Academic literature on the topic 'Logical revisionism'

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Journal articles on the topic "Logical revisionism"


Williams, J. R. G. "Supervaluationism and Logical Revisionism." Journal of Philosophy 105, no. 4 (2008): 192–212.

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Jones, Nicholas K. "Williams on Supervaluationism and Logical Revisionism." Journal of Philosophy 108, no. 11 (2011): 633–41.

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Wright, C. "On being in a quandary. Relativism vagueness logical revisionism." Mind 110, no. 437 (January 1, 2001): 45–98.

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Khalilov, Vladimir. "Problems of Revisionism in Artistic Interpretations of Historical Events." Russia and America in the 21st Century, no. 4 (2022): 0.

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In recent decades the discipline of American historical knowledge has been heavily influenced by the works of revisionist historians, who have dominated both science and education, as well as popular culture. New interpretations and reinterpretations of the past have become more popular than any previous efforts in the field. The contradictory nature and radical ideological content of revisionist interpretations of historical events made them highly appealing to a mass audience seeking an alternative to “boring” academic narratives, on the one hand, and on the other hand, they have caused considerable disruption for traditionalist historians, who had to evaluate and criticize not only the endeavors of their colleagues, but also those of laymen. Among the latter, representatives of cultural establishment, particularly literature and cinema, have a singular influence. In this article the author examines some examples of revisionist works of art, highlighting the main problems arising from specific readings of history, including historical inaccuracy, ideological bias, political partisanship, disregard for the sources, logical fallacies, a tendency to mythmaking, and numerous “artistic licenses”.
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Ramčilović, Zećir. "Revizionizam i (zlo)upotreba historije od strane Bugarske prema Sjevernoj Makedoniji i njenoj integraciji u Europsku uniju." Historijski pogledi 5, no. 8 (November 15, 2022): 134–51.

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History is a social science, which is concurrently humanistic since it offers not only knowledge about the past, but through the study of historical processes and phenomena influences the creation of a representation of today's concepts and social processes. History is the foundation on which the personality of each individual is built and formed, particularly in education where history models the mankind about their knowledge of themselves and others. Unfortunately, in more or less all Balkan historiographies there is a certain extent of history mythologizing, reinterpretation of facts depending on the needs of usually the government or certain structures and centers of power, and the imposition of truth that should not be discussed, or what is written in textbooks. That is why the mentioned structures create purposeful crises, and then they manage them and, if necessary, resolve them. Socio-political relations are changing and most frequently, apart from a small circle of people who have an interest, ordinary people and society as a whole suffer from long-term harmful consequences that can often get out of control. That is why history has become a powerful weapon that is very often used to manipulate and achieve various, mostly political goals. That is why it is difficult to be a historian in the Balkans! It is quite normal and logical for historians to argue and disagree about certain historical processes and phenomena, but the problem is that because of the above mentioned, historians become an instrument for achieving a certain goal and ideology. One such example is North Macedonia, which suffers consequences in its development, position in the world and realization of its strategic goals precisely because of the (mis)use of history and historical revisionism. This is particularly pronounced by the blocking of North Macedonia to start the negotiations for EU membership by Bulgaria due to the history and processes in the past that are not in line with the so-called Bulgarian historical narrative. Using an argument of force, not facts, using its better international position, Bulgaria creates and imposes a narrative on the Bulgarian identity of the Macedonian people, and the Macedonian language for the Bulgarian dialect, with the relativization of the then Bulgarian participation in the fascist coalition, and the negation of the occupying regime. This is utterly inappropriate for one state to intervene in this way on the history and historical facts of another state. Bilateral disputes are not new to Europe, but the way and pressure that Bulgaria is exerting on North Macedonia is morally and legally unjustified, in which a large part of historians are co-sponsors, becoming an instrument of certain structures. In addition to the analysis of controversial attitudes and positions as a result of historical revisionism of Bulgarian institutions and „historians“, the paper shows that the development of relations between the two countries is directly correlated with changes in government and governing structures, i.e, their ideologies and needs. The resolution of disputes related to the past is possible only with the application of modern approaches and depoliticization of history and its role in modern society.
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Solak, Necva. "Revisioning Modernity." American Journal of Islam and Society 22, no. 1 (January 1, 2005): 140–43.

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The 33rd Annual Conference of the Association of Muslim SocialScientists (AMSS) was held on September 24-26, 2004, at George MasonUniversity Law School in Arlington, Virginia. It was cosponsored byGeorge Mason University, the Center for Global Studies (CGS), and theIslamic Studies Program. Under the seamless directorship of PeterMandaville, program chair and CGS director, the timely subject of revisioningmodernity for and by Muslims in a post-9/11, post-Afghanistan,and post-Iraq world was addressed in 10 panels. With the theme“Revisioning Modernity: Challenges and Possibilities for Islam,” these sessionsfocused primarily on identity formation, human rights, interfaith dialogueand peacemaking, institutional development, methodological reform,and knowledge paradigms. The conference featured a remarkable array ofscholars and graduate students who raised thought-provoking questionsand offered clear, yet nuanced, solutions based on studied field and academicresearch.For example, Saadia Yacoob’s (Huntington Learning Center, VA)“Developing Identities: What Is Progressive Islam and Who AreProgressive Muslims?” elicited an impassioned and contentious reactionfrom the audience about this somewhat elusive term and whether it was acontradiction of terms or a logical redundancy. She identified five commonelements of self-identified “progressive” Muslim: an anti-imperialiststance, a belief that action and faith must go hand in hand, a championingof the oppressed and poor, a return to core principles, and a belief in a pluralisticand humanistic society.Kamran A. Bokahri (Howard University, DC) used his “ModerateIslam, Progressive Muslims, Democracy, and Post-Islamism” to discussthemes related to identity formation among moderate Islamists, traditionalMuslims, liberal Muslims and regimes, all of which claim to represent ...
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Sainsbury, R. M. "What logic should we think with?" Royal Institute of Philosophy Supplement 51 (March 2002): 1–17.

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Logic ought to guide our thinking. It is better, more rational, more intelligent to think logically than to think illogically. Illogical thought leads to bad judgment and error. In any case, if logic had no role to play as a guide to thought, why should we bother with it?The somewhat naïve opinions of the previous paragraph are subject to attack from many sides. It may be objected that an activity does not count as thinking at all unless it is at least minimally logical, so logic is constitutive of thought rather than a guide to it. Or it may be objected that whereas logic describes a system of timeless relations between propositions, thinking is a dynamic process involving revisions, and so could not use a merely static guide. Or again the objection may be that there is no such thing as logic, only a whole variety of different logics, not all of which could possibly be good guides.
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Marko, Jonathan S. "Above Reason Propositions and Contradiction in the Religious Thought of Robert Boyle." Forum Philosophicum 19, no. 2 (May 28, 2015): 227–39.

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In this essay, I argue that Robert Boyle does not hold that true religion requires us to believe doctrines that are in violation of the law of noncontradiction or that it yields logical contradictions. Rather, due to the epistemological limitations of human reason, we are sometimes called to believe doctrines or propositions that are at first blush contradictory but, upon further inspection, not definitively so. This holds for doctrines considered singly or together and is an important qualifier to the traditional line of scholarship’s flat claim that Boyle’s limits of belief are logical contradictions. My conclusions here are at odds with Jan W. Wojcik’s claim, in her important, revisionist work on the famous natural philosopher, that he teaches that sometimes we are required to believe religious doctrines that violate the law of noncontradiction.
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Adnyani, Luh Putu Widya, Indra Kurniawan, and Ek Ajeng Rahmi Pinahayu. "Development of Creative-Thinking Instrument in Mathematics Problem Solving Based on Logical Mathematics Intelligence." JRAMathEdu (Journal of Research and Advances in Mathematics Education) 3, no. 1 (February 8, 2018): 1.

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The aim of this research is knowing whether research instrument is feasible or no to get data of research. The instrument of this research is logical mathematics quotient test with 25 problems in multiple choice and mathematics problem solving test with 4 questions in essay. Testing the appropriateness of instrument of logical mathematics intelligence consist of content validity, level of problem difficulties, power differentiator, and reliability. Meanwhile, testing the appropriateness of instrument of mathematics problem solving use content validity. The validator for both of logical mathematics intelligence test and mathematics problem solving test is expert judgement. There are 39 students of Senior High School as respondent who are joining instrument try out. The results of appropriateness of instrument show: 1) there are 25 questions of logical mathematics quotient instrument which are feasible to take research data, and 2) instrument of mathematics problem solving in linier equation system material is feasible to use with some revisions from expert judgment.
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Pizzutti, Pedro, and Gelson Liston. "A Lógica da Ciência e o Falibilismo Epistemológico do Logical Syntax de Rudolf Carnap." Princípios: Revista de Filosofia (UFRN) 27, no. 54 (October 4, 2020): 9–39.

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O presente artigo tem por objetivo analisar um importante momento de transformação na obra de Rudolf Carnap. Este momento diz respeito à publicação do livro The Logical Syntax of Language em 1934 e as modificações versam sobre a estrutura de análise lógica e as posições metateóricas do autor. Especificamente, no campo metodológico, Carnap desenvolve a sintaxe lógica enquanto estrutura de análise lógico-linguística e, a partir dela, elabora a Lógica da Ciência como o campo da Filosofia da Ciência e, no campo metateórico, substitui o fundacionismo metodológico do Aufbau pelo falibilismo epistemológico. Diante de tais mudanças, Coffa, uma referência fundamental do revisionismo carnapiano, alegou que o empirismo de Carnap, com a ascensão sintática e a perda do status de incorrigibilidade das sentenças protocolares, foi levado ao convencionalismo da base empírica e ao relativismo epistemológico. Deste modo, nosso objetivo neste artigo é apresentar uma interpretação consistente do Logical syntax, assim como avaliar e criticamente discutir a interpretação de Coffa em The semantic tradition from Kant to Carnap.
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Dissertations / Theses on the topic "Logical revisionism"


Salerno, Joseph Roy. "semantic anti-realism, quasi-realism and logical revisionism /." The Ohio State University, 1999.

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Arazam, Yannis. "Les lois logiques sont-elles révisables ?" Electronic Thesis or Diss., Strasbourg, 2024.

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Le problème du révisionnisme logique a traversé les réflexions des auteurs majeurs de la philosophie analytique du xxe siècle, de Wittgenstein à Dummett en passant par Quine, Putnam ou Kripke. Il s’agit pour eux de traiter à nouveaux frais d’un problème qui a pris différentes formes dans l’histoire de la philosophie. Les développements en logique mathématique suivant la révolution frégéenne ou encore en physique avec la formalisation de la mécanique quantique, ont marqué le renouveau de ce problème qui se pose avec une acuité sans précédent. Y a-t-il un sens à remettre en cause certaines lois logiques classiquement admises depuis Aristote; plus simplement encore, est-il intelligible de changer de logique ? Le rejet intuitionniste du tiers-exclu ou plus généralement le développement de « logiques alternatives » marquent-ils un tournant dans l’histoire de la logique ? La difficulté soulevée tient au caractère constitutif de la logique pour penser : si ses lois sont les normes de l’intelligibilité, alors comment les remettre en cause sans abolir par là-même toute possibilité de sens ? Le présent travail retrace l’histoire de cette difficulté dans le corpus analytique classique, et en tire de nouvelles perspectives au moyen du concept de paradigme et au contact de certains développements logiques de la seconde moitié du xxe siècle
The problem of revising logic permeated the thinking of the major authors of the analytic tradition in the 20th century. From Wittgenstein to Dummett and through Quine, Putnam or Kripke, authors have tackled afresh a problem that has taken various forms throughout the history of philosophy. Developments in mathematical logic following the fregean revolution, or even the formalization of quantum mechanics, have both renewed and sharpened the problem. Is there any sense in questioning logical laws classically acknowledged since Aristotle? More simply put, is it intelligible to change our logic ? Are the intuitionnistic refusal of the law of excluded-middle and, more generally, the emergence of "alternative logics" constitutive of a turning point in the history of logic ? The difficulty faced stems from the constitutive nature of logic for thought : if logical laws are the norms of intelligibility, how can they be challenged without undermining the very possibility of meaning ? This work traces this difficulty back to the classical analytical corpus, and gets new perspectives out of it by means of the concept of paradigm, alongside logical developments in the second-half of the 20th century
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Rosa, Diorge Vieira. "A ESCADA E O MÍSTICO: COMO ENTENDER UM CONTRASSENSO?" Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, 2013.

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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico
The goal of this dissertation is to examine the claim of the penultimate aphorism of the Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus, according to which the propositions of the book elucidate if the reader understands the author and acknowledge that they do not make sense, because they are absurd. Thus, the work tries to put into relief some of the central issues of dispute between the interpretive trends, observing the problematic aspects of each line of interpretation, as well as the way in which his supporters articulate their ideas against the prospects of his opponents. To do so, we analyze the two interpretations of the aphorism 6:54. For the standard reading, Wittgenstein discusses issues that the work itself says are ineffable, but there is a substratum of truth which subsists claim of nonsensity. If the standard reading is correct, after the process elucidating the reader reaches a logically correct view of the world, and is in possession of some truths that only show up on the legitimate use of language. As for the revisionist reading, there is no hidden meaning in the work, but only and solely nonsense, do not say anything. The process of elucidating it is a philosophical exercisetherapy. If correct, the revisionist interpretation suggests that the goal of the work is a change in the mode of being of the reader in his relationship with nonsense. Accordingly, from the revisionist reading of Michael Kremer holds up nonsensity an acceptance of the work in line with a positive understanding for contrassensos book. The recognition of the tractarian nonsense as such is the purpose of the work, and this recognition has the ethical purpose. The purpose of the Tractatus is ethical philosophical attitude change front to ultimate foundations for either language, either for ethics. If Kremer is correct, it leads to an alternative nondestructive to the tractarian nonsense, showing that despite their nonsensity, the tractarian absurdities may be useful therapeutically. Thus, it is possible to reconcile tractarian nonsense with his elucidation process and understand how a book composed of absurdities can be useful philosophically.
O objetivo da presente dissertação é analisar a reivindicação do penúltimo aforismo do Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus, segundo a qual as proposições do livro elucidam, caso o leitor entenda o seu autor e reconheça que elas não fazem sentido, pois são absurdas. Assim, o trabalho tenta colocar em relevo algumas das questões centrais da disputa entre as correntes interpretativas, observando os aspectos problemáticos de cada linha de interpretação, bem como o modo segundo o qual seus partidários articulam suas ideias contra as perspectivas de seus adversários. Para tanto, analisa-se as duas interpretações do aforismo 6.54. Para a leitura padrão, Wittgenstein aborda assuntos que a própria obra afirma serem inefáveis, mas há um substrato de verdades que subsiste a reivindicação de contrassensualidade. Se a leitura padrão é correta, ao cabo do processo elucidativo o leitor alcança uma perspectiva logicamente correta do mundo, e fica de posse de algumas verdades que somente se mostram no uso legítimo da linguagem. Já para a leitura revisionista, não há nenhum sentido oculto sob a obra, mas apenas e tão somente contrassensos, que não dizem nada. O processo de elucidação se constitui um exercício filosófico-terapêutico. Se correta, a interpretação revisionista propõe que o objetivo da obra é uma mudança no modo de ser do leitor em sua relação com contrassensos. Nesse sentido, a partir da leitura revisionista de Michael Kremer sustenta-se uma aceitação da contrassensualidade da obra em consonância com uma compreensão positiva para os contrassensos do livro. O reconhecimento dos absurdos tractarianos enquanto tais é o objetivo da obra, e esse reconhecimento tem finalidade ética. A finalidade ética do Tractatus é mudar atitude filosófica frente a fundamentações ultimas, quer para a linguagem, quer para ética. Se Kremer está correto, ele conduz a uma alternativa não autodestrutiva para os absurdos tractarianos, mostrando que não obstante sua contrassensualidade, os absurdos tractarianos podem ser terapeuticamente úteis. Dessa forma, é possível conciliar a contrassensualidade tractariana com seu processo de elucidação e entender como um livro composto de absurdos pode ser de utilidade filosófica.
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Poirier, Sébastien. "La logique et les logiques : la question du pluralisme." Thèse, 2011.

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Partant des travaux séminaux de Boole, Frege et Russell, le mémoire cherche à clarifier l‟enjeu du pluralisme logique à l‟ère de la prolifération des logiques non-classiques et des développements en informatique théorique et en théorie des preuves. Deux chapitres plus « historiques » sont à l‟ordre du jour : (1) le premier chapitre articule l‟absolutisme de Frege et Russell en prenant soin de montrer comment il exclut la possibilité d‟envisager des structures et des logiques alternatives; (2) le quatrième chapitre expose le chemin qui mena Carnap à l‟adoption de la méthode syntaxique et du principe de tolérance, pour ensuite dégager l‟instrumentalisme carnapien en philosophie de la Logique et des mathématiques. Passant par l‟analyse d‟une interprétation intuitive de la logique linéaire, le deuxième chapitre se tourne ensuite vers l‟établissement d‟une forme logico-mathématique de pluralisme logique à l‟aide de la théorie des relations d‟ordre et la théorie des catégories. Le troisième chapitre délimite le terrain de jeu des positions entourant le débat entre monisme et pluralisme puis offre un argument contre la thèse qui veut que le conflit entre logiques rivales soit apparent, le tout grâce à l‟utilisation du point de vue des logiques sous-structurelles. Enfin, le cinquième chapitre démontre que chacune des trois grandes approches au concept de conséquence logique (modèle-théorétique, preuve-théorétique et dialogique) forme un cadre suffisamment général pour établir un pluralisme. Bref, le mémoire est une défense du pluralisme logique.
Starting from the seminal work of Boole, Frege and Russell, the dissertation seeks to clarify the issue of logical pluralism in the era of the proliferation of non-classical logics and the developments in theoretical computer science and proof theory. Two “historical” chapters are scheduled: the first chapter articulate the absolutism of Frege and Russell, taking care to show how it condemns the possibility to consider alternative structures and logics; the fourth chapter describes the path that led Carnap from the adoption of the syntactic method to the formulation of the principle of tolerance, then goes on to display Carnap‟s instrumentalism in philosophy of Logic and mathematics. Opening with the analysis of an intuitive interpretation of linear logic, the second chapter then turns to the establishment of a form of logico-mathematical pluralism with the help of order theory and category theory. The third chapter delineates the playground of revisionism (philosophical positions surrounding the debate between monism and pluralism) and then provides an argument against the thesis that denies the reality of the conflict between rival logics, all this being done by adopting the substructural logic point of view. The fifth chapter shows that each of the three main approaches to the concept of logical consequence (model-theoretic, proof-theoretic and dialogical) supplies a framework sufficiently general to establish pluralism. In short, the dissertation is a defence of logical pluralism.
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Books on the topic "Logical revisionism"


Minasi͡an, A. M. Dialektika i sofistika: Opyt filosofskoĭ diskussii. Rostov-na-Donu: Izd-vo Rostovskogo universiteta, 1985.

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Miller, Alexander, ed. Logic, Language, and Mathematics. Oxford University Press, 2020.

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This Festschrift volume contains a series of specially commissioned papers by leading philosophers on themes from the philosophy of Crispin Wright and a previously unpublished paper by George Boolos, together with a substantial set of replies by Wright. Section I consists of five essays on Wright’s Neo-Fregean approach in the philosophy of mathematics, Section II consists of two essays on Wright’s work on vagueness, intuitionism and the Sorites Paradox, Section III contains two essays on logical revisionism, and Section IV consists of a single essay on the epistemology of metaphysical possibility. The volume also contains a full bibliography of Wright’s philosophical publications.
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Logica Post-Moderna (Revisioning Philosophy, Vol 16). Peter Lang Pub Inc, 2000.

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Grim, Patrick, and Nicholas Rescher. Beyond Sets: A Venture in Collection-Theoretic Revisionism. De Gruyter, Inc., 2011.

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Grim, Patrick, and Nicholas Rescher. Beyond Sets: A Venture in Collection-Theoretic Revisionism. de Gruyter GmbH, Walter, 2010.

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Grim, Patrick, and Nicholas Rescher. Beyond Sets: A Venture in Collection-Theoretic Revisionism. de Gruyter GmbH, Walter, 2013.

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Grim, Patrick, and Nicholas Rescher. Beyond Sets: A Venture in Collection-Theoretic Revisionism. De Gruyter, Inc., 2011.

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Beyond Sets: A Venture in Collection - Theoretic Revisionism. Ontos Verlag, 2010.

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Sanahuja, José Antonio. A ‘Rashomon’ Story. Oxford University Press, 2017.

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Considering the role of cognitive frameworks in international relations, this chapter uses the so-called ‘Rashomon effect’ as a heuristic device, showing how different views and accounts of effective multilateralism and global governance can coexist as contested discourses and practices, and how they shape expectations, roles, and practices of the actors and policies involved. The chapter presents Latin American perspectives of multilateralism and global governance, analysing its narrative and discursive logics. In a marked contrast with the US ‘hegemonic’ and the EU ‘normative’ approaches, Latin American views respond to the ‘defensive’ and/or ‘revisionist’ approaches, narratives, and discourses of the Global South, with specific regionalist and nationalist features grounded in its particular historical background and political culture. The chapter also examines how these views and narratives are challenged by deep changes in power structures in the international system, demanding a common framework.
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Chadwick, Andrew. Systemic Hybridity in the Mediation of the American Presidential Campaign. Oxford University Press, 2017.

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Chapter 7 continues the revisionist approach of chapter 6, but paints the 2008 U.S. presidential campaign on a broader canvas. Through a detailed analysis of key episodes in the mediation of the campaign, the chapter shows how the real-space spectacles of candidate appearances continue to generate the important television, radio, and newspaper coverage that remains so crucial for projecting the power of a candidate and conveying enthusiasm, movement, authenticity, and common purpose to both activists and nonactivists alike. The chapter discusses how these television-fuelled spectacles now also integrate with newer media logics of data-gathering, online fundraising, tracking, monitoring, and managed volunteerism. A major theme running through this chapter is the growing systemic integration of the internet and television in presidential campaigns. It also shows how the hybrid media system can shape electoral outcomes by providing new power resources for campaigns that can create and master the system's modalities.
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Book chapters on the topic "Logical revisionism"


Heinemann, Anna-Sophie. "2. De Morgan and Logic." In Augustus De Morgan, Polymath, 30–54. Cambridge, UK: Open Book Publishers, 2024.

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From 1847 onwards, Augustus De Morgan propounded an extension of classical syllogistic logic by the introduction of ‘contraries’. These are negative terms in the sense that, for example, x means non-x within a given ‘universe’. In this chapter, we will focus on De Morgan’s early research on logic between 1847 and 1850, and address De Morgan’s revisions of traditional syllogistic logic in his ‘system of contraries’ and his ‘numerically definite system’. We will discuss his approach to determining portions of ‘universes’, which is based on determining extensions by numbers of instances of terms. The main point will be that De Morgan conceived of logical quantities as scopes and of conjunctive or disjunctive enumeration as quantifications over given domains—which is one of the systematic reasons behind his being involved in a long-lasting debate over the ‘quantification of the predicate’. It will be argued that, despite its relative lack of influence on later developments, De Morgan’s work still represented a notable departure from traditional syllogistic methods and anticipated the modern understanding of quantification in logic.
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Šefránek, Ján. "Belief, Knowledge, Revisions, and a Semantics of Non-Monotonic Reasoning." In Logic Programming and Nonmonotonic Reasoning, 63–77. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 1999.

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Haldimann, Jonas, Christoph Beierle, and Gabriele Kern-Isberner. "Syntax Splitting for Iterated Contractions, Ignorations, and Revisions on Ranking Functions Using Selection Strategies." In Logics in Artificial Intelligence, 85–100. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2021.

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Shieh, Sanford. "Wright and Revisionism." In Logic, Language, and Mathematics, 177–222. Oxford University Press, 2020.

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Do considerations in the theory of meaning pose a challenge to classical logic, and in particular to the law of excluded middle? Michael Dummett suggested an affirmative answer to this question, and advocated a form of logical revisionism. In his 1981 study “Anti-Realism and Revisionism,” Crispin Wright developed a critique of Dummett’s case for logical revisionism, but in more recent work (e.g., his 1992 book Truth and Objectivity), Wright has advanced an argument in favour of logical revisionism. This chapter investigates the nature and limitations of anti-realist revisionism, and offers a critique of Wright’s arguments in favour of logical revisionism. It also develops an alternative proposal about how revisionism might proceed.
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Wright, Crispin. "Replies to Part III Logical Revisionism." In Logic, Language, and Mathematics, 384–416. Oxford University Press, 2020.

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This chapter provides a reply to the chapters in Part III of this book. First it considers the arguments of Neil Tennant, who has been a staunch supporter of the harmonic argument throughout his career. The chapter asks: why care about harmony? It looks at other related issues with harmony. It then turns to the ideas and arguments of Sanford Shieh as expressed in Chapter 8. It attempts to undermine Shieh’s scepticism.
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Dorr, Cian, John Hawthorne, and Juhani Yli-Vakkuri. "Tolerance and Counterpart Theory." In The Bounds of Possibility, 246–61. Oxford University Press, 2021.

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Many philosophers have thought that Tolerance Puzzles can be easily dissolved by adopting some form of counterpart theory, which is roughly the view that being possibly a certain way is having a counterpart that is that way. This chapter shows how standard versions of counterpart theory involve radical departures from standard modal logic (going far beyond Iteration-denial) which we claim are unacceptable, and argues that once counterpart theory is developed in such a way as to avoid such logical revisionism, it has no special capacity to resolve the puzzles.
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Thiess, Derek J. "Between the Alternate and the Apocryphal." In Sideways in Time, 124–38. Liverpool University Press, 2019.

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This chapter explores connections between two treatments of history in science fictional literature—the apocryphal history and the alternate history—as they deal with material place. Theorists (Jameson, Hughes-Warrington) have explored the role of materialist history in our need to create counterfactuals by examining the cityscapes and structures in literary representations of the past. This essay connects the disparate strands of materialism, place, and religious revisionism via Juan Miguel Aguilera’s La locura de Dios. It reads the novel as both an apocryphal adventure to a “lost world” civilization and an alternate narrative of Spanish national history. La locura comments surprisingly self-consciously on the crystalline fragility of the logic holding material history together, threatened as it is by a revisionist, escapist orthodoxy.
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Salmon, Wesley C. "Revisions of Scientific Convictions." In Reality And Rationality, edited by Phil Dowe and Merrilee H. Salmon, 117–25. Oxford University PressNew York, NY, 2005.

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Abstract As the title of The Structure of Scientific Revolutions suggests, a chief focus— perhaps the chief focus—of Kuhn’s (1962) book is the nature of scientific change. It is also the chief focus of most philosophers who adopt a historical orientation. Sir Karl Popper and his followers have seen the problem of growth of scientific knowledge as a major issue in philosophy of science. Logical positivists and logical empiricists have often been accused of holding a totally unrealistic view of the nature of scientific development. Bayesians have devoted considerable attention to the ways in which degrees of conviction should be modified, but they have encountered fundamental troubles along the way. This chapter attempts to resolve some of most important and difficult ones.
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Bronner, Stephen Eric. "Eduard Bernstein and the Logic of Revisionism." In Socialism Unbound, 55–76. Routledge, 2019.

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Eric Bronner, Stephen. "Eduard Bernstein and the Logic of Revisionism." In Socialism Unbound, 55–76. Columbia University Press, 2011.

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Conference papers on the topic "Logical revisionism"


Scientific Committee, EAAE-ARCC-IC. "EAAE-ARCC International Conference & 2nd VIBRArch: The architect and the city. Vol. 2." In EAAE-ARCC International Conference & 2nd VIBRArch. Valencia: Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València, 2020.

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Contemporary thinking regarding architecture is nowadays rather dispersed. But most authors totally agree in the characteristics of the modern subject who inhabits it. This subject is rational, employs several logics and language resources, has articulated complex societies and organizational structures and has created cities to meet and grow. This anthropological relation between architecture and city has gone through different stages in recent times. In the first half of the twentieth century, cities took the initiative by means of their experts as a direct extension of a society which was questioning many aspects of obedience. However, the second half of the twentieth century was marked by a more acquiescent temper, with profitability and productivity in the foreground. As a result, their remarkable growing often has blurred them, habitational products are not connected with social subjects and development initiative is taken by productive sectors. Facing this situation, architecture has recently made a move and has retaken the initiative leaded by a third revisionist generation which employs different cultural variables such as alterity, applied sociology or social activism. Debates on sustainability, landscape, environment, new documentary frameworks and mapping processes, have set the place for new reflections on: limits, borders, traces, surroundings-city interaction, compact or diffuse cities, and many more. Along with such a themed view new topics such as revisiting the rural, have emerged. This third way has collaterally connected with new parameters derived from committed activism such as cooperation, development, third world, urban overcrowdings, residual fabrics, refugee camps, and others which have incorporated new material and strategic discourses on recycling, crowdfunding or low-cost. The profusion of divisions of the problem has characterized a time of fragmented tests, with a noticeable loss of general perspective and where the architects’ responsibility about the cities has again broken through but in a fairly hesitant and slow way. Against this background, a fourth and contemporary and critical generation is characterized by the cohesion of speeches, positions and approaches. With an inclusive, transversal and revisionist nature, incorporates and revisits concepts such as feminism, gender, childhood, shelter, migration, wealth, transversality, glocality, interculturality, multiculturality and many more. Hence, we nowadays face the challenge of refounding the concept of city for the future generations, subjected to the duality of the inherited city and its expansion, to the duality of what is consigned and what is missing. The 2020 edition of the EAAE-ARCC International Conference to be held in Valencia, Spain, along with the 2nd edition of the Valencia International Biennial of Research in Architecture will welcome keynote speakers and papers that explore the future of cities and the regained leading role that architects should have in its design.
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Al Hakami, Muatasem, and Majed Al Hamzah. "RTPD Safety Management System Toward Safety Excellence." In Middle East Oil, Gas and Geosciences Show. SPE, 2023.

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Abstract Event: Middle East Oil, Gas and Geosciences Show Title: RTPD Safety Management System Toward Safety Excellence Objectives/Scope: The objective of this abstract is to explain how Ras Tanura Producing Department have achieved the President's Award for Safety Excellence for the most improved department among all Saudi Aramco departments. Ras Tanura Producing Department had shown a high level of collaboration and engagement with Loss Prevention Department that led to improve the safety performance and culture among Ras Tanura Producing Department employees. As a result, Ras Tanura Producing Department has achieved an overall score of seventy six (76) percentage during the assessment of safety Compliance Review management system carried by Los Prevention Department in the year of 2021, which demonstrates a commendable improvement from the year of 2018 review score of fifty seven (57) percentage which is recognized as the highest in Saudi Aramco Company. The Ras Tanura Producing Department safety program effectiveness was assessed utilizing a risk based approach which focuses on the most prevalent areas for improvement identified in an analysis of Saudi Aramco safety performance and a thorough review of Ras Tanura Producing Department's documentation. The review also assessed the implementation of the Eight Lifesaving Rules. Evidently, Ras Tanura Producing Department has an opulent and mature Safety Management System that reveals comprehensive and logically written processes. These processes have gone through several reviews and revisions. Also, Ras Tanura Producing Department piloted management monthly safety audits and the verification, closure system of major incidents recommendations, which have been recognized as best practice.
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Simko, Gabor, Tihamer Levendovszky, Sandeep Neema, Ethan Jackson, Ted Bapty, Joseph Porter, and Janos Sztipanovits. "Foundation for Model Integration: Semantic Backplane." In ASME 2012 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2012.

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One of the primary goals of the Adaptive Vehicle Make (AVM) program of DARPA is the construction of a model-based design flow and tool chain, META, that will provide significant productivity increase in the development of complex cyber-physical systems. In model-based design, modeling languages and their underlying semantics play fundamental role in achieving compositionality. A significant challenge in the META design flow is the heterogeneity of the design space. This challenge is compounded by the need for rapidly evolving the design flow and the suite of modeling languages supporting it. Heterogeneity of models and modeling languages is addressed by the development of a model integration language – CyPhy – supporting constructs needed for modeling the interactions among different modeling domains. CyPhy targets simplicity: only those abstractions are imported from the individual modeling domains to CyPhy that are required for expressing relationships across sub-domains. This “semantic interface” between CyPhy and the modeling domains is formally defined, evolved as needed and verified for essential properties (such as well-formedness and invariance). Due to the need for rapid evolvability, defining semantics for CyPhy is not a “one-shot” activity; updates, revisions and extensions are ongoing and their correctness has significant implications on the overall consistency of the META tool chain. The focus of this paper is the methods and tools used for this purpose: the META Semantic Backplane. The Semantic Backplane is based on a mathematical framework provided by term algebra and logics, incorporates a tool suite for specifying, validating and using formal structural and behavioral semantics of modeling languages, and includes a library of metamodels and specifications of model transformations.
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Zeng, Y., S. Ryu, C. G. Chaney, A. C. Hill, W. Sun, B. L. Keinath, C. E. Osuji, et al. "Finding the Right Concept Via a Decision Quality Framework with Rapid Generation of Multiple Deepwater Conceptual Alternatives." In SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition. SPE, 2022.

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Abstract The key to finding the highest-value concept in deepwater full-field development is by making high-quality decisions during the Concept Select stage of a project. One of the critical elements to achieve this is by considering a broad range of conceptual alternatives and evaluating them rapidly, providing timely feedback, and facilitating an exploratory learning process. However, concept-select decisions are challenged by competing objectives, significant uncertainties, and many possible concepts. Further, deepwater full-field developments require strong connectivity and interfaces across multiple disciplines, which include reservoir, wells, drilling, flow assurance, subsea, flowlines, risers, topsides, metocean, geotechnical, marine, costing, and project economics. Key challenges to the current methodology include a lack of capacity to consider multiple concepts, slow evaluation turn-around for each concept generated, continuous evaluation and revisions with new data and information, lack of ability to integrate processes across multiple disciplines, and poor risk management driven by technical/commercial uncertainties and unavailable data. This paper addresses these challenges by combining concepts from the Decision Quality (DQ) framework and FLOCO® (Field Layout Concept Optimizer), which is a metaheuristic model-based system-engineering software, to efficiently identify the highest value field development concepts among several possible alternatives. This novel approach applies a new framework to an offshore deepwater full-field development. Specifically, we explore the trade-space, evaluate the trade-offs between risk and reward, perform integrated techno-economic analysis, and identify the best concepts. Key outputs are the identification of development concepts that meet the given constraints and functional requirements for further optimization, while eliminating those that do not meet such requirements. The results demonstrate that the challenges in the current Concept Select phase can be simplified and that the proposed approach offers a quick, logical, and insightful means of selecting the highest-value concept. The case study demonstrates that the proposed improvement to the concept-select stage of deepwater full-field development process can lead to significantly improved project economics, as it fully explores the decision-space, key uncertainties, multiple technically feasible concepts, and key performance indicators such as net present value (NPV) and capital expenditures (CAPEX). This paper addresses the development of economic oil and gas projects through decision making enhanced by rapid digital prototyping and analysis. The integration of Decision Quality methodologies with systems-engineering decision-support tools is novel and is likely to become more important as the industry explores and develops more complicated targets in the future.
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Alklih, Mohamad Yousef, Andi Ahmad Salahuddin, Karem Alejandra Khan, Nidhal Mohamed Aljneibi, Coriolan Rat, Samat Ramatullayev, Shi Su, Adelis Alfonzo, Hussein Mustapha, and Monica Mihai. "Integrated Subsurface Study for Gas-Oil Communicating Reservoirs: From Structural Synthesis to Optimum Co-FDP." In Abu Dhabi International Petroleum Exhibition & Conference. SPE, 2021.

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Abstract This paper presents an integrated subsurface study that focuses on delivering field development planning of two reservoirs via comprehensive reservoir characterization workflows. The upper gas reservoir and lower oil reservoir are in communication across a major fault in the crest area of the structure. Gas from the upper reservoir, which is not under development, is being produced along with some oil producers from the oil reservoir as per acquired surveillance data. Pressure depletion is observed in observer wells of the upper reservoir, which substantiate both reservoirs communication. The oil reservoir is on production since 1994, under miscible hydrocarbon water alternating gas injection (HCWAG) and carbon dioxide (CO2) injection. The currently implemented development plan has been facing several complexities and challenges including, but not limited to, maintaining miscibility conditions, sustainability of production and injection in view of reservoirs communication, reservoir modeling challenges, suitability of monitoring strategy, associated operating costs and expansion of field development in newly appraised areas. In this study, an assessment of multiple alternative field development scenarios was conducted; with an aim to tackle field management and reservoir challenges. It commenced by a comprehensive synthesis of seismic, petrophysical (including extensive core characterizations), geological, production and reservoir engineering data to ensure data adequacy and effectiveness for development planning. The process was followed by evaluation of the historical reservoir management, HCWAG and CO2 injection practices using advanced analytics to identify areas for improvement and accelerate decision making process. The identified areas of improvement were incorporated into a dynamic model via diverse set of field management logics to screen wide range of scenarios. In the final step, the optimal scenarios were selected, in line of having strong economic indicators, honoring operational constraints, corporate business plan and strategic objectives. The comprehensive and flexible field management logic was set up to target different challenges and was used to extensively screen hundreds of different field development scenarios varying several parameters. Examples of such parameters are WAG ratio, injection pressures for both water/gas and CO2, cycle duration, well placement, reservoir production and injection guidelines, different co-development production schemes coupled with static and dynamic uncertainty properties against incremental oil production and discounted cash flow. The simulation results were analyzed using standardized approach where a number of key indicators was cross-referenced to produce optimal field development scenarios with regards to co-development effect of both reservoirs, miscibility conditions, balanced pressure depletion, harmonized sweep as well as robust discounted cash flow. Strong management support, multi-disciplinary data integration, agility of decision making and revisions in a controlled timeframe are considered as the key pillars for success of this study. The adopted workflow covers subsurface modeling aspects from A-Z and following reservoir characterization and modeling best practices. The methodology applied in this study uses an integrated subsurface structured approach to tackle reservoirs challenges and co-development, generate alternative development options leveraging on data analytics techniques and advanced field management strategies.
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Aoki, Hirotaka, Nozomi Kobayashi, Mizuki Fuke, and Tomonori Yasui. "Development of Scenario-Based Approach Aided by Key PSFs to Design of New Interface of Autonomous Vehicles Monitoring System: A Case Study." In 14th International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics (AHFE 2023). AHFE International, 2023.

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In the present paper, we develop an improved scenario-based design approach to design a new interface of the monitoring system for autonomous vehicles that adapts to the autonomous driving levels 4 to 5 condition. Although the future society with high-level autonomous vehicles such as those having levels 4 to 5 is clearly anticipated, there still remains much uncertainty relating to how autonomous vehicles are implemented in terms of platform technology (e.g., AI, image processing, etc.), social norms (e.g., laws, safety responsibility, etc.), context of use (e.g., human role, allocated tasks, etc.) and so forth. For example, it is unclear the followings: What can be done automatically by the platform technologies of autonomous vehicles (i.e., uncertainty in technological advancement), what kind of socio-technical support can be given when human operators have to intervene in a critical incident that cannot be managed automatically (i.e., uncertainty in tasks required to human), etc. Caused by these uncertainties, it is of great difficulty to design user-centered interface of autonomous vehicle control/monitoring systems since the users/operators’ tasks and needs are not well defined.The paper proposes a design approach adapting to the above-mentioned background issues. The most part of the approach is based on scenario-based design (Rosson and Carroll 2002). This is referred to as the technique to elicit effective specifications of interface based on scenarios in which how a human uses and interacts with a specific system are vividly described to capture the essence of interaction and physical design. In the approach, requirements/rough draft of basic specifications are elicited by interpreting desirable interaction/behavior described in the scenarios Although the scenario-based design is applicable for a new product design, creating successful scenario having appropriate level of details and in which key behaviors/tasks and their contexts are covered requires rich knowledge about interaction design as well as expertise/experiences in practice. In order to support the difficulty in creating scenarios, we propose a series of processes where scenarios are created and refined iteratively supported by a list of PSFs (performance shaping factors) directly connected with the system’s context of use. The list of PSFs are, in our processes, used as guidelines/heuristics not only to obtain insight for creating narrative description of a human, but also to keep consistency of envisioned usage episodes in scenarios (refined iteratively) by maintaining an orientation to identical key context factors. A case study was performed with a big manufacturing company in Japan where our design approach was applied to design a new interface of autonomous vehicles monitoring system. The potential target users of the system are operators working at a general operation center of public transportation in high-level autonomous vehicles condition. In the beginning of the design phase, the first version of scenario where sequences of possible and desirable operators’ behaviors were stressed was created by referring PSFs in driving contexts. By interpreting potential needs and decomposing them into requirements logically, the first version of design solution was developed. Along with both of iterative revisions of scenarios and subsequent design improvements, interface design was refined. Based on the results of this application and feedbacks from our collaborating company, we discuss feasibility of our approach as well as implications for development of systems for autonomous vehicle monitoring.
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Al Hakami, Muatasem Abdulhadi, and Mohammed Abdullah Al Salah. "The Excellence Model to Implement the Safety Management System Effectively in Oil and Gas Industry." In Gas & Oil Technology Showcase and Conference. SPE, 2023.

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Abstract Objectives/Scope The objective of this abstract is to explain how Ras Tanura Producing Department have achieved the President's Award for Safety Excellence for the most improved department among all Saudi Aramco departments. The Safety Management System is the framework that steers an organization to maintain a safe working environment besides fulfilling its obligations toward its employees, asset, and the environment. An organization’s leadership is responsible to identify the best approach that helps the safety management system to achieve its expectations and adjust it once needed. The effective implementation of The Safety Management System is crucial for business continuity, especially in a high-risk industry such as oil and gas fields. Ras Tanura Producing Department had shown a high level of collaboration and engagement with Loss Prevention Department that led to improve the safety performance and culture among Ras Tanura Producing Department employees. As a result, Ras Tanura Producing Department has achieved an overall score of seventy six (76) percentage during the assessment of safety Compliance Review management system carried by Los Prevention Department in the year of 2021, which demonstrates a commendable improvement from the year of 2018 review score of fifty seven (57) percentage which is recognized as the highest in Saudi Aramco Company. Ras Tanura Producing Department safety program effectiveness was assessed utilizing a risk based approach which focuses on the most prevalent areas for improvement identified in an analysis of Saudi Aramco safety performance and a thorough review of Ras Tanura Producing Department’s documentation. The review also assessed the implementation of the Eight Lifesaving Rules. Evidently, Ras Tanura Producing Department has an opulent and mature Safety Management System that reveals comprehensive and logically written processes. These processes have gone through several reviews and revisions. Also, Ras Tanura Producing Department piloted management monthly safety audits and the verification, closure system of major incidents recommendations, which have been recognized as best practice. Method, Procedure, Process One of the tools that Ras Tanura Producing Department developed in this regard is so-called the "Excellence Model". The creation of this model was the outcome of several brainstorming sessions and workshops discussing all the challenges that the department faced in day-to-day business. The challenges include but are not limited to operating three main oil fields in scattered locations, close proximity to the populated area, a youth workforce, and thousands of contractor employees working on projects that interfaced with onstream facilities. The model consists of five main elements namely the Leadership Commitment, Loss Prevention Engagement, Field Compliance Review, Performance Monitoring, and Continuous Improvement. It is worth mentioning that under each element, several programs act as enablers to help the department to achieve all desired goals and ultimately enhance the overall system. The objective of the Excellence Model is to guide and monitor all safety-related programs with the management oversight to ensure effective and consistent implementation. Ras Tanura Producing Department is an up stream operational facility, responsible to produce Oil, Gas and Power to down stream customers, from onshore field and offshore field, namely three major areas, Abu Ali, Qatif and Abu Safah. The distance between each field within Ras Tanura Producing Department geographical area a challenge. This uniqueness where our facility is either offshore or nearby community such as Ras Taunra city, Qatif city, or Jubail city with operation facility that contained Hydrogen Sulfide concentration is also a challenge. In Ras Tanura Producing Department is even challenges us more because we are not only looking to maintain safety but we are seeking excellence.
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Reports on the topic "Logical revisionism"


Garciga, Christian L., Randal J. Verbrugge, and Saeed Zaman. The Effect of Component Disaggregation on Measures of the Median and Trimmed-Mean CPI. Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland, January 2024.

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For decades, the Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland (FRBC) has produced median and trimmed-mean consumer price index (CPI) measures. These have proven useful in various contexts, such as forecasting and understanding post-COVID inflation dynamics. Revisions to the FRBC methodology have historically involved increasing the level of disaggregation in the CPI components, which has improved accuracy. Thus, it may seem logical that further disaggregation would continue to enhance its accuracy. However, we theoretically demonstrate that this may not necessarily be the case. We then explore the empirical impact of further disaggregation along two dimensions: shelter and non-shelter components. We find that significantly increasing the disaggregation in the shelter indexes, when combined with only a slight increase in non-shelter disaggregation, improves the ability of the median and trimmed-mean CPI to track the medium-term trend in CPI inflation and marginally increases predictive power over future movements in CPI inflation. Finally, we examine the practical implications of our preferred degree of disaggregation. Our preferred measure of the median CPI suggests that trend inflation was lower pre-pandemic, while both our preferred median and trimmed-mean measures suggest a faster acceleration in trend inflation in 2021. We also find that higher disaggregation marginally weakens the Phillips curve relationship between median CPI inflation and the unemployment gap, though it remains statistically significant.
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