Academic literature on the topic 'Legal protection insurance'
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Journal articles on the topic "Legal protection insurance"
Inayah, Wafa Nurul, and Marsitiningsih Marsitiningsih. "Perlindungan Hukum atas Kerugian Nasabah Asuransi Terhadap Kasus Gagal Bayar Ditinjau dari Undang-Undang Nomor 8 Tahun 1999 Tentang Perlindungan Konsumen." Kosmik Hukum 21, no. 2 (May 29, 2021): 66.
Full textBeckley, Alan. "Legal Protection Insurance for Police Officers." Police Journal: Theory, Practice and Principles 68, no. 4 (October 1995): 319–24.
Full textSulistyorini, Hastuti, Siti Hamidah, and Rachmi Sulistyarini. "Perlindungan Hukum Bagi Ahli Waris yang Tidak Tercantum sebagai Penerima Manfaat dalam Asuransi Jiwa." Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Pancasila dan Kewarganegaraan 5, no. 1 (June 30, 2020): 58.
Full textDwi Astuti, Hesti, Neni Sri Imaniyati, Husni Syawali, and Neni Ruhaeni. "Legal Protection for Farmers through Farming Business Insurance as a form of Risk Mitigation Welfare State." Journal La Sociale 3, no. 1 (March 30, 2022): 35–39.
Full textProts, Ivanna. "LEGAL NATURE OF LEGAL RELATIONS IN THE FIELD OF INSURANCE: ADMINISTRATIVE AND LEGAL ASPECT." Social & Legal Studios 12, no. 2 (June 30, 2021): 33–38.
Full textSkorb, Marcin. "STAN CYWILNOPRAWNEJ OCHRONY KONSUMENTA USŁUG UBEZPIECZENIOWYCH W POLSCE." Zeszyty Prawnicze 4, no. 2 (June 9, 2017): 221.
Full textTkachenko, N., T. Shokha, Yu Vlasenko, and A. Yevstihnieiev. "ENVIRONMENTAL INSURANCE FUNCTIONS: LEGAL ASPECT." Financial and credit activity: problems of theory and practice 1, no. 36 (February 17, 2021): 351–58.
Full textOstrowska-Dankiewicz, Anna. "Consumer protection policy in the Polish life insurance market in the aspect of current legal regulations." Investment Management and Financial Innovations 16, no. 4 (December 5, 2019): 168–80.
Full textKrasilich, Nataliia. "Legal problems of insurance protection against cyber risks in space activities." Yearly journal of scientific articles “Pravova derzhava”, no. 32 (2021): 268–76.
Full textAsufie, Khairunnisa Noor, Yulia Qamariyanti, and Rachmadi Usman. "Penggunaan Asuransi terhadap Risiko Pelaksanaan Jabatan Notaris." Lambung Mangkurat Law Journal 5, no. 2 (September 30, 2020): 164–79.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Legal protection insurance"
Häggeborn, Elin. "Försäkringstagarens rättsliga skydd enligt lagen om försäkringsförmedling : The legal protection of the insurance taker according to the Law of Insurance Mediation." Thesis, Linköping University, Department of Management and Economics, 2006.
Full textBakgrund: En försäkringstagare kan välja att antingen köpa en försäkring genom direkt kontakt med ett försäkringsföretag eller genom att anlita en försäkringsförmedlare som sköter upphandlingen av de försäkringar som försäkringstagaren önskar. Under det senaste decenniet har försäkringsförmedlarna kommit att utgöra en viktig del av försäkringsmarknaden och de omsätter stora ekonomiska värden i sin verksamhet. Mot denna bakgrund är det av stor betydelse att den lagstiftning som reglerar förmedlarnas verksamhet ger ett tillfredsställande kundskydd. Tidigare fanns endast lagregler beträffande försäkringsmäklare som var tvungna att agera oberoende av försäkringsgivarintressen. Den 1 juli 2005 trädde dock en ny lag i kraft, lagen om försäkringsförmedling (2005:405), som har ett vidare tillämpningsområde än den äldre lagstiftningen om försäkringsmäklare. Den nya lagen omfattar även bland annat sådana förmedlare som ingått avtal med försäkringsföretag att endast förmedla dessa företags försäkringar.
Syfte: Syftet med uppsatsen är att utreda om lagen om försäkringsförmedling erbjuder ett tillfredsställande kundskydd. För att undersöka denna fråga kommer en analys att göras av de skillnader som föreligger mellan det kundskydd som följde av lagen om försäkringsmäklare och det kundskydd som följer av den nya lagen om försäkringsförmedling. Förmedlarens roll som mellanman samt olika ersättningsmodeller för förmedlarens arbetsinsats kommer att granskas. Vidare är förmedlarens rådgivningsansvar, informationsplikt och skadeståndsansvar några av de ytterligare omständigheter som kommer att undersökas närmare.
Slutsatser: Det går att urskilja vissa helt nya bestämmelser i lagen om försäkringsförmedling som ökar kundens trygghet, exempelvis de nya reglerna angående förmedlarens informationsplikt och dokumentationsskyldighet. Även vissa andra regler som endast förtydligats eller förändrats i mindre grad ger ett förbättrat kundskydd. Tyvärr finns också förändringar i lagen som kan betyda en ökad osäkerhet och utsatthet för kunden, exempelvis förmedlarens möjlighet att alternera mellan olika förmedlingsroller. Att förmedlaren fortfarande kan ersättas genom provision kan också skada kundens förtroende för förmedlaren.
Brunel, Guillaume. "L'assurance de protection juridique : contribution à l'évolution du modèle assuranciel de l'accès au droit et à la justice." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Perpignan, 2022.
Full textThe legal protection insurance appears to be one of the means of facilitating access to the law and financing access to justice. It is because there is a risk of having to incur costs to assert or defend his rights that, this insurance can meet the need of the insured to be legally and financially protected. The research objective is to determine whether the current system allows legal protection insurance to guarantee real access to law and justice. The first part of the thesis is devoted to the development of legal protection insurance and its contribution to access to law and justice. Our research shows that legal protection insurers have contributed, during the 20th century, to the emergence of an insurance system for access to law and justice. However, positive law has not conferred on this branch of insurance a system capable of answer at the new insurance needs, born of the expectations of litigants in terms of knowledge of the law and access to justice, or expected by the public authorities in terms of funding legal aid. If the analysis of the current system leads us to understand the limits of legal protection insurance, the research results show that a negation of the limits of legal protection insurance would undermine the fundamental principles that govern insurance. Indeed, the insurer selects the risks to determine which ones it will guarantee. Beyond these limits, it is no longer a question of pooling but of solidarity. Solidarity, born from the request of the public authorities for the financing of legal aid, which an outdated approach, based on trial expense insurance, cannot respond. To remedy this, the second part of the thesis endeavors to propose an evolution of the current insurance model to improve access to law and justice. The restrictive approach of the role of the legal protection insurer as a lawsuit insurer is no longer appropriate. It is no longer a question of compensating for damages suffered but of guaranteeing the legal management of a dispute. The legal protection insurer should therefore not no longer be confined in a role of third payer of indemnities ; on the contrary, should be preferred an approach favoring the prevention and the amicable settlement of disputes. After determining the way in which the insurance companies can contribute to this development, our conclusions lead us to propose an adapted model of conflict resolution, resulting from research in comparative law, which justifies not only an evolution of the regimen of legal protection insurance but also that of the insurance model of access to law and justice
Béguin, Céline. "Les contrats d'assurance sur la vie et le droit patrimonial de la famille." Thesis, Paris 2, 2011.
Full textProhibited two centuries ago, life insurance is now the mainstay of the Frencheconomy. At the crossroad of several legal areas, the study of life insuranceshould consider both the policy holder’s and the beneficiary’s families. Despite the fact that the French Insurance Code ignores, more often than not, familyrelationships, the legal rules applied to couples, heirs and creditors areinterfering with insurance law. So too do tax law and legal incapacities.Nowadays, life insurance plays a key-role in assets management and estateplanning. Several types of contracts are in use. New types of contracts, suchas universal life, annuities and unit-linked insurance plan, are savings vehicles.This evolution has completely renewed the life insurance market. Twocategories emerge among Life-based contracts. First, there are protection policies, which are designed to provide a benefit at the insured's death, such as term life and permanent life insurance. Investment policies are the second type. Their main objective is to facilitate the growth of a capital by paying single or flexible premiums ; they are the core activity of insurers. This study aims to assess the impact of this diverse range of contracts on family law. Articles L. 132-12 to 17 of the Insurance code were originally enacted to regulate term and permanent life insurance. It is a contradiction in terms to apply these provisions to the new types of contracts, which are pure savings vehicles. It was necessary to critically analyse how the Civil Code fills in the gaps left by the Insurance Code. Suggestions are made to adjust the legal regime to the wide diversity of life insurance contracts
Jahodová, Iva. "Nová právní úprava v oblasti ochrany bankovního klienta jako spotřebitele." Master's thesis, Vysoká škola ekonomická v Praze, 2011.
Full textШумило, Михайло Миколайович, Михаил Николаевич Шумило, and Mikhailo M. Shumylo. "Правовідносини у сфері пенсійного забезпечення в Україні." Thesis, Одеса, 2016.
Full textДисертація на здобуття наукового ступеня доктора юридичних наук за спеціальністю 12.00.05 - трудове право; право соціального забезпечення. - Національний університет «Одеська юридична академія», Одеса, 2016. Дисертація присвячена всебічному та комплексному дослідженню актуальних теоретичних і практичних проблем правовідносин у сфері пенсійного забезпечення України. Здійснено грунтовний аналіз теоретичних засад та розвитку вчення про правовідносини. Охарактеризовано становлення, розвиток та сучасний стан пенсійного забезпечення загалом та правовідносин у пенсійному забезпеченні зокрема. Визначено основні фактори, які сприяли виникненню соціального захисту. З’ясовано та проаналізовано ознаки поняття правовідносин у сфері пенсійного забезпечення. Вперше здійснено дослідження пенсійних правовідносин та правовідносин у сфері пенсійного забезпечення через призму теорії систем. У роботі розроблено й обгрунтовано концепцію комплексу правовідносин у сфері пенсійного забезпечення на противагу концепції комплексного пенсійного правовідношення. Складовою розробленої концепції є логічно побудований алгоритм здійснення особою права на пенсію, який охоплює такий комплекс правовідносин: пенсійно-страхові, процедурно-організаційні, пенсійно-забезпечувальні, у разі порушення права на пенсію - процесуально- захисні та виконавчі (постпроцесуальні) правовідносини. Висвітлено питання застосування пенсійного законодавства. Зосереджено увагу на аналізі рішень Конституційного Суду України та їх реалізації як одній із форм здійснення державної політики в соціальній сфері. Досліджено рішення Європейського суду з прав людини щодо України та інших країн, запропоновано механізми їхньої імплементації у національне законодавство. Проаналізовано ключові проблеми вирішення пенсійних спорів у межах адміністративної юстиції.
Диссертация на соискание научной степени доктора юридических наук по специальности 12.00.05 - трудовое право; право социального обеспечения. - Национальный университет «Одесская юридическая академия», Одесса, 2016. Диссертация посвящена всестороннему и комплексному исследованию актуальных теоретических и практических проблем правоотношений в сфере пенсионного обеспечения в Украине. Осуществлен анализ теоретических основ и развития учения о правоотношении. Предложена этапизация становления, развития и современного состояния научных исследований в сфере теории правоотношения. Показана историко-правовая ретроспектива генезиса пенсионного обеспечения вообще и правоотношений в пенсионном обеспечении в частности. Определены основные факторы, способствующие возникновению социальной защиты. Установлены и проанализированы признаки понятия правоотношений в сфере пенсионного обеспечения. Впервые реализовано исследование пенсионных правоотношений и правоотношений в сфере пенсионного обеспечения сквозь призму теории систем. Рассмотрено отдельное пенсионное правоотношение как система низшего уровня (микросистему). Предложено также рассматривать все пенсионные правоотношения как макросистему более высокого уровня. Определены внутрисистемные, межсистемные и внешне системные правовые связи. Приводятся примеры системы пенсионных правоотношений до пенсионной реформы 2015 года и после, делается вывод, что пенсионная система пребывает на этапе оптимизации и рационализации. Анализируются правоотношения в сфере пенсионного обеспечения как система. В работе разработана и обоснована концепция комплекса правоотношений в сфере пенсионного обеспечения в противовес концепции комплексного пенсионного правоотношения. Составляющей разработанной концепции является логично выстроенный алгоритм реализации лицом права на пенсию, охватывающий следующий комплекс правоотношений: пенсионно¬страховые, процедурно-организационные, пенсионно-обеспечительные, процессуально-защитные, исполнительные (постпроцессуальные) правоотношения. Определена функция каждого вида правоотношений. Так, пенсионно-страховые служат для обеспечения права на пенсию, процедурно¬организационные - подтверждению пенсионной правоспособности, пенсионно-обеспечительные - осуществлению пенсионной выплаты, процессуально-защитные - защите права на пенсию или иных прав, от которых зависит назначение пенсии, исполнительные (постпроцессуальные) правоотношения выполняют функцию возобновления права на пенсию и выплату последней. Разграничены понятия «пенсионные правоотношения» и «правоотношения в сфере пенсионного обеспечения», исследованы форма и 39 содержание «пенсионного дела» как элемента процедурно-организационных и процессуально-защитных правоотношений. Дано определение и осуществлена классификация пенсионных споров. Освещены вопросы применения пенсионного законодательства. Уделено внимание анализу решений Конституционного Суда Украины и их реализации как одной из форм определения государственной политики в социальной сфере. Рассмотрен вопрос реализации решений Конституционного Суда Украины и их влияние на доктрину права социального обеспечения. Исследованы решения Европейского суда по правам человека касательно Украины и иных стран, предложен механизм их имплементации в национальное законодательство. Проанализированы ключевые проблемы решения пенсионных споров в пределах административной юстиции. Обоснована важность судебной практики по пенсионным делам в процессе реформирования пенсионной системы Украины. Указывается, что судебная практика является индикатором эффективности пенсионного законодательства, выделяет пробелы и коллизии в правовых нормах, нуждающиеся в усовершенствовании.
The thesis on gaining of Doctor of Law degree, the specialty 12.00.05 - Labour law; Social security law. - National University «Odessa Law Academy», Odessa, 2016. The thesis is devoted to comprehensive and complex research of actual theoretical and practical problems of legal relations in the pension provision system of Ukraine. Deep analysis of theoretical principles and development of the doctrine of legal relations is made. The thesis shows genesis of formation, development and current state of pension provision in general and legal relations in pension provision in particular. The main factors that contributed to emergence of social security are defined. The features of the concept of legal relations in the pension provision system have been found and analyzed. For the first time the study of pension legal relations and legal relations in pension provision in the light of the system theory has been realized. 40 The concept of the complex of legal relations in pension provision as opposed to the concept of complex pension legal relations is developed and substantiated in the thesis. The component of the developed concept is logically constructed algorithm of realization by an individual of the right to pension, which covers the following range of legal relations: pension and insurance, procedural and organizational, pension provisional, in case of the right to pension violation - procedural-protective and executive (post-procedural) legal relations. The issue of pension legislation application is highlighted. The attention is focused on the analysis of decisions of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine and their implementation as one of the fonns of determining the state policy in the social sphere. The resolutions by the European Court of Human Rights concerning Ukraine and other countries are studied, the mechanisms of their implementation into national law are offered. The key issues of resolving pension disputes within the administrative justice are analyzed.
Mpedi, Letlhokwa George. "Redesigning the South African unemployment protection system: a socio-legal inquiry." Thesis, 2009.
Full textChen, Hong-Jie, and 陳宏傑. "A Study On The Legal Compliance Of Personal Information Protection On Insurance Industry." Thesis, 2015.
Full text東吳大學
Personal Information Protection Act was took effect in October, 2012. The New Act not only extends the scope of subject and object but also increases the coverage of the personal information dealt by administration which is not normed by the previous Ac.t By doing so, the scope of personal information protection is therefore extended to all other procedures. The Insurance deals much privacy of the insured such as finance and medical treatment. Such collection, processing and use of personal information are usually used for the procedures of business solicitation, policy underwriting, claiming adjusting; sometimes the personal information is even used for inspecting improper solicitation of insurance salespersons or appealing by the insured. This thesis will discuss the development of Personal Information Protection, including the rising of personal information protection along with how it has been developed and become widely valued. The thesis applies Historical Research Method to view the New Act with the past experience. The law of every country might differ from one another because of their various races and cultural background; however, the essential spirit of the rule of law, which pursues to maintain the social order and protect human rights, stays universally the same. Therefore, it remains important to discover how different countries deal with the rules and processing of personal information protection. The thesis will take consultation from the rule of law in European Union, Japan, The United States of America and Germany. By comparing the similarities and differences among these countries, the thesis tries to picture a clearer map of personal information protection. Privacy Right is guaranteed in the Constitution and is surely practiced in any Legal State. Personal Information Act (The New Act) is widely approved; however, it could also affect the other rights if the scope of protection goes beyond while explaining or applying to the law. In order to keep normal function of different industries, it is important that Government agency could explain the scope of law clearly and search for the balance between personal information and other basic rights so as to avoid the conflict between each other.
Mochesane, Pontso Angelina. "The legal protection of clients against insurance advisors in Lesotho and South Africa / Pontso Angelina Mochesane." Thesis, 2014.
Full textLLM (Estate Law), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2015
Chen, Mei-chun, and 陳玫君. "A Study on the Disclosure Duties of the Financial Consumer Protection legal system—Focusing on the comparative legal systems and the Investment-Oriented Insurance Products." Thesis, 2014.
Full text國立高雄大學
The financial crisis caused by the bankruptcy of Lehman Brothers affected the entire world and caused countless disputes in Taiwan over the investment in structured notes. Because such investments were not regulated, Taiwanese investors could not file claims against any party. The ultimate cause of this issue is that sellers of such financial instruments did not fulfill their duty of disclosure when they promote and sell such financial instruments. However, such a situation arose because the duty of disclosure on the part of financial institutions was not defined in statutes. This situation also instigated Taiwan to place greater emphasis on the protection of financial consumers. To ensure the reliable functions of the financial markets and implement the protection of financial consumers, the Financial Supervisory Commission of the Executive Yuan proposed the “Draft of Financial Service Act,” which was meant to be a comprehensive regulation. The revision of this draft was completed in 2008 and it was renamed as the “Financial Service Industry Act.” However, after the Executive Yuan rejected this draft in 2010, no progress has been made since then. The Financial Supervisory Commission again proposed the “Financial Consumer Protection Act,” and this law became effective on December 30, 2011, serving as a basis of protecting financial consumers. Because financial instruments have become a greater and greater part of consumers’ lives at unprecedented speed in recent years, and financial instruments are designed in a complicated manner and involve highly technical professional knowledge, a massive inequality is created between financial institutions and financial consumers in terms of information, financial wherewithal, and the ability to negotiate contracts. The reason why there are so many disputes in financial transactions is mostly the disparity of information and legal position of both parties. If the government only relies on the regulations set forth in the Civil Code and Consumer Protection Act as the regulation of resolving disputes in financial transactions, the government may not have enough tools at its disposal. This paper plans to discuss and explain duty of disclosure from the viewpoints of the information asymmetry and the focus of Financial Consumer Protection Act. This paper will analyze the origin, the basis of jurisprudence, and nature of duty of disclosure. This paper will discuss the legal outcome of relying on the regulations in Civil Code and Consumer Protection Act as means of dispute resolution between financial service institutions and financial consumers. This paper will use The United Kingdom and Japan as comparison. This paper will analyze the various deficiencies of our nation’s laws against the examples of financial reforms and regulations on duty of disclosure in those two countries and highlight the importance of regulations on duty of disclosure. This paper will also review the evaluation and measures of implementation on duty of disclosure after “Financial Consumer Protection Act” comes into effect. However, because there are numerous financial instruments, this paper will focus on investment-linked insurance that is most popular among ordinary consumers and used as a means of capital preservation and wealth management. This paper will discuss requirements on duty of disclosure to help clarify the importance of duty of disclosure for financial transactions and the protection of financial consumers. This paper attempts to analyze and explicate the possible deficiencies of duty-to-disclose in its implementation and propose corresponding recommendations in the revision of the law over the applicability of current regulations and the applicable laws when past regulations were in effect.
Wu, Luo-Ci, and 吳珞齊. "A study of the legal issues on insurance company under Personal Information Protection Act of Taiwan - Focusing on the article 177-1 of Insurance Act and article 3 of Personal Information Protection Act." Thesis, 2018.
Full text國立政治大學
The "information age" has come. The concept of privacy rights has extended its scope to the protection of personal information with the focus on the right to information self-determination of individuals. The issues related to the protection of personal information have been highly regarded by all parties concerned, and most foreign countries endeavored in the establishment of personal information protection structures that meet contemporary requirements. With the same background at the same time, our country modified the Computer-Processed Personal Data Protection Act enacted in 1995 into the Personal Information Protection Act in 2010. However, the processes of the modification and enforcement of the Personal Information Protection Act in our country were not so smooth. The act was actually enforced 2 years after the first public notification of it, and part of its content which includes the provision about the collection, processing and use of sensitive personal information in Article 6 was paused to be enforced at the very beginning. Part of its provisions were amended again after that, and the current Personal Information Protection Act was thus formed. The insurance industry highly depends on personal information. The collection, processing and use of clients' personal information are necessary no matter the case is about a sale of insurance, an underwriting or a compensation, and sensitive personal information is the core of the business operation of Life Insurance Company. With this fact as the starting point for thinking, 2 major questions were discovered in the study. First, there is a question concerning the application of Article 6 of the Personal Information Act and Article 177-1 of the Insurance Act. On observing the existing law, there are repeated parts in the contents of the 2 provisions, and therefore the appropriateness of Article 177-1 of the Insurance Act is questionable. Second, even if personal information is necessary for the insurance industry, Article 3 of Personal Information Protection Act still specifies that the concerned party of an insurance case has the right to ask for the deletion of his/her personal information provided to an insurance company. What should an insurance company do if an applicant or an insured person asks to delete his/her personal information during the validity period of his/her insurance policy? And is the effectiveness of the insurance policy affected? Based on the nature that personal information must be involved in the insurance industry, the study was developed with "the collection, processing and use of personal information and the right to information self-determination" as its core. Different structures for the protection in the world were compiled and compared for understanding the interaction between "the insurance industry and personal information protection", and the possible directions for the amendment of the acts and feasible coping measures were proposed as reference for all concerned parties. It is hoped that the study may draw the attention of the authorities concerned and trigger further discussions.
Books on the topic "Legal protection insurance"
Purišević, Fuad. Veterans protection in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Sarajevo: Institute for the research crimes against humanity and international law, 2000.
Find full textIndependent power projects in developing countries: Legal investment protection and consequences for development. Austin: Wolters Kluwer Law & Business, 2010.
Find full textInadomi, Henrik M. Independent power projects in developing countries: Legal investment protection and consequences for development. Austin: Wolters Kluwer Law & Business, 2010.
Find full textCenters for Medicare & Medicaid Services (U.S.). Your medicare rights and protections. 2nd ed. Baltimore, Md: U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services, Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, 2003.
Find full textUnited States. Congress. House. Committee on Energy and Commerce. Subcommittee on Commerce, Consumer Protection, and Competitiveness. Access to health insurance: Hearing before the Subcommittee on Commerce, Consumer Protection, and Competitiveness of the Committee on Energy and Commerce, House of Representatives, One Hundred First Congress, second session on H.R. 2649 ... September 19, 1990. Washington: U.S. G.P.O., 1991.
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Find full textBook chapters on the topic "Legal protection insurance"
Campbell, Andrew, and Dalvinder Singh. "Legal Aspects of the Interests of Depositor Creditors: The Case for Deposit Protection Systems." In Deposit Insurance, 40–70. London: Palgrave Macmillan UK, 2007.
Full textHillier, Rachel. "The Legal Challenges of Insuring Against a Pandemic." In Springer Actuarial, 267–86. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2021.
Full textRiedel, Monika, and Andreas Chmielowski. "Migrants’ Access to Social Protection in Austria." In IMISCOE Research Series, 33–48. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2020.
Full textVercher-Moll, Javier. "Insurance Distribution Carried Out by Insurers in Spain." In AIDA Europe Research Series on Insurance Law and Regulation, 179–95. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2020.
Full textOstrowska, Marta. "Information Duties Stemming from the Insurance Distribution Directive as an Example of Faulty Application of the Principle of Proportionality." In AIDA Europe Research Series on Insurance Law and Regulation, 31–54. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2020.
Full textZhou, Changzheng. "Legal Protection of the Right to Old-Age Insurance for Migrant Workers from Rural Areas in China." In The ILO from Geneva to the Pacific Rim, 233–50. London: Palgrave Macmillan UK, 2016.
Full textPopova, Daria. "Access to Social Protection by Immigrants, Emigrants and Resident Nationals in the Russian Federation." In IMISCOE Research Series, 247–61. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2020.
Full textWąsowski, Krzysztof. "The Obligations of Public Entities." In Cybersecurity in Poland, 331–45. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2021.
Full textRomanova, Irina N. "Liability Insurance for Causing Harm to Life and Health as a Legal Remedy for the Protection of Legitimate Interests in Conditions of Modern Society Development." In Sustainable Development: Society, Ecology, Economy, 117–23. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2021.
Full text"Legal Protection Insurance." In Encyclopedia of Law and Economics, 1282. New York, NY: Springer New York, 2019.
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Full textSupenti, Dede, and Suparno Suparno. "Legal Protection of Insurance Customers Due to Inverse Managers Involved in Corruption Crimes." In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Law, Social Science, Economics, and Education, ICLSSEE 2021, March 6th 2021, Jakarta, Indonesia. EAI, 2021.
Full textGlušac, Danijela. "Regulisanje ugovora o osiguranju života vezanom uz investicione fondove." In XVI Majsko savetovanje. University of Kragujevac, Faculty of Law, 2020.
Full textGlušac, Danijela. "ISKLjUČENI RIZICI IZ POKRIĆA U OSIGURANjU ŽIVOTA." In XV Majsko savetovanje: Sloboda pružanja usluga i pravna sigurnost. University of Kragujevac, Faculty of Law, 2019.
Full textGaidarov, Ruslan. "Deposit Protection in Eurasia and its Adaptation in Kyrgyzstan." In International Conference on Eurasian Economies. Eurasian Economists Association, 2011.
Full textKansil, Christine, and Deasy Susilawati. "Legal Protection for Insured Companies in the Insurance Company Experience Fail to Pay in Claim Process (Example of The Case of Bumiputera Insurance Certificate Policy Number: 209101549390)." In The 2nd Tarumanagara International Conference on the Applications of Social Sciences and Humanities (TICASH 2020). Paris, France: Atlantis Press, 2020.
Full textDewi, Ni Putu Juwanita, and Budi Heryanto. "LEGAL PROTECTION ON NATIONAL HEALTH INSURANCE MEMBERS IN INPATIENT HEALTH SERVICES AT R. SYAMSUDIN AND HERMINA HOSPITALS, SUKABUMI, WEST JAVA." In The 8th International Conference on Public Health 2021. Masters Program in Public Health, Universitas Sebelas Maret, 2021.
Full textAbbasova, A., A. Steganceva, and Yu Popova. "ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT." In Manager of the Year. FSBE Institution of Higher Education Voronezh State University of Forestry and Technologies named after G.F. Morozov, 2022.
Full textEwins, Peter J. "Protected Areas and Pipelines in Canada: Balancing Natural Values With Development at the Landscape Level — The Conservation First Principle." In 2002 4th International Pipeline Conference. ASMEDC, 2002.
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