Dissertations / Theses on the topic 'LMA TECHNIQUE'
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Adjei, Seth Akonor. "Refining Learning Maps with Data Fitting Techniques." Digital WPI, 2015. https://digitalcommons.wpi.edu/etd-theses/178.
Full textMartínez, Brito Juan. "Characterization of Dielectric Samples at Microwave Frequencies Using Substrate Integrated Waveguide Techniques." Thesis, Universidad de las Américas Puebla, 2010. http://catarina.udlap.mx/u_dl_a/tales/documentos/lmt/martinez_b_j/.
Full textKumar, Abhishek. "Convex Modeling Techniques for Aircraft Control." Thesis, Virginia Tech, 2000. http://hdl.handle.net/10919/33530.
Full textMaster of Science
Stenman, Jakob. "mRNA-expression-based classification of solid tumors : development of accurate amplification-based quantification techniques." Helsinki : University of Helsinki, 2002. http://ethesis.helsinki.fi/julkaisut/laa/kliin/vk/stenman/.
Full textTutar, Özdarcan D., P. S. Smith, and V. Keskin. "Time-resolved spectropolarimetric observations of polars WX LMi and BY Cam." OXFORD UNIV PRESS, 2017. http://hdl.handle.net/10150/624423.
Full textHalavaara, Juha. "Magnetic resonance imaging of focal liver lesions : characterization with the spin lock technique and detectability with tissue-specific contrast agents." Helsinki : University of Helsinki, 2002. http://ethesis.helsinki.fi/julkaisut/laa/kliin/vk/halavaara/.
Full textEstrada, Mariana. "A case study of cob earth based building technique in Matagalpa, Nicaragua – LCA perspective and rate of adoption." Thesis, Mittuniversitetet, Avdelningen för ekoteknik och hållbart byggande, 2014. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:miun:diva-21315.
Full textCob är en byggteknik med jord som främsta material som kan vara ett alternativ vid byggande av nya bostäder i utvecklingsländer. Några jordkonstruktionstekniker, som adobe och ”bajareque”, var vanligare förr, men har ersatts av byggande med förädlade material som tegel eller betongblock. Kostnaden för dessa material är oftast hög och blir oöverkomlig för en stor del av befolkningen. Cob hus skulle kunna vara ett alternativ på landsbygden, där arbetskraft är en mer tillgänglig resurs än kapital, och de flesta av de material som behövs finns lokalt. Cob tekniken är en blandning av lera, sand, halm och vatten som även kan kombineras med andra material för att skapa olika former. Byggnationsfasen för ett nyligen konstruerat cob hus i Matagalpa, Nicaragua, studerades med en screenande LCA. Valda delar av Rogers teori ”diffusion of innovation” användes (främst de fem attributen för innovationsspridning). Resultaten avseende CO2-utsläpp från produktion och transport av material jämfördes med ett hus i liknande storlek, byggt i betongblock. Det största bidraget till utsläpp av CO2 från cob huset genererades av färger och lösningsmedel, tegel och kakel (bränd jord), medan det i betongblockshuset berodde på betongblock och järn. Enligt denna fallstudie verkar cob byggteknik att ha potential att vara ett prisvärt alternativ för bostäder på landsbygden i Nicaragua, och resulterar i relativt små CO2-utsläpp under byggskedet. Några av de hinder för spridningen av cob tekniken som föreligger för närvarande är brist på exempel för människor att se och uppleva, samt dålig allmän kunskap om hur man arbetar med denna teknik.
Cob es una técnica de construcción en tierra que puede ser una alternativa para la construcción de nuevas viviendas en los países en vía de desarrollo. Algunas de las técnicas de construcciones en tierra como el adobe y el bahareque fueron comunes en el pasado, sin embargo han sido sustituidas por construcciones con materiales procesados como ladrillos o bloques de concreto. El costo de estos materiales suele ser alto volviéndose inasequibles para una gran parte de la población. Las construcciones en cob podrían ser una opción adecuada en las zonas rurales, donde la mano de obra es un recurso abundante a bajo costo, y la mayoría de los materiales necesarios están disponibles a nivel local. La técnica del cob se basa en una mezcla de arcilla, arena, paja y agua que puede ser combinada con otros materiales para crear una gran variedad de formas. La fase de construcción de una casa en cob en Matagalpa, Nicaragua; fue estudiada por medio de un LCA preliminar. Igualmente se utilizó el marco de difusión de la innovación propuesto por Rogers para evaluar los cinco atributos que hacen que esta técnica pueda o no ser difundida en Matagalpa. Los resultados en relación con las emisiones de CO2 por la producción de material y del transporte de material se contrastaron con una casa de dimensiones similares construida en bloque de concreto. La mayor contribución a las emisiones de CO2 de la casa de cob fue generada por las pinturas y solventes, y ladrillos y tejas (tierra cocida), mientras que en la casa de bloque de concreto las emisiones se debieron a los bloques de concreto y al hierro. De acuerdo con este caso de estudio, la técnica de construcción cob parece tener el potencial de ser una opción asequible para la vivienda rural en Nicaragua, generando emisiones de CO2 más bajas que las construcciones de bloque de concreto durante la fase de construcción. En la actualidad, algunos de los obstáculos para la difusión de la técnica del cob son la falta de ejemplos para que las personas puedan ver y experimentar, y un escaso conocimiento general sobre cómo trabajar con esta técnica.
Yrigoyen, González Haydée Andrea. ""Environmental Diagnosis of Process Plants by Life Cycle Techniques"." Doctoral thesis, Universitat Rovira i Virgili, 2006. http://hdl.handle.net/10803/8559.
Full textHaydée A. Yrigoyen González
El objetivo de la investigación es desarrollar una herramienta que relacione aspectos de
simulación, evaluación ambiental y análisis de sensibilidad. Para lo cual se estableció una
metodología que consta de cinco niveles: Simulación de proceso, Inventario, evaluación de
impactos ambientales, análisis económico y análisis de sensibilidad.
La metodología describe las variables relacionadas con el proceso, así como los
impactos asociados a cada una de sus etapas y la viabilidad económica del proceso, e
identifica las etapas de proceso con el mayor impacto ambiental (mediante el análisis de
Para la simulación de procesos se empleó el simulador ASPEN Hysys®. El inventario,
la evaluación de impactos y el análisis económico se lleva a cabo en hojas de cálculo de forma
La obtención del inventario de efectos ambientales y la evaluación de los
correspondientes impactos se realizan siguiendo la metodología de ciclo de vida, por lo que se
consideran las cargas ambientales asociadas a las materias primas, la generación de
electricidad y utilidades. Para obtener el inventario se construyó una base de datos que
contiene la información ambiental asociada a varios procesos industriales que se relacionan
indirectamente al proceso bajo estudio. Similarmente, se incluyó una base de datos con los
factores de caracterización de las categorías de impacto más importantes.
La validación de la metodología y de la herramienta desarrollada se ha llevado a cabo
mediante tres procesos industriales: polietileno de baja densidad (LDPE), óxido de etileno (EO)
y biodiesel. Para cada proceso se han evaluado diferentes configuraciones para poder
determinar cual de ellas es la mejor opción desde el punto de vista ambiental y económico.
En el caso del LDPE, el cambio de configuración se ha enfocado en el origen de la
electricidad, la cual puede ser proveniente de la Red Nacional Española o de una unidad de
cogeneración. Los resultados indican que la mejor configuración corresponde al proceso que
emplea electricidad proveniente de la unidad de cogeneración, puesto que se obtiene vapor
como sub-producto y se evitan las emisiones asociadas a la generación de electricidad, lo que
se refleja en una importante reducción de los impactos ambientales asociados.
En el segundo proceso analizado, referente a la producción de oxido de etileno, se han
evaluado cuatro configuraciones, empleando aire u oxígeno como materia prima y electricidad
de la Red Española o produciéndola mediante cogeneración. En relación al origen de la
electricidad, al emplear la cogeneración, el comportamiento ambiental del proceso mejora
considerablemente. En cuanto a la importancia de la materia prima empleada, al utilizar
oxígeno se obtiene un mejor rendimiento en la etapa de reacción, con lo cual se compensa los
costes asociados a la materia prima con la productividad del proceso.
Finalmente, se ha llevado a cabo la evaluación del proceso de producción de biodiesel,
se comparó el comportamiento ambiental del proceso empleando un catalizador ácido y un
catalizador básico. En el proceso ácido se generan menores impactos ambientales. De forma
similar, ésta configuración tiene un mejor perfil económico ya que los costes asociados a la
producción son menores y no se requiere ninguna unidad de pretratamiento (necesaria en el
proceso alcalino).
Mediante la herramienta desarrollada, la información inicial puede modificarse en
cualquier momento con el fin de obtener los valores correspondientes a nuevas condiciones.
Uno de los aspectos más importantes es el que la herramienta se adapta fácilmente con el
mínimo de variaciones. Las bases de datos que se incluyen en las hojas de cálculo pueden ser
actualizadas por el usuario o ajustarse a las necesidades específicas de cada proceso. Todo el
análisis se lleva a cabo de forma automática, una vez introducida la información inicial del
proceso e información económica.
Environmental Diagnosis of Process Plants by Life Cycle Techniques
Haydée A. Yrigoyen González
The objective of this work is to develop a tool that integrates simulation, environmental
assessment and sensitivity analysis aspects. To support this tool, a methodology consisting of
five levels was established. These are: process simulation, Inventory, environmental impacts
assessment, economic analysis and sensitivity analysis.
The developed methodology describes the variables related to the process, as well as
the impacts associated to each stages, the economic viability of the process, and the process
stages with the highest environmental impact (by means of the sensitivity analysis).
ASPEN Hysys® is the chosen software for the simulation of processes. The inventory,
impact assessment and the economic analysis are automatically obtained in spreadsheets, by
means of macros execution.
The inventory and the impacts assessment are performed following the Life Cycle
methodology. Therefore, the environmental loads of the raw materials, electricity generation and
utilities are considered. In order to generate the inventory, a data base was constructed; it
contains the environmental information associated to industrial processes that are indirectly
related to the process under study. Similarly, a data base with the characterization factors of the
most important impact categories was included in the tool.
The validation of the methodology and the developed tool has been accomplished by
their application to three industrial processes: low density polyethylene (LDPE), ethylene oxide
(EO) and biodiesel production. Different configurations have been evaluated for each process to
determine the best option from the environmental and economic point of view.
For the LDPE process, the configuration change has focused in the origin of the
electricity, which can be supplied by the Spanish National Network or a cogeneration unit.
Based on our results, the best configuration corresponds to the process employing electricity by
cogeneration, since steam is obtained as by-product and the emissions associated to the
electricity generation are eliminated. These facts are reflected in an important reduction of the
overall impacts associated to this process.
In the second analyzed process, referring to the production of ethylene oxide, four
configurations have been evaluated: using air or oxygen as raw material and electricity from the
Spanish Network or produced by cogeneration. Related to the origin of the electricity, using
cogeneration, a better environmental profile is obtained. On the other hand, the oxygen as raw
material is better than air due to the best yield of ethylene oxide in the reaction stage. Due to
the better selectivity of the oxygen in the reaction, the costs of O2 as raw material are
compensated by high production.
Finally, the process evaluation of the biodiesel production has been carried out. In this
case, an acid and a basic catalyst were compared. The best configuration corresponds to the
process using an acid catalyst. In the acid process lower environmental impacts are generated.
Furthermore, this configuration has a better economical profile since the costs associated to the
production are smaller and a pre-treatment unit is not required, as in the alkaline process.
The initial information can be modified at any time to obtain the profile associated to the
new conditions by means of the developed tool. Also, the tool can be adapted to any process in
an easy way. The included database can be updated or adjusted by the user at any time to
personalize them to the specific necessities of each process. Once the initial information is
introduced, the analysis is executed automatically.
The developed tool is able to make the simulation, its environmental diagnosis,
economic evaluation and the sensitivity analysis of any industrial process, introducing the initial
operation conditions.
Prunières, Luc. "L'étude du polymorphisme de l'A. D. N : base d'une nouvelle technique d'identification médico-judiciaire." Montpellier 1, 1990. http://www.theses.fr/1990MON11165.
Full textWu, Hui. "Investigation of fluid flow in grinding using LDA techniques and CFD simulation." Thesis, Liverpool John Moores University, 2009. http://researchonline.ljmu.ac.uk/5944/.
Full textChuchón, Ayala Hilda. "Technological features of Lima fabrics associated with funerary contexts in Huaca Pucllana." Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2017. http://repositorio.pucp.edu.pe/index/handle/123456789/113357.
Full textOfrecemos información sobre las particularidades tecnológicas de tejidos atribuidas a las últimas ocupaciones de la cultura Lima, encontrados en contextos funerarios y rellenos arquitectónicos durante las excavaciones efectuadas entre 1996 y 2000, como parte del «Proyecto de Investigación, Conservación y Puesta en Valor de Huaca Pucllana», convenio Instituto Nacional de Cultura-Municipalidad de Miraflores. La muestra textil estudiada indica que en los entierros funerarios Lima, se usaron como envoltorios de los cuerpos, tejidos llanos de algodón compuestos por una o dos telas completas y telas formadas por la unión de fragmentos, algunas de estas últimas con remiendos y zurcidos, a diferencia de los tejidos depositados como ofrendas que tienen tratamiento especial y son un solo elemento, elaborados en lana y algodónmediante la técnica del anillado interconectado simple y anudado, con diseños de figuras geométricas y de peces entrelazados, en cuya manufactura emplearon agujas de espina de cactus, utilizadas también para la elaboración de redes. Los tejidos confeccionados en telar de cintura se distinguen por técnicas comunes de: tejido llano 1x1, tejido cara de urdimbre y tejido listado cara de urdimbre, lo cual sirve de base para sostener que en la sociedad Lima había diferentes clases de artesanos dedicados a la producción de tejidos.
Ranganathan, Raghuram. "NOVEL COMPLEX ADAPTIVE SIGNAL PROCESSING TECHNIQUES EMPLOYING OPTIMALLY DERIVED TIME-VARYING CONVERGENCE FACTORS WITH APPLICATIO." Doctoral diss., University of Central Florida, 2008. http://digital.library.ucf.edu/cdm/ref/collection/ETD/id/4089.
Full textPh.D.
School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Engineering and Computer Science
Electrical Engineering PhD
Durand, Jean-Pierre. "Contribution a l'etude du groupe des proteines nucleaires de faible mobilite electrophoretique (lmg)." Nantes, 1988. http://www.theses.fr/1988NANT2010.
Full textSwales, Christopher. "Advance LDA techniques for measurement of 3D boundary layer velocity profiles on a helicopter rotor." Thesis, University of Bristol, 1994. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.327721.
Full textDupree, A. K., A. Dotter, C. I. Johnson, A. F. Marino, A. P. Milone, J. I. Bailey, J. D. Crane, M. Mateo, and E. W. Olszewski. "NGC 1866: First Spectroscopic Detection of Fast-rotating Stars in a Young LMC Cluster." IOP PUBLISHING LTD, 2017. http://hdl.handle.net/10150/625815.
Full textCook, Casey Lee. "Seeding rate and seed size as management techniques for ryegrass (Lolium Multiflorum, Lam) in winter wheat." Texas A&M University, 2002. http://hdl.handle.net/1969.1/2284.
Full textManceaux-Cumer, Christelle. "Techniques de commande robuste : approche par multiplicateurs et approche stochastique." Toulouse, ENSAE, 1998. http://www.theses.fr/1998ESAE0003.
Full textCunha, Bianca Barino. "Qualidade do debridamento obtido pela técnica de instrumentação da lima única de NiTi em canais ovais e circulares." Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, 2010. http://www.bdtd.uerj.br/tde_busca/arquivo.php?codArquivo=6691.
Full textThe present study evaluates the quality of the pulp tissue removal after chemical and surgical preparation performed with the single file technique, described by Ghassan Yared. This study compares the percentage of remaining pulp tissue in root canals, oval and circular incisors freshly extracted possessing vital pulp and stored in formaldehyde 10%. Two techniques were compared: ProTaper Universal and the single file F2 technique. After careful selection, forty-eight teeth with vital pulp that were likely to extraction, were prepared and divided into oval and circular root canals, divided into 4 groups and instrumented with both techniques. The control group, with 12 specimens, received no intervention. G1 (n = 12), oval canals instrumented with the ProTaper Universal technique G2 (n = 12), oval canals instrumented using the single file F2 technique, G3 (n = 12), the circular canals instrumented with ProTaper Universal, G4 (n = 12), the circular canals instrumented with the single file F2 technique. After biomechanical preparation, cross sections were prepared for histological evaluation. The analysis of the amount of remaining pulp tissue was assessed digitally. Preliminary analysis of the raw data set of all experimental groups revealed a normal distribution pattern by using the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test. The statistical analysis was performed, and the raw data were evaluated by non-parametric methods: H Test Kruskal-Wallis. The minimum percentage was 0% and maximum of 37.78% among all groups. The images for the amount of remaining pulp tissue ranged from 0 to 43.47% m 2. H Test Kruskal-Wallis results revealed no differences among the most apical sections (p> 0.05). However, a significant difference was found at most apical section of the middle third (p <0.05). Significant differences were also found when the circular root canals were compared with oval canals, independent of instrumentation technique used (p <0.05). Neither these techniques studied, on oval or circular root canals had significant statistic difference (p> 0.05). The aim of this study is to reflect about the real need for a large number of files for the preparation of the total root area, since no technique was able to completely debride the root canal space.
Gonzales, Oscar Guillermo Osorio. "Tranferts techniques et artistiques entre le Perou et l' Europe. Les architectes péruviens élèves de l' Ecole des Beaux-arts et les architectes européenes actifs à Lima (1888-1930)." Master's thesis, Universidade de Évora, 2019. http://hdl.handle.net/10174/27326.
Full textMatos, Inês Alexandra dos Ramos Moreno Viegas. "Relatório de Estágio na Pierre Fabre Portugal, Lda." Master's thesis, Instituto Superior de Economia e Gestão, 2009. http://hdl.handle.net/10400.5/1669.
Full textO sucesso num ambiente competitivo de negócios, tal como hoje acontece, é uma possível consequência de uma, cada vez maior, administração eficaz dos Recursos Humanos. Estrutura, tecnologia, recursos financeiros e materiais são, apenas, aspectos físicos e ineficazes que precisam de ser aplicados de forma racional, através das pessoas que compõem a organização. Deste modo, o factor que, efectivamente, constitui a dinâmica das organizações são as pessoas. A Gestão de Recursos Humanos assume, assim, cada vez mais uma maior importância no desenvolvimento de uma cultura organizacional direccionada para a inovação e aprendizagem contínua (Chiavenato, 2004). Este trabalho é a etapa final de um longo percurso académico orientado para a obtenção do grau de mestre em Ciências Empresariais. O seu objectivo consiste em explanar tudo o que pude aprender durante o meu estágio curricular na Pierre Fabre Portugal, Lda. No Capítulo I, será apresentada a componente teórica do trabalho, onde será explanada a evolução da função Recursos Humanos ao longo dos tempos, bem como a relação que pode existir entre a estratégia das organizações e a estratégia da Gestão de Recursos Humanos, de acordo com as características de cada organização. Por fim, serão descritas algumas das técnicas e práticas utilizadas na Gestão de Recursos Humanos. No Capítulo II, será abordada a componente prática, consequência da aprendizagem obtida em tempo de estágio, para que, finalmente, no Capítulo III, se desenvolvam conclusões, fruto do confronto do enquadramento teórico com a componente prática.
Nowadays, the success in a competitive business environment is probably due to the increasing Human Resources effective management. Structures, technologies, financial resources and materials are just physical and ineffective aspects that need to be used in a rational way by the people who make the organization. Therefore, the factor that truly makes up the dynamic of organizations is people. The administration of Human Resources is gradually becoming more important in the development of an organizational culture moving towards innovation and continuous learning (Chiavenato, 2004). This report is the final stage of a long academic path for the title of Master in Management Sciences. Its main purpose is to fully explain everything I learned during my internship at Pierre Fabre Portugal, Lda. Chapter One contains the theory of the evolution of Human Resources through history and the possible connection between the strategies of an organization and the ones in Human Resources Management according to the main characteristics of each organization. Lastly, there is a description of some of the techniques and procedures used in Human Resources Management. In turn, Chapter Two is an approach to the practical elements that were learned during the internship culminating in Chapter Three in the form of conclusions stemming from the comparison between the theoretical and the practical aspects.
Knoth, Stefanie. "Topic Explorer Dashboard : A Visual Analytics Tool for an Innovation Management System enhanced by Machine Learning Techniques." Thesis, Linnéuniversitetet, Institutionen för datavetenskap och medieteknik (DM), 2020. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:lnu:diva-105981.
Full textCarvalho, Maira de Souza. "Análise da capacidade de limpeza promovida por dois sistemas de lima única em movimento reciprocante." Universidade Federal do Amazonas, 2014. http://tede.ufam.edu.br/handle/tede/4061.
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Approved for entry into archive by Divisão de Documentação/BC Biblioteca Central (ddbc@ufam.edu.br) on 2015-06-11T20:36:53Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertação - Maira de Souza Carvalho.pdf: 2238687 bytes, checksum: f28d34b00b61c32ff388e13ceda7d2eb (MD5)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-06-11T20:36:53Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertação - Maira de Souza Carvalho.pdf: 2238687 bytes, checksum: f28d34b00b61c32ff388e13ceda7d2eb (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-02-21
FAPEAM - Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado do Amazonas
The purpose of this study was to evaluate hystologically the cleaning capacity promoted by two reciprocating single-file systems the root canal system. To perform the experiment, 25 mandibular molars were selected, with mesial root canal curvature degree between 20º and 40º and radius of canal curvature ≤10 mm. Using K-type files, it was evaluated the presence of independent foramens with anatomical diameters compatible with #15 instrument. To standardize the size of the teeth in 16 mm crowns were partially sectioned. The selected specimens were divided in two experimental groups of 10 teeth each, Reciproc Group and WaveOne Group, and a Control Group, formed by 5 teeth. Then silicone blocks were prepared, which to be posted in a vise-grip, enabled the standardization of instrumentation position. The working length of the mesiobuccal canals was determined subtracting 0,5mm from apical foramen; Reciproc Group was prepared only with a R25 file in three peck motions towards the apex. The WaveOne Group used the Primary instrument, the same way formerly described. 2,5% sodium hypochlorite was used as irrigant solution, 1ml being used at each insertion of the instrument. The Control Group was uninstrumented and unirrigated. After canal preparation, the apical thirds were submitted to histological processing to obtain 15 serial transverse cross sections (5 μm), stained with hematoxylin and eosin. Histological analysis was performed by analysis of the cross-sections with 230x magnification and quantification of debris through the superposition of a grid. Data were submitted to Kruskal-Wallis test and Dunn's Multiple Comparisons Test (P = 005). The results showed no differences (P>0,05) between Reciproc (286,38) and WaveOne (325,20) Groups. In comparing the experimental groups with the Control Group (654,36), a statistically significant difference was found (P <0.001). Based on the methodology used and the results obtained, it may be concluded that there was no statistically significant difference between the the single-file and reciprocating motion systems.
O objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar, por meio da análise histológica, a capacidade de limpeza do sistema de canais radiculares promovida por dois sistemas de lima única em movimento reciprocante. Para realização do experimento foram selecionados 25 molares inferiores com grau de curvatura da raiz mesial entre 20° e 40° e raio de curvatura ≤10 mm. Com a utilização de limas tipo K, avaliou-se a presença de forames independentes com diâmetros anatômicos compatíveis com um instrumento #15. Para padronização do tamanho dos dentes em 16 mm as coroas foram parcialmente seccionadas. Os espécimes selecionados foram divididos em dois grupos experimentais com 10 dentes cada, Grupo Reciproc e Grupo WaveOne, e um Grupo Controle, composto por 5 dentes. A seguir, foi confeccionado um bloco de silicone, que ao ser afixado em uma morsa de bancada, possibilitou a padronização da posição de instrumentação. O comprimento de trabalho dos canais mesiais foi definido a 0,5 mm aquém ao ápice, sendo o Grupo Reciproc preparado apenas com a lima R25 em três movimentos de entrada e saída em direção apical, no Grupo WaveOne utilizou-se o instrumento Primary com a mesma cinemática. Hipoclorito de sódio a 2,5% foi a solução irrigante empregada, sendo utilizado 1 ml a cada inserção do instrumento. O Grupo Controle não passou por preparo químico-mecânico e protocolo de irrigação. Após a instrumentação, o terço apical de cada espécime foi submetido ao processamento histológico de rotina para obtenção de 15 cortes com 5 μm de espessura, corados com hematoxilina e eosina. A análise histológica se deu pela avaliação das lâminas com aumento de 230x e determinação do percentual de debris por meio da superposição de uma grade de integração. Os dados obtidos foram submetidos ao teste de Kruskall-Wallis e teste de Múltiplas Comparações de Dunn (P=0,05). Os resultados mostraram não haver diferenças (P>0,05) entre Grupo Reciproc (286,38) e Grupo WaveOne (325,20). Na comparação dos grupos experimentais com o Grupo Controle (654,36), diferença estatística significante foi encontrada (P<0,001). Com base na metodologia empregada e nos resultados obtidos, conclui-se que não houve diferença estatisticamente significante entre os dois sistemas de instrumentação que empregam lima única e movimento reciprocante.
Rickards, Jeremy. "Effect of suction on the evolution of laminar boundary layers, including the development of acoustic and LDA transition detection techniques." Thesis, University of Bristol, 1994. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.259447.
Full textYameogo, Yvon Sosthène. "Etudes de nouvelles techniques d'estimation et d'égalisation de canal adaptées au systéme SC-FDMA." Phd thesis, Université Rennes 1, 2011. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00657895.
Full textWheeler, Sonya. "A structured technique for applying risk based internal auditing in information technology environments : (with specific reference to llA RBIA, King Report and CobiT) /." Link to the online version, 2005. http://hdl.handle.net/10019/1310.
Full textNorsten, Theodor. "Exploring the Potential of Twitter Data and Natural Language Processing Techniques to Understand the Usage of Parks in Stockholm." Thesis, KTH, Geoinformatik, 2020. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:kth:diva-278532.
Full textTraditionella metoder använda för att förstå hur människor använder parker består av frågeformulär, en mycket tids -och- resurskrävande metod. Idag använder mer en fyra miljarder människor någon form av social medieplattform dagligen. Det har inneburit att enorma datamängder genereras dagligen via olika sociala media plattformar och har skapat potential för en ny källa att erhålla stora mängder data. Denna undersöker ett modernt tillvägagångssätt, genom användandet av Natural Language Processing av Twitter data för att förstå hur parker i Stockholm används. Natural Language Processing (NLP) är ett område inom artificiell intelligens och syftar till processen att läsa, analysera och förstå stora mängder textdata och anses vara framtiden för att förstå ostrukturerad text. Data från Twitter inhämtades via Twitters öppna API. Data från tre parker i Stockholm erhölls mellan perioden 2015–2019. Tre analyser genomfördes därefter, temporal, sentiment och topic modeling. Resultaten från ovanstående analyser visar att det är möjligt att förstå vilka attityder och aktiviteter som är associerade med att besöka parker genom användandet av NLP baserat på data från sociala medier. Det är tydligt att sentiment analys är ett svårt problem för datorer att lösa och är fortfarande i ett tidigt skede i utvecklingen. Resultaten från sentiment analysen indikerar några osäkerheter. För att uppnå mer tillförlitliga resultat skulle analysen bestått av mycket mer data, mer exakta metoder för data rensning samt baserats på tweets skrivna på engelska. En tydlig slutsats från resultaten är att människors attityder och aktiviteter kopplade till varje park är tydligt korrelerat med de olika attributen respektive park består av. Ytterligare ett tydligt mönster är att användandet av parker är som högst under högtider och att positiva känslor är starkast kopplat till park-besök. Resultaten föreslår att framtida studier fokuserar på att kombinera metoden i denna rapport med geospatial data baserat på en social medieplattform där användare delar sin platsinfo i större utsträckning.
Thévenet, Jean-Baptiste. "Techniques d'optimisation avancées pour la synthèse de lois de commande." Toulouse 3, 2005. http://www.theses.fr/2005TOU30125.
Full textThis thesis research area belongs to the class of nonlinear semidefinite programming, an emerging and challenging domain in optimization which is of central importance in robust control and relaxation of hard decision problems. Our contribution addresses convergence of algorithms, practical implementations and testing on applications in the field of reduced-order output feedback control. Firstly, our augmented Lagrangian-type "spectral SDP" method has shown to be extremely efficient on a variety of middle-scale BMI programs, including simultaneous, structured, or mixed H2/Hinf synthesis problems. Local convergence properties of the algorithm were studied as well, as far as classical nonlinear programs are concerned. On the other hand, we then focused on nonsmooth strategies for large bilinear matrix inequalities. Problems with up to a few thousand variables were successfully handled through this method, where alternative approaches usually give failure
Saldaña, García Wilson Andrés. "Técnicas de valorización para medir el crecimiento empresarial en el proceso de fusión de la empresa financiera S.A. de Lima Metropolitana, Distrito de Surco, año 2016." Bachelor's thesis, Universidad Ricardo Palma, 2016. http://cybertesis.urp.edu.pe/handle/urp/1379.
Full textGrinover, Marina Mange. "Laboratório de projeto e construção: prática da arquitetura na obra de Renzo Piano e João Filgueiras Lima." Universidade de São Paulo, 2015. http://www.teses.usp.br/teses/disponiveis/16/16133/tde-09062015-120201/.
Full textThis investigation was developed from architecture practice questioning in relation to the elaboration of architectural design and work construction. The case study choice of the work from Renzo Piano (1937 -), Italian architect, and João Filgueiras Lima, (1934 - 2014) Brazilian architect, also known as Lelé, was defined due to the fact that both feature solutions of aesthetic and technical interest which seemed to have been extinguished. The documentation motivated a theoretical and historical effort to broaden concepts used in architecture analysis. Taking as a reference the historical view from the 1960s to the 1990s, period of debates about the validity of modern precepts in architecture and of an intense production linked to post-industrial economy and mass culture, a selection of works and their dialogue, through practice, with this very debate, was analyzed. With no pretension of preparing a comparative thesis, the analysis of each architect in their own social technical context was emphasized, consolidating a work analysis mode which detaches itself from documented facts, rather leaning over deeper motivations to produce architecture. Through the understanding of the poetry which is born from this organic process between thinking and doing, fundamental technical and social values are defined for the understanding of the social dimension of the architects work. In this edition, the first part of the text addresses the art concepts, technique and practical work in comparison to the architectural culture during these years between 1960 and 1990. The second part is the work analysis itself, with a chapter dedicated to each architect. The study of the interrelation between architecture creative and technical processes had the goal of defining the concept of Project and Construction Lab.
Ramos, Fernandez Julio Cesar. "Intégration de techniques floues pour la modélisation, l'identification et la commande de systèmes non linéaires." Phd thesis, Université du Sud Toulon Var, 2008. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00276811.
Full textDanès, Patrick. "Techniques d'automatique et de traitement du signal pour l'asservissement visuel et la perception auditive en robotique." Habilitation à diriger des recherches, Université Paul Sabatier - Toulouse III, 2010. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00604522.
Full textGul, Ahmet Bahtiyar. "Holistic Face Recognition By Dimension Reduction." Master's thesis, METU, 2003. http://etd.lib.metu.edu.tr/upload/1056738/index.pdf.
Full texthowever, even Subspace LDA and Bayesian PCA do not perform well under changes in illumination and aging although they perform better than PCA.
Zanchin, Volnei Tonin. "Projetos de controladores para sistemas de potência utilizando LMI'S." reponame:Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da UFRGS, 2003. http://hdl.handle.net/10183/6000.
Full textThe current work aims to study and improve the power system controllers design methods. And we are interested in the dynamic stability of power systems, and thus, in the design of electromechanical oscillations damping controllers. The design methods studied here were chosen to fill the requirements that a power system stabilizer (PSS) must obey, that are robustness, decentralization and coordination. And the characteristics of some of these methods were improved and extended in order to meet these requirements. The approach of the studied methods is restricted to the time domain analysis because of the easiness to model the parametric uncertainties, to meet the robustness requirement, and because it also simplifies the formulation of the decentralized control problem. Moreover the time domain approach allows one to use linear matrix inequalities (LMI’s) to formulate the design problem, which has the advantages that the solution set is always convex, and that there exists efficient algorithms to compute its solution. There are several software packages developed, in the market, to solve the problem of linear matrix inequality. So that the design methods using output controllers always try to formulate this problem in the form of an LMI, because it guarantees that one can obtain a solution for the problem, in the case that this solution exists.
Itani, Lama [Verfasser], and Christof [Akademischer Betreuer] Schulz. "Development and application of optical diagnostic techniques for assessing the effects of preferential evaporation of multi-component fuels under engine-relevant conditions / Lama Itani ; Betreuer: Christof Schulz." Duisburg, 2018. http://d-nb.info/1154385892/34.
Full textBalavoine, Aurele. "Mathematical analysis of a dynamical system for sparse recovery." Diss., Georgia Institute of Technology, 2014. http://hdl.handle.net/1853/51882.
Full textLópez, Viena Karen Gabriela, and Avendaño Nicolás Málaga. "Immediate complications in post-mastectomy breast reconstruction: comparison between different surgical techniques in patients with breast cancer at the National Institute of Neoplastic Diseases in Lima, Peru 2014-2018." Bachelor's thesis, Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC), 2021. http://hdl.handle.net/10757/656154.
Full textIntroducción: El número de reconstrucciones mamarias post cáncer de mama ha ido en aumento. Este estudio evalúa las complicaciones en los primeros 30 días luego de reconstrucción mamaria post mastectomía para cáncer de mama no metastásico en sus diferentes técnicas quirúrgicas. Métodos: Cohorte retrospectiva de pacientes con reconstrucción mamaria post mastectomía en el Instituto Nacional de Enfermedades Neoplásicas (INEN) entre 2014-2018. Los desenlaces fueron las complicaciones quirúrgicas en los 30 días siguientes a la cirugía. Se obtuvieron incidencias acumuladas, y se evaluó su asociación con diversos factores clínico-demográficos mediante riesgos relativos crudos y ajustados (aRR) obtenidos vía Regresión de Poisson con varianza robusta. Resultados: De 2092 pacientes que tuvieron mastectomía en el INEN entre 2014-2018, solo 271 tuvieron reconstrucción mamaria. De ellas 148 tuvieron datos completos y cumplieron los criterios de selección. La mediana de edad fue 45 años, 62.16% tuvieron sobrepeso/obesidad, y 35.85% tenían estadio clínico III. El 28.38% tuvieron reconstrucción inmediata autóloga, 33.11% reconstrucción inmediata usando prótesis, y 38.51% reconstrucción tardía. El 48.65% de los pacientes experimentó alguna complicación en el mes siguiente post cirugía, siendo las complicaciones más frecuentes dehiscencia de sutura (20.27%) e infección superficial (18.92%). Obesidad (RR 1.96; 1.24-3.10), y tener Técnica Inmediata (RR 1.54; 1.04-2.27) se asociaron a más complicaciones. Uso de Técnica Protésica fue protector (RR 0.59; 0.40-0.85), así como también Quimioterapia Neoadyuvante (RR 0.65; 0.42-0.99). Conclusiones: La técnica quirúrgica protésica tuvo menos probabilidades de presentar complicaciones que la autóloga. Asimismo, la cirugía inmediata presenta más probabilidades de presentar complicaciones que la diferida. Las variables como obesidad, terapia neoadyuvante y ECOG intervienen en la presentación de complicaciones.
Alkadee, Dareen. "Techniques de réduction et de traitement des émissions polluantes dans une machine thermique." Phd thesis, Conservatoire national des arts et metiers - CNAM, 2011. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-01005123.
Full textCerrón, Vásquez Andrea Milagros, and Pucuhuayla Adamary Iriana Meza. "Association between preference of pediatric dentistry behavior management technique and parenting styles of parents of children aged 5 to 13 years cared for in a university health center of a private university in Lima, Peru." Bachelor's thesis, Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC), 2021. http://hdl.handle.net/10757/656447.
Full textObjetivo: Evaluar la asociación que existe entre la preferencia de las técnicas de manejo en Odontopediatría y los estilos de crianza de los padres de niños con edades entre los 5 y 13 años que son atendidos en un Centro Universitario de Salud de la ciudad de Lima, Perú. Materiales y métodos: Se encuestó a un total de 160 padres de familia, de los cuales el 77 % era de sexo femenino y el 78 % pertenecía al grupo etario de 30 años a más. Los estilos de crianza se evaluaron por medio del cuestionario autoaplicado Parenting Style and Dimension Questionary (PSDQ); y la preferencia de las técnicas de manejo de conducta se evaluó por medio de una ficha informativa de elaboración propia, en la cual se incluyeron 6 de las 13 técnicas que se emplean de acuerdo con Behavior Guidance for the Pediatric Dental Patient de la American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry (AAPD) que fue publicada en el 2015. Las variables registradas fueron: edad del padre en intervalos de años, sexo del padre, nivel educativo, número de hijos, sexo de los hijos, edad del niño en años y orden de nacimiento de los hijos. Luego se utilizó la prueba Chi-cuadrado y la prueba exacta de Fisher para realizar el análisis bivariado, y se aplicó la prueba de Kruskal Wallis para la variable numérica. Resultados: No existe asociación entre la preferencia por una técnica de manejo de conducta y los estilos de crianza, puesto que en la investigación se observó una prevalencia del estilo de crianza autoritativo y una mayor preferencia por las técnicas de comunicación, indistintamente del estilo de crianza que se manejaba en las casas. Conclusiones: La preferencia de la técnica de manejo de conducta no está asociada a los estilos de crianza. Sin embargo, la prevalencia de las técnicas comunicativas permite concluir que deben realizarse más estudios en torno a esta.
Yoo, Heejong. "Low-Power Audio Input Enhancement for Portable Devices." Diss., Georgia Institute of Technology, 2005. http://hdl.handle.net/1853/6821.
Full textObrocki, Lea Marit [Verfasser]. "Advances in geoarchaeological site formation research by integrating geophysical methods, direct push sensing techniques and stratigraphic borehole data - case studies from central Europe and the western Peloponnese around ancient Olympia - / Lea Marit Obrocki." Mainz : Universitätsbibliothek Mainz, 2019. http://d-nb.info/118923730X/34.
Full textGaye, Oumar. "Contrôle du profil de facteur de sécurité dans les plasmas de tokamak en dimension infinie." Angers, 2012. https://theses.hal.science/tel-00774718.
Full textThe increasing energy needs of the world population require the development, the control and the supply of new forms of energy. In this context, nuclear fusion is a track of extremely promising research. World project ITER is intended to prove the scientific and technical feasibility of nuclear fusion. One of the many key-goal is the control of the current profile spatial distribution in plasmas of tokamak, which is one of the main parameter for the stability and the performance of the experiments. The spatiotemporal evolution of this current is described by a set of nonlinear partial differential equations. In this document stabilization is proposed considering robust control of current profile spatial distribution in infinite dimension. Two approaches are proposed : the first one is based on sliding mode approach and the second one (of type proportional and proportional integral) is based on the Lyapunov functions in infinite dimension. The design of the control law is based on the 1D equation resistive diffusion of the magnetic flux. The control laws are calculated in infinite dimension without space discretization
Hijazi, Hala. "Proposition d'une méthode spectrale combinée LDA et LLE pour la réduction non-linéaire de dimension : Application à la segmentation d'images couleurs." Thesis, Littoral, 2013. http://www.theses.fr/2013DUNK0516.
Full textData analysis and learning methods have known a huge development during these last years. Indeed, after neural networks, kernel methods in the 90', spectral methods appeared in the years 2000. Spectral methods provide an unified mathematical framework to expand new original classification methods. Among these new techniques, two methods can be highlighted : LLE for non-linear dimension reduction and LDA as discriminating classification method. In this thesis document a new classification technique is proposed combining LLE and LDA methods. This new method makes it possible to provide efficient non-linear dimension reduction and discrimination. Then an extension of the method to semi-supervised learning is proposed. Good properties of dimension reduction and discrimination associated with the sparsity property of the LLE technique make it possible to apply our method to color images segmentation with success. Semi-supervised version of our method leads to efficient segmentation of noisy color images. These results have to be extended and compared with other state-of-the-art methods. Nevertheless interesting perspectives of this work are proposed in conclusion for future developments
Schneider, A. "Role of LCA concepts at the research and development phase of a new process for waste treatment : the Trefoil Kiln process subject to integrated pollution prevention and control (IPPC) and best available techniques (BAT) requirements." Darmstadt, 2002. http://bvbr.bib-bvb.de:8991/F?func=service&doc_library=BVB01&doc_number=010198953&line_number=0001&func_code=DB_RECORDS&service_type=MEDIA.
Full textRenaud-Gentié, Christel. "Eco-efficience des itinéraires techniques viticoles : intérêt et adaptations de l’analyse du cycle de vie pour la prise en compte des spécificités de la viticulture de qualité." Thesis, Angers, 2015. http://www.theses.fr/2015ANGE0002/document.
Full textIn order to contribute to the effort of eco-efficiency improvement of the wine sctor, especially in the Protected Denomination of Origin (PDO) contaxt, we worked to identify in which conditions Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) is an appropriate method for environmental assessment, at plot scale, of quality vineyard Technical Management Routes (TMRs), to permit the choice of the most eco-efficient technical operations and TMRs.A methodological framework for LCA suited to this objective was designed and tested on five real and contrasted TMRs, oriented towards a same qualitative objective. These cases were chosen thanks to an original statistical analysis chain, Typ-iti, on the basis of a survey, among the TMRs producing Chenin blanc grapes for PDO dry white wines in the Middle Lore Valley. Five groups were identified and characterized, threee in conventional viticulture, and two in organic viticulture.The methodological framework that was established includes i) the studied system definition including productive and non-productive phases, ii) the choice of the most suitable and available models for calculation of pollutant direct emissions in the vineyard, iii) the customization of the organic pesticide emision calculation model, Pest LCI 2.0, to viticulture specific needs iv) the inclusion of grape quality in the LCA by two functional units including an original grape quality index.LCA proves to be a method complex but powerful, usable at parcel scale for grape production TMRs choice. It revealed i) contrasted eco-efficiencies for the 5 contrasted TMRs, ii) the viticultural practices responsible for these contrasts, iii) solutions for eco-efficiency improvement and quantification of their eco-efficiency effects.The important effect of the production year on the results, highlighted here on one case, must be taken into account in any viticulture LCA. Numerous perspectives of methodological improvement are discussed here in order to increase relevance and completeness of the results as well as genericity of the method and its accessibility for viticulture development stakeholders
Giorgi, Karina Andrade Di. "Avaliação do efeito de duas técnicas de instrumentação na zona de risco de molares inferiores curvos por microtomografia computadorizada e análise de imagens." Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, 2010. http://www.bdtd.uerj.br/tde_busca/arquivo.php?codArquivo=3078.
Full textO objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a espessura mínima radicular remanescente e o desgaste porcentual do terço cervical em raízes mesiais de molares inferiores, após a instrumentação com as técnicas ProTaper Universal e Lima única F2. Foram obtidos 100 primeiros molares inferiores com raízes completamente separadas. Desse total, foram selecionados e incluídos no estudo somente 22 que possuíam dois canais distintos na raiz mesial, comprimento entre 20 e 22 mm e grau de curvatura da raiz mesial com angulação variando entre 10 e 20. Destes, 8 foram eliminados por possuírem uma anatomia muito discrepante, o que limitava o processamento e análise digital das imagens (PADI). Os dentes foram acessados e a patência apical foi realizada em todos os canais determinando o comprimento de trabalho. Em cada dente, cada canal mesial foi instrumentado por uma técnica diferente. As amostras foram posicionadas em um dispositivo de montagem e digitalizadas através de microtomografia computadorizada antes e depois de serem completamente instrumentadas. O volume de interesse, correspondente à região de zona de risco, com uma grande margem de tolerância, tanto em direção apical quanto em direção cervical, foi determinado por 234 fatias, totalizando um comprimento vertical de 3,5 mm, para avaliação quantitativa comparativa. Através de PADI mediu-se, de forma automática, a espessura mínima radicular nos dois canais mesiais, antes e após a instrumentação, para todas as fatias de todos os dentes. A partir destes dados foi calculado o desgaste porcentual. Após o tratamento estatístico das mais de 6500 medidas obtidas, pôde-se concluir que não existiu diferença no desgaste da zona de risco produzido pelas duas técnicas de instrumentação testadas. Em todos os casos a espessura radicular remanescente permaneceu dentro de uma margem de segurança, não havendo, portanto, nenhum caso de rasgo ou perfuração. Dessa forma, ambas as técnicas estudadas foram consideradas seguras quanto ao desgaste da zona de risco da raiz mesial dos molares inferiores.
The aim of the present study was to evaluate the minimal remaining root canal thickness and percentage of dentin removed of the cervical third of the mesial roots mandibular molars after instrumentation with the ProTaper Universal and Single File F2 Techniques. From a total of 100 teeth, only 22 were selected and included in the study by having two distinct canals in the mesial root with length between 20 and 22 mm and degree of curvature presenting angle between 10 and 20. Eight specimens were eliminated because they have a very disparate anatomy that limited the digital processing and analysis of the images (PADI). The teeth were accessed and patency was performed in all canals determining the working length. In each tooth, each mesial canal was instrumented by a different technique. The samples were placed in a mounting device and scanned by microcomputed tomography before and after instrumentation. The corresponding volume of interest to the region of the risk zone was determined by 234 slices, with a total vertical length of 3.5 mm, for quantitative comparative evaluation with a high degree of tolerance. The PADI performed the measures automatically of the minimal thickness of root in both mesial canals, before and after instrumentation for all slices of each tooth. From these data, the percentage of dentin removed was calculated. After statistical analysis of more than 6500 measurements, it was concluded that there was no difference in the wear of the risk zone produced by the two instrumentation techniques tested. In all instrumented specimens, the root thickness remained within a security margin, thus, no case of strip perforation was observed. Therefore, both techniques were considered safe to be used in mesial root of mandibular molars.
Zhong, Xiao. "A study of several statistical methods for classification with application to microbial source tracking." Link to electronic thesis, 2004. http://www.wpi.edu/Pubs/ETD/Available/etd-0430104-155106/.
Full textKeywords: classification; k-nearest-neighbor (k-n-n); neural networks; linear discriminant analysis (LDA); support vector machines; microbial source tracking (MST); quadratic discriminant analysis (QDA); logistic regression. Includes bibliographical references (p. 59-61).
Bensmaine, Fayçal. "Modélisation et commande d'un système de stockage d'énergie à base de supercondensateur pour l'hybridation des groupes électrogènes." Thesis, Poitiers, 2014. http://www.theses.fr/2014POIT2341.
Full textThe research in this thesis are part of study and control of a new concept of hybrid generator to reduce the power of the diesel engine (downsizing) in order to save fuel and improve the behavior of the synchronous generator during transients. The adopted solution is to place in parallel with the synchronous generator an energy storage system. The latter consists of an inverter with a super capacitor on the DC bus. The aim of the thesis was to scale the entire supercapacitor / static converter and to develop a control law having the best performance with the best compromise between the energy exchanged in the supercapacitor, efficiency, the group speed and voltage amplitude of the generator. A feedback control condition with integration of the deviation using LMI's approach has been established for the synthesis of loop current regulators from the inverter.A second control law was developed to regulate the variable voltage across the supercapacitor. A simulator combining generator and storage system has been developed to test these commands.All validations were made on an experimental test rig specifically developed for this thesis. The tests were conducted with an electric drive motor in the test platform of the LIAS and with a diesel in that of the Leroy Somer Motors company.Finally, experimental tests have highlighted the significant contribution of this hybridization on the diesel speed variationsand on the terminal voltage of the alternator during impact or load shedding
Giorgianni, Giulia. "Analisi dei principi e dei metodi per la valutazione della sostenibilità dei prodotti e dei processi con un'applicazione ai componenti per l’edilizia." Master's thesis, Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna, 2016.
Find full textSong, Yingying. "Amélioration de la résolution spatiale d’une image hyperspectrale par déconvolution et séparation-déconvolution conjointes." Thesis, Université de Lorraine, 2018. http://www.theses.fr/2018LORR0207/document.
Full textA hyperspectral image is a 3D data cube in which every pixel provides local spectral information about a scene of interest across a large number of contiguous bands. The observed images may suffer from degradation due to the measuring device, resulting in a convolution or blurring of the images. Hyperspectral image deconvolution (HID) consists in removing the blurring to improve the spatial resolution of images at best. A Tikhonov-like HID criterion with non-negativity constraint is considered here. This method considers separable spatial and spectral regularization terms whose strength are controlled by two regularization parameters. First part of this thesis proposes the maximum curvature criterion MCC and the minimum distance criterion MDC to automatically estimate these regularization parameters by formulating the deconvolution problem as a multi-objective optimization problem. The second part of this thesis proposes the sliding block regularized (SBR-LMS) algorithm for the online deconvolution of hypserspectral images as provided by whiskbroom and pushbroom scanning systems. The proposed algorithm accounts for the convolution kernel non-causality and including non-quadratic regularization terms while maintaining a linear complexity compatible with real-time processing in industrial applications. The third part of this thesis proposes joint unmixing-deconvolution methods based on the Tikhonov criterion in both offline and online contexts. The non-negativity constraint is added to improve their performances
MEENA, DULI CHAND. "INVESTIGATIONS ON OPERATION AND CONTROL OF SELF-EXCITED INDUCTION GENERATOR." Thesis, 2022. http://dspace.dtu.ac.in:8080/jspui/handle/repository/19625.
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