Academic literature on the topic 'Le lieutenant-Colonel de Maumort'

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Journal articles on the topic "Le lieutenant-Colonel de Maumort"


Brown, John L., and Roger Martin du Gard. "Lieutenant-Colonel de Maumort." World Literature Today 75, no. 2 (2001): 359.

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Kaiser, Grant E., Roger Martin du Gard, André Daspre, and Andre Daspre. "Le Lieutenant-Colonel de Maumort." South Atlantic Review 50, no. 2 (May 1985): 132.

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GIBSON, R. "Review. 'Le Lieutenant-Colonel de Maumort'. Edition etablie par Andre Daspre. Martin du Gard, Roger." French Studies 41, no. 4 (October 1, 1987): 470.

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Cameron, Norman. "LIEUTENANT COLONEL TONY FOWLE MC." Asian Affairs 48, no. 1 (January 2, 2017): 133–34.

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Degtyarev, Sergey I. "Memoirs of Lieutenant Colonel of Militia." Russkii Arkhiv 10, no. 4 (December 12, 2015): 310–28.

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Handley‐Derry, L. "Obituary: Lieutenant colonel Kenneth Cantlie C.ENG. F.I.MECH.E." Asian Affairs 17, no. 2 (June 1986): 238.

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Gibson, T. M. "Lieutenant Colonel JF Donegan RAMC - Aeromedical Pioneer." Journal of the Royal Army Medical Corps 145, no. 1 (February 1, 1999): 34–37.

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Bourderon, Roger. "Le colonel Rol-Tanguy." Revue Historique des Armées 248, no. 3 (August 1, 2007): 106–15.

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Ouvrier métallurgiste, syndicaliste et communiste, le futur colonel Rol-Tanguy, né en 1908, se passionne pour le métier des armes lors de son service militaire. Son expérience dans les Brigades internationales est décisive. Il l’enrichit dans les FTP puis comme chef régional FFI : il prépare et conduit l’insurrection parisienne avec un état-major comportant de nombreux cadres de l’armée. Compagnon de la Libération, il se distingue dans la campagne d’Allemagne et est intégré dans l’armée avec le grade de lieutenant-colonel.
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Largeaud, Jean-Marc. "Le lieutenant-colonel Charras, soldat de « la » République ?" Revue d'histoire du XIXe siècle, no. 20/21 (June 1, 2000): 55–72.

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Zaslavskiy, O. B. "UNCERTAINTY AS A STRUCTURAL PROPERTY: ON THE FOREWORD "FROM THE EDITOR" TO "TALES OF BELKIN"." Bulletin of Udmurt University. Series History and Philology 29, no. 5 (October 25, 2019): 794–804.

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It is shown that one of the main structural properties of the foreword "From the Editor" is uncertainty and/or incomplete embodiment of entity as a whole. This reveals itself on different levels of text including inner logical contradictions, the way names are presented in the text, motifs of partial or fractional realization. This is also inherent to narrators of "Tales of Belkin" (lieutenant-colonel as incomplete colonel, girl as an incomplete woman). The similar property manifests itself in the epigraph to "Tales of Belkin" that consists of words of minor (inferior noble). We dwell upon close correspondences between this foreword and "The Shot". It is shown that in some aspects the text gives grounds for identification of Belkin with a lieutenant-colonel I.L.P.) whereas in some others it creates obstacles to this. Thus there is a close analogy between uncertainty of the Belkin's image and uncertainty as a structural property of the foreword. We also pointed out that the set of initials of narrators is an anagram of the surname of a fictitious author.
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Dissertations / Theses on the topic "Le lieutenant-Colonel de Maumort"


Triantafyllou, Angeliki. "Roger Martin du Gard lecteur des Essais de Montaigne. Un inventaire des extraits annotés des Essais dans les Thibault et Maumort." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Sorbonne université, 2024.

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Les Essais de Montaigne étant l'un des livres les plus cochés et annotés de la bibliothèque de Roger Martin du Gard selon Jochen Schlobach, qui a établi le catalogue de sa bibliothèque, l'idée d'entreprendre l'étude détaillée et exhaustive des passages cochés et annotés dans les deux éditions des Essais, celle de la Pléiade et celle de la Librairie des bibliophiles, nous a tenté, ainsi que le projet d'établir un parallèle entre les Essais, le Journal de Roger Martin du Gard, Les Thibault et Maumort, son œuvre posthume, un roman et trois types d'écriture de soi avec ses propres caractéristiques chacun, qui nous permettent de voir à fond ce qui dresse le modèle de vie propice, allant du pessimisme souriant, au bonheur de l'homme qui a su vivre une vie pleine et sans scrupules. Ayant eu recours à l'Institut de Romanistik de l'Université de la Sarre, par l'intermédiaire de l'Association des amis de Roger Martin du Gard, nous avons pu nous procurer le fond des photocopies que Schlobach y avait confié, les photocopies des pages où il y avait les passages cochés/annotés des Essais. Nous les avons recopiés tous, et nous avons lu à fond, le crayon à la main, le Journal de RMG ainsi que les Thibault et Maumort, un texte d'autofiction où l'auteur semble être omniprésent, malgré lui, sous une forme de figure bien avancée, scrupuleusement forgée et plus avant-garde que celle qu'il dévoile minutieusement dans son Journal personnel, mais aussi dans les Thibault, où l'on rencontre des figures et des thèmes qui le hantent, afin de construire notre propre fond d'étude. L'étude de ces trois textes nous a permis de constater la continuité et l'évolution de RMG qui y est bien reconnaissable. Nous avons dû établir un fichier thématique selon ce à quoi Roger Martin du Gard accorde une très grande importance, allant de la vocation, des aspirations d'un petit enfant jusqu'à la fatalité et puis nous avons essayé, procédant par associations d'idées, d'établir le lien entre ces quatre textes. Pourquoi RMG fait-il de Montaigne un de ses penseurs préférés? Pourquoi coche/annote-t-il tant de passages? L'annote-t-il parce qu'il s'y retrouve, parce qu'il s'y reconnaît? Pour s'annuler? Pour se redéfinir? Pour s'approprier? En quoi les Thibault reflètent-ils de ses propres fantasmes, de ses propres tourments? Et le journal de Maumort, entamé à un âge fort avancé et censé être le Journal d'un homme heureux, disciple de Montaigne, pourquoi a-t-il comme héros un homme qui a su s'accepter et se laisser faire par ses désirs, sa propre volonté, cherchant à n'appartenir qu'à lui-même et à être maître de soi? L'écrivain, peut-il se distancier, de ses héros? Peut-il y avoir un texte neutre, quoique d'autofiction, sans réminiscences de son créateur ? Si l'on n'échappe ni à son père, au dire d'Antoine Thibault, ni à son temps, au dire de Maumort, on n'échappe non plus à son concepteur. RMG semble cocher et annoter dans les deux éditions des Essais, des passages qui touchent les thèmes qui le préoccupent tout au long de sa vie. Tantôt il s'aligne avec Montaigne, tantôt il le prend en exemple, tantôt il semble regretter ne pas avoir pu se comporter comme lui. Notre travail a été un travail de citation qui nous a fait évoquer bien des fois La seconde main d'Antoine Compagnon. Souligner, cocher, annoter, des réactions d'appropriation. Travailler sur et avec la citation, un jeu de découpage et de collage, un jeu d'enfant, en vue de tracer l'itinéraire spirituel qui a mené à cette somme de citations que nous venons de répertorier. Malgré nous, nous sommes devenues partie prenante de cette aventure de lecture et de relecture, à la recherche des intentions de RMG quand il coche les extraits des Essais, mais aussi quand il crée ses personnages des Thibault et de Maumort
Montaigne's Essays being one of the most marked and annotated books in the library of Roger Martin du Gard, according to Jochen Schlobach, who compiled the catalog of his library, the idea of undertaking a detailed and exhaustive study of the marked and annotated passages in the two editions of the Essays—the Pléiade edition and the Librairie des Bibliophiles edition—tempted us, as well as the project of establishing a parallel between the Essays, Roger Martin du Gard's Journal, Les Thibault, and Maumort, his posthumous work. These form a novel and three types of self-writing, each with its own characteristics, allowing us to thoroughly explore what constitutes a suitable model of life, ranging from a smiling pessimism to the happiness of a man who has lived a full life without scruples.With the help of the Institut de Romanistik at Saarland University, through the Association des Amis de Roger Martin du Gard, we were able to obtain the collection of photocopies that Schlobach had entrusted there, photocopies of the pages where passages of the Essays were marked/annotated. We copied all of them, and we thoroughly read, pencil in hand, RMG's Journal as well as Les Thibault and Maumort, a work of autofiction where the author seems to be omnipresent, despite himself, in the form of a well-developed figure, scrupulously crafted and more avant-garde than the one he meticulously reveals in his personal Journal, but also in Les Thibault, where we encounter figures and themes that haunt him, in order to construct our own foundation for study. The study of these three texts allowed us to observe the continuity and evolution of RMG, which is clearly recognizable.We had to establish a thematic file according to what Roger Martin du Gard attached great importance to, ranging from the vocation and aspirations of a small child to fatality, and then we tried, by association of ideas, to establish the link among these four texts. Why does RMG make Montaigne one of his favorite thinkers? Why does he mark/annotate so many passages? Does he annotate them because he identifies with them, because he recognizes himself in them? To cancel himself out? To redefine himself? To appropriate them? How do Les Thibault reflect his own fantasies, his own torments? And the Journal of Maumort, started at a very advanced age and supposed to be the journal of a happy, accomplished man, a disciple of Montaigne—why does it have as its hero a man who has learnt to accept himself and let himself be guided by his desires, his own will, seeking to belong only to himself and to be master of himself? Can the writer distance himself from his heroes? Can there be a neutral text, though one of autofiction, without reminiscences of its creator?If, according to Antoine Thibault, one cannot escape one's father, and according to Maumort, one cannot escape one's time, one also cannot escape one's creator. RMG seems to mark and annotate in both editions of the Essays passages that touch on themes that concern him throughout his life. Sometimes he aligns himself with Montaigne, sometimes he takes him as an example, sometimes he seems to regret not being able to behave like him. Our work has been a work of citation that made us recall many times La seconde main by Antoine Compagnon. Highlighting, marking, annotating, reactions of appropriation. Working on and with the citation, a game of cutting and assembling, a child's play, in order to trace the spiritual itinerary that led to this collection of citations that we have just cataloged. Unwittingly, we became participants in this adventure of reading and rereading, searching for RMG's intentions when he marks the excerpts of the Essays, but also when he creates his characters in Les Thibault and Maumort
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Hoffman, Joel M. "Significant factors in predicting promotion to Major, Lieutenant Colonel, and Colonel in the United States Marine Corps." Thesis, Monterey, Calif. : Naval Postgraduate School, 2008.

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Thesis (M.S. in Management)--Naval Postgraduate School, March 2008.
Thesis Advisor(s): Hatch, Bill ; Pema, Elda. "March 2008." Description based on title screen as viewed on May 2, 2008. Includes bibliographical references (p. 191-194). Also available in print.
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Long, Peter F. "Effect of variables independent of performance on promotion rates to major, lieutenant colonel, and colonel in the Marines Corps." Thesis, Monterey, California. Naval Postgraduate School, 1992.

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Marr, Douglas C. "A statistical analysis of the U.S. Marine Corps Lieutenant Colonel Command Screening Process." Monterey, Calif. : Springfield, Va. : Naval Postgraduate School ; Available from National Technical Information Service, 1997.

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Kabalar, Hakan. "Multivariate analysis of the effect of graduate education on promotion to Army Lieutenant Colonel." Thesis, Monterey, Calif. : Springfield, Va. : Naval Postgraduate School ; Available from National Technical Information Service, 2003.

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Thesis (M.S. in Operations Research)--Naval Postgraduate School, June 2003.
Thesis advisor(s): Samuel E. Buttrey, Robert A. Koyak. Includes bibliographical references (p. 55-56). Also available online.
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Gonzalez, Michael D. "Analysis of promotion rates to lieutenant colonel and selection for command for USMC Aviation Supply and Maintenance Officers." Monterey, California. Naval Postgraduate School, 2011.

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The purpose of this thesis was to identify those statistically significant variables associated with promotion to lieutenant colonel and selection for command of a Marine Aviation Logistics Squadron (MALS) or Center for Naval Aviation Technical Training Marine Unit for Aviation Maintenance Officers (AMOs) and Aviation Supply Officers (AVNSUPOs). A data set was constructed for the 102 in-zone AMOs and AVNSUPOs competing for promotion, consisting of demographic and Fitness Report (FITREP) data for each officer covering Fiscal Years 2004-2012. Utilizing logistic regression, the findings concluded that serving as a MALS Executive Officer (XO), receiving a Meritorious Service Medal, and scoring above the Reviewing Officers' (RO) average scores improve one's probability for selection. Serving in combat was not a significant factor for promotion. Because information on command selection was not available from Marine Corps Officer Assignments Plans and Programs, it was not possible to model for command selection. Instead, the following descriptive statistics provide insight on the type of officer selected to command. Forty percent have served as Operations Officers. Forty-three percent served as XOs. Fifty-one percent of the officers scored above their ROs' average markings. Only 37% have at least one combat FITREP as a major.
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Beaulieu, Carl. "L'apport entrepreneurial écossais dans le développement du Saguenay-Lac-Saint-Jean : le lieutenant-colonel Benjamin Alexander Scott : 1859-1928." Thesis, National Library of Canada = Bibliothèque nationale du Canada, 1997.

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Turlotte, Michel. "Le détachement français auprès du nabab du Mysore (1771-1784) : d'après le journal et la correspondance de Georges Louis Bouthenot (1747-1787), Lieutenant-Colonel des Troupes des Colonies." Besançon, 1991.

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Présentation et étude du témoignage de George Bouthenot, officier puis commandant du détachement français de troupes auxiliaires place par Choiseul auprès du nabab du Mysore, Haider Ali Kan. Couvrant la période 1771-1784, cette thèse évoque : - la vie en inde des partisans européens ; - l'organisation et les missions du détachement français sous les commandements successifs de Hugel, Russel, de Puymorin et Bouthenot ; - la politique française en océan indien, marquée par un désintérêt initial (1771-1775), par des actions diplomatiques destinées a contrer l'influence anglaise, (1776-1778), puis par la guerre franco-anglaise, la perte de nos comptoirs (1778-1779), et les expéditions de Duchemin et de Bussy, appuyées par l'escadre de Suffren. (1781-1783).
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Hsu, Wen-Po, and 徐文博. "The Research of the Relationship between Situational Theory of Leadership and Leadership Effectiveness for Army Lieutenant Colonel and Below." Thesis, 2007.

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The purpose of this study is to discuss the application of Situational Leadership Theory proposed by Hersey & Blanchard on the basic units of army. The research methods included literature review and questionnaire survey. The literature review analyzed the development of Leadership Theory, Leadership Theory, Situational Leadership Theory, Leadership Effectiveness Theory, and related studies. The surveyed included the battalion and company units of the Combined Arms Brigade as the population, and obtained 160 valid samples from platoon leaders and 240 from squad leaders. The tools included “Questionnaire on Leadership Behavior Description”, “Questionnaire on Subordinate Readiness”, and “Questionnaire on Leadership Effectiveness”. The data were analyzed with descriptive statistics, Kruskal -Wallis one-way analysis of variance by rank, Chi-Square Tests, and regression analysis. The results are detailed as follow: 1. The leadership style of primary-level officers is selling leadership with high work and high relationship. The subordinate readiness of primary-level officers is high competency and high willingness. The leadership effectiveness of platoon-level officers is moderately effective. 2. The background variables of primary-level officers have significant difference on their leadership style, subordinate readiness, leadership effectiveness. 3. The leadership style of primary-level officers has significant correlation with their subordinate readiness, and the leadership style of primary-level officers has significant correlation with their leadership effectiveness, and the subordinate readiness of primary-level officers has significant correlation with their leadership effectiveness. 4. The leadership style of primary-level officers and their subordinate readiness have reciprocal effect on leadership effectiveness, and the leadership style and subordinate readiness have significant explanatory power, thus, result in high leadership effectiveness. The results of data analysis roughly support the Situational Leadership Theory, and the leadership style of primary-level officers is adjusted according to the subordinate readiness. Discussions and suggestions are detailed in the paper.
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Mickleborough, LC. "Colonel William Sorell Lieutenant-Governor of Van Diemen’s land 1817–1824 : an examination of his convict system and establishment of free settlement." Thesis, 2002.

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Set against the background of a British penal colony established for less than fifteen years, this thesis examines Van Diemen’s Land during the administration of Colonel William Sorell who was appointed Lieutenant-Governor in 1817 to replace Thomas Davey. The early history of Van Diemen’s Land has been dominated by the extensively documented rule of George Arthur who succeeded Sorell in 1824, and whose vast and occasionally self-promoting correspondence tended to diminish the achievements of his predecessor. The main features of Sorell’s administration, ranging from his immediate need to restore order due to a bushranging crisis, his sponsorship of a vigorous expanding pastoral economy as well as the impact of that economy on a declining Aboriginal population, and what steps Sorell took to ameliorate that impact, or to advise the British Government of the consequences of the impact, will also be examined. The major purpose is to investigate Sorell’s convict administration system, and it will be demonstrated that he established a system of convict control with an emphasis on incentive as well as punishment, on which Arthur was later able to base his system of ‘Black Books’. Sorell employed convicts in public works and successfully facilitated the assignment of other convicts to settlers. As a result of his resourcefulness and organisation, he established Macquarie Harbour as a place of secondary punishment. An influx of convicts followed the first direct shipment from Britain to the colony in 1818, and the same year free settlers also started arriving in large numbers, mainly due to a change of policy in Britain. Sorell’s encouragement of entrepreneurialism, and his vigorous economic leadership meant the colony began to compete economically with New South Wales. As a result of a concern that transportation might no longer be an effective object of apprehension in Britain nor the means of reformation in the settlement, a commissioner, John T. Bigge, was sent by the Colonial Office to enquire into the situation in New South Wales and Van Diemen’s Land. Bigge was also directed to enquire into Sorell’s private life, as shortly after Sorell’s arrival it was disclosed that it was not his own wife with whom he was living. Sorell was permitted to continue in his position for almost seven years following the disclosure, possibly indicating satisfaction with his leadership. However, as morals and the balance of free settlers in the colony began to change, it prompted the essential recommendation of Bigge for Sorell’s recall, which was finally sent to him in 1823. Sorell received no further imperial appointment. The contradictory circumstances of this recall, set against a background of administrative success, has, perhaps, limited historical appreciation of the extent of Sorell’s achievement of bequeathing an effective convict system and strong economy to his successor.
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Books on the topic "Le lieutenant-Colonel de Maumort"


André, Daspre, ed. Le lieutenant-colonel de Maumort: Roman. 2nd ed. [Paris]: Gallimard, 2008.

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Copyright Paperback Collection (Library of Congress), ed. Lieutenant colonel. New York: Ace Books, 2000.

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Muelle, Raymond. Lieutenant-colonel Jeanpierre, soldat de légende. Sceaux: Esprit du livre, 2007.

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Sairigné, Gabriel Brunet de. Les Carnets du lieutenant-colonel Brunet de Sairigné. Paris: Les Nouvelles Editions latines, 1990.

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editor, Durney James, and Crawford, Hugh (Local historian), editor, eds. War memoirs of Lieutenant Colonel C.M.L. Clements, MC. Kildare, Ireland?]: [James Durney and Hugh Crawford], 2017.

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Hunter, Archie. Wellington's scapegoat: The tragedy of Lieutenant-Colonel Charles Bevan. Barnsley: Leo Cooper, 2003.

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Hinchman, James F. Retired pay of Lieutenant Colonel Oliver North, USMC (retired). [Washington, D.C.]: U.S. General Accounting Office, 1989.

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Jérusalmy, Raphaël. Shalom Tsahal: Confessions d'un lieutenant-colonel des renseignements israéliens. Paris: NM7, 2002.

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United States. Congress. House. Select Committee to Investigate Covert Arms Transactions with Iran. Taking the stand: The testimony of Lieutenant Colonel Oliver L. North. New York: Pocket Books, 1987.

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Forth, Nevill De Rouen. A fighting colonel of Camel Corps: The life and experiences of Lieutenant-Colonel N. B. de Lancey Forth. Braunton: Merlin, 1991.

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Book chapters on the topic "Le lieutenant-Colonel de Maumort"


Houston, Gail Turley. "Peter Aston, ‘Complaint to the Justices of the Peace’; and <J. T.> Vincent and W. Bewley Taylor, ‘Letter’ to Lieutenant Colonel Maberly." In Hunger and Famine in the Long Nineteenth Century, 109–10. London: Routledge, 2022.

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Dallas, R. C. "Plan of Operations.—Command given to Colonel Fitch.—General Reid advances with the Militia to Vaughans-field.—Parley between Colonel Fitch and the Maroons.—Dunbar and Harvey suffered to visit the Maroon Prisoners in Montego Bay Harbour.—Consequence.—Party protecting working Slaves ambushed.—General Animosity of the Slaves towards the Maroons.—Lieutenant Tomlinson.—Colonel Fitch and a Party go to Lee's post.—The Party ambushed.—Brisset and others killed.—Colonel Fitch killed.—Captain Lee mortally wounded.—Character of Colonel Fitch.—Lord Balcarres's Speech.—Murenson and Count La Fitte brought before the House of Assembly.—The former denies every Part of his Declaration.—The House of Assembly recommend to Lord Balcarres, that they and all the French be sent off.—Grant to Lord Balcarres during Martial Law.—Grant to the Accompong Maroons.—Two Companies of Free People of Colour raised.—Rewards for killing or taking a Trelawney Town Maroon.—State of the War.—Gloom cast over the Island." In History of the Maroons, 211–32. London: Routledge, 2013.

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Dallas, R. C. "The Maroon Captains set out for the Capital.—Alarming Reports.—Martial Law.—Murenson's Declaration—The Lieutenant-Governor sets out for Trelawney.—The Success Frigate recalled.—The Maroon Captains arrested.—Proclamation.—Post at Wemyss Castle.—Lord Balcarres establishes his Head-Quarters at Vaughan's Field.—State of the Maroons.—Johnson and Smith called in.—Their Settlements burnt.—Surrender of a small Body of Maroons.—Their Reception.—Palmer and Parkinson sent back to Trelawney Town.—The Maroon Towns burnt.—Ferment of the Public.—Force collected.—Commencement of Hostilities.—Colonel Sandford advances to the Scite of the Old Town.—Consequence.—Colonel Gallimore killed.—The Maroons retire to Guthrie's Defile.—Progress of the War.—Dunbar, the Maroon.—The Troops take Possession of the Scite of the Old Town.—Chambers, the Accompong, shot.—A select Party of young Men offer to go in Pursuit of the Maroons.—Why rejected.—Major James leads a Party to the Entrance of Guthrie's Defile.—He is insulted by Mistake." In History of the Maroons, 166–210. London: Routledge, 2013.

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Dallas, R. C. "General Walpole appointed to the Command.—His System.—His first Operations.—Godly's Post attacked.—Lieutenant Richards engages a Party of the Maroons.—Fatal Error of his Serjeant.—General Walpole establishes Posts to the Eastward and Southward.—Arrival of a Reinforcement.—Colonel Skinner.—Stores and Coffee Houses at Nairne, and the Works at Amity Hall, burnt by the Maroons.—The Maroons, dislodged from the Cockpit at Guthrie's, tale possession of another. Forced to retreat.—Take a Position on a Height.—Driven from it.—Establish their Head-Quarters in Ginger Town Bottom.—Post at Guard Hill.—Johnson's Activity, and arbitrary Disposition.—Surprised, and compelled to fly.—A Party of Brown Men fall in with the Maroons.—Gallantry and Zeal of the Regiments of Militia in general.—Action between Captain Drummond and Johnson.—State of the Public Mind.—Council at Falmouth.—Petition of the Maroon Prisoners.—General Anxiety for a Termination of the War." In History of the Maroons, 233–60. London: Routledge, 2013.

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"Citizen Lieutenant Colonel." In Memoirs of a Jewish Prisoner of the Gulag, 4–5. Academic Studies Press, 2022.

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"From Lieutenant Colonel Glover." In The Letters and Diaries of John Henry Newman, Vol. 10: The Final Step: 1 November 1843–6 October 1845, edited by Francis J. McGrath, 418. Oxford University Press, 2006.

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Kipling, Rudyard. "The Arrest of Lieutenant Golightly." In Plain Tales from the Hills. Oxford University Press, 2009.

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‘I’ve forgotten the countersign,’ sez ’e. ‘Oh! You ’ave, ’ave you?’ sez I. ‘But I’m the Colonel,’ sez ’e. ‘Oh! You are, are you?’ sez I. ‘Colonel nor no Colonel, you waits ’ere till I’m relieved, an’ the Sarjint repons on your ugly old mug....
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"Chapter Three: Lieutenant Colonel Sudeikin." In The Degaev Affair, 32–67. Yale University Press, 2017.

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"2. Lieutenant Colonel John Dalley and Dalforce." In Dalley and the Malayan Security Service, 1945–48, 13–34. ISEAS Publishing, 2018.

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Hutton, Ronald. "The Lieutenant-General." In The Making of Oliver Cromwell, 152–218. Yale University Press, 2021.

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This chapter chronicles Oliver Cromwell's growing influence in the military as well as in politics. By early 1644, Cromwell was commissioned as the earl of Manchester's lieutenant-general, formally recognizing his existing position as second-in-command of the army, and especially as leader of the horse. Like every other higher officer, he would only receive half the pay for the job as long as the war lasted, but he continued to be paid separately both as colonel and captain of horse. Not long after, he received a further honour by being added to the brand-new body, the Committee of Both Kingdoms, established by Parliament to direct the joint war effort that it was now making with its new Scottish allies. Membership here was a striking sign of Cromwell's rising status as a soldier as well as a politician. The turn of the year had gone superbly for him.
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Conference papers on the topic "Le lieutenant-Colonel de Maumort"


Fardink, Paul. "An Interview with General Richard A. Cody: The Soldiers' General and His Enduring Impact on Army Aviation." In Vertical Flight Society 73rd Annual Forum & Technology Display, 1–30. The Vertical Flight Society, 2017.

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The Army Aviation Hall of Fame states that "No individual has had a greater impact on the Army and the Aviation Branch" than General Richard Cody. After receiving his commission in 1972 at West Point, Cody served with distinction for 36 years until retiring as the Army's 31st Vice Chief of Staff in 2008. While still a Lieutenant Colonel, in 1991 he led his Apache battalion into Iraq to fire the first shots of Operation DESERT STORM, eliminating critical enemy radar sites before the air war campaign even began. In the years following September 11, 2001, as Deputy Chief of Staff for Operations (G-3/5/7) and then as Vice Chief of Staff, his efforts led to the most sweeping transformation the Army and the Aviation Branch had ever seen. An ace special operations pilot and brilliant military mastermind, General Cody may best be remembered, however, as the well-loved "Soldiers' General."
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Sokolov, B. "THE MYSTERY OF LIEUTENANT BRUSENTSOV. TWO PROTOTYPES OF THE SAME HERO." In VIII International Conference “Russian Literature of the 20th-21st Centuries as a Whole Process (Issues of Theoretical and Methodological Research)”. LCC MAKS Press, 2023.

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The article reveals the historical prototype of Lieutenant Alexander Nikitich Brusentsov, one of the heroes of the film “Two Comrades Served” (1968), played by Vladimir Vysotsky, is featured in the memoirs of the former military prosecutor of the Don Corps of the Russian Army Colonel Ivan Kalinin “Under the banner of Wrangel” (1925) by his adjutant Lieutenant Nikolai Brusentsov, whose character traits coincide with the character traits of the hero of Vladimir Vysotsky. Unlike the hero of the film, the real Wrangel’s lieutenant Brusentsov was not an artilleryman, but a lawyer. But director Evgeny Karelov and screenwriters Yuliy Dunsky and Valery Frid needed a combat white officer - a worthy opponent to the red heroes of the film. Fried's testimony is also being examined that the prototype of Lieutenant Brusentsov was Red Army Lieutenant Alexander Nikitich Brusentsov, who was met by his friend and co-author Dunsky in the labor camp. As it turned out, among the participants of the Great Patriotic War there was indeed Lieutenant Alexander Nikitich Brusentsov, who, most likely, was the lieutenant Brusentsov, mentioned by Fried. Thus, we are faced with a rather rare case when two prototypes who belong to different historical eras and have no family ties, have the same and relatively rare surname.
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Reports on the topic "Le lieutenant-Colonel de Maumort"


Holzbauer, Joseph R. An Analysis of the Army Centralized and the Marine Corps Decentralized Lieutenant Colonel/Colonel Command Selection Systems. Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, March 1988.

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