Academic literature on the topic 'Littoraux – Protection'
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Journal articles on the topic "Littoraux – Protection"
Hallégouët, Bernard, Jean-Claude Bodéré, and Catherine Meur-Férec. "Bilan des expériences de protection souple des littoraux meubles dans le massif armoricain." Cahiers du Centre nantais de recherche pour l'aménagement régional 41, no. 1 (1994): 171–78.
Full textMeur-Férec, Catherine, Bernard Hallégouët, and Jean-Claude Bodéré. "Les politiques de protection des espaces naturels littoraux en France, l'exemple de la Bretagne." Cahiers du Centre nantais de recherche pour l'aménagement régional 41, no. 1 (1994): 322–33.
Full textDéchery, Laura. "Le littoral du Latium méridional et de la Campanie septentrionale entre le ixe et le iiie s. av. J.‑C." Investir la frontière, no. 4 (June 12, 2021): 37–50.
Full textMeur-Férec, Catherine. "La protection et la gestion des espaces naturels littoraux en Angleterre et au Pays de Galles." Norois 160, no. 1 (1993): 573–87.
Full textSalmon, Camille, and Virginie K. E. Duvat. "Enjeux de l'intégration des espaces naturels littoraux dans la gestion des risques liés à la mer." La Houille Blanche, no. 2 (April 2018): 5–12.
Full textFERRARI, Sylvie, Anne GASSIAT, Olivier CROUZEL, and Jean-Christophe LEMESLE. "Représentations des digues de protection des marais côtiers atlantiques : regards mêlés arts et sciences." Sciences Eaux & Territoires, no. 41 (December 7, 2022): xx.
Full textDionne, Jean-Claude. "Le glaciel en Jamésie et en Hudsonie, Québec subarctique." Géographie physique et Quaternaire 32, no. 1 (January 17, 2011): 3–70.
Full textDèbre, Célia, Florence Gourlay, and Anne-Laure Pailloux. "Dépoldérisation, réappropriation et protection des marais littoraux. Enquête sur les représentations et l’évolution des pratiques de l’Aber-en-Crozon (Finistère)." Norois, no. 263 (December 6, 2022): 55–71.
Full textHénaff, Alain. "Les aménagements des littoraux de la Région Bretagne en vue de leur défense contre l'érosion depuis 1949 (Protection of the shoreline from coastal erosion since 1949 in Britanny)." Bulletin de l'Association de géographes français 81, no. 3 (2004): 346–59.
Full textLarcher, Marc. "Protection du littoral, l’ère des "tuyaux"." Cahiers du Centre nantais de recherche pour l'aménagement régional 41, no. 1 (1994): 246–51.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Littoraux – Protection"
Benouhoud, Abdelouahed. "Aménagement et protection du littoral atlantique marocain axe Casablanca-Rabat /." Lille 3 : ANRT, 1988.
Full textBriand, Olivier. "L'utilisation des geotextiles dans les ouvrages de protection des littoraux." Paris 11, 1995.
Full textLALAUT, YVES. "Fonctionnement et efficacite des ouvrages statiques de protection des littoraux sableux." Paris 11, 1992.
Full textChevillot-Miot, Elie. "La résilience des territoires littoraux face au risque de submersion marine : application sur les territoires de la Charente-Maritime et de la Somme." Thesis, Nantes, 2017.
Full textFrom a vulnerability study, the thesis proposes to experiment and comparethe resiliency of two territories exposed to marine flooding, the Charente-Maritime and the Somme. Resiliency refers to the capacity to anticipate, reactand recover from a disturbing event. The aim consists in developing theconcept of resiliency. Then, the factors and mechanisms of resiliency arestudied, with territorial actors (actors on the ground, professional andinstitutional organizations) who play a role in the dynamics of the territory. Weseek to delineate spatial resiliency (beyond the impacted territory?) andtemporal resiliency (before, during and after a disaster?). The method isbased on interviews allowing to highlight the capacities and capabilities of resiliency (semantic exercise), and the temporal limits through a graphicr epresentation named “resiliogram”. The second exercise is based on the identification of spatial resiliency, with mental maps which bring to light the representation and the knowledge of areas exposed to marine flooding. Fromthe linking of these diverse modes of data collection, a Global Resiliency Index (GRI) is created and allows the creation of different resiliency profiles.Ultimately, this work helps the territorial actors to better anticipate a potentialdisaster and helps the institutional organizations to adapt their management,their speech to the realities of the ground
Benouhoud, Abdelouahed. "Aménagement et protection du littoral atlantique marocain axe Casablanca-Rabat." Montpellier 3, 1987.
Full textThe concentrated development of the casablanca-rabat coast has begun in 1912 when the protectorate of morocco was established. This concentration which presented various characteristics (half-urban, industrial, and so on. . . ), gave birth to an abusive and contradictory utilization of a limited and sensitive space : the coast. With the independence, this kind of territorial organization was kept and became even more important giving rise to serious problems as far as the rational and balanced utilization of the coast space in this zone was concerned. Presently, along the casablanca-rabat coastal axis, the waters of the shore are getting very pollued, and the sites very spoilt. Urban zones are increasing beyong measure and there is a too high industrial and commercial concentration. It is now necessary to protect this coast and to try to make a balance between the care of parcelling and the protection fo life. It is very urgent to save the coast and to organize its occupancy and its utilizations
Rousso, Anny. "La protection des espaces naturels du littoral Languedoc-Roussillon." Montpellier 1, 1986.
Full textThe "vocation for tourism" of the languedoc-roussillon coastal area, has been put into practise by means of space parcelling out, which foresaw staggered metropolitan and natural areas. The excessive urbanization process, however, not only did result in the spoiling of the natural sites, but also, in their growing scarcity. Then, the administrative authorities objectives aimed at implementing specific policy to protect these areas. The means used to enforce this policy, however in large number proved barely efficient. The space planning through "zoning" would restrict or even prohibite any urban growth. While the natural sites protection does not come down to a prohibition system only. Acquiring the geopardized areas may have appeared as a solution, but buying out and withdrowing a peace of land from urbanization is not enough to protect it permanently. It also needs managing. Only would management permanently ensure the protection of natural space
Ide, Mayssoun. "Aménagement et protection des littoraux méditerranéens : Marseille (France) et Lattaquié (Syrie), étude comparée." Paris 8, 2013.
Full textSince the beginning of the 70's, the coastal zone became the subject of a specific policy based on protecting the environment, limiting the urbanization and artificialization of coasts, taking into consideration the issues of this geographical entity. The Mediterranean littoral zones have been coveted for a long time and are undergoing dangerous littoralization, which requires more conservative measures than other zones. To deal with this situation, some governments of Mediterranean countries adopted tools and specific policy for the planning and/or the preservation of littoral zones. France adopted in 1986 a coastal law. Inspiring from the French experience, Spain enacted the coastal law in 1988. Other countries took the same strategy (e. G. Turkey in 1990 and Algeria in 2002). Morroco and Greece belong to a group that adapted a coastal draft law. Most Mediterranean countries have sectored regulations to manage their coastal areas, actually Syria belongs to this group. In this context, by comparative study between two coastal harbor cities (Marseille and Latakia), this thesis aims to understand how this portion of land is planned and preserved, in a country with specific legal frames for littoral zones (France) and another one (Syria) possessing some sectored regulations for coastal zones. It also raises the question of the role of local and regional authorities, as well as the actors involved in the planning and management of coastal areas
Joveniaux, Aurélie. "Les enjeux géopolitiques de l'action du Conservatoire du littoral : la politique de protection des espaces naturels littoraux français : réalités et perspectives." Thesis, Paris 8, 2018.
Full textSince 1975, the « Conservatoire du littoral » (Coastal Conservation Authority) has been tasked with leading land acquisition policy to preserve and valorize French natural coastlines through cooperation and in partnership with local communities. This state agency has been able to transform an apparent weakness (the inability to act on its own) into strength. Through the analysis of the elaboration of its new intervention strategy for 2015-2050 and six case studies, this dissertation studies the direction taken by this institution over forty years and its perspectives for further actions. The Conservatoire du littoral is an increasingly influential player in the dynamics of coastal territory planning. This work particularly highlights how the institution has become the mainstay in a multi-actor strategy to preserve natural coastal spaces and sustainably manage coastlines. Though in many ways stronger than before, the Conservatoire du littoral is nevertheless facing several issues to which it has to adapt. Its legitimacy rests in its ability to ensure the preservation and the promotion of a growing patrimony in a context of budgetary constraints shared with site managers. In order to pursue its missions and face the contemporary challenges of integrated management of coastal areas and adaptation to climate change, the institution has to develop a « good » territorial multi-scale approach for its actions
Mulki, Gusti Zulkifli. "Gestion des marais maritimes sur la côte Ouest de Kalimantan, Indonésie." Brest, 2000.
Full textGranier, Jean-Paul. "Aménagement et protection des espaces naturels : le littoral et la montagne." Paris 10, 1985.
Full textBooks on the topic "Littoraux – Protection"
Alain, Miossec, and Cabanne Claude, eds. Géographie humaine des littoraux maritimes. Paris: CNED-SEDES, 1998.
Find full textChristie, Donna R. Coastal and ocean management law in a nutshell. 2nd ed. St. Paul, Minn: West Group, 1999.
Find full textChristie, Donna R. Coastal and ocean management law in a nutshell. St. Paul, Minn: West Pub. Co., 1994.
Find full textNational Research Council (U.S.). Committee on Coastal Erosion Zone Management. Managing coastal erosion. Washington, D.C: National Academy Press, 1990.
Find full textFottorino, Eric. Le tiers sauvage: Un littoral pour demain. Paris: Gallimard loisirs, 2005.
Find full textBook chapters on the topic "Littoraux – Protection"
AYRTON, W. R., and S. OLDRIDGE. "Littoral zones, amenities, and tourism." In Environmental Protection of the North Sea, 390–402. Elsevier, 1988.
Full text"CHAPTER III. LITTORAL DRIFT." In The Sea Coast: (1) Destruction (2) Littoral Drift (3) Protection, 22–78. Thomas Telford Publishing, 2011.
Full textCharef, Mohammed. "Les littoraux euro-maghrébins et les migrants. Entre blocages, menaces et protections." In La Méditerranée au prisme des rivages, 167–77. Éditions Bouchène, 2015.
Full text"16. Les récifs artificiels et ouvrages de protection du littoral." In Urgences climatiques et écologiques : les solutions de l'Océan. EDP Sciences, 2026.
Full text"CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION." In The Sea Coast: (1) Destruction (2) Littoral Drift (3) Protection, 1–6. Thomas Telford Publishing, 2011.
Full text"CHAPTER II. THE ACTION OF SHORE WAVES." In The Sea Coast: (1) Destruction (2) Littoral Drift (3) Protection, 7–21. Thomas Telford Publishing, 2011.
Full text"CHAPTER IV. SEA-WALLS." In The Sea Coast: (1) Destruction (2) Littoral Drift (3) Protection, 79–97. Thomas Telford Publishing, 2011.
Full text"CHAPTER V. EXAMPLES OF SEA-WALLS." In The Sea Coast: (1) Destruction (2) Littoral Drift (3) Protection, 98–115. Thomas Telford Publishing, 2011.
Full text"CHAPTER VI. GROYNES." In The Sea Coast: (1) Destruction (2) Littoral Drift (3) Protection, 116–29. Thomas Telford Publishing, 2011.
Full text"CHAPTER VII. THE COAST OF ENGLAND." In The Sea Coast: (1) Destruction (2) Littoral Drift (3) Protection, 130–332. Thomas Telford Publishing, 2011.
Full textConference papers on the topic "Littoraux – Protection"
STEPHAN, Pierre, Serge SUANEZ, and Bernard FICHAUT. "Plan d’action pour la protection des cordons littoraux et marais maritimes associés en rade de Brest." In Journées Nationales Génie Côtier - Génie Civil. Editions Paralia, 2012.
Full textLeconte, Guy, and Jacques Viguier. "Protection du littoral des Bas-Champs." In Journées Nationales Génie Côtier - Génie Civil. Editions Paralia, 1996.
Full textMEZOUAR, Khoudir, Romeo CIORTAN, and Mohamed Amine BOUKHEMACHA. "Mesures de protection du littoral roumain." In Conférence Méditerranéenne Côtière et Maritime - Coastal and Maritime Mediterranean Conference. Editions Paralia, 2009.
Full textVanroye, Cyril. "La protection du littoral du golfe d’Aigues-Mortes." In Journées Nationales Génie Côtier - Génie Civil. Editions Paralia, 2008.
Full textBrunina, L., P. Rivza, and P. Skinke. "Coastal protection in Latvia." In Littoral 2010 – Adapting to Global Change at the Coast: Leadership, Innovation, and Investment. Les Ulis, France: EDP Sciences, 2011.
Full textIGIGABEL, Marc. "Coût des protections contre les aléas littoraux – Un nouveau guide aux Éditions du CEREMA." In Conférence Méditerranéenne Côtière et Maritime - Coastal and Maritime Mediterranean Conference. Editions Paralia, 2017.
Full textBellesort, B., and D. Sauzade. "Problématique des dispositifs de protection du littoral à impacts réduits sur l'environnement." In Journées Nationales Génie Côtier - Génie Civil. Presses Universitaires de Perpignan, 1994.
Full textMarcer, R., E. Landel, and P. Guerin. "Modélisation de l'influence des atténuateurs de houle sur la protection du littoral." In Journées Nationales Génie Côtier - Génie Civil. Presses Universitaires de Perpignan, 1994.
Full textFarnole, Pierre, Jean Bougis, M. Ritondale, and M. Babbarroux. "Protection du littoral contre l'érosion marine : application au tombolo Ouest de Giens." In Journées Nationales Génie Côtier - Génie Civil. Editions Paralia, 2002.
Full textCLAVERIE, Georges, Sébastien FILATREAU, Caroline DEVILLIERS, and Frédéric FOUAN. "Recherche d'optimisation pour les ouvrages de protection du littoral de Port-Neuf (La Rochelle)." In Journées Nationales Génie Côtier - Génie Civil. Editions Paralia, 2018.
Full textReports on the topic "Littoraux – Protection"
Stone, Michael A. Naval Force Protection in the Littorals. Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, February 1999.
Full textMorrison, Mark. Operational Protection in the Littoral: A Matter of Sound Operational Design. Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, February 1997.
Full textDunscombe, Bruce E. Operational Functions in the Littoral: Command & Control, Movement & Maneuver Protection. Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, May 1997.
Full textClark, Maximilian. The Joint Force Maritime Component Commander and Operational Protection for Maritime Forces in the Littorals. Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, May 2006.
Full textSullivan, Sean C. How Can Operational Maneuver be Used by the Naval or Joint Task Force Commander to Enhance Operational Protection in the Littoral. Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, February 1999.
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