Journal articles on the topic 'Lutheran church'
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Imeldawati, Tiur, Rencan Charisma Marbun, and Warseto Freddy Sihombing. "Ekklesiologi Martin Luther Sebagai Dasar Tata Gereja Aliran Lutheran di Indonesia." Jurnal Teologi Cultivation 6, no. 2 (December 31, 2022): 18–31.
Full textHill, Kat. "Mapping the Memory of Luther: Place and Confessional Identity in the Later Reformation*." German History 38, no. 2 (February 4, 2020): 187–210.
Full textNikolajsen, Jeppe Bach. "Church, State, and Pluralistic Society." International Journal of Public Theology 15, no. 3 (October 27, 2021): 385–400.
Full textFreeman, David Fors. ""Those Persistent Lutherans": the Survival of Wesel's Minority Lutheran Community, 1578-1612." Nederlands Archief voor Kerkgeschiedenis / Dutch Review of Church History 85, no. 1 (2005): 397–407.
Full textKarttunen, Tomi. "The Lutheran Theology of Ordained Ministry in the Finnish Context." Ecclesiology 16, no. 3 (October 12, 2020): 361–78.
Full textWitmer, Olga. "Clandestine Lutheranism in the eighteenth-century Dutch Cape Colony*." Historical Research 93, no. 260 (April 25, 2020): 309–32.
Full textBrown, Christopher Boyd. "Art and the Artist in the Lutheran Reformation: Johannes Mathesius and Joachimsthal." Church History 86, no. 4 (December 2017): 1081–120.
Full textWitte, John. "From Gospel to Law: The Lutheran Reformation and Its Impact on Legal Culture." Ecclesiastical Law Journal 19, no. 3 (August 31, 2017): 271–91.
Full textEremeeva, Natalya. "Heresy and Adiaphora in Lutheran Dogma." Logos et Praxis, no. 3 (September 2023): 57–65.
Full textErling, Maria. "The Coming of Lutheran Ministries to America." Ecclesiology 1, no. 1 (2004): 56–74.
Full textMurthy, Jayabalan. "Christianity and Its Impact on the Lives of Kallars in Tamil Nadu Who Embraced the Faith, in Comparison to Those Who Did Not: Special Reference to Kallar Tamil Lutheran Christians in Tamil Nadu." Religions 14, no. 5 (April 27, 2023): 582.
Full textHolm, Anders. "- Luthertolkningen i 1812-krøniken." Grundtvig-Studier 64, no. 1 (May 29, 2015): 109–22.
Full textPõder, Christine Svinth-Værge, and Johanne Stubbe Teglbjærg Kristensen. "Retfærdiggørelse som troens indhold og teologiens norm." Dansk Teologisk Tidsskrift 86, no. 2 (September 18, 2023): 132–57.
Full textPedersen, Else Marie Wiberg. "Reformationen og køn." Dansk Teologisk Tidsskrift 80, no. 2-3 (September 16, 2017): 146–65.
Full textHalvorson, Britt. "Translating the Fifohazana (Awakening): The Politics of Healing and the Colonial Mission Legacy in African Christian Missionization." Journal of Religion in Africa 40, no. 4 (2010): 413–41.
Full textDreyer, Rasmus H. C. "Konkordiebog og Kirkeordinans." Dansk Teologisk Tidsskrift 86, no. 2 (September 18, 2023): 158–86.
Full textRobin, A. Leaver. "Motive and Motif in the Church Music of Johann Sebastian Bach." Theology Today 63, no. 1 (April 2006): 38–47.
Full textTunheim, Katherine A., and Mary Kay DuChene. "The Professional Journeys and Experiences in Leadership of Evangelical Lutheran Church in America Women Bishops." Advances in Developing Human Resources 18, no. 2 (April 12, 2016): 204–22.
Full textTrue, Henrik. "Nekrolog. Leif Grane in memoriam." Grundtvig-Studier 52, no. 1 (January 1, 2001): 8–14.
Full textMarkkola, Pirjo. "The Long History of Lutheranism in Scandinavia. From State Religion to the People’s Church." Perichoresis 13, no. 2 (October 1, 2015): 3–15.
Full textClifford, Catherine E. "A Joint Commemoration of the Reformation in 2017." Horizons 44, no. 2 (November 7, 2017): 405–9.
Full textMarshall, Bruce. "Lutherans, Bishops, and the Divided Church." Ecclesiology 1, no. 2 (2005): 25–42.
Full textHiebsch, Sabine. "The Coming of Age of the Lutheran Congregation in Early Modern Amsterdam." Journal of Early Modern Christianity 3, no. 1 (January 1, 2016): 1–29.
Full textRaley, J. Michael. "Martin Luther on the Legitimacy of Resisting the Emperor." Journal of Law and Religion 37, no. 1 (January 2022): 96–132.
Full textWITMER, OLGA. "Between Compliance and Resistance: Lutherans and the Dutch Reformed Church at the Cape of Good Hope, 1652–1820." Journal of Ecclesiastical History 73, no. 2 (February 4, 2022): 326–47.
Full textDreyer, Rasmus H. C. "Adapting Lutheran Preaching: The Postil of Danish Reformer Hans Tausen (1539)." Journal of Early Modern Christianity 10, no. 2 (November 1, 2023): 215–39.
Full textPodmore, Colin. "William Holland's Short Account of the Beginnings of Moravian Work in England (1745)." Journal of Moravian History 22, no. 1 (May 1, 2022): 54–81.
Full textGruk, Wojciech. "Alle drey Ding vollkomen sind! On the Meaning of Naming the Church after Holy Trinity According to Josua Wegelin, Preacher in Pressburg, Anno 1640." Periodica Polytechnica Architecture 48, no. 1 (April 12, 2017): 23–27.
Full textSchwarz, Hans. "The Lutheran Church and Lutheran Theology in Korea1." Dialog 50, no. 3 (September 2011): 289–96.
Full textGrane, Leif. "Grundtvigs forhold til Luther og den lutherske tradition." Grundtvig-Studier 49, no. 1 (January 1, 1998): 21–41.
Full textEdwards, Denis. "Synodality and primacy: Reflections from the Australian Lutheran/Roman Catholic Dialogue." Pacifica: Australasian Theological Studies 28, no. 2 (June 2015): 137–48.
Full textKotliarov, Petro, and Vyacheslav Vyacheslav. "Visualizing Narrative: Lutheran Theology in the Engravings of Lucas Cranach." Scientific Herald of Uzhhorod University. Series: History, no. 2 (45) (December 25, 2021): 79–84.
Full textHiebsch, Sabine. "Dutch Lutheran Women on the Pulpit." Church History and Religious Culture 103, no. 3-4 (December 18, 2023): 259–84.
Full textMashabela, James Kenokeno. "Lutheran Theological Education to Christian Education in (South) Africa: A Decolonial Conversion in the African Church." Religions 15, no. 4 (April 12, 2024): 479.
Full textHaga, Joar. "Luther in Norwegian." Lutheran Quarterly 38, no. 2 (June 2024): 180–95.
Full textSojka, Jerzy. "Lutheran service to the migrants. Global and Polish experiences." Ecumeny and Law 9, no. 1 (June 29, 2021): 67–88.
Full textHaapalainen, Anna. "An emerging trend of charismatic religiosity in the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Finland." Approaching Religion 5, no. 1 (May 26, 2015): 98–113.
Full textGulina, A. E. "«To end this nest»: Evangelical Lutheran community of Samara in the period of anti-religious campaign (1918–1930)." Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology 28, no. 3 (October 14, 2022): 46–51.
Full textHofmann, Andrea. "„Sie ist mir lieb, die werte Magd.“ Das Bild der Kirche in lutherischen Liedern des 16. und 17. Jahrhunderts." Artes 2, no. 2 (September 18, 2023): 234–52.
Full textHasibuan, Ricky Pramono. "Mimbar dan Altar." SUNDERMANN: Jurnal Ilmiah Teologi, Pendidikan, Sains, Humaniora dan Kebudayaan 16, no. 1 (June 30, 2023): 18–30.
Full textMashabela, K., and M. Madise. "An ongoing search of constant and sustainable Lutheran Theological Education in South Africa in the 21st century." Acta Theologica 43, no. 1 (June 30, 2023): 60–79.
Full textGultom, Yohansen Wyckliffe. "Kontribusi Denominasi Lutheran Dalam Membentuk Pendidikan Finlandia Dan Pemikirannya Bagi Pendidikan Kristen." JURNAL DIAKONIA 3, no. 2 (November 30, 2023): 112–29.
Full textKhomenko, Denis Yu. "“To Avoid Ethnic Hatred to Local Finns”: Organization of Spiritual Charity of Lutherans of Yenisei Province in the Second Half of the 19th Century." Vestnik Tomskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta, no. 468 (2021): 186–90.
Full textAsta, Theodore W. "Sixteenth-Century Lutheran Church Orders." Liturgy 9, no. 4 (January 1991): 42–53.
Full textSiebein, Gary, Hyun Paek, and Joshua Fisher. "Grace Lutheran Church, Naples FL." Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 119, no. 5 (May 2006): 3370.
Full textEligator, Ronald. "Roseville Lutheran Church, Roseville, MN." Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 119, no. 5 (May 2006): 3399.
Full textMikoski, Gordon S. "Martin Luther and Anti-Semitism: A Discussion." Theology Today 74, no. 3 (October 2017): 235–42.
Full textJürgensen, Martin Wangsgaard. "Between New Ideals and Conservatism: The Early Lutheran Church Interior in Sixteenth-Century Denmark." Church History 86, no. 4 (December 2017): 1041–80.
Full textRynkowski, Michał. "Religion in Criminal Law." Ecclesiastical Law Journal 11, no. 1 (December 10, 2008): 104–6.
Full textJodon, Cole Christian. "Ecclesial Visibility as a Byproduct of Discipleship: Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s Understanding of the Visible Church and Its Ecumenical Implications." Pro Ecclesia: A Journal of Catholic and Evangelical Theology 29, no. 2 (December 10, 2019): 198–216.
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