Journal articles on the topic 'Lehar'
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Lamb, Andrew. "Lehar Listed." Musical Times 127, no. 1719 (June 1986): 337.
Full textLuccio, Riccardo. "Isomorphism and representationalism." Behavioral and Brain Sciences 26, no. 4 (August 2003): 418–19.
Full textVelmans, Max. "Is the world in the brain, or the brain in the world?" Behavioral and Brain Sciences 26, no. 4 (August 2003): 427–29.
Full textDuch, Włodzisław. "Just bubbles?" Behavioral and Brain Sciences 26, no. 4 (August 2003): 410–11.
Full textLloyd, Dan. "Double trouble for Gestalt Bubbles." Behavioral and Brain Sciences 26, no. 4 (August 2003): 417–18.
Full textMcLoughlin, Niall P. "Bursting the bubble: Do we need true Gestalt isomorphism?" Behavioral and Brain Sciences 26, no. 4 (August 2003): 421.
Full textSchirillo, James A. "Spatial phenomenology requires potential illumination." Behavioral and Brain Sciences 26, no. 4 (August 2003): 425–26.
Full textBooth, David A. "Phenomenology is art, not psychological or neural science." Behavioral and Brain Sciences 26, no. 4 (August 2003): 408–9.
Full textGunderson, Keith. "Steven Lehar's Gestalt Bubble model of visual experience: The embodied percipient, emergent holism, and the ultimate question of consciousness." Behavioral and Brain Sciences 26, no. 4 (August 2003): 413–14.
Full textRoss, Helen E. "Neurological models of size scaling." Behavioral and Brain Sciences 26, no. 4 (August 2003): 425.
Full textWright, Edmond. "Percepts are selected from nonconceptual sensory fields." Behavioral and Brain Sciences 26, no. 4 (August 2003): 429–30.
Full textRevonsuo, Antti. "Consciousness as phenomenal ether?" Behavioral and Brain Sciences 26, no. 4 (August 2003): 422–23.
Full textRosenthal, Victor, and Yves-Marie Visetti. "Gestalt Bubble and the genesis of space." Behavioral and Brain Sciences 26, no. 4 (August 2003): 424.
Full textHanák, Péter. "The Historical and Cultural Role of the Vienna-Budapest Operetta." Central-European Studies 2021, no. 4(13) (2021): 391–415.
Full textSarangi, R. K., S. K. Shrinidhi, Prakash Chauhan, and B. R. Raghavan. "Remote sensing and in situ platform based study on impact of Bay of Bengal cyclones (Phailin, Helen, Lehar, and Madi) on ocean chlorophyll and associated physical parameters." Natural Hazards 93, no. 1 (May 5, 2018): 413–51.
Full textKristanto, Nur Adi, Yogi Noviadi, and Purnomo Raharjo. "POTENTIAL HAZARDS OF SEDIMENT IN KENDARI BAY, SOUTHEAST SULAWESI." BULLETIN OF THE MARINE GEOLOGY 23, no. 1 (February 15, 2016): 26.
Full textNetro Banjarnahor, Usman Budi, and Hamdan. "ESTIMASI JARAK GENETIK DAN FAKTOR PEUBAH PEMBEDA BANGSA BABI (Berkshire, Duroc, Landrace dan Yorkshire) MELALUI ANALISIS MORFOMETRIK DI BPTU BABI DAN KERBAU SIBORONGBORONG." Jurnal Peternakan Integratif 2, no. 2 (April 2, 2014): 165–72.
Full textNetro Banjarnahor, Usman Budi, and Hamdan. "ESTIMASI JARAK GENETIK DAN FAKTOR PEUBAH PEMBEDA BANGSA BABI (Berkshire, Duroc, Landrace dan Yorkshire) MELALUI ANALISIS MORFOMETRIK DI BPTU BABI DAN KERBAU SIBORONGBORONG." Jurnal Peternakan Integratif 2, no. 2 (April 2, 2014): 165–72.
Full textIone, Amy. "Laws of Seeing by Wolfgang Metzger, translated by Lothar Spillmann, Steven Lehar, Mimsey Stromeyer and Michael Wertheimer. MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, U.S.A., 2006. 194 pp. illus. Trade. ISBN: 0-262-13467-5." Leonardo 41, no. 3 (June 2008): 297–98.
Full textSunaryadi, Sunaryadi, Eva Oktavidiati, and W. Yulianto. "SUPLEMENTASI TEPUNG DAUN KELOR (Moringa oleifera) TERHADAP MORFOMETRI ORGAN TUBUH ITIK TALANG BENIH." Jurnal Inspirasi Peternakan 1, no. 3 (December 13, 2021): 194–205.
Full textDimitrijević, Zorica. "Porodični lekar-porodična medicina." Zdravstvena zastita 35, no. 6 (2006): 1–12.
Full textPratama, Gusti Yohana, and Anak Agung Gde Jayawardhita. "TREATMENT OF VULNUS LACERATUM ON THE UPPER NECK OF DOMESTIC CAT: A CASE REPORT." Indonesia Medicus Veterinus 10, no. 1 (January 31, 2021): 158–69.
Full textMasniar, Masniar, and Bambang Supriadi Rusli. "ANALISA PERANCANGAN PAPAN LANDASAN ERGONOMIS UNTUK AKTIVITAS DI KOLONG MOBIL." Metode : Jurnal Teknik Industri 7, no. 2 (October 20, 2021): 68–78.
Full textNiapati, Hilda, and Yasnidawati Yasnidawati. "PENYESUAIAN POLA BAJU KURUNG BASIBA UNTUK WANITA BERTUBUH GEMUK PENDEK." Gorga : Jurnal Seni Rupa 8, no. 2 (November 8, 2019): 344.
Full textJanjić, Momir. "Family doctor." Zdravstvena zastita 36, no. 1 (2007): 69–71.
Full textDingstad, Ståle, Thorstein Norheim, and Ellen Rees. "Leiar." Edda 103, no. 02 (June 8, 2016): 89–91.
Full textDingstad, Ståle, Thorstein Norheim, and Ellen Rees. "Leiar." Edda 103, no. 04 (December 1, 2016): 281–83.
Full textJegerstedt, Kari, Christine Hamm, Jørgen Magnus Sejersted, and Eirik Vassenden. "Leiar." Edda 101, no. 04 (December 11, 2014): 275–77.
Full textVassenden, Eirik, Christine Hamm, and Jørgen Magnus Sejersted. "Leiar." Edda 100, no. 02 (July 23, 2013): 102–3.
Full textHamm, Christine, Jørgen Magnus Sejersted, and Eirik Vassenden. "Leiar." Edda 99, no. 04 (November 18, 2012): 275–76.
Full textHamm, Christine, Jørgen Magnus Sejersted, and Eirik Vassend. "Leiar." Edda 98, no. 04 (December 5, 2011): 287–88.
Full textHamm, Christine, Jørgen Magnus Sejersted, and Eirik Vassenden. "Leiar." Edda 99, no. 02 (June 7, 2012): 63–65.
Full textHamm, Christine, Eirik Vassenden, and Jørgen Magnus Sejersted. "Leiar." Edda 101, no. 02 (June 12, 2014): 101–3.
Full textRees, Ellen, Thorstein Norheim, and Ståle Dingstad. "Leiar." Edda 102, no. 02 (June 3, 2015): 91–93.
Full textVassenden, Eirik, Christine Hamm, and Jørgen Magnus Sejersted. "Leiar." Edda 98, no. 02 (June 23, 2011): 107–8.
Full textHamm, Christine, Jørgen Magnus Sejersted, and Eirik Vassenden. "Leiar." Edda 100, no. 04 (December 19, 2013): 253–54.
Full textDingstad, Ståle, Thorstein Norheim, and Ellen Rees. "Leiar." Edda 102, no. 04 (November 19, 2015): 263–64.
Full textMjøs, Leiv Bjarte. "Leiar." Kart og Plan 115, no. 2 (June 28, 2022): 98–99.
Full textMjøs, Leiv Bjarte. "Leiar." Kart og Plan 115, no. 4 (December 19, 2022): 324.
Full textStamenković, Sreten. "A quarter century since the journal 'Plant Doctor' was reestablished." Biljni lekar 49, no. 1 (2021): 7–16.
Full textMaulani, N. L., Sutopo Sutopo, and E. Kurnianto. "Keragaman Genetik Itik Magelang Berdasarkan Lebar Kalung Leher Melalui Analisis Protein Plasma Darah di Satuan Kerja Itik Unit Banyubiru Ambarawa." Jurnal Sain Peternakan Indonesia 11, no. 1 (July 18, 2016): 23–30.
Full textPutri, Asa Bela Sri Reformasi Nala, Gushairiyanto Gushairiyanto, and Depison Depison. "Bobot Badan dan Karakteristik Morfometrik Beberapa Galur Ayam Lokal." Jurnal Ilmu dan Teknologi Peternakan Tropis 7, no. 3 (September 30, 2020): 256.
Full textKeinanen, Nely. "Kuningas Lear [King Lear] (review)." Shakespeare Bulletin 24, no. 2 (2006): 68–73.
Full textLehar, Steven. "Directional Harmonic Theory: A Computational Gestalt Model to Account for Illusory Contour and Vertex Formation." Perception 32, no. 4 (April 2003): 423–48.
Full textDanielsen, Hilde. "Kjære lesar." Tidsskrift for kjønnsforskning 34, no. 04 (January 18, 2011): 266–67.
Full textBolsø, Agnes. "Kjære lesar." Tidsskrift for kjønnsforskning 34, no. 03 (November 1, 2010): 187–88.
Full textDanielsen, Hilde. "Kjære lesar!" Tidsskrift for kjønnsforskning 35, no. 04 (November 28, 2011): 274.
Full textIngvil, Hellstrand. "Kjære lesar,." Tidsskrift for kjønnsforskning 46, no. 3-4 (December 16, 2022): 121–22.
Full textDiamond, Elin, Lee Breuer, and William Shakespeare. "Lear." Theatre Journal 42, no. 4 (December 1990): 481.
Full textGainor, J. Ellen, and William Shakespeare. "Lear." Theatre Journal 40, no. 4 (December 1988): 552.
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