Academic literature on the topic 'Lelepa'

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Journal articles on the topic "Lelepa"


Ballard, Chris. "A Night on the Island: Jean Guiart and Roi Mata on Lelepa." Journal de la société des océanistes, no. 154 (June 30, 2022): 93–104.

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EL-TORKEY, ASHRAF M., ALAA DIN A. OSHAIBAH, MAGDI M. H. SALEM, MOHAMMAD T. HOSNI, ABDEL-RHMAN G. ABDEL-RHMAN, and AHMED M. SOLIMAN. "Review of the Palaearctic species of Macromyrme Lelej 1984 (Hymenoptera: Mutillidae) with description of a new species from Egypt." Zootaxa 2863, no. 1 (May 2, 2011): 63.

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Winoto, Yunus. "Menggali Nilai-Nilai Luhur Pada Tradisi Upacara Ngarot : Kajian Budaya Mengenai Nilai-Nilai Luhur Pada Tradisi Upacara Ngarot Di Desa Lelea Kabupaten Indramayau Provinsi Jawa Barat." Tamaddun: Jurnal Kebudayaan dan Sastra Islam 21, no. 1 (July 24, 2021): 1–17.

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This study aims to determine the noble values ​​contained in the implementation of the ngarot traditional ceremony in Lelea Village, Indtamayu Regency, West Java Province. The approach in research using a qualitative approach with the type of case study research. The data collection technique was carried out through observations, interviews and through literature study. Sources of data in the study include primary data sources derived from observations and interviews with resource persons consisting of young people, traditional leaders, village heads and Lelela village community leaders. The data analysis technique is carried out in three stages, namely the data reduction stage where the researcher collects and reduces the data, the data display stage, the researcher presents the data in the form of a narrative and description and the stage of drawing conclusions. Based on the research results, it is known that there are several values ​​that can be obtained from the implementation of this ngarot traditional ceremony, namely the spirit of mutual cooperation; exemplary symbols from community leaders for young people; enthusiasm to maintain the rice fields in Lelea Village as rice granaries in Indramayu Regency; the use of flowers on the crown or head as a symbol to maintain dignity and honor for girls or cuene as well as the meaning expressed in the mask dance movement which gives a message that human life does not escape death and will definitely end so that humans must always continue to work, do good according to with the age level in his life.
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Tresnasih dan Lasmiyati, Ria Intani. "FUNGSI NGAROT UNTUK MASYARAKAT LELEA." Patanjala : Jurnal Penelitian Sejarah dan Budaya 8, no. 1 (March 1, 2016): 37.

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AbstrakNgarot merupakan upacara yang memiliki keterkaitan dengan masalah pertanian.Upacara ini terdapat di Desa Lelea, Kecamatan Lelea, Kabupaten Indramayu.Upacara ngarot diikuti oleh generasi muda dan berlangsung dari tahun ke tahun tanpa putus. Keikutsertaan generasi muda serta keberlangsungan upacara ini memunculkan pertanyaan apa yang menjadi tujuan upacara, seperti apa bentuk dari upacara ngarot, dan apa sesungguhnya fungsi dari upacara ngarot itu untuk generasi muda khususnya dan masyarakat Lelea pada umumnya. Sehubungan dengan pertanyaan tersebut, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui tujuan upacara, bentuk dari upacara ngarot, dan fungsi upacara itu bagi generasi muda khususnya dan masyarakat Lelea pada umumnya. Jenis penelitian ini deskriptif dengan pendekatan yang digunakan adalah kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa upacara ngarot menjadi wadah untuk mempersatukan pemuda Lelea, menjadi wadah untuk melekatkan rasa gotong royong antarpemuda Lelea, dan mengajarkan pemuda untuk hidup mandiri dengan mendayagunakan potensi desanya. Simpulan yang dapat ditarik dari penelitian adalah bahwa upacara ini tidak lain sebagai sarana sosialisasi kepada generasi muda Lelea, agar mereka senantiasa dapat mencintai desanya. AbstractNgarot is a ritual that has been linked to farming problems. This ritual occurs in Lelea village, District of Lelea, Indramayu. Ngarot ceremony followed by the younger generation and continuosly lasts from a year to a year. The participation of the younger generation as well as the sustainability of this ceremony raises the question on what the purpose of the ceremony is, what Ngarot is, and what the real function of the Ngarot ceremony is for the younger generation in particular and Lelea society in general. In connection with these questions, this study aims to determine the purpose of the ceremony, the form and ritual of ngarot ceremony is for the younger generation, in particular and Lelea society, in general. It is descriptive study with the qualitative approach. The results showed that Ngarot ceremony of Lelea is a means to unite the Lelea youth, become a means to attach a sense of mutual cooperation among the Lelea youth, and teaches youth to be independent by empowering the potential of the village. The conclusion that can be drawn from the research is this ceremony was seen as a means of socialization to the younger generation of Lelea, so they can always love the village.
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Malik, Saeful, Muhammad Askolani, and Jalaludin Jalaludin. "NILAI-NILAI DAKWAH ISLAM DALAM TRADISI NGAROT DI DESA LELEA KECAMATAN LELEA KABUPATEN INDRAMAYU." Communicative : Jurnal Komunikasi dan Dakwah 2, no. 2 (December 31, 2021): 65.

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Da'wah values are derivatives or developments from sources of Islamic teachings, namely the Qur'an and Sunnah. Therefore, Abdul Basit grouped them into three types, namely; Universal values, cultural values and personal values. The three groups produced several derivatives of da'wah values as follows, namely the value of discipline, the value of honesty, the value of hard work, the value of cleanliness, the value of competition. This research is a type of qualitative research with the aim of producing descriptive data in the form of written, spoken words from people and observable behavior in order to provide clarity on the relevance of Islamic da'wah values in the Ngarot tradition in Lelea village, Lelea district, Indramayu district. Data collection techniques in this study used the methods of observation, interviews and documentation. The results of this study explain that the implementation of the Ngarot tradition is carried out on Wednesdays (except Kliwon Wednesday) in December every year. The process is, a parade (parade) around the village of Lelea, the handover of panca usaha tani (five objects that are closely related to agriculture), then ends with artistic entertainment. Among the goals of this tradition is as a form of gratitude for the arrival of the rice planting season. The da'wah values contained in this Ngarot tradition include; First, the value of discipline in the implementation of the Ngarot tradition is reflected in the attitude to be able to protect oneself from adultery and the command to be able to restrain one's lust. Second, the value of honesty in the form of orders to always maintain faith, orders to spread peace, gratitude and orders to do good deeds. Third, the value of hard work which is reflected through the command not to give up. Fourth, the value of competition is reflected through the command of friendship, maintaining togetherness and intelligence.
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Тулянцев, А. А., and М. В. Сазонова. "Бенд Leleka Berlin: український фольклор і джаз." Музикознавча думка Дніпропетровщини, no. 13 (August 14, 2018): 29–37.

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Мета статті полягає у розкритті індивідуальності виконавського стилю етно-джаз-бенду Leléka berlin, у виявлені особливостей синтезу його професійних музично-сценічних взаємодій, а також в аналізі професійних якостей відповідного інструментально-вокального виконавства. З персоною Вікторії Антон та її колег-інструменталістів можна визначити актуальну цінність міжнародної творчої діяльності етно-джаз-бенду Leléka berlin, зрозуміти його специфіку, окреслити професійні можливості, розкрити особливості творчих пошуків сучасних музикантів, а також з’ясувати умови ефективної діяльності такого квартету, як етно-джаз-бенд Leléka berlin у сучасному соціумі. Методологія дослідження зумовлюється емпіричною природою наукової розвідки, яка формує превалювання у статті таких дослідницьких методів як спостереження та узагальнення. Саме ці методи дозволяють, перш за все, розкрити творчу індивідуальність етно-джаз-бенду Leléka berlin. Наукова новизна. Вперше в історії українського музикознавства зроблена спроба розглянути феномен етно-джаз-бенду Leléka berlin, який було створено у 2016 році. Аналіз взаємовпливу інструментального та вокально-сценічного напрямків у сучасному естрадному мистецтві виявив актуальні особливості концертної діяльності етно-джаз-бенду Leléka berlin, як міжнародного музичного явища та сценічного видовища. Висновки. Зроблено музикознавчий аналіз, повʼязаний з обгрунтуванням інструментально-вокальної моделі етно-джаз-бенду Leléka berlin, що обумовлює фольклорне продовження в сучасному міжнародному естрадному виконавстві. Вокально-інструментальна ансамблевість, що підпорядковує собі всю концертну та гастрольну діяльність, – основа дієвого функціонування етно-джаз-бенду Leléka berlin, на якому будується вся система його критеріїв сучасної музичної пропаганди українського фольклору. Концерти, гастролі, виступи етно-джаз-бенду Leléka berlin на Магдебургзькому міжнародному театральному фестивалі підтверджують той факт, що виконавці вкладають у гру та спів власне світовідчуття, своєрідно розкривають образний світ українського фольклору у його джазовій обробці.
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TAN, MING KAI, and TAKSIN ARTCHAWAKOM. "New species of Leleja (Orthoptera: Gryllinae; Gryllini) with first female description for the genus." Zootaxa 4236, no. 3 (February 23, 2017): 592.

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Following the recent discovery of a new genus from Thailand, a new species of Leleja Gorochov 2016 was discovered from Sakaerat Environmental Research Station in the same province: Leleja khao sp. n. Despite their close proximity between their known distributions, Leleja khao sp. n. differs from the type species by the male genitalia and also their natural habitat. The female for the genus is also described here for the first time.
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THAKHISI, J. K., and Mofolo Bulane. "LELALA-LE-LAOTSWE." South African Journal of African Languages 9, sup1 (January 1989): 105–17.

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Mihailovich, Vasa D., and Velibor Lazarević. "Lelek zvona." World Literature Today 73, no. 4 (1999): 779.

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Merlina, Nina. "Budaya Spritual pada Masyarakat Indramayu (Kajian Sosial Budaya)." Patanjala : Jurnal Penelitian Sejarah dan Budaya 3, no. 3 (September 1, 2011): 488.

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AbstrakFenomena ziarah ke tempat-tempat keramat, masih banyak dilakukan dilingkungan masyarakat. Ziarah ke tempat-tempat keramat merupakan suatu faktasosial yang tidak bisa diabaikan, terlepas dari pro dan kontra. Ziarah ke tempat-tempatkeramat sepertinya sudah menjadi suatu kebutuhan pokok bagi suatu kelompokmasyarakat tertentu, baik itu di lingkungan pedesaan maupun perkotaan. Ziarah ketempat-tempat keramat bisa diartikan sebagai kunjungan ke tempat yang dianggapkeramat atau mulia, misalnya; makam, tempat lahirnya seorang tokoh besar, tempatpeninggalan atau patilasan, dan tempat–tempat yang memiliki nilai sejarah spiritualyang tinggi. Suatu makam dianggap keramat apabila di makam tersebut dimakamkanseseorang yang dianggap sangat berpengaruh sewaktu masih hidup. Bagi sebagianmasyarakat, makam dan tempat keramat adalah tempat yang baik untuk mencariberkah. Begitu pula yang terjadi di Desa Lelea Kecamatan Lelea KabupatenIndramayu, menziarahi makam atau tempat keramat, sepertinya sudah menjadisuatu kebutuhan masyarakatnya. Wilayah Lelea yang dipagari oleh tempat keramat,memungkinkan sekali bagi masyarakat Lelea untuk selalu menziarahi tempat-tempatkeramat yang ada di lingkungannya. Masyarakat Lelea merasa diawasi kehidupannyaoleh para keramat tersebut. Hal ini disebabkan oleh anggapan di kalangan masyarakatLelea, bahwa, di tempat-tempat keramat tersebut bersemayam roh-roh halus paraleluhur atau tokoh yang mempunyai kekuatan-kekuatan di atas kemampuan manusiabiasa. Para leluhur tersebut adalah orang yang sangat berjasa, mempunyai kharismadan dimitoskan oleh penduduknya dan dijadikan sebagai panutan. Pada saat-saattertentu, di tempat-tempat keramat tersebut, dijadikan sebagai tempat kegiatan ritualmisalnya upacara-upacara persembahan kepada Tuhan Yang Maha Kuasa untukmeminta dan memohon segala petunjuk yang harus dilakukan untuk maksud-maksudtertentu.AbstractThe people of Desa Lelea in Indramayu have habit to go on a pilgrimage to placesthey consider sacred, such as the tomb of sacred person and so on. They think sacredcemetery has spiritual power and influence their daily life because the person whowas entombed there was a holy person. They also believe that their ancestors havebeen living in that cemetery. This research concluded that pilgrimage to sacred places,either in rural or urban areas, is a social fact that can not be ignored. The pilgrimsthink that they can get blessings from those sacred places.
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Dissertations / Theses on the topic "Lelepa"


Leleu, Marion Boulicaut Jean-François. "Extraction de motifs séquentiels sous contraintes dans des données contenant des répétitions consécutives." Villeurbanne : Doc'INSA, 2005.

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Donner, Lela Kornelia [Verfasser]. "Die Vererblichkeit der deliktischen Handlung / Lela Kornelia Donner." Frankfurt a.M. : Peter Lang GmbH, Internationaler Verlag der Wissenschaften, 2018.

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Leleu, Diane Louise [Verfasser], and Guido [Akademischer Betreuer] Sauter. "Die prognostische Relevanz des Nodalstatus und quantitativer Parameter der nodalen Metastasierung beim Prostatakarzinom / Diane Louise Leleu ; Betreuer: Guido Sauter." Hamburg : Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Hamburg, 2019.

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Jeronymo, Lelia Paes. "Avaliação da radiografia digital da coluna lombar como ferramenta de auxilio ao diagnóstico da osteoporose / Lelia Paes Jeronymo ; orientador, Munir A. Gariba." reponame:Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da PUC_PR, 2011.

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Dissertação (mestrado) - Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Paraná, Curitiba, 2011
Bibliografia: f. 52-59
A osteoporose é considerada um distúrbio osteometabólico que tem como característica a diminuição de densidade mineral óssea e deterioração da microarquitetura do tecido ósseo, o que ocasiona aumento da fragilidade esquelética e do risco de fraturas. A té
Osteoporosis is considered an osteometabolic disorder which is haracterized by the reduction of bone mineral density and deterioration of the bone microarchitecture, resulting in an increase of bone fragility and fracture risk. The technique considered go
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Dassering, Oueddo. "Dynamique du bilan fourrager et gestion des terroirs agrosylvopastoraux en zone soudanienne du tchad : cas du canton lele." Paris 12, 2000.

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La zone soudanienne du tchad est appelee a jouer un role important dans l'intensification agropastorale. Cependant, le milieu naturel se degrade essentiellement sous l'effet de la pression anthropique. Dans les terroirs de manga dongo, bologo netougou et serem kaboutei du canton lele, la densite de population est tres forte. Les enquetes de 1995 ont revele une proportion importante de jeunes de moins de quinze ans. L'elevage et l'agriculture ont une forte integration. L'etude du peuplement des ligneux a permis le suivi de leur distribution d'abondance, de recouvrement et de regeneration. Cinq especes ligneuses ont ete etudiees en raison de leur interet fourrager et abondance. Leurs regressions ont ete etablies et leur biomasse foliaire disponible quantifiee. Les tests de fisher et de student ont permis de constituer des groupes d'especes homogenes et d'etablir leurs regressions. L'etude du comportement alimentaire des ruminants sur les paturages a permis d'identifier les especes fourrageres recherchees, refusees ou moyennement consommees. Le bilan fourrager a permis d'evaluer la biomasse vegetale disponible et la satisfaction des besoins. Les capacites d'accueil du systeme agrosylvopastoral sont entamees. Le cadre institutionnel du systeme d'information sur l'environnement doit assurer la compatibilite, la circulation, la valorisation et le partage des donnees de differentes institutions. Le controle continu et la poursuite des recherches ecologiques a long terme pour apprehender les phenomenes globaux (evolution climatique, desertification et degradation des milieux) et leur influence sur les phenomenes locaux fourniront aux gestionnaires les elements a la prise de decision dans la gestion des ressources renouvelables (developpement durable).
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Dannert, Lelia [Verfasser]. "Der mTOR-Inhibitor Everolimus in Kombination mit Carboplatin in der Behandlung des metastasierten Mammakarzinoms : Auswertung der Daten des Phase-II-Teils der klinischen Studie / Lelia Dannert." Berlin : Medizinische Fakultät Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin, 2021.

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Fopah, Lele Armand [Verfasser], and Wolfgang [Akademischer Betreuer] Ruck. "A Thermochemical Heat Storage System for Households: Thermal Transfers Coupled to Chemical Reaction Investigations / Armand Fopah Lele. Betreuer: Wolfgang Ruck." Lüneburg : Universitätsbibliothek der Leuphana Universität Lüneburg, 2015.

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Chirol, To Anouk. "Ouka Lele, Alberto García Alix, Miguel Trillo et Pablo Pérez Mínguez : Trajectoires de quatre photographes issus de la movida (1975-2000)." Saint-Etienne, 2003.

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La movida (1979-1985) a engendré une culture urbaine et populaire où la photographie a occupé une place de premier ordre. S'il est indéniable que les carrières des quatre photographes (Ouka Lele, Alberto García Alix, Miguel Trillo et Pablo Pérez Mínguez) sont liées à la movida, il est difficile de trouver des caractéristiques communes, tant esthétiques que thématiques, dans leurs créations. Après avoir replacé ces quatre artistes dans différents contextes, nous avons étudié les techniques utilisées et la conception du médium chez chacun d'eux puis la façon de traiter un même genre : le portrait. Appliquer l'étiquette de "photographes de la movida" à Ouka Lele, A. García Alix, M. Trillo et P. Pérez Mínguez introduit un rapport de dépendance que ces artistes ont dépassé. L'expression "photographes issus de la movida" tient compte de la spécificité de chacun et de la survie de leurs oeuvres après la disparition de la movida
The Movida (1979-1985) created a popular and urban culture in which photography had a great importance. Even if it is impossible to deny that the careers of Ouka Lele, Alberto García Alix, Miguel Trillo and Pablo Perez Mínguez are bound to the Movida, it is difficult to find common features in the aesthetic as in the thematic parts of their works. After situating these four artists in different contexts, the techniques and the way of using the camera were studied separately for each photographer. Then it was possible to compare the different approaches of a same gender : the portrait. The conclusion of this work is that it is impossible to call Ouka Lele, A. García alix, M. Trillo and P. Pérez Mínguez "photographers of the Movida" because it would means that they depend on it. The expression "photographers from the Movida" takes into account each one's specificity and the survival of their works after the Movida's death
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Alard, Mireille. "L'Art des Bashileele, Kasai occidental." Lille 3 : ANRT, 1989.

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Tritschler, Volker Kristoff [Verfasser], Nikolaus A. [Akademischer Betreuer] Adams, and Sanjiva K. [Akademischer Betreuer] Lele. "Parameter and numerical model uncertainties of the Richtmyer-Meshkov instability / Volker Kristoff Tritschler. Gutachter: Nikolaus A. Adams ; Sanjiva K. Lele. Betreuer: Nikolaus A. Adams." München : Universitätsbibliothek der TU München, 2015.

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Books on the topic "Lelepa"


Sukhonis, Fidelʹ. Leleka vertai͡e︡ dodomu. Dnipropetrovsʹk: "Polihrafist", 2002.

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Fa a lelela legodu. Manzini, Swaziland: Macmillan Boleswa, 1993.

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Koteski, Jovan. Lelejka. Skopje: Misla, 1994.

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Komaidi, Didik. Santri lelana. Yogyakarta: P-idea, 2006.

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Boubat, Edouard. Lella. Paris: Contrejour, 1987.

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Lelek. Banja Luka: Besjeda, 2004.

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Lelia. Birkenhead: Countyvise Limited in association with Liverpool Marine Press, 2004.

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Sand, George. Lelia. Place of publication not identified]: [publisher not identified], 2015.

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Bilet͡sʹka, Hanna. Leleky: Zbirka poeziĭ. Kyïv: KMT͡S "Poezii͡a", 2003.

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Baltrušaitis, Jurgis. Lelija ir pjautuvas. Vilnius: Vaga, 1996.

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Book chapters on the topic "Lelepa"


Schrammek, Bernhard. "Lelia Colista." In Barockmusikführer, 117–19. Stuttgart: J.B. Metzler, 2001.

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Burkhart, Dagmar, and Ljiljana Šari. "Ujevi, Augustin Tin: Lelek sebra." In Kindlers Literatur Lexikon (KLL), 1–2. Stuttgart: J.B. Metzler, 2020.

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Douglas, Mary. "The Lele of Kasai." In Man in Adaptation, 221–40. New York: Routledge, 2022.

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Leleu, Timothée, and Kazuyuki Aihara. "Commentary by Kazuyuki Aihara and Timothée Leleu." In Studies in Systems, Decision and Control, 233–37. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2015.

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Pohlmann, André. "Modellprojekt LeLA: Integration integrativ – Reflexionen aus der Projekt-Praxis." In Sozialwissenschaften und Berufspraxis, 173–87. Wiesbaden: Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden, 2019.

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Hohmann, Jan, Katja Paulus, and Anna Rath. "LELINA – Lern- und Erlebnislabor Industrienatur: Praxisbeispiel für ein Projekt an der Schnittstelle zwischen Bildung für nachhaltige Entwicklung und Digitalisierung." In Digitale Bildung für nachhaltige Entwicklung, 103–14. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2022.

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Otto, Karl-Heinz, and Manuel Esterl. "Gamification – ein „neuer“ Weg der Digitalisierung, aufgezeigt am Beispiel des fächerverbindenden Projekts „Lern- und Erlebnislabor Industrienatur“ (LELINA) zur Bildung für nachhaltige Entwicklung." In Digitale Bildung für nachhaltige Entwicklung, 239–50. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2022.

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"Lelesu." In Encyclopedic Dictionary of Archaeology, 757. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2021.

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Norgren, Jill. "Lelia Robinson and Mary Greene." In Rebels at the Bar, 156–84. NYU Press, 2013.

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"STAY ON LELE." In Caroline Islands, 214–38. Routledge, 2012.

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Conference papers on the topic "Lelepa"


Gallina, Zsolt, and Gyöngyi Gulyás. "„Láttam a végtelen sok kunt és tatárt…” : A tatárjárás emlékei Csanádpalotáról." In Hadak útján XXIV. : A népvándorláskor fiatal kutatóinak XXIV. konferenciája. PPKE BTK Régészeti Tanszék, MTA BTK Magyar Őstörténeti Témacsoport, 2017.

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A tanulmány a Csanádpalota határában 2013-ban feltárt Árpád-kori településrészlet, illetve annak tatárjárás kori eseményei bemutatásával foglalkozik. A több mint 47 000 m²-re kiterjedő ásatás során a kelta kortól a tatárjárás koráig öt régészeti korszakba tartozó jelenségek kerültek felszínre. A lelőhely gerincét egy Árpád-kori falu településobjektumai adták, melyek közül a legmeghatározóbb jelenségek a szögletes alaprajzú területeket határoló, illetve a több száz méter hosszan követhető, települést kerítő árkok voltak. A településobjektumok között feltárt két temetkezés, továbbá egy meneteles lejáratú gödörbe rejtett vaseszközlelet alapján bizonyos, hogy az Árpád-kori falu a tatárjáráskor pusztult el. A lelőhely legérdekesebb lelete a települést kerítő árokra ásott gödörbe temetett, felszerszámozott keleti nomád lósír volt.
APA, Harvard, Vancouver, ISO, and other styles

Prohászka, Péter. "Észrevételek néhány délnyugat-szlovákiai császárkori leletegyütteshez." In Hadak útján XXIV. : A népvándorláskor fiatal kutatóinak XXIV. konferenciája. PPKE BTK Régészeti Tanszék, MTA BTK Magyar Őstörténeti Témacsoport, 2015.

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A Magyar Nemzeti Múzeum régészeti gyűjteménye számos különféle régészeti korszak emlékanyagát őrzi, melyek a mai Délnyugat-Szlovákia területén kerültek elő. Ezek között, ha kis számban, de a római császárkor leletanyaga is képviseltetve van. Ugyan ezek egy részét több-kevesebb részletességgel már közreadták, azonban a leletkörülményekre és leletösszetételre vonatkozóan legnagyobbrészt a leltárkönyvben található igen szűkszavú bejegyzésekre voltak utalva a kutatók. A kérdések tisztázásához szerencsére sokszor segíthetnek a Nemzeti Múzeum Irattárában található levelek, jelentések. Az alábbi tanulmányban három olyan lelet együttes került feldolgozásra, amelyek ugyan a kutatás számára ismertek voltak, azonban részletes, mindenre kiterjedő közlésük a malackai urnatemetkezés és mellékletei kivételével nem történt meg.
APA, Harvard, Vancouver, ISO, and other styles

Widenhorn, Axel, Berthold Noll, and Manfred Aigner. "Accurate Boundary Conditions for the Numerical Simulation of Thermoacoustic Phenomena in Gas-Turbine Combustion Chambers." In ASME Turbo Expo 2006: Power for Land, Sea, and Air. ASMEDC, 2006.

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The goal of this paper is to discuss the derivation and behaviour of non-reflecting boundary conditions in the framework of accurate calculations of combustion instabilities. Therefore, it is explained for the first time, how to modify the coefficients of the discrete pressure correction equation and of the discrete conservation equations, in order to apply non-reflecting boundary conditions to a pressure based SIMPLE-Algorithm. The theory and practical implementation of the boundary conditions, which are based on Poinsot & Lele’s [1] formulation, will be explained for inflow and outflow boundaries. The method will be validated based upon test cases which are relevant to the simulation of gas turbine combustion chambers. Moreover, the accuracy of non-reflecting boundary conditions is assessed for cases where combustion leads to inhomogeneous temperature and species fields. The impact of the acoustic wave propagation speed on the reflectivity of the non-reflecting boundary conditions is analysed.
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Arb, Kellen, Chris Reid, Qiao Li, Evgueni Levine, and Pradiptya Ghosh. "OPC and verification for LELE double patterning." In SPIE Photomask Technology, edited by Frank E. Abboud and Thomas B. Faure. SPIE, 2012.

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Kohira, Yukihide, Yoko Yokoyama, Chikaaki Kodama, Atsushi Takahashi, Shigeki Nojima, and Satoshi Tanaka. "Yield-aware decomposition for LELE double patterning." In SPIE Advanced Lithography, edited by John L. Sturtevant and Luigi Capodieci. SPIE, 2014.

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Lin, Chia Ching, En Chuan Lio, Chang Mao Wang, Howard Chen, Sho Shen Lee, Henry Hsing, Kince Liu, and Nuriel Amir. "LELE CD bias offset monitor through OVL measurement." In SPIE Advanced Lithography, edited by Luigi Capodieci and Jason P. Cain. SPIE, 2016.

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Akbar, F. A., A. Sondra, and Maidiawati Maidiawati. "Analisis Pengaruh Nilai Tegangan Leleh Tulangan Sengkang Kolom Terhadap Kapasitas Seismik Gedung Beton Bertulang." In SEMINAR NASIONAL Strategi Pengembangan Infrastruktur ke-3. ITP Press, 2017.

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Varga, Bernadette, Alina Dia Trambitas-Miron, Andrei Roth, Anca Marginean, Radu Razvan Slavescu, and Adrian Groza. "LELA - A natural language processing system for Romanian tourism." In 2014 Federated Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems. IEEE, 2014.

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Karlina, Nina, and Imanudin Kudus. "Analysis Performance Of Joint Venture-Owned Enterprises (Badan Usaha Milik Desa/Bumdes) Leles Sub District, Garut." In International Conference on Public Policy, Social Computing and Development 2017 (ICOPOSDev 2017). Paris, France: Atlantis Press, 2018.

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Shirmohammadi, Mohammad Mehdi, Karim Faez, and Mostafa Chhardoli. "LELE: Leader Election with Load Balancing Energy in Wireless Sensor Network." In 2009 WRI International Conference on Communications and Mobile Computing (CMC). IEEE, 2009.

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Reports on the topic "Lelepa"


Langeveld, W. Fast Detector Simulation Using Lelaps. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), August 2004.

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Langeveld, Willy G. J. Parameterized Shower Simulation in Lelaps: a Comparison with Geant4. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), September 2003.

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