Academic literature on the topic 'Logic linguistic models'

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Journal articles on the topic "Logic linguistic models"


Vavilenkova, Anastasiia. "Interrelation of types of separate forms of logic and linguistic models and types of sentences of natural language." Bulletin of the National Technical University "KhPI" A series of "Information and Modeling", no. 1 (5) (October 25, 2021): 77–85.

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The article proposes an apparatus of logic and linguistic modeling for extracting knowledge from electronic text documents. Different types of forms of logic and linguistic models have been singled out for the formalized representation of complex sentences of natural language. The author formulates the rules and carries out the classification of separate forms of logic and linguistic models depending on syntactic constructions of sentences natural language. Such separate forms of logic and linguistic models are templates with certain logical operations, which are used depending on the punctuation marks and connecting words applied in sentences. The specific order of simple predicates depends on the logical connections between simple sentences in the structure of the complex one. This allows to develop an algorithm for further analysis of textual information and its recovery from formal models of knowledge representation. Figs.: 1. Refs.: 12 titles.
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Devedzic, Goran, Danijela Milosevic, Lozica Ivanovic, Dragan Adamovic, and Miodrag Manic. "Reasoning with linguistic preferences using NPN logic." Computer Science and Information Systems 7, no. 3 (2010): 511–28.

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Negative-positive-neutral logic provides an alternative framework for fuzzy cognitive maps development and decision analysis. This paper reviews basic notion of NPN logic and NPN relations and proposes adaptive approach to causality weights assessment. It employs linguistic models of causality weights activated by measurement-based fuzzy cognitive maps? concepts values. These models allow for quasi-dynamical adaptation to the change of concepts values, providing deeper understanding of possible side effects. Since in the real-world environments almost every decision has its consequences, presenting very valuable portion of information upon which we also make our decisions, the knowledge about the side effects enables more reliable decision analysis and directs actions of decision maker.
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Vavilenkova, Anastasiia. "Features of the Knowledge Base of the System of Automated Construction of Logic and Linguistic Models of Text Documents." Vìsnik Nacìonalʹnogo unìversitetu "Lʹvìvsʹka polìtehnìka". Serìâ Ìnformacìjnì sistemi ta merežì 9 (June 10, 2021): 75–83.

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The article outlines the problem of finding meaningful units in electronic text documents and analyzes the main shortcomings of existing approaches of extracting knowledge from textual information. The article is devoted to the study of the peculiarities of the process of construction of logic and linguistic models of electronic text documents, in particular the description and research of the peculiarities of knowledge bases of the system of automated construction of logic and linguistic models of Ukrainian- language text documents. The author proposes a scheme of formalization of textual information based on the construction of a logic and linguistic model of an electronic text document. The first stage of construction is the formation of logical and linguistic models of natural language sentences, which uses a specially developed method of automated formation of logical and linguistic models. This method is based on parsing sentences of natural language, using words of natural language as a thesaurus database and using a database of rules to identify logical connections. This in turn is made possible by the author’s developed knowledge base 1, which is used to determine the role of each word in an electronic text document and serves as a production model with formalized rules of the Ukrainian language for forming phrases that can form members of sentence of natural language. The knowledge base 2 was created by the author to find connections between sentences that are part of an electronic text document and is a set of productions that reflect the principles of synthesis of logic and linguistic models of sentences of natural language, ie the rules of combining and replacing structural components of logic and linguistic models of sentences of natural language. The knowledge base 3, used to build the linguistic component of the logic and linguistic model of a text document, is a set of productions that contains the rules of forming of transition networks to interpret the thematic progression of the text. The application of the developed formalized rules was demonstrated on specific text fragments. Applying the developed knowledge bases allows to trace the process of formation of logic and linguistic models of electronic text documents.
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Druzhynin, V. A., M. M. Stepanov, G. B. Zhyrov, and L. O. Rіaba. "ALGORITHM FOR USING FUZZY LOGIC IN MANAGEMENT AND DECISION-MAKING MODELS." Collection of scientific works of the Military Institute of Kyiv National Taras Shevchenko University, no. 69 (2020): 75–81.

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In real conditions, when the task of formally describing the control process of a rather complex process arises, it is necessary to take into account several external factors (parameters) and their values, which potentially tend to Infinity. At the same time, the system's response is not limited to just one control action. To automate the process of composing all possible combinations of linguistic descriptions of variables at the stage of fuzzy conditional statements and the decision-making mechanism on the use of control actions in the development of control and decision-making models, it is proposed to use fuzzy logical models. Ways to construct algorithms for converting input perturbations of complex systems into conceptual relations for automating the control process and supporting decision-making are considered. The fuzzy logic apparatus relation is used to formalize, process, and make decisions about the use of system control signals in response to external disturbances. Fuzzy control systems combine information from human experts (natural language) with measurements and mathematical models. Fuzzy Systems will turn the knowledge base into a mathematical formulation that has proven very effective in many applications. When designing a fuzzy system, many questions need to be answered, in particular in creating linguistic models to describe the functioning of complex systems, in particular radar mapping systems with recognition of objects on the ground and making decisions for controlling unmanned systems. Thus, at the stage of composing a set of fuzzy instructions (statements), it is of interest to formalize the following processes, such as determining all possible combinations of terms of linguistic variables and making a decision on the application of control actions, depending on external factors. In the process of formalizing the process of determining all possible combinations and terms of linguistic variables, it is necessary to create fuzzy instructions (rules) for managing a system or object for fuzzy-logical control models and decision-making in the process of developing models for the functioning of complex systems.
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LE, VAN HUNG, FEI LIU, and DINH KHANG TRAN. "Fuzzy linguistic logic programming and its applications." Theory and Practice of Logic Programming 9, no. 3 (May 2009): 309–41.

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AbstractThe paper introduces fuzzy linguistic logic programming, which is a combination of fuzzy logic programming, introduced by P. Vojtáš, and hedge algebras in order to facilitate the representation and reasoning on human knowledge expressed in natural languages. In fuzzy linguistic logic programming, truth values are linguistic ones, e.g., VeryTrue, VeryProbablyTrue and LittleFalse, taken from a hedge algebra of a linguistic truth variable, and linguistic hedges (modifiers) can be used as unary connectives in formulae. This is motivated by the fact that humans reason mostly in terms of linguistic terms rather than in terms of numbers, and linguistic hedges are often used in natural languages to express different levels of emphasis. The paper presents: (a) the language of fuzzy linguistic logic programming; (b) a declarative semantics in terms of Herbrand interpretations and models; (c) a procedural semantics which directly manipulates linguistic terms to compute a lower bound to the truth value of a query, and proves its soundness; (d) a fixpoint semantics of logic programs, and based on it, proves the completeness of the procedural semantics; (e) several applications of fuzzy linguistic logic programming; and (f) an idea of implementing a system to execute fuzzy linguistic logic programs.
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Вавіленкова, Анастасія Ігорівна. "Construction of logic and linguistic models of typical natural language structures." Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies 3, no. 2(75) (June 29, 2015): 18.

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Nugroho, Arif Ganda, and Muhammad Husni. "Prestasi Belajar Siswa Dalam Pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe TAI dan Jigsaw Ditinjau Dari Kecerdasan Majemuk." Media Pendidikan Matematika 8, no. 1 (June 30, 2020): 42.

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The purpose of this study was to determine student achievement in the TAI and Jigsaw cooperative learning model in terms of multiple intelligences. This research method is a quasi experiment. The population of this study was students of Class VIII Middle Schools in the city of Banjarmasin, while the sample was VIII Class students of SMPN 1 Banjarmasin, SMPN 7 Banjarmasin and SMPN 14 Banjarmasin. Data analysis was performed inferential statistics. The results of the study indicate that (1) There are significant differences in student achievement in each of the TAI and Jigsaw cooperative learning models before and after treatment; (2) there is no significant difference in student achievement between linguistic intelligence, mathematical logic and others; (3) there is no significant difference in student achievement between linguistic intelligence, mathematical logic and others in the implementation of the TAI type learning model; (4) there is no significant difference in student achievement between linguistic intelligence, mathematical logic and others in the implementation of Jigsaw type learning models; (5) There is a significant difference between students' learning achievement and linguistic intelligence between learning models type TAI and Jigsaw
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Wu, H., and J. M. Mendel. "On Choosing Models for Linguistic Connector Words for Mamdani Fuzzy Logic Systems." IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems 12, no. 1 (February 2004): 29–44.

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Poblete, Carlos Muñoz, Francisco Vargas Parra, Jaime Bustos Gomez, Millaray Curilem Saldias, Sonia Salvo Garrido, and Horacio Miranda Vargas. "Fuzzy Logic in Genetic Regulatory Network Models." International Journal of Computers Communications & Control 4, no. 4 (December 1, 2009): 363.

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<p>Interactions between genes and the proteins they synthesize shape genetic regulatory networks (GRN). Several models have been proposed to describe these interactions, been the most commonly used those based on ordinary differential equations (ODEs). Some approximations using piecewise linear differential equations (PLDEs), have been proposed to simplify the model non linearities. However they not allways give good results. In this context, it has been developed a model capable of representing small GRN, combining characteristics from the ODE’s models and fuzzy inference systems (FIS). The FIS is trained through an artificial neural network, which forms an Adaptive Nertwork-based Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS). This network allows to adapt the membership and output functions from the FIS according to the training data, thus, reducing the previous knowledge needed to model the specific phenomenon.<br /> In addition, Fuzzy Logic allows to express their rules through linguistic labels, which also allows to incorporate expert knowledge in a friendly way. The proposed model has been used to describe the Lac Operon in E. Coli and it has been compared with the models already mentioned. The outcome errors due to the training process of the ANFIS network are comparable with those of the models based on ODEs. Additionally, the fuzzy logic approach provides modeling flexibility and knowledge acquisition advantages.</p>
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Richardson, Kyle, Hai Hu, Lawrence Moss, and Ashish Sabharwal. "Probing Natural Language Inference Models through Semantic Fragments." Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence 34, no. 05 (April 3, 2020): 8713–21.

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Do state-of-the-art models for language understanding already have, or can they easily learn, abilities such as boolean coordination, quantification, conditionals, comparatives, and monotonicity reasoning (i.e., reasoning about word substitutions in sentential contexts)? While such phenomena are involved in natural language inference (NLI) and go beyond basic linguistic understanding, it is unclear the extent to which they are captured in existing NLI benchmarks and effectively learned by models. To investigate this, we propose the use of semantic fragments—systematically generated datasets that each target a different semantic phenomenon—for probing, and efficiently improving, such capabilities of linguistic models. This approach to creating challenge datasets allows direct control over the semantic diversity and complexity of the targeted linguistic phenomena, and results in a more precise characterization of a model's linguistic behavior. Our experiments, using a library of 8 such semantic fragments, reveal two remarkable findings: (a) State-of-the-art models, including BERT, that are pre-trained on existing NLI benchmark datasets perform poorly on these new fragments, even though the phenomena probed here are central to the NLI task; (b) On the other hand, with only a few minutes of additional fine-tuning—with a carefully selected learning rate and a novel variation of “inoculation”—a BERT-based model can master all of these logic and monotonicity fragments while retaining its performance on established NLI benchmarks.
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Dissertations / Theses on the topic "Logic linguistic models"


Гаутам, Аджит Пратап Сингх. "Информационная технология экстракции бизнес знаний из текстового контента интегрированной корпоративной системы." Thesis, НТУ "ХПИ", 2016.

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Диссертация на соискание ученой степени кандидата технических наук по специальности 05.13.06 – информационные технологии. – Национальный технический университет "Харьковский политехнический институт", Харьков, 2016. Цель диссертационного исследования – создание информационной технологии экстракции бизнес знаний интегрированной корпоративной системы на основе информационно-логических моделей и методов смысловой обработки текстового контента. В работе проанализированы существующие информационные технологии, модели и методы экстракции и идентификации знаний из текстов, сформулированы основные требования к разработке информационного обеспечения подсистемы экстракции бизнес знаний из текстового контента интегрированной корпоративной системы. Обосновано использование инструментов алгебры конечных предикатов в информационно-логических моделях экстракции фактов из текстовых потоков; построена математическая модель генерации фактов из текстов корпорации. Результаты диссертационного исследования внедрены в практику разработки и создания подсистем экстракции знаний из текстового контента реальных ИКС. На основе разработанных в диссертационном исследовании методов и моделей интеллектуальной обработки текстового контента предложена информационная технология формирования единого информационного пространства бизнес деятельности корпорации. При этом под информационным пространством интегрированной корпоративной системы понимается совокупность некоторых актуальных сведений, данных, оформленных таким образом, чтобы обеспечивать качество и оперативность принятия решений в области целевой деятельности корпорации. Предложенная информационная технология позволять извлекать знания из всего многообразия информационных ресурсов современного предприятия: Интернет- и интранет- сайтов предприятий и организаций, почтовых сообщений, файловых систем, хранилищ документов различных ведущих производителей, текстовых полей баз данных, репозитариев, различных бизнес-приложений т. п. Технология включает логико-лингвистическую модель генерации фактов из текстовых потоков ИКС, метод структурирования отношений фактов бизнес знаний, метод выявления актуального множества классифицированных сущностей предметной области, а также специализированные этапы Web Content Mining лингвистического процессора. Разработанные в исследовании математические модели могут быть использованы в различных системах автоматической обработки текстов, системах извлечения знаний, экстракции информации (Information Extraction) и распознавания сущностей (Named Entity Recognition).
Thesis for a candidate degree in technical science, speciality 05.13.06 – Infor-mation Technologies. – National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute". – Kharkiv, 2016. The aim of the thesis is to develop information technology of extraction of business knowledge of integrated corporate system (ICS) based on the information logic models and methods of text content sense processing. The main results are as follows: a logic linguistic model of fact generation from ICS text streams has been developed which is based on surface grammar characteristics of identification of entities of actions and attributes which allows to effectively extract industry specific knowledge about the subjects of monitoring from text content. The thesis further develops the method of comparator identification used for structuring of ICS business knowledge facts relationship. The method allows to classify the attributes of entities according to class relationships due to sense identity of fact triplets which are determined by the comparator objectively. The paper improves the method of determination of actual set of classified entities of a subject domain which is distinguished by an integral use of linguistic, statistical and sense characteristics in the naïve Bayes classifier. The method allows to classify entities extracted according to types determined a priori. The thesis improves the development of information technology of common information space of corporation business activity which allows complicated knowledge generation by means of explicit generalization of information hidden in the collection of partial facts using algebra logic transformations.
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Гаутам, Аджіт Пратап Сінгх. "Інформаційна технологія екстракції бізнес знань з текстового контенту інтегрованої корпоративної системи." Thesis, НТУ "ХПІ", 2016.

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Дисертація на здобуття наукового ступеня кандидата технічних наук за спеціальністю 05.13.06 – інформаційні технології. – Національний технічний університет "Харківський політехнічний інститут", Харків, 2016. Мета дисертаційного дослідження – створення інформаційної технології екстракції бізнес знань інтегрованої корпоративної системи (ІКС) на основі інформаційно-логічних моделей і методів смислового опрацювання текстового контенту. Основні результати: вперше розроблено логіко-лінгвістичну модель генерації фактів з текстових потоків ІКС, яка базується на використанні поверхневих граматичних характеристик сутностей, предикатів та атрибутів, що до-зволяє ефективно екстрагувати з текстового контенту профільні знання про суб'єкти моніторингу. Отримав подальший розвиток метод компараторної ідентифікації, який використано для структурування відношень фактів бізнес знань ІКС. Реалізація методу дозволила класифікувати атрибути сутностей за класами відношень за рахунок смислової тотожності триплетів фактів, які об'єктивно визначені компаратором. Удосконалено метод виявлення актуальної множини класифікованих сутностей предметної області, який відрізняється комплексним використанням лінгвістичних, статистичних й смислових характеристик в наївному байєсівському класифікаторі. Метод дозволяє класифікувати сутності, що екстрагуються, за апріорно виділеними типами. Удосконалено інформаційну технологію формування єдиного інформаційного простору бізнес діяльності корпорації, яка дозволяє за рахунок використання алгебро-логічних перетворень здійснювати породження складного знання шляхом експліцитного узагальнення інформації, що прихована у сукупності часткових фактів.
Thesis for a candidate degree in technical science, speciality 05.13.06 – Infor-mation Technologies. – National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute". – Kharkiv, 2016. The aim of the thesis is to develop information technology of extraction of business knowledge of integrated corporate system (ICS) based on the information logic models and methods of text content sense processing. The main results are as follows: a logic linguistic model of fact generation from ICS text streams has been developed which is based on surface grammar characteristics of identification of entities of actions and attributes which allows to effectively extract industry specific knowledge about the subjects of monitoring from text content. The thesis further develops the method of comparator identification used for structuring of ICS business knowledge facts relationship. The method allows to classify the attributes of entities according to class relationships due to sense identity of fact triplets which are determined by the comparator objectively. The paper improves the method of determination of actual set of classified entities of a subject domain which is distinguished by an integral use of linguistic, statistical and sense characteristics in the naïve Bayes classifier. The method allows to classify entities extracted according to types determined a priori. The thesis improves the development of information technology of common information space of corporation business activity which allows complicated knowledge generation by means of explicit generalization of information hidden in the collection of partial facts using algebra logic transformations.
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Lai, Catherine. "A formal framework for linguistic tree query /." Connect to thesis, 2005.

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Turek, Vojtěch. "Vícehodnotové logické systémy pro technické aplikace." Master's thesis, Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta strojního inženýrství, 2008.

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Velmi často je vyžadováno, aby automatizovaná zařízení byla jistým způsobem "inteligentní", tedy aby jejich řídicí systémy uměly emulovat rozhodovací proces. Tato diplomová práce poskytuje obecný formální popis vícehodnotových logických systémů schopných zmíněné emulace a jejich souvislost s teorií fuzzy množin. Jsou uvedeny způsoby vytváření matematických modelů založených na lingvistických datech. Dále se práce zabývá znalostními bázemi a jejich vlastnostmi. Součástí této práce je také počítačový program sloužící k tvorbě slovních modelů.
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Suda, Eneida Yuri. "Padrões dinâmicos de recrutamento muscular por EMG de alta densidade de diabéticos em diferentes níveis de severidade de neuropatia classificados por um modelo linguistico fuzzy." Universidade de São Paulo, 2017.

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Introdução: O objetivo desse estudo é obter um melhor entendimento de como o controle motor é afetado em indivíduos com polineuropatia diabética (PND). A oscilação da força e da atividade eletromiográfica (EMG) durante contrações voluntárias isométricas têm sido estudados como um modelo simplificado dos mecanismos fisiológicos que estão por trás do controle do movimento. A análise dos padrões de recrutamento muscular dos membros inferiores obtidos pela EMG de alta densidade, juntamente com a análise dos dados de força relativos às articulações do joelho e do tornozelo, sob a ótica da análise da complexidade, contribui para o entendimento dos efeitos da doença no controle dos movimentos. Além disso, analisar a complexidade da força e da atividade muscular de indivíduos diabéticos com PND levando em conta o progresso da severidade da doença, desde os estágios subclínicos aos mais avançados, irá ajudar no entendimento de como as alterações neuromusculares vão se instalando no curso da doença. As hipóteses desse estudo foram: a PND altera a complexidade motora o que se reflete em um aumento na magnitude da variabilidade e em uma diminuição da estrutura da variabilidade nos dados de força e EMG; e essas alterações pioram com a severidade da doença. Métodos: Foram avaliados 10 sujeitos controles e 38 sujeitos diabéticos, classificados como ausentes, leves, moderados ou graves, em relação ao nível da PND, por um sistema de tomada de decisão fuzzy cujas variáveis de entrada são clínicas. Foi adquirido o sinal EMG de alta densidade (matriz de 64 eletrodos) dos músculos tibial anterior, gastrocnêmio medial, vasto lateral e bíceps femoral durante a contração isométrica a 10%, 20% e 30% da contração voluntária máxima. Simultaneamente, foi adquirido o sinal da força isométrica durante a flexão e extensão de joelho e tornozelo. Foram calculados o desvio padrão e a sample entropy da força, e o root mean square e a sample entropy do EMG. As diferenças entre os grupos para as variáveis obtidas da força e do EMG foram verificadas através de análises multivariadas (alfa=0,05). Resultados: No geral, durante a flexão de tornozelo, sujeitos moderados e graves apresentaram um maior desvio padrão da força, e sujeitos moderados apresentaram menor sample entropy da força. Durante a extensão de tornozelo, os sujeitos moderados apresentaram maior desvio padrão da força e todos os grupos diabéticos apresentaram menor sample entropy da força. Durante a extensão do joelho, os sujeitos moderados apresentaram um maior desvio padrão e uma menor sample entropy da força. O tibial anterior apresentou um maior root mean square no grupo ausente e uma menor sample entropy nos sujeitos leves. O gastrocnêmio medial apresentou maior sample entropy nos sujeitos moderados e graves. Os sujeitos graves apresentaram menor sample entropy no vasto lateral em todos os níveis de força estudados. Conclusões: A PND afeta a complexidade do sistema neuromuscular durante contrações isométricas de baixa intensidade, reduzindo a capacidade do sistema de se adaptar às demandas mecânicas desafiadoras. Os padrões de complexidade neuromuscular observados não estavam associados à gravidade da doença, com a maioria das alterações sendo observadas no grupo moderado
Introduction: The general proposal of this study is to get a better understanding on how motor control is affected in diabetic polyneuropathy (DPN) individuals. Fluctuations of the force and sEMG signal during isometric voluntary contractions have been studied as a simplified model of the physiological mechanism that underlies the control of movement. The analysis of the muscular recruitment patterns from lower limbs, obtained by high-density sEMG, together with the corresponding force signal outputs from knee and ankle joints, in the light of complexity analysis, adds to the knowledge of the disease effects in motor control. Additionally, examining the complexity of force and muscle activity of DPN individuals, along with the development of DPN from subclinical to the more severe stages, will help us understanding how the alterations will develop with the DPN progression. The hypotheses of this study are that: DPN alters the motor complexity, expressed as an increased amount of variability and a decreased structure of variability in sEMG and force outputs, and these alterations are aggravated by the severity of the disease. Methods: We assessed 10 control subjects and 38 diabetic subjects, classified as absent, mild, moderate, or severe DPN, by a fuzzy-system based on clinical variables. Multichannel sEMG (64-electrode matrix) of tibialis anterior, gastrocnemius medialis, vastus lateralis and biceps femoris muscles were acquired during isometric contractions at 10%, 20%, and 30% of the maximum voluntary contraction, and force levels were recorded during dorsiflexion, plantarflexion, knee extension and knee flexion. Standard deviation and sample entropy of force signals were calculated and root mean square and sample entropy were calculated from sEMG signals. Differences among groups of force and sEMG variables were verified using a multivariate analysis of variance (alpha=0.05). Results: Overall, during dorsiflexion contractions, moderate and severe subjects had higher force standard deviation and moderate subjects had lower force sample entropy. During plantarflexion, moderate subjects had higher force standard deviation and all diabetic subjects had lower entropy. During knee extension moderate DPN subjects demonstrated high force standard deviation and low force sample entropy. Tibialis anterior presented higher root mean square in absent group and lower entropy in mild subjects. For gastrocnemius medialis, entropy was higher in severe and lower in moderate subjects. Severely affected participants showed low sample entropy in vastus lateralis at all force levels. Conclusions: DPN affects the complexity of the neuromuscular system during low-level isometric contractions, reducing the system\'s capacity to adapt to challenging mechanical demands. The observed patterns of neuromuscular complexity were not associated with disease severity, with the majority of alterations recorded in moderate subject
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Kirman, Jerome. "Mise au point d'un formalisme syntaxique de haut niveau pour le traitement automatique des langues." Thesis, Bordeaux, 2015.

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La linguistique informatique a pour objet de construire un modèle formel des connaissances linguistiques, et d’en tirer des algorithmes permettant le traitement automatique des langues. Pour ce faire, elle s’appuie fréquemment sur des grammaires dites génératives, construisant des phrases valides par l’application successive de règles de réécriture. Une approche alternative, basée sur la théorie des modèles, vise à décrire la grammaticalité comme une conjonction de contraintes de bonne formation, en s’appuyant sur des liens profonds entre logique et automates pour produire des analyseurs efficaces. Notre travail se situe dans ce dernier cadre. En s’appuyant sur plusieurs résultats existants en informatique théorique, nous proposons un outil de modélisation linguistique expressif, conçu pour faciliter l’ingénierie grammaticale. Celui-ci considère dans un premier temps la structure abstraite des énoncés, et fournit un langage logique s’appuyant sur les propriétés lexicales des mots pour caractériser avec concision l’ensemble des phrases grammaticalement correctes. Puis, dans un second temps, le lien entre ces structures abstraites et leurs représentations concrètes (en syntaxe et en sémantique) est établi par le biais de règles de linéarisation qui exploitent la logique et le lambda-calcul. Par suite, afin de valider cette approche, nous proposons un ensemble de modélisations portant sur des phénomènes linguistiques divers, avec un intérêt particulier pour le traitement des langages présentant des phénomènes d’ordre libre (c’est-à-dire qui autorisent la permutation de certains mots ou groupes de mots dans une phrase sans affecter sa signification), ainsi que pour leur complexité algorithmique
The goal of computational linguistics is to provide a formal account linguistical knowledge, and to produce algorithmic tools for natural languageprocessing. Often, this is done in a so-called generative framework, where grammars describe sets of valid sentences by iteratively applying some set of rewrite rules. Another approach, based on model theory, describes instead grammaticality as a set of well-formedness logical constraints, relying on deep links between logic and automata in order to produce efficient parsers. This thesis favors the latter approach. Making use of several existing results in theoretical computer science, we propose a tool for linguistical description that is both expressive and designed to facilitate grammar engineering. It first tackles the abstract structure of sentences, providing a logical language based on lexical properties of words in order to concisely describe the set of grammaticaly valid sentences. It then draws the link between these abstract structures and their representations (both in syntax and semantics), through the use of linearization rules that rely on logic and lambda-calculus. Then in order to validate this proposal, we use it to model various linguistic phenomenas, ending with a specific focus on languages that include free word order phenomenas (that is, sentences which allow the free reordering of some of their words or syntagmas while keeping their meaning), and on their algorithmic complexity
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Вавіленкова, Анастасія Ігорівна, Вавіленкова А. І, Vavilenkova A. I, Анастасия Игоревна Вавиленкова, and Вавиленкова А. И. "Organisation natural language sentences using logic-linguistic models." Thesis, 2013.

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The article considers the approaches used for semantic analysis of text information: finite state transition network and content analysis. It is proposed to use logic-linguistic models for organisation natural language sentences
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Books on the topic "Logic linguistic models"


Linguistic fuzzy logic methods in social sciences. Berlin, Germany: Springer, 2010.

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How reference works: Explanatory models for indexicals, descriptions, and opacity. Albany: State University of New York Press, 1993.

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Zaĭt︠s︡ev, D. V. Obobshchennai︠a︡ relevantnai︠a︡ logika i modeli rassuzhdeniĭ: Monografii︠a︡. Moskva: Kreativnai︠a︡ ėkonomika, 2010.

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Carson-Berndsen, Julie. Time Map Phonology: Finite State Models and Event Logics in Speech Recognition. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands, 1998.

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Modality and the English modals. 2nd ed. London: Longman, 1990.

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Brandt, Per Aage. La charpente modale du sens: Pour une sémio-linguistique morphogénétique et dynamique. Aarhus, Denmark: Aarhus University Press, 1992.

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Ebbesen, Sten, and Russell L. Friedman. John Buridan and beyond: Topics in the language sciences, 1300-1700. Copenhagen: Royal Danish Academy of Sciences and Letters, 2004.

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Time map phonology: Finite state models and event logics in speech recognition. Dordrecht: Kluwer, 1998.

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Sabourin, Conrad. Mathematical and formal linguistics: Grammar formalisms, grammar testing, logics, quantifiers : bibliography. Montréal: Infolingua, 1994.

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Clemente, Giovanni Battista. Svolta linguistica o fondazione ultima?: Una decostruzione del pensiero di Karl-Otto Apel. Milan, Italy: F. Angeli, 2002.

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Book chapters on the topic "Logic linguistic models"


Fermüller, Christian G., and Christoph Roschger. "Bridges Between Contextual Linguistic Models of Vagueness and T-Norm Based Fuzzy Logic." In Petr Hájek on Mathematical Fuzzy Logic, 91–114. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2014.

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Kacprzyk, Janusz, and Ronald R. Yager. "Using Fuzzy Logic with Linguistic Quantifiers in Multiobjective Decision Making and Optimization: A Step Towards More Human-Consistent Models." In Stochastic Versus Fuzzy Approaches to Multiobjective Mathematical Programming under Uncertainty, 331–50. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands, 1990.

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Bellert, Irena. "Interpretative Model for Linguistic Quantifiers." In Foundations of Logic and Linguistics, 503–41. Boston, MA: Springer US, 1985.

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Buszkowski, Wojciech. "Algebraic Models of Categorial Grammars." In Foundations of Logic and Linguistics, 403–26. Boston, MA: Springer US, 1985.

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Päppinghaus, Peter. "A Typed λ-calculus and Girard’s Model of Ptykes." In Foundations of Logic and Linguistics, 245–79. Boston, MA: Springer US, 1985.

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Asatiani, Rusudan. "A Dynamic Conceptual Model for the Linguistic Structuring of Space: Georgian Preverbs." In Logic, Language, and Computation, 38–46. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2009.

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Novák, Vilém. "Fuzzy Logic and Fuzzy Sets." In The Alternative Mathematical Model of Linguistic Semantics and Pragmatics, 61–86. Boston, MA: Springer US, 1992.

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Le, Van Hung. "The Stable Model Semantics of Normal Fuzzy Linguistic Logic Programs." In Computational Collective Intelligence, 53–65. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2019.

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Herrera, F., E. Herrera-Viedma, L. Martínez, and C. Porcel. "Information Gathering on the Internet Using a Distributed Intelligent Agent Model with Multi-Granular Linguistic Information." In Fuzzy Logic and the Internet, 95–115. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2004.

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Chen, Shuwei, Yang Xu, and Jun Ma. "A Linguistic Truth-Valued Uncertainty Reasoning Model Based on Lattice-Valued Logic." In Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery, 276–84. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2005.

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Conference papers on the topic "Logic linguistic models"


Bott, Terry F., and Stephen W. Eisenhawer. "A Structured Approach to Resource Allocation." In ASME/JSME 2004 Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference. ASMEDC, 2004.

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Allocating limited resources among competing candidates is an important problem in management. In this paper, we describe a structured and flexible approach to resource allocation using logic-evolved decision (LED) analysis. LED analysis uses logic models to generate an exhaustive set of competing alternatives and the inferential model that is used for preference ordering of these alternatives. The inferential models can use data in numerical, linguistic, or mixed forms; uncertainty in the evaluation results can be expressed using probabilistic- or linguistic-based methods. We illustrate the use of LED analysis for an allocation problem with numerical input data and for an allocation problem with only linguistic input data.
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Yates, Don, and Alley Butler. "Estimating Technology Insertion Risk Using Fuzzy Logic." In ASME 2001 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2001.

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Abstract Technology insertion into an existing system or subsystem requires careful planning and evaluation. Because the technology is new, there is often limited information upon which to base decisions. Further, decisions about technology insertion are typically made in the very early stages of a project when detailed information is sparse. Under these circumstances, the available information is typically linguistic, and fuzzy methods can be used to significant advantage in this environment. The implementation discussed in this paper employs an Excel spread sheet for user interface, and it employs COTS (Commercial Off the Shelf Technology) software for an inference engine. Heuristic based models are developed to evaluate risk in technology insertion. Risk elements include: budget risk, schedule risk, and performance risk. Results with an example problem are described to illustrate the fuzzy logic method, and conclusions are drawn regarding the advantages of this technique.
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Poon Chong, Peter, and Terrence Lalla. "APPLYING FUZZY QFD MCDM TO EVALUATE MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS." In International Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering & Technology (IConETech-2020). Faculty of Engineering, The University of the West Indies, St. Augustine, 2020.

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This paper exhibits a method to improve the quality of musical instruments with the application of two Multi-Criteria Decision Making models, Technique of Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution (TOPSIS) and Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) in a Quality Function Deployment (QFD) Environment. A fuzzy analysis approach was also included to accommodate qualitative data in music. The QFD was constructed with literature based on optimizing the manufacture of musical instruments. At this phase of the research, the paper focused on the physical parameters and perceived qualities of musical instruments. The proposed modified QFD was developed to identify the product features chosen by the market and aid the manufacture of musical instruments. A standard QFD recognized and scored factors to develop and manufacture musical instruments. It accommodated some core engineering variables for the musical instruments but overlooked some feature stakeholder needs. For example, the musician may not have 100% gratification while playing the instrument as the manufacturer fails to capture acoustic features to psychologically satisfy the musician’s audience. Using fuzzy logic, QFD and MCDM increased the model performance by expanding the data set. It offered the manufacturer of musical instruments a mode to capture and analyse behavioural linguistic data covering more customer requirements. Hence, the approach increased the range to correlate the physical features and psychological behaviours of musical instruments. It allowed non-technical persons to provide an improved form of reliable information. This modified QFD can also be applied to develop other products involving linguistic data.
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Khristodulo, Olga, Vladimir Gvozdev, Oxana Bezhaeva, and Marat Shamsutdinov. "Assessment of the characteristics of the municipal solid waste management system based on the apparatus of the theory of reliability." In International Conference "Computing for Physics and Technology - CPT2020". Bryansk State Technical University, 2020.

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Currently, the problem of organizing a municipal solid waste management system (MSW) has become more acute in Russian regions and all over the world. Various environmental and economic problems, as well as problems related to public health negatively affect many aspects of the development of modern society. Therefore, the careful organization of the management of the MSW management system is of great social importance and needs constant improvement. In this paper, we look at the MSW management system from the point of various scientific approaches, namely, structural analysis methods, geoinformation technology methods, reliability theory for complex technical systems, evergetics, graph theory and fuzzy logic methods, including the apparatus of linguistic variables. The purpose of the work is to show the possibility of application and systematic combination of the above scientific methods that have proven themselves well in their fields to a new area of the MSW management systems. However, just application of these approaches is impossible without their further adaptation and systematization from the point of view of existing approaches to the management of similar systems. As part of this study, elements of the MSW management system were identified and a topological model of the system was developed. Structural-logical models of reliability at various levels of abstraction were also built.
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Moreno, Jorge Sa´nchez, Edison Castro Prates de Lima, and Gilberto Bruno Ellwanger. "Prediction on Aging of Reconstitutive Clayey Marine Soils Using Fuzzy-Logic." In ASME 2003 22nd International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering. ASMEDC, 2003.

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This paper presents an application of the fuzzy logic theory for the prediction of the soil strength depth variation due to aging effects. The results of experimental tests with reconstituted clayey soils of the Bay of Campeche in Mexico were used for the fuzzy rule-based system training. The Evolutionary Strategy (ES) was employed as an optimization method for the learning of the Mamdani-type fuzzy rule base. Fuzzy logic provides an easy and transparent method for incorporating common-sense type reasoning. The fuzzy logic model is based on a decision (inference) process that can be better described on a linguistic level using rules with soft facts. In this manner the clay soil strength through the time could be fuzzily predicted as a function of the mean effective normal stress, the time of consolidation and the water content. Illustrative examples showed that the result of prediction seems to be acceptable in engineering practice.
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Ruiz-Mercado, Claudia, Arturo Pacheco-Vega, and Elvia Palacios. "A Takagi-Sugeno Fuzzy Model of a Concentric-Tubes Heat Exchanger." In ASME 2008 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition. ASMEDC, 2008.

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In the present study we develop a Takagi-Sugeno (TS) fuzzy model of a concentric-tubes heat exchanger. The model is structured on fuzzy logic reasoning with sets of linguistic rules describing the dynamic characteristics of the thermal system. Using a system identification technique based on adaptive neural networks, the fuzzy rules are derived from experimental data of the flow rates and fluid temperatures in the heat exchanger. The accuracy of the resulting model is assessed by predicting the time-dependent response of the outlet hot- and cold-water temperatures under a step-change in the mass flow rate of the cold fluid. The results indicate that the TS fuzzy model is able to estimate the behavior of the physical system with very little predicting errors. Upon the basis of this empirical model, in the near future we will report on a control strategy for the regulation and tracking of the outlet temperatures in the heat exchanger.
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Eleye-Datubo, A. G., H. S. Sii, J. Wang, J. B. Yang, and J. Liu. "The Application of Approximate Reasoning Methodologies to Offshore Engineering Design Based on Risk Assessment." In ASME 7th Biennial Conference on Engineering Systems Design and Analysis. ASMEDC, 2004.

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In dealing with complex and ill-defined systems of an offshore application, modelling of human reasoning for the purpose of risk assessment requires the effectiveness of a systematic logic-based approach. Floating production, storage and offloading (FPSO) installations, for example, combine traditional process technology with marine technology, and thus are quite dependent on technical design and operational safety control. Such safety-critical dependencies require novel approaches to properly analyse the risk involved. Hence, a proposed framework utilising approximate reasoning and evidential reasoning approaches is provided for modelling the assessment task. As based on fuzzy set theory, the model enables uncertainties to be described mathematically and further processed in the analysis of the structures. The forms of membership functions that could be used in representing fuzzy linguistic variables to quantify risk levels are presented. A case study of collision risk between FPSO and shuttle tanker due to technical failure during tandem offloading operation is used in this paper to illustrate the application of the proposed model. Furthermore, the obtained results from the case study provide confirmation that at various stages of offshore engineering systems design process the framework of incorporated approximate reasoning is a suited and convenient tool for attaining reliable risk analysis.
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Karkoub, Mansour, and Tzu Sung Wu. "Delayed Output Feedback Control for Nonlinear Systems With Fuzzy Observers." In ASME 2012 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2012.

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In this paper, the design problem of delayed output feedback control scheme using two-layer interval fuzzy observers for a class of nonlinear systems with state and output delays is investigated. The Takagi-Sugeno type fuzzy linear model with an on-line update law is used to approximate the nonlinear system. Based on the fuzzy model, a two-layer interval fuzzy observer is used to reconstruct the system states according to equal interval output time delay slices. Subsequently, a delayed output feedback adaptive fuzzy controller is developed to override the nonlinearities, time delays, and external disturbances such that the H∞ tracking performance is achieved. The linguistic information is developped by setting the membership functions of the fuzzy logic system and the adaptation parameters to estimate the model uncertainties directly for using linear analytical results instead of estimating nonlinear system functions. The filtered tracking error dynamics are designed to satisfy the Strictly Positive Realness (SPR) condition. Based on the Lyapunov stability criterion and linear matrix inequalities (LMIs), some sufficient conditions are derived so that all states of the system are uniformly ultimately bounded and the effect of the external disturbances on the tracking error can be attenuated to any prescribed level and consequently an H∞ tracking control is achieved. Finally, a numerical example of a two-link robot manipulator is given to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed control scheme.
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