Dissertations / Theses on the topic 'Lower boundary of clouds'
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Новосьол, Катерина Ігорівна. "Математичне та програмне забезпечення для формулювання авіаційної метеодовідки." Master's thesis, КПІ ім. Ігоря Сікорського, 2020. https://ela.kpi.ua/handle/123456789/40116.
Full textThe master's dissertation consists of an introduction, four chapters, a conclusion and two appendices, contains 14 figures, 29 tables and 15 sources. The full volume of the master's dissertation is 98 pages, of which the appendices are 8 pages. To Kateryna Ihorivna Novosyol's master's thesis on the topic: " Mathematical and software application for aviation meteorological report formulation ". Actuality of theme. The aim of the study. The purpose of the master's dissertation is to study the operation of airports in difficult weather conditions, to develop indicators of airport operation under these conditions, to develop methods for their analytical and statistical modeling and to develop application software for reference code that can be used to transmit in closed message. To achieve this goal it is necessary to solve a set of the following interrelated tasks: - to analyze the existing indicators of meteorological conditions that affect the functioning of airports in difficult meteorological conditions; - to analyze the methods of forming meteorological reports and their dependence on weather parameters; - to investigate the influence of meteorological conditions (namely climatic characteristics) on the flight of the aircraft; - to study the dynamic processes of development of climatic characteristics taking into account meteorological conditions; - to develop a method of analytical and statistical modeling of indicators; - to design and develop the software for formation of the reference with application of the offered technique. The object of the study is application software for generating help code, which can be used for transmission in a closed message. The subject of the research is the means of automating the formation of meteorological reference codes taking into account the influence of climatic characteristics on the flight of aircraft in difficult meteorological conditions. Research methods are general scientific principles of research. The study used the following methods: - scientific analysis and synthesis to identify problematic aspects of modeling systems; - methods of probability theory; - method of statistical modeling. Scientific novelty. For the first time a meteorological report was formed, which differs from the existing ones by a new method of deriving the horizontal range of visibility, which allows to increase the accuracy of flight forecasting. The practical significance of the results. The result of the work is an applied software application for assessing the meteorological characteristics of the aerodrome and the formulation of aviation meteorological information. Connection of work with scientific programs, plans, themes. The dissertation of the master was performed at the National Technical University of Ukraine "Kyiv Polytechnic Institute named after Igor Sikorsky" according to the plan of research work of the department of automated information processing and control systems. Publications. The scientific provisions of the dissertation were published at the V All-Ukrainian scientific-practical conference of young scientists and students "Information systems and management technologies" (ISTU-2020).
Aronsson, Oskar, and Julia Nyman. "Boundary Representation Modeling from Point Clouds." Thesis, KTH, Bro- och stålbyggnad, 2020. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:kth:diva-278543.
Full textBesiktning av broar utförs i dagsläget okulärt av en inspektör som på en armlängds avstånd bedömer skadetillståndet. Okulär besiktning kräver därmed ofta speciell utrustning för att inspektören ska kunna nå samtliga delar av bron. Detta resulterar i att det nuvarande tillvägagångssättet för brobesiktning beaktas som tidkrävande, kostsamt samt riskfyllt för inspektören. Syftet med denna uppsats var att utveckla en metod för att modellera broar på ett automatiserat sätt utifrån punktmolnsdata. Punktmolnen skapades genom fotogrammetri, utifrån en samling bilder tagna med en drönare. Uppsatsen har varit en insats för att bidra till det långsiktiga målet att effektivisera brobesiktning genom drönarteknik. Flera metoder för att identifiera konstruktionselement i punktmoln har undersökts. Baserat på detta har en metod utvecklats som identifierar plana ytor med regressionsmetoden Random Sample Consensus (RANSAC). Den utvecklade metoden består av en samling algoritmer skrivna i programmeringsspråket Python. Metoden grundar sig i att beräkna skärningspunkter mellan plan samt använder konceptet k-Nearest-Neighbor (k-NN) för att identifiera konstruktionselementens hörnpunkter. Metoden har testats på både simulerade punktmolnsdata och på punktmoln av fysiska broar, där bildinsamling har skett med hjälp av en drönare. Resultatet från de simulerade punktmolnen visade att hörnpunkterna kunde identifieras med en medelavvikelse på 0,13 − 0,34 mm jämfört med de faktiska hörnpunkterna. För ett punktmoln av en rektangulär pelare lyckades algoritmerna identifiera alla relevanta ytor och skapa en rekonstruerad modell med en avvikelse på mindre än 2 % med avseende på dess bredd och längd. Metoden testades även på två punktmoln av riktiga broar. Algoritmerna lyckades identifiera många av de relevanta ytorna, men geometriernas komplexitet resulterade i bristfälligt rekonstruerade modeller.
Barber, Claire. "Observations and modelling of tropical marine boundary layer clouds." Thesis, University of Reading, 2012. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.590117.
Full textEhrlich, André, Eike Bierwirth, and Manfred Wendisch. "Airborne remote sensing of Arctic boundary-layer mixed-phase clouds." Universität Leipzig, 2010. https://ul.qucosa.de/id/qucosa%3A16357.
Full textPaunova, Irena T. "Explicit numerical study of aerosol-cloud interactions in boundary layer clouds." Thesis, McGill University, 2006. http://digitool.Library.McGill.CA:80/R/?func=dbin-jump-full&object_id=100670.
Full textThree summertime cases have been evaluated: a marine stratus and a cold frontal system over the Bay of Fundy near Nova Scotia, formed on 1 Sep 1995 and extensively sampled as a part of the Radiation, Aerosol, and Cloud Experiment (RACE); and a continental stratocumulus, formed over the southern coast of Lake Erie on 11 July 2001. The marine stratus and the frontal system have been examined for the effects of aerosol on cloud properties and thoroughly evaluated against the available observations. The frontal system and the continental stratocumulus have been evaluated for the effects of cloud processing on the aerosol spectrum.
The marine stratus simulations suggest a significant impact of the aerosol on cloud properties. A simulation with mechanistic activation and a uni-modal aerosol showed the best agreement with observations in regards to cloud-base and cloud-top height, droplet concentration, and liquid water content. A simulation with a simple activation parameterization failed to simulate essential bulk cloud properties: droplet concentration was significantly underpredicted and the vertical structure of the cloud was inconsistent with the observations. A simulation with a mechanistic parameterization and a bi-modal aerosol, including a coarse mode observed in particle spectra below cloud, showed high sensitivity of droplet concentration to the inclusion of the coarse mode. There was a significant reduction in droplet number relative to the simulation without the coarse mode. A similar change occurred in the precipitating system preceding the stratus formation, resulting in an enhancement of precipitation in the weaker (upstream) part of the system while the precipitation in the more vigorous (downstream) part of the system remained almost unaffected.
Aerosol processing via collision-coalescence and aqueous chemistry in the non-drizzling stratocumulus case suggests that impact of the two mechanisms is of similar magnitude and can be as large as a 3-5 % increase in particle mean radius. A more detailed analysis reveals that the impact of chemical processing is oxidant-limited; beyond times when the oxidant (H 2O2) is depleted (∼ 40 minutes), the extent of processing is determined by supply of fresh oxidant from large-scale advection (fresh gaseous emissions are not considered). Aerosol processing via drop collision-coalescence alone suggests, as expected, sensitivity to the strength of the collection process in clouds. Larger particle growth, up to 5-10 %, is observed in the case of the frontal clouds, which exhibit stronger drop collection compared to that in the stratocumulus case. The processed aerosol exerted a measurable impact on droplet concentrations and precipitation production in the frontal clouds. For the case modeled here, contrary to expectations, the processed spectrum (via physical processing) produced higher droplet concentration than the unprocessed spectrum. The reasons explaining this phenomenon and the resulting impact on precipitation production are discussed.
The current work illustrates the complexity of the coupled system at the cloud system scales, revealed earlier at much smaller large eddy scales. If future parameterizations of the regional effect of aerosols on clouds are to be developed, careful consideration is required of the many of feedbacks in the boundary layer.
Wang, Zhen, Ramirez Marco Mora, Hossein Dadashazar, Alex B. MacDonald, Ewan Crosbie, Kelvin H. Bates, Matthew M. Coggon, et al. "Contrasting cloud composition between coupled and decoupled marine boundary layer clouds." AMER GEOPHYSICAL UNION, 2016. http://hdl.handle.net/10150/622150.
Full textEleuterio, Daniel P. "Coastal stratocumulus topped boundary layers and the role of cloud-top entrainment." Monterey, Calif. : Springfield, Va. : Naval Postgraduate School ; Available from National Technical Information Service, 2004. http://library.nps.navy.mil/uhtbin/hyperion/04Jun%5FEleuterio%5PhD.pdf.
Full textSchäfer, Michael, Eike Bierwirth, André Ehrlich, Evi Jäkel, and Manfred Wendisch. "Three-dimensional radiative effects in Arctic boundary layer clouds above ice edges." Universität Leipzig, 2015. https://ul.qucosa.de/id/qucosa%3A16651.
Full textMit Hilfe flugzeuggetragener abbildender spektraler Beobachtungen wurden 3-D Strahlungseffekte zwischen arktischen Grenzschichtwolken sowie der hochvariablen arktischen Bodenoberfläche identifiziert und quantifiziert. Eine Methode zur Differenzierung von Meereis und offener Wasserflächen, auf Grundlage flugzeuggetragener Messungen der aufwärtsgerichteten Strahldichte im sichtbaren Spektralbereich, während bewölkter Bedingungen wird vorgestellt. Diese Differenzierung zeigt gleichzeitig auf, dass die Strahldichtereduzierung beim Übergang vom Meereis zu den offenen Wasserflächen nicht unmittelbar erfolgt, sondern horizontal geglättet ist. Allgemein verringern Wolken in der Umgebung von Eiskanten die Nadir-Strahldichte über den hellen Eisflächen und erhöhen sie über dunklen Meeresoberflächen. Mit Hilfe von 3-D Strahlungstransferrechnungen wurde dieser Effekt quantifiziert. Die Reichweite dieses Effektes wird sowohl von den Wolken- als auch den Oberflächeneigenschaften beeinflusst. Für eine flache Wolke zwischen 0 und 200 m, so wie sie während der arktischen Feldkampagne Vertical Distribution of Ice in Arctic Clouds (VERDI), 2012 beobachtet werden konnte, führt eine Erhöhung der wolkenoptischen Dicke von tau = 1 zu tau = 10 zu einer Verringerung in deltaL von 600 zu 250 m. Zudem führt eine Erhöhung der Wolkenhöhe und ihrer geometrischen Dicke zu einer Zunahme von deltaL. Anschließend wurde der Einfluss dieser 3-D Strahlungseffekte auf die Ableitungsergebnisse von tau untersucht. Die Aufhellung eines dunkleren Pixels neben der Eiskante führt zu Unsicherheiten von bis zu 90 % bei der Ableitung von . Beim effektiven Radius zu bis zu 30 %. DeltaL ist ein Maß mit Hilfe dessen die Entfernung zur Eiskante bestimmt werden kann, ab welcher die Unsicherheiten bezüglich der 3-D Effekte vernachlässigt werden können.
Kanngießer, Franz, André Ehrlich, and Manfred Wendisch. "Observations of glories above arctic boundary layer clouds to identify cloud phase." Universität Leipzig, 2017. https://ul.qucosa.de/id/qucosa%3A16743.
Full textDie Glorie ist eine optische Erscheinung, die über Flüssigwasserwolken beobachtet werden kann und aus farbigen Ringen um den Gegensonnenpunkt besteht. Da die Glorie durch Streuung an sphärischen Partikeln entsteht, kann sie zur Identifikation von Flüssigwasser am Wolkenoberrand genutzt werden. Bilder, die mit einer CANON Digitalkamera, die mit einem Fischaugenobjektiv ausgestattet war, von Bord des Forschungsflugzeugs Polar 5 während der Messkampagne RACEPAC aufgenommen worden, wurden auf das Auftreten von Glorien untersucht. Zur Identifikation wurde ein Algorithmus mit fünf Kriterien entwickelt, die mit Hilfe von Simulationen der streuwinkelabhängigen Radianz und einem Testdatensatz der Messungen erstellt wurden. Der Algorithmus wurde getestet und ist in der Lage zwischen Bildern mit und ohne Glorie zu unterscheiden.
Teixeira, João Carlos Martins. "WRF sensitivity to lower boundary and urban canopy parametrizations." Master's thesis, Universidade de Aveiro, 2012. http://hdl.handle.net/10773/10175.
Full textAo longo dos anos avanços, na tecnologia de satélite viabilizaram a aquisição de informações sobre a superfície da Terra, tais como elevação e uso do solo, com grande detalhe e resolução. Esta informação pode ser incluída em modelos numérico da atmosfera, atualizando e dando-lhes mais detalhes sobre as condições de fronteira inferior. Assim sendo, este trabalho visa estudar a sensibilidade do Weather Research and Forecasting model a três conjuntos de dados de topografia, e dois de uso do solo diferentes. Um caso de estudo em que a precipitação orográfica foi dominante sobre a Ilha da Madeira foi considerado mostrando que, em geral não existe um aumento significativo da performance do modelo ao usar topografia ou uso do solo de alta resolução. Contudo, existe uma melhor performance do modelo em simular a precipitação a barlavento e o fluxo a sotavento da ilha. Dada a natureza deste estudo, considerou-se também um teste à sensibilidade de três parametrizações de microfísica, sendo que os resultados encontrados não mostram alterações significativas aos resultados encontrados. Além disso, a introdução de um novo conjunto de dados de uso do solo tornou possível realizar simulações usando modelos urbanos acoplados. Assim, de forma a estudar a sensibilidade a estes modelos considerou-se um caso de estudo sobre a região de Lisboa. Ao utilizar um modelo urbano verificou-se que sobre a região urbana existe um arrefecimento à superfície quando comparando com as simulações de controlo. Além disso verificou-se uma grande diferença no escoamento e na energia turbulenta produzida sobre esta zona. Estas diferenças podem por sua vez intaragem com ondas gravíticas, alterando a sua fase e amplitude. Além disso, ao comparar os resultados com dados observados verificou-se que, em geral, não existe melhoria na performance do modelo para este caso de estudo. No entanto o uso do modelo urbano BEP melhora significativamente os resultados relativos à altura da camada de mistura.
Through the years, the advances in satellite technology made feasible the acquisition of information about the Earth surface, such as elevation and land use, with great detail and resolution. This information can be included in numerical atmospheric models, updating and giving them more details about the lower boundary. Given so, this work aims to study the sensitivity of the Weather Research and Forecast model to three different topography datasets as well as two different land use datasets. A test case study in which topography driven precipitation was dominant over Madeira Island was considered. Overall, results show that there is no enhancement of model skill when using higher resolution topography or land use. However, there is a higher model skill simulating precipitation on Madeira leeward and wind flow windward. Additionally, given the nature of this event, a sensitivity test was also performed considering three different microphysics parametrizations. This test showed that the choice of the microphysics parametrizations does not significantly change the results found for this event. Furthermore, the introduction of a new land use dataset turned possible to perform simulations using Urban Canopy Models. Therefore, the sensitivity of the model to these urban parametrizations was also performed. In this work, a case study for the Lisbon region was chosen and showed that the simulations that used a urban canopy model presented a cooling in the urban region. Moreover, larger changes were observed for wind flow and turbulence kinetic energy over the area. In addition, it was shown that these could change the phase and amplitude of gravity waves that were generated in the region. When comparing to observed data it was seen that there is no enhancement of model skill when using these models. However, the planetary boundary layer is better represent by BEP urban model.
Sotiropoulou, Georgia. "The Arctic Atmosphere : Interactions between clouds, boundary-layer turbulence and large-scale circulation." Doctoral thesis, Stockholms universitet, Meteorologiska institutionen (MISU), 2016. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:su:diva-134525.
Full textAt the time of the doctoral defense, the following paper was unpublished and had a status as follows: Paper 4: Manuscript.
McCaa, James Robert. "A new parameterization of marine stratocumulus and shallow cumulus clouds for climate models /." Thesis, Connect to this title online; UW restricted, 2001. http://hdl.handle.net/1773/10019.
Full textMyers, Timothy Albert. "Investigating the variability of subtropical marine boundary layer clouds in observations and climate models." Thesis, University of California, San Diego, 2015. http://pqdtopen.proquest.com/#viewpdf?dispub=3714206.
Full textLow-level clouds found over the eastern subtropical oceans have a substantial cooling effect on Earth’s climate since they strongly reflect solar radiation back to space, and their simulation in climate models contributes to large uncertainty in global warming projections. This thesis aims to increase understanding of these marine boundary layer clouds through observational analysis, theoretical considerations, and an evaluation of their simulation in climate models. Examination of statistical relationships between cloud properties and large-scale meteorological variables is a key method employed throughout the thesis. The meteorological environment of marine boundary layer clouds shapes their properties by affecting the boundary layer’s depth and structure.
It is found that enhanced subsidence, typically thought to promote boundary layer cloudiness, actually reduces cloudiness when the confounding effect of the strength of the temperature inversion capping the boundary layer is taken into account. A conceptual model is able to explain this result. Next, fundamental deficiencies in the simulation of subtropical clouds in two generations of climate models are identified. Remarkably, the newer generation of climate models is in some ways inferior to the older generation in terms of capturing key low-level cloud processes. Subtropical mid- and high-level clouds are also found to contribute more to variability in the radiation budget at the top of the atmosphere than previously thought. In the last portion of the thesis, large inter-model spread in subtropical cloud feedbacks is shown to arise primarily from differences in the simulation of the interannual relationship between shortwave cloud radiative effect and sea surface temperature. An observational constraint on this feedback suggests that subtropical marine boundary layer clouds will act as a positive feedback to global warming.
Wang, Zhen, and Zhen Wang. "Interactions Between Atmospheric Aerosols and Marine Boundary Layer Clouds on Regional and Global Scales." Diss., The University of Arizona, 2018. http://hdl.handle.net/10150/626640.
Full textComstock, Kimberly K. "Mesoscale variability and drizzle in southeast Pacific stratocumulus /." Thesis, Connect to this title online; UW restricted, 2006. http://hdl.handle.net/1773/10013.
Full textKawai, Hideaki. "Study on Marine Boundary Layer Clouds and Their Environment for Cloud Parameterizations in Global Climate Models." Kyoto University, 2017. http://hdl.handle.net/2433/226008.
Full textPark, Sungsu. "ENSO-related marine cloud variation and new single column marine boundary layer cloud modeling /." Thesis, Connect to this title online; UW restricted, 2002. http://hdl.handle.net/1773/10080.
Full textKlug, Christopher A. "Lower Permian Through Lower Trassic Paleontology, Stratigraphy, and Chemostratigraphy of the Bilk Creek Mountains of Humboldt County, Nevada." Bowling Green State University / OhioLINK, 2007. http://rave.ohiolink.edu/etdc/view?acc_num=bgsu1184878826.
Full textShimelmitz, Ron, Steven L. Kuhn, Avraham Ronen, and Mina Weinstein-Evron. "Predetermined Flake Production at the Lower/Middle Paleolithic Boundary: Yabrudian Scraper-Blank Technology." Public Library of Science, 2014. http://hdl.handle.net/10150/621336.
Full textWhile predetermined de´bitage technologies are recognized beginning with the middle Acheulian, the Middle Paleolithic is usually associated with a sharp increase in their use. A study of scraper-blank technology from three Yabrudian assemblages retrieved from the early part of the Acheulo-Yabrudian complex of Tabun Cave (ca. 415–320 kyr) demonstrates a calculated and preplanned production, even if it does not show the same complexity and elaboration as in the Levallois technology. These scraper dominated assemblages show an organization of production based on an intensive use of predetermination blank technology already in place at the end of the Lower Paleolithic of the Levant. These results provide a novel perspective on the differences and similarities between the Lower and Middle Paleolithic industries. We suggest that there was a change in the paradigm in the way hominins exploited stone tools: in many Middle Paleolithic assemblages the potential of the stone tools for hafting was a central feature, in the Lower Paleolithic ergonometric considerations of manual prehension were central to the design of blanks and tools.
Arfaie, Armin. "Numerical modelling of the influence of lower boundary roughness on turbulent sedimentary flows." Thesis, University of Leeds, 2015. http://etheses.whiterose.ac.uk/13419/.
Full textCebi, Ali Can, and Tobias Bauer. "Hierarchical structures in medium-sized manufacturing companies and their lower boundaries." Thesis, Högskolan i Jönköping, Internationella Handelshögskolan, 2016. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:hj:diva-30251.
Full textReilly, Stephanie Claire [Verfasser], Roel [Gutachter] Neggers, and Susanne [Gutachter] Crewell. "Fast Response of Boundary Layer Clouds to Climate Change / Stephanie Claire Reilly ; Gutachter: Roel Neggers, Susanne Crewell." Köln : Universitäts- und Stadtbibliothek Köln, 2020. http://d-nb.info/1231433345/34.
Full textNguyen, Van sinh. "3 D Modeling of elevation surfaces from voxel structured point clouds extracted from seismic cubes." Thesis, Aix-Marseille, 2013. http://www.theses.fr/2013AIXM4069/document.
Full textReconstructing surfaces with data coming from an automatic acquisition technique always entails the problem of mass of data. This implies that the usual processes cannot be applied directly. Therefore, it leads to a mandatory data reduction process. An effective algorithm for a rapid processing while keeping the original model is a valuable tool for constructing an optimal surface and managing the complex data.In this dissertation, we present methods for building an optimal geological surface from a huge amount of 3D points extracted from seismic cubes. Applying the process to the whole set of points induces an important risk of surface shrinking so that the initial boundary extraction is an important step permitting a simplification inside the surface. The global surface shape will then be better kept for the reconstruction of the final triangular surface. Our proposals are based on the regularity of data which permits, even if data are missing, to easily obtain the neighboring information. Firstly, we present a new method to extract and simplify the boundary of an elevation surface given as voxels in a large 3D volume having the characteristics to be sparse. Secondly, a method for simplifying the surface inside its boundary is presented with a rough optional simplification step followed by a finer one based on curvatures. We also keep into consideration that the density of data must gradually change in order to receive in the last step a triangulated surface with better triangles. Thirdly, we have proposed a new and fast method for triangulating the surface after simplification
Horner, Michael S. "Determining the fine structure of the entrainment zone in cloud-topped boundary layers." Thesis, Monterey, Calif. : Springfield, Va. : Naval Postgraduate School ; Available from National Technical Information Service, 2005. http://library.nps.navy.mil/uhtbin/hyperion/05Mar%5FHorner.pdf.
Full textNam, Christine C. W., and Johannes Quaas. "Geographically versus dynamically defined boundary layer cloud regimes and their use to evaluate general circulation model cloud parameterizations." Universitätsbibliothek Leipzig, 2015. http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bsz:15-qucosa-177436.
Full textCasey, Erin Michelle. "A micro-pulsed LIDAR for the study of the lower troposphere and atmospheric boundary layer." Thesis, Montana State University, 2012. http://etd.lib.montana.edu/etd/2012/casey/CaseyE0812.pdf.
Full textAtakul, Ayse. "Lower-middle Carboniferous Boundary In Central Taurides, Turkey (hadim Area): Paleontological And Sequence Stratigraphic Approach." Master's thesis, METU, 2006. http://etd.lib.metu.edu.tr/upload/12607033/index.pdf.
Full text#8211
E. postmosquensis Zone (Zapaltyubinsky Horizon &
Upper Serpukhovian), the Plectostaffella jakhensis &
P. bogdanovkensis Zone and the Millerella marblensis Zone (Bogdanovsky Horizon &
Lower Bashkirian) and the Semistaffella sp. Zone (Syuransky Horizon &
Lower Bashkirian). In order to construct the sequence stratigraphic framework, detailed microfacies studies were carried out and eleven different microfacies types were identified. Based on the stacking patterns of these microfacies, six main types of cycles, A-F, and ten subcycles are recognized. Twenty-three shallowing upward meter-scale cycles and three sequence boundaries have been determined in the studied section. The duration of cycles has been calculated as 2 my and cycle periodicities correspond to the Milankovitch eccentricity bant. Results of quantitative analysis of benthic foraminifera have been used to demonstrate the biological response to cyclicity. Eostaffellids, archaediscids, unilocular forms and irregularly coiled bilocular forms are the calcareous foraminiferal groups responding the meter-scale cycles.
Hungershöfer, Katja, and Thomas Trautmann. "Investigations into the impact of the lower boundary condition on the reflected solar radiance field." Universität Leipzig, 2003. https://ul.qucosa.de/id/qucosa%3A15232.
Full textEs wird dargestellt wie die untere Randbedingung in unserem Gauss-Seidel Strahlungstransportmodell erweitert wird, um eine richtungsabhängige Reflexion beschreiben zu können. Da die Beschreibung einer asymmetrischen Bodenreflexion zu aufwendig wäre, beschränken wir uns dabei auf den Fall, bei dem die Reflexion symmetrisch bezüglich der Einfallsebene ist. Als Ergebnisse werden die aufwärtsgerichtete Strahldichte unmittelbar am Erdboden und am Atmosphärenoberrand diskutiert und mit den Ergebnissen für die ursprünglich isotrope Reflexion verglichen. Außerdem wird auf den Einfluß der Rayleigh Streuung und der Extinktion durch die Aerosolpartikel auf das reflektierte solare Strahldichtefeld eingegangen.
Faizy, Shelly Mardhia. "Assessing a Modeling Standard in Volcanic-Geothermal Systems: the Effects of the Lower System Boundary." Thesis, Uppsala universitet, Institutionen för geovetenskaper, 2021. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:uu:diva-438664.
Full textHungershöfer, Katja, and Thomas Trautmann. "Investigations into the impact of the lower boundary condition on the reflected solar radiance field." Universitätsbibliothek Leipzig, 2017. http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bsz:15-qucosa-217354.
Full textEs wird dargestellt wie die untere Randbedingung in unserem Gauss-Seidel Strahlungstransportmodell erweitert wird, um eine richtungsabhängige Reflexion beschreiben zu können. Da die Beschreibung einer asymmetrischen Bodenreflexion zu aufwendig wäre, beschränken wir uns dabei auf den Fall, bei dem die Reflexion symmetrisch bezüglich der Einfallsebene ist. Als Ergebnisse werden die aufwärtsgerichtete Strahldichte unmittelbar am Erdboden und am Atmosphärenoberrand diskutiert und mit den Ergebnissen für die ursprünglich isotrope Reflexion verglichen. Außerdem wird auf den Einfluß der Rayleigh Streuung und der Extinktion durch die Aerosolpartikel auf das reflektierte solare Strahldichtefeld eingegangen
Daoust, Pascale. "High Resolution Stratigraphy of the Lower Silurian (Rhuddanian-Aeronian) Paleotropical Neritic Carbonates, Anticosti Island, Québec." Thesis, Université d'Ottawa / University of Ottawa, 2017. http://hdl.handle.net/10393/36645.
Full textNam, Christine C. W., Johannes Quaas, Roel Neggers, Drian Colombe Siegenthaler-Le, and Francesco Isotta. "Evaluation of boundary layer cloud parameterizations in the ECHAM5 general circulation model using CALIPSO and CloudSat satellite data." Universitätsbibliothek Leipzig, 2015. http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bsz:15-qucosa-177343.
Full textNam, Christine C. W., and Johannes Quaas. "Geographically versus dynamically defined boundary layer cloud regimes and their use to evaluate general circulation model cloud parameterizations: Geographically versus dynamically defined boundary layer cloudregimes and their use to evaluate general circulation model cloud parameterizations." American Geophysical Union (AGU), 2013. https://ul.qucosa.de/id/qucosa%3A13460.
Full textFreitas, Sylvio [Verfasser], and Bernd [Akademischer Betreuer] Leitl. "Investigation of terrain effects on wind dynamics within the lower atmospheric boundary layer / Sylvio Freitas ; Betreuer: Bernd Leitl." Hamburg : Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Hamburg, 2020. http://d-nb.info/1214370349/34.
Full textPergaud, Julien. "Étude et paramétrisation de la turbulence et des nuages de couche limite." Toulouse 3, 2008. http://thesesups.ups-tlse.fr/2340/.
Full textThe main objective of this thesis was to develop a new parameterization enabling to improve the mixing and representation of clouds in convective boundary layers. We thus developed a parameterization based on the concept EDMF for Eddy- Diffusivity/Mass Flux and in which the mass _ux scheme represents idealized thermal which can exchange air with its environment and whose air parcels can condensate. In the dry part of the updraft, entrainment and detrainment are defined as proportional to the buoyancy and inversely proportional to the vertical velocity in the updraft. This formalism allows the exchanges to adapt depending on the type of boundary layer or the intensity of convection. In the cloud, the buoyancy sort formalism was chosen. Indeed, it is well suited to represent exchanges between the cloud and its environment. Tests in a single column model helped highlight the contribution of such a scheme in the representation of the turbulence but also boundary layer clouds. It allows a good representation of the counter-gradient area and corrects a well-knwon defect of eddy-diffusivity parameterizations. 3D results are presented and demonstrate the need for such a scheme for models with 2. 5km resolution. It has been well implemented in the new operational mesoscale model at Météo-France named AROME
Nam, Christine C. W., Johannes Quaas, Roel Neggers, Drian Colombe Siegenthaler-Le, and Francesco Isotta. "Evaluation of boundary layer cloud parameterizations in the ECHAM5 general circulation model using CALIPSO and CloudSat satellite data." American Geophysical Union (AGU), 2014. https://ul.qucosa.de/id/qucosa%3A13458.
Full textHorn, Stefan. "Simulations of complex atmospheric flows using GPUs - the model ASAMgpu -." Doctoral thesis, Universitätsbibliothek Leipzig, 2015. http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bsz:15-qucosa-187994.
Full textCarrasco, Hugo Alexandre Sacristão. "Higher order boundary value problems on unbounded intervals." Doctoral thesis, Universidade de Évora, 2017. http://hdl.handle.net/10174/21093.
Full textSener, Johnny, and Anders Svensson. "Effektiv prissättning av OMXS-optioner : En empirisk undersökning." Thesis, Uppsala University, Department of Economics, 2006. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:uu:diva-7030.
Full textI uppsatsen har vi undersökt köpoptioner med OMXS30 som underliggande, syftet var att se om det fanns möjligheter till att göra arbitrage. Detta innebär att de är felprissatta. Vi har i vår undersökning testat optioners nedre gräns och köp-sälj paritetsvillkoret. Resultaten tyder på att det finns ett antal tillfällen då marknaden inte är effektiv, antalet tillfällen skiljer sig åt under olika marknadsförhållanden. De slutsatser vi kan dra är att marknaden måste vara mogen och marknadens aktörer måste ha en tydlig bild om i vilken riktning marknaden är på väg för att vi ska kunna säga att optionspriserna är effektivt prissatta. När investerare agerar irrationellt och osäkerheten är hög ökar frekvensen av antalet felprissättningar på finansiella instrument, däribland optioner.
Yost, Samantha L. "Paleocene decapods, survivor taxa of the Kambuehel Formation, Lower Austria, and their relationship to decapod diversity across the K/T boundary." Kent State University / OhioLINK, 2019. http://rave.ohiolink.edu/etdc/view?acc_num=kent1563376807903551.
Full textFIGUEIRA, Waléria Souza. "Efeito da remoção de umidade da camada limite planetária no desenvolvimento de cúmulos rasos e profundos." Universidade Federal de Campina Grande, 2015. http://dspace.sti.ufcg.edu.br:8080/jspui/handle/riufcg/673.
Full textMade available in DSpace on 2018-05-14T20:44:44Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 WALÉRIA SOUZA FIGUEIRA – DISSERTAÇÃO (PPGMET) 2015.pdf: 2735921 bytes, checksum: c2ab85caa20115480b90d1325acfad13 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-03-05
Este trabalho teve como objetivo estudar o efeito da remoção de umidade da camada limite planetária por cúmulos rasos. Para tal, esse efeito foi inserido no código do modelo BRAMS. Foram realizados dois experimentos: no primeiro experimento de controle (EXP_ORI), o modelo foi inicializado em sua forma original e no segundo (EXP_AJUST), o modelo foi integrado para as mesmas condições que o EXP_ORI, porém com o devido ajuste realizado no código do BRAMS. O modelo foi integrado para um período de 774 horas a partir da 00 UTC do dia 1° de janeiro até a 00 UTC do dia 1° de fevereiro de 2011. Para facilitar a análise quanto ao impacto desse ajuste no ciclo diário médio das variáveis termodinâmicas de superfície e da precipitação convectiva, foram feitas médias em duas áreas distintas de 1°x1°, uma área sobre superfície florestada (localizada no sul do Amazonas) e outra área sobre superfície desflorestada (localizada no norte da Bolívia). De forma geral, os resultados mostraram que houve diferenças notáveis no perfil termodinâmico da troposfera inferior devido à implementação do novo ajuste. As taxas de aquecimento e umedecimento, em ambas as áreas, tiveram picos as 09 e 09:30 horas local, embora o seu efeito líquido tenha se mostrado nas horas seguintes, o principal impacto ocorreu no início da tarde. O ciclo diário dos fluxos à superfície também foram sensíveis ao ajuste realizado no modelo. Já o comportamento e a quantidade da precipitação convectiva acumulada ao longo do dia foram melhorados no EXP_AJUST, principalmente na área desflorestada.
The objective of this work was to the effects of moisture removal from the planetary boundary layer by shallow cumulus. To reach this goal, this effect was implemented into the BRAMS model code. Two experiments were performed: in the control experiment (EXP_ORI), the model was initialized in its original form and in the second one (EXP_AJUST) the model was run to the same conditions as the EXP_ORI but with due adjustment made in BRAMS code. The model was run for a period of 774 hours, from 00 UTC of 1 January to 00 UTC of 1 February 2011. To facilitate the analysis of the impact of this adjustment on the mean daily cycle of thermodynamic variables of surface and convective precipitation, averages were performed in two different areas of 1° x 1°, an area of forested area (located in the south of the Amazon) and other deforested area on surface (located in northern Bolivia). Overall, the results showed that there were important differences in the thermodynamic profile of the lower troposphere due to the implementation of new setting in the BRAMS code. Values of moistening and heating rates in both areas peaked around 09 and 09:30 local time, although their net effect were felt later, the impact occurred mainly early afternoon. The daily cycle of surface fluxes were also sensitive to the adjustment performed in the model. Also the behavior and the amount of convective precipitation accumulated during the day in EXP_AJUST were improved, especially in deforested area.
DeSantis, Michael K. "Anatomy of Middle Devonian Faunal Turnover in Eastern North America: Implications for Global Bioevents at the Eifelian-Givetian Stage Boundary." University of Cincinnati / OhioLINK, 2010. http://rave.ohiolink.edu/etdc/view?acc_num=ucin1289581544.
Full textDowns, Drew Tyler. "In search of the Triassic-Jurassic boundary : palynostratigraphy and carbon-isotope stratigraphy of the lower Dinosaur Canyon Member on the Colorado Plateau (Kanab, Utah) /." Available to subscribers only, 2009. http://proquest.umi.com/pqdweb?did=1879993731&sid=4&Fmt=2&clientId=1509&RQT=309&VName=PQD.
Full textHarrison, Bianca. "Palaeoenvironments and position of the Precambrian–Cambrian boundary within the lower Vanrhynsdorp Group of South Africa: sedimentary facies analysis, U-Pb series zircon geochronology and micropalaeontology." Master's thesis, University of Cape Town, 2018. http://hdl.handle.net/11427/29450.
Full textBrosse, Fabien. "Influence de la couche limite convective sur la réactivité chimique en Afrique de l'Ouest." Thesis, Toulouse 3, 2017. http://www.theses.fr/2017TOU30324/document.
Full textThis thesis focuses on the influence of the convective and cloudy boundary layer on the chemical reactivity in West Africa. To answer this question, high resolution simulations (50m) are performed on the atmospheric model Meso-NH coupled to a detailed chemical scheme representing the gaseous and aqueous phases. This spatial scale allow to explicitly represent the spatial and temporal characteristics of turbulent structures. Thermals in the boundary layer are identified by a conditional sampling based on a radioactive-decay passive scalar. The turbulent transport influence on the redistribution of chemical species depends on the chemical lifetimes of these species. Spatial segregation is created within the convective boundary layer that increases or decreases the mean reaction rates between compounds. AMMA campaign field study, and more recently DACCIWA, are used to define dynamical and chemical forcing of two simulated environments. The first one is representative of a biogenic environment dominated by natural emissions of VOC. The second reproduces a moderately polluted typical urban area of the Guinean Gulf (Cotonou in Benin). For the sake of simplicity, simulations analysis are limited to the chemical reaction between isoprene and OH in the biogenic case, and the reaction between C>2 aldehydes and OH in the anthropogenic case. The convective boundary layer influence is studied at thermal and domain scale. This makes the connection with coarse resolution models for which a hypothesis of perfect and immediate mixing is made, neglecting the spatial variability of chemical species within a grid cell. The first results are based on the gaseous phase only. Cloudy development in the convective boundary layer only affects the vertical transport of chemical species. The simulations show that thermals are preferential reaction zones where the chemical reactivity is the highest. The top of the boundary layer is the region characterized by the highest calculated segregation intensities but of the opposite sign in both environments. In the biogenic environment, the inhomogeneous mixing of isoprene and OH in this zone leads to a maximum decrease of 30% of the mean reaction rate. In the anthropogenic case, the effective rate constant for OH reacting with aldehydes is 16% higher at maximum than the averaged value. The OH reactivity is higher by 15 to 40% inside thermals compared to the surroundings depending on the chemical environment and time of the day. Because thermals occupy a small fraction of the simulated domain, the impact of turbulent motions on the domain-averaged OH total reactivity reaches a maximum 9% decrease for the biogenic case and a maximum of 5% increase for the anthropogenic case. LES simulations including the aqueous reactivity reveal a significant decrease in OH mixing ratios associated to the presence of clouds. Consequently, isoprene and C>2 aldehydes mixing ratios increase at these altitudes
Young, Alisa H. "The characterization of deep convection in the tropical tropopause layer using active and passive satellite observations." Diss., Georgia Institute of Technology, 2011. http://hdl.handle.net/1853/41210.
Full textNogueira, Ariadne. "Integrais concentradas na fronteira e aplicações para problemas elípticos semilineares." Universidade de São Paulo, 2017. http://www.teses.usp.br/teses/disponiveis/45/45131/tde-06122017-104037/.
Full textIn this work we study concentrating integrals properties, in other words, we analyze integrals which function that is been integrated acts only in a neighborhood of the boundary of the domain. Such terms are use to know the behaviour of the integrand in regions which Lebesgue measure tends to zero when a parameter goes to zero. We will illustrate these abstract results through two applications, both in Lipschitz domains of R2, where we add a concentration term in semi linear elliptic problems: oscillating boundary domain which tends to a fixed limit domain; and a thin domain with a oscillatory boundary. In both cases we prove the upper and lower semicontinuity of the family of solutions from these problems.
Görgen, Klaus. "Sensitivitätsstudien und Analyse von Atmosphäre-Meereis-Wechselwirkungen mit dem regionalen Atmosphärenmodell HIRHAM4 auf Basis eines neu entwickelten beobachtungsgestützten unteren Modellantriebs während ausgewählter Sommer über der Arktis, Laptewsee = Sensitivity studies and analysis of atmosphere-sea-ice-interactions with the regional atmospheric model HIRHAM4 using a newly developed observational lower boundary forcing dataset during selected summers over the Arctic/Laptev Sea /." Bremerhaven : Alfred-Wegener-Inst. für Polar- und Meeresforschung, 2006. http://www.gbv.de/dms/bs/toc/517265761.pdf.
Full textFialho, João Manuel Ferrão. "Existence, localization and multiplicity results for nonlinear and functional." Doctoral thesis, Universidade de Évora, 2012. http://hdl.handle.net/10174/15248.
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