Academic literature on the topic 'Large transformations'
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Journal articles on the topic "Large transformations"
Etien, Anne, Alexis Muller, Thomas Legrand, and Richard F. Paige. "Localized model transformations for building large-scale transformations." Software & Systems Modeling 14, no. 3 (September 7, 2013): 1189–213.
Full textGeels, Frank W. "Transformations of Large Technical Systems." Science, Technology, & Human Values 32, no. 2 (March 2007): 123–49.
Full textWang, Fu, Peipei Xu, Wenjie Ruan, and Xiaowei Huang. "Towards Verifying the Geometric Robustness of Large-Scale Neural Networks." Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence 37, no. 12 (June 26, 2023): 15197–205.
Full textBrzozowski, Janusz, and Marek Szykuła. "Large Aperiodic Semigroups." International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science 26, no. 07 (November 2015): 913–31.
Full textKalkkinen, J., and K. S. Stelle. "Large gauge transformations in M-theory." Journal of Geometry and Physics 48, no. 1 (October 2003): 100–132.
Full textSchneider, Christoph, Niko Wilke, and Andreas Lösch. "Contested Visions for Transformation—The Visions of the Green New Deal and the Politics of Technology Assessment, Responsible Research and Innovation, and Sustainability Research." Sustainability 14, no. 3 (January 27, 2022): 1505.
Full textPawlak, Robert. "Implementation aspects of agile methods in large organizations." e-mentor 90, no. 3 (July 2021): 64–72.
Full textde Waal, André. "Success factors of high performance organization transformations." Measuring Business Excellence 22, no. 4 (November 19, 2018): 375–90.
Full textSahimi, M. "Large-scale porous media and wavelet transformations." Computing in Science & Engineering 5, no. 4 (July 2003): 75–87.
Full textBlenkhorn, P. "Screen Transformations for Large-Character Access Systems." Journal of Visual Impairment & Blindness 88, no. 3 (May 1994): 213–20.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Large transformations"
Anderson, Brian Eric. "Unitary Transformations in a Large Hilbert Space." Diss., The University of Arizona, 2013.
Full textMartin, Steven. "Scalable Data Transformations for Low-Latency Large-Scale Data Analysis." The Ohio State University, 2013.
Full textMartin, Steven A. "Culture of Control and its Relationship to Successful Large Scale Agile Transformations." Franklin University / OhioLINK, 2021.
Full textChick, Jane. "The large pavement at Qasr el-Lebia in Cyrenaica : episodes, narratives and transformations." Thesis, University of East Anglia, 2014.
Full textJackson, George. "Phase separation in solutions of large spherical particles." Thesis, University of Oxford, 1986.
Full textDaniel, Gwendal. "Efficient persistence, query, and transformation of large models." Thesis, Ecole nationale supérieure Mines-Télécom Atlantique Bretagne Pays de la Loire, 2017.
Full textThe Model Driven Engineering (MDE) paradigm is a softwaredevelopment method that aims to improve productivity and software quality by using models as primary artifacts in all the aspects of software engineering processes. In this approach, models are typically used to represent abstract views of a system, manipulate data, validate properties, and are finally transformed to application artifacts (code, documentation, tests, etc). Among other MDE-based approaches, automatic model generation processes such as Model Driven Reverse Engineering are a family of approaches that rely on existing modeling techniques and languages to automatically create and validate models representing existing artifact. Model extraction tasks are typically performed by a modeler, and produce a set of views that ease the understanding of the system under study. While MDE techniques have shown positive results when integrated in industrial processes, the existing studies also report that scalability of current solutions is one of the key issues that prevent a wider adoption of MDE techniques in the industry. This isparticularly true in the context of generative approaches, that require efficient techniques to store, query, and transform very large models typically built in a single-user context. Several persistence, query, and transformation solutions based on relational and NoSQL databases have been proposed to achieve scalability, but they often rely on a single model-to-database mapping, which suits a specific modeling activity, but may not be optimized for other use cases. For example a graph-based representation is optimized to compute complex navigation paths, but may not be the best solution for repeated atomic accesses. In addition, low-level modeling framework were originally developed to handle simple modeling activities (such as manual model edition), and their APIs have not evolved to handle large models, limiting the benefits of advance storage mechanisms. In this thesis we present a novel modeling infrastructure that aims to tackle scalability issues by providing (i) a new persistence framework that allows to choose the appropriate model-to-database mapping according to a given modeling scenario, (ii) an efficient query approach that delegates complex computation to the underlying database, benefiting of its native optimization and reducing drastically memory consumption and execution time, and (iii) a model transformation solution that directly computes transformations in the database. Our solutions are built on top of OMG standards such as UML and OCL, and are integrated with the de-facto standard modeling solutions such as EMF and ATL
Choucair, Israa. "A Four-dimensional Approach to Finite Element Method for the Large Transformations of Materials." Thesis, Troyes, 2021.
Full textA space-time description of the finite transformations of thermo-mechanical continua is developed: the use of such a four-dimensional approach guarantees the general covariance of the proposed models. The conservation equations are written in this context and a constitutive model is derived for reversible transformations. We use projection operators to obtain the space and time components of the 4D governing equations and to interpret the results. We next propose a weak formulation of the problem along with its finite-element discretization, to be solved for the finite transformations of a solid. The advantage of this description is that the integration on space and time is performed in one step. We discuss why the 4D convective coordinate system is of interest to solve the problem. Finally, we illustrate the approach with analytical examples and solve thermo-mechanical problems numerically with an implementation on FEniCS software
Storå, Erik. "Towards scaled agility : A case study on successfully initiating agile transformations at large banks." Thesis, KTH, Skolan för industriell teknik och management (ITM), 2020.
Full textStora banker möter utmaningar från ett nya regleringar och ökad konkurrens som har lett till att 30% av bankerna har infört agila metoder genom Scaled agile framework (SAFe). Omvandlingsprocessen mot agile är komplex och leder till en förändringsprocess som täcker aspekter som produktutveckling, ledarskap och organisationsdesign och som för närvarande saknar vetenskaplig kunskap om hur den ska bedrivas framgångsrikt. Denna undersökande fallstudie syftade till att tillhandahålla ett empiriskt bidrag som hjälper till med teoriuppbyggnad inom området skalad agile genom hypotesformulering. Empiriska data samlades in genom tretton halvstrukturerade intervjuer, sammanlagt tio timmar, i kombination med tio etnografiska observationer som sträckte sig över 34 timmar. Från fynden identifierades fyra metoder för att skala agile i kombination med åtta aspekter av skalad agilitet som ger ett nytt djup angående tillämpningar av dem och vad man ska uppnå. De fyra identifierade tillvägagångssätten är: skapandet av en virtuell organisation, standardisering av agila metoder, förenande kring en portfölj och förändring mot ett agilt tankesätt. De åtta aspekterna inkluderar strategisk agility, payoff agility, business agility, produkt agility, agile organisation, tools agility, resurs agility och organisationskultur. De åtta aspekterna av scalad agilitet var syntetiserade till ett ramverk baserat på ämnesområdena agil programvaruutveckling, agil portföljhantering, Scrum, SAFe, Lean, New product development, Lean produktutveckling, aspekter av förändring, framväxande förändringsmodeller, organisationsdesign, motstånd mot förändring och organisatorisk kultur. Dessutom samlades insikter från tidigare agila transformationer på banker genom att undersöka en benchmarkstudie av banken ING. Resultaten visade på initiala framgångar i genomförande då intervjuobjekten uttryckte at de metoderna var givande att arbeta med. En framgångsrik användning av alla fyra huvudsakliga tillvägagångssätt för att scala agila metoder observerades. Resultaten visade att den planerade omfattningen av omvandlingen ökade under processens gång och hanterades genom iterativa förbättringar. Integrering av redan agila delar av organisationen som projekt möjliggjordes och initiala förändringar i ledarskap och delegering liksom nya roller hanterades. Vissa utmaningar återstod emellertid som berörde produktutveckling som inte kunde genomföras på ett fullständigt agilt sätt på grund av stora leveranser och den starkt reglerade miljön. Dessutom utgjorde beroenden mellan olika team en utmaning för införandet av autonoma end-to-end team. Eftersom arbetet visualiserades kunde man också undvika mängden arbete på aktiviteter som inte tillförde värde. Förberedandet av dessa uppgifter krävde omfattande tidskrävande förfining. En nackdel med det ökade arbetet mellan olika avdelningar var att dialogen med kunder minskade. En utmaning med den virtuella organisationen var att den störde den traditionella organisationen. Till exempel genom att fördela makt från tidigare hierarkier till nya team. Dessutom kvarstod aspekter som anställningar och belöningar inom den traditionella strukturen vilket ledde till en dubbel organisationskultur. Detta kan ge en viss osäkerhet när det gäller ytterligare anpassningar på lång sikt. Studien har gett ett empiriskt bidrag till agile såväl som en konceptualisering av såväl tillvägagångssätt som olika aspekter av skalad agilitet inför framtida teoriskapande. Dessutom visade sig den agila transformation vara positiv utifrån ett hållbarhetsperspektiv genom att möjliggöra ekonomiska fördelar som effektivitet och ny IT-infrastruktur kombinerat med ansenliga arbetsvillkor och icke ökande miljöpåverkan. För att validera resultaten kan fler studier behöva utföras hos andra företag, andra delar av banker, mer omfattande datainsamling inkluderande kvantitativa metoder och mera långsiktiga observationer.
Oueslati, Jamel. "Contribution à l'étude numérique des grandes transformations élastoplastiques." Paris 6, 1986.
Full textPhadke, Nandan Neelkanth. "OPTIMIZATIONS ON FINITE THREE DIMENSIONAL LARGE EDDY SIMULATIONS." The Ohio State University, 2015.
Full textBooks on the topic "Large transformations"
1951-, Durrett Richard, American Mathematical Society, Institute of Mathematical Statistics, and Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics., eds. Particle systems, random media, and large deviations. Providence, R.I: American Mathematical Society, 1985.
Find full textAlessandro, Massarotti, and United States. National Aeronautics and Space Administration., eds. Could the electroweak scale be linked to the large scale structure of the Universe. Batavia, IL: Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, 1991.
Find full textDawson, Donald Andrew. Large deviations, free energy functional and quasi-potential for a mean field model of interacting diffusions. Providence, R.I., USA: American Mathematical Society, 1989.
Find full textMehendale, Mahesh. VLSI synthesis of DSP kernels: Algorithmic and architectural transformations. Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2001.
Find full textMehendale, Manesh. VLSI Synthesis of DSP Kernels: Algorithmic and Architectural Transformations. Boston, MA: Springer US, 2001.
Find full textTurok, Neil. Phase transitions as the origin of large scale structure in the universe. [Batavia, Ill.]: Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, 1988.
Find full textTurok, Neil. Phase transitions as the origin of large scale structure in the universe. [Batavia, Ill.]: Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, 1988.
Find full textMcIntosh, Malcolm, Steve Waddell, Sandra Waddock, Sarah Cornell, Domenico Dentoni, and Milla McLachlan. Large Systems Change: An Emerging Field of Transformation and Transitions. London: Routledge, 2024.
Full textHeum, Per. Firm dynamics in a Nordic perspective: Large corporations and industrial transformation. Helsinki: Taloustieto Oy, 1993.
Find full textLalvani, Haresh. Transformational part-count in layered octahedral-tetrahedral truss configurations. Hampton, Va: National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Langley Research Center, 1990.
Find full textBook chapters on the topic "Large transformations"
Gajić, Zoran, and Xuemin Shen. "Decoupling Transformations." In Parallel Algorithms for Optimal Control of Large Scale Linear Systems, 61–88. London: Springer London, 1993.
Full textEggert, Julian, Chen Zhang, and Edgar Körner. "Template Matching for Large Transformations." In Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 169–79. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2007.
Full textRoelandt, J. M., X. J. Liu, J. L. Batoz, and J. P. Jameux. "Axisymmetric and general shell elements for large transformations (formulation and applications)." In Large Plastic Deformations, 457–63. London: Routledge, 2021.
Full textCarroll, Noel, Finn Olav Bjørnson, Torgeir Dingsøyr, Knut-Helge Rolland, and Kieran Conboy. "Operationalizing Agile Methods: Examining Coherence in Large-Scale Agile Transformations." In Agile Processes in Software Engineering and Extreme Programming – Workshops, 75–83. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2020.
Full textGustavsson, Tomas. "Institutional Logics in Large-Scale Agile Software Development Transformations." In Agile Processes in Software Engineering and Extreme Programming – Workshops, 12–19. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2021.
Full textMartin, Richard Kipp. "Interior Point Algorithms: Polyhedral Transformations." In Large Scale Linear and Integer Optimization: A Unified Approach, 219–60. Boston, MA: Springer US, 1999.
Full textNaghizadeh, Maryam, and Darren Cosker. "Multi-character Motion Retargeting for Large-Scale Transformations." In Advances in Computer Graphics, 94–106. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2019.
Full textKühn, Elisabeth. "Small Scale, Large Scale—Why Networks are the Cornerstone of Transformations." In Transformation Literacy, 289–306. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2022.
Full textHermann, Frank, Susann Gottmann, Nico Nachtigall, Hartmut Ehrig, Benjamin Braatz, Gianluigi Morelli, Alain Pierre, Thomas Engel, and Claudia Ermel. "Triple Graph Grammars in the Large for Translating Satellite Procedures." In Theory and Practice of Model Transformations, 122–37. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2014.
Full textMoore, Sharlissa. "The history of concentrating solar power and large-scale engineering projects for the Mediterranean Region." In Sustainable Energy Transformations, Power, and Politics, 31–63. 1 Edition. | New York : Routledge, [2018] | Series: Routledge studies in energy transitions: Routledge, 2018.
Full textConference papers on the topic "Large transformations"
Stevens, Perdita. "Bidirectional Transformations in the Large." In 2017 ACM/IEEE 20th International Conference on Model-Driven Engineering Languages and Systems (MODELS). IEEE, 2017.
Full textPrzybyła, Katarzyna. "Employment Structure Transformations in Large Polish Cities." In Hradec Economic Days 2018, edited by Petra Maresova, Pavel Jedlicka, and Ivan Soukal. University of Hradec Kralove, 2018.
Full textGanguly, Joy. "Fermion mass hierarchy and mixing using generalized CP transformations." In The Tenth Annual Conference on Large Hadron Collider Physics. Trieste, Italy: Sissa Medialab, 2023.
Full textLi, Jingxi, Bijie Bai, Yi Luo, and Aydogan Ozcan. "Massively-Parallel Broadband Diffractive Processor for All-Optical Computation of a Large Set of Linear Transformations." In CLEO: Science and Innovations. Washington, D.C.: Optica Publishing Group, 2023.
Full textZhu, N. G., L. Xu, and M. Z. Chen. "Similarity Transformations for Compressor Blading." In ASME 1991 International Gas Turbine and Aeroengine Congress and Exposition. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 1991.
Full textYun, Zhang, and Henry Chu. "One-Dimensional Mappings for Recovering Large Scale Projective Transformations." In 2007 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing - ICASSP '07. IEEE, 2007.
Full textPaasivaara, Maria, and Casper Lassenius. "Challenges and Success Factors for Large-scale Agile Transformations." In XP '16 Workshops: Scientific Workshop Proceedings of XP2016. New York, NY, USA: ACM, 2016.
Full textWahib, Mohamed, and Naoya Maruyama. "Automated GPU Kernel Transformations in Large-Scale Production Stencil Applications." In HPDC'15: The 24th International Symposium on High-Performance Parallel and Distributed Computing. New York, NY, USA: ACM, 2015.
Full textKavun, Elif Bilge. "A Power Reduction Technique Based on Linear Transformations for Block Ciphers." In 2022 IFIP/IEEE 30th International Conference on Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI-SoC). IEEE, 2022.
Full textLiu, Chuankai, Baofeng Wang, Xu Yang, Ping Miao, Geshi Tang, Kun Dai, Jia Wang, Xiaoxue Wang, and Xiangyan Guo. "Introducing projective transformations into lunar image correspondence for positioning large distance rover." In 2016 12th World Congress on Intelligent Control and Automation (WCICA). IEEE, 2016.
Full textReports on the topic "Large transformations"
Markus, Maurer, Khammounty Bounseng, Morlok Michael, and Teutoburg-Weiss Hannes. Boosting Growth and Transformation in Laos’ Industry. Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF), October 2019.
Full textBergsen, Pepijn, Leah Downey, Max Krahé, Hans Kundnani, Manuela Moschella, and Quinn Slobodian. The economic basis of democracy in Europe: structural economic change, inequality and the depoliticization of economic policymaking. Royal Institute of International Affairs, September 2022.
Full textShenker, Moshe, Paul R. Bloom, Abraham Shaviv, Adina Paytan, Barbara J. Cade-Menun, Yona Chen, and Jorge Tarchitzky. Fate of Phosphorus Originated from Treated Wastewater and Biosolids in Soils: Speciation, Transport, and Accumulation. United States Department of Agriculture, June 2011.
Full textBright, Damien, and Stefan Schäfer. A comparative study of the sociotechnical imaginaries of marine geoengineering. OceanNets, 2024.
Full textHicks, Jacqueline. Environmental Challenges of Digital Transformation in Developing Countries. Institute of Development Studies (IDS), July 2021.
Full textCarnoy, Martin. Are Educational Reforms Working in Latin America?: A New Look at Understanding Whether Education is Getting Better. Inter-American Development Bank, April 2002.
Full textHsieh, Chang-Tai, and Zheng (Michael) Song. Grasp the Large, Let Go of the Small: The Transformation of the State Sector in China. Cambridge, MA: National Bureau of Economic Research, March 2015.
Full textNdulu, Benno, Cornel Joseph, and Karline Tryphone. Fiscal Regimes and Digital Transformation in Sub-Saharan Africa. Digital Pathways at Oxford, March 2021.
Full textZucker, Lynne, and Michael Darby. Present at the Revolution: Transformation of Technical Identity for a Large Incumbent Pharmaceutical Firm After the Biotechnological Breakthrough. Cambridge, MA: National Bureau of Economic Research, August 1995.
Full textJenkins, Glenn P., and George G. Poufos. Economic Integration and the Transformation of the Tax Mix: Cyprus 1990-2001. Inter-American Development Bank, September 2002.
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