Academic literature on the topic 'Lehar'

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Journal articles on the topic "Lehar"


Lamb, Andrew. "Lehar Listed." Musical Times 127, no. 1719 (June 1986): 337.

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Luccio, Riccardo. "Isomorphism and representationalism." Behavioral and Brain Sciences 26, no. 4 (August 2003): 418–19.

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Lehar tries to build a computational theory that succeeds in offering the same computational model for both phenomenal experience and visual processing. However, the vision that Lehar has about isomorphism in Gestalttheorie as representational, is not adequate. The main limit of Lehar's model derives from this misunderstanding of the relation between phenomenal and physiological levels.
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Velmans, Max. "Is the world in the brain, or the brain in the world?" Behavioral and Brain Sciences 26, no. 4 (August 2003): 427–29.

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Lehar provides useful insights into spatially extended phenomenology that may have major consequences for neuroscience. However, Lehar's biological naturalism leads to counterintuitive conclusions, and he does not give an accurate account of preceding and competing work. This commentary compares Lehar's analysis with that of Velmans, which addresses similar issues but draws opposite conclusions. Lehar argues that the phenomenal world is in the brain and concludes that the physical skull is beyond the phenomenal world. Velmans argues that the brain is in the phenomenal world and concludes that the physical skull is where it seems to be.
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Duch, Włodzisław. "Just bubbles?" Behavioral and Brain Sciences 26, no. 4 (August 2003): 410–11.

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Lehar misrepresents the Neuron Doctrine and indirect realism. His conclusions on consciousness are unjustified. The Bubble Gestalt perceptual modeling disconnected from neuroscience has no explanatory power.
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Lloyd, Dan. "Double trouble for Gestalt Bubbles." Behavioral and Brain Sciences 26, no. 4 (August 2003): 417–18.

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The “Gestalt Bubble” model of Lehar is not supported by the evidence offered. The author invalidly concludes that spatial properties in experience entail an explicit volumetric spatial representation in the brain. The article also exaggerates the extent to which phenomenology reveals a completely three-dimensional scene in perception.
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McLoughlin, Niall P. "Bursting the bubble: Do we need true Gestalt isomorphism?" Behavioral and Brain Sciences 26, no. 4 (August 2003): 421.

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Lehar proposes an interesting theory of visual perception based on an explicit three-dimensional representation of the world existing in the observer's head. However, if we apply Occam's razor to this proposal, it is possible to contemplate far simpler representations of the world. Such representations have the advantage that they agree with findings in modern neuroscience.
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Schirillo, James A. "Spatial phenomenology requires potential illumination." Behavioral and Brain Sciences 26, no. 4 (August 2003): 425–26.

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Collapsing three-dimensional space into two violates Lehar's “volumetric mapping” constraint and can cause the visual system to construct illusory transparent regions to replace voxels that would have contained illumination. This may underlie why color constancy is worse in two dimensions, and argues for Lehar to revise his phenomenal spatial model by putting “potential illumination” in empty space.
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Booth, David A. "Phenomenology is art, not psychological or neural science." Behavioral and Brain Sciences 26, no. 4 (August 2003): 408–9.

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It is tough to relate visual perception or other achievements to physiological processing in the central nervous system. The diagrammatic, algebraic, and verbal pictures of how sights seem to Lehar do not advance understanding of how we manage to see what is in the world. There are well-known conceptual reasons why no such purely introspective approach can be productive.
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Gunderson, Keith. "Steven Lehar's Gestalt Bubble model of visual experience: The embodied percipient, emergent holism, and the ultimate question of consciousness." Behavioral and Brain Sciences 26, no. 4 (August 2003): 413–14.

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Aspects of an example of simulated shared subjectivity can be used both to support Steven Lehar's remarks on embodied percipients and to triangulate in a novel way the so-called “hard problem” of consciousness which Lehar wishes to “sidestep,” but which, given his other contentions regarding emergent holism, raises questions about whether he has been able or willing to do so.
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Ross, Helen E. "Neurological models of size scaling." Behavioral and Brain Sciences 26, no. 4 (August 2003): 425.

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Lehar argues that a simple Neuron Doctrine cannot explain perceptual phenomena such as size constancy but he fails to discuss existing, more complex neurological models. Size models that rely purely on scaling for distance are sparse, but several models are also concerned with other aspects of size perception such as geometrical illusions, relative size, adaptation, perceptual learning, and size discrimination.
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Dissertations / Theses on the topic "Lehar"


Lehar, Hannes [Verfasser]. "Die römische Hypokaustheizung : Berechnungen und Überlegungen zu Leistung, Aufbau und Funktion / Hannes Lehar." Aachen : Shaker, 2012.

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Lehtikangas, Sandra, and Erica Hedlund. "Våldsamma lekar i förskolan : En kvalitativ studie om barns våldsamma lekar och pedagogers förhållningsätt." Thesis, Mälardalens högskola, Akademin för utbildning, kultur och kommunikation, 2012.

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Syftet med studien var att ta reda på vilken typ av våldslekar som förekommer i den fria leken, hur leksaker används i samband med våldslekar samt hur pedagogerna ställer sig till detta. Ämnet i sig kan tyckas ha en negativ klang men vi anser att våldsamma lekar bör lyftas fram och inte enbart kopplas till aggressivitet och något dåligt, utan att det finns en plats även för dessa lekar i förskolan. Studien är kvalitativ och empirin har samlats in genom observationer och intervjuer. Resultatet visade att många olika slags våldsamma lekar förekom på förskolan, dessa har vi valt att kalla för bråklekar, krigslekar, rollekar med våldsamma inslag, makt- och kamplekar och övriga lekar med våldsamma inslag. Pedagogerna hade olika syn på dessa lekar, en var helt emot och de andra två tyckte att de kan få förekomma men under kontrollerade former. För barnen är våldsamma lekar som vilka andra lekar som helst och påverkar deras utveckling och lärande. Hur dessa lekar utvecklar sig beror på vilken syn pedagoger har på dessa lekar.
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Aldelöv, Jennie. "Vilka lekar är tillåtna att leka i förskolan? : Om bra och dåliga lekar i förskolan." Thesis, Karlstads universitet, Institutionen för pedagogiska studier, 2014.

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In this study I want to survey which plays preschool teachers thinks are accepted in preschool and wish aren’t. I also found it relevant to investigate when and why they choose to interrupt a play and what happens when they do? My interest for the possibility that we might judge by some values was the reason for my question formulations and for the follow-up questions in my interview. For my survey I used semi-structured interviews to get a deeper knowledge about this domain and for the opportunity to ask further supplementary questions. The results show how preschool teachers accept most of the plays and that those plays that aren’t accepted and in need of being disrupted or to be changed mostly are plays where someone could be hurt or violated.   It also shows that the preschool teachers think that they should regulate or interrupt children´s plays as little as possible because most of the time interruption turns the plays in a negative direction. My conclusion is that preschool teachers are willing to see children’s intentions but there are also norms and values that regulate what´s accepted or not.
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Dietzel, Kerstin, and Astrid Ilgenstein. "Heterogene Lehr- und Lernkulturen." Universitätsbibliothek Leipzig, 2014.

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In diesem Beitrag werden wir zunächst ausgehend von den Erfahrungen in der Lehrerbildung an der Otto-von-Gericke-Universität Magdeburg unser Verständnis einer "neuen Lernkultur" aufzeigen. Wir sehen diese wesentlich in der Zunahme der Heterogenität der Studierenden begründet. Um diesen heterogenen Lernkulturen in der Lehre verantwortungsbewusst zu begegnen, entwickelten wir ein Lehrkonzept, welches Phasen der Selbstreflexion von Praxiserfahrungen in Portfolios artikuliert.
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Muñoz, Antonia Javiera Cabrera. "Antipoesia em Lear rey." reponame:Repositório Institucional da UFSC, 2013.

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Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro de Comunicação e Expressão, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Literatura, Florianópolis, 2009
Made available in DSpace on 2013-12-05T21:53:28Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 270318.pdf: 12996717 bytes, checksum: e1f69012098582726839a4c44ced3b65 (MD5)
A presente tese é resultado de uma pesquisa de natureza qualitativa sobre Lear rey & mendigo (2005), tradução livre de Rei Lear de Shakespeare, elaborada pelo poeta chileno Nicanor Parra (1914-). Preparada inicialmente para sua encenação em 1992 pela Escola de Teatro da Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Chile, com direção de Alfredo Castro, estuda-se como a tradução e a encenação de Lear rey & mendigo são parte do próprio projeto antipoético parriano denominado antipoesia, ou, como essa obra sintetiza, conforme Raúl Zurita, a totalidade da proposta antipoética, ao mesmo tempo em que se configura como uma sorte de teoria geral dela. Para sua análise, pensa-se, principalmente, na leitura efetuada pelo crítico chileno César Cuadra, que situa a antipoesia em um contexto complexo e transmoderno da escritura, isto é, não restrito ao das produções poéticas no sentido estético ou artístico do termo, mas como um sistema multidimensional complexo que pensa a atual crise de legitimação dos relatos (e não só os provenientes da modernidade) na cena contemporânea, cena esta caracterizada pelo intenso desenvolvimento da cultura tecnocientífica. Cuadra expõe a antipoesia como uma desconstrução complexa de toda escritura, ou, conforme a denominação de Parra, como ecopoesía: a ecologização dos signos realizada através da complexidade dos relatos, operação esta conceituada por Edgar Morin. Para a análise da performance, priorizam-se os estudos de Patrice Pavis sobre a análise dos espetáculos e a tradução para a cena. Compuseram o acervo básico da pesquisa diversos documentos publicados a partir de 1991, como a gravação em vídeo do espetáculo adquirida junto ao Arquivo Iconográfico do Teatro Chileno da Escola de Teatro da Universidade Católica, e o número 103 (primavera 1991/outono 1992) da revista Apuntes, publicação da Escola de Teatro, além de diversas resenhas, notícias e entrevistas publicadas na imprensa, principalmente no jornal chileno El Mercurio. Acompanha a pesquisa uma entrevista com César Cuadra sobre a antipoesia parriana.
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Swain, Robin. "The Morris-Lecar equations with delay /." Internet access available to MUN users only, 2003.,162993.

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Nyman, Holkkola Helena, and Yvette Ohlsson. "Barns populärkulturellt inspirerade lekar i förskolan." Thesis, Malmö högskola, Fakulteten för lärande och samhälle (LS), 2015.

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Det som klassas som populärkultur finns idag tillgängligt för barn via många kommunikationskanaler. De kan relativt enkelt komma i kontakt med bland annat olika mediekaraktärer genom filmer, digitala spel och smartplattor som finns mer lättillgängligt i dagens samhälle, främst i hemmet men även till viss del i förskolan. Vi vill undersöka om barnens lekar är inspirerade av den populärkultur som råder samt hur det i så fall kommer till uttryck. Följden av detta blir då att försöka se hur dessa lekar tas emot i förskolan av de pedagoger som arbetar där. De centrala begrepp som studien inriktar sig på är framförallt populärkultur och lek men berör även de normer som finns i förskolan när det gäller genus, könsskillnader, miljö, material samt våldslekar och vad som anses vara tillåtet och otillåtet. Av dessa begrepp har vi valt att använda lek, normer och genus som teoretiska utgångspunkter för vår studie. Studien är gjord enligt en kvalitativ metod då vi valde att samla in vår empiri genom observationer och samtal med barn och pedagoger samt skrivna intervjuer med pedagoger. Utifrån det resultat vår undersökning ledde fram till kan vi se att barnen inspireras av den rådande populärkulturen vilket visade sig i barnens samtalsdiskussioner, lekar och skapande verksamhet. Det handlar till stor del om de filmer och tv-program de har sett, vilka leksaker de har i hemmet eller vilka spel de bemästrar via exempelvis smartphones eller smartplattor. De reaktioner och det bemötandet som barnens populärkulturellt inspirerade lekar får från pedagogerna i förskolan visar sig på olika sätt. Vi kan se att det finns ett dilemma kring pedagogernas tankar och bemötande, ibland krockar de personliga åsikterna gentemot kollegornas åsikter och förskolans regler, detta visar på att det finns ett problemområde som bör reflekteras och diskuteras över.
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Beermann, Marina, Hedda Schattke, and Susanne Günther. "Heterogenität in Lehr-Lern-Settings." Universitätsbibliothek Leipzig, 2014.

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Der Umgang mit Heterogenität in Lehr-Lern-Settings war für die hochschuldidaktische Forschung schon immer ein Thema. Die vorliegenden Beiträge stellen die Entwicklung innovativer Konzepte dar, um der wachsenden Heterogenität an Hochschulen zu begegnen und deren Potentiale kreativ und effektiv zu nutzen.
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Kraft, Volker. "Rousseaus "Émile" : Lehr- und Studienbuch /." Bad Heilbrunn : J. Klinkhardt, 1995.

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Elmberg, Maja. ""Pojken behöver inte vara pappa utan pojken kan vara mamma istället" : - En studie om förskollärares genusarbete i den fria leken." Thesis, Linnéuniversitetet, Institutionen för utbildningsvetenskap (UV), 2016.

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I denna studie har genus i den fria leken undersökts. Studien bygger på insamlad information ifrån intervjuer med förskollärare och observationer under fri lek. I intervjuerna används arbetssättet ”speglingen” som bygger på att vidareutveckla informantens resonemang genom att sammanfatta det som sägs. Observationerna genomförs med löpande protokoll. Efteråt kodas data in i olika teman av de väsentliga delarna under rubrikerna Flickors lekdomäner, Pojkars lekdomäner, Könsneutrala lekdomäner, Gränsöverskridande lekdomäner, Strategier på förskolan A och Strategier på förskolan B. Syftet med undersökningen är att bidra med fördjupad kunskap om hur förskollärare uppfattar olika könsroller i barns genuslekar. Studien syftar även till att kartlägga hur förskollärare arbetar med olika strategier för att uppnå jämställdhet i den fria leken. Enligt Hirdmans teori består förskollärarnas skilda tankar, erfarenheter och strategier av genussystemets huvudpelare; isärhållande och mannen som norm. Resultatet visar att förskollärare indelar könsstereotypa lekar i flickors och pojkars könsstereotypa lekar. I dessa lekar sätter förskollärare flickors och pojkars egenskaper i förgrunden och genus i bakgrunden. För flickor och pojkar finns det olika förväntningar på vilka lekar som de ska leka, samt motiveringen till deras lekval. Förskollärarna är mer benägna att beskriva gränsöverskridande lekar som samma för flickor- och pojkar. På förskolorna använder förskollärarna olika strategier i de olika arbetslagen. Förskollärarnas strategier består av personalsamtal, miljöutformning, talspråket och könsneutrala leksaker. Forskningen kopplar förskollärarnas strategier till normkritiskt reflekterande, den medskapande genusattityden, lärarledd guidning och fokus på naturmaterial. Förskollärarnas könsstereotypa tankar och erfarenheter motsätter arbetslagets gemensamma strategier vilket kan resultera i att strategibestämmelserna inte alltid besannas.
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Books on the topic "Lehar"


Singh, Kishan. Sikh Lehar. Delhi: Arsi, 1986.

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Tofler, Alvin. Teesri lehar. Lahore: Mashal, 2001.

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Chandarvavkar, Suhan. Chhoti si ek lehar. Delhi: N.B.T., 1985.

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Nijjar, M. S. Babar ak ali lehar da itihas. Delhi: Naryug Delhi, 1986.

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Oppicelli, Ernesto G. La vedova allegra e tutte le operette di Franz Lehar. Genova: Erga, 1999.

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Frey, Stefan. Was sagt ihr zu diesem Erfolg: Franz Lehar und die Unterhaltungsmusik des 20. Jahrhunderts. Frankfurt: Insel, 1999.

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Léon, Victor. La veuve joyeuse de Franz Lehar: Opérette en trois actes. Livret d'après l'attaché d'ambassade de Henri Meilhac. Arles: Actes sud, 2005.

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Frey, Stefan. Franz Lehár oder das schlechte Gewissen der leichten Musik. Tübingen: Niemeyer, 1995.

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Reichlin-Meldegg, Georg. General und Parzival?: GM Anton Freiherr v. Lehar, der Bruder des Komponisten, Kommandant der Restaurationsversuche Kaiser Karls 1921 in Ungarn. Graz: Ares Verlag, 2012.

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Rahi, Aslam. Leher leher sagar roye. Lahore: Maktaba, Al-Qureish, 1989.

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Book chapters on the topic "Lehar"


Sharma, R. P., and M. Mohapatra. "Rapid Weakening of Very Severe Cyclonic Storm ‘Lehar’ – A Case Study." In Tropical Cyclone Activity over the North Indian Ocean, 131–47. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2016.

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Das, G. K., and G. C. Debnath. "Governing Factors Associated with Intensification of TC-A Diagnostic Study of VSCS PHAILIN and LEHAR." In Tropical Cyclone Activity over the North Indian Ocean, 245–55. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2016.

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Wagner-Trenkwitz, Christoph. "„Mein Lehár …“." In "Dein ist mein ganzes Herz", 7–11. Wien: Böhlau Verlag, 2020.

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Marchitello, Howard. "Lamb’s Lear." In Remediating Shakespeare in the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries, 131–62. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2019.

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Bradley, A. C. "King Lear." In Shakespearean Tragedy, 208–41. London: Macmillan Education UK, 1992.

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Bradley, A. C. "King Lear." In Shakespearean Tragedy, 242–89. London: Macmillan Education UK, 1992.

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Grene, Nicholas. "King Lear." In Shakespeare’s Tragic Imagination, 149–92. London: Palgrave Macmillan UK, 1996.

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Goodland, Katharine, and John O’Connor. "King Lear." In A Directory of Shakespeare in Performance Since 1991, 99–113. London: Palgrave Macmillan UK, 2011.

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Goodland, Katharine, and John O’Connor. "King Lear." In A Directory of Shakespeare in Performance Since 1991, 931–92. London: Palgrave Macmillan UK, 2011.

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Goodland, Katharine, and John O’Connor. "King Lear." In A Directory of Shakespeare in Performance, 1970–1990, 91–107. London: Palgrave Macmillan UK, 2010.

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Conference papers on the topic "Lehar"


Niinikoski, Tapio. "Physics of polarized targets (in memory of Michel Borghini and Franz Lehar)." In XVth International Workshop on Polarized Sources, Targets, and Polarimetry. Trieste, Italy: Sissa Medialab, 2014.

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Behdad, Rachid, Stephane Binczak, Vladimir I. Nekorkin, Alexey S. Dmitrichev, and Jean-Marie Bilbault. "Electrical Morris-Lecar neuron." In 2013 35th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC). IEEE, 2013.

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Bressani, Tullio. "Antineutron physics at LEAR." In 3rd Conference on the Intersections Between Particle and Nuclear Physics. American Institute of Physics, 1988.

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Baysal, Veli, Erdem Erkan, and Ergin Yilmaz. "Stochastic Resonance in Morris-Lecar Neurons." In 2020 28th Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference (SIU). IEEE, 2020.

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Onel, Y. "Antiproton spin physics at LEAR." In AIP Conference Proceedings Volume 150. AIP, 1986.

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Braune, K., S. Keh, L. Montanet, J. Zoll, R. Beckmann, J. Friedrich, H. Heinsius, et al. "The LEAR Crystal Barrel Detector." In 3rd Conference on the Intersections Between Particle and Nuclear Physics. American Institute of Physics, 1988.

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Eisenstein, Robert A., T. Anderl, D. Bassi, P. Birien, R. K. Bock, A. Buzzo, E. Chesi, et al. "The Jetset experiment at lear." In GLUEBALLS, HYBRIDS, AND EXOTIC HADRONS. AIP, 1989.

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Amsler, C. "The Crystal Barrel at LEAR." In GLUEBALLS, HYBRIDS, AND EXOTIC HADRONS. AIP, 1989.

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Eisenstein, R. A., R. Armenteros, D. Bassi, P. Birien, R. Bock, A. Buzzo, E. Chesi, et al. "The jetset experiment at Lear." In Particle production near threshold. AIP, 1991.

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Hertzog, D. W. "In-flight hadron spectroscopy at LEAR." In INTERSECTIONS BETWEEN PARTICLE AND NUCLEAR PHYSICS. ASCE, 1997.

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Reports on the topic "Lehar"


Schalla, R. Purge water minimization at LEHR. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), November 1996.

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Dahl, Peter H. Mid-Frequency Shallow Water Studies and SW06 (LEAR). Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, September 2006.

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Dahl, Peter H. Mid-Frequency Shallow Water Studies and SW06 (LEAR). Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, September 2007.

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Frankenberg, R. Progress in hyperon production at LEAR (Low-Energy Antiproton Ring). Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), January 1989.

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Bertram, Lee A. Elements for Real Time Teady Simulation for Flat Glass Lehr Control. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), January 2001.

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Stewart, D. L., R. M. Smith, and D. R. Sauer. 1995 annual water monitoring report, LEHR environmental restoration, University of California at Davis. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), March 1996.

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Czaja, Tina. Inklusion? Do it yourself! Materialvielfalt im inklusiven Unterricht. Technische Universität Dresden, Zentrum für Lehrerbildung, Schul- und Berufsbildungsforschung (ZLSB), September 2021.

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Die Diversität unserer Gesellschaft bildet sich auch im Schulalltag ab. Deshalb müssen Lehrkräfte für inklusives Unterrichten sensibilisiert werden, um Vielfalt und Heterogenität im Klassenzimmer zu unterstützen und so allen Lernenden die gleichberechtigte Teilhabe am Unterrichtsgeschehen zu ermöglichen. Eine heterogene Schüler:innenschaft braucht vielfältige Lehr-Lern-Materialien. In unserem Projekt „Inklusion? Do it yourself!“ stellen wir Ihnen zahlreiche Materialien vor, die Sie mit wenig Aufwand selbst erstellen können. In Rücksprache mit Regel-und Sonderschulpädagog:innen haben wir die unten aufgeführten Bastelanleitungen, Nutzungsszenarien und Anwendungsideen für Sie zusammengestellt. Denn kennen Sie beispielsweise die vielfältigen didaktischen Verwendungsmöglichkeiten von Geräusch-/Klangdosen oder von Fühlkarten?!
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Seydoux, J. A search for the. xi. (2230) resonance in the p p yields K sub s K sub s channel at LEAR (Low Energy Antiproton Ring). Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), February 1990.

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Rosato-Scott, Claire, Dani J. Barrington, Amita Bhakta, Sarah J. House, Islay Mactaggart, and Jane Wilbur. Como falar sobre incontinência: Uma lista de controlo. The Sanitation Learning Hub, Institute of Development Studies, October 2020.

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Incontinência é o termo médico usado para descrever as perdas involuntárias de urina ou de fezes. Mulheres, homens, raparigas, rapazes e pessoas de todos os sexos e em qualquer idade podem ter incontinência. Uma pessoa com incontinência pode ter perdas de urina ou de fezes esporádicas, regulares ou constantes; e essas perdas podem dar-se a qualquer hora, dia ou noite. Uma pessoa também pode ter perdas de matéria fecal ou urinária por não conseguir chegar a tempo à casa de banho ou por não querer usar as instalações sanitárias disponíveis. Chama-se a esse tipo de incontinência «incontinência social» ou «funcional». Em muitos Países de Baixo e Médio Rendimento (PBMR), o conhecimento da incontinência está ainda na sua fase inicial: o termo «incontinência» pode ser desconhecido, o conhecimento deste estado clínico é raro e há falta de apoio. As pessoas que têm incontinência podem ser estigmatizadas por causa disso, o que pode afectar a sua vontade ou confiança para falar sobre esta questão. É preciso compreender melhor a incontinência nos PBMR e qual a melhor forma de apoiar as pessoas que vivem com ela, para melhorar a sua qualidade de vida. Isto exige conversar com indivíduos que têm incontinência e com quem cuida deles: essas pessoas têm a experiência concreta do que significa viver com a incontinência do ponto de vista prático, emocional e social, para elas próprias e para as suas famílias. A incontinência pode ter uma série de impactos sobre as pessoas que vivem com ela e sobre os seus cuidadores. Estes impactos são o aumento do stress e da angústia; maior necessidade de água e sabão; e pouca capacidade de participar em actividades comunitárias, escolares ou laborais. Viver com incontinência também pode levar a uma série de questões de protecção. Os desafios que as pessoas podem enfrentam são bastante diversos e podem variar de pessoa para pessoa e de lar para lar. A lista de controlo que se segue e as respectivas referências às páginas de “Precisamos de falar sobre incontinência” podem ser usadas para aumentar os seus conhecimentos sobre incontinência e sobre as opções disponíveis para apoiar as pessoas que vivem com ela, e dar orientações sobre como ter conversas para compreender a melhor maneira de apoiar as pessoas que vivem com incontinência na sua zona.
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Environmental audit of the Laboratory for Energy-Related Health Research (LEHR). Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), May 1993.

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