla lyftkörkortsutbildningen enligt vårdpersonalen är att lära sig om patientbemötande i en lyftsituation. Även möjlighet för ordinarie personal att genomföra utbildningen igen upplevdes som viktigt. Det som upplevdes försvåra lyftsituationen var miljön och patienter som fallit. Slutsats: Upplevelsen bland vårdpersonalen angående lyftkörkortsutbildningen, var att den ansågs värdefull och viktig för deras yrke. Alla borde få möjlighet att utbilda sig i hanteringen av mekaniska lyftar. Ett samarbete mellan vårdpersonalen och arbetsterapeuten på arbetsplatsen upplevs viktigt, men upplevs inte kunna ersätta lyftkörkortsutbildningen.
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André, Pierre. "Traitement chirurgical du spondylolisthesis lombaire par lyse isthmique : etude retrospective de 30 dossiers." Clermont-Ferrand 1, 1992.

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Lovén, Carina, and Ingrid Mathiasson. "”Lyft blicken och se helheten”Pedagogisk kartläggning ur ett helhetsperspektiv." Thesis, Kristianstad University College, Department of Behavioural Sciences, 2006.

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Syftet med denna uppsats är att ge en bild av hur några specialpedagoger arbetar med pedagogisk kartläggning av elever i behov av särskilt stöd, från förskoleklass till år 9, en kartläggning som skall ligga till grund för utarbetandet av åtgärdsprogram.

Studien bygger på en kvalitativ undersökning med intervjuer av sju specialpedagoger i en kommun i södra Sverige. Resultatet visar, att specialpedagogerna framhåller vikten av att en pedagogisk kartläggning görs utifrån de tre nivåerna; organisation, grupp och individ. Trots detta kan vi konstatera, att den pedagogiska kartläggningen används främst när det handlar om elever i stora svårigheter. På organisationsnivå var det syn på lärande, lärarens kompetens och resursers betydelse i den pedagogiska kartläggningen som poängterades. På gruppnivå var relationer mellan lärare och elev, skola och familj, arbetssätt, gruppsammansättningar och klassrumsmiljön faktorer som specialpedagogerna lyfte fram. På individnivå var det tester/diagnoser, elevsamtal, starka sidor och självförtroende som presenterades. Det framkommer att resultatet av en pedagogisk kartläggning i ett helhetsperspektiv ger åtgärdsprogram, som är mer genomtänkta och där eleven inte är ensam bärare av problemet.

Arbetet ger en översikt över tidigare forskning om åtgärdsprogram och pedagogisk kartläggning.

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Olsson, Ingrid. "Att leva som lytt : handikappades levnadsvillkor i 1800-talets Linköping /." Linköping : Tema, Univ, 1999.

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LESCURE, DUCAY MARYSE. "Viabilite myocardique apres lyse intraveineuse : preuve ecg per dilatation secondaire." Toulouse 3, 1988.

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Venet, Melanie. "Coronographes spatiaux : Solar Orbiter / Metis, Smese / Lyot, Proba-3 / Aspiics." Thesis, Aix-Marseille 1, 2011.

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La couronne solaire est la partie de l'atmosphère du Soleil qui s'étend de la photosphère (surface solaire d'où sont émis les photons) jusque dans le milieu interplanétaire. Sa compréhension relève d'un enjeu majeur car elle est à l'origine de phénomènes qui peuvent perturber les télécommunications, les êtres vivants et même le climat. L'instrument privilégié pour l'observer est le coronographe, système optique occultant le disque solaire au profit de la couronne, un million de fois moins intense. Ma thèse porte sur son étude, en particulier à travers les projets spatiaux :- SOLAR ORBITER, qui doit s'approcher du Soleil à 0.2 unité astronomique (distance Terre-Soleil), permettant ainsi une très haute résolution spatiale ;- SMESE, en coopération avec la Chine, qui étudiera la couronne dans l'infrarouge lointain ;- et ASPIICS, dont l'occulteur externe sera placé à 150 m de l'instrument imageur, permettant d'observer la couronne dans des conditions proches d'une éclipse solaire naturelle.Le premier aspect abordé est la réjection de la lumière parasite instrumentale, dont l'optimisation est une des problématiques majeures en coronographie. Le second concerne les modes d'observation par imagerie en lumière blanche, imagerie monochromatique, et interférométrie, en particulier le Fabry Perot. Le développement et l'amélioration de ces techniques permettra des avancées considérables en terme de résolution et l'accès à la couronne toujours plus proche de la surface du Soleil, lieu encore mal connu où l'activité solaire prend naissance
The solar corona is the part of the Sun's atmosphere that extends from the photosphere (solar surface where the photons are emitted) into the interplanetary medium. Its understanding is a major issue because it is the source of phenomena that can disrupt telecommunications, living beings and even climate. The most appropriate tool to observe it is the coronagraph, an optical system obscuring the solar disk in favor of the corona, a million times fainter. My thesis deals with its review, particularly through the spaceprojects :- Solar Orbiter, which will approach the Sun at 0.2 astronomical unit (distance between Earth and Sun), allowing a very high spatial resolution ;- SMESE, in cooperation with China, which should study the corona in the Lymanalpha (and far infrared) ;- and ASPIICS, which will observe the corona in conditions close to a natural solar eclipse, with its occulting disk located at 150 m from the imaging instrument.The first point tackled is the rejection of instrumental stray light, whose optimization is one of the major problems in coronagraphy. The second concerns the methods of observation and imaging in white light, monochromatic imaging, and interferometry, in particular the Fabry Perot. The development and improvement of these techniques will allow considerable progress in terms of resolution and access to the corona ever closer to the Sun's surface, the location yet little known where the solar activity originates
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Johansson, Ebba, and Simon Svensson. "Kombination av lyft och rotation av tuber i en tubfyllningsmaskin." Thesis, Linnéuniversitetet, Institutionen för maskinteknik (MT), 2017.

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Eftersom att behovet av livs- och läkemedel ökar måste produktionsmaskinerna som producerar dessa varor bli allt mer effektiva. Målet med examensarbetet var att konstruera ett koncept som roterar och lyfter tuber i en tubfyllningsmaskin och samtidigt minskar resursförbrukningen och platsanvändningen i maskinen. Syftet var att få en djupare förståelse för hur detta kunde genomföras på ett driftsäkert sätt. Genom att samla in relevant teori och genomföra en produktutvecklingsprocess togs ett slutgiltigt koncept fram. Detta koncept analyserades och testades. Det resulterade i ett koncept som kombinerade lyft och rotation av en tub på ett driftsäkert sätt och samtidigt använde mindre resurser och plats än den nuvarande lösningen.
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Hospenthal, Manuela Kathrin. "Enzymatic assembly, structure and hydrolysis of Lys6-linked ubiquitin chains." Thesis, University of Cambridge, 2014.

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Awwanah, Mo [Verfasser]. "Characterization of Populus x canescens LysM-Receptor Like Kinases LYK4/LYK5 and LysM-Receptor Like Protein LYM2 and their Roles in Chitin Signaling / Mo Awwanah." Göttingen : Niedersächsische Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Göttingen, 2020.

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Höglund, Eric. "Gaffeltruck för ökad säkerhet, ergonomi och hälsa." Thesis, Umeå universitet, Designhögskolan vid Umeå universitet, 2014.

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Transportation of cargo is crucial for the functioning of our society. In order to reach end customers road transportation with truck is required. Heavy road transportation has increased. More than half of all truck drivers work with customer deliveries. These drivers can have up to 50 stops per day. The goods can weigh more than 1000 kg. The handling is done manually with a pallet truck. The varying context makes the work particularly heavy for the driver. Loading and unloading is the most dangerous work a truck driver performs. The arms, back and legs are most vulnerable in this stressful job, according to "Löntagaren" nr 4/2006. The goal of the project was to design a new product which can replace the pallet truck in order to improve the safety and ergonomics.
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Millon, Eric. "Traitement chirurgical sans ostéosynthèse des spondylolisthésis par lyse isthmique : à propos de 50 cas." Montpellier 1, 1990.

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Yagcioglu, Cigdem. "Cloning And Characterization Of Streptomyces Clavuligerus Meso-diaminopimelate Decarboxylase (lysa) Gene." Master's thesis, METU, 2004.

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In Streptomyces clavuligerus, the route to the biosynthesis of &
-aminoadipic acid (&
-AAA) represents an important primary metabolic pathway providing carbon flux to the synthetases of antibiotic formation. This carbon flow comes through the lysine-specific branch of the aspartate pathway and is rate limiting in the formation of cephamycin C, a second generation cephalosporin produced by this organism. In this study, the lysA gene which encodes for an important key enzyme of aspartate pathway
meso-diaminopimelic acid (DAP) decarboxylase (E.C. catalyzing the conversion of diaminopimelate to lysine was cloned and characterized for the first time from S. clavuligerus NRRL 3585. The attempts to clone the gene by constructing libraries of S. clavuligerus genomic DNA and screening of the libraries either by homologous probing or complementation approach gave no positive results. Then, PCR-based cloning was taken as the approach and the gene was amplified with PCR using the primers derived from the conserved sequences of lysA genes in two fragments (620 and 983 bp) which had overlapping regions. Fragments were then cloned and nucleotide sequencing revealed a complete open reading frame (ORF) encoding a protein of 463 aa (Mr 49, 907). The GC content of the gene was identified as 70.98 %. The gene sequence showed 83 % identity to the sequence of S. coelicolor lysA gene and 81 % identity to S. avermitilis lysA gene. By comparing the amino acid sequence of this protein to those available in database, the sites of the enzyme important for catalysis were identified.
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Oemus, Holger. "T-Zell-vermittelte Lyse dendritischer Zellen in vivo und in vitro." [S.l.] : [s.n.], 2003.

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Franche, Antoine. "Amphiphiles azobenzéniques : potentiel et relations structure-activité pour la lyse cellulaire." Thesis, Compiègne, 2019.

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L’émergence de souches bactériennes et fongiques de plus en plus résistantes à la désinfection est un problème qui menace le développement et la santé humaine à travers le monde. Parmi les modes d’action possibles de ces traitements, notre intérêt va se porter sur les interactions avec la membrane plasmique dans le but de lyser le micro-organisme. Le premier objectif de cette thèse est donc de développer des molécules avec une structure amphiphile afin d’interagir avec ces membranes. Les azobenzènes sont intéressants à ce titre car leurs deux groupements phényles constituent déjà un squelette carboné apolaire. Le greffage d’une tête polaire sur ces molécules permettra donc de leur conférer des propriétés amphiphiles. Trois familles d’azobenzènes ont été synthétisées afin d’évaluer leurs propriétés antibactériennes et antifongiques. Un autre objectif de la thèse est de fournir les premières hypothèses sur le mode d’action des antibactériens synthétisés. Plus particulièrement, leur capacité à interagir avec des membranes plasmiques biomimétiques de bactéries a été évaluée. La première famille (AzoOH) comportant un groupement hydroxyle comme tête polaire a montré de bonnes propriétés biologiques mais une faible capacité à interagir avec les membranes plasmiques. La seconde famille (AzoPEG), avec une tête polaire de type triéthylène glycol a montré de médiocres activités biologiques, et une capacité à interagir avec les membranes plasmiques n’ont pas été améliorées. La troisième famille (AzoTAI) avec une tête polaire de type triméthylammonium a montré d’excellentes propriétés biologiques, une capacité à s’adsorber aux interfaces hydrophiles/hydrophobes et une interaction spécifique avec les lipides membranaires bactériens. L’interaction entre les AzoTAI à plus longue chaîne (6 carbones) et la phosphatidylethanolamine est particulièrement favorable. De manière globale, parmi les composés synthétisés, seule la famille des AzoTAI est capable d’interagir avec la membrane plasmique des bactéries et cette interaction est corrélée à l’activité antibactérienne. Néanmoins, même si ces composés constituent de bons candidats pour la lyse des microorganismes, leur activité cytotoxique vis-à-vis des cellules humaines pourrait limiter leurs applications dans le domaine médical
The emergence of bacterial and fungal strains more and more resistant to disinfection is a threat to the development of nations and human health around the world. Amongst the mechanism of action, we will focus on the interaction between the molecule and the plasmic membrane for the lysis of the microorganism. The first goal of this work is to synthetize amphiphilic molecules to interact with bacterial membrane Azobenzene are interesting because their two phenyl group give them an apolar moiety, the next step is a grafting of a polar head to make them become an amphiphile molecule. Three types of azobenzene were synthetized to evaluate their antibacterial properties and their antifungal properties. The second goal of this work is tounderstand how they interact with the plasmic membranes. To perform this, we tested the azobenzenes on biomimetic models of plasmic membranes. The first group of compounds (AzoOH) with an alcohol group as polar head showed good biological properties but have a poor potential to interact with plasmic membrane. The second group of compounds (AzoPEG) with a triethylene-glycol type polar head have mediocre biological activities, and their ability to interact with the membrane were not enhanced. The third group of compounds (AzoTAI) with a trimethylammonium type polar head showed very good biological activities, and strong interaction with bacterial membrane lipid. These antibacterial activities are correlated to their interaction with bacterial lipids. It also has good abilities to adsorb themselves to hydrophilic/hydrophobic interfaces. However, their cytotoxic activity on human cells can be a severe drawback with their use
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Göthberg, Jacob. "Ett reält lyft för däckmontörer : Ett hjälpmedel framtaget utifrån ett användarperspektiv." Thesis, Högskolan i Gävle, Industridesign, 2021.

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Montörer inom däckbranschen sliter ut sina kroppar. De ergonomiskt belastande lyften och bristenpå icke användarvänliga hjälpmedel är orsaken. Detta bekräftas av både personer med övergripandekunskap inom ämnet samt de intervjuade i studien. Denna studie har syftat till att utforskaalternativa lösningar och ta fram en prototyp genom designprocess som forskningsmetod.Resultatet av studien är en bättre förståelse för montörernas situation samt framtagandet av enprototyp för ett hjälpmedel som bättre uppfyllde användarnas önskemål och behov. Observationerpå däckverkstäder gjordes för att identifiera problemområden där hjulskiftet etablerades som detmoment där störst belastning uppstod, undersökandet av problematiken kom därav att kretsa kringhjulskiftet. Montörerna värdesätter arbetet före sin egen hälsa vilket är en av anledningarna till attlyfta rätt inte prioriteras. Tidigare studier pekade på att anledningen kunde vara att hjälpmedel är förlångsamma vilket gjorde att montörerna väljer att lyfta för hand. Tid, yrkesstolthet och brist påkunskap inom ergonomi är det jag har identifierat som anledningar. Ett vanligt missförstånd är attkostnader och ergonomi inte är sammankopplade vilket leder till en felprioritering i verksamheten.Dessa faktorer har tagits i åtanke och bidragit till en tillfredställande lösning som svarar mot bådeanvändares samt arbetsgivares behov och önskemål.Konceptet är ett funktionsplagg som man klär på sig, och som stärker användarens bål, vilket avlastarländryggen, bidrar till en hållning som gör att användaren lyfter korrekt samt avlastar vid inkorrektalyft.
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Girardin, Ariane. "Understanding the molecular dialog between arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi and non-legume plants." Thesis, Toulouse 3, 2017.

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Les endosymbioses racinaires sont des associations bénéfiques établies entre les racines des plantes et des micro-organismes du sol. Ces symbioses ont un intérêt agronomique et écologique puisque les plantes fournissent à leurs partenaires microbiens une niche écologique et des sucres issus de la photosynthèse et en retour, les micro-organismes associés aux racines vont fournir à la plante des nutriments minéraux qui sont actuellement apportés dans l’agriculture conventionnelle sous forme d’engrais. Durant ma thèse, j’ai particulièrement étudié la symbiose endomycorhizienne à arbuscules (AMS). Elle implique des champignons du groupe des Gloméromycètes et plus de 80 % des plantes terrestres. Ainsi cette symbiose est la plus répandue sur terre connue à l’heure actuelle. Plusieurs étapes importantes pour l’établissement de l’AMS ont été définies. La première de ces étapes est la reconnaissance mutuelle entre le champignon endomycorhizien et la plante hôte. Le champignon est capable de percevoir les plantes par les exsudats racinaires qu’elles sécrètent dans la rhizosphère. Dans le mélange complexe de molécules que sont les exsudats racinaires, des phytohormones appelées strigolactones activent le métabolisme des champignons endomycorhizien, la ramification des leurs hyphes et la production de molécules fongiques appelée facteurs Myc. La perception des facteurs Myc par la plante active des processus permettant la colonisation des racines par le champignon. Ce dialogue moléculaire entre champignons endomycorhiziens et plantes hôtes reste toutefois méconnu. Des molécules de type Lipo-chitooligosaccharides (LCO) ou chito-oligosaccharides (CO) ont été identifiées dans les exsudats de spores ou d’hyphes de champignons et activent la voie de signalisation symbiotique chez les plantes mais leurs rôles respectifs dans l’établissement de l’AMS restent mal compris. Du côté de la plante, des récepteurs potentiels aux LCOs et aux COs sont codés par les gènes de la famille des Lysin Motif Receptor-Like Kinase (LysM-RLK) qui sont capables de lier les constituants structuraux des LCOs et des COs. Cependant aucune preuve n’avait été apportée, au commencement de ma thèse, permettant de conclure sur le rôle des LCOs, des COs, et des LysM-RLKs dans la mise en place de l’AMS. C’est ce que je me suis attachée à démontrer durant ma thèse. Pour cela, j’ai travaillé sur une dicotylédone (la tomate : Solanum lycopersicum) et sur une monocotylédone (Brachypodium distachyon, un modèle pour le blé). Pour identifier les récepteurs aux LCOs dans ces plantes et déterminer leur rôle dans l’AMS nous avons mis en place des techniques de génétique inverse. Nous avons ensuite déterminé l’affinité de ces récepteurs pour les LCOs. Ainsi, nous avons montré que la perception des LCOs dans la tomate est importante pour la mise en place de l’AMS. Par ailleurs, je me suis intéressée à la symbiose entre des bactéries du type rhizobium et des plantes principalement de la famille des légumineuses. La mise en place de cette symbiose nécessite la synthèse de LCOs par les rhizobia et leur perception par la plante via des récepteurs de la famille des LysM-RLKs. Ces similarités que la symbiose rhizobium-légumineuses partage avec l’AMS nous ont conduits à poser la question de savoir si les récepteurs de LCOs impliqués dans l’AMS (beaucoup plus ancienne que la symbiose rhizobium-légumineuse) ont été recrutés durant l’évolution pour jouer un rôle dans la symbiose rhizobium-légumineuse. J’ai pu montrer que les récepteurs de LCOs impliqués dans l’AMS chez les espèces non-légumineuses susmentionnées sont fonctionnels l’établissement de la symbiose rhizobium-légumineuse chez une légumineuse
Root endosymbioses are beneficial associations established between plant roots and soil microorganisms. These symbioses have an agronomic and ecological interest as plants provide their microbial partners with an ecological niche and carbohydrates from photosynthesis. In return, the root-associated microorganisms provide the plant with minerals that are currently being delivered in conventional agriculture as fertilizers. During my thesis, I particularly studied the arbuscular mycorrhizal symbiosis (AMS). It involves fungi of the Glomeromycota group and more than 80 % of land plants. This is the currently known most widespread symbiosis on earth. Important steps for the AMS establishment have been defined. The first step is the mutual recognition between the endomycorrhizal fungus and the host plant. Fungi can perceive plants through the root exudates. In the complex mixture of molecules in the root exudates, phytohormones called strigolactones activate the endomycorrhizal fungal metabolism, the branching of their hyphae and the production of fungal molecules called Myc-Factors. Myc-Factors are perceived by the plant and activate a signaling pathway allowing root colonization by the fungus. However, parts of the molecular dialogue between endomycorrhizal fungi and host plants remain unknown. Lipo-chitooligosaccharide (LCO) or chito-oligosaccharides (CO) molecules have been found in exudates of fungal spores or hyphae and were shown to activate the plant symbiotic signaling pathway, however their respective roles in the AMS establishment are unclear. Putative plant receptors for LCOs and COs are encoded by genes from the Lysin Motif Receptor-Like Kinase family (LysM-RLK) which are able of binding the structural LCO and CO components. However, at the beginning of my PhD, we had no evidence allowing to conclude about the involvement of LCOs, COs, or LysM-RLKs in the AMS establishment. During my thesis, I aimed to understand the role the LCOs and their plant receptors in AMS. For this, I used on a dicotyledon (the tomato: Solanum lycopersicum) and on a monocotyledon (Brachypodium distachyon that is a model for wheat). In order to identify the LCO receptors in these two species, I used a reverse genetic approach. Then I determined these receptors affinity for various LCO structures. I showed that in tomato, LCO perception is important for AMS establishment. In addition, I have studied the symbiosis between rhizobium-type bacteria and plants of the legume family. Interestingly, the establishment of this symbiosis requires LCO synthesis by rhizobia and LCO perception by the plant via receptors of the LysM-RLK family. The fact that rhizobium-legume symbiosis shares similarities with the AMS led us to ask whether the LCO receptors involved in AMS (a much more ancient symbiosis than the rhizobium-legume symbiosis) have been recruited during evolution for a role in the rhizobium-legume symbiosis. I demonstrated that the LysM-RLKs involved in AMS in the above mentioned non-legume species are functional for the rhizobium-legumes establishment in a legume species
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Tønseth, Christin. "Voksne i læring : Identitetskonstruksjon i lys av Kompetansereformen." Doctoral thesis, Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet, Institutt for sosiologi og statsvitenskap, 2011.

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Noël, Erick. "Les Beauharnais, les lys aux lauriers (1756-1796)." Paris, EPHE, 1994.

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Dans la seconde moitie du xviiie siecle, les beauharnais tirent profit d'un patrimoine foncier partage entre les isles (des plantations antillaises aux salines de l'ile de re) et la metropole (du pays de loire a la charente). Or, des difficultes d'exploitation de leurs biens atlantiques, et surtout une gestion legere de leur fortune, entrainent la ruine de la branche ainee quand la cadette se maintient avec peine. La revolution enfin, parait donner le coup-de-grace a la famille, en depit du role actif d'alexandre comme president de l'assemblee nationale, puis comme general : ainsi c'est le remariage de sa veuve, josephine, avec bonaparte, qui permet aux beauharnais de connaitre un nouveau depart
During the second half of the xviiith century, the beauharnais family used to exploit alanded patrimony between the atlantic isles (from antilles to re) and france (from loire to charente). However, the problems of the exploitation beyond the sea and a bad management carry the elder branch's ruin and younger branch's difficulties. At last, the revolution completes the fall, in spite of alexandre's actions as parliament's president and in the republican army. Thus, it's the remarriage of his widower, josephine, with bonaparte, which allows a second starting for the family
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Mentlak, Thomas Andrew. "Investigating LysM effector function and the biotrophic growth phase of Magnaporthe oryzae." Thesis, University of Exeter, 2012.

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During intracellular biotrophic growth, the rice blast fungus Magnaporthe oryzae secretes a large battery of effector proteins, which are thought to suppress host cell defence responses. Although a number of these effector proteins have been identified, their precise biological functions and contribution towards plant infection remains unclear. In this thesis, I report that during biotrophic growth, the secretion of a LysM effector protein, Slp1, is required for rice blast disease. I show that Slp1 binds chitin and is able to suppress the chitin-induced oxidative burst and defence gene-expression in rice cells. Slp1 competes with the membrane-localised chitin receptor CEBiP in rice, and this competitive interaction results in a reduction in virulence associated with Δslp1 null mutants. Slp1 is secreted by intracellular hyphae specifically during biotrophic growth, and accumulates around hyphal tips at the plant-fungal interface. Using transgenic rice lines which express fluorescent marker proteins targeted to the plasma membrane and endoplasmic reticulum, I investigate the biotrophic growth phase of M. oryzae. I show that the rice host plasma membrane becomes tightly apposed to invasive biotrophic intracellular hyphae. I also show that the rice host plasma membrane and endoplasmic reticulum accumulate around the Biotrophic Interfacial Complex (BIC), a bulbous structure attached to the sub-apical region of intracellular fungal hyphae, which accumulates fluorescently-labelled avirulence effector proteins. Using a fungal plasma membrane marker, I show that the BIC resides outside the fungal plasma membrane and cell wall is made exclusively of plant cellular material.
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