Academic literature on the topic 'LGBTIQ'
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Journal articles on the topic "LGBTIQ"
Dwyer, Angela, Christine E. W. Bond, Matthew Ball, Murray Lee, and Thomas Crofts. "Support Provided by LGBTI Police Liaison Services: An Analysis of a Survey of LGBTIQ People in Australia." Police Quarterly 25, no. 1 (December 12, 2021): 33–58.
Full textDavids, Hanzline R. "Recognition of LGBTIQ bodies in the Uniting Reformed Church in Southern Africa." STJ | Stellenbosch Theological Journal 6, no. 4 (January 22, 2021): 301–17.
Full textRoffee, James A., and Andrea Waling. "Rethinking microaggressions and anti-social behaviour against LGBTIQ+ youth." Safer Communities 15, no. 4 (October 10, 2016): 190–201.
Full textAlessandrin, Arnaud, and Johanna Dagom. "Narrativas LGBTIQ." Revista Brasileira de Pesquisa (Auto)Biográfica 04, no. 11 (June 20, 2019): 427–33.
Full textAlessandrin, Arnaud, and Johanna Dagom. "Narrativas LGBTIQ." Revista Brasileira de Pesquisa (Auto)biográfica 4, no. 11 (June 20, 2019): 427.
Full textGottlieb, Nora, Conny Püschmann, Fabian Stenzinger, Julia Koelber, Laurette Rasch, Martha Koppelow, and Razan Al Munjid. "Health and Healthcare Utilization among Asylum-Seekers from Berlin’s LGBTIQ Shelter: Preliminary Results of a Survey." International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 17, no. 12 (June 23, 2020): 4514.
Full textMiles-Johnson, Toby, and Jodi Death. "Compensating for Sexual Identity: How LGB and Heterosexual Australian Police Officers Perceive Policing of LGBTIQ+ People." Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice 36, no. 2 (December 14, 2019): 251–73.
Full textLahti, Annukka, and Marjo Kolehmainen. "LGBTIQ+ break-up assemblages: At the end of the rainbow." Journal of Sociology 56, no. 4 (October 28, 2020): 608–28.
Full textHeinrich, Thomas. "Lesbians, Gay Men, Bisexuals, Trans, Inter and Queers*." Clinical Journal of the International Institute for Bioenergetic Analysis 29, no. 1 (April 2019): 57–78.
Full textThe Lancet. "Advancing LGBTIQ rights." Lancet 389, no. 10085 (June 2017): 2164.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "LGBTIQ"
Norlén, Emil. "LGBTIQ rights and inclusion in development: The final frontier in human rights? A qualitative case study of the LGBTIQ community in Tanzania." Thesis, Linnéuniversitetet, Institutionen för samhällsstudier (SS), 2021.
Full textBergsten, Lisa. "Violence against LGBTIQ+ Individuals in the Syrian Arab Republic." Thesis, Uppsala universitet, Institutionen för freds- och konfliktforskning, 2019.
Full textFremlova, Lucie. "The experiences of Romani LGBTIQ people : queer(y)(ing) Roma." Thesis, University of Brighton, 2017.
Full textSaunders, Thomas Lopes. "Ginger: um relato sobre existÃncia performÃtica." Universidade Federal do CearÃ, 2017.
Full textA relaÃÃo entre o privado e o pÃblico, potencialmente acontece nos processos comunicacionais (FLUSSER; 2007) da pÃs-modernidade (KELLNER; 2001) e contemporaneidade (AGAMBEM; 2009). Os sujeitos sociais, nestes processos, estÃo inseridos em discursos (FOUCAULT; 1970) institucionalizantes e codificantes (BOURDIEU; 1990). A fim de deliberar questÃes Ãntimas como forma de posicionamento, o sujeito relata a si (BUTLER; 2015) tentando compreender o universo moral que orbita. O Corpo (PIRES; 2005) aqui à trabalhado como fluxo dialÃgico (FLUSSER; 2014) entre teoria acadÃmica, vida e performance (GLUSBERG; 2013). A performance à o campo de conhecimento amplo de experiÃncias entre vida e arte (COHEN; 2011). A imersÃo do pesquisador como performer, aconteceu a partir de pesquisa artÃstica em autoperformance (VIEIRA; 2006), body art e performance art (COHEN; 2011). Desencadeando processos autobiogrÃficos, midiÃticos (KELLNER; 2001) e corporificantes. A premissa inicial do trabalho à compreender as relaÃÃes entre sexo/gÃnero/sexualidade e seus discursos codificantes/contextuais (LAQUEUR; 2001) no universo LGBTQI+, sua midiatizaÃÃo institucional e virtual livre na Internet (CASTELLS; 2001). Ginger atravÃs de experiÃncias com corpos drag (COELHO;2012) investiu pesquisa acadÃmica e performÃtica em gÃnero queer (SALIH; 2002). Ginger, entre performatividades (BUTLER; 1990), performances artÃsticas e imagens performativas (SANTOS; 2011), existiu esteticamente (FOUCAULT; 1984) como imagem poÃtica de si mesma. Este trabalho tem proposta ensaÃstica (FLUSSER; 2007) como metodologia de anÃlise.
A relaÃÃo entre o privado e o pÃblico, potencialmente acontece nos processos comunicacionais (FLUSSER; 2007) da pÃs-modernidade (KELLNER; 2001) e contemporaneidade (AGAMBEM; 2009). Os sujeitos sociais, nestes processos, estÃo inseridos em discursos (FOUCAULT; 1970) institucionalizantes e codificantes (BOURDIEU; 1990). A fim de deliberar questÃes Ãntimas como forma de posicionamento, o sujeito relata a si (BUTLER; 2015) tentando compreender o universo moral que orbita. O Corpo (PIRES; 2005) aqui à trabalhado como fluxo dialÃgico (FLUSSER; 2014) entre teoria acadÃmica, vida e performance (GLUSBERG; 2013). A performance à o campo de conhecimento amplo de experiÃncias entre vida e arte (COHEN; 2011). A imersÃo do pesquisador como performer, aconteceu a partir de pesquisa artÃstica em autoperformance (VIEIRA; 2006), body art e performance art (COHEN; 2011). Desencadeando processos autobiogrÃficos, midiÃticos (KELLNER; 2001) e corporificantes. A premissa inicial do trabalho à compreender as relaÃÃes entre sexo/gÃnero/sexualidade e seus discursos codificantes/contextuais (LAQUEUR; 2001) no universo LGBTQI+, sua midiatizaÃÃo institucional e virtual livre na Internet (CASTELLS; 2001). Ginger atravÃs de experiÃncias com corpos drag (COELHO;2012) investiu pesquisa acadÃmica e performÃtica em gÃnero queer (SALIH; 2002). Ginger, entre performatividades (BUTLER; 1990), performances artÃsticas e imagens performativas (SANTOS; 2011), existiu esteticamente (FOUCAULT; 1984) como imagem poÃtica de si mesma. Este trabalho tem proposta ensaÃstica (FLUSSER; 2007) como metodologia de anÃlise.
The relationship between the private and the public, potentially happens in the communicational processes (FLUSSER; 2007) of post-modernity (KELLNER; 2001) and contemporany (AGAMBEM; 2009). The social subjects, in these processes, are inserted in speeches (FOUCAULT; 1970) institutional and encoding (BOURDIEU; 1990). In order to decide issues as intimate form of positioning, the subject says to himself (BUTLER; 2015) Trying to understand the moral universe that orbits. The Body (PIRES, 2005) here is worked as a dialogical flow (FLUSSER; 2014) between academic theory, life and performance (GLUSBERG; 2013). The performance isthe field of broad knowledge of experience between life and art (COHEN; 2011). The immersion of the researcher as a performer, happened from artistic research in autoperformance (VIEIRA; 2006) body art and performance art (COHEN; 2011). Unleashing autobiographical processes, media (KELLNER; 2001) and corporificantes. The initial premise of the work is to understand the relationship between sex/gender/sexuality and his speeches encoding/context (LAQUEUR, 2001) in the universe LGBTIQ+, its institutional mediatization and free virtual on the Internet (CASTELLS, 2001). Ginger through experiences with drag body (COELHO; 2012) invested academic research and performer in gender queer (SALIH; 2002). Ginger between performatividades (BUTLER, 1990), artistic performances and images arts (SANTOS 2011) there has been aesthetically (FOUCAULT, 1984) as a poetic image of herself. This work has proposed test text (FLUSSER, 2007) as a method of analysis.
The relationship between the private and the public, potentially happens in the communicational processes (FLUSSER; 2007) of post-modernity (KELLNER; 2001) and contemporany (AGAMBEM; 2009). The social subjects, in these processes, are inserted in speeches (FOUCAULT; 1970) institutional and encoding (BOURDIEU; 1990). In order to decide issues as intimate form of positioning, the subject says to himself (BUTLER; 2015) Trying to understand the moral universe that orbits. The Body (PIRES, 2005) here is worked as a dialogical flow (FLUSSER; 2014) between academic theory, life and performance (GLUSBERG; 2013). The performance isthe field of broad knowledge of experience between life and art (COHEN; 2011). The immersion of the researcher as a performer, happened from artistic research in autoperformance (VIEIRA; 2006) body art and performance art (COHEN; 2011). Unleashing autobiographical processes, media (KELLNER; 2001) and corporificantes. The initial premise of the work is to understand the relationship between sex/gender/sexuality and his speeches encoding/context (LAQUEUR, 2001) in the universe LGBTIQ+, its institutional mediatization and free virtual on the Internet (CASTELLS, 2001). Ginger through experiences with drag body (COELHO; 2012) invested academic research and performer in gender queer (SALIH; 2002). Ginger between performatividades (BUTLER, 1990), artistic performances and images arts (SANTOS 2011) there has been aesthetically (FOUCAULT, 1984) as a poetic image of herself. This work has proposed test text (FLUSSER, 2007) as a method of analysis.
Wolff, Ashley. "PRIDE| A psycho-educational peer support group for LGBTIQ youth| A grant proposal." Thesis, California State University, Long Beach, 2013.
Full textThe purpose of this project was to create a psycho-educational peer support group for LGBTIQ Youth, identify potential funding sources, and write a grant to fund the proposed program. The proposed support is named PRIDE for its connection to the LGBTIQ community and the empowering language, and it targets self-identified LGBTIQ youth in Orange County, California. A thorough literature review included risk factors, barriers to service, and interventions. Potential funding sources were examined and Liberty Hill was chosen as the most appropriate funding source. The proposed program was detailed with implementation guidelines, staffing information, and a budget narrative. The actual submission and/or funding of this grant was not a requirement for the successful completion of the project.
Full textWakefield, Courtenay. "An exploration of how LGBTQ+ paramedic experiences of exclusion and inclusion can inform policy and cultural safety in a state funded ambulance service." Thesis, Queensland University of Technology, 2021.
Full textHearnden, Scott. "Strengthening Peace with Justice in Sri Lanka: Exploring the Space Available for Civil Society to Function - Interpreting Voices from Marginalised, Vulnerable and Oppressed Communities." Thesis, University of Sydney, 2020.
Full textWakimoto, Diana Kiyo. "Queer community archives in California since 1950." Thesis, Queensland University of Technology, 2012.
Full textBooks on the topic "LGBTIQ"
Collective brightness: LGBTIQ poets on faith, religion & spirituality. Alexander, AR: Sibling Rivalry Press, 2011.
Find full textThis assignment is so gay: Lgbtiq poets on the art of teaching. Alexander, AR: Sibling Rivalry Press, 2013.
Find full textGreenblatt, Ellen. Serving LGBTIQ library and archives users: Essays on outreach, service, collections and access. Jefferson, North Carolina: McFarland & Company, Inc., Publishers, 2011.
Find full textServing LGBTIQ library and archives users: Essays on outreach, service, collections and access. Jefferson, North Carolina: McFarland & Company, Inc., Publishers, 2011.
Find full textĐurković, Svetlana. The invisible Q?: Human rights issues and concerns of LGBTIQ persons in Bosnia and Hercegovina. Sarajevo: Organization Q for promotion and protection of culture, identities, and human rights of queer persons, 2008.
Find full textScales, Rostosky Sharon, ed. Positive LGBTQ identities. Lanham, Md: Rowman & Littlefield, 2011.
Find full textParomita, Pain. LGBTQ Digital Cultures. New York: Routledge, 2022.
Full textGoldberg, Abbie E., and Katherine R. Allen, eds. LGBTQ-Parent Families. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2020.
Full textBook chapters on the topic "LGBTIQ"
Bilotta, Francesco. "LGBTIQ People." In Dictionary of Statuses within EU Law, 369–76. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2019.
Full textRobinson, Shirleene. "LGBTIQ activism and “insider” interviewing." In New Directions in Queer Oral History, 151–61. London: Routledge, 2022.
Full textCastro Varela, María do Mar, and Yener Bayramog˘lu. "LGBTIQ+ life course inequalities and queer temporalities." In The Routledge Handbook of Contemporary Inequalities and the Life Course, 362–70. London: Routledge, 2021.
Full textJones, Tiffany. "Why Be Euphorically Queer? An Ecological Model of Euphorias’ Influences & Impacts." In Euphorias in Gender, Sex and Sexuality Variations, 15–34. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2023.
Full textRahman, Momin. "Queer Muslims in the Context of Contemporary Globalized LGBTIQ Identity." In Homosexualities, Muslim Cultures and Modernity, 94–117. London: Palgrave Macmillan UK, 2014.
Full textRaj, Senthorun, and Peter Dunne. "Queering Outside the (Legal) Box: LGBTIQ People in the United Kingdom." In The Queer Outside in Law, 1–19. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2020.
Full textChaparro, Reynel Alexander, and Marco Aurélio Máximo Prado. "Introduction: LGBTIQ+ Sexual and Gender Diversity Psychology from a Latinx Perspective." In Latinx Queer Psychology, 1–5. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2021.
Full textFarrell, Andrew. "It’s Just a Preference: Indigenous LGBTIQ+ Peoples and Technologically Facilitated Violence." In The Palgrave Handbook of Gendered Violence and Technology, 335–53. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2021.
Full textMenzies, Robert, and Jonas Nawrath. "Germany, a Gay H(E)aven? Heteronormativity in LGBTIQ + Asylum Cases." In Studien zur Migrations- und Integrationspolitik, 131–54. Wiesbaden: Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden, 2021.
Full textJustice, Destination. "LGBTIQ Rights in Southeast Asia: Implementing Recommendations from the Universal Periodic Review." In The Universal Periodic Review of Southeast Asia, 97–114. Singapore: Springer Singapore, 2017.
Full textConference papers on the topic "LGBTIQ"
Havnar, Tyrone. "P270 Health rights: LGBTIQ community." In Abstracts for the STI & HIV World Congress (Joint Meeting of the 23rd ISSTDR and 20th IUSTI), July 14–17, 2019, Vancouver, Canada. BMJ Publishing Group Ltd, 2019.
Full textMarkovic, L., and I. Grabovac. "Arbeitsbezogenes Wohlbefinden und „Outness“ bei österreichischen LGBTIQ ArbeiterInnen." In 23. wissenschaftliche Tagung der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Public Health (ÖGPH). © Georg Thieme Verlag KG, 2020.
Full textAmalia Lewerissa, Yanti, and Rolland A. Samson. "The LGBTIQ in Perspective of Criminal Law and Christian Doctrine: The Problem of Law and Morality." In 1st International Conference on Indonesian Legal Studies (ICILS 2018). Paris, France: Atlantis Press, 2018.
Full textda Fonseca Orlando, Miguel A., Fernando G. R. Souza, and Carlos Augusto Alves de Sousa Jr. "Abjeção de corpos e identidades LGBTIQ+ no sistema de saúde brasileiro: uma construção hetero-cis-normativa." In III Congresso de Diversidade Sexual e de Gênero. Initia Via, 2019.
Full textOliveira, Wanderley Gomes de. "LGBTQIA+ EM TEMPOS DE PANDEMIA DE COVID-19: VULNERABILIDADES SOCIAIS E LGBTFÓBICAS." In II Congresso Brasileiro de Saúde On-line. Revista Multidisciplinar em Saúde, 2021.
Full textTaylor, Tom, null null, and null null. "Transgender Children’s Books in the Public Library." In Kansas LGBTQ Symposium. Hays, KS: Fort Hays State University, 2022.
Full textDowning-Turner, Mary Elizabeth, Michael Church, and Crystal Hutchinson. "Documenting the Kansas LGBTQ+ Digital Presence: A new initiative by the Kansas Archive-It Consortium (KAIC)." In Kansas LGBTQ Symposium. Fort Hays State University, 2022.
Full textWest, Brandon. "Welcome and Keynote: The Power of Being." In Kansas LGBTQ Symposium. Fort Hays State University, 2022.
Full textRapp, Will. "GLSEN Rainbow Library." In Kansas LGBTQ Symposium. Fort Hays State University, 2022.
Full textJohnson, Elizabeth. "The Rainbow Read-In: A Place to Build Community." In Kansas LGBTQ Symposium. Fort Hays State University, 2022.
Full textReports on the topic "LGBTIQ"
Gulesci, Selim, María Lombardi, and Alejandra Ramos. Telenovelas and Attitudes toward the LGBTIQ Community in Latin America. Inter-American Development Bank, February 2023.
Full textGorman- Murray, Andrew, Jason Prior, Evelyne de Leeuw, and Jacqueline Jones. Queering Cities in Australia - Making public spaces more inclusive through urban policy and practice. SPHERE HUE Collaboratory, November 2022.
Full textOlds, Cristina. lgbtq-stem-day.jpg. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), November 2020.
Full textIsmail, Zenobia, and Topua Lesinko. Interventions to Address Discrimination against LGBTQi Persons. Institute of Development Studies (IDS), June 2021.
Full textMeadors, Grant. XCP-DWG LGBTQ+ Issues Overview. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), February 2021.
Full textHayes, Sarah. Disability and LGBTQ+ Identities: A Primer. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), July 2022.
Full textFrisancho, Verónica, Alejandro Herrera, and Eduardo Nakasone. Does Gender and Sexual Diversity Lead to Greater Conflict in the School? Inter-American Development Bank, September 2022.
Full textEdwards, Katie, and Kateryna Sylaska. Intimate partner violence among LGBTQ+ college students. University of New Hampshire Libraries, 2014.
Full textKelley, Claire, Madeline Carter, Alyssa Liehr, Catherine Schaefer, Karlee Naylon, Deborah Temkin, and Elizabeth Jordan. Private: Federal Evidence Agenda on LGBTQI+ Equity Response. Child Trends, Inc., October 2022.
Full textReddy-Best, Kelly L. LGBTQ Women, Workplace Dress Codes, and Appearance Negotiations. Ames: Iowa State University, Digital Repository, November 2015.
Full text