Dissertations / Theses on the topic 'Littérature et mythe – Sciences'
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Périer, Isabelle. "Mythe et épopée en science-fiction : technoscience, sacré et idéologie dans les cycles d'Herbert, Simmons, Banks, Hamilton, Bordage et Ayerdhal." Grenoble, 2010. http://www.theses.fr/2010GRENL015.
Full textThe aim of this study is to explore the seemingly contradictory, but actually essential relations between myth and epic, on the one hand. , and science-fiction on the other. Its main purpose is to answer three questions: what, how, why ? The corpus is based on the following works : Herbert’s "Cycle of Dune", Simmons’s "Hyperion", Ilium and Olympos, Banks’s " Cycle of Culture ", Hamilton’s "Nights Down trilogy", Bordage’s "Les Guerriers du silence", Les Derniers Hommes and Wang and Ayerdhal’s " Le Daym ". First what seems to be a contradiction is analyzed through the realist dimension based on technoscience and the mythic-epic dimension. This exploration results in putting that contradiction into perspective, Then, this study will provide the reader with an in-depth account of the relationship between these two dimensions through a functional analysis of the science-fiction narrative. It demonstrates how the mythopoetic structure of the narrative stages technoscientific actors who often replace the traditional ones in folktales or fantasy. Then, a few conclusions about the consequences of this substitution can be drawn. In the last part, the causes of the presence of myth and epic in science fiction are studied with the help of a methodical classification of the recurrent mythical themes and a mythoanalysis of the contemporary views on technoscience, which emails the idea that these myths contribute to the ideological and critical dimension of science fiction, by dramatizing the fears and expectations of our societies with respect to technical and scientific innovations. This ideological and critical dimension opens up the idea that our times call into question the heritage of positivism and the radical separation of science and the sacred
Fischer, Michèle Ramos. "Mythe gaulois et mythe tectosage : perception des Gaulois par les auteurs de l'Antiquité à nos jours." Paris 1, 1990. http://www.theses.fr/1990PA010523.
Full textMonceret, Claire. "Mémoire et Conscience dans Eurêka d’Edgar Allan Poe : entre mythe et science." Thesis, Corte, 2021. http://www.theses.fr/2021CORT0014.
Full textIn mythical literature, there is an ancient wisdom that is proposed to be interpreted from the reading of Edgar Poe, and which can shed light on the postmodern era and the new challenges it sets for man. In 1848, Edgar Allan Poe, a poet heir to the mythographic tradition, in his cosmogonic "poem" Eureka, carried out a hybrid experiment combining scientific inquiry, paranormal intuition and poetic imagination. By linking myths, physical sciences and the evolution of thought to the intuition of an underlying Reality, he recognizes a fundamental connection between Being and the World, and the existence of truths that cannot be demonstrated by an ordinary logic, like the principle of Cohesion or Universal Coherence (Consistency) which links Everything. The most recent cognitive experiments show that Poe's poetic conceptions agree with emerging questions in current science concerning the involvement of memory and consciousness in the making of reality. They are recognized here as being intimately linked, producing by their joint activity phenomena which escape a classical vision but leave interpretable traces. A comparative and transdisciplinary approach makes it possible to explore with Poe the faculties specific to living things and to test their visibility at different levels of reality. Following intuition, like Poe, makes it possible to generate avenues of research that open up new perspectives on condition that they are testable, which is why the hermeneutical approach to texts is complemented by an experimental approach exploring other modalities of a fundamental link between beings and their ecosystem
Mattiussi, Laurent. "Du mythe à la fiction : l'invention de soi dans la littérature européenne (formes, figures, motifs)." Habilitation à diriger des recherches, Université Paris-Sorbonne - Paris IV, 2000. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00903230.
Full textMattiussi, Laurent. "Figuration du divin, figuration de soi : mythe et liturgie chez Mallarmé, George et Yeats." Phd thesis, Université François Rabelais - Tours, 1996. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00903213.
Full textEngélibert, Jean-Paul. "Mythe littéraire et modernité : les réécritures de Robinson Crusoé dans les littératures française et anglaise, 1954-1986." Phd thesis, Université de la Réunion, 1996. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00646138.
Full textPuyôou, Bianca. "Pygmalion, un mythe génésiaque. Conceptions et représentations du pouvoir créateur." Thesis, Paris 4, 2016. http://www.theses.fr/2016PA040215.
Full textThis hermeneutic interdisciplinary work, where literature and philosophy are tightly intertwined and converse with the so-called hard sciences, first proceeds to define the notion of myth as a literary type of story that illustrates a stance on a metaphysical question. It reveals Ovid’s story of Pygmalion as a genesiac myth in which mankind is at the heart. Progressing from the XVIIIe to the XXe century along the history of European ideas, it then halts at the French, German and Italian literary works that revisit the myth, in light of the question drawn from the source text – that of the extent of Man’s creative power – in order to extract the common characteristics. In their study of Art and Eros, they present a relationship to the world and to the others that is directed toward a dynamic of creation that is realized through a similar process based on the representations along with the mental and personal implication and dispositions of the subject, ecstasy, will and faith. In turn, drawing on their lessons and this observation, this work eventually answers this question by elaborating an anthroposophical mythologism that call upon XXIe century discoveries in neurosciences, physiology, semiostylistic, esthetic and ethic. This system, in its quest of understanding this creative process, has led to the redefinition of a Man essentially led by a representational instinct, a creative gesture, moving from Creativity, to Pleasure and Beauty, by which he achieves his Freedom
Gournay, Aurélia. "Don Juan en France au XXe siècle : réécritures d'un mythe." Phd thesis, Université de la Sorbonne nouvelle - Paris III, 2013. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00975274.
Full textBekhouche, Alicia. "A la conquête du Graal ? : Réécritures et avatars du mythe du Graal dans la littérature populaire et la culture de masse contemporaines." Phd thesis, Université de Haute Alsace - Mulhouse, 2011. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00704520.
Full textKimura, Masahiko. ""Le mythe du savoir" : naissance et évolution de la pensée scientifique chez Paul Valéry (1880-1920)." Clermont-Ferrand 2, 2007. http://www.theses.fr/2007CLF20002.
Full textLemardelé, Gildas. "Représentations diaboliques et infernales dans les romans de Thomas Hardy : emprunts et métamorphoses." Caen, 2013. http://www.theses.fr/2013CAEN1700.
Full textAlthough Thomas Hardy’s early prose fiction (notably Under the Greenwood Tree, 1872, and Far From the Madding Crowd, 1874) has often been perceived in a pastoral light, it contains the germs of infernal and diabolical images. These became manifest in The Return of the Native (1878); and in Tess of the d’Urbervilles (1891) they took on a structural influence. The contribution of this thesis lies in relating the diabolical representations with the numerous issues resulting from the cultural and intellectual upheavals that marked the late nineteenth century. This study first focuses on Hardy’s rewritings of the literary myth of the Devil, and then goes on to suggest possible meanings for these diabolical and infernal representations. Such representations include a religious dimension: the diabolical is used to express a form of anti-Christian sentiment, which overturns traditional theological elements. As to their mythical content, it implies a symbolic interpretation of the mysteries of evil and chaos in the world: the influences, among others, of Darwinism and pessimism, as well as the conflict between science and the Christian faith transpire through the cosmological dimension of these diabolical representations
Laffont, Karine. "Philosophie, mythe et imagination dans l'œuvre dramatique et poétique d'Alexandre Soumet." Phd thesis, Université Toulouse le Mirail - Toulouse II, 2012. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00788693.
Full textKato, Mikiko. "Raymond Queneau et les mythologies." Phd thesis, Université de la Sorbonne nouvelle - Paris III, 2012. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00915900.
Full textGhiasizarch, Abolghasem. "Gènes et mythes littéraires : pour un modèle biologique du dynamisme mythique." Phd thesis, Université de Grenoble, 2011. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00596834.
Full textEhret, Jean. "Verbum Vitae : études sur le rapport entre la foi et la vie chrétiennes." Thesis, Metz, 2009. http://www.theses.fr/2009METZ021L/document.
Full textFor Christians, the "Word of Life " is both human and divine : Christ is true God and true man. Theology experiences a constant tension as it mustn't sacrifice either one of the two aspects : in fact, it has to take into account the contribution of the human and natural sciences without losing its own specificity. The original place of theology would be the new and everlasting covenant, into which God entered with his people in Christ: all human reality finds its due place in it, moving towards its eschatological perfection. Thus theology is rooted in spirituality as the experience of the covenant, of which it deepens the knowledge as a continuous reasoning moving around the two poles that are in constant relation : God and his people. Dedicated to the relationship spirituality has respectively with the Bible, dogma, eschatology, literature and sciences, the five parts of this thesis explore this elliptical movement of theological reasoning and pay special attention to interdisciplinary questions
Ltaif, Rachel. "Le mythe de l'enfance dans l'œuvre de Richard Millet." Phd thesis, Université Toulouse le Mirail - Toulouse II, 2013. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00921210.
Full textEstrade, Charlotte. "" Mythomorphoses " écriture du mythe, écriture métapoétique chez Basil Bunting, T. S. Eliot, Ezra Pound et W. B. Yeats." Phd thesis, Université du Maine, 2012. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00770332.
Full textRequier-Ulrich, Sabine. "L' évolution de l'image de l'enfant personnage et de l'enfant lecteur entre les "Alice" de Lewis Carroll, "Le Hobbit" de J. R. R. Tolkien et "His Dark Materials" de Philip Pullman." Montpellier 3, 2009. http://www.biu-montpellier.fr/florabium/jsp/nnt.jsp?nnt=2009MON30052.
Full textFor about twenty years, children's literature has enjoyed an extraordinary boom, particularly thanks to crossover books which bridge the gap between adults and teenagers. Some sagas have become best-sellers, like "His Dark Materials" by Philip Pullman (1995-2000). Since the birth of children's literature in 1865 with the publication of "Alice in Wonderland" by Lewis Carroll, young readers have been infatuated with some narratives. In 1937, Tolkien created a new genre, Fantasy, with "The Hobbit", which became successful worlwide. At a time when we are questioning children's reading skills - as well as their desire to read - the destiny of these novels seems quite remarkable. How have they managed to appeal to so many young readers for years ? What are the narratological and aesthetic devices used by their authors ? What skills are inexperienced readers supposed to use in order to understand the meaning of a text while reading it ? How do such texts bring out and implement these reading skills ? Moreover, after being didactic for centuries, children's literature has become pedagogical, but has always remained an ideal way to transmit values which are not necessarily doxic. The axiological positions in each narrative reveal the idea a society gets of its children and the importance it gives them. Through the educational philosophy embodied in the presence of child characters and the indirect description of the child reader given by each text, we can delineate the portrait of a society at a given time
Cristofari, Cécile. "Cosmogonies imaginaires : les mondes secondaires dans la science-fiction et la fantasy anglophones, de 1929 à nos jours." Thesis, Aix-Marseille, 2013. http://www.theses.fr/2013AIXM3030.
Full textI endeavoured to study a phenomenon underlying contemporary speculative fiction (science fiction and fantasy): the creation of a ‘secondary world', to use J.R.R. Tolkien's phrasing. I had to solve two preliminary problems. First, the cultural and economic phenomenon that speculative fiction represents has a blurry outline, questions regarding genre delimitation and wider cultural problems (is speculative fiction defined only by a number of literary patterns, or by the whole cultural apparatus that goes with it?) being difficult to answer. Secondly, does the notion secondary worlds only apply to invented worlds that are entirely different or detached from the real world, or can it be applied to texts that take place at least partly in the real world, etc.? Speculative fiction being a diverse genre that has been steadily evolving for years, I have chosen to avoid giving definitive answers to those questions. Instead of looking for boundaries, I have tried to emphasise the various building blocks of secondary worlds in speculative fiction: the traditions of the genre authors rely on to convey their view of an original universe to their readers, in a dialogue between known elements used as a foundation and the idiosyncratic view of history, geography and the place of mankind in the particular secondary world developed by the author. In an attempt to open this study to the contemporary practice of world-building, I have concluded with the questions that speculative fiction authors face today: how to renew the tropes of the genre, how speculative fiction pervades other media, in particular the practices of fans
Cumps, Dorian. "De eenheid in de tegendelen: de psychomachische verhaalwereld van F. Bordewijk (1884-1965) en de mythe van de hermafrodiet." Doctoral thesis, Universite Libre de Bruxelles, 1995. http://hdl.handle.net/2013/ULB-DIPOT:oai:dipot.ulb.ac.be:2013/212522.
Full textFournis, Jean-Yves. "Le sacrifice humain dans la littérature latine, mythes, légendes, historicité, représentations." Phd thesis, Université de la Sorbonne nouvelle - Paris III, 2012. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00841691.
Full textAmiri, Imen. "Le mythe du Graal à la lumière de Babel : la parole dans la Queste del Saint Graal et l'Estoire del Saint Graal." Phd thesis, Université de la Sorbonne nouvelle - Paris III, 2011. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-01065738.
Full textGligor, Adela Elena. "Mythes et intertextes bibliques dans l'œuvre d'Anne Hébert." Phd thesis, Université d'Angers, 2008. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00441301.
Full textAtiah, Sonia. "Jean Giono : chemins mythiques vers la découverte de soi." Phd thesis, Université de Bourgogne, 2013. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00985066.
Full textImperiali-Decker, Odile. "Le mythe de la Vierge Noire de Montserrrat : formation et instrumentalisations (IXe-XXIe siècle)." Phd thesis, Université Nice Sophia Antipolis, 2013. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00954446.
Full textMounic, Anne. "Mythe et littérature : Robert Graves." Paris 3, 1991. http://www.theses.fr/1993PA030022.
Full textBorn in 1895, robert graves could only overcome the traumatic experience of the first world war and the consequent collapse of values through elaborating a personal myth and recreating the white goddess from ancient sources. She allowed him to symbolize the phases of his existential drama. Poetry is religious invocation of the muse. In her eyes each poem must be necessary and true
Imber, Thomas. "Poétique des mondes mythographiques : essai sur la bande dessinée de science-fiction et ses super-héros." Paris 3, 2007. http://www.theses.fr/2007PA030143.
Full textThis study of transauthorial literature (stories which are treated by more than one author (namely, Greek and Roman mythology and American super-hero comics) focuses on fictional worlds. It analyzes both the reception of established myth, determining the narrative structures and constraints which arise from the use of pre-existing fictional worlds and characters, and the tendancy towards the completeness of the ‘mythico-historic’ time of a given tradition. Questions of temporality, sequentiality, and simultaneity are addressed. There is an examination of the relation between a fictional world and the empirical world in determining genres, and the ideas of parallel worlds and historical divergence are examined as well. Historical perspectives of the three primary literatures studied (ancient mythology, science fiction, and superhero comics) are offered
Dago, Djiriga Jean-Michel. "La lecture idéologique de Sophocle. Histoire d'un mythe contemporain : le théâtre démocratique." Phd thesis, Université de la Sorbonne nouvelle - Paris III, 2013. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00968677.
Full textSevil, Borbely Ayça. "Images de Paris chez trois écrivains contemporains turcs : Demir Özlü, Nedim Gürsel, Enis Batur." Phd thesis, Université de la Sorbonne nouvelle - Paris III, 2010. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00874447.
Full textDegremont, Audrey. "Croyances funéraires et pratiques du mythe en Egypte ancienne: étude du programme décoratif (texte, image et architecture) de six tombes thébaines privées de l'époque préamarnienne." Doctoral thesis, Universite Libre de Bruxelles, 2015. http://hdl.handle.net/2013/ULB-DIPOT:oai:dipot.ulb.ac.be:2013/209084.
Full textBien que les idées de l’époque amarnienne aient été longtemps considérées comme innovantes et révolutionnaires, des études récentes ont montré que les règnes précédents (Thoutmosis IV et Amenhotep III) ont davantage servi comme terreau de ces nouvelles conceptions. Or, malgré l’importance de ces deux règnes, les tombes privées de cette époque n’ont reçu que peu d’attention.
Notre recherche portera donc sur les tombes datant des règnes de Thoutmosis IV et Amenhotep III et sera réalisée dans une optique d’anthropologie religieuse afin d’analyser les croyances et les pratiques religieuses transparaissant dans le programme iconographique et textuel ainsi que dans l’agencement architectural. Nous souhaitons ainsi montrer comment ces divers moyens d’expression sont combinés pour produire une signification.
Notre étude permettrait donc de mettre en évidence les éléments distinctifs des tombes de l’époque Thoutmosis IV-Amenhotep III (qui forment la transition entre les tombes du début de la 18ème dynastie et celles de l’époque ramesside) et d'expliquer, grâce à l'étude des pratiques du mythe mises en oeuvre dans ces monuments, l’évolution des conceptions religieuses sous ces deux règnes, en faisant sortir l’étude des mythes du cadre strictement narratif qui lui est généralement donné en égyptologie. C’est donc en tant que discours complexe sur une réalité complexe, selon les termes de L. Couloubaritsis, que nous approcherons ces tombes en mettant en dialectique l’espace, l’écrit et l’image.
Doctorat en Langues et lettres
Kouassi, Amenan Gisèle. "Les formes du temps dans l'œuvre d'Albert Cohen." Phd thesis, Université de la Sorbonne nouvelle - Paris III, 2013. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00916595.
Full textSieffert-Rigaud, Yvette. "Pauline Viardot : Mythe et réalité." Rouen, 1991. http://www.theses.fr/1991ROUEL124.
Full textPauline Viardot, a famous vocalist of the nineteenth century, Maria Malibran romantic diva's sister, was obliged to struggle to face a public who considered her as the heir of a myth. She introduced the italian-opera at Petersburg, sang all over Europe, played the most important parts of the lyrical theater. She inspired painters, writers and musicians. She was George Sand's friend and became one of her romantical characters : consuelo. For forty years, she was Turgenev’s interlocutress, his favorite correspondent. A creative personality, a genuine thoughtful woman, by her political engagements, she belongs to the history of ideas of her time
Maurin, Krystel. "Le mythe cathare : histoire littéraire." Paris 10, 2003. http://www.theses.fr/2003PA100128.
Full textIn the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries, the cathar religion was eradicated by a militar cruzade and by inquisitory's methods. Duyring first moments of this crusade against cathars, a literature started to be written in the two ennemies'camps. All along centuries, with historie distance, cathars, who were all above named "Albigeois" became a myth. This myth was done first by historians and theologians, then it was constructed in literature, particulary in nighteenth century , and in twenty century when he knew a real explosion. These thesis' subject is the study of all the literature about the theme since the moment of the cruzade to these days : First volume, The Flesh and the Ash (La croisade-1789) ; Second volume, The Romantic Sin (1789-1870) ; Third volume, The Phenix's sigh (1870-1914) ; Forth volume, The Bicephal Idol (1870-2003)
Tercero, Carmen. "Mythe et énigme dans la nouvelle contemporaine." Paris 4, 1996. http://www.theses.fr/1996PA040022.
Full textIn the narrative genre, the modern short story is now trying to go beyond the nineteenth century models. One possibility to create a new way in the classical tradition that privileges plot and final surprise appears to be a recurrent use of myth. These narratives suggest the reader a sort of enigma and reveal the links that exist between literary and mythical fiction. In fact, it seems that the contemporary writers, such as Borges, Cortazar, Welty and the like, can use classical myths to help solve the narrative problems of the short genre - how to describe space, time and character in the story. So, thanks to comparisons between European and American short stories, we find common devices and choices - the labyrinth, Circe and primitive figures. But they interfere in the story through allusion. The enigma of the texts is enlightened only by the names, the titles and the epigraphs. In conclusion, let us emphasise that mythological short stories are rather scholarly for the common reader. As metafictions that play on intertextuality, they epitomise the contemporary interrogations literature is pervaded with
Mattiussi, Laurent. "La représentation du merveilleux dans l'historiographie romaine de l'époque impériale." Phd thesis, Université de Nanterre - Paris X, 1987. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00903210.
Full textBen, Ezzedine Zitouna Bedis. "Mythes fondateurs, mythes reconstructeurs : étude de Don Quichotte, Don Juan et La Célestine chez Azorín (1873-1967), Miguel de UNAMUNO (1864-1936) et Ramiro de MAEZTU (1874-1936)." Phd thesis, Université de la Sorbonne nouvelle - Paris III, 2011. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00743958.
Full textBallestra-Puech, Sylvie. "Le mythe littéraire des Parques." Paris 4, 1991. http://www.theses.fr/1991PA040164.
Full textThe study of the fatal sisters in European literature and fine arts shows the existence of a literary myth illustrated by the Greek moirai, the Latin parcae, the Scandinavian norms, the French fairies and the Rumanian urses. The three spinning women preside over birth and death of men and world. Changing aspects of this myth are investigated. The thread of life and its various mythic expression reflect significant alterations in conception of human life and fate. Gates have also a dramatic function in several mythical stories such as Meleager's story and sleeping beauty's tale. They govern the word order too, as it is found in the platonic myth of er at the end of the republic. In Scandinavian mythology norms nurse and sustain yggdrasill, the world tree. The last part of this study treats of the fundamental ambiguity of fates, which already appears in the hesiodic. Theogony and becomes more pronounced when pagan deities enter in contact with christianity. The fatal sisters become sometimes angelical sometimes diabolical figures. These antithetical features are found again by the young fate of Valéry but for modernity the antagonism between life and feath concerns the self-consciousness
Boskovic, Sanja. "La poétique du mythe dans la littérature contemporaine." Poitiers, 2002. http://www.theses.fr/2002POIT5007.
Full textBastian, Aeneas. "Le mythe littéraire de Sisyphe." Paris 4, 2004. http://www.theses.fr/2004PA040020.
Full textThis thesis aims at studying the myth of Sisyphus in European and American literature. Adopting a comparative approach, the thesis retraces its chronological evolution from its origins in Homeric poetry to the present day. The investigation of the numerous versions of the myth sheds light on its development throughout the ages and gives an account of its principal constant and varying elements. The thesis analyses the foundation of the myth in Greek and Latin literature as well as its reinterpretations since the Middle Ages, especially in the nineteenth and in the twentieth century. This study shows the fertility and the adaptability of the myth of Sisyphus, a person considered to be crafty and immoderate in ancient literature. The punished serves as a term of comparison in a diversity of contexts: he represents the suffering of the unfortunate lover, the vanity of ambition and the futility of certain types of labour. Linked to the absurd by Albert Camus, the myth is frequently politicised in the second half of the twentieth century
Mihalovici, Florina-Liliana. "Le mythe de l'ogre dans la prose francophone contemporaine." Limoges, 2013. http://aurore.unilim.fr/theses/nxfile/default/76db441e-32c6-4755-a9d3-19b424e209be/blobholder:0/2013LIMO2013.pdf.
Full textBased on the features of mythological, historical and tradition ogres, this thesis questions the rehabilitation and timeliness of the myth of the ogre in a corpus of texts from the most varied French territories. The thesis is structured into five thematic chapters. The first chapter focuses on the birth of the ogre as myth and iconic character of culture and oral tradition in different territories. The second chapter discusses the regimes and tyrants which reign in the ogre: if "ogre" is the name for any tyrannical leader and dictator, he is represented in the texts by a variety of names and faces. In continuation of this research, the third chapter deals with the myth of the ogre from a social and familial perspective. The new avatars of the ogre in the contemporary are the fathers: destructive fathers, suffocating/degrading ones, and practitioners of a metaphorical cannibalism. Excessiveness lies in the violence with which they govern their families. In a Freudian perspective, the fourth chapter focuses on the relationship (sexual) impossible between parents and their offspring generated by symbolic castration, incest and sexual debauchery. The final chapter builds on the declination of the female ogre, ogress in the proposed body. Stunning character, which taking the most seductive forms, is inside only a monster ready to satisfy all her desires of any kind. The revival of the myth of the ogre in contemporary French prose is all too visible
El, Gammal Blanche. "L’Orient-Express, configuration littéraire d’un mythe européen (1883-2000)." Doctoral thesis, Université de Strasbourg, Strasbourg, 2016. http://hdl.handle.net/2013/ULB-DIPOT:oai:dipot.ulb.ac.be:2013/263425.
Full textFeith, Michel. "Figures of beauty : mythe et histoire dans deux littératures minoritaires américaines." Paris 7, 1995. http://www.theses.fr/1995PA070052.
Full textOur work aims at a comparative study of the complex relations between myth and history in a binary corpus, composed of chinese american writers (kingston, chin, hwang) and chicano writers (anaya, cisneros, morales, candelaria). The main stages of our progress are : the identification of "transformational matrices" bridging the gap between these two types of narrative; the analysis of the identity-mediating figures of the hero and the shaman; and the setting out of a (chrono-) topic vision of a border-identity. Our literary bias has led us to question a certain type of american ethnic criticism as too ideological and particularistic, and pose the problem of the status of minority literatures in terms of "ethnic overdetermination"
Réquéna, Clarisse. "Unité et dualité dans l'oeuvre de Prosper Mérimée : mythe et récit." Paris 4, 1998. http://www.theses.fr/1997PA040160.
Full textOn September 30th, 1839, in a letter dated from Bastia, Merimee wrote to his friend from Avignon, Requien, that he is glad to find in Corsica, where he is doing an inspection tour of historical monuments, “man's pure nature”. Starting from this statement, we have tried to define a quest for unity in Merimee’s who, in the 1820's, is trying to write on the subject of duel. Duality or deceit, terms which are shown as equivalent in the one but last writing of the author, Lokis (1868), will then come out in his work. Such is, in fact, the finding to which Merimee comes up, a dual world that diffracts under the light of analysis and which, finally, reveals a mosaic. As such should we understand the result of Merimee’s thought who, in 1833, thinking his last hour approaching, puts his novels together under the generic title of mosaique. In fact 1833 didn't point to the death of Merimee but to the end of a cycle. Indeed, in 1834, he is appointed to the post of general inspector of historical monuments; for his series of tours he takes as a start the south of France and most noticeably the Roussillon where he will set up the intrigue of his novel published in 1837, la Vénus d'Ille. The first work of this second part of the author's life ushers in a new concept on duality this time brought out from the erudition of the historian and archeologist and applied to a religious theme. It is, more precisely, and as Merimee points out concerning the architectural revolution which took place between the 12th and 13th century in his essay Sur l'architecture religieuse du moyen âge also written in 1837, “to show two styles apparently so different when one considers each from his own point of development, will merge we may say to their point of transition”. It brings us to believe that this kind of thought could well be applied to the crossing from pantheism to christianism which La Vénus d'Ille is a picture of
Vallade, Christophe. "Temps, mythe et histoire dans la littérature indigène américaine contemporaine." Bordeaux 3, 2002. https://extranet.u-bordeaux-montaigne.fr/memoires/diffusion.php?nnt=2002BOR30036.
Full textThe present thesis deals with the representation of time in contemporary native American literature. The analysis tends to prove the existence of a specific representation of time in this ethnic literature. This temporal view contrasts with the one that has been imposed by white culture for it is deeply rooted in myth. It can be argued that this temporal specificity is paradoxical in so far as native American authors claim to be actors of history and at the same time reject the linear perception of time in favor of a mythic time. The latter succeeds in abolishing the temporal progression through circularity and a focalisation on the "now". Moreover, with the profusion of avatars of mythic characters, prophecies, dreams and visions, the writers reactualize in the present moment the immemorial times and thus abolish profane time, suspend duration and enable the reader to be drawn into some highly sacred time, both primordial and recoverable
Poignault, Rémy. "L'antiquité dans l'oeuvre de Marguerite Yourcenar : littérature, mythe et histoire." Tours, 1993. http://www.theses.fr/1993TOUR2002.
Full textMauré, Cécile. "Héritages et réappropriations du mythe d'Écho dans la littérature élisabéthaine." Montpellier 3, 2006. http://www.theses.fr/2006MON30027.
Full textAt one and the same time an acoustical phenomenon, a mythological figure and a literary device, Echo offers Elizabethan artists many outlets. The Ovidian myth has been adulterated, moralised, synthesised, and appears in a hybrid form in the 1550's and 1560's. Echo captivates and puzzles artists because it involves representing what cannot in fact be represented. Poets and dramatists find their own way round this paradox. Under French and Italian influence, they follow the pastoral trend and place Echo in a new Arcadia where joy and melancholy are mingled. Frequently quoted in elegies and complaints, Echo is also a tragic figure associated with suffering and lamentation, who no longer praises the gods, but bewails the dead. Hidden in the shade, her voice becomes suspect, leading men on false trails, blurring signs in woods which are suddenly transformed into dangerous labyrinths. In Shakespeare's plays and poems, she stands for disorder, bearing witness to a changing world. Echo is considered a minor figure, yet she incarnates the different aspects of a rich and complex style of writing which delights in taking the reader on roundabout detours
Rybicki, Marie-Hélène. "Le mythe de Paganini dans la presse et la littérature." Paris 4, 2004. https://acces.bibliotheque-diderot.fr/login?url=https://doi.org/10.15122/isbn.978-2-8124-2932-3.
Full textThis study is devoted to the presence of Paganini in the press and literature of his time. It explores how this exceptional musician became a character in fictional works in Italy, Germany, France and England, and what influence this "literary career" had on the representation of musicians in novels and short stories during the nineteenth century. The first part of this study begins with a review of the main events in Paganini's life then focuses on the way in which his actions are recounted in the press, revealing the controversies provoked by the violinist's technique. There follows an analysis of the images and stylistic methods adopted by the chroniclers and columnists to convey their impressions of the "Paganini phenomenon". The second part of this study looks at the image of Paganini as it appears in the various literary texts devoted to him. By attributing Paganini's features and his personality to fictional characters, the authors drew the profile of a "romantic virtuoso", which corresponded to the taste of the public of that time - the figure of an artist who surreptitiously distinguished himself from the musician encountered in the works of E. T. A. Hoffmann who served as his model. Moreover, the short stories reveal how the Genoese virtuoso gradually withdrew from the foreground of the narrative to be replaced by the figure of a failed musician. This tragic and ironic dimension, which overrides the idealised vision of the artist, marks the beginning of a trend that established itself in the second half of the nineteenth century. The presence of Paganini in the literature of his time also reveals the permeability of the press and literature at that time. The fact that it is impossible to distinguish clearly between the journalistic and literary treatment of the virtuoso had a major impact on the constitution of the "myth of Paganini"
Joseph, Omran. "L'interaction avec la réalité : de la fiction littéraire à l'être-au-monde L'Enfant du Liban de Mansour Labaki ; L'Aveugle de la cathédrale de Farjallah Haïk ; Khamsin de Jocelyne Awad." Phd thesis, Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales (EHESS), 2012. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00842009.
Full textDesmoulin, Sophie. "Albert Londres et le grand reportage : autopsie d'un mythe." Thesis, Limoges, 2014. http://www.theses.fr/2014LIMO0008.
Full textAlbert Londres has become a household name and a mythical figure, however the journalistic work of this famous great reporter of the 1920s still remains unknown. This corpus extends far beyond his social ‘reportages’ that built his fame as a righter of wrongs and consists of a rich war correspondence, numerous political articles and several escapist reportages. To add to its diversity, the work of Albert Londres is always on the fence between argumentation and information, tradition and modernity. His work therefore reveals various tensions and contradictions which have been overshadowed by his myth. As a consequence, it is worth rediscovering his work, adopting a new point of view and performing an ‘autopsy’, that is, etymologically, a critical examination, in order to diagnose the reasons of its success and the causes of its critical acclaim. Deeply rooted in their time and strongly dependent on the communicational and publication context in which they appeared, Londres’ reports deserve to be seen against this background, as discourses informed by multiple strategies. Surpassing the sole intentions of a journalist, these strategies inform the reportages in all their dimensions, from the field research to the network of circulation and from the relationship with the reader to the ‘posture’ of the reporter. By drawing on the historiography of literature, journalism, discourse analysis and sociology of literature, this dissertation aims therefore to define the poetics – in the broad sense of this term – of these reports, in order to reveal the ambivalence and the effectiveness of the “Albert Londres style”
Koumanoudis, Angélique-Marie. "Le mythe de Pan dans la littérature française et grecque des XIXe et XXe siècles." Paris 4, 2000. http://www.theses.fr/2000PA040005.
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