Academic literature on the topic 'Littérature populaire – Afrique occidentale'
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Journal articles on the topic "Littérature populaire – Afrique occidentale"
Mulago, Jean-Pierre. "Les mourides d’Ahmadou Bamba." Dossier 61, no. 2 (December 2, 2005): 291–303.
Full textHabi-Boni, Daniel Sika, Sedjro Gilles Armel Nago, and Armand Kouyéma Natta. "Typologie des activités de chasse et impacts sur les espèces fauniques en Afrique Occidentale : revue de littérature." International Journal of Biological and Chemical Sciences 15, no. 5 (January 24, 2022): 2141–60.
Full textKagorora, Faustin, Valéry Psyché, and Francisco A. Loiola. "État des lieux des conditions d’efficacité de la formation à distance en enseignement supérieur en Afrique." Médiations et médiatisations, no. 14 (March 25, 2023): 28–45.
Full textONANA NTSA, Fabrice. "DES CONFÉRENCES AFRO-ASIATIQUES AUX ASSISES DU FOCAC (1955 – 2021)." JOURNAL OF SINO-AFRICAN STUDIES 1, no. 1 (October 31, 2022): 206–21.
Full textDiop, Abdel Kerim M., Mohamed S. Chrif Ahmed, Mohamed B. Biya, Mohamed Lemine Haki, Gaukhar Konuspayeva, and Bernard Faye. "Comparaison des phénotypes camelins de Mauritanie aux écotypes d’Afrique et d’Asie." Revue d’élevage et de médecine vétérinaire des pays tropicaux 73, no. 4 (November 25, 2020): 247–54.
Full textPavón Benito, Julia. "¿Es necesario seguir investigando sobre la muerte? Una reflexión historiográfica y nuevas perspectivas." Vínculos de Historia Revista del Departamento de Historia de la Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha, no. 12 (June 28, 2023): 65–83.
Full textMeudec, Marie. "Résistance." Anthropen, 2017.
Full textCaroline, Hervé. "Réconciliation." Anthropen, 2019.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Littérature populaire – Afrique occidentale"
Kone, Issiaka. "Le Mandenkaya : ou l'art d'exalter, de contenir et d'éteindre le conflit." Bordeaux 2, 1997.
Full textLolonga, Débora. "Défis Africains de l'éthique biomédicale : Réflexion à partir de la prise en charge du cancer de l'enfant en Afrique de l'Ouest, dans les unités pilotes du groupe Franco Africain d'oncologie pédiatrique." Paris 11, 2009.
Full textMendy, Charles. "La représentation de la religion (animisme, Islam et Christianisme) dans la littérature sénégambienne." Limoges, 2008.
Full textMabon, Armelle. "L'action sociale coloniale : l'exemple de l'Afrique-Occidentale française du Front populaire à la veille des indépendances /." Paris ; Montréal (Québec) ; Budapest [etc.] : l'Harmattan, 2000.
Full textBibliogr. p. 197-216.
Mabon, Armelle. "L'action sociale coloniale en afrique occidentale francaise du front populaire a la loi-cadre (1936-1956) mythes et realites." Montpellier 3, 1998.
Full textAmoah, Félix. "Polygamie et conflits missionnnaires en Afrique occidentale : aspects littéraires et historiques." Paris 3, 2000.
Full textBourlet, Mélanie. "Emergence d'une littérature écrite dans une langue africaine : L'exemple du poulâr (Sénégal/Mauritainie)." Paris, INALCO, 2009.
Full textThe thesis considers the development of a written literature in an African language, focusing on pulaar (Senegal/Mauritania), one of the major dialectal variants of Fulani. The first part treats the interface between political context, linguistic changes and literary writing on the Latin alphabet. It is divided into two parts and (1960-1990s) centred on the appropriation of the languages by scholars seeking to integrate the culture into their nationalist claims. A second period, which extends to the present, witnesses the appearing of new and less politicised writers who, more interested to the status of individuals in a mutating society, appropriated the art of writing while refusing to use it to express ideologies. The second part considers literary creativity, using some sixty texts (mostly prose and poetry) identified during fieldwork in Senegal and Mauritania. Given the wealth of texts obtained and the author’s desire to reveal their riches, the choice was made to focus on prose, and on four novels from already well-known writers belonging to the second literary period: Yero Dooro JALLO, Nidkkiri Joom Moolo (Ndikkiri le Guitariste), 1981 ; Ibraahiima DEM, Sahre Goonga (Le Monde de la Vérité), 1997 ; Saydu Bah, Sammba Jallo. Moni fof et feccere mum (Sammba Jallo. Chacun sa destinée), 2005 ; Mammadu Abdul SEK, Ngayngu Gid’li (L’Amour-Haine), 2004. The appendix contains the detailed summaries of the four novels and a biobibliography of fifteen authors
Agyei-Kye, Lot. "Le conte akan : une étude sémio-linguistique." Besançon, 2005.
Full textThis dissertation which is a sémio-linguistic study of Akan tales, examines the passage from the oral to the written state of Akan tales especially through the processes of transcription and translation and the problems that the researcher encounters. Among the problems identified is that of “alteration” due to reformulation and trans-coding of the original text belonging to a people with a different “conception of the world”. The basis of the work is the theories of Jean Peytard, George Mounin, Edward Sapir, Benjamin Lee Whorf and Genevieve Calame-Griaule It further looks at the structural analysis of Akan tales in particular the notion of “polyphony” as underlined in the works of earlier researchers like Vladimir Propp, Jean Michel Adam and Denise Paulme among others. Finally, the work looks further at the notion of “variation” in the Akan tale examining the factors that cause these changes with regards to changes emanating from the same teller and those from different tellers. Earlier observations made by Annikki Kaivola-Bregenhoj and Veronika Karady-Gorog among others, are considered in this analysis
Hounkanrin, Zountangni Yveline. "La littérature engagée de l'Afrique de l'Ouest contemporaine : renouvellements et adaptations interculturelles." Paris 4, 2006.
Full textThe literature of the French-speaking Black Africa was perceived for a long time even theorized like concerning an ordinary literature of engagement because of the history of the continent. This design, in a certain manner, unconsciously harmed the image which one could have of this literature. It is from the Eighties, after the collapse of the Communism, that the concept of literary engagement seems, to be constrained to evolve and to renew itself putting more and more the African writer in a rather uncomfortable situation divided between the desire to remain a political writer, near to his people concerns, and the desire to assert a creative autonomy. Nowadays, if the question of artistic engagement makes debate again, it’s certainly not a question of chance according to the confused and dubious time we must cope with. Indeed, we attend a loss of the reference marks and ideals leading the men of thought (intellectual, writers) to adopt writing projects, i. E. Engagements, different in their work of creation. What are the interrogations that were faced or are still faced to the sub-Saharan committed literature in this universalization era? Thus, our study tries to analyze the evolution of this problematic until the faintness current of the new African writers in French language, confronted with a problem of redefinition contents of literary engagement
Bousbina, Saïd. "Un siècle de savoir islamique en Afrique de l'ouest (1820-1920)." Paris 1, 1996.
Full textThe Tijaniyya order was founded by Ahmad Al-Tijani around 1781 in the algerian south. Ever since then, this order has spread in all directions amongst the muslim world. However, the most dramatic propagation of the Tijaniyya was felt in western africa during the second half of the 19th century and at the beginning of the 20th century, thanks, notably, to the military action of Al-Hajj 'Umar and the pacific gesture of Al-Hajj Malik Sy. Parallely to this spread, a few members of this order produced a type of literature, hence called Tijaniyya literature, which also developed in that region. And it is precisely the aim of this thesis to deal chiefly with the tijaniyya literature. However, because it proved impossible to deal with the whole of this literature, we chose four authors who seemed to be the most representative of this literature : Al-Hajj 'Umar, Yirkoy Talfi, 'Ubayda Ben Anbuja et Al-Hajj Malik Sy. The writings of those authors cover a century (1820-1920) and are representative of the whole of western Africa, from present day Mauritania to actuel Guinea. The study, hence, the analysis of their works enable one to follow the Tijaniyya order within its african realm, and more especially its evolution and the fluctuation of themes within this literature. This should show how the tijanis authors presented and explained their order to their readers, which arguments were used in order to convince people to became affiliated to the tijaniyya, and finally which sources did they base themselves on and which religious and juridical authorities did they refer themselves to, in order to strengthen and articulate their arguments. This is precisely what this thesis attempts to show
Books on the topic "Littérature populaire – Afrique occidentale"
Oralité, traditions et modernité en Afrique au XXIe siècle. Paris: L'Harmattan, 2019.
Find full textJervis, John. Exploring the modern: Patterns of western culture and civilization. Oxford, UK: Blackwell Publishers, 1998.
Find full textExploring the modern: Patterns of western culture and civilisation. Malden, Ma: Blackwell Publishers, 1998.
Find full textBook chapters on the topic "Littérature populaire – Afrique occidentale"
Dan-Inna, Chaibou. "Interculturalité et plurilinguisme dans le théâtre populaire nigérien." In Didactique des langues, plurilinguisme et sciences sociales en Afrique francophone : quelles places à l’interdisciplinarité ?, 27–40. Observatoire européen du plurilinguisme, 2020.
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