Journal articles on the topic 'Lifesaving app'
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Voelker, Rebecca. "Lifesaving App for Opioid Users." JAMA 316, no. 17 (November 1, 2016): 1756.
Full textWong, Sam. "Lifesaving app alerts first-aiders to emergencies." New Scientist 229, no. 3061 (February 2016): 23.
Full textDonskey, Curtis J. "Never Let a Crisis Go to Waste: Recruiting the Next Generation of Infectious Diseases Physicians." Pathogens and Immunity 2, no. 2 (June 27, 2017): 270.
Full textBoyd, Andrew Dallas, Chioma Iheanyi Ndukwe, Anandu Dileep, Olivia Frances Everin, Yingwei Yao, Betty Welland, Jerry Field, et al. "Elderly Medication Adherence Intervention Using the My Interventional Drug-Eluting Stent Educational App: Multisite Randomized Feasibility Trial." JMIR mHealth and uHealth 8, no. 6 (June 24, 2020): e15900.
Full textRavi Manne, Snigdha Kantheti and Sneha Kantheti. "Classification of Skin cancer using deep learning, Convolutional Neural Networks - Opportunities and vulnerabilities- A systematic Review." November 2020 6, no. 11 (November 18, 2020): 101–8.
Full textPortis, Mary. "Stop, Drop, & Roll: A Lifesaving Physical Education Lesson." Strategies 12, no. 1 (September 1998): 11–12.
Full textEngler, Kim, Sara Ahmed, David Lessard, Serge Vicente, and Bertrand Lebouché. "Assessing the Content Validity of a New Patient-Reported Measure of Barriers to Antiretroviral Therapy Adherence for Electronic Administration in Routine HIV Care: Proposal for a Web-Based Delphi Study." JMIR Research Protocols 8, no. 8 (August 2, 2019): e12836.
Full textMarrone, Chris. "Book Review: Miracle Medicines: Seven Lifesaving Drugs and the People Who Created Them." Annals of Pharmacotherapy 41, no. 7-8 (July 2007): 1322–23.
Full textKhanna, Neena, and SunilK Kothiwala. "Mucocutaneous blisters & a mediastinal mass: Lifesaving role of surgery." Indian Journal of Medical Research 142, no. 2 (2015): 227.
Full textEdler, Jessica R., Lindsey E. Eberman, Leamor Kahanov, Christopher Roman, and Heather Lynne Mata. "Athletic Trainers' Knowledge Regarding Airway Adjuncts." Athletic Training Education Journal 10, no. 2 (April 1, 2015): 164–69.
Full textKelly, Janet, and Emma Welch. "Ethical decision-making regarding infant viability: A discussion." Nursing Ethics 25, no. 7 (December 28, 2016): 897–905.
Full textRandunu, Raniru, Khaled Alawaini, Lee-Anne Huber, Edward Randell, Janet Brunton, and Robert Bertolo. "Intrauterine Growth-Restricted Piglets Are Predisposed to Develop Metabolic Disorders in Adulthood When Fed With Parenteral Nutrition in the Neonatal Period." Current Developments in Nutrition 6, Supplement_1 (June 2022): 703.
Full textJesmin, Shahela, Nishat Anam Borna, Mosammat Nargis Shamima, Iftekhar Md Kudrate E Khuda, and Shahin Mahmuda. "The Hayman Technique: A Simple Method to Treat Postpartum Hemorrhage due to Placenta Praevia." TAJ: Journal of Teachers Association 30, no. 1 (December 3, 2018): 66–69.
Full textGarcía, Antonia, Coral Barbas, Rosa Aguilar, and Mario Castro. "Capillary electrophoresis for rapid profiling of organic acidurias." Clinical Chemistry 44, no. 9 (September 1, 1998): 1905–11.
Full textSolanki, Vandana, Urmila Singh, Seema Mehrotra, Shuchi Agarwal, and Apala Priyadarshini. "Review of hysterectomies in Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology at tertiary care hospital in Northern India." International Journal of Reproduction, Contraception, Obstetrics and Gynecology 7, no. 12 (November 26, 2018): 4977.
Full textSaqlain, Nazish, Nisar Ahmed, Aatika Ahmed, and Sidra Hareem. "BLOOD DONATION;." Professional Medical Journal 24, no. 12 (November 2, 2018): 1806–11.
Full textEwanowski, Kathleen M., Caitlin Bramble, Walter R. Anyan, Irma D. Fleming, Ronda Hopkins, Stephen E. Morris, Callie M. Thompson, and Giavonni M. Lewis. "608 Utilization of Phase-Based Guidelines For Patient Care After Application of Cultured Epithelial Autograft." Journal of Burn Care & Research 43, Supplement_1 (March 23, 2022): S143—S144.
Full textNogueira, Leticia, Neetu Chawla, Xuesong Han, Ahmedin Jemal, and K. Robin Yabroff. "Colorectal Cancer Care Among Young Adult Patients After the Dependent Coverage Expansion Under the Affordable Care Act." JNCI: Journal of the National Cancer Institute 112, no. 10 (December 19, 2019): 1063–66.
Full textKruse, Robert L., Melissa Neally, Brian C. Cho, Evan M. Bloch, Parvez M. Lokhandwala, Paul M. Ness, Steven M. Frank, Aaron A. R. Tobian, and Eric A. Gehrie. "Cryoprecipitate Utilization Patterns Observed With a Required Prospective Approval Process vs Electronic Dosing Guidance." American Journal of Clinical Pathology 154, no. 3 (May 23, 2020): 362–68.
Full textAsnes, Andrea G., and John M. Leventhal. "Bruising in Infants: An Approach to the Recognition of Child Physical Abuse." Pediatrics In Review 43, no. 7 (July 1, 2022): 361–70.
Full textNipanal, Akkamahadevi V., Madhukumar M.H, and Nagappa H. "Analysis of Cerebrospinal Fluid (CSF) – Adenosine Deaminase (ADA) in Meningitis." Journal of Evolution of Medical and Dental Sciences 10, no. 16 (April 19, 2021): 1102–5.
Full textSchaumann, Nikolaus, Veit Lorenz, Peter Schellongowski, Thomas Staudinger, Gottfried J. Locker, Heinz Burgmann, Branko Pikula, Roland Hofbauer, Ernst Schuster, and Michael Frass. "Evaluation of Seldinger Technique Emergency Cricothyroidotomy versus Standard Surgical Cricothyroidotomy in 200 Cadavers." Anesthesiology 102, no. 1 (January 1, 2005): 7–11.
Full textMichalak, Suzanne M., John D. Rolston, and Michael T. Lawton. "Incidence and Predictors of Complications and Mortality in Cerebrovascular Surgery." Neurosurgery 79, no. 2 (May 11, 2016): 182–93.
Full textWong, David T., Atul J. Prabhu, Margarita Coloma, Ngozi Imasogie, and Frances F. Chung. "What Is the Minimum Training Required for Successful Cricothyroidotomy?" Anesthesiology 98, no. 2 (February 1, 2003): 349–53.
Full textIslam, Dr Farhana, Dr Fantasir Md Shibly Al-Amin, Dr Tasia Sultana Rahman, Dr Zereen Mosfeqa Rahman, Md Wasim Mollah, and Md Rabiul Islam. "A Comparative Status of HBsAg, HCV, HIV, TPHA & MP Test Results Among General Blood Donors in a Tertiary Care Hospital in Bangladesh." Scholars Journal of Applied Medical Sciences 9, no. 7 (July 16, 2021): 1180–84.
Full textPetrosoniak, Andrew, Jodi Herold, and Karen Woolfrey. "Emergency medicine procedural skills: what are residents missing?" CJEM 15, no. 04 (July 2013): 241–48.
Full textBloomer, Zachary, Jennifer Teague, and Nicole Vietor. "Ectopic Cushing’s From Metastatic Prostate Cancer." Journal of the Endocrine Society 5, Supplement_1 (May 1, 2021): A757.
Full textLuharia, Anurag A. "THE MEDICAL PHYSICIST - SCIENTIST BEHIND THE CURTAIN." Journal of Medical pharmaceutical and allied sciences 10, no. 4 (September 15, 2021): 3212–13.
Full textSelvaperumal, A., G. Thiyagarajan, Thangamani S, Vallalkannan S, and K. Ramaswamy. "Design and performance of subirrigation system in maize (Zea mays) in Kumulur farm, Trichy district, Tamil Nadu, India." Journal of Applied and Natural Science 13, no. 2 (May 9, 2021): 470–75.
Full textDas, Ratan Kumar, K. Trimal Subudhi, and Ranjan Kumar Mohanty. "The rate and indication of caesarean section in a tertiary care teaching hospital eastern India." International Journal of Contemporary Pediatrics 5, no. 5 (August 24, 2018): 1733.
Full textJuneja, Sunil K., Pooja Tandon, and Bhanupriya . "Cesarean scar pregnancy: an upcoming challenge." International Journal of Reproduction, Contraception, Obstetrics and Gynecology 7, no. 6 (May 26, 2018): 2226.
Full textHeymans, Frédéric, Georg Feigl, Stephan Graber, Delphine S. Courvoisier, Kerstin M. Weber, and Pavel Dulguerov. "Emergency Cricothyrotomy Performed by Surgical Airway–naive Medical Personnel." Anesthesiology 125, no. 2 (August 1, 2016): 295–303.
Full textBell, Thomas. "NATIONAL ASTHMA ATTACK AUDIT, 1991 TO 1992." Pediatrics 94, no. 2 (August 1, 1994): 257.
Full textHaque, Md Rafiqul, Dannish Arefin Biswas, Jesmin Sultana, Tanjina Rahman, Tanzim Anwar, and Tasmina Parveen. "Study of donor deferral during blood donation: A single centre teaching hospital study." Bangladesh Journal of Medical Science 21, no. 3 (May 21, 2022): 645–47.
Full textMiller, Matthew B., Alison K. Macpherson, and Loriann M. Hynes. "Athletic Therapy Students' Perceptions of High-Fidelity Manikin Simulation: A Pilot Study." Athletic Training Education Journal 13, no. 2 (April 1, 2018): 158–67.
Full textAlhamid, Mohammed Alabed. "Difficult Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy." Global Journal of Health Science 11, no. 9 (July 22, 2019): 102.
Full textZisiadis, Georgios, Carlos Rodrigues, Giusy Pizzirusso, Luis Arroyo-García, Ahmed Osman, and Klas Blomgren. "LTBK-06. Memantine increases dendritic arborization and integration of immature neurons after cranial irradiation." Neuro-Oncology 24, Supplement_1 (June 1, 2022): i192.
Full textAnnamaraju, Maruti Ram, Subhadra Devi Velichety, Ravindra Kumar Boddeti, and Srihari Rao Battalapalli. "Histological study of normal human suprarenal gland of different age groups." Asian Journal of Medical Sciences 12, no. 4 (April 1, 2021): 110–17.
Full textSinghal, Maneesh, Ravikiran Naalla, Aniket Dave, Moumita De, Deepti Gupta, and Shashank Chauhan. "The role of plastic and reconstructive surgeon in trauma care: Perspectives from a Level 1 trauma centre in India." Indian Journal of Plastic Surgery 51, no. 02 (May 2018): 170–76.
Full textRahman, Chowdhury Md Mushfiqur, Rajat Shuvra Das, Khundkar Alamin Rumi, and Kazi Monisur Rahman. "Comparative Study Between Haemorrhage and Surgical Emphysema as Complication of Emergency Tracheostomy." Journal of Dhaka Medical College 28, no. 2 (January 5, 2021): 159–63.
Full textOkiror, Samuel, Abraham Mulugeta, Iheoma Onuekwusi, Fiona Braka, Sylvesta Malengemi, John Burton, Rustam Hydarav, et al. "Polio Outbreak Investigation and Response in The Horn of Africa: 2013-2016." Journal of Immunological Sciences Special Issue, no. 2 (April 30, 2021): 14–21.
Full textPatel, Nayan Kumar, Sunil Kumar Sharma, and Ayan Roy. "A study of etiology, clinical characteristics, electrocardiographic and echocardiographic findings in patients with cardiac tamponade in a tertiary care hospital in Western Odisha." International Journal of Advances in Medicine 7, no. 12 (November 23, 2020): 1865.
Full textRoka-Moiia, Yana, Samuel Miller-Gutierrez, Daniel E. Palomares, Joseph E. Italiano, Jawaad Sheriff, Danny Bluestein, and Marvin J. Slepian. "Platelet Dysfunction During Mechanical Circulatory Support." Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis, and Vascular Biology 41, no. 4 (April 2021): 1319–36.
Full textKhattab, Sherif, Souad AlMuthree, Mohamed Bakry, Noha Ibraheem, Omar Alghamdi, Mahassen Khalifa, Ibrahim Alsehli, and Paul McCague. "282. Risk Factors for Mortality in Severe COVID-19 Patients Admitted to the Intensive Care Unit: A Retrospective Single-Center Study in Saudi Arabia." Open Forum Infectious Diseases 8, Supplement_1 (November 1, 2021): S246—S247.
Full textFreeman, S., M. Columbus, T. Nguyen, S. Mal, and J. Yan. "P049: Post-intubation sedation in the emergency department: a survey of national practice patterns." CJEM 21, S1 (May 2019): S80.
Full textInbar, Tsofia, and Eldad J. Dann. "Preoperative Anemia and Blood Transfusion Requirement during Hip Surgery: Synthetic and Real Patient Cohort Data." Blood 134, Supplement_1 (November 13, 2019): 3693.
Full textAmeri, Zahra Daneshvar, Ali Vafaee, Tahere Sadeghi, Zhila Mirlashari, Djavad Ghoddoosi-Nejad, and Faramarz Kalhor. "Effect of a Comprehensive Total Parenteral Nutrition Training Program on Knowledge and Practice of Nurses in NICU." Global Journal of Health Science 8, no. 10 (February 25, 2016): 135.
Full textKashfi, Tasmia, ASM Areef Ahsan, and Rozina Sultana. "Frequency and Outcome of Ventilator Associated Pneumonia in an Intensive Care Unit of a Tertiary Care Hospital in Dhaka." Bangladesh Critical Care Journal 10, no. 1 (April 25, 2022): 43–47.
Full textKashfi, Tasmia, ASM Areef Ahsan, and Rozina Sultana. "Frequency and Outcome of Ventilator Associated Pneumonia in an Intensive Care Unit of a Tertiary Care Hospital in Dhaka." Bangladesh Critical Care Journal 10, no. 1 (April 25, 2022): 43–47.
Full textYu, Binglan, Liu Han, Patricio A. Leyton, Kenneth D. Bloch, and Warren M. Zapol. "Nitric Oxide Synthase 3 Deficiency Does Not Prevent Inflammatory Adverse Effects Of Transfusing Syngeneic Stored Blood In a Murine Model Of Hemorrhagic Shock." Blood 122, no. 21 (November 15, 2013): 791.
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