Dissertations / Theses on the topic 'Les biens'
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Oguer, Fabienne. "Biens collectifs locaux et biens différenciés." Aix-Marseille 3, 1987. http://www.theses.fr/1987AIX32027.
Full textThis study draws the determinatives of the formation of multiple "clubs" of consumers for some type of commodities in an economy : clubs of collective users of one commodity, clubs of customers of a commodity. It analyses the consequences of the combined operation of the different explicative factors
Oguer, Fabienne. "Biens collectifs locaux et biens différenciés." Grenoble 2 : ANRT, 1987. http://catalogue.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb37608521n.
Full textRayna, Thierry. "Les biens numériques comme biens publics durables." Aix-Marseille 3, 2007. http://www.theses.fr/2007AIX32016.
Full textThe last decade has seen the advent and growth of two strongly linked phenomena which have led to important changes in the worldwide economy. The first is the development of the digital economy, based on the digitalisation of previously existing goods and on the development of new purely digital goods. The second is the development and generalisation of consumer piracy. The link between these two phenomena is clear, since nowadays consumer piracy is almost entirely related to digital goods. Since the issues of digital goods and piracy cannot be dissociated, this thesis has a dual objective. The first aim is to investigate the nature of digital goods and the impact of this nature on the economy. The second aim is to understand the cause of consumer piracy and the effect of piracy on the economy. It is shown that the digital nature of digital goods gives them the following economic characteristics: they are public goods, durable goods and experience goods. It is also be demonstrated that consumer piracy is a direct result of the public characteristic of digital goods and that, as such, piracy is also an economic characteristic of digital goods. The goal is, then, to analyse how the decisions of the economic agents – consumers, firms and governments – are affected by the different economic characteristics (including piracy) of digital goods and how these decisions may, in turn, change these characteristics
Bradley, Xavier. "Biens de consommation et biens d'investissement : essai de définition." Dijon, 1991. http://www.theses.fr/1991DIJOE001.
Full textThe usual distinction between consumption and investment only allows classifications by systematically referring to the material aspects of goods. Moreover, from this point of view, no precise criterion exists to mark the difference between free-moving and fixed capital. So all invested means are considered as intermediary material forms before consumption. So the difference between consumption and investment goods finally depends from the moment of obeservation of objects during the economic process. It is, however, possible to elaborate a precise and discriminating definition for each of these categories. To do so, it is necessary to adopt a purely economic viewpoint. Thus the definition must be founded on the concept of economic good and no longer on the material use of objects. The favoured means of such an analysis is the circuit of creation and outlay of earned income. The circuit is made up of two complementary markets: that of producing services and that of goods. Following on from the interaction between these two markets, a precise distinction of the dufferet types of goods can be established. The consumption goods are characterized by a creation of income on the producing services market and an outlay (withdrawal of goods) on the goods market. On the other hand investments goods correspond to fixed capital accumulated in the concerns; they are defined by an outlay of income on the producing services market and are not the object of household consumption
Chamard, Caroline. "La distinction des biens publics et des biens privés : contribution à la définition de la notion de biens publics /." Paris : Dalloz, 2004. http://catalogue.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb39146540p.
Full textChamard-Heim, Caroline. "La distinction des biens publics et des biens privés : contribution à la définition de la notion de biens publics." Lyon 3, 2002. https://buadistant.univ-angers.fr/login?url=https://bibliotheque.lefebvre-dalloz.fr/secure/isbn/9782247098903.
Full textTarlet, Fanny. "Les biens publics mobiliers." Thesis, Lyon 3, 2015. http://www.theses.fr/2015LYO30068.
Full textMovable public property shall be understood as the set of personal property placed in a patrimonial legal relationship with public entities. These goods are characterized by their mobility (such as movable private property), that is to say an ability to circulate, physically and legally, a flexibility and fragility medium, favouring the dissociation of their utilities. But the central question remains whether public ownership is still a relevant instrument for understanding this mobility. It turns out that public ownership, when called upon, potentially exerts an effective force of attraction on all movable public property; thus it allows slowing down their circulation. However, once the good’s ownership has been claimed, public property law is not sufficient to monitor the integrity of movable public property. It doesn’t stem their natural crumbling and evaporation. It is even challenged by other legal relationships which, by dissociation of goods’ utilities, and by unbinding ownership and use, lead to question its relevance
Agostini, François-Xavier. "La jouissance des biens." Thesis, Aix-Marseille, 2017. http://www.theses.fr/2017AIXM0538.
Full textThe demonstration tends to prove that the enjoyment of possessions exists as a concept, which does not change in its essence, whether this one is experienced by the french categories of "droits réels" or "droits personnels" of enjoyment. The definition of enjoyment previously requires us to perform comparisons with other fundamental notions like property or subjective rights. Indeed, like property, enjoyment has proper characteristics. Enjoyment is only conceivable on someone else's property, which causes an ensemble of criteriums, genereted by the relationship with the owner. All these elements define the common regime of the notion and allow its revelation. After establishing the existence of the notion we will study the differents rules governing the constitution and the exercice of the rights of enjoyment
Lenglart, Guillaume. "L'usufruit de biens indivis." Nantes, 1999. http://www.theses.fr/1999NANT4018.
Full textBrown, Ingi. "Entre firme et usagers : des biens génératifs d’usages.Théorie des biens comme espaces de conception." Thesis, Paris, ENMP, 2013. http://www.theses.fr/2013ENMP0001/document.
Full textDe nouveaux produits et services jouissent aujourd'hui d'un succès surprenant, alors qu'ils ne s'intègrent pas dans les canons traditionnels de l'innovation. Sans proposer de ruptures technologiques ni d'usages clairement identifiés, ces biens suscitent toutefois une large exploration d'usages nouveaux et inconnus, à l'image du service web Twitter ou du téléphone iPhone qui viennent bouleverser les pratiques quotidiennes de leurs usagers dans de nombreux domaines, y compris professionnels.La littérature apporte des réponses partielles aux enjeux soulevés par cette classe de biens, mais semble limitée par une vision des biens comme systèmes de découplages de la conception d'usages : celle-ci aurait lieu au sein de la firme par des approches de type analyse d'usage ou bien auprès d'usagers-concepteurs très compétents.Nous proposons ici une théorie qui veut intégrer ces différents apports tout en soulevant les hypothèses que nous jugeons trop restrictives sur les usagers, les biens et leurs rapports à la conception d'usage. Ce projet nous amène à rediscuter de la notion de biens pour les considérer comme des espaces de conception d'usages, à destination d'acteurs à la fois usagers et concepteurs.Ce nouveau paradigme suppose en revanche de réinterroger le rôle de la firme dans l'organisation de cette action collective de conception d'usages. La confrontation de notre modèle théorique à trois études de cas révèle que les succès que l'on connait aujourd'hui reposent sur une organisation sophistiquée des relations entre la firme et ses usagers concepteurs, ainsi qu'une ingénierie spécifique de dispositifs de conception, de formation et de coordination
Brown, Ingi. "Entre firme et usagers : des biens génératifs d'usages.Théorie des biens comme espaces de conception." Phd thesis, Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Mines de Paris, 2013. http://pastel.archives-ouvertes.fr/pastel-00817910.
Full textPapandreou-Deterville, Marie-France. "Le droit anglais des biens /." Paris : LGDJ, 2004. http://www.gbv.de/dms/spk/sbb/recht/toc/388931191.pdf.
Full textMaleki, Patricia. "La légitime défense des biens." Nice, 2002. http://www.theses.fr/2002NICE0008.
Full textDelcenserie, Sophie. "Les biens à caractère personnel." Paris 2, 2006. http://www.theses.fr/2006PA020058.
Full textBeckerich, Christophe. "Biens publics et valorisation immobilière." Lyon 2, 2000. http://theses.univ-lyon2.fr/documents/lyon2/2000/beckerich_c.
Full textCayron, Jocelyne. "La location de biens meubles." Aix-Marseille 3, 1997. http://www.theses.fr/1997AIX32016.
Full textHiring is a contract wich is used nowadays in many ways and to reach different ims. A lot of things are hired out. The civil code gaves few specific rules. Both contracting party is free to add or to delete some obligations. There is a lot of different ways to hire out a chattel personal or things. Also hiring is used to have economic benefits and to avoid taxes
Cadet, Frédérique. "Les biens professionnels des époux." La Réunion, 2001. http://elgebar.univ-reunion.fr/login?url=http://thesesenligne.univ.run/01_25_Cadet.pdf.
Full textParance, Béatrice. "La possession des biens incorporels." Paris 1, 2003. http://www.theses.fr/2003PA010301.
Full textBeckerich, Christophe Bonnafous Alain. "Biens publics et valorisation immobilière." [S.l.] : [s.n.], 2000. http://demeter.univ-lyon2.fr/sdx/theses/lyon2/2000/beckerich_c.
Full textPlateaux, Wistan. "La cession des biens publics." Thesis, Paris 9, 2015. http://www.theses.fr/2015PA090017.
Full textEven though the disposal of publicly-owned assets is occurring more and more frequently, these activities remain doctrinally unclear. The discrepancy between the theory and practice of such disposals can be explained by their uncertain position between public law and private law. Consequently, when considering such disposals, attention is paid to their classification and the exercise of judgement which goes beyond the traditional distinction between public and private domains in favour of the application of a single principle of public ownership. This concept has as consequence the modernization of administrative property law in the context of public ownership with an emphasis on the criteria of institutional law. It also has the advantage of being put into practice immediately without intervention from the legislature. However, this model will only be sustainable if it can maintain a balance between the prerogative of the administration-owners and the continuity of public services. To maintain this legacy, the constitutional basis of the law of publicly-owned assets must be confirmed explicitly
Masson, Romain. "La valorisation des biens publics." Thesis, Paris 10, 2018. http://www.theses.fr/2018PA100094.
Full textThis research aims to identify and define the concept of valorization applied to public properties based on its double foundation, the right to property and the proper use of public funds. This concept is based on two components, exploitation and disposal, which highlight the multiple forms of valorization : economic, social, environmental. These valorisation events renew the analysis in order to better understand the stake of the reform of the law of the public properties, the way in which the valorization has influenced this right and the evolutions to come. Thus, the approximation of state regimes has made it possible to soften and modernize valorization tools and the legal principles governing the public domain. This rapprochement should lead to a unification of jurisdiction for the benefit of the administrative judge. In addition, under the impetus of the valorization, new obligations are imposed on the public owners : competition of the public occupations, inventory of the properties, valorization of the future
Bisbau, Alain. "La notion d'abus de biens sociaux." Paris 11, 2000. http://www.theses.fr/2000PA111004.
Full textThebault, Déborah. "Les biens publics en droit anglais." Thesis, Université Paris Cité, 2019. http://www.theses.fr/2019UNIP5034.
Full textAgainst the backdrop of French public law with its separate administrative and ordinary courts, French lawyers often assume that English law does not have a system of public law. This is inaccurate. This thesis aims to demonstrate the existence of a substantive public law in the English legal system. It does so by identifying a number of public assets. Substantive public law should be distinguished from judicial review, which is not substantive but procedural public law. The substance of English public law lies in a multitude of rules that deviate from the rest of the legal system. These rules are found not only in common law and equity, but also in statute and in delegated legislation. From the analysis of these derogative rules, it appears that public assets enjoy privileged legal treatment. This is triggered either by the "publicness" of the asset, such as the Crown or the public itself, or by the pursuit of the public interest, regardless of the public nature of the owner. My research reveals two sets of substantive public law rules applying to public assets. The first comprise adverse possession when applied to Crown lands and town or village greens. The second set encompasses charities, and assets owned by privatised services
Wittmann, Laurent. "Essai d'une théorie des biens incorporels." Paris 13, 2005. http://www.theses.fr/2005PA131021.
Full textThe french intangible property consist of intangible things owned by a proprietor, i. E. Objects of an autonomous juridical protection. The notion will first be defined in the abstract, then the intangible property's identification will be completed with an inventory, drawn up within the intangible valuables, which are intangible things objects of a subjective right. Intangible property is made up of secondary rights - company shares, copyrights, patents - themselves objects of main rights (subjective rights). Neither tangible goods, nor subjective rights, shares, copyrights and patents have a specific organization, with sometimes particular rules, sometimes (when they are adaptable) rules in common with the other objects of property. This specificity of being at one and the same time united and dissimilar explains why a new system might be necessary
Gleize, Bérengère. "La protection de l'image des biens." Montpellier 1, 2005. http://www.theses.fr/2005MON10047.
Full textPapandréou, Marie-France. "Fondements du droit anglais des biens." Université Robert Schuman (Strasbourg) (1971-2008), 1996. http://www.theses.fr/1996STR30014.
Full textThough the english law of property has traditionally been divided into real property and personal property, it seems more appropriate to study it under two other headings. Indeed the regime which is applied to things varies according to whether they are considered in themselves or as changing elements of a fund. In the first situation, the things, land or goods, are to be used, enjoyed and disposed of ut singuli ; they are governed by the notions of possession and property (ownership) and they know the various divisions of property, i. E. Leases and tenancies, easements and profits a prendre, restrictive covenants and licences as well as securities. On the other hand, the things comprised in a fund represent wealth and must be managed so that their value can increase. The trust is the institution which gives the fund its structure by separating the propertymanagement of the trustee from the property-enjoyment of the cestui que trust
Poli, Jean-François. "La protection des biens culturels meubles." Aix-Marseille 3, 1992. http://www.theses.fr/1992AIX32028.
Full textThe goal of this study is to examine closely the different legal regulation, presse -ntly existing on the juridical protection of movables cultural works: cultural work circulation, purchase by state ("dation en paiement), territorial and marin archaelogy, fiscal law. It insists on the social role of cultural works and also on the duties of the state regarding their protection. Sociological and economic approach is considered as well. Finally it studies the role played by the international organisations (unesco) (concil of europe), and possible consequences of the principle of free circulation result of eec treaty, on the protection
Gijsbers, Charles. "Sûretés réelles et droit des biens." Thesis, Paris 2, 2012. http://www.theses.fr/2012PA020088.
Full textProperty, real rights, tracing, exclusive possession, movables, immovables, accession, accessory obligation, real subrogation, fungibles, funds, etc. are a few of the many concepts forged by property law that are used and sometimes misused, in the law relating to security transactions. The misuse of such concepts in the latter area of law can be attributed to the different purpose that underlies such transactions, being specifically the guaranteeing of debt repayment. After several theses, essays and monographs have been devoted to particular aspects of these interactions between property law and the law surrounding security transactions, this thesis delivers a comprehensive study about the relationship established between the two areas of law, and will highlight their points of convergence, points of divergence and mutual efficiency
Cayemitte, Jean-Marie. "Accumulation des biens, croissance et monnaie." Thesis, Paris 2, 2014. http://www.theses.fr/2014PA020001/document.
Full textThis thesis constructs a theoretical model that renews the traditional approach of the market equilibrium. By introducing into the neoclassical paradigm the principle of preference for quantity, it optimally generates inventories within a competitive market. The results are very important since they explain both the emergence of unsold goods and the existence of economic cycles. In addition, it studies the optimal behavior of a monopolist whose the market power depends not only on the quantity of displayed goods but also that of goods that the main consumer is willing to buy. Contrary to the traditional assumption that the monopolist chooses price or quantity that maximizes its profit, through a generalized Lerner index (GLI) it attracts customers’ demand by both the price and the quantity of displayed goods. Whatever the market structure, the phenomenon of inventory accumulation appears in the economy. Furthermore, it has the advantage of explicitly explaining impulse purchases untreated by economics. To check the robustness of the results,the theoretical model is fitted to U.S. data. Due to its nonlinearity, the Gauss-Newtonmethod is appropriate to highlight the impact of consumers’ preference for quantity on production and accumulation of goods and consequently GDP forecast. Finally, this thesis builds a two-country overlapping generations (OLG) model which extends the dynamic OLG equilibrium to a frictionless dynamic OLG gamma-equilibrium. Based on the cash-inadvance constraint, it highlights the conditions of over-accumulation of capital and welfare implications of capital mobility in a context of accumulation of stock of unsold goods
Gleize, Bérengère. "La protection de l'image des biens /." Paris : Defrénois-Lextenso éd, 2008. http://catalogue.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb41274208p.
Full textMaraia, Jean-Frédéric. "Prix de transfert des biens incorporels /." Genève [u.a.] : Schulthess [u.a.], 2008. http://www.gbv.de/dms/spk/sbb/recht/toc/585083878.pdf.
Full textDemonte, Karine. "La spécialisation du droit des biens." Thesis, Avignon, 2011. http://www.theses.fr/2011AVIG2030.
Full textThe movement of the specialization of the law of the properties reveals all the wealth of this discipline.More exactly, the specialization of the law of the properties arouses numerous disorders and brings profound enrichments to the common law of the properties.This phenomenon of « specialization of the law of the properties » appears and is perfectly translated through the swarming of rights which exists outside of the civil code today. From then on a metaphor is outlined that of an atom where a multitude of electrons revolves around their nucleus.The joint of « the special law of the properties » and of the common law of the properties demonstrates the extraordinary plasticity of the guiding principles of the civil code, showing there fabulous springs which concentrates always today the civil code
Bueren, Truus van. "Tot lof van Haarlem : het beleid van de stad Haarlem ten aanzien van de kunstwerken uit de geconfisqueerde geestelijke instellingen : Truus van Bueren." Hilversum : Verloren, 1993. http://catalogue.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb38835764v.
Full textSánchez, Cordero Dávila Jorge A. "Les biens culturels précolumbiens, leur protection juridique /." Paris : LGDJ, 2004. http://www.gbv.de/dms/spk/sbb/recht/toc/388930217.pdf.
Full textVaillant-Sayous, Anne-Gaëlle. "La valeur des biens en droit français." Thesis, Pau, 2018. http://www.theses.fr/2018PAUU2046/document.
Full textTo the question about what is the value of goods, the main body of doctrine maintains that the value of goods is their price and that is why the goods are desirables and appropriables. However, legally, price and value of goods do not apply to the same branches of law and aim at two different kind of equivalence. Their expressions also diverge. Contrary to the price, which knows only one monetary expression, the value of goods knows, besides, a symbolic expression. As for the assertion according to which the value of the goods become desirables and proves their appropriation, this is a reversal of the reasoning. Indeed, the study of French law reveals that the value of goods is a measure relative to goods. Consequently, the goods, as a legal category, are desirable as such. A comparative study of this one with other legal categories related to the things, shows that goods are knew as a non-natural reserve of completely appropriated things, to which the owner is known and which are advantageous to him to have a complement of service. So, the goods contribute to the subsistence of the individuals, because they help them for their material existence. Considering that the humanity is characterized by individuality and sociability, the goods could be analysed as a contribution to every kind of these needs. However, every goods do not contribute to it in the same proportion. The value of goods measures this contribution in the individual or in the social subsistence of the human beings. These two types of subsistence is characterised by an antagonism. It justifies different legal regimes and expressions of the value. So, the goods which contribute to the individual subsistence have a dynamic regime and a monetary expression. These are the most spread category of goods and the legal reference. They are the goods with an economic value. The goods which contribute to the social subsistence have two conservatives regimes, a symbolic expression and are exceptions to the legal reference. They are the goods with a moral value
Sadoun, Delphine. "Les biens culturels en droit pénal français." Strasbourg, 2011. http://www.theses.fr/2011STRA4014.
Full textThe issue of art trafficking is easy. Every time a work of art is stolen, a part of the History disappears. And unfortunately, they represent an easy way to make money as long as fiscal and customs legislations of many countries are too weak. For those reasons, it is essential to protect the most inestimable works of art. But the struggle against antiquities trafficking should not be forsaken. It represents a huge menace especially as many archaeological sites are not listed. All around the world art trafficking is known and struggled. But to be efficient, most countries should summon up their strength: the various legislations should be in harmony with a world policy in order to be efficient. In fact, art trafficking does not know borders. This illicit market represents a real scourge for knowledge. And it faces legally constituted states too. This thesis will not talk about art trafficking at war or all around the world but in peacetime and especially in France. This study of art trafficking shows the legal means for struggle this phenomenon and wonders if new solutions are possible
Logéat, Catherine. "Les biens privés affectés à l'utilité publique." Rennes 1, 2009. http://www.theses.fr/2009REN1G025.
Full textPrivate property which is given over to public use is subjected to particular attention today due to its lare increase. The drawbacks of the regulations governing public property added to the financial difficulties of individuals have, in fact, increased the outsourcing movement of property given over to public use. This very phenomenon, in connection with the notion of public property, revives the debate between functional and organic theories. The former rejects the nature of public property given to property that doees not satisfy the organic criterion, that-it-to-say, not being the property of a public person. The latter focuses its definition on the giving over of the property to public use. From this perspective, the organic criterion is not a defining element, it's the giving over of the property to public use which is exclusively taken into consideration. Capitan's note concerning the Commune de Barran judgement in 1933 forms the symbol of this theory. From the perspective of the increase in private property given over to public use, the functional theory is in principle more attractive. Nevertheless, should this theory be retained ? The study of how private property is given over to public use and the regulations governing surch private property given over to public use allows us to find an answer to this question. The outcome is that the organic criterion, if this does no exist in the form of public property, maintains a large effect on the giving over public property to private use. This means abandoning the adoption of a solely functional conception, but it leads to questioning the forms that govern the organic criterion in adminstrative property law
Cabrol, Pierre. "Les biens culturels en droit civil français." Bordeaux 4, 1999. http://www.theses.fr/1999BOR40044.
Full textFeugas, Michel. "Le droit des biens à l'hopital aujourd'hui." Poitiers, 1995. http://www.theses.fr/1995POIT3010.
Full textThe jurisprudence has late recognized the legal characters of public property for the hospital estates, as for the others public institutions ones, and the law never provided about it. Traditionnal rules of public property has been defined out of these institutions own practice, and in spite of ancient and frequent calls from the authors for a reform the law of public property, they don't answer the modernity needs of public action. The determination rules particularly are'nt adapted enough to hospital needs, the special protection rules of public property have a low consistency in the particular case of the hospital, last there are any difficulties about compatibility of the law of public property with common law and private investments rules, nevertheless a promising evolution for among the thirty last years. Still, the public property system makes the hospital estates rules more clear and unitary, the constraints of the state public property rules don't apply to them, so that it seems to be advisable to have a high and wide conception of public proper system in hospital. Over the estates management, there are a lot of special regulating activities exercised by authorities out of the hospital, about the conception, appointment and use of the buildings, about hospital activities and using special produc the management acts in hospital are governed by a dense and complex regulation, that shows the heavy control acted upon estates management. At last, the partnership estates management doesn't always afford to use secured enough cooperation ways, while contract practices may be sometimes discussed about their adaptation or legal validity
Chenouard-Charles, Coralie. "La distinction des biens et des services." Paris 1, 2000. http://www.theses.fr/2000PA010349.
Full textFontagné, Lionel. "Biens intermédiaires et division internationale du travail." Paris 1, 1989. http://www.theses.fr/1989PA010019.
Full textThe difference between international trade in final and intermediate goods has been lately introduced in the pure theory of international trade. On the one hand, this difference alters the results initially established. On the other hand a new result appears : trade in intermediate goods is the basis of a macroeconomic efficiency gain. This gain is a "gain of process-segmentation" if imports are intra-consumptions of the industries. The behaviour of economic units has to be reintroduced in the analysis. The microeconomic foundations of this process-segmentation are the characteristics of the product and the economies of scale. The localization of segments is founded on the comparative advantage of different countries if a public constraint influences the choices of the firms. Finally, this segmentation can be internalized or not. Data processing of the European 1959-80 input-output tables produces three main results : -increasing imports of intermediary products -development of process-segmentation practices - complementarity of the two main approaches : the technological and the factor models of international trade
Caire, Gilles. "Analyse économique des biens durables de consommation." Paris 10, 1997. http://www.theses.fr/1997PA100026.
Full textAccording to the french national accounting system, households are supposed "to consume without delay the goods they buy, including durable goods". However this convention does not allow us to take into account correctly the temporal links between purchase flows, adding to stock already held, and satisfaction gained from the consumption of services rendered during the lifetime of the goods. And it is precisely this complexity which creates an extremely volatile dynamic of demand. If we take the opposite point of view -the purchase of consumer durables is a kind of capital investment- the purpose of this work is to suggest a unified framework of economic analysis of the demand for consumer durables, and to illustrate empirically its interest for the french case. By means of a reflection on the notion of durability, the preliminary part aims to discern the relationships between the age and the use-and-exchange values of the goods, and offer an estimate of the value and the inequalities in the division of the stock of consumer durables in french households. Following a patrimonial logic, part 1 suggests a coherent integrating way for durables within consumer intertemporal choices of optimization, by building up a periodical owning price, the user cost. According to a beckerian perspective, the second part considers durable goods as a factor of the household's procduction, with the purpose of arbitration between domestically produced services and marketable services. Finally, by the introduction of phenomena of irreversibility (indivisibility, transaction costs, borrowing constraints) the analysis broadens in part 3 to include possible discords between the flow of required services and stock effectively held back by advancing/postponing decisions of replacement demand, so many ways allowing us to renew the debate on the stability of the function of consumption
Bettio, Nathalie. "La circulation des biens entre personnes publiques." Toulouse 1, 2009. http://www.theses.fr/2009TOU10005.
Full textThe circulation of property between public legal entities is a relatively recent phenomenon that has developed since the end of the nineteen eighties, a period characterized by the reinforcement of territorial decentraization and an alteration of traditional public economic law under the influence of neoliberalism. Until then, patrimony relationships between public legal entities were marginalized, since because of their object, the afore mentioned focused more on the exercise of public strength than on juridical business. The circulation of property, independently from their estate regime, is the dawn of communication between public legal ;entities which moves closer to the private law code and market values. This process, consecrated by the "Code général de la propriété des personnes publiques" which was officially sanctioned in 2006, revealed a drastic change in administration. Indeed, the consequence has been the transformation of public legal entities through a functional reconfiguration of administrative patrimony and territory, restructured by a new deal in public politics and a trivialization of business between public entities. A deepening of the decentralization and a return to liberalism with the function of regulating property policies followed. Its imperium prevails over its dominium. The interference of economic rationality by the circulation of properties between public legal entities finalizes the transition from an essentialist to a functionalist conception of public property ans territory
Kan-Balivet, Béatrice. "Les techniques de gestion des biens d'autrui." Lyon 3, 2004. https://scd-resnum.univ-lyon3.fr/out/theses/2004_out_balivet_b.pdf.
Full textIn answer to the needs of persons who, for certain reasons, do not want or must not manage their own property, the law provides a large range of legal instruments. Though these institutions are almost always ruled by specific dispositions (but not comprehensive), no general theory can be found in the civil Code. Neither do Academics deal with the subject in a comprehensive manner, even though they seem to agree with a single tool of other's property management, based on the concepts of power, the représentation. The author intends to defend a multilevel approach to other's property management, which is a necessary preliminary to every wide reflection in this field, founded on tradition and positive law. Indeed, the fragmentation of other's property management tools will be highlighted. The bases of the above-mentioned fragmentation are notional and functional. The different tools which allow to manage other's property can not all be linked to the notion of factual control without altering this notion. In fact, it refers only to two situations, direct or indirect representation, depending on whether the person whose property is managed is directly or indirectly legally bound by the acts of the manager. It must be noted however that the powers of the manager are different in their nature if the relationship is a trust or an usufruct for example, due to the fact that the management is no longer based on a power in the narrow meaning, but on a right of ownership (when speaking of ownership) or on a factual control (when the manager is a detentor). The notional fragmentation leads to a functional fragmentation. Each tool produces a specific result in the light of the equilibrium between the two requirements of the management : dynamism and protection of everyone's interests. Even though some common rules can be found, the ownership institution remains, in its exemplary dimension, the potentially most efficient but also the most dangerous because of it is lacking a comprehensive organisation
Simler, Christel. "Droit d'auteur et droit commun des biens." Université Robert Schuman (Strasbourg) (1971-2008), 2008. http://www.theses.fr/2008STR30025.
Full textTraditionally, ownership and possession are presented as being reserved for tangible things. Real rights are in limited number. A thing is not supposed to be the object of simultaneous appropriations. A study on authors and property laws allows to deny these assertions. The rights confered by the Intellectual Property Code upon the author of a work are the attributes of the property such as defined in the article 544 of the Civil Code. This property, as any property, manifested itself by its possession, possession which has probation effects and acquisition effects of rights. The property right of the author is capable of multiple divisions. The work may be subject of simultaneous appropriations. A work is a thing object of ownership such as defined in the Code civil. Therefore, some rules of property law are applicable and can complete the special law. However, the application of property law should not be systematic. Some rules of the special law or the immateriality of the work justifie that article of the Civil Code can not be applied
Becker-Demerliat, Anne. "La sécurité des personnes et des biens." Limoges, 2000. http://www.theses.fr/2000LIMO0478.
Full textAbdelfattah, Eddahbi. "Les biens publics en droit administratif marocain." Bordeaux 1, 1985. http://www.theses.fr/1985BOR1D009.
Full textFontagné, Lionel Lassudrie-Duchêne Bernard. "Biens intermédiaires et division internationale du travail /." Paris : Économica, 1991. http://catalogue.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb35410458c.
Full textBalivet, Béatrice Mallet-Bricout Blandine. "Les techniques de gestion des biens d'autrui." Lyon : Université Lyon 3, 2005. http://thesesbrain.univ-lyon3.fr/sdx/theses/lyon3/2004/balivet_b.
Full textLombard, Ludovic. "La fiscalité des biens des personnes publiques." Thesis, Toulouse 1, 2017. http://www.theses.fr/2017TOU10038.
Full textPublic properties and taxes are in an ambivalent relationship. Usually considered as a way for public entity to finance its budgetary expenses, especially as regards to its properties, paradoxically, taxes are a financial burden for them. This situation is based on an equal treatment, which is a part of fiscal neutrality, between public and private taxpayers. Neutrality can mean achievement of tax assimilation according to a functional criterion between public and private properties. One of the major challenges when it comes to identifying an objective of fiscal neutrality is the different fiscal writing. However, it is being accomplished when public entities suffer taxes, especially for the exploitation of their own property. Competition law affects the situation. Though, when public entities use private means to moderate the impact of taxes, by property management and by fiscal management, it is almost impossible to reach the goal. Public entities are restricted by a specific legal framework. They cannot act as private entities because of their specificity. Therefore, justifying a legal regime which derogates from the general one, public interest has a huge impact on public management