Journal articles on the topic 'Liberal democratic area'
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Gilbert, Alan. "Democracy and Individuality." Social Philosophy and Policy 3, no. 2 (1986): 19–58.
Full textMartynov, Andriy. "US-Germany Relations Development Trends Under the Presidency of Donald Trump." American History & Politics Scientific edition, no. 9 (2020): 24–33.
Full textTurner, Liz. "PCCs, neo-liberal hegemony and democratic policing." Safer Communities 13, no. 1 (January 7, 2014): 13–21.
Full textDyson, Kenneth. "Benign or Malevolent Leviathan? Social Democratic Governments in a Neo‐Liberal Euro Area." Political Quarterly 70, no. 2 (April 1999): 195–209.
Full textet al., Seo. "Analysis of influence factors on the virtues of democratic citizenship according to individual variables of adolescents." International Journal of ADVANCED AND APPLIED SCIENCES 9, no. 8 (August 2022): 118–27.
Full textRoliak, Angelina, Olena Matiienko, Elvira Manzhos, Olena Shamanska, and Nelya Burlaka. "Management of teacher education: danish democratic discourse in postmodern era." Independent Journal of Management & Production 12, no. 6 (November 1, 2021): s463—s477.
Full textOdža, Ivana. "Democratism of Dragojla Jarnević on the Example of her Diary." Poznańskie Studia Slawistyczne, no. 17 (November 6, 2019): 159–71.
Full textBerg-Schlosser, Dirk. "Comparative Area Studies: Epistemological and Methodological Foundations and a Practical Application." Vestnik RUDN. International Relations 20, no. 2 (December 15, 2020): 288–302.
Full textLee, Nae Kwan, and Young Jo Lee. "Regional Status of the 3·8 Democratic Movement for Fostering Democratic Citizens." Liberal Arts Innovation Center 11 (April 1, 2023): 63–91.
Full textNiesen, Peter. "Kant and Rawls on Free Speech in Autocracies." Kantian Review 23, no. 4 (November 21, 2018): 615–40.
Full textSilva, Augusto. "The repositioning of the euro area in the world system: Political and economic dimensions." Panoeconomicus 61, no. 5 (2014): 571–84.
Full textComisso, Ellen. "Is the Glass Half Full or Half Empty?: Reflections on Five Years of Competitive Politics in Eastern Europe." Communist and Post-Communist Studies 30, no. 1 (March 1, 1997): 1–21.
Full textShare, Michael. "GHOSTS OF AN EMPIRE: BRITISH LEGACIES IN ASIA." Journal of International Analytics, no. 1 (March 28, 2018): 45–51.
Full textCOX, GARY W., FRANCES McCALL ROSENBLUTH, and MICHAEL F. THIES. "Electoral Reform and the Fate of Factions: The Case of Japan's Liberal Democratic Party." British Journal of Political Science 29, no. 1 (January 1999): 33–56.
Full textDr. Gaurav Agrawal. "Liberal Feminism and Ruskin Bond: An Exploration of Bond’s Women World." Creative Launcher 5, no. 6 (February 28, 2021): 217–22.
Full textSchotel, Bas. "Administrative Law as a Dual State. Authoritarian Elements of Administrative Law." Hague Journal on the Rule of Law 13, no. 1 (April 2021): 195–222.
Full textFrohlich, Norman, and Irvin Boschmann. "Partisan Preference and Income Redistribution: Cross-National and Cross-Sexual Results." Canadian Journal of Political Science 19, no. 1 (March 1986): 53–70.
Full textSardarnia, Khalil, and Yalda Bahrampour. "Islam and Democracy: A Critical Reappraisal of Adaptation and Contrast Theories." Journal of Politics and Law 10, no. 3 (April 20, 2017): 1.
Full textNiedźwiecki, Artur. "Downturn of the European project in the light of the liberal theory of international relations." Wrocławskie Studia Politologiczne 29 (April 8, 2021): 7–19.
Full textBAMBRA, CLARE. "Cash Versus Services: ‘Worlds of Welfare’ and the Decommodification of Cash Benefits and Health Care Services." Journal of Social Policy 34, no. 2 (March 15, 2005): 195–213.
Full textGorodnia, N. "THE U.S. – JAPAN RELATIONS UNDER THE ADMINISTRATION OF DONALD TRUMP." Bulletin of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv. History, no. 148 (2021): 29–36.
Full textOsborne, Geraint, and Shauna Wilton. "“Defenders of perversion”: Professing Same-Sex Marriage Rights in the Local Press." Engaged Scholar Journal: Community-Engaged Research, Teaching, and Learning 8, no. 3 (December 22, 2022): 32–51.
Full textSchubert, Sophia. "On the Assessment of ‘Civilizations’ in Political Culture Research. Criticism and Alternative." Comparative Sociology 13, no. 5 (November 26, 2014): 556–86.
Full textHarell, Allison, and Dietlind Stolle. "Diversity and Democratic Politics: An Introduction." Canadian Journal of Political Science 43, no. 2 (May 28, 2010): 235–56.
Full textJakimiec, Dawid. "The origin of the emergence of political parties and the evolution of the party system and legal regulations regarding the financing of political activities in Japan." Journal of Modern Science 57, no. 3 (August 20, 2024): 106–21.
Full textKells, Sara. "A conceptual understanding of civics education in Spain and the United States: a systematic review." Bordón. Revista de Pedagogía 74, no. 1 (March 26, 2022): 63–104.
Full textŠmidrkal, Václav. "They Shall—or Shall Not—Pass? Communist State Borders in the Czech Culture of Remembrance after 1989." East European Politics and Societies: and Cultures 31, no. 2 (April 19, 2017): 251–68.
Full textGottlieb, Nanette. "Language and Politics: The Reversal of Postwar Script Reform Policy in Japan." Journal of Asian Studies 53, no. 4 (November 1994): 1175–98.
Full textOsterberg-Kaufmann, Norma, and Kay Key Teo. "Uncoupling Conceptual Understandings and Political Preferences: A Study of Democratic Attitudes among Singapore's Highly Educated Young People." Pacific Affairs 95, no. 3 (September 1, 2022): 497–526.
Full textKorgunyuk, Yu G. "The Soviet Past Theme in the 2021 Duma Campaign." Journal of Political Theory, Political Philosophy and Sociology of Politics Politeia 106, no. 3 (September 9, 2022): 105–29.
Full textIzzati, Fathimah Fildzah. "The Problem of “Women’s Work” and the Idea of Work Democratization for the Liberating Empowerment of Women." Jurnal Perempuan 24, no. 2 (May 31, 2019): 141.
Full textPress, Frances, Christine Woodrow, Helen Logan, and Linda Mitchell. "Can we belong in a neo-liberal world? Neo-liberalism in early childhood education and care policy in Australia and New Zealand." Contemporary Issues in Early Childhood 19, no. 4 (June 14, 2018): 328–39.
Full textBlauvelt, Robert P. "State Environmental Expenditures in New England and Their Relationship to Other Programmatic and Political Metrics." Journal of Environment and Ecology 11, no. 2 (August 5, 2020): 62.
Full textMorales Giraldo, Juan Francisco. "Brasil nuclear: dos interpretaciones opuestas sobre la orientación de su programa atómico." Revista de Estudios en Seguridad Internacional 6, no. 2 (December 8, 2020): 81–100.
Full textSchimmelfennig, Frank. "How Substantial Is Substance? Concluding Reflections on the Study of Substance in EU Democracy Promotion." European Foreign Affairs Review 16, Issue 5 (December 1, 2011): 727–34.
Full textDiec, Joachim. "The Hamburg Circle: A Thoroughly Structured Expression of the German Conservative Revolution in the Weimar Republic." Politeja 18, no. 3(72) (June 5, 2021): 103–28.
Full textHayao, Kenji. "Ending the LDP Hegemony: Party Cooperation in Japan. By Ray Christensen. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, 2000. 228p. $52.00 cloth, $27.95 paper." American Political Science Review 95, no. 1 (March 2001): 231–32.
Full textCveticanin, Neven. "Two faces of global open society." Filozofija i drustvo 19, no. 3 (2008): 59–87.
Full textKumankov, Arseniy D. "Kantian Project of Perpetual Peace in the Context of Modern Ethical and Political Concepts of War." Russian Journal of Philosophical Sciences 63, no. 1 (May 27, 2020): 85–100.
Full textКовалев, Д. В., Н. А. Казарова, С. П. Костриков, Н. А. Омельченко, and Л. В. Селезнева. "THE PROBLEM OF RUSSIAN NATIONAL-CIVILIZATIONAL IDENTITY IN THE DISCOURSES OF RUSSIAN SOCIAL AND PHILOSOPHICAL THOUGHT AND MODERN DOMESTIC POLITICAL SCIENCE (to the historiography of the issue)." Человеческий капитал 1, no. 12 (December 17, 2023): 35–43.
Full textZhang, Xiaodan, and Wenjia Yan. "Forty-Years of the Modernization of Chinese Socialist Legality: Strategy, Lacuna, and Outlook." German Law Journal 23, no. 5 (June 2022): 691–712.
Full textKhalapsis, Oleksiy, Oleh Poplavskyi, and Oleh Levin. "Political and constitutional-legal transformations in Central Asia countries (1991–2021)." Naukovyy Visnyk Dnipropetrovs'kogo Derzhavnogo Universytetu Vnutrishnikh Sprav 3, no. 3 (September 30, 2021): 52–59.
Full textFedorowicz, Krzysztof. "System rządów parlamentarnych na obszarze poradzieckim: casus Mołdawii i Łotwy." Przegląd Politologiczny, no. 2 (November 2, 2018): 115–30.
Full textWeiss, Manfred. "Enlargement and Industrial Relations: Building a New Social Partnership." International Journal of Comparative Labour Law and Industrial Relations 20, Issue 1 (March 1, 2004): 5–26.
Full textPal, Lal Ji, and Sandeep E. "Expansion of Russia-China Duo in Asian Region and the Future of Democracy." International Journal of Research and Review 10, no. 12 (January 1, 2024): 854–63.
Full textRafique, Dr Sadia, and Ahsan Shah. "Quadrilateral Security Dialogue: India’s Strategic Ambiguities in the Indo-Pacific Region." UCP Journal of Humanities & Social Sciences (HEC Recognized-Y Category) 2, no. 2 (May 6, 2024): 19–33.
Full textPétry, François. "The Party Agenda Model: Election Programmes and Government Spending in Canada." Canadian Journal of Political Science 28, no. 1 (March 1995): 51–84.
Full textOpašinova Šundovska, Marijana. "Security Implications of Fake News and Disinformation in Nato Member and Partner Countries." Međunarodne studije 22, no. 2 (December 19, 2022): 13–34.
Full textAcosta, Daniel Román. "Leadership style in the self-development unit of the Faculty of Economic and Social Sciences of the University of Zulia." Seminars in Medical Writing and Education 3 (December 30, 2024): 629.
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