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Dissertations / Theses on the topic 'Liftée'

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Badat, Herisitraka. "Effet d’un champ magnétique et d’un champ électrique continu sur le comportement d’une flamme laminaire de diffusion. Impact sur les émissions des suies." Thesis, Orléans, 2020.

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L’impact d’un champ électrique continu et d’un champ magnétique sur la stabilisation d’une flamme laminaire de diffusion de jet simple de CH4 et de jets coaxiaux de CH4/air, accroché ou liftée avec instabilité de flickering, ainsi que sur la modification de la production de particules de suie est étudié. Pour la flamme sous champ magnétique généré par un électroaimant, le brûleur coaxial est placé à l'intérieur de l'aimant à deux positions correspondant à un gradient magnétique positif et négatif. Sous ce champ, l'attraction de l'oxygène paramagnétique au niveau du front de flamme conduit à modifier la fréquence de scintillement, la hauteur de portance, ainsi que la luminosité visible de la flamme. Ce changement de luminosité est corrélé à la modification de la production de suie dans la flamme par la modification de la stoechiométrie, la température locale et le temps de séjour. Pour la flamme de jet simple de CH4, un champ électrique généré entre le brûleur et une grille (électrode), placée à différentes distances du brûleur, a permis de montrer une réduction de la longueur moyenne de flamme, une diminution de la luminescence de CH* et une disparition de l’instabilité de flickering quand l’intensité du champ augmente. Une forte instabilité de la flamme réapparait si on dépasse une valeur critique du champ électrique. L’évolution de la valeur du courant suivant la tension appliquée est corrélée avec le comportement de la flamme. Le champ électrique appliqué à la flamme partiellement prémélangée de CH4/air, a permis de rattacher la flamme initialement liftée au brûleur et à diminuer sa fréquence d’oscillation (flickering). Le déplacement des ions présents dans la flamme sous champ électrique, induit un effet dynamique appelé vent ionique ainsi qu’une ionisation, modifiant ainsi le comportement de la flamme. Enfin, nous avons conduit des mesures de suies par extinction/diffusion dans une flamme méthane/acétylène sous champ électrique. L’application d’un champ électrique de différentes intensités a permis de montrer une réduction de la fraction volumique et une modification de la distribution de tailles de suies. Cette diminution est couplée avec la diminution de la luminosité dans le visible de la flamme observée lorsqu’on applique le champ
The impact of a DC electric field and a magnetic field on the stabilization of a laminar CH4 jet diffusion flame and CH4 / air coaxial jets diffusion flame, attached or lifted with the instability of flickering are studied. The impact of these fields is also studied on modification of soot particles production. For the flame under, magnetic field generated by an electromagnet, coaxial burner is placed inside the magnet at two positions corresponding at a positive and negative magnetic gradient. Under this field, the attraction of paramagnetic oxygen at the flame front leads to modify the flickering frequency, the lift height, as well as the visible luminosity of the flame. This change in luminosity is correlated with soot production modification in the flame through the stoichiometry, local temperature, and residence time. For the CH4 single jet flame, an electric field generated between the burner and a grid (electrode), placed at different distances from the burner, showed a reduction in the average flame length, a decrease in CH* luminescence, and disappearance of the instability of flickering when the intensity of the field increases. Strong instability of the flame appears if a critical value of the electric field is exceeded. The change in the value of the current according to the applied voltage is correlated with the behavior of the flame. The electric field applied to the partially premixed CH4/air flame made it possible to re-attach the flame initially lifted to the burner and reduce its frequency of oscillation (flickering). The displacement of the ions present in the flame under an electric field induces a dynamic effect called ionic wind as well as ionization, thus modifying the behavior of the flame. Finally, we carried out soot measurements by extinction/diffusion in methane/acetylene flame under an electric field. The application of an electric field of different intensities (positive) showed a reduction in the volume fraction and a change in the size distribution of soot. This decrease is coupled with the decrease in the visible luminosity of the flame observed when the field is applied
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Rapp, Carolina, and Jenny Tauson. "Lifta med liften : Examensarbete om släpliftar." Thesis, Karlstad University, Faculty of Technology and Science, 2009.

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This degree project has been carried out by Carolina Rapp and Jenny Tauson, students at Innovation and Design Engineer program at the Faculty of Technology and science at Karlstad University. The project was carried during Spring of 2009 and took 15 weeks of full time work. 


Doppelmayr/Garaventa Group is an Austria/Switzerland corporate group and its associated company Doppelmayr Scandinavia lies in Sunne, Sweden. Doppelmayr/Garaventa Group is the world quality and technology leader in ropeway engineering.


The degree project goal was to develop a new shaping of a surface lift. There are two kinds of surface lifts, platter and T-bars. The two kinds of surface lifts have some variation in design but only minor differences. The project focused solely on the part from wire down to the platter or T-bar. The design had to meet some specific requirements such as not exhume too much wind, fit on existing construction and low weight. It should also be unambiguous, understandable to the users, reliable, safe and ergonomic.


To design a new surface lift that could manage the array of goals an extensive research was carried out. To understand and see what problems accure when riding on a surface lift, observations at ski resorts at Ski Sunne and Branäs in Sweden was conducted. Also questionnaire was made and sent out to skier to further investigate design flaws in current design.  The extensive research and the observations helped the students when the creative phase began. One concept was chosen on the basis of the delimitations.


The result was an adjustable T-bar that satisfies the practice needs of better comfort when he/she rides with another person of other length. The result from this project was shown in a full scale model, 3D-generated animations, sketches and an academic report.


The project was shown in an exhibition at the yearly degree exhibition at Karlstad University. The 5 of June a presentation was made at Doppelmayr Scandinavia.



Detta examensarbete har utförts av Carolina Rapp och Jenny Tauson, studenter på Innovations- och designingenjörsprogrammet vid Fakulteten för teknik och naturvetenskap på Karlstads universitet. Examensarbetet utfördes under våren 2009 och pågick under 20 veckor.


Doppelmayr/Garaventa Group är ett Österrikiskt/Schweiziskt företag och Doppelmayr Scandinavia AB är deras dotterbolag som ligger i Sunne, Sverige. Doppelmayr/Garaventa Group är världsledande inom linbanesystem.


Målet med projektet var att ta fram en ny utformning på släpliften. Det finns två sorters släplift, knapplift och bygellift. Avgränsningen för detta projekt blev att koncentrera oss på delen från vajern ner till stödytan (knappen eller bygeln). Den delen benämns som medbringare. Liften har vissa krav som måste uppfyllas såsom att inte ta upp för mycket vind, passa på befintliga maskinparker och hålla en låg vikt. Den ska även vara entydig, förstålig för användaren, pålitlig, säker och ergonomisk.


För att få fram en ny släplift som skulle uppnå de ställda kraven gjordes en research. Det gjordes studiebesök på Ski Sunne och Branäs skidanläggning för att observera vilka problem som uppstår när man åker i liften. Det gjordes även en enkät för att få reda på vad andra tycker om släpliften.  Researchen och svaren från enkäten hjälpte studenterna när de sedan skulle gå in i idégenereringsfasen. Ett koncept valdes utifrån de krav, önskemål som fanns i funktionsanalysen och i samråd med företaget.


Konceptet blev en släplift med justerbar stödyta som tillgodoser utövarens önskan om att få en bättre komfort när man åker med någon av annan längd. Resultatet visades genom en fullskalig modell, 3D- modeller, animationer, skisser och en akademisk rapport.


Projektet visades upp i den årliga examensutställningen på Karlstads universitet, 27 maj 2009. Den 5 juni gjordes en presentation för företaget Doppelmayr Scandinavia AB.


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Fayle, Hillary Waters. "Fallen/Lifted." VCU Scholars Compass, 2015.

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I use found botanical material such as leaves, seedpods, and branches to explore human connection to the physical world. By combining these organic objects with the rich traditions of needlecraft, I bind nature and the human touch. Both tender and ruthless, this intricate stitch work communicates the idea that our relationship with the natural world is both tenuously fragile and infinitely complex. The way I think about and make art mirrors the way I think about my life and how I walk through the world. What I do is about elevating details. It is about noticing cycles and connections. It is about regarding a familiar object in a new way. It’s about seeing things and considering their connection to you, their potential futures and possible pasts. There is a depth and an importance to what is present, and what is absent. Invisible narratives are woven into and around each piece, each interaction. As I gather materials with which to work, I consider what connections might exist between us, or how each object might be related to another. I am a cartographer, drawing and plotting an imaginary map, from one object to the next, intervening with each. These objects naturally fit into categories, which relate to my own experiences, but also to their origins and how they came into my hands. The vertices of experience and the actual life trajectory of an object are what interest me the most; the points at which the object and I intersect.
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Somdyala, Inga. "ILIZWE LIFILE." Master's thesis, Faculty of Humanities, 2020.

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ILIZWE LIFILE is a tactile exploration of the aspects of cultural history kwaXhosa within South African political history that intersect with my own lived experience. Through drawings, tableau, sculptures and video, I explore how cultural, social and political narratives within the South African post-apartheid landscape are negotiated. In this explicatory document, divided in three parts, I focus on interrelated personal and collective histories. Part I establishes a broad overview of the personal experiences driving my studio practice and research enquiries. Drawing from Zakes Mda's The Heart of Redness (2000) to explore readings of history, displacement, education and landscape, I elaborate on a negotiation of my cultural identity within the contentions about collective history and national identity. Part II looks at the negation of black cultural identity through covert impositions of Eurocentric culture and epistemology within education systems in my experience and within history. I employ concepts from Paulo Freire's Pedagogy of the Oppressed (2017) to develop socio-political readings of the television series Yizo Yizo, linking its thematic universe to heterogeneous black identities in post-apartheid South Africa. Part III presents how aspects of an oppressive history are manifest in the present, while offering more explicit interpretations of my body of work as a means for exploring the residue of history in the present.
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Motėjūnaitė, Rasa. "Stalo žaidimas šeimai „Liftas"." Bachelor's thesis, Lithuanian Academic Libraries Network (LABT), 2013.

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Stalo žaidimas „LIFTAS“ skirtas žaisti visai šeimai, jis neturi griežto amžiaus cenzo, grafika reikalavo spalvų ir žaismingumo, kurie sudomintų vaikus. Kita vertus, žaidėjai bus ne tik vaikai, bet ir suaugusieji, todėl rasti kompromisą tarp grafikos kriterijų buvo gana sudėtinga. Projektuojant šį gaminį pagrindinis tikslas buvo suburti visą šeimą praleisti laiką kartu. Žaidimo taisyklės nėra itin sudėtingos, tačiau yra smulkių momentų, kurie turi ir mokamąją vertę, reikalauja nesudėtingų skaičiavimo įgūdžių. Sportinio stiliaus stalo žaidimas yra suskirstytas į skirtingus lygius, kurie pažymėti nuo pirmojo iki dvyliktojo aukšto. Kiekvienas lygis turi savo papildomų laukelių ir užduočių, kurie gali žaidėjui padėti arba sutrukdyti pasiekti finišą. Sukurtas stalo žaidimas gali būti pritaikytas ne tik, praleisti laisvalaikį, bet ir suartinti šeimos narius, skatinti bendravimą tarp vaikų ir suaugusiųjų. Žaidimo taisyklės moko vaikus skaičiuoti, skirti spalvas, taip pat supratimo, kantrybės laukiant savo eilės „kilti liftu“. Žaidimas gali būti viena iš priemonių kaip būtų galima įveikti baimę naudotis liftu. Stalo žaidimas įrodys vaikams, kad maža lifto kabina, nėra tokia baisi ir kilti liftu gali būti net smagu.
The family board game “Liftas” does not have a strict age limit, graphics demand colors and playfulness in order to interest children. However, players are not only children but adults as well, therefore, to find a compromise between graphics criteria was quite complicated. While designing this product the main objective was to gather a whole family to spend some time together. Game rules are not very complicated but there are some educational moments, which require computational skills. This sport style board game is divided into different levels, marked from the first to the twelfth floor. Each level has additional fields and tasks, which can either help or hinder the player to reach the finish. This board game can not only be used to spend free time but also to encourage family communication. Game rules teach children to count and to distinguish colors, as well as patience while they are “queuing up for the elevator”. The game can also be one of the means to overcome the fear of elevators. It proves children that a small elevator cabin is not that scary and it can even be fun to use an elevator.
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Soudamini, Jidesh. "LIFTED MULTIRELATIONS AND PROGRAM SEMANTICS." Kent State University / OhioLINK, 2006.

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Johansson, Emil. "Simulation and evaluation of an articulated forklift truck." Thesis, Linköpings universitet, Fluida och mekatroniska system, 2014.

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Today’s demand on forklift trucks performance and efficiency is high. The productivity is important but also the experience while handling the forklift. The handling has to be simple and genuine to make the driver feel confident and safe. To achieve high performance steering in articulated trucks, a hydraulic power system is often used.Simulation software are a powerful tool in development processes. The program gives the industry a possibility to develop, analyze and evaluate constructions and models more efficient.The purpose of this master thesis is to identify and increase the knowledge about the main challenges in the hydraulic steering system in an articulated forklift. The hydraulic system has been modelled in the simulation software Hopsan and validated against data from measurements performed on the forklift. The different challenges have been identified based on tests and the simulation results. For a deeper understanding of the system a literature study, mainly about the key components, has been done during the master thesis. A number of suggestions for improvement have been developed with focus on increasing the steering performance. The concepts and ideas have been evaluated and tested in the simulation model.The project resulted in a validated simulation model of the articulation and a number of suggested improvements on the hydraulic steering system.
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Ridder, Bernardus. "Lifted heuristics : towards more scalable planning systems." Thesis, King's College London (University of London), 2014.

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In this work we present a new lifted forward-chaining planning system which uses new heuristics and introduces novel pruning techniques which can solve problem instances which - until now - cannot be solved by contemporary planners due to grounding. State-of-the-art planning systems rely on grounding, enumerating all possible actions, before search can begin. Grounding is a necessary step for these planners because their domain analysis, heuristic computation, pruning strategies and even search strategies need this information as a prerequisite. This grounding step is an essential step for most (if not all) state-of-the-art planning systems. A few planning systems use lazy evaluation which means that an action is only grounded when it is needed. But in these strategies, for most domains, the set of actions that need to be grounded are all the actions so this does not solve the underlying problem. This thesis presents two new heuristics - called lifted relaxed planning graph heuristic and lifted causal graph heuristic - that do not require the planning domain to be grounded. This makes our planning system applicable to larger problem instances because we have smaller memory constraints compared to state-of-the-art forward chaining planners. Heuristics have been presented in the past which did not require grounding (for example least-commitment planners like Partial-Order Planners), but the weakness of their heuristics prevents them to compete with the state of the art. The heuristics presented in this thesis compare favourably to the state-of-the-art. We build on previous work done on symmetry breaking in order to abstract the planning problem and prune the search space. Symmetry relationships explored in the past are quite restrictive and are only useful in problems which are highly symmetrical. We relax this definition and build upon almost symmetry which finds more symmetrical relationships and allows us to construct the data structures like the lifted relaxed planning graph and lifted transition graph using less memory and time.
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Broodryk, Ryan. "The Lifted Heston Stochastic Volatility Model." Master's thesis, Faculty of Commerce, 2021.

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Can we capture the explosive nature of volatility skew observed in the market, without resorting to non-Markovian models? We show that, in terms of skew, the Heston model cannot match the market at both long and short maturities simultaneously. We introduce Abi Jaber (2019)'s Lifted Heston model and explain how to price options with it using both the cosine method and standard Monte-Carlo techniques. This allows us to back out implied volatilities and compute skew for both models, confirming that the Lifted Heston nests the standard Heston model. We then produce and analyze the skew for Lifted Heston models with a varying number N of mean reverting terms, and give an empirical study into the time complexity of increasing N. We observe a weak increase in convergence speed in the cosine method for increased N, and comment on the number of factors to implement for practical use.
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Appleton, Catherine. "Life after life imprisonment." Thesis, University of Oxford, 2008.

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Borhidai, András. "Models for Life Cycle Cost Estimation of Spare and Wear Parts for Urban Gondola Lift Systems : A Case Study." Thesis, Luleå tekniska universitet, Institutionen för ekonomi, teknik och samhälle, 2019.

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Urban gondola lift systems are becoming a regular sight rather than a rarity throughout the globe. Authors attribute their increasing popularity to factors such as environmental sustainability, operational reliability and cost efficiency compared to other right-of-way transit solutions. Replacing conventional modes of transit with urban gondolas cannot however be achieved without tackling several operational challenges. As potential new operators often lack the human resources and knowledge base required to successfully man, operate and maintain systems, they turn to manufacturers for increased after-sale support. Companies of the Doppelmayr Garaventa Group, the world’s largest manufacturer of gondola lifts, responded to these demand patterns by offering complete operations & maintenance contracts which, among other services, include the delivery and installation of reserve components. Calculating the total cost of such components for the life cycle of a system however still proves to be demanding and requires new computational models to increase its efficiency. The applicative purpose of this paper was thus set to formulate a model that is capable of performing life cycle cost calculations for components of urban gondola lift systems, according to a set of criterion defined by industrial entities. Its research aim is accordingly to answer questions about how concurrent instruments are set up, what models does contemporary research regard as efficient in similar industries and whether these models are able to enhance life cycle cost calculation capability within the urban gondola lift market. These aims were achieved through an analysis of current company practices, followed by the formulation of two new model alternatives based on a review of contemporary scientific literature, and concluded by an iterative process wherein the two alternatives were compared to each other in terms of performance and then merged to combine the best performing features of each version. Through a second iteration, the merged model was then compared to current instruments and established as the superior choice, using industry criteria. The paper concludes by resolving the research questions it set out to answer and making further recommendations for the direction of future research and studies.
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Brackman, Levi. "Fostering Purpose in Life / Meaning in Life Across the Life Span." Thesis, Australian Catholic University, 2017.

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This thesis addresses the idea of purpose and meaning in life and how it can be intentionally fostered across the lifespan. Purpose and meaning in life, as it relates to well-being, is considered by some scholars to be the highest-level construct from which all other lower-level constructs of well-being flow (Kashdan & McKnight, 2009). As this thesis will demonstrate, purpose is highly correlated with many other desirable outcomes that are vital for living a life of flourishing, thriving and wellness. Given the importance of purpose in life as it relates to wellness, health and psychological wellbeing, this thesis is concerned with whether purpose in life can be intentionally fostered within the human condition, especially for those who have a deficit of it. To achieve this, my thesis contains three studies: I. A psychometric study that seeks to validate well-known purpose in life instruments and then create a new purpose in life instrument that is a common core that covers areas of the construct of purpose/meaning in life that exist in disparate meaning and purpose scales. II. Test a purpose in life fostering intervention in a youth/ school based sample using a quasi-experimental design. III. Test a purpose in life fostering instrument in an adult sample of people fifty years old and above using a randomized control trial. Considering this my thesis seeks to satisfy the following four aims: 1. To arrive at a well-founded theoretical definition of the construct of meaning and purpose in life. 2. To find a way that purpose in life and meaning in life can be adequately and empirically measured. 3. To test whether purpose in life can be fostered in youth using an evidence based purpose-fostering coaching curriculum within a high school setting. 4. To study whether, using an evidence based intervention, purpose in life can be intentionally fostered in an adult sample. The first two aims, a) establishing a definition for the construct of interest and b) establishing a valid instrument with which the construct of interest can be measured, were prerequisites for being able to test whether purpose in life could be intentionally fostered. Aims three and four used the first two aims as a predicate to test the main hypothesis of whether purpose in life can be intentionally fostered in the human condition across the lifespan. To accomplish these goals, the literature, as it relates to the definition of purpose in life, was analyzed and a novel approach to defining purpose was suggested. This approach takes meaning and purpose into consideration and argues that meaning and purpose are two elements that are intrinsic to the domain space of meaning in life and purpose in life. As I argue in the thesis from both a theoretical and an empirical perspective, meaning and purpose are, in fact, two inseparable aspects of one construct. One cannot have meaning without purpose and one cannot have purpose without meaning. To test the efficacy of any treatment on a dependent variable, it is vital to have valid instruments that can measure any potential change in the construct of interest. To accomplish this, data were collected to carry out a full scale psychometric evaluation of four well-known purpose in life survey instruments. I discovered that some of the instruments performed better than others. In addition, since youth were a primary population of interest in these studies, it was important to know whether instruments created for adults would work well on a youth sample. Thus, psychometric analysis was carried out on data that were collected from a youth sample. Out of the four instruments that were analyzed, I was able to extract a number of items that together had solid psychometric properties, and, as a group, represented a common core of construct of purpose in life found in the individual instruments analyzed. The resulting measure is apparently the first purpose in life instrument created for, and tested on, a youth population. In addition, this new instrument apparently is the first short-form purpose in life survey designed specifically to cover full conceptual space of the domain space that makes up the construct of purpose in life. To test whether purpose in life can be fostered across the lifespan, a specially created and internet-based purpose-fostering treatment was formulated and tested. One version of this purpose-fostering treatment was created for youth and another was created for adults. Both treatments were similar to each other in key ways. Studies to test the efficacy of this purpose-fostering intervention were then carried out with both youth populations in schools and with adults ages 50+. For the youth study, a three group quasi-experimental, pretest/posttest design was conducted in two high achieving secondary schools in Sydney, Australia. This study was able to test my hypothesis that a purpose in life intervention can intentionally foster purpose in youth within a high school educational environment. The results of the study supported this hypothesis. For the adult study, a full randomized controlled trial with adults over 50 years of age was conducted to assess whether purpose in life can be intentionally fostered in an adult sample. The adult study had three data collection points: pretest, posttest, and long-term follow-up, which occurred twelve weeks following the conclusion of the treatment. Key to my hypothesis was that there would be an Aptitude Treatment Interaction (ATI), where those who started lower on the construct of purpose in life would gain more from the treatment than those who already tested high on purpose in life at baseline. This hypothesis was supported in both studies. In the adult study, however, even those who started high on purpose in life benefitted from the treatment. In addition, I hypothesized that participants would gain in other areas of well-being as they gained in purpose in life. This hypothesis was supported amongst participants in the adult study but, surprisingly, was weakly supported in the youth study. Results of the adult study similarly supported the hypothesis that purpose in life can be intentionally fostered in adults using a purpose in life treatment. In addition, it demonstrated that those who started lower on the construct of purpose in life benefited more than those who started off higher. The longitudinal nature of the data collection also allowed me to demonstrate that the treatment effect lasted well beyond the end of the treatment and was still discernable three months post-treatment. The implications of this research from both a theoretical and practical point of view are far-ranging and impactful. From a theoretical perspective, I have shown that meaning and purpose in life are actually one construct. This finding adds weight to the argument that for one to have purpose, one must also have a sense of coherence and meaning in life. From a practical perspective, this finding will inform the work of policy makers, practitioners and educators who want to create measures to test for purpose in life. It should also inform the work of those creating interventions, workshops and treatments to foster purpose in life within the human condition. In addition, the finding that an intervention can be used to foster purpose in life, especially within those who are low on purpose, will have significant implications for educators, mental health workers and policy makers. The knowledge that an evidence based intervention can intentionally foster purpose in those who lack it should lead to the creation and implementation of purpose interventions in schools, senior centers and in mental healthcare workers’ offices and practices the world over. Given the huge deficits associated with not having purpose in life, this finding has the potential of making a practical difference in the field of mental health and positive psychology.
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Snider, David E. "Architecture is Life... ...Life is Architecture." Thesis, Virginia Tech, 2001.

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When thinking about architecture, I cannot help but think about my life and the things that have affected my life. How does the environment around us effect the daily decisions we make? How do the experiences throughout our life impact who we are and who we become? The people and surroundings we choose will ultimately decide the type of people we become. When we select our surroundings we are in turn selecting our ideal community. Everyone is trying to achieve community in some sense, from individuals to city planners. Council members, politicians, city officials... make decisions everyday based on their idea of what community is to them and their citizens.

In the following pages I will design a community and put in place the elements for it to prosper and grow...
Master of Architecture

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Kreuzer, Judith [Verfasser]. "Borcherds lifts and Maaß lifts on the paramodular group of level 3 / Judith Kreuzer." Aachen : Hochschulbibliothek der Rheinisch-Westfälischen Technischen Hochschule Aachen, 2014.

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Makelov, Aleksandar A. "Expansion in Lifts of Graphs." Thesis, Harvard University, 2015.

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The central goal of this thesis is to better understand, and explicitly construct, expanding towers G_1,G_2,..., which are expander families with the additional constraint that G_{n+1} is a lift of G_n. A lift G of H is a graph that locally looks like H, but globally may be different; lifts have been proposed as a more structured setting for elementary explicit constructions of expanders, and there have recently been promising results in this direction by Marcus, Spielman and Srivastava [MSS13], Bilu and Linial [BL06], and Rozenman, Shalev and Wigderson [RSW06]; besides that, expansion in lifts is related to the Unique Games Conjecture (e.g., Arora et al [AKK+08]). We develop the basic theory of spectral expanders and lifts in the generality of directed multigraphs, and give some examples of their applications. We then derive some group-theoretic structural properties of towers, and show that a large class of commonly used graph operations "respect" lifts. These two insights allow us to give a different perspective on an existing construction [RSW06], show that standard iterative constructions of expanders can be adjusted to give expander towers almost "for free", and give a new elementary construction, along the lines of Ben-Aroya and Ta-Shma [BATS11], of a fully-explicit expanding tower of almost optimal spectral expanders.
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Kim, Jung-Suk. "Life." The Ohio State University, 1996.

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Neal, Deborah. "Life after stroke : 'a life I like' and 'a life to live'." Thesis, Bournemouth University, 2017.

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This doctoral thesis describes, critically evaluates and reflects on the development and evaluation of an innovative approach to supporting individuals after a stroke. This approach consists of; a once-weekly, twelve week, stroke self-management programme consisting of interactive information provision, rehabilitation and exercise in an environment of peer and caregiver support called ‘ASPIRE’ – an acronym for Acute stroke, Self-management support, secondary Prevention, Information, Rehabilitation and Exercise. The development of the ASPIRE programme was influenced by interviews with those involved in the ASPIRE programme and the process and results of a primary research evaluation using mixed methods. The aim of this two phase evaluation was to 1) identify participants’ views as to the outcomes of attending the ASPIRE programme, using a grounded theory approach and 2) identify whether those outcomes could be assessed using currently existing standardised validated tools. Three key themes were identified; A life I like – the confidence to do the everyday activities important to a person after a stroke; Changing hearts and minds – the confidence, knowledge and health behaviour change to reduce vascular risk after stroke and In the same boat – the benefits of peer support for stroke survivors and caregivers. These themes were used to select relevant standardised validated tools; the Stroke Knowledge Test (SKT), Stroke Self Efficacy Questionnaire (SSEQ), Cerebrovascular Attitudes and Beliefs Scale (CABS-R), Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS) and Caregiver Strain Index (CSI). Statistically significant gains were identified in the SKT and HADS – depression score. The tools were useful and sensitive to change; however, the SSEQ had a ceiling effect with this cohort and the CABS-R was found difficult to use. Although existing outcome tools may not adequately measure new multi-factorial post-stroke interventions such as the ASPIRE programme, the unique contributions of this doctoral thesis to the body of knowledge are that; • An enabling culture, that includes peer support for stroke survivors and caregivers, helps individuals to move forward after stroke. • Support for self-generated goal planning, based on a ‘life-thread’ approach, may improve outcomes from stroke survivors’ perspectives. • Supporting individuals to develop the confidence, knowledge and health behaviours to reduce vascular risk can be an integral and complementary part of rehabilitation after stroke. A multi-factorial programme to enable life after stroke should therefore include both rehabilitation “A life I like” and secondary prevention “A life to live”. • Individually tailored exercise programmes to support rehabilitation and secondary prevention can be used with groups of stroke survivors with a wide range of deficits.
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Kisynski, Jacek Jerzy. "Aggregation and constraint processing in lifted probabilistic inference." Thesis, University of British Columbia, 2010.

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Representations that mix graphical models and first-order logic - called either first-order or relational probabilistic models — were proposed nearly twenty years ago and many more have since emerged. In these models, random variables are parameterized by logical variables. One way to perform inference in first-order models is to propositionalize the model, that is, to explicitly consider every element from the domains of logical variables. This approach might be intractable even for simple first-order models. The idea behind lifted inference is to carry out as much inference as possible without propositionalizing. An exact lifted inference procedure for first-order probabilistic models was developed by Poole [2003] and later extended to a broader range of problems by de Salvo Braz et al. [2007]. The C-FOVE algorithm by Milch et al. [2008] expanded the scope of lifted inference and is currently the state of the art in exact lifted inference. In this thesis we address two problems related to lifted inference: aggregation in directed first-order probabilistic models and constraint processing during lifted inference. Recent work on exact lifted inference focused on undirected models. Directed first-order probabilistic models require an aggregation operator when a parent random variable is parameterized by logical variables that are not present in a child random variable. We introduce a new data structure, aggregation parfactors, to describe aggregation in directed first-order models. We show how to extend the C-FOVE algorithm to perform lifted inference in the presence of aggregation parfactors. There are cases where the polynomial time complexity (in the domain size of logical variables) of the C-FOVE algorithm can be reduced to logarithmic time complexity using aggregation parfactors. First-order models typically contain constraints on logical variables. Constraints are important for capturing knowledge regarding particular individuals. However, the impact of constraint processing on computational efficiency of lifted inference has been largely overlooked. In this thesis we develop an efficient algorithm for counting the number of solutions to the constraint satisfaction problems encountered during lifted inference. We also compare, both theoretically and empirically, different ways of handling constraints during lifted inference.
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Richard, Jean-Philippe P. "Lifted inequalities for 0-1 mixed integer programming." Diss., Georgia Institute of Technology, 2002.

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li, zhiliang. "EXPERIMENTAL AND CFD INVESTIGATIONS OF LIFTED TRIBRACHIAL FLAMES." Doctoral diss., University of Central Florida, 2010.

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Experimental measurements of the lift-off velocity and lift-off height, and numerical simulations were conducted on the liftoff and stabilization phenomena of laminar jet diffusion flames of inert-diluted C3H8 and CH4 fuels. Both non-reacting and reacting jets were investigated, including effects of multi-component diffusivities and heat release (buoyancy and gas expansion). The role of Schmidt number for non-reacting jets was investigated, with no conclusive Schmidt number criterion for liftoff previously known in similarity solutions. The cold-flow simulation for He-diluted CH4 fuel does not predict flame liftoff; however, adding heat release reaction leads to the prediction of liftoff, which is consistent with experimental observations. Including reaction was also found to improve liftoff height prediction for C3H8 flames, with the flame base location differing from that in the similarity solution - the intersection of the stoichiometric and iso-velocity contours is not necessary for flame stabilization (and thus lift-off). Possible mechanisms other than that proposed for similarity solution may better help to explain the stabilization and liftoff phenomena. The stretch rate at a wide range of isotherms near the base of the lifted tribrachial flame were also quantitatively plotted and analyzed.
Department of Mechanical, Materials and Aerospace Engineering
Engineering and Computer Science
Mechanical Engineering PhD
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Chu, Pengbo. "Discrete element method modelling of pulp lifter performance." Thesis, McGill University, 2012. http://digitool.Library.McGill.CA:80/R/?func=dbin-jump-full&object_id=106300.

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Pulp lifter assembly is one of the important components at the discharge ends of grate-discharge grinding mills. It discharges grinded materials out through the discharge trunnion like a centrifugal pump running in the reverse direction to that required by a pump. Though it is widely known conventional pulp lifter design associates with drawbacks that cause inefficient discharge operation, little has been done to understand the causes of this particular happening. With the aim to better understand the effects of different pulp lifter designs on the discharge performance and also establish strategies for future design and operation of such equipment, this work is initiated.Three types of industry scaled pulp lifter designs, including two conventional designs and a new design, were comparably studied using Discrete Element Method (DEM) modeling technique. The discharge performances of these designs were evaluated against three criteria which include discharge rate, power consumption, and flow-back/carry-over. The results have shown that pulp lifter assembly with spiral designed radial arms possesses better discharge performance than that with straight radial arms. The discharge performances of three types of designs are also found to be sensitive to some specific design and operating parameters, such as number of vanes, mill rotational speed, the size of particle, and the coefficients of friction. Based on the results, five guidelines on future design and operation of pulp lifter assembly were established.
L'assemblage du releveur de pates est l'une des composantes importantes à la sortie de grille termine-décharge des broyeurs. Il décharge des matériaux broyés à travers le tourillon de la décharge comme une pompe centrifuge fonctionnant en sens inverse à celui requis par une pompe. Bien qu'il soit largement connu conventionnels associés de pâte de conception lifter avec des inconvénients qui causent opération de décharge inefficaces, peu de travaux ont été fait pour comprendre les causes de cet événement particulier. Dans le but de mieux comprendre les effets des différentes conceptions du releveur pates sur la performance de décharge et également établir des stratégies pour la conception et l'exploitation futures d'un tel équipement, ce travail est lancé.Trois types de conceptions de releveur de pates d'industrie à l'échelle ont été étudiés, y compris deux conceptions classiques et un nouveau design, à l'aide de technique de modélisation méthode des éléments discrets (MED). Les performances de décharge de ces dessins ont été évalués en fonction de trois critères, qui comprennent le taux de décharge, la consommation d'énergie, et flow-back/carry-over. Les résultats ont montré que l'assemblage de pâte-lève comprenant des bras radiaux conçus en spirale possède une meilleure performance que celle de décharge avec des bras radiaux droits. Les performances de décharge de trois types de conceptions sont également trouvés à être sensibles à certains paramètres spécifiques de conception et d'exploitation, telles que le nombre d'aubes, la vitesse de rotation moulin, la taille des particules, et les coefficients de frottement. Basé sur les résultats, cinq lignes directrices sur la conception et le fonctionnement futurs de l'assemblage pâte-lève ont été établis.
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Hülse, Eduardo Otte. "Robust production optimization of gas-lifted oil fields." reponame:Repositório Institucional da UFSC, 2015.

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Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Tecnológico, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia de Automação e Sistemas, Florianópolis, 2015.
Made available in DSpace on 2016-02-09T03:08:04Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 337432.pdf: 1873519 bytes, checksum: 40fce035101e01804e1bc88f7e1ea3a5 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015
Com a crescente demanda por energia fóssil as operadoras petrolíferas têm buscado determinar planos operacionais que otimizam a produção dos campos em operação para satisfazer a demanda do mercado e reduzir os custos operacionais. Neste contexto, a pesquisa operacional tem se mostrado uma importante ferramenta para determinação dos planos de produção de curto prazo para campos de petróleo complexos. Alguns trabalhos já desenvolveram estratégias para a otimização integrada da produção que visam auxiliar engenheiros de produção e operadores a atingir condições de operação ótimas. Estes avanços científicos atestam o potencial da área de otimização integrada da produção de campos, justificando a busca por estratégias de otimização global e integradas de ativos. Contudo, a incerteza dos parâmetros que caracterizam o reservatório, os poços, fluidos e os diversos processos de produção não vem sendo considerada pelos modelos e algoritmos de otimização da produção diária. Considerando os modelos de produção de curto prazo, estas incertezas podem ser atribuídas a erros de medição , comportamento oscilatório dos sistemas, modelos imprecisos, entre outros. A influência da incerteza dos parâmetros em problemas de otimização tem, desde tempos, sido foco da comunidade de programação matemática. E já foi verificado que soluções de problemas de otimização podem apresentar significativa sensibilidade à pertubações nos parâmetros do dado problema, podendo levar a soluções não factíveis, subótimas ou ambas. Assim, buscando tornar as abordagens de otimização existentes mais confiáveis e robustas às incertezas intrínsecas dos sistemas de produção, esta dissertação investiga a modelagem e tratamento de incertezas na otimização diária da produção e propõe formulações em programação matemática para otimização robusta da produção de poços operados por gas-lift. As formulações representam curvas amostradas através de dados simulados ou medidos que refletem as incertezas dos sistemas de produção. Estas representações levam a formulações robustas em programação matemática inteira mista obtidas pela aproximação das curvas de produção através de linearização por partes. Além disso, este trabalho apresenta os resultados de uma analise computacional comparativa da aplicação da formulação robusta e da formulação nominal a um campo de petróleo em ambiente de simulação, porém considerando simuladores multifásicos amplamente empregados pela indústria do petróleo e gás, que representam a fenomenologia muito próximo da realidade. O primeiro capítulo apresenta a problemática em que estão envolvidos os desenvolvimentos realizados nesta dissertação e um resumo dos capítulos subsequentes. No segundo capítulo alguns conceitos fundamentais são apresentados para a compreensão do trabalho desenvolvido. Este capítulo é dividido em três partes. A primeira parte inicia apresentando brevemente a indústria de petróleo e gás com uma perspectiva histórica, econômica e dos processos envolvidos. Na sequência são expostos conceitos básicos de engenharia de petróleo necessários para o entendimento do sistema de produção utilizado ao longo a dissertação  i.e. gas-lift. Finalmente, o problema de otimização da produção é situado dentro do problema maior, que é o gerenciamento completo das operações de um campo de petróleo, seguido de uma revisão da literatura no que se refere a abordagens clássicas para otimização da produção de campos operados por gas-lift. A segunda parte é uma descrição compacta sobre modelagem de problemas de otimização utilizando programação matemática e na menção dos métodos de solução deste tipo de problema utilizados na parte experimental desta dissertação. A terceira parte começa com uma revisão sobre incerteza em problemas de otimização e sobre as decisões de modelagem enfrentadas quando na presença de problemas de otimização incertos. Na sequência o paradigma de otimização robusta é introduzido e é apresentada uma compilação de alguns dos principais resultados da área de otimização robusta linear. Além disso, ao fim, alguns pontos específicos da teoria de otimização robusta são apresentados pela suas relevâncias para o desenvolvimento da teoria dos capítulos seguintes. O terceiro capítulo inicia com uma discussão sobre as origens das incertezas nos modelos de produção para então prover uma revisão bibliográfica dos poucos trabalhos que mencionam ou lidam com incerteza em sistemas de produção. Na sequência, a incerteza é examinada na perspectiva do problema de otimização. Um sistema simples é usado para exemplificar a metodologia de otimização robusta desenvolvida nesta dissertação. O quarto capítulo apresenta dois problemas padrões de otimização da produção, um contendo poços satélites e outro com poços e completação submarina. Para ambos uma formulação em programação linear inteira mista é descrita considerando valores nominais para todos os parâmetros. Então, para cada problema uma reformulação robusta é implementada considerando incerteza nas curvas de produção do poço. A metodologia utilizada para o primeiro problema é a mesma detalhada no capítulo três, e para o segundo uma extensão da metodologia é proposta para poder lidar com restrições de igualdade incertas. No quinto capítulo são apresentados resultados experimentais de um problema de otimização da produção de um campo com poços satélites. Os resultados obtidos com otimização clássica (nominal) e com otimização robusta são então comparados em um campo de produção sintético instanciado em um simulador multifásico comercial. A solução robusta se mostrou indicada para cenários de operação mais críticos onde factibilidade e segurança são prioridade. No capítulo final uma análise dos resultados obtidos na dissertação é feita sob a perspectiva do possível emprego das técnicas desenvolvidas na indústria de óleo e gás. Apesar de à primeira vista os resultados serem conservadores e de sua utilização parecer limitada, existe potencial para a metodologia ser empregada no caso de situações que priorizam segurança. Além disso a metodologia aqui desenvolvida pode servir como ponto inicial para pesquisas e desenvolvimentos futuros. Uma breve descrição de possíveis trabalhos futuros é feita ao final deste capítulo. O apêndice traz a descrição de algoritmos de amostragem de curvas côncavas desenvolvidos para os experimentos numéricos realizados na dissertação.

Abstract : Managing production of complex oil fields with multiple wells and coupled constraints remains a challenge for oil and gas operators. Some technical works developed strategies for integrated production optimization to assist production engineers in reaching best operating conditions. However, these works have neglected the uncertainties in the well-performance curves and production processes, which may have a significant impact on the operating practices. The uncertainties may be attributed to measurement errors, oscillating behavior, and model inaccuracy, among others. To this end, this dissertation investigates how uncertainty might be considered in daily production optimization and proposes formulations in mathematical programming for robust production optimization of gas-lifted oil fields. The formulations represent system-measured and simulated sample curves that reflect the underlying uncertainties of the production system. The representations lead to robust mixed-integer linear programming formulations obtained from piecewise-linear approximation of the production functions. Further, this work presents results from a computational analysis of the application of the robust and nominal formulations to a representative oil fields available in simulation software.
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Vong, Man Ieng. "Quality of work life and life satisfaction." Thesis, University of Macau, 2006.

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Skelly, Michael V. "Fatigue life program using strain-life methods." Thesis, Monterey, Calif. : Springfield, Va. : Naval Postgraduate School ; Available from National Technical Information Service, 1993.

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Gerhold, Malte D. G. "The meaningful life and the good life." Thesis, University of Oxford, 2004.

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Keanie, Andrew. "William Wordsworth : a life beyond a life." Thesis, University of Ulster, 1999.

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Lysowski, Mark Robert. "Groundbreaking: art-making life; life-making art." The Ohio State University, 1987.

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Bernard, Julia M., Amber Seidel, Mary Oglesby, and Colleen Pagnan. "Mothers in HDFS Academic Life: When Your Professional Life and Real Life Intertwine." Digital Commons @ East Tennessee State University, 2018.

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Abdalsadig, M. "Gas lift optimization utilising automation gas lift valve." Thesis, University of Salford, 2017.

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Gas lift is one of the most common forms of artificial lift, particularly for offshore wells. This is due to its relative downhole simplicity, flexibility, reliability, and ability in operating over a wide range of flow rates with the limited well head space. Generally, Gas lift optimization can reduce the operating cost with increase in the Net Present Value (NPV) and maximization of the recovery from the asset. All of the previous researches have reported that conventional gas lift technologies’ designs have limitations on gas lift valve. Nonetheless, traditional gas lift technologies that were designed and developed in 1950’s do not have resistance when subjected to high temperature and high pressure in subsea wells. This therefore unable the flows of the gas lift to be coherently controlled. Moreover, gas-lifted oil wells can lead to failure unless a smart gas lift valve unit is used in the controlling the amount of the gas inside the tubing string. In this study, an automation gas lift valve unit with the corresponding control line was experimentally simulated on a dedicated apparatus. This enables real-time data on the gas lift valve to the surface to be demonstrated and accordingly analyzed. Under the conventional method of practice the injection pressure of the gas is normally used in operation of the valve. Whereas in this investigation the port size of the gas lift valve was remotely adjusted from the assumed surface using the apparatus. A devoted computer program LabVIEW was also used in determination of the gas passage through the smart gas lift valve, thus distilling the real time data. The results have shown those optimizations are achievable at high gas injection pressure when 87 psi is used and when the valve is 15% open (or 0.95mm port size diameter). Also, the wellhead pressure reaches to the minimum value of 0.9 psi in which high-pressure drop between the reservoir pressure and the top surface will occur. Throughout this investigation, water was used as a working fluid since the column of corresponding water in petroleum production tubing has the highest hydrostatic pressure of 2.8 psig compared with crude oil. Hence, during the gas lift process crude oil will be less cumbersome to produce than water. The results present the maximum production rate of 18.3 lit/min (with 83% improvement on production) could be achieved. The results obtained experimentally were also used in constructing an economic analysis from the use of smart gas lift valve for different scenarios namely: (i) in gas lift natural flow and (ii) the gas lift wells. It was demonstrated that the flow rate can be enhanced from 91bbl/day to 166.5 bbl/day for the gas lift natural flow, and from ‘Zero’ (or non-production) to165.6 bbl/day for the gas lift well. Based on these results, the NPV of the gas lift natural flow will be approximately $2793 on $37 per barrel and for the gas lift well will be about $6127.2.
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Bumblauskas, Giedrius. "Dispečerizacija ir liftų panaudojimo efektyvumo tyrimas." Master's thesis, Lithuanian Academic Libraries Network (LABT), 2008.

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Energijos sąnaudų mažinimas tampa vis aktualesne problema, kuri turi būti sprendžiama visose energetikos srityse. Efektyviai naudojamas įrenginys turi ne tik kokybiškai atlikti savo funkcijas, bet tai padaryti su kuo mažesnėmis išlaidomis. Šiuo metu Lietuvoje naudojama daugiau nei 5 tūkstančiai keleivinių liftų, dauguma iš jų pradėti eksploatuoti daugiau kaip prieš 25 metus ir jau gerokai viršija gamintojo rekomenduojamą amžių. Šio darbo tikslas – išanalizuoti Šiaulių miesto keleivinių liftų sistemos darbą, įvertinti nuostolius dėl nepakankamo įrenginių išnaudojimo, bei nustatyti jų atsiradimo priežastis ir šiuolaikinio patikimumo įrenginių pritaikymo galimybes. Statistinių duomenų apie liftų gedimus analizė buvo atliekama panaudojant programinį paketą STATISTICA. Keleivinių liftų gedimų atstatymo trukmės pasiskirstę pagal logaritminį – normalinį, o trukmės tarp gedimų – eksponentinį skirstinius. Tokie skirstiniai būdingi normalios eksploatacijos laikotarpiu, tačiau maža negedimo tikimybė (0,28), trumpas laikas tarp gedimų (1030 val.) ir didelis gedimų dažnis rodo, kad artėja trečiasis darbo periodas – senėjimo ir dilimo prosesas. Įvertinus dispečerizacijos įtaką paaiškėjo, kad šis būdas pagerina pataisomumo rodiklius, tačiau reikalinga išsamesnė pagrindinių mazgų nuotolinė kontrolė. Buvo įvertintos liftų aptarnavimo išlaidos. Didžiąją dalį išlaidų 86,7 % dispečerizuotiems ir 87,6 % nedispečerizuotiems liftams sudaro remonto išlaidos. Vartotojai (keleiviai) dėl liftų prastovų... [toliau žr. visą tekstą]
Decreasing energy input however becomes a problem, which can be solved in all energetic countries. Mechanisms effectively are not using qualitatively and correspond at the functions, but they have to do it in less expense. Today in Lithuania is using more than 5 thousand passengers’ lifts, they were begin to use before 25 years and now they are exceed producer in recommended time. This work purpose is to analyze Šiauliai city elevators’ system work, to evaluate damage for mechanisms’ using and to find out originate reasons and security mechanisms using choice for the following days. The statistics information about elevators’ breakdown analysis was done by the program packet STATISTICS. The elevators’ breakdown origin duration was repartitioned by log - normal and the term between breakdowns by exponential. They are normal in exploitation time, but chance of none breakdowns (0,28), the short time thought breakdowns (1030 hours) and a lot number of breakdowns show that the third period comes with obsolescence and wane processes. The dispatching influence was evaluated and developed that this manner makes better indexes but the basics node control is needed. Elevators’ using expenses were valuated. The huge part of expenses 86,7% dispatching and 87,6% not dispatching lifts compose repair expenses. Users have damage by outage of lifts, which make 0,2 % and 0,7% expenses. The repair reasons are not trust the mechanisms. The security of using to days technologies need to increase:... [to full text]
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Trubáček, Jan. "Vybrané futures kontrakty obchodované na LIFFE." Master's thesis, Vysoká škola ekonomická v Praze, 2006.

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Teoreticko-metodologická část: Charakteristiky futures kontraktů, specifika STIR futures, specifika LIFFE Aplikační část: Analýza tržní struktury STIR futures na LIFFE, doporučení k obchodování na LIFFE
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Kahya, Ali Cenk. "Analyzing The Design Of Submersible Lifted Deviated Oil Wells." Master's thesis, METU, 2005.

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Electrical Submersible Pumping (ESP) is a well known artificial lift technique in reservoirs having high-water cut and low gas-oil ratio. It is known as an effective and economical method of producing large volumes of fluid under different well conditions. ESP equipments are capable of producing in a range of 200 b/d to 60.000 b/d. A case study was done, by designing 10 deviated or horizontal wells selected from the Y-oilfield in Western Siberia. SubPUMP software developed by IHS Energy is used for designing the ESP systems of these wells. These 10 wells will be working with variable speed drives. After selecting the available equipment from the inventory, the best running frequencies are selected for these wells. Evaluations of the designs are made from the pump performance graphs of each well. The pumps should work within their optimum efficiency ranges. These ranges can be seen from the pump performance curves. If the designs made are not within these efficiency ranges, designs should be evaluated and selecting new equipment should be should be an option. Because working outside the optimum efficiency ranges will decrease the production, shorten the runlifes of the pumps and the production will not be stable.
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Rønning, Rasmus. "Automatic Start-up and Control of Artificially Lifted Wells." Thesis, Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet, Institutt for teknisk kybernetikk, 2011.

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Artificial lift in oil wells using a downhole pump has received much attentionthe last decades and is established as a reliable and efficient liftingmethod. In particular, artificial lift using an electric submersible pump(EPS) has proven to be an important alternative in deep wells with highproduction rate requirements.This thesis investigate the problem of controlling the ESP intake pressureunder rigid ESP operational constraints and input requirements, using theESP frequency and choke position as control inputs.A mathematical model of a system containing ESP lifted wells is createdand a control strategy that fulfil the control requirements is proposed.The model is an extension of the ESP model developed by Amundsen(2010) andcontain four ESP lifted wells. Mathematical proof of open-loop stabilityis derived based on analysis of a linearized well model. Also, closed-loopstability for the linearized model is proved based on frequency analysis.The proposed control strategy is tested on the model in a range of differentcase study. The control system display a capability of minimizing thecontrol error while keeping the ESP operated within the given constraints,with an optimal combination of control inputs. Simulation results indicatethat the proposed control strategy is capable of handling a step-changein ESP intake pressure, ESP tripping, and ESP and booster-pump start-up/shut-down.
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Burgess, Christopher Paul. "Investigation of lifted flames in a controlled co-flow." Thesis, Queen Mary, University of London, 2000.

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Talamantes, Alonso. "Lifted equality cuts for the multiple knapsack equality problem." Thesis, Kansas State University, 2017.

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Master of Science
Department of Industrial and Manufacturing Systems Engineering
Todd W. Easton
Integer programming is an important discipline in operation research that positively impacts society. Unfortunately, no algorithm currently exists to solve IP's in polynomial time. Researchers are constantly developing new techniques, such as cutting planes, to help solve IPs faster. For example, DeLissa discovered the existence of equality cuts limited to zero and one coefficients for the multiple knapsack equality problem (MKEP). An equality cut is an improper cut because every feasible point satisfies the equality. However, such a cut always reduces the dimension of the linear relaxation space by at least one. This thesis introduces lifted equality cuts, which can have coefficients greater than or equal to two. Two main theorems provide the conditions for the existence of lifted equalities. These theorems provide the foundation for The Algorithm of Lifted Equality Cuts (ALEC), which finds lifted equality cuts in quadratic time. The computational study verifies the benefit of lifted equality cuts in random MKEP instances. ALEC generated millions of lifted equality cuts and reduced the solution time by an average of 15%. To the best of the author's knowledge, ALEC is the first algorithm that has found over 30.7 million cuts on a single problem, while reducing the solving time by 18%.
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Saladi, Srikanth. "Modeling Nondeterminism in Program Semantics using Lifted Binary Multirelations." Kent State University / OhioLINK, 2007.

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Dean, H. A. Mark. "Illustrating Life." VCU Scholars Compass, 2006.

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Bäckman, Johan. "Life Aquatic." Thesis, KTH, Arkitektur, 2013.

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Projektet är en stad som ligger mellan Umeå och Vasa (Finland), det är den smalaste delen av Bottniska viken med bara ca 60 km öppet hav. Jag ville undersöka vad det fanns för möjligheter med en stad som utnyttjar sitt läge. Så jag planerade en offshore hamnstad som bygger sig själv och sprider sig. Varför? 60-talets men även samtida megastrukturer planerades ofta för att ge en teknisk lösning på ett visst problem. De här problemen vare sig det är bostadsbrist eller klimatförändring är fortfarande aktuella och lösningarna likaså. Därför ville jag använda min struktur som ett redskap för att testa och reflektera kring dessa idéer för boende. En jurymedlem jämförde mig kritiskt vid en skata som plockat silvret från mina referenser, men det han inte förstod var att jag plockade silvret just för att i min fiktiva värld analysera det. Analysen gjorde jag genom att hitta på invånare som med sinne och själ fick reflektera kring livet i en modul och etc.
The project is a city located between Umeå and Vasa, it is the most narrow part of the Gulf of Bothnia with only 60 km of open waters. I wanted to investigate existing possibilities with a city that exploits its location. So I designed an offshore port city that builds itself and grows. Why? The megastructures of the 60’s but also contemporary ones were often planned to give a technical solution to a certain problem. These problems whether it’s housing shortage or climate change are still current and the solutions as well. This is why I wanted to use my structure as a tool to test and reflect about these concepts of living. A member of the jury critically compared me to a magpie that had picked the silver of my references, but what he didn’t understand was that I had picked the silver to analyze it in my fictional world. I made the analysis by imagining inhabitants that through their mind and soul reflected on life in a module and etc.
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Gibson, Simon John. "Life strategies." Thesis, Royal Holloway, University of London, 2000.

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Shepard, Jennifer L. "Pretend, life." View electronic thesis, 2008.

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Haubold, Johannes Helmut. "Laic life." Thesis, University of Cambridge, 1998.

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Rogers, Leslie. "Stalling Life." VCU Scholars Compass, 2013.

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Using a diagram, glossary, anecdotes, and first-person narrative histories, I explain how I use sculptural installation, image making, and serendipity to exploit the illogical to the point of being meaningful.
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Bennett, Bernardita. "Still life." Tesis, Universidad de Chile, 2011.

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Chávarri, Salazar Tomás, and Kenchington Francisco Pérez. "EMPLOYEE LIFE." Tesis, Universidad de Chile, 2017.

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Tomás Chávarri Salazar [Parte I], Francisco Pérez Kenchington [Parte II]
Esta nueva empresa se caracteriza por su orientación al servicio tecnológico de gestión de capital humano aportando a otras compañías a mejorar su rentabilidad en relación a dos aspectos: 1) Gestión de la información en tiempo real; y 2) búsqueda constante de una adecuada experiencia al cliente. Con ello se pretende consolidar el área de los recursos humanos como un agente importante en el manejo administrativo que permita agregar valor a las empresas. Estas intenciones surgen de la necesidad que hoy tienen las empresas, las cua-les cada vez más invierten en RRHH, se estima que casi el 60% de las empresas ha aumentado su presupuesto en esta línea en los últimos 12 meses (Fuente: Tendencias Globales en Capital Humano 2015, Deloitte University). Y que la adopción de la tecnolo-gía es cada vez más rápida, lo cual permite estar más al tanto de las situaciones y con-textos requeridos un mundo cada vez más conectado. Para poder hacer frente a estos desafíos es que Employee Life busca por medio de su plataforma web de gestión un aliado para las empresas en donde podrán gestionar todo el ambiente de recursos humanos de una simple y mejor manera. Potenciándose como una herramienta social, sacando provecho de sus modelos predictivos, la bús-queda constante de co-creación con el cliente, buscando constantemente la satisfacción del cliente por medio de un buen trabajo de post venta y alta gestión de la información en tiempo real. Esta esta idea se desarrollará por intermedio de dos fuentes de financiamiento: 1) Licenciamiento y 2) Reportería Business Intelligence, buscando apalancar el mo-delo de negocios. Dentro del análisis, tanto de oportunidad de negocios como financiero, se podrá observar la factibilidad del desarrollo tecnológico con un VAN positivo del modelo, utili-zando una TIR de 39,28% (desprendida de Damodaran), evaluado a 6 años. Se pretende ofrecer al nuevo socio inversionista el 48% de la sociedad invirtiendo la suma de 2.523,96 UF, para efectos de equipos y etapa de pre-operación, lo cual eva-luado a 6 año se proyecta una rentabilidad promedio anual de un 37%, lo cual se espe-rará un Future Value de la empresa de un 38.379 UF al final del periodo. Implicando una gran oportunidad de negocios para cualquier inversor.
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Camati, Anna Stegh. "Other life." reponame:Repositório Institucional da UFPR, 2013.

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Resumo: O estudo da cosmovisão de Hughes, inspirada em Lawrence e remontando a Bergson, abre novas perspectivas não exploradas pelos críticos, evidenciando aspectos inéditos em sua poesia. Da mesma maneira que Lawrence, Hughes procura ir alem das aparências exteriores, revelando o próprio processo vital, que e captado somente em raros momentos de percepção intuitiva. 0 objetivo principal de sua poesia e salientar como real idades 'outras ' as criaturas do mundo rião-humano, destacando-as como receptáculos da poderosa força vital existente no uni verso. Insiste em celebrar a vitalidade dos pássaros, animais e plantas, porque considera o homem demasiadamente auto matizado,fato que o impede de viver. Os indícios de degeneração que vê no homem moderno, Hughes os atribui a excessiva mecanização, que reduziu o homem a um autômato, interrompendo o contacto vital com as outras criaturas vivas. Estas ideias, que Lawrence expõe nas obras em prosa, i .e., ensaios, cartas, relatos de viagens, especulações filosóficas, romances e contos são retomadas por Hughes em sua poesia, constituindo não apenas a principal fonte de inspiração, como também a base de sua visão do mundo. Na primeira parte desta dissertação e colocada em relevo a filosofia de Bergson, que foi assimiladas reinterpretada por Lawrence e Hughes, servindo de fundamentação metafísica para a obra de ambos. Na segunda parte traçamos o paralelo existente entre o simbolismo animal de ambos os autores, demonstrando que as metáforas animais de Lawrence, que representam forças instintivas e intuitivas, estão também aparentes em Hughes, evidenciando sua habi1 idade em dar nova forma ao material em que se inspirou, bem como provando que maior compreensão do pensamento de Lawrence possibilita novos enfoques na poemática de Hughes.
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Polo, Guia Elizabeth Keila, Chavez Patricia Giovana Ramos, Castro Miguel Angel Reyes, and Delzo Antony Nilton Serva. "Beautiful Life." Bachelor's thesis, Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC), 2018.

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El presente proyecto tiene como objetivo diseñar y analizar la idea de negocio BEAUTIFUL LIFE, una plataforma web y aplicación que permitirá a los centros estéticos brindar los servicios de belleza a los usuarios según la ubicación más cercana en el menor tiempo posible. Nuestro objetivo es satisfacer las necesidades de frustración e incomodidad de los traslados por el alto nivel de congestión vehicular, tiempos de espera, la poca privacidad de los establecimientos de belleza, poca flexibilidad de horarios y las actividades imprevistas o no programadas generando urgencias de último momento. Según la investigación cualitativa realizada en Lima Metropolitana, los principales servicios utilizados son corte de cabello, depilación, laceado, manicure y pedicure se cubrirá la demanda con nuestra principal ventaja competitiva ser una red interactiva entre los socios estratégicos que conectarán directamente con los usuarios, no tendrán que movilizarse al salón de belleza ni hacer largas colas de espera. El servicio se brindará en la comodidad de tu hogar, oficina u otros lugares apropiados a conveniencia.
The objective of this project is to design and analyze the business idea BEAUTIFUL LIFE, a web platform and application that will allow aesthetic centers to offer beauty services to users according to the closest location in the shortest possible time. Our principal objective is to satisfy the needs of frustration and discomfort of the transfers due to the high level of traffic congestion, waiting times, poor privacy of beauty establishments, little flexibility of schedules and unforeseen or unscheduled activities, generating last-minute urgencies moment. According to the qualitative research conducted in Metropolitan Lima, the main services used are hair cutting, waxing, ironing of hair, manicure and pedicure. The demand will be covered with our main competitive advantage being an interactive network between the strategic partners that will connect directly with the users dont move to the beauty salon or make long waiting lines. The service will be provided in the comfort of your home, office or other appropriate places at your convenience.
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Woxinger, Sköld Linnea. "Life Forms." Thesis, Högskolan i Borås, Institutionen Textilhögskolan, 2013.

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Life Forms is an examination of organic shapes in textile material and garments. The clothes deals with questions of tactile and emotional attraction in fashion, while the project as a whole is an attempt to constantly let creativity and curiosity be a part of the process.By using a method of letting go of the control and see what chance and the properties of the material might lead to, this work has become a growing organism of its own.The end result is a group of unique pieces, all in different materials and colour shades. They’re held together by concept as well as relations in tone and cuts. The collection could be viewed as a visual statement or worn with lots of care and love.
Program: Modedesignutbildningen
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Hassanzadah, Ali R. "LIFE EXPECTANCY." CSUSB ScholarWorks, 2016.

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When someone walks into an insurance company and wants to purchase life insurance, the insurance company has to consider an important question: How long will this client live? His date of death is not exactly predictable, so the insurer does not know exactly when the life insurance benefits will be payable. However, the insurer can use a model that can calculate human mortality. With this mortality model, probabilities of deaths at particular ages can be calculated. Rather than trying to figure out when a client dies, the convention in actuarial science is to phrase things in terms of survival models. There are popular survival functions that enable insurers to perform this calculation. With these functions, insurers are able to efficiently provide this service and ensure that life insurance will continue to be a thriving field of work. After we define basic notation and terms, we look at standard survival models. Then we consider a recently proposed model by Chi Heem Wong and Albert K. Tsui.
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Irvin, William Ross. ""Life Holders"." Thesis, University of North Texas, 2019.

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Oyola, Carlos Harriet Penny, Perez Jill Roxana Farro, Riofrio Alejandra Alocén, Legrand María Del Carmen Luna, and Rodríguez Jonathan Francis Espinoza. "Life Organic." Bachelor's thesis, Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC), 2018.

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Life Organic es una propuesta de negocio con sentido ético ya que contribuye con la buena alimentación de las personas ofreciendo un portal digital móvil y web donde el target pueda obtener información transparente para adquirir alimentos orgánicos de una manera rápida, fácil y confiable; esta aplicación está dirigida para todas las personas que deseen llevar una vida saludable a través del consumo orgánico.
Life Organic is a business proposal with ethical sense given that it contributes to the good nutrition of people by offering a mobile and web digital portal where the target can obtain transparent information to acquire organic food in a fast, easy and reliable way; this application is aimed at all people who wish to lead a healthy life through organic consumption.
Trabajo de investigación
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