Academic literature on the topic 'Latviešu valoda'

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Journal articles on the topic "Latviešu valoda"


Paegle, Dzintra. "Gustava Reinholda fon Klota jubileja 1855. gadā Johana Teodora Bērenta un Kārļa Hūgenbergera atspoguļojumā: notikums un rakstītāju valoda." Baltu Filoloģija 32 (2023): 143–68.

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Rakstā aplūkotas Vidzemes ģenerālsuperintendanta Gustava Reinholda fon Klota (1780–1855) 50 darba gadu svinības mācītāja amatā 1855. gada 12. jūnijā Rīgā, kā arī to atspoguļojums Kārļa Hūgenbergera un Johana Teodora Bērenta rakstos „Latviešu Avīžu“ pielikumā 1855. gada 23. jūnijā. Kaut arī abu autoru raksti publicēti vienā un tajā pašā laikraksta numurā, to latviešu valoda atšķiras. Hūgenbergera valodā, kurš kalpojis Kurzemē, vērojamas kurzemnieku valodas īpatnības, kādu nav Bērenta rakstā. Kopumā abu mācītāju rakstu valoda atbilst 19. gs. vidus tradicionālajai latviešu rakstu valodai. Salīdzinot abu autoru valodu, var secināt, ka Bērents ir labāk pratis latviešu valodu nekā Hūgenbergers.
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Paegle, Dzintra, and Pēteris Vanags. "Mālpils draudzes mācītāja Oto Roberta fon Klota (1808–1876) sprediķis latviešu valodā 1851. gadā." Baltu filoloģija 29, no. 1 (November 15, 2020): 91–114.

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Rakstā pievērsta uzmanība Latvijas Valsts vēstures arhīvā atrastā Mālpils draudzes mācītāja Oto Roberta fon Klota (1808–1876) rokraksta saturam, sprediķa ortogrāfijai un valodai. Rokraksta ortogrāfija un valoda kopumā atbilst 19. gs. vidus tradīcijai. Sprediķa valodā atrodamas arī dažas vecas, tagad nelietotas latviešu valodas formas, kā arī citas raksturīgas iezīmes. Autora latviešu valodā redzamas arī vairākas viņa dzimtās vācu valodas pēdas.
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Trūpa, Sarmīte. "Multilingvālais mikslis diasporā: latviešu valoda mijiedarbībā ar vācu valodu." Valoda: nozīme un forma / Language: Meaning and Form 13 (December 2022): 196–207.

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Raksta pamatā ir 15 kvalitatīvo interviju dati, kas iegūti 2021. gada sākumā, aptaujājot Vācijā dzīvojošus latviešu emigrantus, t. s. jauno diasporu, kura veidojusies pēdējo trīsdesmit gadu laikā. Interviju mērķis bija noskaidrot latviešu jaunās diasporas, kas dzīvo ārpus Latvijas, lingvistisko attieksmi un uzvedību. Raksts veltīts atsevišķu aspektu iztirzāšanai, kas saistīti ar valodas koda maiņu (code-switching), koda jaukšanu (code-mixing) un koda variēšanu (translanguaging). Sevišķi bieži šīs parādības novērojamas tieši diasporā dzīvojošo savstarpējā komunikācijā, jo kopiena ikdienā lieto vismaz divas valodas – dzimto, ģimenes, resp., mājas, valodu (latviešu valoda) un dominējošo vides valodu (vācu valoda). Atkarībā no aptaujāto personu vecuma un valodu un kultūru pieredzes šinī procesā var būt iesaistīta arī krievu, angļu vai vēl kāda cita valoda.
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Paegle, Dzintra. "Suntažu mācītājs Johans Teodors Bērents (1784–1866) un viņa latviešu valoda." Baltu Filoloģija 30, no. 1/2 (2021): 100–137.

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Rakstā aplūkota 19. gs. vidus latviešu valoda 1854. gadā iznākušajā un J. T. Bērenta tulkotajā V. O. Horna darbā „Śtahśts par Śapņu ķehniņu un baggatu śkrohderi“ krājumā „Śtahśti pa ſeemas wakkareem śtahśtiti Kraukļu=krohgâ krahśns preekśchâ“. Tulkojuma latviešu valoda ir tipiska 19. gs. vidus rakstu valoda, tajā ir saskatāmas ne tikai Vidzemes valodas īpatnības, bet arī kurzemnieku valoda un 18. un 19. gs. rakstu valodas paradumi. Tulkojuma valoda nav normēta, par to liecina nesakārtota nomenu deklinācija; nesistemātiski lietotas adjektīvu noteiktās un nenoteiktās galotnes, nešķirta īstenības un pavēles izteiksmes dsk. 2. personas forma; prepozīcijas ap, pehz lietotas ar vairākiem vienskaitļa locījumiem; u. c. Tulkojuma latviešu valoda ir izteiksmīga, bagāta sinonīmiem un frazeoloģismiem. Tikai atsevišķos gadījumos jūtami dzimtās vācu valodas atspulgi tas un viens lietojumā.
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Nagle, Kitija. "Vienskaitlinieku lietojums latviešu valodā un angļu valodas ietekme." Valoda: nozīme un forma / Language: Meaning and Form 11 (2020): 129–41.

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Ne visiem substantīviem latviešu valodā var piemist abi skaitļi – vienskaitlis un daudzskaitlis. Latviešu valodā no substantīva leksiskās nozīmes ir izveidojušies gramatiskie ierobežojumi, tādēļ ir šķiramas divas grupas: vienskaitlinieki un daudzskaitlinieki. Valoda nemitīgi mainās, tādēļ ir notikušas būtiskas izmaiņas arī šo vārdu lietojumā. Šajā rakstā atspoguļoti substantīvi, kas tradicionāli uzskatāmi par vienskaitliniekiem, tomēr angļu valodas ietekmē tiem radies neatbilstošs skaitļa lietojums un arī jaunas leksiskās nozīmes. Raksta pamatā ir autores 2019. gadā izstrādātais maģistra darbs „Vienskaitlinieku un daudzskaitlinieku lietojums latviešu valodā”.
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Zvīgule, Guna. "Semantikas noteikta sakārtotu komponentu secība latviešu valodā." Valoda: nozīme un forma / Language: Meaning and Form 11 (2020): 195–216.

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Rakstā aplūkota sakārtojumā saistītu komponentu secība latviešu valodā. Balstoties līdzšinējos latviešu un cittautu valodnieku pētījumos un secinājumos, izvirzīti vairāki faktori, kas ietekmē vārdu secību sakārtojuma konstrukcijā. Valoda rāda, ka sakārtojumā saistītu komponentu secība, lai arī gramatiski nenoteikta, nav patvaļīga. To ietekmē trīs faktoru grupas: 1) semantiskie faktori, 2) funkcionāli pragmatiskie faktori, 3) formālie faktori. Raksta uzmanības centrā ir semantiskie faktori, kas latviešu valodā noteic sakārtojumā saistītu komponentu pamatsecību. Tā kā saistīto komponentu semantika ir ļoti daudzveidīga, semantiskie faktori dalīti vairākās grupās atkarībā no saistīto komponentu nozīmes. Kā atsevišķi aspekti analizēti: 1) realitātes noteikts secīgums, 2) hierarhiskās attieksmes, 3) kognitīvi emocionālie aspekti. To ietekme pētīta valodas materiālā, kas izgūts no „Līdzsvarotā mūsdienu latviešu valodas tekstu korpusa” un uz tā pamata veidotā „Latviešu valodas sintaktiski marķētā korpusa” un ir semantiski un formāli daudzveidīgs, jo skatītas vārdrindas, kur saistīti ar lietvārdiem, darbības vārdiem, apstākļa vārdiem un īpašības vārdiem izteikti vienkārša teikuma komponenti.
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Laiveniece, Diāna, and Agnese Dubova. "Latviešu zinātnes valodas pētniecības virzieni 21. gadsimtā: literatūras apskats." Baltu Filoloģija 30, no. 1/2 (2021): 72–92.

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Zinātnes valoda ir valodas paveids, kas tiek izmantots pētniecības procesa un rezultāta aprakstam zinātniskā tekstā mutvārdos vai rakstveidā. Līdz 21. gadsimta sākumam latviešu zinātnes valoda skatīta un raksturota funkcionālo stilu kontekstā un vispārīgā veidā, nosaucot galvenās stila pazīmes un īsi raksturojot tam raksturīgo leksiku, bet nepievēršot detalizētu uzmanību zinātnes valodas lingvistiskajiem aspektiem. 21. gadsimta sākumā latviešu zinātnes valodas pētniecībai pievēršas vairāki valodnieki, tāpēc, skatot šo procesu attīstībā, nodalāmi trīs galvenie zinātnes valodas pētniecības virzieni: pētījumi par zinātniska teksta makrostruktūru vai atsevišķiem tās elementiem, pētījumi par zinātniska teksta mikrostruktūru un to veidojošajiem elementiem un pētījumi par latviešu zinātniskajiem tekstiem sastatījumā ar citām valodām.
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Kalnača, Andra. "Priekšvārdi." Valoda: nozīme un forma / Language: Meaning and Form 12 (December 2021): 5–6.

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Rakstu krājums „Valoda: nozīme un forma 12. Gramatika un valodas apguve” ir Latvijas Universitātes Humanitāro zinātņu fakultātes Latvistikas un baltistikas nodaļas Latviešu un vispārīgās valodniecības un Baltu valodniecības katedru rīkotās 56. profesora Artura Ozola dienas starptautiskās zinātniskās konferences „Gramatika un valodas apguve” (18.–19.03.2021. LU HZF) materiālu un vairāku atsevišķi tapušu pētījumu apkopojums 15 rakstu veidolā. Konference tika rīkota sadarbībā ar Valsts pētījumu programmu „Latviešu valoda” (Nr. VPP-IZM-2018/2-0002, vadītāja – Ina Druviete) un tās apakšprojektu „Gramatika un tās saskarjomas: gramatikas enciklopēdiskā vārdnīca” (vadītāja – Andra Kalnača).
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Martena, Sanita. "„Es neuzskatu, ka latviešu valoda sastāv tikai no gramatikas”: vidusskolēnu valodas lietpratība un attieksme pret latviešu valodas mācīšanos." Valoda: nozīme un forma / Language: Meaning and Form 12 (December 2021): 178–94.

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Raksta pamatā ir divu pētījumu dati: par latviešu valodas prasmes līmeni, beidzot vidusskolu, (2018) un par skolēnu attieksmi pret latviešu valodas mācīšanu un mācīšanos (2018–2020). Datu interpretācijā ir izmantota valodas lietpratības teorija (Hulstijn 2015), proti, par to veidojošajiem komponentiem: pamata un augstāko jeb paplašināto valodas kognīciju. Pētījumā izmantotas arī teorētiskās atziņas par argumentēto rakstīšanu un galvenajām pazīmēm, kas liecina par augstā līmenī uzrakstītu darbu. Skolēnu teksti rakstā vairāk ir analizēti no viņu izvēlētā pārspriedumu temata izpratnes aspekta, prasmes argumentēti paust savu viedokli un leksiskās sarežģītības aspekta. Pārspriedums ir skolēnu sniegums, ko viņi latviešu valodā un citos mācību priekšmetos ir apguvuši 12 skolas gadu laikā bilingvālajās mazākumtautību skolās un skolās ar latviešu mācībvalodu. Pētījuma dati rāda, ka bez tradicionālajām interpunkcijas kļūdām (divdabja teicienu un citu savrupinājumu, salikta teikuma daļu atdalīšanas ar komatiem) skolēnu darbos ir vērojams vienveidīgs vārdu krājums, proti, par maz tiek lietoti konkrēti jēdzieni, termini vai retāk sastopami vārdi. Pārspriedumos nav pietiekami precīzi un izvērsti raksturotas parādības, notikumi, cilvēki, un tas ir saistīts gan ar faktu nezināšanu, gan arī ar nepietiekamu vārdu krājumu. Pētījumā par attieksmi pret latviešu valodas mācību procesu atklājas iespējamie iemesli, kas ietekmē skolēnu latviešu valodas apguvi un tās rezultātu. Ne tik motivējošas attieksmes pamatā, kā to atklāj skolēni, ir viņu grūtības saprast skolotāja latviešu valodas gramatikas un citu valodas jautājumu skaidrojumu, nepietiekama valodas funkcionālo aspektu iekļaušana mācību saturā, dažkārt arī līdzvērtīgas komunikācijas (starp skolēnu un skolotāju) trūkums.
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Kalnača, Andra. "Priekšvārdi." Valoda: nozīme un forma / Language: Meaning and Form 14 (2023): 5–6.

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Latvijas Universitātes Humanitāro zinātņu fakultātes Latvistikas un baltistikas nodaļas rakstu krājumā „Valoda: nozīme un forma 14. Gramatika un korpusa pētījumi” apkopotas trīspadsmit publikācijas. Krājuma idejiskais pamats ir 80. Latvijas Universitātes starptautiskās zinātniskās konferences LU HZF Latvistikas un baltistikas nodaļas rīkotā Latviešu un vispārīgās valodniecības sekcija „Gramatika un korpusa pētījumi” (10.02.2022.), sadarbojoties diviem pētnieciskiem projektiem – LU prioritārās tēmas „Letonika, diaspora un starpkultūru komunikācija” HZF projektam „Humanitārā doma – valoda, teksts, kultūra” (vadītāja prof. Dr. philol. Andra Kalnača) un Valsts pētījumu programmas „Letonika latviskas un eiropeiskas sabiedrības attīstībai” projektam „Mūsdienu latviešu valodas izpēte un valodas tehnoloģiju attīstība” (vadītāja Dr. philol. Ilze Auziņa). Visus četrpadsmit sekcijas referātus vienoja tas, ka analizētais valodas materiāls bija izgūts no dažādiem korpusiem, t. sk. individuālu autoru veidotiem, kā arī valodas fakti tika analizēti ar dažādām korpuslingvistikas metodēm.
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Dissertations / Theses on the topic "Latviešu valoda"


Veisbergs, Andrejs. "Aizgūtā frazeoloģija latviešu valodā." Thesis, 1993.

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Lokmane, Ilze. "Konsituatīvo saistījumu tipi mūsdienu latviešu valodā." Thesis, 2005.

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Grigorjevs, Juris. "Latviešu valodas patskaņu sistēmas akustisks un auditīvs raksturojums." Thesis, 2005.

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Kalnača, Andra. "Darbības vārda laika formu funkcionālā sistēma latviešu valodā." Thesis, 1996.

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Druviete, Ina. "Latviešu valodas sociolingvistiskā situācija : (izpētes metodes un raksturojums: statistika, psiholoģija, politika)." Thesis, 1996.

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Books on the topic "Latviešu valoda"


Veisbergs, A. Latviešu valoda. Rīga: Latvijas Universitātes, 2013.

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Veisbergs, A. Latviešu valoda--robežu paplašināšana. Rīga: Valsts valodas komisija, 2005.

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Pāvula, I. Latviešu valoda un literatūra cittautu mācībvalodu skolās: Rakstu krājums. Rīga: Latvijas universitāte, 1997.

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Māris, Baltin̦š, and Valsts valodas komisija (Latvia), eds. Latviešu valoda 15 neatkarības gados: Lingvistiskā situācija, attieksme, procesi, tendences. Rīga: Zinātne, 2007.

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Antra, Mieze, and Latvijas okupācijas muzejs, eds. Kas valda valodu, valda prātu: Latviešu valoda okupāciju apstākļos : 2007. gada 14. aprīļa valodas konferences referātu materiāli. Rīga: Latvijas Okupācijas mūzeja biedrība, 2007.

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Ozols, Arturs. Latviešu tautasdziesmu valoda. 2nd ed. Rīga: Zvaigzne, 1993.

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Mirovics, Ivars, and Aivars Dubaus. Latviešu valodas žargona vārdnīca. 3rd ed. Rīgā: Avots, 2005.

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Bušs, O. Latviešu valodas slenga vārdnīca. Rīgā: Norden, 2006.

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B, Bušmane, Laumane Benita, Breidaks A. 1932-, Blinkena A. 1929-, Bek̦eris A, Prokazovs A, Latvijas Zinātn̦u akadēmija, Latviešu valodas institūts (Latvijas Zinātn̦u akadēmija), and Literatūras, folkloras un mākslas institūts (Latvijas Zinātn̦u akadēmija), eds. Latviešu valodas dialektu atlants. Rīgā: Zinātne, 1999.

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Muižniece, Lalita. Latviešu valodas praktiskā fonolog̓ija. Rīga: "Rasa ABC", 2002.

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Book chapters on the topic "Latviešu valoda"


Skadiņa, Inguna, Andrejs Veisbergs, Andrejs Vasiļjevs, Tatjana Gornostaja, Iveta Keiša, and Alda Rudzīte. "Latviešu Valoda Eiropas Informācijas Sabiedrībā." In White Paper Series, 9–18. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2012.

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Skadiņa, Inguna, Andrejs Veisbergs, Andrejs Vasiļjevs, Tatjana Gornostaja, Iveta Keiša, and Alda Rudzīte. "Valodu Tehnoloģiju Atbalsts Latviešu Valodai." In White Paper Series, 19–38. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2012.

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Anspoka, Zenta. "Latviešu mācībvalodas un mazākumtautību izglītības iestāžu vidusskolēnu latviešu valodas kompetence: salīdzinošais pētījums." In Latviešu valodas apguve. XIII Starptautiskais baltistu kongress : rakstu krājums, 119–41. Liepājas Universitāte, 2021.

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The topicality of the research is related to the State policy of education to strengthen the role of the Latvian language as a national language by enabling the integration of society and intercultural dialogue. The aim of the study is to analyse the level of language competence of Grade 12 students of Latvian language of instruction in comparison with minority schools. The results of the empirical research are obtained from 468 texts written by students with the Latvian language of instruction and minority secondary education institutions in different regions of Latvia. The texts used are systematised in the balanced corpus of modern Latvian language. The research was conducted within the framework of the National Research Programme “Latvian Language” (No VPP-IZM-2018/2-0002). An analysis of essays’ content, sentences, contextual binding of their sets, language style, orthography, and punctuation has been carried out. Data from the study shows no significant difference between the skills of Latvian language of instruction and minority secondary education institutions’ students to form text according to the topic. Approximately 57% of respondents follow the proportions among different parts of the text, the binding of sentences to create the text as a whole, the principle of completion of the text; 29% of respondents use language features exactly according to language style. The most common language errors in the self-created texts of students from both types of schools are punctuation errors, the spelling of short and long vowels and consonants in words, words written together and separately, and the spelling of foreign names. Students from minority secondary schools make simpler sentence syntactic structures and by 9% fewer punctuation errors. Still, they have 32% more errors in spelling words and the use of words in sentences. In the didactic of the Latvian language, we have to think more about learning of language based on discourse, in which the text has a social context at first, only then a linguistic form. We have to develop a sense of language for students, improve a methodology for learning linguistics terminology, cooperation between teachers of all subjects, and the attitude of each teacher to their own language and speech in the learning and teaching process.
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Grosvalds, Ilgars, and Ivans Griņevičs. "Dabaszinātnieks Leonīds Slaucītājs (1899–1971)." In Latvijas Universitātes raksti, 27–40. LU Akadēmiskais apgāds, 2022.

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Ģeofiziķa Leonīda Slaucītāja, kura vārds aizskanējis tālu pasaulē, zinātniskā un pedagoģiskā darbība noritējusi četrās augstskolās: Latvijas Universitātē (1921–1944), Baltijas Universitātē (1946–1948) Vācijā, Laplatas Universitātē Argentīnā (1948–1962) un Sidnejas Universitātē Austrālijā (1962–1969). Šis ir plašākais biobibliogrāfiskais pārskats par L. Slaucītāju latviešu valodā.
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Kļavinska, Antra. "Latviešu valodas apguvēju korpuss lietojumā: teorētisks un metodoloģisks ieskats." In Latviešu valodas apguve. XIII Starptautiskais baltistu kongress : rakstu krājums, 162–77. Liepājas Universitāte, 2021.

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Several text corpora have been created in Latvia, including learner corpora. One of the latest projects is the Latvian Language Learner Corpus (LaVA), which contains the works of international students studying in Latvian higher education institutions who are learning Latvian as a foreign language. The texts are morphologically tagged automatically, and learner errors are tagged manually. A sufficient scope of publications is available, which provides the theoretical basis for the creation of Latvian language learner corpora; however, there is a lack of studies or practical methodological guidelines concerning the opportunities for their application, and there is little data about the use of text corpora in language acquisition. The aim of this study is to explain from the theoretical perspective for what purposes learner corpus data may be used, as well as to illustrate the methodological groundwork with examples from the LaVA corpus. Analysis of theoretical literature has demonstrated the functions and meaning of learner corpora in research, and experience with the use of corpora in acquiring a foreign language has been analysed. Examples of the use of the LaVA corpus as a didactic resource have been prepared using Corpus Linguistics methods. The study was conducted within the state research programme project “The Latvian Language”. After studying the functions of learner corpora from the theoretical perspective, it was concluded that the target audience of the LaVA corpus mainly includes teachers of Latvian as a foreign language (LATS), authors of teaching materials, as well as Latvian language learners. To facilitate the use of the LaVA corpus, it is important to have basic knowledge of Corpus Linguistics, an understanding of the theory of language, as well as an understanding of foreign language teaching methodology. LATS teachers can use the LaVA corpus data in the creation of curricula and teaching materials, in the preparation of language proficiency tests, etc. Using the inductive approach in language acquisition, language learners can also become language researchers, can analyse the errors of other learners, etc. Undeniably, the LaVA corpus can be used in broader linguistic research, for example, in contrastive interlanguage analysis, comparing the data of language learners with the data of native speakers or the data of different groups of language learners.
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Līsmane, Inta, and Ilze Ruža. "Skaitļi un fakti: ārvalstu studenti latviešu valodas apguves kontekstā." In Izmērītais laiks un telpa, 76–91. LU Akadēmiskais apgāds, 2022.

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The twenty-first century with its rapidly changing socio-economic and cultural situation has introduced the necessity for transformations in higher education. Language and education must be viewed in close relationship. The 21st century is characterized by the necessity of multicultural paradigm in education. When different cultures meet, it becomes necessary to solve communication problems, to understand universal values, as well as various languages and cultures, ways of communication. Quality education is a precondition for successful development in the contemporary society. The learning society has broadened the meaning of education, learning and knowledge. Currently many students choose to work abroad. In our rapidly changing situation, the main priority is the New Man, who will live, work and be able to operate productively, contributing to a process of the development. Personal and professional competence is named as an important factor for every student and specialist not only at present, but also in the future. This article analyses the results of higher education, as reflected in the knowledge, skills, social aptitudes and values of university graduates, looking at the extent to which these are in line with the demands of the labour market. The purpose of the paper is to analyse the Latvian language as a means of society integration and cohesion, and on the basis of conducted analysis and the best practice review to elaborate suggestions for further society integration opportunities. The study applies evaluation design as it provides an overview of the corresponding legal enactments in the field of official language and society integration policy and implementation thereof, an analysis of educational opportunities in the context of language learning with aparticular emphasis on non-formal adult language learning. The paper also considers the examples of best practice in the field. Language learning is offered both in formal and non-formal education. Significant contributors to developing people’s Latvian language competence are higher education institutions providing both formal and non-formal language learning opportunities for inhabitants of Latvia and foreigners. The findings of the study indicate that in furthering the Latvian language competence it is necessary to develop comprehensive programmes that focus on creation of open and integrated society. It is necessary to continue conceiving and implementation of language acquisition projects, which would result in creation of methodological and methodical base for language learning that would enhance education quality and serve as a basis for further society integration and cohesion.
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Markus, Dace, and Valentīna Kaļiņina. "Dzimtās un otrās latviešu valodas prasme pirmsskolas vecumā: vārdu krājums." In Latviešu valodas apguve. XIII Starptautiskais baltistu kongress : rakstu krājums, 40–56. Liepājas Universitāte, 2021.

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The study has been carried out within the subproject No. 8 “Latvian Language Acquisition” framework of the National Research Programme “Latvian Language”. The aim of this article is to analyse the results of Latvian language skills of the minority pre-school children who attend pre-school groups with Russian as the everyday communication language, the minority pre-school children who attend pre-school groups with Latvian as the everyday language, and Latvian pre-school children. The recordings of children’s speeches were made in Kurzeme pre-school education institu-tions during May and June of 2019 and 2020 before the children started to attend primary school. The findings obtained in this study are illustrated only with the results in vocabulary acquisition, taking into account that one of the most important tasks in learning a second language at pre-school age is vocabulary acquisition. Creating a conviction for beginning a new activity – communication in another language, not in the mother tongue, is of linguodidactic and psychological importance. Knowledge of a larger or smaller vocabulary is the basis for starting to speak a language. The study uses a picture-based conversation, with a maximum of 20 minutes spent in conversation with each child. The criteria proposed by Ingēra Tomme-Jukēvica (Tomme-Jukēvica 2018) have been used; they indicate the level of language skills (0 (insufficient level) – not showing or showing very minimal (<5%) knowledge and skills; 1 (low level) shows minimal (<25%) knowledge and skills; 2 (medium level) shows mediocre (>50%) knowledge and skills; 3 (high level) shows good (>75%) knowledge and skills. The article points out that each individual’s worldview forms with the mother tongue’s help and compares some striking linguistic lexical differences, paying particular attention to the comparative examples of Latvian and Russian languages. By referring to Latvian and Russian examples, the authors demonstrate that it may be necessary to divide the action expressed in one word in one language by creating a word group or even a phrase in another language. The Latvian language proficiency researchers should be aware that children with different native languages (Latvian or Russian) may have different worldviews, demanding additional actions of thinking and speech from the second language speaker. Therefore, second language acquisition at the pre-school age is an essential prerequisite for continuing bilingual studies or studies in Latvian at school. Observations made during the research in the National Research Programme testify that in pre-school education institutions, the process of education usually is interesting for children. However, as the analysis of the recordings of children’s speech in Kurzeme reveals, in those minority children groups where the everyday communication language is Russian and where Latvian is usually taught only two times a week for approximately 30–45 minutes, and also where the visual information in Russian dominates, insufficient skills of the state language and substantially worse experience of the Latvian language use have been observed. At the same time, it should be acknowledged that those minority children who attend groups with Latvian as the everyday language have learned Latvian sufficiently to continue education in the first grade of primary school. These children have not lost their native language, usually Russian, which they use actively at home. Therefore, they have the basis for several language acquisitions when they start learning at school. Learning Latvian as the second language requires optimization of this process in the pre-school education institutions, ensuring regular communication with the child in Latvian, and the use of appropriate methodologies in teaching activities. In this context, not only teaching and practicing Latvian lessons are particularly important, but also communication with other children and the possibility of talking Latvian with the staff of the pre-school educational institution. In accordance with earlier conclusions of linguists, the study conducted in Kurzeme shows that in the speech of pre-school children, independently of their mother tongue, nouns are dominating, but minority children attending groups with the dominant Russian language mostly use nouns in the nominative. Because of the task of preparing minority children for bilingual studies or studies in Latvian in the first grade, the authors of the article recommend ensuring bilingual communication on a day-to-day basis in minority groups of pre-school children.
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Bethere, Dina, Agrita Tauriņa, and Tija Zīriņa. "Kompetenču pieeja un latviešu valodas apguve pirmsskolā: problēmas un risinājumi." In Latviešu valodas apguve. XIII Starptautiskais baltistu kongress : rakstu krājums, 57–72. Liepājas Universitāte, 2021.

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The research is conducted within the framework of the National Research Programme (NRP) “Latvian Language” (No. VPP-IZM-2018/2-0002) 8th sub-project, “Acquisition of Latvian Language”. The aim of this article is to summarise and systematise the scientific knowledge on the promotion of Latvian language in ethnically and linguistically heterogeneous pre-school groups in the context of a competency-based approach. In Latvia, the competency-based approach has been implemented in pre-school educational institutions since 2019. In the pedagogical work, the transition has taken place from the result to the process, emphasising the child being a researcher. The implementation of this approach has changed the arrangement of the pre-school environment, and also the work of teachers has improved in order to successfully develop the child’s self-directed learning, thinking and creativity, self-knowledge and transversal skills. In the pre-school, children develop literacy, which determines the acquisition of Latvian language both in Latvian and ethnic minority pre-school education programmes. In the competency-based curriculum, it is indicated that the following language acquisition skills should be achieved at the end of pre-school education: • a child can explain why people use language when communicating, listen to the text, name the people acting in it, re-tell the events, invent a continuation to a text, ask questions if confused and answer a specific question, clearly and consistently tell what is seen, heard and experienced, participate in a conversation, does not interrupt the speaker, uses different speech intonations when speaking, distinguishes and names sounds, marks sound with an appropriate letter, reads words and understands what is read, writes written letters; • a child who has acquired an ethnic minority pre-school education curriculum can answer questions in Latvian about what he/she has seen and heard, ask questions to obtain the information, express one’s needs, engage in a conversation on topics related to everyday life and the learning process; learns to pronounce sounds correctly, knows printed letters, reads short words used in the learning process and everyday situations (Pirmsskolas mācību programma 2019). However, it is a challenge for the national education system to ensure high achievements in language acquisition for both monolingual and bilingual children. From an early age, the children’s language development is focused on the expansion and perfection of their skills. At first, children learn to understand and use the sounds, then the words, then the sentences, and finally the whole text. This ensures a diverse interaction with the social environment, using the language tools that stimulate the child’s personal development and the formation of social experience. Within the framework of the NRP “Latvian Language”, a study has been conducted in relation to the language acquisition of pre-school children, indicating the main problem issues. Thus, the following research questions are put forward: (1) How have the opportunities for children’s language acquisition improved in the two years since the competency-based approach is implemented in the pre-school institutions? (2) What are the benefits and challenges of bilingual education? (3) What solutions can be offered to improve the situation?
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Markus, Dace, Dina Bethere, Marta Jakušina, Valērija Krasovska, Kārlis Markus, Agrita Tauriņa, Alise Valtere, and Tija Zīriņa. "Pirmsskolēnu latviešu valodas apguves rezultāti Latvijā: Kurzemē, Rīgā un Latgalē." In Latviešu valodas apguve. XIII Starptautiskais baltistu kongress : rakstu krājums, 7–29. Liepājas Universitāte, 2021.

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The issue of state language skills has been crucial in the Latvian education system since the renewal of the national independence in 1991, and important decisions have been taken in recent years, which could contribute to the learning of the Latvian language in the educational process. The main point is that minority pre-school education institutions should implement a bilingual learning methodology to ensure that children are able to speak Latvian in daily communication and successfully start learning at least bilingually in the first grade. The Cabinet Regulations No. 716 “Regulations Regarding the State Guidelines for Pre-school Education and the Model Pre-school Education Programmes” adopted 21 November 2018 and in force since 1 September 2019 (MK 2018, Nr. 716) state “to provide a child with a possibility to prepare for the acquisition of basic education” (section 3.5) and explain the differences in the content of pre-school education implementation programmes included in the pre-school education programme of the minority pre-school education programme, the special pre-school education programme, and the special pre-school minority education programme (see section 4). One of the tasks for pre-school language researchers in the sub-project No. 8 of the National Research Programme “Latvian Language” was to test Latvian and minority children’s real Latvian proficiency by performing the pre-school children’s Latvian proficiency test and analysis, taking into account the regional distribution, differences in pre-school education groups by the language of instruction and in children’s mother tongue. From 2018 to 2021, 1) a Latvian language proficiency test for children of pre-school age and its results’ assessment system were developed, 2) pre-school children’s language records were made in Kurzeme, Latgale, and Riga pre-school education institutions, 3) knowledge of Latvian and its usage skills were analysed and compared: a) for children with Latvian as the mother tongue, b) for minority children who attend pre-school groups with Latvian as the language of daily communication, c) for minority children who attend pre-school groups with Russian as the dominant language. During the study, in conversations with parents, the authors found out that in families of minority children whose knowledge of Latvian was insufficient, communication takes place in Russian, and in minority children’s groups in pre-school education institutions with Russian as daily communication language, Russian dominates in communication with children and their parents and visual information. The results of analysis of children’s language: Pre-schoolers who attend an educational establishment’s group with Latvian as daily communication language demonstrate good knowledge and skills of Latvian and are prepared to learn in Latvian at school. The Latvian proficiency of minority children attending pre-school education groups with the dominant Russian language is insufficient and does not comply with the requirements specified in the Cabinet Regulation No. 716 of 2018, that children should be prepared to start learning at school in Latvian or bilingually. This conclusion is not dependent on the region where the children live. Minority children who attend the groups with Russian as the dominant language have limited vocabulary, underdeveloped language of dialogue, impaired fluency of speech amplified by very minimal knowledge of grammar, and children’s reading skills do not meet the national requirements. Minority pre-schoolers are well able to imitate another language because in all regions studied, minority children have the best results in Latvian pronunciation. Insufficient Latvian language skills, in general, can be explained by insufficient daily use of Latvian. For minority children in pre-school age to successfully learn Latvian, it is not enough to have only a few Latvian language lessons a week; it is necessary to create a real bilingual language usage environment (communication, games, visual features, etc.) in pre-school education institutions.
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Markus, Dace. "Bērnu latviešu valodas attīstība artikulācijas, normu un lingvistiskās vides šķēršļu joslā." In Latviešu valodas apguve. XIII Starptautiskais baltistu kongress : rakstu krājums, 73–92. Liepājas Universitāte, 2021.

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The history of civilization and our historical contacts lie not only in archaeological digs. Linguistics studies have both a historical and a powerful modern dimension with a significant impact on the future. The Latvian language is an undoubted national value in Latvia, and it should be valued since birth, at least in this country. It is a means of strengthening thoughts and ideas for children, a means of building their worldview, a stimulus for enriching their knowledge, creative activity, and, ultimately, civic thinking. The facts of language history and the traces of language contacts are also found in children’s language; for example, children are more likely to learn sounds that can be found in most languages of the world, while the sounds specific for each language are more difficult to learn for speakers of other languages. This time, I describe such creative linguistic activities of children that remind us of linguistic relationships and older forms and fit into our historical development. I have already analysed the examples observed in children’s Latvian, which, in adult language, we have transformed throughout history, but which very directly show the common grounds of the Baltic languages. For example, the historical change in vocalism known in Latvian phonetics, the sound change determined by the consonant /n/, is not inherited; it appeared in the Latvian language when in > ī, un > ū, an > o [uo], en > ie as a result of historical changes. When we compare Latvian words with Lithuanian, examples can be found: krītu < krintù, jūtu < juntù, protu < prantù, pieci < penkì, arī rankà > roka, etc. The change kind of lives in Latvian children’s language because we can hear examples of it: tinšu kamolā ‘tīšu kamolā’, pint matus ‘pīt matus’, un pinšu bizi ‘pīšu bizi’, dzint bārdu ‘dzīt bārdu’, uzmint uz kājas ‘uzmīt uz kājas’. These are variations of the change mentioned above, and these families had no relationship or other close contact with Lithuanians. Also, an example of simplification has been observed when, alike to the historical loss of consonant /d/, e.g. nīd-a – nī(d) -st-u, a child made a similar change: līd-a – es pašlaik jau lī(d)-st-u `lienu`. In reference to conversations between children and their parents, this article mentions Lithuanian formant -iuk and Latvian affix -uk- that are used to form masculine diminutives, whether the primary word is masculine or feminine. Problems in pronunciation of Latvian and Lithuanian only opening diphthongs ie and o [uo] not common in other languages are also described along with the reminder of play languages of children speaking Latvian or southern part of Zhemaitian subdialects as a signal that children perceive ie and o [uo] as monophonemes in contrast to biphonemic character of other diphthongs. Children learn languages gradually, first memorising the dominant, most frequently heard elements of language, e.g. maybe: es lasu, tu lasi, es nāku…, but why tu nāc? Why not tu nāki or even tu nāci (pres.), thus demonstrating a naturally perceived once occurred change of the consonant k into c in front of the lost front vowel? Maybe the intensity could be escalated by saying, Tu mani ļoti mīli, bet es tevi mīlu ļotāk! Education is an objective necessity, and language skills are important for learning. The five-year-old Eiženija understands this very clearly: “Jaunība ir jauns bērns. Jaunībā ir jāmācās, jo savādāk paliks vecs un neko nezinās.” (‘Youth is a young child. You have to learn when you’re young, because otherwise [one] will grow old and know nothing.’) This article focuses solely on the results of pre-school speech records and parental surveys and highlights the impact of the linguistic environment as a contributing or preventing factor.
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Conference papers on the topic "Latviešu valoda"


Mellupa, Klinta. "Videospēļu anglismu morfoloģiskā adaptēšana latviešu valodā." In LU Studentu zinātniskā konference "Initium". LU Akadēmiskais apgāds, 2023.

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Kukle, Līva. "Jā, that’s true: angļu valodas lietojums latviešu jauniešu saziņā." In LU Studentu zinātniskā konference "Homo et". LU Akadēmiskais apgāds, 2020.

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Gailīte, Dina. "Juridisko tekstu seniespiedumi latviešu valodā: Latvijas juridiskās kultūras daļa." In Latvijas Universitātes 81. starptautiskā zinātniskā konference. LU Akadēmiskais apgāds, 2023.

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The task of the article is to provide an insight into the oldest printed texts of laws in the Latvian language: the research examines the printed law texts from the end of the 17th century to the beginning of the 19th century. The oldest legal texts in Latvian preserved in Latvian libraries are several criminal laws issued in Swedish Livland in the 17th century. In the 18th century, laws and other normative acts were published in Latvian in various sectors: including, for example, the first printed road traffic regulations. The laws were translated from German into Latvian by Baltic German priests, who also read them to the congregations during church services. At the beginning of the 19th century, the first commentary on the laws was published in Latvian, explaining the law on the liberation of peasantry from serfdom in Kurzeme. In 1824, the first newspaper in Latvian was released, which in some ways can be considered the official gazette – “Vidzemes Latviešu Avīzes”.
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Kudiņš, Bernards. "Antroponīmu ar detoponīmiskajiem pievārdiem atveide “Nībelungu dziesmas” tulkojumā latviešu valodā." In LU Studentu zinātniskā konference "Mundus et". LU Akadēmiskais apgāds, 2021.

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The current study is dedicated to anthroponymy in the Middle High German epic poem “Song of the Nibelungs”, delving into the problem of rendering anthroponyms with detoponymic bynames. It was carried out with the aim to develop strategies for their depiction in the Latvian language in order to form a scientific basis for the translation of this epic poem. Methods such as quantitative and qualitative corpus analysis and empirical research were used to find out how anthroponyms with detoponymic bynames are realized in the “Song of the Nibelungs”, what is their role in text structure and message and how these properties can be reproduced in the target language. It has been found that detoponyms not only provide information about the origins of epic characters, but also perform formally stylistic functions, and their reproduction requires creative solutions to preserve their unique features. In conclusion, practical examples of the implementation of rendering strategies in translation are presented, which clearly show the close connections between anthroponyms with detoponymic bynames and the structure of the text and justify the choice of specific approaches
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Pudāns, Matīss. "Neiropsihiatriskās aptaujas pansionātam (neuropsychiatric inventory – nursing home) tulkojuma latviešu valodā validitātes un ticamības pārbaude." In Latvijas Universitātes 78. starptautiskā zinātniskā konference. LU Akadēmiskais apgāds, 2020.

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Reports on the topic "Latviešu valoda"


Bela, Baiba, and Inta Mieriņa. Diasporas organizāciju kapacitātes un vajadzību pētījums: pētījuma rezultāti. LU Akadēmiskais apgāds, 2024.

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Šobrīd diaspora ir tik daudzveidīga kā nekad agrāk – dažādas paaudzes, atšķirīgi izceļošanas iemesli, atšķirīga latviešu valodas prasme, daudzās mītnes zemēs latviešu dzīvesvietas un pulcēšanās vietas šķir lieli attālumi, pieaugošā dzīves dārdzība pasaulē ierobežo līdzekļus, ko var veltīt “latviešu lietām”. Kā diasporas organizācijas darbojas šajos apstākļos? Ar kādiem izaicinājumiem katrā pasaules reģionā un savās mītnes zemēs tās saskaras? Detalizēta un aktuāla informācija par diasporas organizācijām būtu lietderīga, izstrādājot datos balstītu plānu darbam ar diasporu, pamatojot nepieciešamo līdzekļu apmēru, plānojot vizītes pie diasporas, pasākumus ar vēstniecību, Latvijas Investīciju un attīstības aģentūras, citu Latvijas valsts iestāžu vai pašvaldības pārstāvju līdzdalību, kā arī plānojot atbalsta pasākumus un grantu konkursus diasporai. Lai apzinātu diasporas organizācijas un neformālās domubiedru grupas, gūtu dziļāku ieskatu to ikdienas darbībā un noskaidrotu, kādi ir to resursi un vajadzības, ar kādām grūtībām tās saskaras, un izprastu, kādas ir to nākotnes iespējas, LU Diasporas un migrācijas pētījumu centrs veica apjomīgu pētījumu. Pētījuma mērķis ir izpētīt diasporas organizāciju daudzveidību, tām pieejamos resursus, organizāciju kapacitāti un aktuālās vajadzības.
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