Academic literature on the topic 'Logistic just-in-time concept'

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Journal articles on the topic "Logistic just-in-time concept"


Lukinskiy, Valery, Vladislav Lukinskiy, and Yuri Merkuryev. "MODELLING OF TRANSPORT OPERATIONS IN SUPPLY CHAINS IN OBEDIENCE TO “JUST-IN-TIME” CONCEPTION." Transport 33, no. 5 (December 18, 2018): 1162–72.

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Transportation is a key logistics function, which determines the dynamic nature of material flows in logistics systems. At the same time, transportation is a source of uncertainty of logistics operations performance in the supply chain. Obviously, the development of a new approach for evaluation of the duration of delivery “Just-In-Time” (JIT) will improve the efficiency of supply chains in accordance with one of the major criteria, namely customer satisfaction. One of the basic approaches to make effective management decisions in transportation and other logistic operations is the JIT concept. In the majority of examined sources the JIT concept is described on the verbal level without any usage of calculation dependences. The paper is devoted to the formation of analytical and simulation models, which allow obtaining the probabilistic evaluation of the implementation of unimodal and multimodal international transportation JIT. The first model where the order of the operations implementation does not affect final result is formed on the basis of the probability theory: distribution laws composition, theorems of numerical characteristics of random variables, formula of complete probability. The second model accounts the impact of operations implementation order in transportation and their interconnection and is based on the simulation (the method of statistic experiments) and shown as a corresponding algorithm, which allows to consider different limitations (technical, organizational and so on). Considered analytical dependences give the possibility to obtain the necessary estimations of the transport operations implementation according to JIT: mean transportation time, delivery implementation probability by the set moment or the delivery time with the set probability. To carry out some comparative calculations and clarify the algorithm, two international routes have been chosen: the first one is a unimodal road transportation, the second one is a multimodal transportation (road and marine transport). All the data, which is necessary for calculation has been collected on the basis of official information (in particular, the data of tachograph, special questionnaires filled in by the drivers, the survey results of the managers). For unimodal transportations analytical dependences and modelling results give close results. For the combined multimodal transportations taking into account various limitations the preference must be given to the simulation. The modelled indexes take into consideration their intercommunication and definitely estimate the supply chains reliability, and this allows decreasing the uncertainty of the logistic system.
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Steyn, P. D., and A. S. A. Du Toit. "Investigating the potential for the development of a just-in-time knowledge management model." South African Journal of Business Management 41, no. 2 (June 30, 2010): 1–12.

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There have been numerous approaches to knowledge management over the past number of years. The term Just-in-Time (JIT) can be defined as a production or inventory scheduling technique found within the more complex production logistics disciplines. JIT is more appropriately thought of as a philosophy, as it is more than a mere set of management and production principles. JIT knowledge management is an endeavour to provide the right knowledge at the right time to the right person. This requires insight into the knowledge demand and supply process as well as the time horizon applicable to the knowledge required. Over the longer term business forecasts, environmental scans and strategic planning can be applied to close the gap between these variables. However, it is in the short term and in the satisfaction of immediate requirements that the present systems fail and management concerns are emphasised. JIT knowledge management seeks an optimisation of the matching process between demand and supply of knowledge within enterprises, i.e. it endeavours to translate the logistic concept of JIT to the knowledge management field. In addition to JIT knowledge management the concept of real-time knowledge management is introduced as an alternative, since present research indicates that the implementation of JIT knowledge management presents major challenges in terms of cost and development effort, restricting its use to mission critical applications. A more generic application of JIT knowledge management needs to be developed and it is contended that real-time knowledge management fits the requirements of enabling the enterprise to be agile in respect of its ability to respond to knowledge demands and to be sensitive to future knowledge requirements.
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Syhyda, L. O., and A. M. Tsunenko. "LOGISTIC ACTIVITY OF LUKAS MTC PE: CURRENT STATE AND DIRECTIONS OF FURTHER IMPROVEMENT." Vìsnik Sumsʹkogo deržavnogo unìversitetu, no. 2 (2020): 112–20.

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In the current conditions problem of logistics is becoming more and more burning for enterprises. The reason is that logistics reflects the willingness of enterprises to adapting and transparency. Accordingly, the purpose of the article is to study the peculiarities of the logistics activities at the Lukas MTC PE. The data presented in the article were obtained using such research methods as analysis, graphical method, and SWOT-analysis. As a result of the research, the literature sources devoted to the problem of supply chain management and its efficiency evaluation at the enterprises were investigated. Using Google trends, we determined the dynamics of the keyword “logistics” search for the period from May 2019 to May 2020. Additionally, based on the Scopus database, we analyzed publications for the keyword “supply chain management”. It showed that the scientists from the United States, Great Britain, India, and Germany make the main contribution in this field, and the chain concept forms the largest cluster of research. Using SWOT-analysis, we identified the strengths and weaknesses of the Lukas MTC PE. It allowed determining further directions of enterprises’ development regarding potential threats. Moreover, we presented the features of the logistics activities of the enterprise in the form of the Ishikawa diagram. It showed the success factors of the Lukas MTC PE logistics activities. In particular, as the main factors, we highlighted its own logistics center, suppliers’ careful selection and control, electronic system 1C WMS in the warehouse, and others. The obtained results allowed to suggest three main directions of the logistics activity improvement. The first is the implementation of the logistics concept "just-in-time", which provides the use of the KANBAN system. The second one is the implementation of the ERP system, and the third is the introduction of SAP Transportation Management (SAP TM). Also, we analyzed potential risks to increase the effectiveness of the proposed improvements implementation. The extreme risks are lack of material, financial, labor resources, and insufficient qualifications of employees in working with new programs. Additionally, risk analysis allowed to develop preventive measures to reduce or eliminate potential risks. Further research aims at studying the peculiarities of Lukas MTC PE interaction with suppliers.
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Daugherty, Patricia J., and Michael S. Spencer. "Just‐in‐Time Concepts: Applicability to Logistics/Transportation." International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management 20, no. 7 (July 1990): 12–18.

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Sharma*, Neha, Aayush Raj, Vivek Kesireddy, and Preetham Akunuri. "Machine Learning Implementation in Electronic Commerce for Churn Prediction of End User." International Journal of Soft Computing and Engineering 10, no. 5 (May 30, 2021): 20–25.

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Client conduct can be addressed from numerous points of view. The client's conduct is distinctive in various circumstances will give his concept of client conduct. From an overall viewpoint, the conduct of the client, or rather any individual around there, is taken to be irregular. When noticed distinctly, it is regularly seen that the future conduct of an individual can rely upon different variables of the current circumstance just as the conduct in past circumstances. This examination establishes the forecast of client beat, for example regardless of whether the client will end buying from the purchaser or not, which relies upon different components. We have chipped away at two sorts of client information. To start with, that is reliant upon the current elements which don't influence the past or future buys. Second, a period arrangement information which gives us a thought of how the future buys can be identified with the buys before. Logistic Regression, Random Forest Classifier, Artificial neural organization, and Recurrent Neural Network has been carried out to find the connections of the agitate with different factors and order the client beat productively. The correlation of calculations demonstrates that the aftereffects of Logistic Regression were somewhat better for the principal Dataset. The Recurrent Neural Network model, which was applied to the time-arrangement dataset, additionally gave better outcomes.
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Lukinskiy, Valery, Natalia Pletneva, Victor Gorshkov, and Pyotr Druzhinin. "Application of the Logistics “Just in Time” Concept to Improve the Road Safety." Transportation Research Procedia 20 (2017): 418–24.

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Kegenbekov, Zhandos K., and Ilya V. Jakson. "ENTERPRISE RESOURCE MANAGEMENT BASED ON LOGISTICS CONCEPTS." Russian Journal of Water Transport, no. 62 (March 10, 2020): 103–10.

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The article deals with the basic concepts of business process management enterprise, the advantages and disadvantages of the pushing system, aimed at meeting the needs of the enterprise in resources, accompanied by minimal transport and storage costs and pulling system material flow organization , in which resources are fed from the previous operation to the next, in accordance with the needs. The article also offers the concept modification variant of Just in time (JIT), which we call VM (variability in manufacturing), the variable production concept . The main idea of the VM concept is to be able to combine a pulling and pushing system. The main advantage of this logistics systems consolidation is the ability to vary production capacity in individual segments of the system. This model can be used in the production of goods with different demand dynamics for its components.
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Novack, Robert A., L. M. Rinehart, and S. A. Fawcett. "Rethinking Integrated Concept Foundations: A Just‐in‐Time Argument for Linking Production/Operations and Logistics Management." International Journal of Operations & Production Management 13, no. 6 (June 1993): 31–43.

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Rifai, Firas, and Abdulrahman Hashem. "Outsourcing Strategy of Logistical Activities as Adaptive Tool for SMEs." Journal of Management and Sustainability 8, no. 3 (August 22, 2018): 88.

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In reference to the accelerated development in the world of business, several economic concerns have been emerged such as: growing competitive pressure in the SMEs and large companies, increase in customers’ demand for services, emphasis on critical operations, better customer satisfaction, globalization, etc.To manage every one of these difficulties Logistics prerequisites have continuously expanded, for example, delivery time, Just-in-Time technique, Order cycle, Order fill rate, Order processing, enhancing project management, cost reduction and many others. In this manner, SMEs and large companies consider logistics as a potential key competitive advantage. Also, there is a growing demand for professional logistics and modified logistics solutions. The tailored complex logistics providers offer their packages under special term contract that add special values to the clients. However, some companies still have deficits and needs for proper logistical services, as they had assigned traditional logistics services, such as transport and storage services, to a specialized Logistics service provider. This article tries to give an illustration about contract logistics concept for companies.
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de Andres Gonzalez, Olena, Heikki Koivisto, Jari M. Mustonen, and Minna M. Keinänen-Toivola. "Digitalization in Just-In-Time Approach as a Sustainable Solution for Maritime Logistics in the Baltic Sea Region." Sustainability 13, no. 3 (January 22, 2021): 1173.

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This research provides an overview of the process and results of the development and implementation of the Port Activity Application. The aim of the application is to improve the coordination and information exchange mechanisms between the existing systems of ports and ships during piloting ordering process to ensure their effective interoperability, giving a better understanding of the impact of digitalization on the sustainability of seaports and maritime transport. To implement this concept, a system of step-by-step actions was developed, including determining the current situation, developing a business model and business logic for implementing an appropriate information and communication technology (ICT) solution, analysing the local government structure, analysing intermodal information exchange between stakeholders, developing and testing a new ICT tool. The ports of Rauma, Finland, and Gävle, Sweden, were used as pilot ports. As a result of the study, the main bottlenecks in the process of information exchange in ordering pilotage were identified. An improved business model and business logic, that allows the rational use of resources and reduces CO2 emission and the pressure on the environment, was developed. The testbed was conducted in an environment of real port operations. Currently, the open access source code is available for use for maritime cluster actors.
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Dissertations / Theses on the topic "Logistic just-in-time concept"


Антоненко, Яна Сергіївна. "Логістична just-in-time концепція як приклад оптимального антикризового управління." Thesis, Національної академії Національної гвардії України, 2017.

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Кривогубова, Ілона Миколаївна, and Ilona Kryvohubova. "Переваги та недоліки логістичної концепції «just in time»." Thesis, Національний авіаційний університет, 2021.

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1. Маркетинг і логістика: концептуальні основи та стратегічні рішення. Навч. посібник у схемах та таблицях (для організації самостійної роботи студентів ВНЗ). 2-е стереотипне видання. /С.В. Смерічевська, М.В. Жаболенко, С.В. Маловичко та інш.: за заг. ред С.В. Смерічевської. Львів: «Магнолія 2006», 2019. 552 с. 2. Just in Time. URL: (дата звернення: 23.03.2021). 3. Логістична концепція Just-in-Time // Світ знань. URL: (дата звернення: 23.03.2021).
Концепція «точно в строк» (Just in Time – JIT) - це сучасна концепція/технологія побудови логістичної системи в виробництві (операційному менеджменті), постачанні й дистрибуції, заснована на синхронізації процесів доставки матеріальних ресурсів і готової продукції в необхідній кількості на той час, коли в ланках логістичної системи в них виникає потреба, з метою мінімізації витрат, пов'язаних зі створенням запасів. Сутність даної системи укладається в тому, що попит на будь-якій ділянці ланцюга постачання визначається попитом кінцевого споживача. Поки немає попиту наприкінці ланцюга, продукція не виробляється й не накопичується, не замовляється й не комплектується.
The concept of "just in time" (Just in Time - JIT) - is a modern concept / technology for building a logistics system in production (operational management), supply and distribution, based on the synchronization of processes of delivery of material resources and finished products in the required quantity at that time. when there is a need for them in the logistics system, in order to minimize the costs associated with the creation of stocks. The essence of this system is that the demand for any part of the supply chain is determined by the demand of the final consumer. As long as there is no demand at the end of the chain, products are not produced or accumulated, ordered or completed.
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Щур, Марина Олександрівна, Maryna Shchur, Анастасія Ігорівна Гречковська, and Anastasia Grechkovska. "Ризики реалізації концепції "just in time" в період карантинних обмежень." Thesis, Національний авіаційний університет, 2021.

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1. Киричук У. FMCG: Как сформировать план выхода из карантина.URL: 2. ОТК «Юнитранс». Ритейлеров подвела логистическая технология Just-in-Time. URL: 3. Гусаченко Н. Эксперты обозначили главные вызовы для логистики в период пандемии. URL: 4. Гiрна О.Б. Логістика і ланцюги поставок: виклики пандемії COVID-19. URL:
Пандемія COVID-19 стала викликом для світової економіки та логістики в тому числі. Карантині обмеження стали проблемою для перевезення товарів та спровокували затримки у ланцюгах постачання. Світові та українські компанії зосередили свою увагу в першу чергу на забезпеченні безпечних умови праці та на дотриманні карантинних умов, що призвело до великих втрат для більшості підприємств різних сфер економіки. В нових умовах функціонування як окремих бізнес-структур, так і макроекономічних систем, спричинених пандемією та карантинними обмеженнями у світовому масштабі, виникли принципово нові проблеми, які потребували принципового перегляду підходів до побудови безперервності та досконалості ланцюгів постачання. Більш того, більшість логістичних концепцій, спрямованих на мінімізацію запасів в логістичних системах, зокрема, концепція JIT, стали причиною перебоїв на шляху руху матеріального потоку, і як наслідок, виникненню непередбачених додаткових ризиків для суб’єктів господарювання у всьому світі.
The COVID-19 pandemic has become a challenge for the global economy and logistics in particular. Quarantine restrictions have become a problem for the transportation of goods and have provoked delays in supply chains. Global and Ukrainian companies have focused primarily on ensuring safe working conditions and compliance with quarantine conditions, which has led to large losses for most companies in various sectors of the economy. In the new conditions of functioning of both individual business structures and macroeconomic systems caused by pandemics and quarantine restrictions on a global scale, fundamentally new problems arose that required a fundamental revision of approaches to building continuity and perfection of supply chains. Moreover, most logistics concepts aimed at minimizing inventories in logistics systems, in particular the JIT concept, have caused disruptions in the flow of material and, as a result, unforeseen additional risks for businesses around the world.
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Mihalec, Peter. "Návrh logistické koncepce vybraného výrobního úseku." Master's thesis, Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta podnikatelská, 2018.

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This diploma´s thesis is focused on design of the logistics concept of selected production section in manufacturing firm with using logistics method Just In Time. In analytical part is analysed current situation of managing material flows for selected production sections, ways of supplying production units and amount of stock which is stored in production areas. In proposal part are suggested some changes in various spheres along with new design of the logistics concept and possible economical contributions in case of applying this logistics concept.
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Book chapters on the topic "Logistic just-in-time concept"


Schönsleben, Paul. "The Lean / Just-in-Time Concept and Repetitive Manufacturing." In Integral Logistics Management, 283–322. Fifth edition. | Boca Raton, FL : CRC Press, 2016.: CRC Press, 2018.

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"The Lean / Just-in-Time Concept and Repetitive Manufacturing." In Integral Logistics Management, 349–400. Auerbach Publications, 2011.

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"The Lean / Just-in-Time Concept and Repetitive Manufacturing." In Integral Logistics Management, 339–94. Auerbach Publications, 2007.

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Kelly, Paul. "Planning, Logistics and Management." In Principles of Festival Management. Goodfellow Publishers, 2019.

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The safe and efficient organisation of your festival is not just crucial to the artists who perform and the audiences who attend, it’s crucial to your finances, your brand reputation and, ultimately, your career. Festivals are a chance for artists to show their inventiveness and brilliance and for audiences to be transported away from the daily humdrum of everyday life; to be entertained and inspired. Those interactions between artist and audience can result in a range of outcomes from intellectually challenging, to entertaining and sometimes life-changing. But the perceived glamour that creative festivals inevitably suggest is built on the rather dull yet essential disciplines of planning and logistics. These days, given the increasing complexities of new technology and larger productions to bigger and bigger crowds, plus the creative desire to continually push boundaries and a growing concern for public welfare, planning and logistics have become ever more vital. Benjamin Franklin famously said, “If you fail to plan, you are planning to fail”. It is a saying widely adopted by the military, who are generally very good at planning. We would add to that, if you fail to plan, you will also heap stress on yourself and all your problems and challenges will probably arrive at the same time.
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Ahmeti, Eni, and Alba Demneri Kruja. "Challenges and Perspectives of Supply Chain Management in Emerging Markets." In Leadership Strategies for Global Supply Chain Management in Emerging Markets, 132–46. IGI Global, 2020.

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Supply chain management (SCM) as a concept first originated in the manufacturing industry from logistics and just-in-time production. Used to successfully utilize SCM elements and diminish lingering issues in construction, its importance lies in the focus that it gives to plan different features of the supply chain by also involving other parties of the chain in the process. SCM in construction supports firms by aiding in the improvement of competitiveness between firms and the increase of the company's profits and control over projects. Although generic supply chains should be simple and linear, the construction sector is much more complex. These problems are present in different parts of SCM due to interdependence in the organization and supply chain. Through a case study analysis and semi-structured interviews, this chapter aims to identify and better understand the role of SCM, challenges and complications in different levels of the supply chain, and how firms utilize it to create greater value in construction operations, and specifically in Albania.
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Conference papers on the topic "Logistic just-in-time concept"


DeJonge, Markus Alfred, Mohammad Abdul Salam, and Pete Miguel Ward. "Integrated Logistics Solutions Provider Project." In Abu Dhabi International Petroleum Exhibition & Conference. SPE, 2021.

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Abstract The Integrated Logistics Solutions Provider concept was introduced to support offshore drilling and production operations, save 20% on logistic costs, increase operational efficiency to achieve Just-in-Time deliveries and enable the upstream portfolio to focus on core competencies, thus seeking an One-stop contractor for logistics. This manuscript details how the logistics provider changed its operating model to an Integrated Logistics model, changed the status quo to become a competitive low-cost operating logistics provider and enabled operational and cost efficiency for Exploration and Production (E&P) customers. It also reflects on the technologies and commercial mechanisms used to drive the functioning of the operating model that meets the requirements of oil and gas operators.
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Mazal, Jan, Marian Rybanský, Agostino G. Bruzzone, Libor Kutěj, Radomir Scurek, Pavel Foltin, and Daniel Zlatník. "Modelling of the microrelief impact to the cross country movement." In The 22nd International Conference on Harbor, Maritime and Multimodal Logistic Modeling & Simulation. CAL-TEK srl, 2020.

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Ground maneuver in natural environment is usually limited by a number of obstacles called micro relief, which are defined as man-made and natural both elevated and depressed topographic forms that cannot be expressed with regard to its relative small height differences. This terrain feature is present almost in all types of environment and extend the “off-road” path in average about certain coefficient, dependent on the type of the area. This extension should be taken in account in particular planning and decision making process tighten to a “just in time” concept, widely present for example in the operational environment. The aim of the article is to describe the methodology of evaluation of the influence of micro-relief shapes on the mobility of military vehicles. The article is based on the statistical determination of the extent of micro-relief shapes in the territory of the Czech Republic
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