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Lamb, Andrew. "Lehar Listed." Musical Times 127, no. 1719 (June 1986): 337.

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Luccio, Riccardo. "Isomorphism and representationalism." Behavioral and Brain Sciences 26, no. 4 (August 2003): 418–19.

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Lehar tries to build a computational theory that succeeds in offering the same computational model for both phenomenal experience and visual processing. However, the vision that Lehar has about isomorphism in Gestalttheorie as representational, is not adequate. The main limit of Lehar's model derives from this misunderstanding of the relation between phenomenal and physiological levels.
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Velmans, Max. "Is the world in the brain, or the brain in the world?" Behavioral and Brain Sciences 26, no. 4 (August 2003): 427–29.

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Lehar provides useful insights into spatially extended phenomenology that may have major consequences for neuroscience. However, Lehar's biological naturalism leads to counterintuitive conclusions, and he does not give an accurate account of preceding and competing work. This commentary compares Lehar's analysis with that of Velmans, which addresses similar issues but draws opposite conclusions. Lehar argues that the phenomenal world is in the brain and concludes that the physical skull is beyond the phenomenal world. Velmans argues that the brain is in the phenomenal world and concludes that the physical skull is where it seems to be.
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Duch, Włodzisław. "Just bubbles?" Behavioral and Brain Sciences 26, no. 4 (August 2003): 410–11.

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Lehar misrepresents the Neuron Doctrine and indirect realism. His conclusions on consciousness are unjustified. The Bubble Gestalt perceptual modeling disconnected from neuroscience has no explanatory power.
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Lloyd, Dan. "Double trouble for Gestalt Bubbles." Behavioral and Brain Sciences 26, no. 4 (August 2003): 417–18.

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The “Gestalt Bubble” model of Lehar is not supported by the evidence offered. The author invalidly concludes that spatial properties in experience entail an explicit volumetric spatial representation in the brain. The article also exaggerates the extent to which phenomenology reveals a completely three-dimensional scene in perception.
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McLoughlin, Niall P. "Bursting the bubble: Do we need true Gestalt isomorphism?" Behavioral and Brain Sciences 26, no. 4 (August 2003): 421.

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Lehar proposes an interesting theory of visual perception based on an explicit three-dimensional representation of the world existing in the observer's head. However, if we apply Occam's razor to this proposal, it is possible to contemplate far simpler representations of the world. Such representations have the advantage that they agree with findings in modern neuroscience.
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Schirillo, James A. "Spatial phenomenology requires potential illumination." Behavioral and Brain Sciences 26, no. 4 (August 2003): 425–26.

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Collapsing three-dimensional space into two violates Lehar's “volumetric mapping” constraint and can cause the visual system to construct illusory transparent regions to replace voxels that would have contained illumination. This may underlie why color constancy is worse in two dimensions, and argues for Lehar to revise his phenomenal spatial model by putting “potential illumination” in empty space.
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Booth, David A. "Phenomenology is art, not psychological or neural science." Behavioral and Brain Sciences 26, no. 4 (August 2003): 408–9.

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It is tough to relate visual perception or other achievements to physiological processing in the central nervous system. The diagrammatic, algebraic, and verbal pictures of how sights seem to Lehar do not advance understanding of how we manage to see what is in the world. There are well-known conceptual reasons why no such purely introspective approach can be productive.
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Gunderson, Keith. "Steven Lehar's Gestalt Bubble model of visual experience: The embodied percipient, emergent holism, and the ultimate question of consciousness." Behavioral and Brain Sciences 26, no. 4 (August 2003): 413–14.

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Aspects of an example of simulated shared subjectivity can be used both to support Steven Lehar's remarks on embodied percipients and to triangulate in a novel way the so-called “hard problem” of consciousness which Lehar wishes to “sidestep,” but which, given his other contentions regarding emergent holism, raises questions about whether he has been able or willing to do so.
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Ross, Helen E. "Neurological models of size scaling." Behavioral and Brain Sciences 26, no. 4 (August 2003): 425.

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Lehar argues that a simple Neuron Doctrine cannot explain perceptual phenomena such as size constancy but he fails to discuss existing, more complex neurological models. Size models that rely purely on scaling for distance are sparse, but several models are also concerned with other aspects of size perception such as geometrical illusions, relative size, adaptation, perceptual learning, and size discrimination.
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Wright, Edmond. "Percepts are selected from nonconceptual sensory fields." Behavioral and Brain Sciences 26, no. 4 (August 2003): 429–30.

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Steven Lehar allows too much to his direct realist opponent in using the word “subjective” of the sensory field per se. The latter retains its nonconceptual, nonmental nature even when explored by perceptual judgement. He also needs to stress the evolutionary value of perceptual differences between person and person, a move that enables one to undermine the direct realist's superstitious certainty about the singular object.
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Revonsuo, Antti. "Consciousness as phenomenal ether?" Behavioral and Brain Sciences 26, no. 4 (August 2003): 422–23.

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The Gestalt Bubble model of visual consciousness is a courageous attempt to take the first-person perspective as primary in the study of consciousness. I have developed similar ideas as the Virtual Reality Metaphor of consciousness (Revonsuo 1995; 2000). I can, hence, only agree with Lehar about the general shape of a proper research strategy for the study of consciousness. As to the metaphysical basis of the research program, I have, however, several reservations about panexperientialism.
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Rosenthal, Victor, and Yves-Marie Visetti. "Gestalt Bubble and the genesis of space." Behavioral and Brain Sciences 26, no. 4 (August 2003): 424.

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Lehar (rightly) insists on the volumetric character of our experience of space. He claims that three-dimensional space stems from the functional three-dimensional topology of the brain. But his “Gestalt Bubble” model of volumetric space bears an intrinsically static structure – a kind of theater, or “diorama,” bound to the visual modality. We call attention to the ambivalence of Gestalt legacy and question the status and precise import of Lehar's model and the phenomenology that motivates it.
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Hanák, Péter. "The Historical and Cultural Role of the Vienna-Budapest Operetta." Central-European Studies 2021, no. 4(13) (2021): 391–415.

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This article is devoted to the history of the origin and rise to the peak of popularity of the operetta genre in the Austro-Hungarian monarchy. This paper demonstrates that, in contrast to French or English operettas with their pronounced political and satirical orientation, the uncomplicated and frivolous librettos of the operettas staged in Vienna and Budapest were demonstrably apolitical. The plots of four operettas — The Bat and The Gypsy Baron (Johann Strauss), The Merry Widow (Franz Lehar), and The Riviera Girl (Germ. Csárdásfürstin, Imre Kálmán) — and the press responses they produced are considered. These works created the illusion of ease of overcoming social boundaries, included a cascade of sparkling, memorable melodies borrowed from different peoples of the multi-ethnic monarchy, and combined waltz, csárdás, polka, mazurka, and gypsy tunes on the stage, relegating differences to the background and making the audience forget about interethnic contradictions. Sweet love stories with happy endings helped audiences to forget that Europe was burning during the First World War. The operetta genre became part of mass culture, and even if its artistic level and value varied greatly from work to work, it proposed a new common cultural metalanguage and did not cut off the path to high musical culture for the masses, but rather straightened it.
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Sarangi, R. K., S. K. Shrinidhi, Prakash Chauhan, and B. R. Raghavan. "Remote sensing and in situ platform based study on impact of Bay of Bengal cyclones (Phailin, Helen, Lehar, and Madi) on ocean chlorophyll and associated physical parameters." Natural Hazards 93, no. 1 (May 5, 2018): 413–51.

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Kristanto, Nur Adi, Yogi Noviadi, and Purnomo Raharjo. "POTENTIAL HAZARDS OF SEDIMENT IN KENDARI BAY, SOUTHEAST SULAWESI." BULLETIN OF THE MARINE GEOLOGY 23, no. 1 (February 15, 2016): 26.

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Kendari bay is located in front of Kendari city. There are two harbors in the inner part of bay which very important to support economic activities such as shipping and passenger transportation. The result of coastal characteristic mapping and physical oceanography survey show various coastal morphology, vegetation, weathering processes, sedimentation, currents, and water depth and sea floor morphology. Kendari bay is an enclosed bay; the area is wide in the inner part and narrow in mouth of bay (outlet), the morphology look like a bottle’s neck. Numerous mouth rivers are concentrate around the bay. The rivers load material from land since erosion on land is intensive enough. There is indication that sediment supplies from land trough river mouth not equivalent with outlet capacity. Sediment load is trapped in the inner bay caused the outlet morphology. So high sediment rate play an important role in the process of shallow of water depth in Kendari bay. This condition make the Kendari bay is a prone area of sediment hazard due to height rate of sedimentary process. Therefore, to anticipate the hazards, precaution should be taken related to the Kendari bay as the center of activities in southeast of Sulawesi. The further survey is needed such as marine geotechnique and on land environmental to collect data, which can be used as database for development planning. Key words: Potential hazard, sediment, Kendari Bay Teluk Kendari terletak di bagian depan kota Kendari. Di bagian dalam teluk terdapat 2 pelabuhan yang sangat penting untuk menunjang kegiatan ekonomi seperti perikanan dan transportasi. Hasil pemetaan karakteristik pantai dan penyelidikan oseanografi memperlihatkan kondisi morfologi pantai, vegetasi, proses pelapukan, sedimentasi, arus, kedalaman air laut dan morfologi dasar laut. Teluk Kendari merupakan teluk tertutup yang lebar di bagian dalamnya dan sempit di bagian mulutnya dimana morfologinya terlihat seperti lehar botol. Beberapa mulut sungai terkosentrasi di sekitar teluk. Sungai bermuatan material dari daratan selama erosi didaratan cukup intensif. Hal ini mencerminkan indikasi suplai sedimen dari darat melalui muara sungai tidak sama dengan kapasitas pengeluaran. Muatan sedimen terperangkap di bagian dalam teluk dan menyebabkan terbentuknya morfologi cerobong. Tingginya muatan sedimen merupakan proses yang penting terjadinya pendangkalan di Teluk Kendari Kondisi tersebut menyebabkan Teluk Kendari cenderung merupakan daerah yang akan mengalami bahaya pendangkalan akibat tingginya proses sedimentasi. Oleh karena itu untuk menanggulagi bahaya tersebut, harus dilakukan pencegahan karena Teluk Kendari merupakan pusat kegiatan di Sulawesi Tenggara. Penelitian selanjutnya seperti pengumpulan data geoteknik kelautan dan lingkungan sangat diperlukan untuk dijadikan data dasar untuk rencana pengembangan.
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Netro Banjarnahor, Usman Budi, and Hamdan. "ESTIMASI JARAK GENETIK DAN FAKTOR PEUBAH PEMBEDA BANGSA BABI (Berkshire, Duroc, Landrace dan Yorkshire) MELALUI ANALISIS MORFOMETRIK DI BPTU BABI DAN KERBAU SIBORONGBORONG." Jurnal Peternakan Integratif 2, no. 2 (April 2, 2014): 165–72.

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Jarak genetik yang dekat memberikan peluang yang sedikit untuk mendapatkan heterosis dalampersilangan. Oleh karena itu jarak genetik menjadi pedoman dalam melakukan persilangan. Penelitian ini dilakukanuntuk mengetahui faktor peubah pembeda dan mengestimasi jarak genetik diantara bangsa babi (Berkshire, Duroc,Landrace dan Yorkshire). Penelitian ini dilakukan di Balai Pembibitan Ternak Unggul, Siborongborongmenggunakan 17 ekor babi Berkshire, 22 ekor Duroc, 46 ekor Landrace dan babi Yorkshire 25 ekor. Pengambilandata dilakukan dengan cara mengukur tinggi pundak, tinggi pinggul, lebar pinggul, panjang badan, lingkar dada,dalam dada, panjang ekor, lingkar leher, panjang kepala, lebar kepala, panjang telinga dan lebar telinga. Data yangdiperoleh diolah dengan analisis diskriminan sederhana dengan menggunakan program SAS (Statistical AnalysisSystem) dan Dendogram menggunakan program MEGA (Molekuler Evolusioner Genetic Analysis). Hasil penelitianmenunjukkan bahwa kemurnian fenotifik masing-masing bangsa babi ialah bangsa Berkshire (88,24%), bangsaDuroc (86,36%), bangsa Landrace (89,13%) dan Yorkshire (68,00%). Faktor peubah pembeda morfologi tubuh darikeempat bangsa babi ialah lebar telinga, panjang telinga, lebar kepala, panjang kepala dan panjang ekor. Jarakgenetik babi Berkshire dengan babi Yorkshire memiliki jarak genetik yang dekat, sebaliknya babi Duroc denganbabi Landrace memiliki jarak genetik yang jauh.
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Netro Banjarnahor, Usman Budi, and Hamdan. "ESTIMASI JARAK GENETIK DAN FAKTOR PEUBAH PEMBEDA BANGSA BABI (Berkshire, Duroc, Landrace dan Yorkshire) MELALUI ANALISIS MORFOMETRIK DI BPTU BABI DAN KERBAU SIBORONGBORONG." Jurnal Peternakan Integratif 2, no. 2 (April 2, 2014): 165–72.

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Jarak genetik yang dekat memberikan peluang yang sedikit untuk mendapatkan heterosis dalampersilangan. Oleh karena itu jarak genetik menjadi pedoman dalam melakukan persilangan. Penelitian ini dilakukanuntuk mengetahui faktor peubah pembeda dan mengestimasi jarak genetik diantara bangsa babi (Berkshire, Duroc,Landrace dan Yorkshire). Penelitian ini dilakukan di Balai Pembibitan Ternak Unggul, Siborongborongmenggunakan 17 ekor babi Berkshire, 22 ekor Duroc, 46 ekor Landrace dan babi Yorkshire 25 ekor. Pengambilandata dilakukan dengan cara mengukur tinggi pundak, tinggi pinggul, lebar pinggul, panjang badan, lingkar dada,dalam dada, panjang ekor, lingkar leher, panjang kepala, lebar kepala, panjang telinga dan lebar telinga. Data yangdiperoleh diolah dengan analisis diskriminan sederhana dengan menggunakan program SAS (Statistical AnalysisSystem) dan Dendogram menggunakan program MEGA (Molekuler Evolusioner Genetic Analysis). Hasil penelitianmenunjukkan bahwa kemurnian fenotifik masing-masing bangsa babi ialah bangsa Berkshire (88,24%), bangsaDuroc (86,36%), bangsa Landrace (89,13%) dan Yorkshire (68,00%). Faktor peubah pembeda morfologi tubuh darikeempat bangsa babi ialah lebar telinga, panjang telinga, lebar kepala, panjang kepala dan panjang ekor. Jarakgenetik babi Berkshire dengan babi Yorkshire memiliki jarak genetik yang dekat, sebaliknya babi Duroc denganbabi Landrace memiliki jarak genetik yang jauh.
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Ione, Amy. "Laws of Seeing by Wolfgang Metzger, translated by Lothar Spillmann, Steven Lehar, Mimsey Stromeyer and Michael Wertheimer. MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, U.S.A., 2006. 194 pp. illus. Trade. ISBN: 0-262-13467-5." Leonardo 41, no. 3 (June 2008): 297–98.

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Sunaryadi, Sunaryadi, Eva Oktavidiati, and W. Yulianto. "SUPLEMENTASI TEPUNG DAUN KELOR (Moringa oleifera) TERHADAP MORFOMETRI ORGAN TUBUH ITIK TALANG BENIH." Jurnal Inspirasi Peternakan 1, no. 3 (December 13, 2021): 194–205.

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Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji suplementasi tepung daun kelor dalam ransum terhadap morfometri organ tubuh itik Talang Benih. Penelitian ini menggunakan Rancangan Acak Kelompok (RAK) dengan menggunakan 5 perlakuan dan 4 kelompok. Setiap kelompok terdiri dari 4 ekor itik Talang Benih, jumlah itik yang disiapkan 80 ekor itik Talang Benih. Perlakuan yang digunakan A = ransum kontrol (tanpa suplementasi tepung daun kelor), B = suplementasi tepung daun kelor 2 %, C = suplementasi tepung daun kelor 4 %, D = suplementasi tepung daun kelor 6 % dan E = suplementasi tepung daun kelor 8 %. Ransum yang digunakan terdiri dari jagung kuning giling, dedak padi, ampas kelapa, ampas tahu dan ikan rucah, disusun dengan kandungan protein 19 % dan energi metabolisme 2.900 kkal/kg. Parameter yang diamati dalam penelitian ini adalah panjang paruh, lebar paruh, tinggi kepala, panjang kepala, panjang leher panjang tibia, panjang femur, panjang sternum, panjang punggung, panjang sayap.Pemberian tepung daun kelor sebanyak 8% berpengaruh nyata terhadap panjang punggung dan panjang sayap, tetapi tidak berpengaruh terhadap panjang paruh, lebar paruh, tinggi kepala, panjang kepala, panjang leher, panjang tibia, panjang femur, dan panjang sternum. Penggunaan suplemen daun kelor 8% menunjukan bahwa mempengaruhi panjang punggung dan panjang sayap,Kata Kunci : Tepung Daun Kelor, Morfometri, Itik Talang Benih
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Dimitrijević, Zorica. "Porodični lekar-porodična medicina." Zdravstvena zastita 35, no. 6 (2006): 1–12.

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Pratama, Gusti Yohana, and Anak Agung Gde Jayawardhita. "TREATMENT OF VULNUS LACERATUM ON THE UPPER NECK OF DOMESTIC CAT: A CASE REPORT." Indonesia Medicus Veterinus 10, no. 1 (January 31, 2021): 158–69.

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Vulnus laceratumadalah luka robek yang disertai dengan kehilangan jaringan yang minimum disebabkan oleh trauma. Kucing berusia duatahun denganberat badan 2,8kg mengalami luka yang cukup lebar pada bagian leher atas. Secara fisik kondisi kucingmasih aktif, nafsu makan dan minum juga normal. Kucingdidiagnosismengalami vulnus laceratum yang terdapat pada bagian leher atas dengan prognosisfausta. Vulnus laceratumditangani dengan melakukan pembedahan.Proses bedahterlebih dahulu dilakukan pembersihan luka (cleansing)dengan hidrogen peroksida (H2O2) 3%, kemudian pengangkatan jaringan yang mati atau rusak (debridement) untuk membuat luka baru agar bisa menyatu, dan dilanjutkan penutupan luka dengan jahitan (suturing). Pascaoperasidiberikanantibiotik amoksisilin secara intramuskuler serta antiinflamasi berupa deksametason secara per oralhinggahari ke-5, serta pemberian serbuk tabur neomisindan bacitracinsertaiodinsebagai antiseptikdaerah luar luka agar tidakterjadiinfeksi. Pada hari ke-8pascaoperasi, luka terlihat mulai membaikdan mengering, kondisi kucing mulai aktif menunjukan tanda kesembuhan.
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Masniar, Masniar, and Bambang Supriadi Rusli. "ANALISA PERANCANGAN PAPAN LANDASAN ERGONOMIS UNTUK AKTIVITAS DI KOLONG MOBIL." Metode : Jurnal Teknik Industri 7, no. 2 (October 20, 2021): 68–78.

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Bekerja dengan menggunakan papan landasan untuk aktivitas di kolong mobil yang kurang ergonomis dapat berpengaruh pada factor keamanan dan kenyamanan mekanik, hal ini di karenakan tubuh mekanik akan mengalami kesakitan maupun cepat mudah lelah pada saat beraktivitas di kolong mobil terlalu lama. Metode yang digunakan dalam mengukur perancangan produk yang ergonomis, salah satunya adalah metode Antropometri Statis, dimana metode ini bertujuan memberikan keamanan dan kenyamanan bagi mekanik. Serta mampu menyumbangkan ide dan memberikan konstribusi desain produk yang ergonomi. Perancangan produk papan landasan untuk aktivitas dikolong mobil yang saya gunakan ini hasil dari tes persentil yaitu Panjang Kepala (PKL) = 18.7cm, Kedalaman Leher (KL) = 17.5cm, Lebar Bahu (LBH) = 60.4cm, Lebar Badan (LB) = 42.8cm, Panjang Tubuh (PTB) = 141.1cm dengan tingkat kesalahan 5% dan tingkat kebenaran dalam pengambilan sample yaitu dengan tingkat kepercayaan 95%.
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Niapati, Hilda, and Yasnidawati Yasnidawati. "PENYESUAIAN POLA BAJU KURUNG BASIBA UNTUK WANITA BERTUBUH GEMUK PENDEK." Gorga : Jurnal Seni Rupa 8, no. 2 (November 8, 2019): 344.

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AbstrakBaju kurung basiba dipakai oleh perempuan Minangkabau dengan bentuknya longgar yang memiliki ciri khas, pada bagian sisi baju terdapat siba, panjang baju sebatas lutut, leher bulat tanpa kerah dan diberi belahan pada pertengahan lubang leher sebelah depan 15 cm. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mendeskripsikan kelemahan, cara memperbaiki dan penyesuaian pola baju kurung basiba untuk wanita bertubuh gemuk pendek. Jenis penelitian adalah penelitian terapan. Objek penelitian yaitu pola baju kurung basiba, yang diuji cobakan pada wanita bertubuh gemuk pendek berusia 23 tahun dengan tinggi 157 cm dan berat 70 kg. Dinilai oleh 3 orang panelis yang ahli pada bidang busana yaitu dosen Tata Busana. Instrumen penelitian yang digunakan adalah kuesioner/angket memakai skala likerts. Teknik analisa data menggunakan statistik deskriptif berupa perhitungan persentase menggunakan microsoft excel. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan adanya kelemahan yang terdapat pada pola baju kurung basiba yaitu: 1) lebar muka lebih lebar 1 cm, 2) lebar punggung lebih lebar 1 cm, 3) besar lengan atas sempit 3 cm. Kelemahan pada fitting I dengan persentase 64% dengan kategori “Cukup Sesuai”, setelah mengetahui kelemahan pada pola baju kurung basiba maka dilakukan perbaikan pada fitting II dengan persentase 75% dengan kategori “Sesuai”. Setelah perbaikan masih terdapat kekurangan di bagian lebar muka dan lebar punggung, maka dilakukan penyesuaian dengan persentase 95% dengan kategori “Sangat Sesuai” untuk wanita bertubuh gemuk pendek. Kata Kunci: pola, baju kurung, basiba, wanita.AbstractBaju kurung basiba worn by Minangkabau women with a loose shape which has a characteristic, on the side of the shirt there is siba, knee length clothes, round neck without collar and given a cleavage in the middle of the front of the neck hole 15 cm. The aims of this research is to describe the flaws, how to improve and the adjustment baju kurung basiba pattern on short fat woman. This research is an applied research. The research objects are 23 years old women with 157 cm height and 70 cm weight. The assessment was conducted by 3 panelists who are experts in the field of fashion namely fashion lecturers. The research instrument used is questionnaire used likerts scale. Techique of analysis use descriptive statistic in the form of percentage calculation use microsoft excel . The results showed that there were weaknesses in the baju kurung basiba pattern is: 1). the front body block is wider for 1 cm, 2) the back body block is wider for 1 cm, 3) the big upper arm is narrower for 3 cm. Weakness in fitting I with a percentage 64% in “quite appropriate” category, after knowing the weaknesses in the baju kurung basiba pattern then repairing the fitting II with a percentage 75% with “appropriate” category. After repairing there are still shortages in parts the front body and the back body, then with a percentage 95% in the “very appropriate” category for short fat woman. Keywords: pattern, baju kurung, basiba, woman.
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Janjić, Momir. "Family doctor." Zdravstvena zastita 36, no. 1 (2007): 69–71.

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Dingstad, Ståle, Thorstein Norheim, and Ellen Rees. "Leiar." Edda 103, no. 02 (June 8, 2016): 89–91.

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Dingstad, Ståle, Thorstein Norheim, and Ellen Rees. "Leiar." Edda 103, no. 04 (December 1, 2016): 281–83.

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Jegerstedt, Kari, Christine Hamm, Jørgen Magnus Sejersted, and Eirik Vassenden. "Leiar." Edda 101, no. 04 (December 11, 2014): 275–77.

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Vassenden, Eirik, Christine Hamm, and Jørgen Magnus Sejersted. "Leiar." Edda 100, no. 02 (July 23, 2013): 102–3.

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Hamm, Christine, Jørgen Magnus Sejersted, and Eirik Vassenden. "Leiar." Edda 99, no. 04 (November 18, 2012): 275–76.

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Hamm, Christine, Jørgen Magnus Sejersted, and Eirik Vassend. "Leiar." Edda 98, no. 04 (December 5, 2011): 287–88.

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Hamm, Christine, Jørgen Magnus Sejersted, and Eirik Vassenden. "Leiar." Edda 99, no. 02 (June 7, 2012): 63–65.

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Hamm, Christine, Eirik Vassenden, and Jørgen Magnus Sejersted. "Leiar." Edda 101, no. 02 (June 12, 2014): 101–3.

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Rees, Ellen, Thorstein Norheim, and Ståle Dingstad. "Leiar." Edda 102, no. 02 (June 3, 2015): 91–93.

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Vassenden, Eirik, Christine  Hamm, and Jørgen Magnus Sejersted. "Leiar." Edda 98, no. 02 (June 23, 2011): 107–8.

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Hamm, Christine, Jørgen Magnus Sejersted, and Eirik Vassenden. "Leiar." Edda 100, no. 04 (December 19, 2013): 253–54.

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Dingstad, Ståle, Thorstein Norheim, and Ellen Rees. "Leiar." Edda 102, no. 04 (November 19, 2015): 263–64.

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Mjøs, Leiv Bjarte. "Leiar." Kart og Plan 115, no. 2 (June 28, 2022): 98–99.

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Mjøs, Leiv Bjarte. "Leiar." Kart og Plan 115, no. 4 (December 19, 2022): 324.

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Stamenković, Sreten. "A quarter century since the journal 'Plant Doctor' was reestablished." Biljni lekar 49, no. 1 (2021): 7–16.

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Brief overview of the 25-year (1995-2019) period since of the journal "Plant Doctor" resumed publication. A retrospective analysis with a summary of accomplishments, and assessment of challenges and opportunities for improvement. Focus on content, technical aspect and regular publication schedule.
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Maulani, N. L., Sutopo Sutopo, and E. Kurnianto. "Keragaman Genetik Itik Magelang Berdasarkan Lebar Kalung Leher Melalui Analisis Protein Plasma Darah di Satuan Kerja Itik Unit Banyubiru Ambarawa." Jurnal Sain Peternakan Indonesia 11, no. 1 (July 18, 2016): 23–30.

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Penelitian ini bertujuanuntuk mengetahui tingkat keragaman genetik itik Magelang berdasarkan lebar kalung leher yang berbeda melalui analisis protein plasma darah. Sampel yang digunakan adalah plasma darah 14 ekor itik Magelang kalung sempit dan 14 ekor itik Magelang kalung sedang. Analisis polimorfisme darah yang diamati meliputi lokus Pre-Albumin (Pa), Albumin (Alb), Ceruloplasmin (Cp), Transferrin (Tf), Post-Transferin (P-Tf) dan Amylase-I (Amy-I). Susunan gen hasil elektroforesis digunakan untuk menghitung frekuensi gen. Ragam genetic ditentukan menggunakan rumus heterozigositas individual (h) dan rataan heterozigositas ( ). Pengujian keseimbangan Hardy-Weirnberg dengan perhitungan Chi Square. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Lokus Pre-Albumin (Pa), Albumin (Alb), Ceruloplasmin (Cp), Transferin (Tf), Post-Transferin (P-Tf) dan Amylase-I (Amy-I) pada itik Magelang bersifat polimorfik. Lokus Transferin itik Magelang kalung sempit dan lokus Post-Tranferin serta Amylase-I pada itik Magelang kalung sedang memiliki hasil non-signifikan pada taraf pengujian 95% (P>0,05). Hal ini dapat dimaknai bahwa lokus tersebut tidak berada pada kondisi keseimbangan hukum Hardy-Weirnberg. Kata kunci: Itik Magelang, Polimorfisme, Elektroforesis.
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Putri, Asa Bela Sri Reformasi Nala, Gushairiyanto Gushairiyanto, and Depison Depison. "Bobot Badan dan Karakteristik Morfometrik Beberapa Galur Ayam Lokal." Jurnal Ilmu dan Teknologi Peternakan Tropis 7, no. 3 (September 30, 2020): 256.

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ABSTRAKTujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui bobot badan dan karakteristik morfometrik beberapa galur ayam lokal. Materi penelitian ini adalah ayam kampung super, ayam kampung unggul balitnak (KUB), dan ayam kampung masing-masing sebanyak 82 ekor. Data yang dihimpun adalah bobot badan, panjang paruh, lebar paruh, panjang kepala, lingkar kepala, tinggi kepala, panjang leher, lingkar leher, panjang sayap, panjang punggung, tinggi punggung, panjang dada, lebar dada, panjang shank, lingkar shank, panjang tibia, lingkar tibia, panjang jari ketiga dan jarak antara tulang pubis. Data bobot badan dan ukuran-ukuran tubuh dianalisis menggunakan uji-t sedangkan vektor nilai rata-rata ukuran-ukuran tubuh dianalisis dengan menggunakan uji T2-Hotelling. Analisis komponen utama digunakan untuk mengidentifikasi penciri ukuran dan bentuk tubuh ayam lokal. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bobot bahwa bobot badan ayam kampung Super (837,98±68,97 g) berbeda nyata dengan ayam KUB (713,15±66,75 g) dan ayam kampung (605,53±80,01 g). Secara umum ayam kampung super memiliki morfometrik yang relatif lebih tinggi daripada ayam KUB dan ayam kampung. Penciri ukuran tubuh ayam kampung super dan ayam KUB adalah panjang tibia, sedangkan ayam kampung adalah lebar dada. Penciri bentuk tubuh ayam kampung super adalah lebar dada, sedangkan ayam KUB dan ayam kampung adalah panjang punggung. Disimpulkan bahwa bobot badan dan morfometrik tertinggi ditemukan pada ayam kampung super, disusul ayam KUB dan ayam kampung. Ayam kampung Super dan ayam KUB memiliki penciri ukuran tubuh (panjang tibia) yang berbeda dengan ayam kampung (lebar dada). Ayam kampung super memiliki penciri bentuk tubuh (lebar dada) yang berbeda dengan ayam KUB dan ayam kampung (panjang punggung).Kata Kunci: ayam lokal, bobot badan, karakteristk morfometrikABSTRACTThis study aims to determine the bodyweight and morphometric characteristics of several local chicken strains. The research material were three strains of native chicken: kampong super chicken, kampung unggul balitnak (KUB) chicken, and kampung chicken, each strains consisted of 82 heads. Data collection on body weight and morphometric characteristics were performed at 2 months of age. Data collected includes: body weight and morphometric characteristics which include beak length, beak width, head length, head circumference, head height, neck length, neck circumference, wing length, back length, back height, chest length, chest width, shank length, shank circumference, tibia length, tibia circumference, third finger length and pubic bone distance. Data collected were analyzed using t-test to determine differences in body weight and body measurements between chicken strains. Average value vector of chicken body measurements was analyzed using T2-Hotelling statistical test. Principal component analysis statistical test was used to identify the shape and size characteristics of each chicken strain. Data processing was assisted by using Minitab statistical software version 18. Results of this study showed that kampong super chicken has best bodyweight and body weight gain among other strains. The identifier of body size and shape of kampong super chicken were tibia length and breast width. The identifier of body size and shape of KUB chicken were tibia length and back length, while the identifier of body size and shape of the kampung chicken were chest width and back length. Keywords: body weight, native chicken, morphometric characteristic
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Keinanen, Nely. "Kuningas Lear [King Lear] (review)." Shakespeare Bulletin 24, no. 2 (2006): 68–73.

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Lehar, Steven. "Directional Harmonic Theory: A Computational Gestalt Model to Account for Illusory Contour and Vertex Formation." Perception 32, no. 4 (April 2003): 423–48.

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Visual illusions and perceptual grouping phenomena offer an invaluable tool for probing the computational mechanism of low-level visual processing. Some illusions, like the Kanizsa figure, reveal illusory contours that form edges collinear with the inducing stimulus. This kind of illusory contour has been modeled by neural network models by way of cells equipped with elongated spatial receptive fields designed to detect and complete the collinear alignment. There are, however, other illusory groupings which are not so easy to account for in neural network terms. The Ehrenstein illusion exhibits an illusory contour that forms a contour orthogonal to the stimulus instead of collinear with it. Other perceptual grouping effects reveal illusory contours that exhibit a sharp corner or vertex, and still others take the form of vertices defined by the intersection of three, four, or more illusory contours that meet at a point. A direct extension of the collinear completion models to account for these phenomena tends towards a combinatorial explosion, because it would suggest cells with specialized receptive fields configured to perform each of those completion types, each of which would have to be replicated at every location and every orientation across the visual field. These phenomena therefore challenge the adequacy of the neural network approach to account for these diverse perceptual phenomena. I have proposed elsewhere an alternative paradigm of neurocomputation in the harmonic resonance theory (Lehar 1999, see website), whereby pattern recognition and completion are performed by spatial standing waves across the neural substrate. The standing waves perform a computational function analogous to that of the spatial receptive fields of the neural network approach, except that, unlike that paradigm, a single resonance mechanism performs a function equivalent to a whole array of spatial receptive fields of different spatial configurations and of different orientations, and thereby avoids the combinatorial explosion inherent in the older paradigm. The present paper presents the directional harmonic model, a more specific development of the harmonic resonance theory, designed to account for specific perceptual grouping phenomena. Computer simulations of the directional harmonic model show that it can account for collinear contours as observed in the Kanizsa figure, orthogonal contours as seen in the Ehrenstein illusion, and a number of illusory vertex percepts composed of two, three, or more illusory contours that meet in a variety of configurations.
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Danielsen, Hilde. "Kjære lesar." Tidsskrift for kjønnsforskning 34, no. 04 (January 18, 2011): 266–67.

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Bolsø, Agnes. "Kjære lesar." Tidsskrift for kjønnsforskning 34, no. 03 (November 1, 2010): 187–88.

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Danielsen, Hilde. "Kjære lesar!" Tidsskrift for kjønnsforskning 35, no. 04 (November 28, 2011): 274.

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Ingvil, Hellstrand. "Kjære lesar,." Tidsskrift for kjønnsforskning 46, no. 3-4 (December 16, 2022): 121–22.

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Diamond, Elin, Lee Breuer, and William Shakespeare. "Lear." Theatre Journal 42, no. 4 (December 1990): 481.

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Gainor, J. Ellen, and William Shakespeare. "Lear." Theatre Journal 40, no. 4 (December 1988): 552.

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