Dissertations / Theses on the topic 'Law of local authorities'
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Rodriguez, Yisell. "Immigration law and enforcement the role of states and local authorities." Honors in the Major Thesis, University of Central Florida, 2012. http://digital.library.ucf.edu/cdm/ref/collection/ETH/id/610.
Full textB.A. and B.S.
Health and Public Affairs
Legal Studies
Page, Lisa Jane. "The enforcement of environmental law in England and Wales." Thesis, University of Plymouth, 2000. http://hdl.handle.net/10026.1/408.
Full textRombauts-Chabrol, Tiphaine. "L'intérêt public local." Thesis, Montpellier 1, 2014. http://www.theses.fr/2014MON10043.
Full textLocal public interest is a french administrative law notion which appears as a misleading evidence because of the standard case law related to the local authorities « general competence clause ». Its conceptual definition allows to highlight its legal foundation within the local authorities public-law legal personnality. The evolutions of the devolution law, especially in the areas of constitutionnal law, establish a positive framework for its existence. An objective and cautious approach confers to the notion an actual finalistic substance corresponding to the general nature of local authorities to ensure that local communities' needs are actually met. However, the operationnal aspect of this content does not mask the heterogeneity of the local public interest functions. According to a review of the case law, the distinguishing of its functions demonstrates the efficiency of the notion in the scope of the local government functions by constituing a dynamic legal capacity to act, systematised particuliarly in local initiatives in the economic sphere. If local public interest is widely used by administrative courts to supervise decisions deriving from a grant of legislative power, it can neither provide the basis to create, nor to dispute the principle of this legislative power. This ultimate functional limit remains the operational barrier to the local public interest which does not allow to act on the distribution of functions between public authorities so far
Stephenson, Mary-Ann. "Mainstreaming equality in an age of austerity : what impact has the public sector equality duty had on work to promote gender equality by English local authorities?" Thesis, University of Warwick, 2016. http://wrap.warwick.ac.uk/87865/.
Full textSykes, David J. "Equity's roving commission in administrative law : an analysis of the present and potential role of equity in the relationship between local authorities and their service users." Thesis, University of Essex, 2017. http://repository.essex.ac.uk/19881/.
Full textTerblanche, Freda Marié. "Street trading in South Africa : an investigation with the emphasis on the policies of major local authorities towards street trading." Thesis, Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University, 2001. http://hdl.handle.net/10019.1/52462.
Full textENGLISH ABSTRACT: Informal street trading is an aspect with which South Africa's ever growing cities need to cope. Since the earliest times, trade has played an important role in creating livelihoods for many people. In today's society - characterised by unemployment and underdevelopment - informal street traders have recognised that there is a gap in the market, and thus, by plying their trade they created a sustainable livelihood for themselves. It has to be admitted that town planning over the years neglected the role of the informal street trader, and not much was done by way of creating a city sphere to accommodate the street trader. In chapter two of this study the discussion addresses the historical role and activities of the informal street trader, and surveys aspects of legislation and racism that played a prominent role in previous times. Authorities did not regard informal trading in a positive light and many harsh steps were taken against street traders. This provides one of the reasons why no latitude was granted to informal street trading and why South Africa's existing efforts to accommodate informal street trade could at best be described as dismal. In chapter three the role and extent of informal trading in the economy is discussed. A study was made of the possible reasons why the informal street trade has emerged, and the contribution of the informal trade towards South Africa's Gross Domestic Product, is also dealt with. Today informal street trade is viewed as one of the ways by means of which to alleviate South Africa's existing employment crisis and accommodation of the informal street trade is seen as a top priority. When considering the phenomenon of informal street trading, it is impossible to ignore the people who are involved in this sector. They have created not only jobs for themselves, but a sustainable way of living. Chapter four attends to the characteristics of the informal street trader and also addresses the problems and challenges that these people have to face. Addressing these problems or challenges is not an easy task, and one of-the major problems in this respect has been the question of legislation. Informal street trading needs to be directed through laws and policies, aimed at addressing traders' needs and which are proactive in creating a positive trading environment. In chapters five and six the legislation and regulation of informal street trading in three of South Africa's major metropolitan cities - Cape Town, Port Elizabeth and Durban - are reported. Chapter seven contains the conclusions of the study, followed by some policy recommendations. These are based on the findings made in the study on informal street trading, and could possibly enhance the proactive control and development of informal street trading.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Informele straathandel is 'n verskynsel wat volop in Suid-Afrikaanse stede voorkom. Handel is verantwoordelik vir die skep van werksgeleenthede en in vandag se samelewing, wat gekarakteriseer word deur armoede en werkloosheid, bied informele straathandel 'n uitweg aan menige persone om In bestaan te voer. Deur die jare het stadsbeplanning nie die nodige aandag aan die informele straathandelsektor gegee nie en meeste Suid-Afrikaanse stede kan nie hierdie tipe aktiwiteit suksesvol akkommodeer me. In hoofstuk twee van hierdie studie word daar ondersoek ingestel na die historiese agtergrond en aktiwiteite van die informele straathandelaar en word kwessies soos wetgewing en rasisme aangespreek. Owerhede het tydens die vorige bedeling nie die straathandel as 'n positiewe aspek van Suid-Afrika se groeiende stede beskou nie en sterk maatreels is teen straathandelaars gene em. Weens hierdie stappe en aksies, het dit gelei tot 'n stedelike omgewing wat nie straathandelaars vandag kan akkommodeer nie, en word dit ook as die rede beskou waarom huidige pogings tot die akkommodasie van straathandel nie as besonder suksesvol beskou kan word nie. In hoofstuk drie word die rol en mate waartoe informele straathandel tot die land se ekonomie bydra, bespreek. Die moontlike redes is ondersoek om die ontstaan van die informele straathandelsektor te identifiseer, en ook is gekyk na die bydraes wat die straathandel tot Suid-Afrika se Bruto Binnelandse Produk maak. Vandag word die informele straathandel as 'n moontlike oplossing vir armoede en werkloosheid in Suid- Afrika beskou en word die ontwikkeling van die sektor as 'n top prioriteit hanteer. Daar is ook ondersoek ingestel na die mense wat betrokke is in informele straathandel. Hierdie deel van die bevolking was in staat om op 'n volhoubare manier werk vir hulself te skep. Hoofstuk vier stel ondersoek in na die kenmerke van die informele straathandelaars en kyk ook na die daaglikse probleme en uitdagings wat hierdie mense beleef. Om hierdie probleme en uitdagings te bowe te kom, is nie eenvoudig nie, maar die grootste probleem vir straathandelaars spruit voort uit wetgewing oor die sektor. Informele straathandel benodig rigtinggewende w.etgewing en beleid wat die sektor se behoeftes en probleme aanspreek en ook 'n positiewe omgewing vir die straathandelaars skep om in te werk. Hoofstukke vyf en ses stel ondersoek in na die bestaande wetgewing oor informele straathandel, soos dit aangetref word in drie van Suid-Afrika se grootste stede, Kaapstad, Port Elizabeth en Durban. In hoofstuk sewe word die gevolgtrekking en beleidsvoorstelle rondom die bevindings van die studie gemaak. Dit sal dan moontlik lei tot die bevordering en skep van 'n gunstige en pro-aktiewe omgewing waarbinne informele straathandel kan floreer.
Darbousset, Charley. "Recherches sur la notion de péréquation en droit public." Phd thesis, Université de La Rochelle, 2011. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00688132.
Full textMassyn, Nicolai Spies. "A guideline for local authorities : legal and functional requirements for the drafting and implementation of waste management by-laws / N.S. Massyn." Thesis, North-West University, 2005. http://hdl.handle.net/10394/950.
Full textThesis (M. Environmental Management)--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2006.
Ytier, David. "Recherche sur la fiscalité locale au prisme de l’égalité." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Aix-Marseille, 2019. https://buadistant.univ-angers.fr/login?url=https://bibliotheque.lefebvre-dalloz.fr/secure/isbn/9782247210268.
Full textTaking a look at local taxation through equality means observing two legal notions linked to one another, in a complex system that reveals what sets them apart, and what brings them together. The interest of the subject stems from the criticism of a taxation system considered as a vector of major inequalities, and the radical solutions that lead to a decline in local taxation. As such, it is necessary to link the two concepts to determine their relation. This problem is part of broader study that more generally addresses the implementation of government decentralization, whose organization inevitably leads to inequalities, especially when decentralized authorities are given financial autonomy. This is why this research not only looks back on our past in order to take some perspective on the current inequalities, but also aims at conceptualizing the notion of local taxation. This allows us to understand why those two notions are polarised, as well as striking the right balance between them. The objective of local taxation should be equality. Lawmakers find this balance though the conception of taxation itself, and through the local framework where the local tax is developed. This balance must be found if we want local taxation to fully meet equality
Louis-Jeune, Manès. "La paradiplomatie dans le droit de l’action publique internationale des collectivités infraétatiques : exemple de la Caraïbe." Thesis, Antilles, 2017. http://www.theses.fr/2017ANTI0153/document.
Full textParadiplomacy is an innovative concept in international relations. It is the doctrine that tries to define this notion from the conceptual point of view. Thus, its definition varies from one author to another. And the themes that determine its scope are not exactly defined. It encompasses decentralized cooperation, twinning and cross-border cooperation. It occupies a prominent place in the law of local authorities in France, in particular the French departments of America, in their relations with their Caribbean counterparts. The various paradiplomatic actions of these communities contribute to sustainable development in the Caribbean basin. It is a real tool for communities to raise the torch of French diplomacy in the Caribbean. In this perspective, it does not compete with French diplomacy, but complement it. It is heavily regulated from a legal and institutional point of view. Indeed, national legislation, EU law and international law determine its implementation and its limits. Institutions at national and international levels provide an informational framework and possibly financial support. However, paradiplomacy impacts local governance
Bardoul, Caroline. "Les collectivités territoriales et le développement durable." Thesis, Orléans, 2010. http://www.theses.fr/2010ORLE0003.
Full textTwo milestones guide the implementation of local sustainable development by local governments : first each local authority must conciliate sustainable development pillars on its territory ; then this approach must be integrated with the one of the other local authorities. Only then can local sustainability management be overspread and harmonious. However, the lack of legal constraint imposing the implementation of these milestones has two consequences: on the one hand, Sustainable development norms can be adapted by local authorities to the specificities of their territories, on the other hand, other local authorities do not apply these rules or only partially, taking advantage of “soft law”. Those diverse levels of commitment to sustainable development norms disrupt the territorial cohesion and solidarity that should be part of the notion of sustainable development. In the actual state of law the implementation of sustainable development norms by every single local authority is unattainable. There are nevertheless legal means to enforce sustainable development norms beyond the circle of willing territories. But these means are not completely effective. Therefore, in order to make every local authority apply sustainable development norms, some changes have to be made to the existing Law. The first pillar must become a standard so that local authorities won't be able to ignore sustainable development norms anymore, only to adapt it to their local specificities. Moreover,decentralization would lead to a better articulation between each local governing body, therefore allowing forbetter respect of the second pillar of sustainable development. Finally a better financial redistribution between those local authorities would support these legal changes
Laforge, Clément. "Les rappοrts de dοminatiοn entre cοllectivités territοriales." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Normandie, 2024. http://www.theses.fr/2024NORMR116.
Full textA reading of Article 72 of the French Constitution reveals a decentralized territorial organization based on the absence of a formal hierarchy of local authorities. French decentralization is based, on the one hand, on the recognition of a guaranteed autonomy for local authorities, with the principle of free administration of local authorities, and, on the other hand, on the rejection on the refusal to establish a hierarchy among local authorities, which is reflected, in particular, by the principe of the prohibition of supervision between local authorities. However, some local authorities appear likely to determine the content of the decisions of other local authorities. To overcome this paradox, our thesis aimes to examine relations between local authorities through the concept of domination. Such an approach reveals that relations of domination between local authorities are consubstantial with decentralization. The first part of the study demonstrates that domination between local authorities is induces by legislation. Indeed, throught various mechnisms, the legislator organizes the functional domination of local authorities. Domination between local authorities also takes a spontaneous form that is allowed by law. However, this is only possible because of the free administration of local authorities. The second part of the study reveals that domination between local authorities is induced by the free administration of local authorities. An examination of the principle of free administration demonstrates that its content latently influences what domination between local authorities can be. Thus, relations of domination between local authorities appear as an original manifestation of the free administration of local authorities
Santos, Ana Sofia da Fonseca Moreira. "Classificação do uso do solo ao nível municipal." Master's thesis, Instituições portuguesas -- UTL-Universidade Técnica de Lisboa, 2002. http://dited.bn.pt:80/29556.
Full textEddazi, Fouad. "Planification urbaine et Intercommunalité." Phd thesis, Université d'Orléans, 2011. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00687031.
Full textCitores, Antidia. "La contribution des parties prenantes à l'intégration de normes environnementales en droit maritime." Thesis, Aix-Marseille, 2012. http://www.theses.fr/2012AIXM1105/document.
Full textSea transport has seen strong growth over the past 30 years, which impacts on the marine environment, an environment sensitive to pollution. Maritime law generally adheres to a wait-and-see approach, developed as a reaction to successive environmental disasters, and arising from a much-needed reconciliation of shipowners' economic interests and the pressing nature of environmental issues. The States' decision making process is strongly influenced by the economic importance of sea transport who, in their triple function of coastal State, port State and/or flag State are often driven to make legislations of convenience in tax, economic, social and environmental matters. Measures could be proposed to develop laws in order to establish a balance within the IMO, and restore a transparent and genuine link between States, fleets and shipowners. In fact, modern maritime law allows room, in particular through lobbying tools, for other parties who intervene on the enactment and implementation of the law ruled by governance procedures. This widening of the normative process and avenues for sanction/redress to all stakeholders could ensure a better integration of environmental standards in maritime law. If the dialogue with local authorities is complicated by their status, at the same time victims, actors and obstruction of rights, the development of NGOs, currently limited in the international jurisdictional framework, would guarantee these objectives are achieved, including a better effectiveness of the law. The experience gained in the field of a CIFRE thesis, within the legal department of Surfrider Foundation Europe illustrates and establishes these avenues of improvement
Bardoul, Caroline. "Les collectivités territoriales et le développement durable." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Orléans, 2010. http://www.theses.fr/2010ORLE0003.
Full textTwo milestones guide the implementation of local sustainable development by local governments : first each local authority must conciliate sustainable development pillars on its territory ; then this approach must be integrated with the one of the other local authorities. Only then can local sustainability management be overspread and harmonious. However, the lack of legal constraint imposing the implementation of these milestones has two consequences: on the one hand, Sustainable development norms can be adapted by local authorities to the specificities of their territories, on the other hand, other local authorities do not apply these rules or only partially, taking advantage of “soft law”. Those diverse levels of commitment to sustainable development norms disrupt the territorial cohesion and solidarity that should be part of the notion of sustainable development. In the actual state of law the implementation of sustainable development norms by every single local authority is unattainable. There are nevertheless legal means to enforce sustainable development norms beyond the circle of willing territories. But these means are not completely effective. Therefore, in order to make every local authority apply sustainable development norms, some changes have to be made to the existing Law. The first pillar must become a standard so that local authorities won't be able to ignore sustainable development norms anymore, only to adapt it to their local specificities. Moreover,decentralization would lead to a better articulation between each local governing body, therefore allowing forbetter respect of the second pillar of sustainable development. Finally a better financial redistribution between those local authorities would support these legal changes
Mugnier, Florian. "La personnalité juridique des collectivités territoriales : genèse et développement d'une personne morale dans l'État." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Université Paris Cité, 2020. https://buadistant.univ-angers.fr/login?url=https://bibliotheque.lefebvre-dalloz.fr/secure/isbn/9782247218806.
Full textThe notion of territorial collectivity seems to be one of the most well-known in french public law, and especially administrative law. Amongst its principal characteristics lays its identification as a public legal person. However, territorial collectivities haven't always been identified as "legal persons". Moreover, municipalities and departments haven't always been identified as "territorial collectivities". These latter qualities actually haven't always existed and were not refused as much as they hadn't been conceived early enough. Written law, case law and jurisprudence from the beginning of the 19th century did not use those notions, meaning nothing apparently lead certain administrative units, such as towns and departments, to be viewed as "territorial collectivities" endowed, as such, with legal personality. Beyond questions about legal regime, competencies assignment, self-government or decentralization, the notion of "legal personality of territorial collectivities" has only gradually emerged up to the point where it became stable in lawyers' minds and narratives. Still, albeit many studies have been lead on legal personality itself as well as related to the State, none has yet specifically concerned territorial collectivities. Thus, the aim of the present dissertation is to determine which process guided the wake of this notion, its genesis as well as its establishment, by following the path that brought to the idea that "territorial collectivities are public legal persons"
Synnott, Michael Frederick. "The relationship between the regional water authorities and local planning authorities." Thesis, London School of Economics and Political Science (University of London), 1985. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.363471.
Full textRomazzotti, Laure. "Collectivités locales et produits financiers structurés." Thesis, Pau, 2018. http://www.theses.fr/2018PAUU2037/document.
Full textThe 2008 economic crisis was a revealing event for local and regional authorities and credit institutions regarding the use of structured finance products, which had become « toxic ». For many years, both of them have been establishing contractual relationships based on the association of standard structured finance products and increasingly sophisticated derived finance products. However, as the context in which such relationships are taking place is becoming complex, an immediate and a sustainable decision-making is necessary to provide a framework to their future. Whether it is the judge through case laws or the State and the legislator through the development of a support fund, various laws, circular notes and a charter, each of them has tried to find solutions to the problems faced by the local and regional authorities and their financial partners.The object of the thesis is to explain why local and regional authorities used this new type of finance products provided by credit institutions and what the resulting consequences were. Following the chronology of the events experienced by all of these stakeholders, legal considerations on these past, current and future contractual relationships will be presented
Aziz, Asmah Abdul. "Financial reporting by Scottish local authorities." Thesis, University of Aberdeen, 2000. http://digitool.abdn.ac.uk/R?func=search-advanced-go&find_code1=WSN&request1=AAIU603192.
Full textEddazi, Fouad. "Planification urbaine et Intercommunalité." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Orléans, 2011. http://www.theses.fr/2011ORLE0002.
Full textTo address the challenges of urbanisation, the legislator resorts mainly to urban planning, as a unilateral legal standard enabling to ensure the forecasting and the regulation of the occupation and allotment of land plots. Thus, such French laws as the “SRU” law and the “Grenelle II” law both devoted to urban planning the fundamental roles of social solidarity, of setting limits to urban sprawl and environment preservation, so as to circumscribe an urban development leading to social separation, and to limit public expenditures linked to the extension of networks and the spread of public facilities, as well as making possible sustainable development. In order to carry out this urban planning scheme endowed with a renewed and strengthened ambition, the legislator transfers the strategic planning, called the “SCOT”, to the “intercommunalité”, which could be defined as the putting together and sharing of resources of several towns and boroughs within the framework of a mutual local body, or inter communal entity, with the objective of achieving cost efficiency in the use of public funds. Furthermore, the legislator states its preference as to its scope of competence, for a system of regulated mandatory planning, the “PLU”. Indeed, urban planning and its resulting effects broadly exceed the boundaries and means of towns and local boroughs. So the legislator resorts to the implementation of these local joint policies or bodies called the “intercommunalité” or inter communal power or body to regroup them. This is enforced by the “Chevènement Law” of 1999 and the “RCT” of 2010 : both laws are applied to ensure the regrouping of single or local rural boroughs, towns, and big cities. However, the lawmaker has failed to create a genuine common power among towns and boroughs. Whether it relates to the scope of its area or the contents of its documents, the structure or body regrouping towns and boroughs is under the political domination of local councils, which transform this means of cooperation into a tool for their own purposes, and a place for conciliating their selfish interests. Yet, urban planning is a juridical standard whose efficiency requires taking independent political decisions. Consequently, town and borough cooperation can only result in consensual urban planning, quite far from legislative expectations. By hindering the emergence of a genuine inter communal power, the local town and borough powers impair the ambition of an efficient juridical regulation of urban development through planning. The success of the latter depends therefore on the setting up of a real inter communal power, or of its transfer to another public body endowed with a political power
Sellgren, John Marcian Andrew. "Local economic development in Great Britain : an evolving local government role." Thesis, London School of Economics and Political Science (University of London), 1989. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.295668.
Full textJones, M. "Exploring strategic turnaround in English Local Authorities." Thesis, Nottingham Trent University, 2013. http://irep.ntu.ac.uk/id/eprint/102/.
Full textLemaitre, Jelle. "La cohésion territoriale et l'ordre juridique de l'Union européenne." Thesis, Rennes 1, 2014. http://www.theses.fr/2014REN1G026.
Full textThe territorial cohesion appeared in the European Union law at the ex article 16 TCE beside the SIEG. It knew a consecration in the primary european Union law with its erection to the rank of objective of the European Union, becoming the third dimension of the cohesion policy beside the economic and social cohesion. This new place in the primary law is not without asking questions on the normativity of this new objective and more widely its place in the legal order of the european Union. The main difficulty is based on its definition and its modalities of expression and intervention today. The green Book of the European Commission of 2008 dedicated to the territorial cohesion had the merit to put the objective in perspective by giving it a realization through essentially the regional policy, but also more widely by the necessary coordination of the policies with territorial impact. This thesis has for objective to put in light the expressions of the territorial cohesion, called to develop with the application of the treaty of Lisbon. The territorial cohesion can also base itself on the other legal principles, just like the principle of subsidiarity, to build a normativity in the European Union material law, from the legislative and statutory work to the application of the sector-based policies on the European Union territory. The territorial cohesion can finally lean on the european Union institutional law and on the increasing role of the local gouvernment to make the way of a territorial solidarity taken in consideration in the model of the European integration
Hersant, Emilie. "Les collectivités territoriales et le secteur énergétique." Phd thesis, Université d'Orléans, 2010. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-01017213.
Full textEmilsson, (Gustafsson) Sara. "Local authorities' approaches to standardised environmental management systems." Doctoral thesis, Linköpings universitet, Industriell miljöteknik, 2005. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:liu:diva-5045.
Full textLuyts, Simon. "Collaboration between local authorities and Renewable Energy Cooperatives." Thesis, KTH, Skolan för industriell teknik och management (ITM), 2017. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:kth:diva-216982.
Full textEmilsson, Sara. "Local authorities' approaches to standardised environmental management systems /." Linköping : Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, Univ, 2005. http://www.ep.liu.se/diss/science_technology/09/39/index.html.
Full textVaughan-Dick, Valerie. "Implementing e-government in local authorities in England." Thesis, Birkbeck (University of London), 2008. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.499178.
Full textTait, Elizabeth J. "An analysis of eParticipation in Scottish local authorities." Thesis, Robert Gordon University, 2010. http://hdl.handle.net/10059/503.
Full textIbrahim, Mukdad M. "Budgetary decision making in three English local authorities." Thesis, Keele University, 1992. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.283261.
Full textBetts, Graeme Stuart. "Inequalities in health : the role of local authorities." Thesis, University of Bristol, 1990. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.281887.
Full textMohamed, O. "Knowledge sharing initiatives in local authorities in Malaysia." Thesis, University of Salford, 2014. http://usir.salford.ac.uk/32260/.
Full textHersant, Emilie. "Les collectivités territoriales et le secteur énergétique." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Orléans, 2010. http://www.theses.fr/2010ORLE0005.
Full textLocal authorities present themselves as key players in the energy sector. However, the relationshipbetween energy and local authorities is quite ambiguous due to the eminently strategic nature ofenergy. If, at the beginning oh the XXth century, local authorities were in charge of a real local publicservice through energy supply, the reality of such a trait is today disputable. The 1946 nationalizationled to question the real local nature of energy supply. In spite of recent energy market liberalization,local authorities could not recapture their traditional function. However, they gradually seem to find anew energy legitimacy by owing to more and more important concerns : environmental protection andenergy supply safety. This study intends to analyze interactions between local authorities and energythrough a decentralization problematic. Energy sector, as strategic as it is, does not prevent fromintroducing a certain form of decentralization. Local authorities have a key role to play, even if it doesnot concern the global energy sector. Thus, from an industrial and commercial taking on, localauthorities are becoming more and more involved in energy sector through the environmental prism
Vielba, Carol A. "Intergovernmental relations at the local level : a study of the London Borough of Camden." Thesis, London School of Economics and Political Science (University of London), 1992. http://etheses.lse.ac.uk/1309/.
Full textNdinga, Crépin. "Le contrôle du juge financier sur les marchés publics locaux." Thesis, Paris 10, 2017. http://www.theses.fr/2017PA100183.
Full textThe attention paid by financial justice to local public markets is not new. previously, before the creation of the regional audit chambers in 1982, financial control of local procurement was shared between the court of auditors and the general paying treasurers. But the system adopted in 1938 was criticized because the t.p.g. brought together the two qualities of agent control and subsidiary responsible for the irregularities he discovered. This system appeared more consistent with the principles introduced by the law of decentralization of march 2, 1982, who created the CRC which was taken in the control of the local procurement. In 1982, three traditional missions had been entrusted to the CRC in the area of public procurement: judgment of auditors, review of the management and budgetary control. following a legislative reform made by the law of february 6, 1992, a fourth allocation had been assigned: examination of the conventions relating to public procurement and the dsp. Long, financial magistrates, for lack of time and means have always favored control of the regularity of procurement and enforcement of public procurement at the expense of their quality (effectiveness) control. To adapt to the new dynamics of the local public management, the magistrates of the CRC are approaching, today, anglo-saxon methods that analyze the quality of management through three criteria, so-called "triple-e": economy, efficiency and effectiveness. If control of the regularity of public procurement remains indispensable, it must now be associated with the control of performance and results
McGee, P. S. T. "ERDF regional aid : Improving access for UK local authorities." Thesis, Oxford Brookes University, 1988. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.234456.
Full textAgyemang, Gloria Mary. "Steering education : the case of two local education authorities." Thesis, Royal Holloway, University of London, 2006. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.430896.
Full textGosling, Philip Geoffrey. "The effects of compulsory competitive tendering on local authorities." Thesis, King's College London (University of London), 1999. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.313724.
Full textWingfield, Melvin. "The politics and management of small rural local authorities." Thesis, De Montfort University, 2000. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.392008.
Full textAulakh, Sundeep. "The concept and practice of 'enabling' local housing authorities." Thesis, Sheffield Hallam University, 2002. http://shura.shu.ac.uk/19296/.
Full textBeresford, Charles Richard de la Poer. "Strategic planning : Local Education Authorities and primary school development." Thesis, University College London (University of London), 1994. http://discovery.ucl.ac.uk/10019218/.
Full textZorzetto, Ugo <1990>. "The use of derivatives contracts by Italian local authorities." Master's Degree Thesis, Università Ca' Foscari Venezia, 2018. http://hdl.handle.net/10579/12131.
Full textMulinda, Charles Kabwete. "A space for genocide: local authorities, local population and local histories in Gishamvu and Kibayi (Rwanda)." Thesis, University of the Western Cape, 2010. http://etd.uwc.ac.za/index.php?module=etd&action=viewtitle&id=gen8Srv25Nme4_3491_1363784144.
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