Dissertations / Theses on the topic 'Lighting automation'
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Huang, Yi Chun. "An Integrated Scalable Lighting Simulation Tool." Research Showcase @ CMU, 2011. http://repository.cmu.edu/dissertations/545.
Full textRaninec, Michal. "Systém inteligentního osvětlení pro domácí automatizaci." Master's thesis, Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta elektrotechniky a komunikačních technologií, 2015. http://www.nusl.cz/ntk/nusl-221109.
Full textАршан, Євгеній Віталійович. "Система адаптивного керування освітленням." Master's thesis, КПІ ім. Ігоря Сікорського, 2020. https://ela.kpi.ua/handle/123456789/40353.
Full textWhen reviewing the technical literature, a study of existing lighting controls systems, their advantages and disadvantages. Two methods of lighting control were also investigated: employment sensing and light sensing, which are then used to develop the system. According to the results of the analysis of the technical task and review of scientific and technical literature, the relevance of creating a lighting control system was confirmed, which will automate the lighting of premises and will be a profitable solution in terms of energy-saving. As a result of the review, it was decided to use two types of sensors in the system in parallel: light sensors and motion sensors. Variant lighting control options have been developed using wired and wireless communication between components and a decision has been made to use a mixed type of communication. The structural scheme of the adaptive lighting control system, the algorithm of this system operation is developed and the code for software connection of system components is written. It is possible to further refine this system for outdoor lighting control and in more complex adaptive control algorithms, taking into account data from sensors of biotelemetric quantities that take into account user characteristics.
Thally, Ryan. "Automation in Entertainment: Concept, Design, and Application." Digital Commons @ East Tennessee State University, 2017. https://dc.etsu.edu/honors/401.
Full textMenezes, Junior Luiz Ferreira. "Controle automatizado para scanners de luz." [s.n.], 2004. http://repositorio.unicamp.br/jspui/handle/REPOSIP/264979.
Full textDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia Mecanica
Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-04T02:13:27Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 MenezesJunior_LuizFerreira_M.pdf: 3960270 bytes, checksum: 542b501adbaca7fc3d8ff80120fab0d3 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2004
Resumo: Este trabalho apresenta um método de controle automatizado de scanners de luz baseado no posicionamento dos projetores. É desenvolvida ainda uma estratégia de posicionamento dos focos de luz, através de acionamento sincronizado por sinais de áudio. Todos os modos de controle desenvolvidos são incorporados a um software de gerenciamento. No processo de controle toma-se necessário também a construção de uma interface de dados baseada no protocolo PC-DMX512. O trabalho contempla ainda uma descrição detalhada de tal protocolo e do hardware construído. O resultado final é ilustrado através de exemplos e do manual de operação do software de controle
Abstract: The work presents a method for automatically positioning of the light beam scanners. A strategy for synchronizing their positions based on the audio signals is also developed All control modes developed are incorporated into a managing system software. The controlling process requires the construction of a digital data interface to the hardware on the basis of the DMX512 protocol. The work includes a detailed description of the DMX512 protocol and the implemented hardware. Final results are illustrated through examples and operation manual
Mecanica dos Sólidos e Projeto Mecanico
Mestre em Engenharia Mecânica
Круглій, Назар Тарасович, and Nazar Kruhlii. "Розробка електронного драйвера для LED світильника." Bachelor's thesis, Тернопільський національний технічний університет ім. І. Пулюя, Факультет прикладних інформаційних технологій та електроінженерії, Кафедра автоматизації технологічних процесів і виробництв, 2021. http://elartu.tntu.edu.ua/handle/lib/35359.
Full textВ даній кваліфікаційній роботі розроблено однокаскадне джерело живлення для вуличних світлодіодних світильників загального призначення. Створений пристрій забезпечує стабільний вихідний струм величиною 350 мА. Блок живлення спроектований на основі мікросхеми UCC28810 компанії Texas Instruments і забезпечує максимальну вихідну потужність 80 Вт та живиться від мережі змінного струму з номінальною напругою 220 В. Наявність в даній мікросхемі вбудованої функції корекції коефіцієнта потужності дозволило реалізувати перетворювач з коефіцієнтом потужності (КП) – 0,9 без використання додаткового коректора. Імпульсний перетворювач напруги побудований по технології SEPIC і, відповідно, немає гальванічної ізоляції між входом і виходом. Проте, це допустимо для вуличних світильників. В імпульсному блоці живлення передбачений захист від перенапруг та обриву навантаження.
In this qualification work a single-stage power supply for general purpose LED street lamps has been developed. The created device provides a stable output current of 350 mA. The power supply is designed based on the UCC28810 chip from Texas Instruments and provides a maximum output power of 80 watts and is powered by AC mains with a nominal voltage of 220 V. The presence of a built-in power factor correction function in this chip allowed to implement a converter with a power factor (KP) of 0.9 without the use of an additional corrector. The pulse voltage converter is built on SEPIC technology and, accordingly, there is no galvanic isolation between input and output. However, this is acceptable for street lamps. The switching power supply provides protection against overvoltages and load breakage.
Вступ 4 1 Аналітична частина 7 1.1 Призначення та основні параметри електронного драйвера LED світильника 7 1.2 Структурні схеми джерел вторинного електроживлення 8 1.3 Схемотехніка і принципи роботи перетворювачів DC/DC 12 2 Проєктна частина 21 2.1 Опис структурної схеми електронного драйвера LED світильника 21 2.1 Вибір вихідних параметрів електронного драйвера LED світильника 23 2.2 Корекція коефіцієнта потужності 25 2.3 Засоби і системи захисту джерел живлення 27 2.4 Опис блок-схеми контролера UCC28810 32 2.5 Опис принципової схеми електронного драйвера LED світильника 33 2.6 Розрахунок надійності 38 3 Спеціальна частина 43 4 Безпека життєдіяльності, основи охорони праці 54 Висновок 63 Література 64
Mangiapelo, Leonardo Bruno Santos. "Avaliação da eficiência energética em sistemasde iluminação predial = estudo de casos em dois hipermercados na cidade de Campo Grande - MS." [s.n.], 2012. http://repositorio.unicamp.br/jspui/handle/REPOSIP/258777.
Full textDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia Civil, Arquitetura e Urbanismo.
Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-20T02:27:34Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Mangiapelo_LeonardoBrunoSantos_M.pdf: 36586082 bytes, checksum: 8113b13216e191e2b209d281e23af5bc (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012
Resumo: No Brasil, as edificações são responsáveis por 45% do consumo de toda energia elétrica produzida no país, sendo 14,6% representado pelo setor comercial. Neste setor, os sistemas de iluminação artificial representam em média 22% do consumo de energia, apresentando grandes possibilidades para ações de eficiência energética. Estudos mostram que é possível reduzir 61% do custo com energia elétrica com ações de eficiência energética em sistemas de iluminação. Levantamentos realizados pelo Procel indicam que nos hipermercados 66,7% possuem potência instalada em iluminação acima de 100 kW, oferecendo grandes oportunidades para ações de eficiência energética no setor de iluminação. A integração da iluminação artificial com a natural possibilita grandes reduções nos custos com energia elétrica, além de proporcionar ambientes mais agradáveis e saudáveis para seus usuários. Ainda, estudos ressaltam que nos projetos luminotécnicos em geral, a eficiência energética do conjunto de equipamentos luminária-lâmpada-reator não costuma ser considerada, sendo comum a adoção de lâmpadas eficientes com luminárias ou reatores pouco eficientes. Neste trabalho, foram analisados dois hipermercados localizados na cidade de Campo Grande - MS. O hipermercado B possui um sistema de aberturas zenitais que possibilita o aproveitamento da iluminação natural e um conjunto de luminárias com refletores brancos e lâmpadas fluorescentes tubulares T8, enquanto o hipermercado A possui um sistema de fechamento com forro e um conjunto de luminárias com refletores metálicos e lâmpadas fluorescentes tubulares T5. Para realizar uma avaliação visando à eficiência energética de ambos os sistemas de iluminação destes hipermercados foram realizados levantamentos em campo, medições do consumo de energia elétrica nos circuitos de iluminação e também medições da distribuição dos níveis internos de iluminâncias. O estudo conclui que o aproveitamento da iluminação natural, associada ao correto dimensionamento do conjunto lâmpada luminária- reator e uso de sistemas automatizados oferecem grandes potenciais para a eficiência energética
Abstract: Buildings in Brazil are responsible for 45% of the whole electrical energy consumption, where 14,6% are performed in commercial buildings. In this sector, artificial lighting represent about 22% share of their energy consumption. Studies show that it is possible to reduce over 50% of the energy cost by implementing energy efficiency actions in lighting systems. According to PROCEL, the installed power with lighting in hypermarkets is greater than 100 kW in over 60% of the cases, thus representing an important type of building in the commercial sector. Additionally, studies show that the group efficiency of the lamp-ballast-luminary if often forgotten, yielding in inefficient lighting projects. The use of natural lighting integrated to the artificial lighting can offer not only potential to reduce energy consumption but also a more pleasant and healthy environment. This work describes a field study that was conducted in two different hypermarkets in the city of Campo Grande - MS in Brazil, with different artificial and natural lighting systems. The lighting system in hypermarket A consists of fluorescent T5 lamps in luminaries with reflexive components and no natural lighting openings while in hypermarket B, it consists of fluorescent T8 lamps in luminaries with no reflexive components and 12 openings for natural lighting. To evaluate and compare the energy efficiency of both lighting systems field research, energy consumption and lighting distribution measurements were carried out. The authors concluded that the use of natural lighting, associated with an efficient combination of lamp-luminary-ballast and automation systems offer great potential for energy efficiency
Recursos Hidricos, Energeticos e Ambientais
Mestre em Engenharia Civil
Ha, Hai Nam. "Automatic lighting design." Thesis, University of Newcastle Upon Tyne, 2008. http://hdl.handle.net/10443/103.
Full textRagan-Kelley, Jonathan Millard. "The lightspeed automatic interactive lighting preview system." Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2007. http://hdl.handle.net/1721.1/40881.
Full textIncludes bibliographical references (p. 57-59).
We present an automated approach for high-quality preview of feature-film rendering during lighting design. Similar to previous work, we use a deep-framebuffer shaded on the GPU to achieve interactive performance. Our first contribution is to generate the deep-framebuffer and corresponding shaders automatically through data-flow analysis and compilation of the original scene. Cache compression reduces automatically-generated deep-framebuffers to reasonable size for complex production scenes and shaders. We also propose a new structure, the indirect framebuffer, that decouples shading samples from final pixels and allows a deep-framebuffer to handle antialiasing, motion blur and transparency efficiently. Progressive refinement enables fast feedback at coarser resolution. We demonstrate our approach in real-world production.
by Jonathan Millard Ragan-Kelley.
Novák, Michael. "Návrh řízení a regulace tepelného systému u RD s využitím systémové instalace LOXONE." Master's thesis, Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta elektrotechniky a komunikačních technologií, 2017. http://www.nusl.cz/ntk/nusl-318408.
Full textMöttönen, Karin, and Mikael Hedén. "Human Centric Lighting : Automatisk belysningsvariation för hälsa, välbefinnande och elsparande." Thesis, Högskolan Dalarna, Energiteknik, 2019. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:du-31324.
Full textThis thesis is a study concerning the implementation of Human Centric Lighting (HCL)-systems in the home environment. A literature study has been conducted on light, its effects on humans and the influence of LED lighting on both humans and the environment. To obtain a good practical foundation, an investigative study visit was also made to Lindeborgsskolan in Malmö, which as a pilot project has installed HCL systems in a classroom. HCL is, among other things, about adapting the light to man's varying needs by varying intensity (Lux) and color temperature (Kelvin). Lighting is of great importance to human well-being where lighting with unnatural spectral distribution and flicker can lead to stress, sleep problems and that the eyes can deteriorate. A good variety of light can, on the other hand, increase human well-being, productivity and give a positive attitude. Some research also shows that HCL can reduce the risk of seasonal depression. A blue, more intense light has a wakeup effect, while a red low intensity light feels soothing. By exposing the body to much blue light in the morning but not in the afternoon / evening, the body's circadian cycle benefits. Even red light has been shown to have a stimulating effect but does not affect the circadian cycle and can be used even in the evening if a higher light intensity is needed. Three separate controllable lighting systems have been investigated: “Clas Ohlson Wi-Fi Smart Bulb”, “IKEA trådfri” and “Philips Hue White Ambiance”. The lighting has been tested both in terms of light quality and energy use. The light quality was examined partly with an “Ulbrichtklot” at Clas Ohlson's light laboratory where color spectrum as well as various other information could be obtained, and with a hand-held spectrometer to see the flicker output from the lamp at different settings. The energy consumption was investigated regarding variation of color temperature, intensity and even in cases where separate control equipment was required. The three lighting systems were shown to have different advantages where eventually the Philips Hue Ambience White was selected to be installed in a bedroom in the project villa Dalarnas Villa. Based on a previous master thesis, a light schedule was developed that changes the intensity and color temperature of light to promote the circadian cycle. As the authors see this as an important topic, every opportunity to show the installed system has been taken. A great deal of interest has been shown during discussions including Dalarna´s energy advisers. ” Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity (WHO 1946). Health should be at the centre of all societal planning because social inequalities in health are costly to the society and counteract sustainable development (Malmö stad 2013). It is one of the main conditions for individual development opportunities through education, work, social relationships and participation in the society (UN 1949). Health is a key to the other human rights and also constitutes a separate right (WHO 2008).” Sustainability issues for SSL (R. Karlsson et al. 2016)
Lundqvist, Oscar. "Virtuell ljussättning inom Augmented Reality : Semi-automatisk ljushantering för ökad upplevd realism." Thesis, Luleå tekniska universitet, Institutionen för system- och rymdteknik, 2018. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:ltu:diva-71523.
Full textThe purpose of this study is to examine how an improved level of experienced realism could be achieved in Augmented Reality (AR) applications, by allowing increased user interaction with a chosen set of virtual lighting parameters. The theoretical foundation of this thesis is both concerned with surveys and literature reviews of AR in general but also virtual lighting and lighting parameters to a significant extent. In contrast to the majority of previous research, where estimating and managing virtual lighting is done automatically, this study suggests that a semi-automatic approach might be better suited in delivering improved levels of experienced realism. Through the course of this thesis it is also intended to evaluate which of the chosen lighting parameters that has had the greatest impact in achieving improved experienced realism. Action Design Research (ADR) is applied as the core research methodology and in collaboration with the company Neava, an addon for an existing AR application is developed. This addon enables manual adjustments of virtual light direction, intensity and color temperature. The addon is tested by users of the existing application under observation, afterwards the testers answer a brief survey concerning the test, where a comparison between existing application and addon is made. Data gathered from both the observations and the surveys are then subjects of an analysis, where different phenomena and findings regarding improved experienced realism is the focus. The study finds that roughly 90% of the testers did indeed experience an improved level of realism, using the semi-automatic addon. Furthermore the study finds that the virtual lighting parameter most effective in achieving this is light direction, followed by light intensity and least effective in the effort is color temperature. The conclusions made of this study are finally presented in the form of a list of design principles.
Haring, Filip. "Řízení klimatických vlastností pěstebního boxu." Master's thesis, Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta elektrotechniky a komunikačních technologií, 2016. http://www.nusl.cz/ntk/nusl-221125.
Full textSůra, Lukáš. "Automatické ovládání osvětlení." Master's thesis, Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta elektrotechniky a komunikačních technologií, 2014. http://www.nusl.cz/ntk/nusl-221047.
Full textВеличко, В. В. "Розрахунок електричних навантажень та вибір високовольтного обладнання підстанції 35/6 кВ." Master's thesis, Сумський державний університет, 2018. http://essuir.sumdu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/71251.
Full textLei, Lei Su Ian Alias Eugene, and 李樹仁. "Three Point Lighting Design Automation for Computer Graphics." Thesis, 2005. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/58627767008468477462.
Full textFischer, Michael. "A Distributed Intelligent Lighting Solution and the Design and Implementation of a Sensor Middleware System." Thesis, 2015. http://hdl.handle.net/1828/6094.
Full textGraduate
Huang, Choi-Kuei, and 黃琢桂. "Automatic Lighting for Character Animation." Thesis, 2007. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/09710903607046365272.
Full text國立清華大學
In computer graphics, lighting designs attempt to achieve desired visual goals and assist viewers to appreciate the synthesized images better. As most existing automatic lighting designs are mainly for static targets, in this paper we present a novel automatic lighting method for motion data. We divide our lighting design into “global lighting” for scenes and “local lighting” for characters. For global lighting, we propose a viewpoint entropy algorithm to determine its lighting parameters according to the acting area of the motion data. Then we show that the best placement of each local light could be obtained by solving the corresponding optimization problem. Note that key frames can be identified by observations of root’s trajectory of motion data. Finally, by appropriate interpolations of lighting parameters of each key frame, the goal of the lighting design for motion data could be achieved. Several examples are given to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method.
Lin, Meng-Ting, and 林孟廷. "Development of Automatic Supplementary Lighting System for Greenhouses." Thesis, 2016. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/17746569751170732673.
Full text國立中興大學
To solve the agricultural damages caused by the climate change, this study is developed to build an automatic supplementary lighting platform for plant factories. The platform mainly uses aluminum as materials. The lighting strategy will depend on the DPI. During the day, platform parked at the original position and uses quantum sensor to accumulate the daylight. At night, it moved to the supplementary lighting area and provides lighting to plants. The platform is operated in cooperation with a PLC control system, and uses RFID and limit switch as a local positioning system at plant factories. In supplementary lighting area, lifting system detects the height of plants to adjust the level of lampshade accordingly. The study operated 10 times movement experiments, after first 5 times calibration, the success rate of last 5 times moving positioning is 93%, and the success rate of 10 times lifting experiments is 98%. The platform can provide an average of 354 μmol /m2 /s light intensity within the distance of 10cm from the plants, and 3.27 μmol CO2 / m2 / s if it is within the photosynthesis characteristic of lettuce. Based on the results of two-week experiment, it can be confirmed that supplementary lighting is able to provide sufficient lighting to plants during the night, and reach DPI standard of each supplementary lighting area.
Li, Cheng-Ting, and 李振庭. "Smart Street Lighting LED System with Automatic Weather Sensing." Thesis, 2015. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/nc6tny.
Full text國立臺北科技大學
This thesis proposes to use a power factor correction (PFC) power supply for providing electric energy to street light LED (Light-Emitting Diode) modules, which can automatically determine the brightness and color in the surrounding in order to change the duty cycle of pulse width modulation (PWM) signals for a complementary LED luminance. For example, when it rains or fogs, street light LED modules will switch the light from cool-white to warm-white to increase the visibility. The system utilizes Arduino microcontroller to detect the data of the light sensor and then send the corresponding duty cycle of PWM signal to the dimming circuit. The voltage of LED modules is changed by controlling the feedback voltage of PFC IC. The If of LED increases due to diode property as the working voltage increases, hence the LED brightens; On the contrary, the LED darkens as the working voltage decreases. The aforementioned is how brightness is adjusted in this study. Besides, microcontroller detects the humidity and rain sensors based on the current weather conditions to adjust two different colors of street light and its brightness. To sum up, comparing this street light LED system (adjust by PWM voltage control) with the normal lighting system (adjust by PWM current control), it is found that the former yields better performance. The whole system reaches the total efficiency up to 87% and power factor up to about 0.93.
"Automatic headlamp switching system." 2010. http://library.cuhk.edu.hk/record=b5894368.
Full textThesis (M.Phil.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2010.
Includes bibliographical references (leaves 91-98).
Abstracts in English and Chinese.
Abstract --- p.i
Acknowledgement --- p.v
Chapter 1 --- Introduction --- p.1
Chapter 1.1 --- Background --- p.1
Chapter 1.2 --- Motivation --- p.4
Chapter 1.3 --- Literature Review --- p.7
Chapter 1.3.1 --- Headlamp Preference Investigation --- p.7
Chapter 1.3.2 --- Vehicle Dynamic System --- p.10
Chapter 1.3.3 --- Inertial Navigation Systems --- p.11
Chapter 1.4 --- Objective --- p.12
Chapter 1.5 --- A Sensor Based Method --- p.14
Chapter 1.5.1 --- Accelerometer --- p.14
Chapter 1.5.2 --- Lighting --- p.16
Chapter 1.5.3 --- System Design --- p.19
Chapter 1.6 --- Thesis Organization --- p.20
Chapter 1.7 --- Achievement and Contributions --- p.21
Chapter 2 --- Methodology --- p.23
Chapter 2.1 --- Kinematics of a Turning Car --- p.24
Chapter 2.2 --- Headlamp Direction Prediction --- p.27
Chapter 2.2.1 --- Steering Wheel Angle Measurement --- p.28
Chapter 2.2.2 --- Steering Wheel Angle Stabilization --- p.31
Chapter 2.2.3 --- Auxiliary Headlamps Control --- p.36
Chapter 3 --- Implementation --- p.48
Chapter 3.1 --- Hardware Configuration --- p.49
Chapter 3.2 --- Design Framework --- p.51
Chapter 3.3 --- Night Drive Simulator --- p.55
Chapter 3.3.1 --- Simulator Configuration --- p.56
Chapter 3.3.2 --- Turning Path Prediction --- p.61
Chapter 3.3.3 --- Auxiliary Headlamps Control --- p.63
Chapter 4 --- Experiments --- p.65
Chapter 4.1 --- Steering Wheel Angle Measurement --- p.66
Chapter 4.1.1 --- Experiment Setup --- p.66
Chapter 4.1.2 --- Evaluation Results --- p.68
Chapter 4.2 --- Auxiliary Headlamps Prediction --- p.71
Chapter 4.2.1 --- Simulation --- p.72
Chapter 4.2.2 --- Test Drive --- p.76
Chapter 5 --- Conclusions --- p.86
Chapter 5.1 --- Summary --- p.86
Chapter 5.2 --- Limitations and Future Works --- p.87
Chapter 5.2.1 --- Headlamp of LEDs --- p.87
Chapter 5.2.2 --- Simple Car Model --- p.88
Chapter 5.2.3 --- Response Time of Filtering --- p.88
Chapter 5.2.4 --- Test Drive --- p.89
Chapter 6 --- Publications --- p.90
Bibliography --- p.91
Jao, Chun-Nan, and 饒俊男. "Optimal Lighting System Design of Automatic Vision-Aided Measurement Equipment." Thesis, 2010. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/89030223803142977738.
Full text國立高雄第一科技大學
The present paper is mainly about using the image process technology to develop a 3D automatic measurement system. The system can automatically and rapidly gauge a small aperture of the workpiece, the center position of the circle, the range, the length and the angle of the geometrical shape. Through the optimization of light design, the 3D automatic measurement system will never stop until it achieves the efficiency of the gauging. This measurement system includes two kinds of system. First, optics servosystem: standardized system, turret type percentage, and zoom lens. Second, photo source servosystem: objective table, coaxial light, 4 split ring light, and colored photo source. Using QVPAK software from MITUTOYO Corporation, each measurement routine of the testing workpiece needs to be established in advance, and coordinates with the migration position of the 3D platform, then, transforms into the Visual Basic program. The system can automatically gauge a huge amount of the processed workpiece size. This experiment confirmed that the system gauging time is short, may avoid the personal error, and the accuracy may reach 0.002mm. Therefore, this research uses the Taguchi Method and fuzzy logic, develops a multiple quality characteristic calculating method which processes fuzziness project. This experiment designated the optimization design of the coaxial light and 4 split ring light for the improvement sign. It also combined the Taguchi Method and the Response Surface Method to enable the Multiple Performance Characteristic Index to achieve the goal optimization.
Chia-WeiHsiao and 蕭嘉緯. "The Mechanism Design and Stress Analysis of the Automatic Lighting for Bicycle." Thesis, 2012. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/47727150165828931603.
Full text國立成功大學
Today's increasingly well-developed science and technology, energy consumption is relatively increased a lot, energy saving and carbon reduction is a global issue. Bicycle and wind power has become today the most popular means of transportation and green energy industry. View of the plug-in bicycle headlight, not only the need to replace the battery and can be easily stolen. So, this study designs the automatic lighting on the bicycle. When the bike is riding, the fan in the mechanism can be used to produce electricity for lighting up the LED headlamp on the bicycle. In this study, the graphics software Solid Work is used to build three groups of the automatic lighting and 3D solid model. The models are transferred to the finite element software ANSYS to select proper structural elements and set the material parameters. Next, the boundary and loading conditions are set. By splitting the grids, the stress and deformation of each group are analyzed.
Chia-Yung, Ku, and 顧家勇. "Design and Implementation of Street Lighting Automatic Monitoring and Control Management System." Thesis, 2006. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/56649603832671091694.
Full text國立高雄應用科技大學
This thesis proposes a street lighting automatic monitoring management system which is developed by the techniques of microprocessor hardware/firmware and the integration of power line carrier (PLC) and GSM/GPRS wireless communication, to realize street lighting real time monitoring and management, and to increase the total system operating performance and energy usage efficiency. The proposed system mainly consists of three parts of power line carrier controller, power line carrier modem, and monitoring man machine interface. The PLCC, which is developed by both PIC microprocessor and power line carrier module, supports the functions of the measurement of voltage, current and the status of street lighting, the operation of street lighting and the data upload via power line carrier medium. The PLCM, which is developed by both PIC microprocessor and GSM/GPRS module, supports the functions of data communication in upload/download mode to PLCC and control center respectively. The monitoring man machine interface coded by Visual Basic and Access database is designed to support the functions of communication, monitoring, parameters setting, trending and alarm enable for entire system. Finally, three sets of street lighting are selected for field test to demonstrate the practicality and effectiveness of the proposed system.
Hao-ChunWang and 王皓軍. "Lighting system optimization for automatic optical inspection of AU defects on substrate." Thesis, 2018. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/7ghg2m.
Full textWANG, JUN-XIANG, and 王俊翔. "Development of the automatic checked system for emergency lighting lights via internet." Thesis, 2013. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/16523328605812223349.
Full text建國科技大學
The remote monitoring and control checking system of the emergency lighting lights are developed in the thesis. Due to the quality of emergency lighting lights are relevant to escape velocity in an emergency. Since the government ordered that the emergency lighting lights must be checked regularly to know the equipment situation; however, the emergency lighting equipment is often located in the widely area and now the checking job depends on human operation. So, it can not only require much manpower, the checking results using visual also seems unable to ensure the quality of emergency lighting lights. Thus, in order to practice the regular checking job completely and know the equipment accurate situation. In this thesis, the automatic checked system of long distance for the emergency lighting light are developed for the practical application is required to achieve the high speed and high accuracy results for the checking job. In order to pursuer the idea further, a method of using chip 8051 with RS-485 communication module are applied to achieve the purpose of the remote monitoring and control for a long distance via TCP/IP. Therefore, the nearby computer and remote computer can be linked to achieve a simultaneous operation. Finally, the experimental simulation verification can be carried out using only two computers can be proceeded a real-time and long-distance checking for one-to-many checking module and also arrange the automatic checking schedule. The users punctually observe the checking results and will know a practical situation on the emergency lighting light.
SUN, Yu-Ren, and 孫郁仁. "The circuit design of the automatic checked system for emergency lighting lights." Thesis, 2013. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/16819879217325443181.
Full text建國科技大學
In this thesis, the circuit of the automatic checked system for emergency lighting lights is designed. Due to the checking job using human operation at this time, there exist a long checked time and the checked data is insufficient for our needs. Therefore, in order to save manpower and indeed know the equipment situation. In this thesis, a method of using chip 8051 with Proteus、Keil c and Visual Basic are proposed to design the control circuit of the automatic checked system so that the circuit board can be obtained. In order to pursuer the idea further, the checked circuit of emergency lighting lights is first simulated by applying the Proteus. A circuit diagram is planed using the best component. The checked module of emergency lighting light is then developed using A/D converter, LDR, Power supply, Relay, and the RS-485 communication transmission. Also, the checking interface is designed using VB software and simulation checked program is wrote by applying C language software. Finally, the effectiveness of the designed control circuit will be verified by experimental simulation.
Tai, Kuan-Chiun, and 戴冠群. "The Research on Automatic Lighting Technology in the Electrical Headlight System of Vehicle." Thesis, 2008. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/45429211489890697436.
Full text國立高雄應用科技大學
The usage of car is very important part of the life nowaday. The top principle behind driving is that all must remain – safety. Driving is easily affected by the weather, especially bad weather causes poor visibility while driving. Therefore, turn on the headlamps while driving becomes very important thing. There are many advanced countries will highly recommend to the drivers for turning on the headlamps in the daytime, the main purpose of it is to remind of the drivers those who drive on the opposite lane or in the front of them to watch for the safety while driving. It tells the importance to turn on the headlamps while driving. It is necessary to do that in the daytime, not to mention in poor visible status such as getting dark, raining, and in heavy fog. Turn on the headlamps to make sure safety driving. The key of this study is to collect related patents information on automatic lighting technology in the electrical headlight system of vehicle. Use data mining as a process of discovering meaningful new correlations, patterns and trends by sifting through large amounts of data stored in repositories, using statistical skills, data analysis and simple mathematical techniques. Take a good advantage of patent maps and analyze the imperfection of the current technologies, and create a simple solution to improve it. According to the above concept, an automatic headlamp control system has been built in this study. Experimental test and verification has been carried out make sure this system is feasible and efficient. The results have shown that the headlamps can be successfully turned on while it getting dark, getting foggy, and before raining. Compared with systems proposed by other studies, the system developed in this study has the advantages in saving the space on the vehicles and providing active driving safety.
Weng, Yi-Huan, and 翁逸寰. "Automatic Robot Assembly with Eye-in-Hand Binocular Visual Servoing and Structured Lighting." Thesis, 2011. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/736f29.
Full text國立臺北科技大學
An automatic assembly system with eye-in-hand visual servoing is proposed in the thesis. Real-time vision is employed to assist a robotic manipulator to perform assembly tasks for 3C products. In order to accomplish hand-eye coordination tasks using a robotic manipulator with stereo vision, either an offline or online hand-eye calibration procedure should be performed to determine the coordinate transformation between the robotic manipulator and the vision system. In this thesis, offline hand-eye calibration approaches are employed for eye-in-hand configurations. Since precision control task is required, an eye-in-hand configuration is employed. The system is implemented in two ways, with and without structured lighting mounted on the end-effector of a 6-DOF robotic manipulator. Firstly, object features are extracted with the stereo vision system. Then, positions and orientations of objects are reconstructed by performing image processing techniques. Finally, the assembly task is encoded to hold the back shell and precisely position it onto the cellular phone to accomplish the automatic assembly task with precision.
Wu, Qiao-xia, and 吳巧霞. "Design of a LED Intelligent Lighting Luminaire with Automatic Color Temperature Control Performance." Thesis, 2014. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/93113257267248398654.
Full text國立臺灣科技大學
The research focused on designing a LED intelligent lighting luminaire, using the monochromatic color temperature LED, 3000 K, 4000 K, 5000 K, and single-chip microcomputer PIC18F4520, which will control the color temperature of the LED light module automatically, followed the sunlight changing. At night, the lighting luminaire will provide low color temperature environment for the best state of the melatonin secreting. The luminous output would dim gradually when one going to bed until lighting off. Before getting up in the morning, the luminous output would increase up gradually and simulate daylight environment by changing the color temperature of the luminaire according to the sunlight in order to maintain the human body to be in the normal and wealthy biological status. The lighting scheme may be applied to the residential lighting luminaire design, especially in the table light luminaire. Compared with the different design of commercial products, the lighting luminaire proposed has advantages of adjusting linearly and automatically in color temperature, control the color temperature according to the time, low cost and so on. It is included, in this design, deducing a light mixing system according to the relation of the color temperature and color coordinate of the LED light sources. The system could ensure the current ratio relationship between two different color temperature illuminants and the color temperature of the mixed light. The design contained two main coding control programs, including clock generating program and PWM waveform output program. The drive circuit mainly consists of voltage reduction circuit and color temperature controlled circuit. Comparing the experimental test result with the theoretical properties of the light’s color temperature, the deviation is within 100 K. The deviation of the color coordinate is within ±0.8 %.
Wang, Gui-Ji, and 王貴基. "Development of the automatic lighting measurement system–a case study of bicycle headlight based on Germany legislation." Thesis, 2010. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/rmsad8.
Full text國立高雄應用科技大學
Improving and promoting the system in convenience in order to save time and complicated details out from those tasks require massive manpower in operating or long time in monitoring by the concept of automation. Integrate the optical, mechanical and electrical control module through HMI (Human Machine Interface) to accomplish an illumination measuring system. In this thesis, the main purpose is to obtain the light form, brightness distribution between LED and lamp shade from both hardware and software; where the hardware equipment may contain light sensing diode, 2-dimension CCD camera, electrical control moving platform and data retrieving card etc.; where in software, using LabVIEW graphic control programming language in the control of standard measuring procedure and data retrieving. Finally, compare and analyze the practical result as measured with the simulated one. Through the verification from experiment, the illumination resolution of this automated measuring system can reach as high as 0.1 lx at sampling frequency of 10 Hz, measuring range as high as 15 lx. Besides, 2-dimensional illumination distribution conforms to the predicted trending in simulation. The primary purposes of this study include: (1) Design a set of HMI for fast measuring. (2) Integrate graphic retrieving module, electrical control module and mechanical module to build a more efficient automated testing and measuring system.
Sousa, João Paulo Alves. "Automatização de túneis rodoviários." Master's thesis, 2019. http://hdl.handle.net/10400.13/2755.
Full textRoad tunnels are a way to make automotive traffic easier but they also require high safety standards. Due to that it is important to implement automation mechanisms that interconnect the various equipment, from traffic control, ventilation to lighting. In this dissertation a study of the regulations for this type of infrastructure is done, the different types of ventilation are studied and longitudinal ventilation is applied. The luminance levels at the inputs and outputs are made to reduce the possibility of accidents in these areas. The PLC (Programmable Logic Controller) use and its different programming languages are the main subject of this project, using ladder and SCL (Structured Control Language) languages. The sensor’s operation are explained as well as the connection diagrams of the implemented frames and circuits. The system automation is based on the use of PLCs, responsible for the equipment control installed in the tunnel, aiming for the optimization of the daily and emergency processes. In this perspective, several remote stations are used along the tunnel, able to read and command the other monitoring and actuator equipment. A program is developed capable of monitoring and controlling several processes such as: ventilation system - through CO sensors, visibility, fire detector and anemometer; lighting system - luminance sensor meter, astronomical clock and motion detector; through the general tunnel operation. The general processes and action dynamics can be verified in real time through the Human Machine Interface (HMI). In this project the ventilation system acts as intended in both normal and fire situations as well as the lighting system that in the light transitions adapts the different levels of luminance. In the HMI it is possible to visualize the systems operation, simulate them and to monitor the operation of each equipment. It also notifies the user in case of failures.
Шевченко, Олександр Сергійович. "Розробка заходів з безпеки праці в навчальному корпусі Запорізького музичного училища ім. Майбороди." Магістерська робота, 2020. https://dspace.znu.edu.ua/jspui/handle/12345/2456.
Full textUA : Кваліфікаційна робота для здобуття ступеня вищої освіти магістра за спеціальністю – Охорона праці, науковий керівник В.А.Цимбал. Запорізький національний університет. Інженерний інститут. Факультет будівництва та цивільної інженерії, кафедра прикладної екології та охорони праці, 2020. Виконаний аналіз спеціальної літератури для визначення поняття «працездатність» людини, залежність від факторів навколишнього середовища, поняття «знижена освітленість», як один з шкідливих фізичних факторів внутрішнього середовища приміщень. Проведені розрахунки необхідної освітленості приміщень. Порівнено і проведено аналіз вимірів освітленості в приміщеннях і розрахункових даних. Досліджено вплив низької освітленості на зорову і розумову працездатність студентів. Розроблено заходи щодо поліпшення освітленості внутрішнього середовища приміщень навчального корпусу. Доведена необхідність впровадження компактних модульних систем пожежогасіння тонкодисперсною водою.
EN : Qualification work for obtaining a master's degree in the specialty - Labor Protection, supervisor V.A. Tsymbal. Zaporizhzhya National University. Institute of Engineering. Faculty of Construction and Civil Engineering, Department of Applied Ecology and Labor Protection, 2020. The analysis of special literature to determine the concept of "human performance", dependence on environmental factors, the concept of "low light", as one of the harmful physical factors of the indoor environment. The necessary illumination of the premises has been calculated. A comparative analysis of indoor lighting measurements and calculated data was carried out. The effect of low light on the visual and mental performance of students is investigated. Measures have been developed to improve the illumination of the internal environment of the premises of the educational building. The necessity of introducing compact modular fire extinguishing systems with fine water is proved.