Academic literature on the topic 'Les droits de l'enfant'
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Journal articles on the topic "Les droits de l'enfant"
HENAFF, Gaël. "L’enfant, l’âge et le discernement." Lien social et Politiques, no. 44 (October 2, 2002): 41–50.
Full textLAMAS CARDARELLO, Andréa Daniella. "Du mineur à l’enfant-citoyen : droits des enfants et droits des familles au Brésil." Lien social et Politiques, no. 44 (October 2, 2002): 155–66.
Full textPhélip, Jacqueline. "Droit à l'enfant ou droits de l'enfant." Spirale 49, no. 1 (2009): 119.
Full textLienhardt, Hélène. "Droits des Roms. Droits de l'enfant." Vie sociale 3, no. 3 (2006): 108.
Full textJoyal, Renée. "L'enfant dont la garde est contestée : sa place dans le processus de décision." Les Cahiers de droit 37, no. 1 (April 12, 2005): 51–62.
Full textLustiger, Jean-Marie. "Les droits de l'enfant." Le Débat 43, no. 1 (1987): 172.
Full textLefaucheur, Nadine. "Pères absents et droit au père : la scène française." Lien social et Politiques, no. 37 (October 2, 2002): 11–17.
Full textVerdier, Pierre. "De l'intérêt de l'enfant aux droits de l'enfant." Enfances & Psy 43, no. 2 (2009): 85.
Full textPlazy, Jean-Marie. "Droits de l'enfant et incapacité juridique de l'enfant." Informations sociales 140, no. 4 (2007): 28.
Full textLakhmissi, Slimani. "Droits de L'Enfant En Algerie." مجلة الفقه و القانون, no. 19 (May 2014): 369–79.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Les droits de l'enfant"
Dastugue, Isabelle. "La Procréation artificielle droit à l'enfant ou droits de l'enfant /." Lille 3 : ANRT, 1988.
Full textMbandji, Mbéna Étienne. "Les droits fondamentaux de l'enfant en droit camerounais." Thesis, Toulouse 1, 2013.
Full textLegal instruments of protection of fundamental rights of the child are constantly reinforced in the international order, with almost regular membership of Cameroon. This reception of international rules is done in contrast to the state of the texts applicable law, characterized by both legal pluralism and judicial. The observation of the implementation of the rules on the primacy of the best interests of the child, the protection of his existence, dignity, education, the enjoyment of the principles of equality and the proper administration of justice, shows the immensity of transformations to undergo by internal legal mechanisms to bring standards. There is an urgent need to examine the issue of the effectiveness of the rights of the child. Therefore, the fundamental rights of the child have a relative achievement in law because their regular affirmation was not followed by a significant adaptation of legal protection provided by the private law. The system of child protection in civil matters has remained static with all its contradictions while in criminal cases, it has been partially revised but remains inadequate. Such a demonstration inspires the need for redevelopment national law and policies on child protection so that, the device conforms to the legal philosophy of hierarchically superior norms. To achieve this, reorganization should lead to the revision of the substantial and jurisdictional mechanisms. Consideration of fundamental rights in domestic legislation is relevant. Family institutions, judicial and prison, should therefore, incorporate the rights of the child as a completely separate component in the category of litigants
Gris, Christophe. "Les droits de l'enfant a l'épreuve des droits parentaux : l'exemple du rattachement familial de l'enfant." Thesis, Bordeaux 4, 2013.
Full textThe profound changes in our way of life, (desire for equality, feminism, generalization of reconstituted families, social acceptance of homosexuality, consumer society, individuals’ identity becoming immaterial on digital networks), have gone along with a radical change in the way of thinking of how children are affiliated to a family. The mention of both parents’ names on a birth certificate, or the recognition of a child are two promising medium, yet to be examined. Concerning adoption, it is founded upon a more abstract link based on volition, meaning that it may no longer require to take into account the circumstances surrounding the adoption. Finally, parallel to genetic filiation and voluntary filiation, a new category of filiation is taking shape: polygoneic filiation (multi-parental filiation), which is based on facts and pushed by the affection felt for the child, and which will require a legal content in the best interests of the child. Beyond all these forms of belonging to a family, we can then wonder what will become new rights for children. Will a child have the right to have specific parents? What will be the criteria for equality between children in the future? What benefits will the child attain after these evolutions? What importance should be given to his/her views? More than ever, it will be crucial to re-examine an equable and predictable legal framework for family bonds which would take into consideration the new public order of the family: the rights of the child
Tresch, Nathalie. "Le corps de l'enfant." Université Robert Schuman (Strasbourg) (1971-2008), 1996.
Full textThe thesis is divided in two main parts. On one hand the protection of the child's body, on the other its utilization. One tries to verify to what extent the protection and the utilization can be compatible and to criticize the situations where utilization takes over protection. Mostly one studies the medical right because it allows to separate the notion of body from the one of person. The parental power is analyzed in the different types of families as well as the conditions of its exercise, like the interest of the child, the information of the parents, the evaluation of the seriousness and the urgency of the medical operation. One also takes into consideration the participation of the child in the bringing of the question to a decision, as well as the intervention of the judge in case of danger. The part dealing with the utilization of the body involves an analysis of the laws of july 29, 1994, known as bioethical laws. One studies the taking of organs - especially the bone marrow - as well as the genetic tests or print taking, based on samples from children's bodies. The experimentation of biomedical technics and the abuses that can be linked to them are also be taken in account. The states before birth and after death are autonomously considered because the status of the child is controversial in these cases. The embryo and fetus are only very partly protected and differently according to their localization in utero or in vitro
Honhon, Yves. "L'enfant et le droit." Nantes, 2009.
Full textThe first article of the international Convention on the rights of the child, because it draws for the first time a temporal definition of the child, tries to fill a gap installed by custom. The right of the child presents this peculiarity to exist, without any definition of the subject it is concerned with. If the child is present in the law, he's represented by his status of minor, but not as a person. The assimilation of the child to the minor (and the adult to the major) has to be strictly revised. The lawyer must reconsider his certainties to build a definition of the child, as complete as possible, in order to determine his characteristics from which proceeds his specificity. It is only to this condition, initial and crucial, that the right of the child can be studied. Now, this right, not very perceptible and therefore, understandable with difficulty, is relatively underestimated. The text of the international Convention on the rights of the child of 1989 seems to be a kind of guide to follow in order to adopt some new laws specific to childhood. But, it is not simply a juridical frame, this Convention is in reality an essential juridical tool, in the heart of many international doctrinal opinions. Only a global view of the Convention and the recommendations of the Committee of the rights of the child allows understanding their extent and their interest. Moreover, it is only through a complete knowledge of the international law about this question that the internai law can be compared with it
Malaterre, Ségolène. "Les droits de l'enfant : l'intervention de l'état dans l'éducation de l'enfant." Université Robert Schuman (Strasbourg) (1971-2008), 2002.
Full textThe implementation of the International Convention for the rights of children adopted on 20 November 1989 and the recognition of a certain independence of children by means of their participation right has entailed a modification of the relationsships between children and their parents as well as between children, their families and the State. Re-examining the relationships between children their families, and directly between children and Society is the unexpressed challenge of the Convention. The point is to seek out the optimal balance between the rights and responsibilities of parents, the rights of children, and the obligation accruing to the State to ensure protection of children. Children are no longer simply beings to be protected, but also have rights. The entails a presentation of the fields in which the innovative independence granted to children has led them to apprehend themselves the full measure of their civil and civic responsibility. The necessity to find a balance between the principles of independence and protection is underlying in actions led in favour of children's rights. Greater recognition of children's rights does not adversely affect the primary educative rôle of parents and the principle of parental authority that stems there from. The aim is not to place children's rights in competition with parental authority, but to seek a harmonisation of rights and duties of all, although the evolution of the family requires the law to adapt (right of children to be raised by both parents whatever their legal situation and taking into account the progression of recomposed families). Within the context of these educative parental roles, the State intervenes mainly within two fields essential to the life of children : school education and justice, which acts as a regulator of family relationships. The State is under the obligation to provide each child, in an equal manner, with the necessary education for its future adult life. Ln the same manner, the State has to ensure respect of the child's rights when confronted with justice, mainly within the framework of organising the modalities for the exercise of parental authority subsequent to divorce proceedings or separation or - assistance. Within this context, the child's place shall be guaranteed by the recognition of the right to be heard during any proceedings, which concern it
Couturier, Bourdiniere Lucile. "La protection internationale des droits de l'enfant." Paris 2, 1999.
Full textYouf, Dominique. "Introduction a la philosophie des droits de l'enfant." Caen, 1997.
Full textThe international convention for children's rights, which was ratified by france in 1990, has established legal rights for children. This assertion of children's judicial subjectivity presents a rupture with the classical philosophy of natural right which, as in aristotle's philosophy, denied children any ontological and judicial otherness by reducing them to "parts of the father's belongings". The contractual philosophy of modern natural right acknowledged individuals as free and equal and thus enabled, not only a conception of human rights but permetted a philosophy of children's rights as well. Indeed, as for any other human being, children were the holders of human rights as soon as they were born, but, as they were considered immature, they couldn't make use of these rights before receiving protection and an education, which are necessary elements for the future use of their subjective rights and which constitued children's rights. To a certain extent, the convention for children's rights has broken away from this philosophy. By setting up children as subjects, it rejects their temporality, their future and their autonomous "right to be" which constitute children's very nature that rousseau was the first to discover. This work studies the judiciary status given to children by the contractual philosophers and invites us to follow this difficult road towards the idea of children's rights. It also updates the doctrinal difficulties met by the practical achievement of children's rights on the xixth century. These difficulties have found solution in the rejection of the philosophy of subject. The goal is to evaluate the problems in order to exceed them and find again the inspiration for the contractual philosophy of children's rights
Fariad, Aïcha. "Les instruments juridiques internationaux relatifs aux droits de l'enfant." Paris 8, 1998.
Full textKane, Ameth Fadel. "La protection des droits de l'enfant pendant les conflits armés en droit international." Thesis, Université de Lorraine, 2014.
Full textThe protection of children rights victim of the armed conflicts is a recent and current problem which leans on the evolution of human rights and on the transformation of the nature of the conflicts. It raises the question of the existence of a substantial international normative frame, capable of assuring protection and assistance to the child in the grip of hostilities. On this point, it seems that the international law plans a set of legal mechanisms applicable to the child, whether he is direct or indirect victim of the conflicts, or that he participates directly in the hostilities. However, the examination of these instruments shows that they are often characterized by the generality of their measures which are not still adapted to the consideration of the specificity of the child. Furthermore, they sometimes raise questions of applicability. So, if we cannot deny them any effectiveness, this one remains partial in many cases. The adoption of legal mechanisms specifically applicable to the child, as the Convention on the Rights of the Child of 1989 and its optional protocols, had moreover for object to remedy this maladjustment and to establish the exhaustiveness of the legal framework. The obstinacy of the violations makes, however, normative inadequacies become aware and impose a redefining of the objective of protection. In this context, the growing implication of the Security Council, but also the criminalization of the violations committed during the armed conflicts, define a new approach of the responsibility of the international community on the subject. This intervention allowed, indeed, to remind to States their obligations and to adopt penalties against individuals offenders. Also, the condemnations pronounced by the International Criminal Court and the Special Court for the Sierra Leone for war crimes consisting in the recruitment and in the use of children soldiers mark the end of a denial of justice. However, the action of these jurisdictions is sometimes hindered by the complexity of rules governing the international justice or the lack of cooperation of States. Thus, an international frame object of all the contradictions emerges from it, where from the relativity of the system of protection. This puts the necessity of insisting on the first responsibility which falls to States in this domain
Books on the topic "Les droits de l'enfant"
Dekeuwer-Défossez, Françoise. Les droits de l'enfant. Paris: Presses universitaires de France, 1991.
Find full textCanada. Multiculturalisme et citoyenneté Canada. Convention relative aux droits de l'enfant. Ottawa, Ont: Multiculturalisme et citoyenneté Canada, 1991.
Find full textDekeuwer-Défossez, Françoise. Les droits de l'enfant. 2nd ed. Paris: Presses universitaires de France, 1993.
Find full textLes droits de l'enfant. Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire: CEI-CEDA, 2009.
Find full textDekeuwer-Défossez, Françoise. Les droits de l'enfant. 3rd ed. Paris: Presses universitaires de France, 1996.
Find full textLaroche-Gisserot, Florence. Les droits de l'enfant. Paris: Dalloz, 1996.
Find full textMonier, Jean-Claude. Les droits de l'enfant. Paris: Documentation française, 1991.
Find full textLe droit et les droits de l'enfant. Paris: L'Harmattan, 2007.
Find full textNeer-Songo. Les dix droits de l'enfant: Théâtre éducatif sur les droits de l'enfant. 3rd ed. Tenkodogo, Burkina Faso: Plumes du Faso, 2011.
Find full textNeirinck, Claire, and Laurence Bellon. Droits de l'enfant et pauvreté. Paris: Dalloz, 2010.
Find full textBook chapters on the topic "Les droits de l'enfant"
"Convention relative aux droits de l'enfant." In La Situation des Enfants dans le Monde 1991, 75–97. UN, 1991.
Full textNeirinck, Claire. "Droits des enfants, droits des parents : que devient la vie familiale ?" In Mais où est donc passé l'enfant ?, 29. ERES, 2003.
Full text"Bibliographie." In Penser les droits de l'enfant, 181–84. Presses Universitaires de France, 2002.
Full textBesombes, Chantal. "Cadre curriculaire et Convention relative aux droits de l'enfant." In Pour un accueil de qualité de la petite enfance : quel curriculum ?, 113–25. Érès, 2009.
Full textMarchal, Cécile. "L'association Louis Chatin pour la défense des droits de l'enfant." In La maîtrise de la vie, 259. ERES, 2012.
Full textMasson-Delmotte, Valérie. "Chapitre 17. Changement climatique : comment respecter les droits de l'enfant ?" In Sommes-nous bientraitants avec nos enfants ?, 263–79. Doin, 2015.
Full textTeruhisa, Horio. "Individus, éducation et démocratie : la question des droits de l'homme et des droits de l'enfant au Japon." In Individu-s et démocratie au Japon, 247–59. Presses universitaires du Midi, 2015.
Full textSécher, Régis. "Droits des enfants/droits des parents : doit-on prendre parti ?" In Protection de l'enfance : la diversification dans tous ses états !, 63–80. Érès, 2019.
Full textAvenard, Geneviève. "Chapitre 1. Le droit d’être considéré comme une personne à part entière." In La parole de l'enfant, 1–11. Dunod, 2016.
Full textCôté, Denyse. "La garde physique partagée, le meilleur intérêt de l’enfant et les droits des femmes vivant de la violence postséparation." In Le meilleur intérêt de l'enfant victime de violence conjugale, 135–54. Presses de l'Université du Québec, 2022.
Full textConference papers on the topic "Les droits de l'enfant"
Morgenstern, A., M. Leroy, and E. Mathiot. "Le pointage chez l'enfant: du gestuel au linguistique." In Congrès Mondial de Linguistique Française 2008. Les Ulis, France: EDP Sciences, 2008.
Full textBangoura, AD, H. Yakk, S. Doffou, and CD Fanou. "La Fibroscopie gastroduodénale de l'enfant à Abidjan (COTE D'IVOIRE)." In Journées Francophones d'Hépato-Gastroentérologie et d'Oncologie Digestive (JFHOD). Georg Thieme Verlag KG, 2018.
Full textDuvignau, K., B. Gaume, T. M. Tran, M. Manchon, C. Martinot, and N. Panissal. "Flexibilité sémantique du système verbal chez l'enfant et l'aphasique : contre l'erreur et pour l'approximation sémantique." In Congrès Mondial de Linguistique Française 2008. Les Ulis, France: EDP Sciences, 2008.
Full textPhilippart De Foy, Marie, Véronique Delvaux, Kathy Huet, Morgane Monnier, Myriam Piccaluga, and Bernard Harmegnies. "Un protocole de recueil de productions orales chez l'enfant préscolaire : une étude préliminaire auprès d'enfants bilingues." In XXXIIe Journées d’Études sur la Parole. ISCA: ISCA, 2018.
Full textSarhani, A., S. Ghani, M. Salihoun, M. Acharki, and N. Kabbaj. "La ligature endoscopique des varices oesophagiennes chez l'enfant dans une unité d'endoscopie pour adulte: Résultats préliminaires d'une étude prospective." In Journées Francophones d'Hépato-Gastroentérologie et d'Oncologie Digestive (JFHOD). Georg Thieme Verlag KG, 2018.
Full textItoudi Bignoumba, PE, I. Maganga Moussavou, and JB Moussavou Kombila. "Hémorragie digestive haute de l'enfant de moins de 10 ans: aspects diagnostiques, pronostiques et thérapeutiques à propos de 14 patients." In Journées Francophones d'Hépato-Gastroentérologie et d'Oncologie Digestive (JFHOD). Georg Thieme Verlag KG, 2018.
Full textReports on the topic "Les droits de l'enfant"
Diagne, Anta. Lutte contre la pratique de l'excision au Mali: De l'approche santé à l'approche basée sur les droits de l'enfant-Rapport d'Evaluation du Programme du Centre Djoliba. Population Council, 2008.
Full textBibiane Ndjebet, Cécile, and Phil René Oyono. Bassin du Congo : La sécurisation des droits fonciers des femmes lue à travers la théorie des droits de propriété. Rights and Resources Initiative, December 2020.
Full textSasseville, J. Régime de droits fonciers sur les terres crie et naskapies du Québec. Natural Resources Canada/ESS/Scientific and Technical Publishing Services, 1997.
Full textA.M., Larson, Barry D., Dahal G.R., and Colfer C.J.P. Reconnaissance des droits des communautes la reforme de la tenure forestiere: potentialities et defis. Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR), 2009.
Full textPark, Walter G., and Douglas Lippoldt. Licences internationales et renforcement des droits de propriété intellectuelle dans les pays en développement. Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and Development (OECD), March 2005.
Full textBarrow, Edmund. La gestion des paysages nécessite le soutien de droits sécurisés et d’une gouvernance adéquate. Washington, DC: International Food Policy Research Institute, 2022.
Full textMachiyama, Kazuyo, Francis Obare, Venkatraman Chandra-Mouli, Doris Chou, Mario Festin, Rajat Khosla, James Kiarie, and Lale Say. Accélérer l’adoption de la planification familiale volontaire et fondée sur les droits dans les pays en développement. Population Council, 2018.
Full textLawrence, Steven Lawrence, Christen Dobson Dobson, Anna Koob Koob, and Mona Chun Chun. Promouvoir les Droits Humains: Mise à jour sur le Subventionnement Mondial par des Fondations - Principaux Constats, 2014. New York, NY United States: Foundation Center, January 2014.
Full textHaberland, Nicole, and Deborah Rogow. Un seul programme : Guide pour une approche pédagogique unifiée de la sexualité, du genre, du VIH et des droits humains. Population Council, 2011.
Full textHaberland, Nicole, and Deborah Rogow. Un seul programme : Activités pour une approche pédagogique unifiée de la sexualité, du genre, du VIH et des droits humains. Population Council, 2011.
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