Academic literature on the topic 'Long spark'
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Journal articles on the topic "Long spark"
Zhou, J., G. Brum, A. González, B. S. Launikonis, M. D. Stern, and E. Ríos. "Ca2+ Sparks and Embers of Mammalian Muscle. Properties of the Sources." Journal of General Physiology 122, no. 1 (June 30, 2003): 95–114.
Full textSatoh, H., L. A. Blatter, and D. M. Bers. "Effects of [Ca2+]i, SR Ca2+ load, and rest on Ca2+ spark frequency in ventricular myocytes." American Journal of Physiology-Heart and Circulatory Physiology 272, no. 2 (February 1, 1997): H657—H668.
Full textZhao, Zheng, Chenjie Li, Xinlei Zheng, Anbang Sun, and Jiangtao Li. "Periodical discharge regime transitions under long-term repetitive nanosecond pulses." Plasma Sources Science and Technology 31, no. 4 (April 1, 2022): 045005.
Full textShelobolin, A. V. "Long laser spark and electric gas breakdown." Plasma Physics Reports 26, no. 4 (April 2000): 320–27.
Full textBrookes, Ken. "Long life demands spark probe into tool performance." Metal Powder Report 62, no. 1 (January 2007): 24–29.
Full textDanilov, O. B., and S. A. Tul'ski. "An electrical discharge initiated by a long laser spark." Journal of Optical Technology 66, no. 3 (March 1, 1999): 187.
Full textSavel'eva, V. P. "Optical shaping systems for generating a long laser spark." Journal of Optical Technology 66, no. 3 (March 1, 1999): 215.
Full textHopland, Arnt O. "Long-run relationship between investment and maintenance in local governments." Facilities 34, no. 11/12 (August 1, 2016): 703–22.
Full textBogatov, Nikolay, Vladimir Syssoev, Marat Bulatov, and Dmitry Sukharevsky. "Microwave diagnostics of the streamer zone of a long spark." ITM Web of Conferences 30 (2019): 11007.
Full textBazelyan, E. M., and N. A. Popov. "Stepwise Development of a Positive Long Spark in the Air." Plasma Physics Reports 46, no. 3 (March 2020): 293–305.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Long spark"
Arevalo, Liliana. "Numerical Simulations of Long Spark and Lightning Attachment." Doctoral thesis, Uppsala universitet, Elektricitetslära, 2011.
Full textПетков, Александр Александрович. "Особенности применения многошаговой модели для описания поражения объектов разрядом длинной искры." Thesis, Харківський національний економічний університет ім. Семена Кузнеця, 2016.
Full textThe paper discusses the problem of determining the adequacy of the statistical model, which describes the defeat of objects using long sparks. It has been shown that more research is needed on the choice of methods that provide verification agreement of simulation results and experimental plane distribution points defeat.
Klasén, Erik. "Modeling and Estimation of Long Route EGR Mass Flow in a Turbocharged Gasoline Engine." Thesis, Linköpings universitet, Fordonssystem, 2016.
Full textKoutsoumpakis, Georgios. "Spark-based Application for Abnormal Log Detection." Thesis, Uppsala universitet, Institutionen för informationsteknologi, 2014.
Full textDuncan, Tyeliah Elaine. "Modeling and centralization of strategic inventory for repairable and long lead-time spare parts." Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2011.
Full textVita. Cataloged from PDF version of thesis.
Includes bibliographical references (p. 59-60).
This thesis develops an optimal inventory model for repairable and long leadtime spare parts for an Engine overhaul business. In addition, it presents a business case for centralization of inventory. Pratt & Whitney purchased the Norway Engine Center (NEC) in 2000. Two new engine centers, the Shanghai Engine Center (SEC) and the Turkey Engine Center (TEC) opened as joint ventures in 2009. While all three engine centers overhaul the same engine, they each make independent decisions regarding material strategy. Operations are expected to grow substantially at the two newest centers. Current inventory practices are not sustainable as operations expand. In addition, the overhaul business is a competitive market and there is growing pressure to decrease engine turn-around-time (TAT). An optimal material strategy is needed to reduce the material sourcing time and therefore reduce overall TAT. This project develops an inventory strategy that will significantly reduce TAT with minimal additional inventory investment. To accomplish this, an inventory model was developed to determine the optimal inventory level and then using this model, the business case for using centralization to reduce both holding cost and material sourcing time was investigated. All inventory in the engine centers were considered in this project, however rotable material became the focus of this research as it has the largest impact on the engine center through its high value and long lead-times. Rotable material is inventory used to buffer against the lead-time of parts out for repair. In the engine overhaul business material sourcing time is built into the process. This means that material is not needed immediately but rather after some specified amount of time. This feature is central to the rotable inventory model. The model determines the mean and variance of the excess lead-time - the portion of the lead-time that occurs after the specified time allotted. The excess lead-time is used to determine the optimal reorder point. Using this model, we show that centralization of rotable material will reduce inventory value by more than 30% over the current decentralized system both using the current TAT as well as the proposed TAT.
by Tyeliah Elaine Duncan.
Arcanjo, Marcelo Augusto Sousa. "Corona discharges from grounded rods and 337/777 nm emissions of laboratory long sparks." Doctoral thesis, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2022.
Full textEsta tesis presenta una investigación sobre las huellas de descargas de corona en pararrayos durante tormentas eléctricas y en el laboratorio, con detecciones ópticas en las longitudes de onda de 337/777 nm para descargas de alto voltaje. Este proyecto de doctorado se contextualiza en el programa europeo: Science and Innovation with thunderstorms (SAINT), financiado por la Acción Horizon 2020 / Marie Sklodowska Curie (Acuerdo de subvención ID: 722337). En condiciones de electrificación, las nubes cargadas producen un aumento del campo eléctrico a nivel del suelo. Eso, a su vez, puede ocasionar descargas de corona que producen una capa de carga espacial en las proximidades de las estructuras conectadas a tierra. El estudio de este fenómeno es útil para comprender los procesos y la conexión de los canales de los rayos. Además de la corriente eléctrica obtenida de las descargas, otra variable importante es la huella óptica (las señales ópticas a lo largo del tiempo) generada por los canales de plasma. Las emisiones en muchas líneas espectrales asociadas con reacciones de streamers y líderes con los componentes principales de la atmósfera son relevantes para las observaciones visuales. Este trabajo presenta un capítulo de revisión de la literatura actual sobre los procesos asociados a las descargas atmosféricas y los principales conceptos aplicados. A continuación, se realiza una descripción detallada de la instrumentación disponible para las pruebas realizadas en laboratorio y en campo. El primer artículo de este compendio presenta datos obtenidos con experimentos de una varilla puesta a tierra sujeta a un campo eléctrico de fondo elevado en laboratorio y en campo. Un número limitado de trabajos en la literatura han presentado dichos datos. Un análisis que correlaciona la frecuencia del pulso, el nivel del campo eléctrico y la velocidad media del viento es la principal novedad del artículo. Un artículo presentado en congreso adjunto a la tesis complementa los resultados y realiza una comparación de las descargas observadas en otros dos sitios experimentales. El segundo artículo presenta una recopilación de resultados obtenidos en el laboratorio para la investigación de la huella óptica en dos líneas específicas de los espectros (337 nm y 777 nm), las que tienen emisiones más intensas en los rayos. Existe una relevancia especial de dichos experimentos para respaldar las observaciones de rayos basadas en satélites por el Monitor de Interacciones Atmosfera-Espacio (ASIM) que realiza mediciones ópticas en los mismos rangos de longitud de onda y los generadores de imágenes de rayos operacionales como Geostationary Lightning Mapper (GLM) y el futuro Meteosat Third Generation Lightning Imager (MTG-LI). Se presentan las conclusiones, junto con las perspectivas de trabajo futuro siguiendo los resultados originales alcanzados con este doctorado. Esta tesis finaliza con una descripción detallada de las actividades de difusión (presentación en seminarios y congresos, publicaciones en coautoría en revistas y congresos) y actividades formativas recibidas a lo largo de este proyecto. Finalmente, el apéndice presenta desarrollos y aplicaciones adicionales del sensor desarrollado durante este doctorado, que comprende experimentos realizados durante período de prácticas de dos meses en la Universidad Tecnológica de Eindhoven (TU/e), y un apartado con resultados para el uso de fotómetros para determinar la iniciación de un líder ascendente. Estos experimentos son particularmente interesantes para comprender la producción de cargas espaciales y en la validación de pararrayos. Los conceptos aplicados al desarrollo del sensor de corriente de descarga corona fueron patentados junto con Dena Desarrollos, empresa donde se llevaron a cabo las investigaciones durante este doctorado.
Enginyeria Elèctrica
Dubuc, Clémence. "A Real- time Log Correlation System for Security Information and Event Management." Thesis, KTH, Skolan för elektroteknik och datavetenskap (EECS), 2021.
Full textKorrelation av flera händelser under en viss tidsperiod är en nödvändighet för plattformen för hotdetektering. När det gäller attacker i flera steg (attacker som kännetecknas av en sekvens av utförda kommandon) gör det möjligt att upptäcka de olika stegen ett efter ett och korrelera dem för att utlösa en varning. Den gör det också möjligt att upptäcka onormala beteenden i IT- systemet, t.ex. flera misstänkta åtgärder som utförs av samma konto. Korrelationen av säkerhetshändelser ökar systemets säkerhet och minskar antalet falska positiva upptäckter. Korrelationen av händelserna görs tack vare redan existerande korrelationsregler. Målet med den här avhandlingen är att utvärdera genomförbarheten av en korrelationsmotor baserad på Apache Spark. Det är nödvändigt att ändra det nuvarande korrelationssystemet eftersom det inte är skalbart, det kan inte hantera alla inkommande data och det kan inte utföra vissa typer av korrelation, t.ex. aggregering av händelserna efter attribut eller beräkning av kardinaliteten. Det nya är att förbättra systemets prestanda och korrelationskapacitet. I detta projekt föreslås två system för korrelering av händelser. Det första bygger på Apache Spark Structured Streaming och analyserade flödet av säkerhetsloggar i realtid. Eftersom resultaten inte var tillfredsställande har ett andra system införts. Det använder ett mer traditionellt tillvägagångssätt genom att lagra loggarna i ett Elastic Searchkluster och göra korrelationsförfrågningar på dem. I slutändan kan de två systemen korrelera plattformens loggar. Det system som bygger på Apache Spark använder dock för många resurser per korrelationsregel och det är för dyrt att starta hundratals korrelationsförfrågningar samtidigt. Av dessa skäl föredras systemet baserat på Elastic Search och det implementeras i arbetsflödet.
Bock, Anna [Verfasser], Annette [Akademischer Betreuer] Menzel, and Tim H. [Akademischer Betreuer] Sparks. "Detection of the impacts of climate change on plants from novel unexploited long-term datasets / Anna Bock. Gutachter: Annette Menzel ; Tim H. Sparks. Betreuer: Annette Menzel." München : Universitätsbibliothek der TU München, 2014.
Full textPospíšilová, Iva. "Mezinárodní standardy účetního výkaznictví versus česká úprava dlouhodobého majetku." Master's thesis, Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta podnikatelská, 2008.
Full textCHEN, SHIH-HSUAN, and 陳世軒. "Integrating Latent Semantic Indexing and Clustering Algorithms to Develop a Long-Term Care 2.0 App based on Spark." Thesis, 2019.
Full text國立虎尾科技大學
The main reason for the low usage rate of long-term care 2.0 is that most people do not understand the long-term care 2.0 system, and how to improve the awareness and usage of long-term care is the main purpose of this study. This study proposes to Integrating LSI, K-means and K-NN into Semantic Cloud Framework (ILKKSCF) to solve the above problems. The main of the system is to use the Latent Semantic Indexing (LSI), K-means and K-NN in Machine Learning and combine the Semantic Web, and to analyze Big Data based on cloud computing. Collect articles related to long-term care and divide them into words through Jieba. Matrix Market Format is used to transform words into matrix vectors, and TF-IDF is used to calculate the weights of words. Then LSI module is established to find out the hidden association between words, and then K-means algorithm is used to cluster the words. This research constructs a Long-Term Care Application Platform (LCAP), collects the user's problems about Long-Term 2.0 through LCAP, inputs them to the built LSI module, and classifies the problems by through K-NN algorithm. Finally, find out the matching articles through the Cosine Similarity to reply to the user. In addition, the user information collected by LCAP and the long-term care sites in Open Data are integrated into the long-term care sites and services recommended by Semantic Web. Due to the huge amount of data accumulated over the years, Spark is used to integrate Machine Learning and Semantic Web into cloud computing to improve the speed, and the K-value settings of Spark in LSI, K-means and cloud performance tests under different data volumes are compared. In this study, the accuracy and satisfaction of the survey are evaluated systematically. According to the results, LSI and K-means can meet the needs of the system at K=300, and the total satisfaction score of 5 is 4.15, which verifies the feasibility of ILKKSCF.
Books on the topic "Long spark"
Conference, American Society of Mechanical Engineers Internal Combustion Engine Division Technical. Proceedings of the 2004 Fall Technical Conference of the ASME Internal Combustion Engine Division: Presented at Fall Technical Conference of the ASME Internal Combustion Engine Division, October 24-27, 2004, Long Beach, California, USA. New York, N.Y: ASME, 2004.
Find full textConference, American Society of Mechanical Engineers Internal Combustion Engine Division Technical. Proceedings of the 2004 Fall Technical Conference of the ASME Internal Combustion Engine Division: Presented at 2004 Fall Technical Conference of the ASME Internal Combustion Engine Division : October 24-27, 2004, Long Beach, California, USA. New York, N.Y: American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2004.
Find full textSpare Time in Texas: Recreation and history in the Lone Star State. Austin: University of Texas Press, 2008.
Find full textWeisbrod, Roberta. Clean Transportation for New York : A Long Road Ahead. INFORM, Inc, 2000.
Find full textDeLapp-Birkett, Jennifer. Government Censorship and Aaron Copland’s Lincoln Portrait during the Second Red Scare. Edited by Patricia Hall. Oxford University Press, 2016.
Full textBunk, Brian D. From Football to Soccer. University of Illinois Press, 2021.
Full textStoughton, Seth W., Jeffrey J. Noble, and Geoffrey P. Alpert. Evaluating Police Uses of Force. NYU Press, 2020.
Full textGlanville, Luke. Sharing Responsibility. Princeton University Press, 2021.
Full textArmor, David J. Forced Justice. Oxford University Press, 1995.
Full textAbdelsattar, Jad M., Moustafa M. El Khatib, T. K. Pandian, Samuel J. Allen, and David R. Farley. Mayo Clinic General Surgery. Oxford University Press, 2020.
Full textBook chapters on the topic "Long spark"
Stevens, Laura M. "“Spare his life to save his soul”: Enthralled Lovers and Heathen Converts in “The Four Indian Kings Garland”." In Atlantic Worlds in the Long Eighteenth Century, 97–113. New York: Palgrave Macmillan US, 2012.
Full textBazelyan, E. M., and Yu P. Raizer. "Long Streamers." In Spark Discharge, 145–202. Routledge, 2017.
Full textBazelyan, E. M., and Yu P. Raizer. "Electrical Strength of Long Gaps." In Spark Discharge, 261–76. Routledge, 2017.
Full textArmstrong, John. "The Crewing of British Coastal Colliers, 1870-1914." In The Vital Spark, 129–48. Liverpool University Press, 2009.
Full textArmstrong, John. "Climax and Climacteric: The British Coastal Trade, 1870-1930." In The Vital Spark, 261–82. Liverpool University Press, 2009.
Full textArmstrong, John. "Management Response in British Coastal Shipping Companies to Railway Competition." In The Vital Spark, 61–76. Liverpool University Press, 2009.
Full textArmstrong, John. "The Significance of Coastal Shipping in British Domestic Transport, 1550-1830." In The Vital Spark, 15–40. Liverpool University Press, 2009.
Full text"The streamer-leader process in a long spark." In Lightning Physics and Lightning Protection, 27–89. Taylor & Francis, 2000.
Full textHaroutounian, Joanne. "The Flame: Teenage Years." In Kindling the Spark. Oxford University Press, 2002.
Full text"Sparks." In Blessings for the Long Night, 66–67. Broadleaf Books, 2022.
Full textConference papers on the topic "Long spark"
Beroual, A., J. H. Rakotonandrasana, and I. Fofana. "Modeling laboratory negative long spark discharges." In 2009 IEEE Conference on Electrical Insulation and Dielectric Phenomena (CEIDP). IEEE, 2009.
Full textWaters, R. T. "The long spark and lightning simulation." In IEE Colloquium on Advances in HV Technology. IEE, 1996.
Full textNakai, Meroji, Yasuhiko Nakagawa, Kyugo Hamai, and Masazumi Sone. "Stabilized Combustion in a Spark Ignited Engine through a Long Spark Duration." In SAE International Congress and Exposition. 400 Commonwealth Drive, Warrendale, PA, United States: SAE International, 1985.
Full textTruman, K. P., and M. W. Niehaus. "Development of a long-life triggered spark gap." In The 33rd IEEE International Conference on Plasma Science, 2006. ICOPS 2006. IEEE Conference Record - Abstracts. IEEE, 2006.
Full textTruman, Keith, and Matthew Niehaus. "Development of a Long Life Triggered Spark Gap." In 2006 Twenty-Seventh International Power Modulator Symposium. IEEE, 2006.
Full textRager, Jochen, Jochen Böhm, Thomas Kaiser, Alexander Flaig, and Frank Mücklich. "Design and Materials for Long-Life Spark Plugs." In SAE 2006 World Congress & Exhibition. 400 Commonwealth Drive, Warrendale, PA, United States: SAE International, 2006.
Full textAgafonov, A. V., A. V. Oginov, A. A. Rodionov, and K. V. Shpakov. "Current filaments in a long spark in air." In 2015 IEEE International Conference on Plasma Sciences (ICOPS). IEEE, 2015.
Full textNakano, Daisuke, Takahiro Suzuki, and Masayoshi Matsui. "Gas Engine Ignition System for Long-Life Spark Plugs." In Small Engine Technology Conference & Exposition. 400 Commonwealth Drive, Warrendale, PA, United States: SAE International, 2004.
Full textWang, Lawrence S. N. "Diffusive radial expansion effect on long-Rail spark dynamical impedances." In 2011 IEEE 38th International Conference on Plasma Sciences (ICOPS). IEEE, 2011.
Full textGromovenko, V. M. "Local enhancement of atmospheric electrical field by long laser spark." In 11th International Symposium on High-Voltage Engineering (ISH 99). IEE, 1999.
Full textReports on the topic "Long spark"
Biagi, C., and M. Uman. Observations and Modeling of Long Negative Laboratory Discharges: Identifying the Physics Important to an Electrical Spark in Air. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), December 2011.
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